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05x18 - Dead Eye

Posted: 04/21/10 16:35
by bunniefuu
Ok, only on the table, and no decorating the store items.

Mommy sees any glitter on the wall, she's gonna be very bummed. I know, mom.

Thank you for hanging out while I do inventory.

Now remember, if anybody comes to the door...

Don't answer it. Just scream really loud.

Ok, you don't have to scare them.

Just let me know that somebody's here.

Ok? I'm going to be downstairs for just a few minutes.

Aiden. Glitter.





Is that you?




Aiden! Aiden: Mom?


You scared me.

You were calling me.

Well, how long have you been down here?

Just now.

Is something wrong?

No. No, nothing.

I just thought somebody was here.

Someone was here.

Who was here?

Someone, but I didn't scream, because they weren't at the door.

Ok, where were they?

I don't know. I guess they're gone now.

All right.

Come on. Let's go upstairs.

Balloon. Is this yours?


Can we go now?


I mean home. Can we go home?


We can go home. Come on.

Not again with the covers.

He's always kicking them off.

Jim: So he can climb into our bed and get warm.

You're ruining his alibi.

Hey, when are you coming home?

When my shift is over. Promise.

You said it was quiet. Can't you get out early?

What's going on?

Oh, I just wish you were here, miss you, and...

What else?


I just get this strange feeling that somebody's...

Watching me.

You mean like a, uh, dead someone?


And Aiden, he--
he's felt it, too. It's just...

[Sighs] The house just feels kinda creepy tonight.

That's strange. Nothing creeps you out.

That's not entirely true.

Mel. Mel.


Clowns do.

Are you ok?

I-I'll call you back.

Who are you?


You don't remember.

Do you know how you got here?

[Gasping and choking]



Child, whispering: Can you see us?


Aiden get to school ok? Yeah.

He just felt so bad for missing the bus.

I told him I'm the one who overslept.

More clown nightmares?

I wish they were nightmares.

It was real. A real ghost?

Yeah, I guess a real clown.

Well, while you were gone, I got on the web, and, um, as far as I can see, there's nothing about a dead clown.

I mean, not in the vicinity and not recently.

Well, how not recent?

I mean, maybe he died a while ago.

As far as I can tell, there has never once been a clown who has dropped dead in Grandview.

At least this town has that going for it.

Hey, maybe your ghost was just passing through, like the circus.

Ooh. Is the circus in town? 'Cause he might be attached--

no circus. Sorry. Hey.

Given your feeling about clowns, maybe you should just let this one go.

Not a chance, given my feelings about clowns.

And he came into our home with his creepy face paint and orange hair.


Ugh. Maybe he's just attached to something I brought home from the store.

Well, good luck finding that, 'cause the house is filled with stuff from your store.

Speaking of which, I just had Aiden's tire patch.

Well, I'm here if you need an extra set of hands.

[Whoopee cushion]


I did not just do that.

Where did that come from? Where do you think?

This is why you stayed on earth, seriously?

I don't know why I did that.

I don't understand any of this.

"This, " meaning your death?

[Horn honks]

This isn't me.

You're not a clown?

You don't remember ever being a clown?


Ok, well, do you remember anything, like your name or how you died?

Someone make you feel like a fool?



I'm sorry. I--I didn't mean to do that.

Did that ghost just make water?

[Sighs] Yeah.

The old flower gag.

So not a metaphorical clown?

But don't you say ghosts sometimes appear the way they felt when they died?

Oh, I wish.

It's your coulrophobia. Your fear of clowns.

A lot of people have that phobia.

You know, I-it's creepy makeup, the weird costumes.

It makes you think they're hiding something.

Um, yeah, sure.

Or lurking. There he is.

He's hanging around some woman.

Why do I always look where you look when I know I can't see ghosts?

Eli: I fall for it, too, every time.

It's like the old fake flower gag.

He's just staring at her, this woman with red hair.

Maybe she knows who he is.

Sorry. Wait one second.

You just need to go forward! She's leaving!

Your leg is right in there. It's jammed.

Eli, she's going to leave! Just move!

Eli, Eli.

Why do you always sit on the outside?

Because of this, exactly this.

I'm scared of being trapped.


Oh, God!

She's gone now.

I mean, how am I supposed to cross over a ghost who has no idea who he was?

Well, you do it all the time.

Except most ghosts don't even want to remember.

Because they've done something horrible.

Maybe that's why he's hiding behind the greasepaint.

[Sighs] I am never going to sleep tonight.

So you're sure the redhead was someone he knew?

Well, he was totally fixated on her.

I thought at least she'd be a start.

He didn't seem to remember anything else.

Why does he come to you?

I mean, what does he want?

Hmm, maybe he's lost.

Yeah, and somehow he found you.

All right, so the thing that he's attached to, it's something from the store, right?

It's gotta be. I mean, he didn't even seem to know how he got here.

If I could just figure out what it was.

Right. Well, I got about a half an hour of patient's notes to finish.

Then I can help you go through all this stuff.

Oh, that would be great. I have more boxes downstairs.

All right.

[Electricity crackling]

Jim, can you check the fuse?

Who are you?

What do you want?

[Breathing heavily]

Why--why are you staring at me?

Please just--

please get me out of here, please!

What do you want from me? Stop staring at me.

Say something!


get me out of here. Stop looking at me.

Who are you? Please!

Please just stop staring at me!

[Breathing heavily]

A 15-minute counseling session occurred where I explained the mild drop in hemoglobin was entirely consistent with an iron deficiency anemia...

Did you hear me?

Hear what?

I was screaming.

Or at least I thought I was.

Maybe I was just having a vision.

Hey, I'm sorry. What kind of vision?

People were staring at me.

The usual ghosts?


It was like I was in a fishbowl or something.

Hey, you know what?

Maybe your ghost was a clown who just didn't like his audience, huh?


I gave this to you.

Yeah, to record my patient notes.

You gave it to me--


Yeah, the box that I brought in from the landlord.

She said that--that her tenant had left things behind.

What if he left it behind because he died?

I thought we were talking about your vision.

I'm just trying to figure out any reason why this ghost would be in our home, and this is the only new thing from the store.

Why would a clown use a tape recorder?

I mean, don't they usually just sort of mime things?


The mild drop in hemoglobin was entirely consistent with an iron deficiency anemia...

Did you use both sides?


Man: Seated in the booth near the window. That's pretty carefree.

Waitress gives 2 menus.

But wait. Now she's taking one.

Who's that?


Leaving work at lunch, third time this week.

Both less than an hour.

That's him.

That's the clown's voice. I'm sure of it.


Subject checking his cell phone. Come on. Make a move.

Leaving work at lunch, third time this week.

"Subject"? What was he, a cop?

Play it one more time.

Waitress gives 2 menus, but wait.

Now she's taking one.

Damn, more wasted hours. Client's gonna be pissed, and I'm starving.

Oh, wait. 12:42. Lunch date has arrived.

Little kiss hello. That's innocent enough.


More talking.

Ah, come on.

Somebody bust a move here.


He said, "client."

Yeah. If that belonged to your clown...


He wasn't a clown.

He was a private detective.

Yep, here he is, Charles Hammond investigations.

A ghost P.I.

Do you think that explains your feelings of being watched?

I'm not sure why I needed the whole crowd staring at me, but I guess so.

You sure the clown get-up was a disguise and not some kind of fetish?

I mean, maybe he's just mortified they found him in his private wear and that's why he's been hanging around.

He died last week at a birthday party.

Ok, this just gets creepier.

He was hanging around kids as a fake clown at a party?

The party was for a 15-year-old.

What 15-year-old wants a clown at her party?

Brittany Cabot, apparently.

How do you know all this?

I thought there were no dead clowns in Grandview.

There was one in the emergency room.

Jim asked around.

Charles Hammond was dead on arrival, and, uh, he choked on a balloon at the party.

Rookie mistake.

That's why they have clown school, you know?

Anyway, Brittany's father, Alex, he didn't want any weird publicity.

I guess he has an in with the paper.

He owns all these electronics stores.

So that's why they didn't mention that the guy was dressed as a clown.

Yeah, or the fact that there was a P.I. Snooping around his house.

Is that who he was investigating, the electronics king?

For all we know, he could have been working for Alex Cabot.

What about the tapes, the surveillance notes that Charlie took?

Anything about the party or Cabot?

Tape. They only found one in all these boxes from Charlie's office.


Well, he likes to use people's initials.

Um, he was talking about some guy, A.C.

That's Alex Cabot.

Yeah, but it was like he was working on more than one case, 'cause there was this woman's initials, S.P., but I couldn't tell whether he was following her or working for her.

Now what?

We have to talk to the king, find out what he knows about our P.I.

And if he knows anything about the woman in the square.

The redhead.

Charles: Please don't.


That's your name, isn't it?

Look, you don't have to run away from who you are.

Whatever you did, whatever you need, we can help you.

I still don't understand.

That's probably because you died so suddenly.

And whatever you were doing, you wanted to forget about it.

We can help you work through it, help you find peace.

I hardly remember anything.


Maybe there's a good reason for that.


I think people called me Charlie.

Wow, so this is you.

Do you feel better now?

You were a private investigator, not a clown.


Yeah, that makes sense.

So what were you doing at the Cabots'?


I don't know.

Who's the redhead you were watching?


I--I know secrets, other people's secrets.

That's why they pay me.

Ok, so is that what's keeping you here?

Maybe their secrets should die with me.

Woman: Hello. Is anybody here?

Yeah, just a second.

♪Don't know♪
♪what we'll come to...♪


It's you!

Excuse me? Oh, my God.

Uh, we--we have a customer!

That's great! Awesome!



Well, good! It's...

Good to be here.

Are you Melinda?

Yeah. Yes. And you are?


I'm--I'm looking for some things that belonged to a friend of mine named Charlie Hammond.

Of course you are.

I think.

So what is it that you're specifically looking for?

Uh, everything his landlord gave you.

Uh, guess you were a really good friend of his.

He was a really good guy.

How'd you know Charlie, exactly?

I'm sorry.

Why does that matter, exactly?

Um, well, it's just that everything that came in from--from his landlord was from his work.

And his parents have already gone through his personal effects, so...

Well, um, maybe they missed something.

I'm sure that they were pretty upset.

Do you know what Charlie did for a living?

He was a private detective. Hmm.

So that's how you got to know Charlie, through his work?

Uh, no.

We both did tai chi in the park every morning.

Boy, you guys ask a lot of questions.

I'm sorry. I was just wondering, you know, 'cause...

His work belongings, you know, they might be private.

Well, then, you wouldn't want to sell it to just anyone, would you?

Look, I'm--
I'm looking for anything of sentimental value, things that his family overlooked.

I'll--I'll pay you double whatever you paid for the stuff.

Yeah, well, I'm gonna have to catalog it first, but if you want to leave a number, I can call you.

And, Sherry, could you just put your last name, please, for my records.

Parks. Sherry Parks.

Are you from here originally?



Sherry, just one more question, since you were really good friends with Charlie.

Did he ever talk to you about a guy named Alex Cabot?

Alex Cabot, that's my boyfriend.

Why do you ask?

We've just--
we've seen you with him.

You know, small town.

Guess so.

[Door closes, bell dings]

We just met S.P.

Sherry Parks. Yeah.

The girl that Charlie mentioned on the tape.

Is that why she came here, for surveillance notes?

Wait. You're thinking Charlie was tailing the redhead.

Or up to something with A.C., her boyfriend.

You mean someone else hired Charlie to keep an eye on them at Cabot's house, dressed as a clown.

Maybe that was the only disguise he could get on such short notice.

Nope. He had plenty. You're an 11, right?

What are you doing?

I am helping you find out what happened to the clown at the party.

Ding dong.

[Rings doorbell]

I have a delivery for a Sherry Parks.


[Scoffs] You gotta be kidding me.

Sorry. Wrong address?

No. I mean, yes, but no.

She doesn't live here. Yet.

Do you have a king suite?


Do you have an ultra king sweet?

Are there any room descriptions with the world "ultra"

in front of them, 'cause I'm bringing somebody special, I want the best. Dad!

It's a delivery. Handle it.

[Sighs] Let me guess. Something else fit for a queen.

Where do I sign?

You know, the last time I was here, there was a, uh, big party going on.

I think it was your birthday.


A clown even came to the door. Nice guy.

I never really met him.

He was sort of a sad clown, 'cause he died.

What?! That's awful, but I gotta ask you.

You know, I mean, you seem a little old to have a clown at your party.

Who hired him? Was it your dad?

I wanted the clown. It was supposed to be ironic.

I don't get that.

So you want to give me the package?

You said Ms. Parks doesn't live here.

She's my dad's girlfriend.

You don't seem too happy about that.


Can you tell me what's in there? In the box?

It's insured, from New York City.

Probably from some fancy jewelry store.

I think it is.

Ooh, Ingleman's. Yeah. Hmm. It's a good one.

Here we go again. Idiot.

He's an idiot for buying his girlfriend jewelry?

Expensive jewelry she's just going to trade in, take the cash, and replace with fakes.

Well, that's a pretty specific assumption.

He got her these diamond stud earrings.

She swapped 'em with cubic zirconia.

That's low.

Did you tell your dad this? Yep.

Did he believe you?

He's still ordering her expensive crap, so what do you think?

He's, like, blinded by love or lust or whatever.

I've never seen him work this hard for a girl, and believe me, there's been plenty.

Brittany, what are you doing out there? Did you sign?

Give it to me. If I don't have the receipt, I won't have any proof.

Oh, I love angry teenagers. Total pay dirt.

I don't know what they're going to think about that Chinese vase I packed, but...

Not--not the blue one from my store.

I had to bring something.

Why? Was it expensive?

[Exhales] Go on. I'm breathing deeply.

At least you got your foot in the door.

Ok, I still don't know who hired Charlie, but I think I know who he's investigating--
Sherry Parks.

The daughter thinks she's a total scammer, just after her dad's money.

Does anyone else think this? Does the father?

It's possible.

She told her dad about her suspicions.

Ok, so maybe he hired Charlie.

Hmm, I wouldn't rule out the daughter.

She's 15.

You haven't met her. Ok.

Look, whoever Charlie was working for, why is he still hanging around?

What is he trying to find out?

Or hide?

[Breathing heavily]

Keep your nose out of my business.

You're a clown again.

I need you to hear me.

By threatening me? Why?

Is this about that woman?

Sherry? 'Cause...

I can help you.

Help me? No, you're the one that ruined everything.

She's gonna run again, and then it's gonna be too late.

Too late for what?

You're saying he warned you to keep your nose out of his business by removing your nose?

That's a little literal, don't you think?

I guess. Why?

His other warning was so cryptic, you know?

The whole fishbowl thing.

I don't know. I got something out of it.

Your nose? Ha ha.

Look, the best clue was when he said that Sherry was gonna run again, meaning she's run before.

I wonder what from. Or from who?

So these are all these case files?

Files would mean an attempt at organization.


I'm thinking that he does a lot of divorce work.

Yeah, except Sherry's not married, and her boyfriend's been divorced for years.

Maybe she was married before.

You know, I looked her up.

Do you have any idea how common the name Sherry Parks is?

And I'm guessing not a lot of those files had photos in them?

You got it. Yeah.

Alex's daughter told Eli that she was a gold digger, that she sold the diamonds right out of the earrings he gave her.

Maybe there was a guy before Alex, you know, someone she ripped off before.

And who's still out there looking for her.


I believe that these are Aiden's, or else your P.I.

Has, uh, infiltrated a stolen homework ring.

You know, can you explain to me how he takes 6 apples out of 20 and gets an 8 million number?

Wow, he really does love that number, doesn't he?

Yeah. You know, it's like father, like son.

I was like this with your number.

I wrote it down everywhere.

I was really worried that I would forget it.

I put it on milk cartons, banana peels, my buddy's dashboard.

That's sweet.
Phone number.


Todd Lieber.

Who's Todd Lieber?

Maybe a client of Charlie's, but look at this.

He's in Weston, that's only a couple towns away.

What, Sherry was from Weston?

I don't know, but look, this was dated 10 days ago.

That's the most recent thing in these files.

This must have been the case he was working on when he died.


Wait a minute. You think maybe Sherry pulled her gold digger act on Todd, took all his money, and then Todd hired Charlie to go and look for her.

Well, if Todd is willing to talk to me, I'm gonna find out. Aiden!

Let's go! School!

Ok. Here.

I got it, mom.

Are you sure you don't want any help?

I'm fine. Ok.


What did you put in this backpack?

Oh, did you pack rocks again for share day?

What's the matter?

Someone's inside the car.


I--I don't--

I don't see anyone. Is it a ghost someone?

Can't you feel it?

Someone's watching us again.


Can you--
can you tell me who?

I can't see them.

I just feel them nearby.

You know what?

I'll go check it out, ok?


If this is you, knock it off, ok? I'm just trying to help you.

It's--it's all clear, baby.

[Loud music playing inside]

You sure this is the right address?

Yep, it's what the invoice says.

Well, then, as far as gold diggers go, this Sherry's not the sharpest pickax in the shed.

Yeah, well, maybe she is, and this is what she left the guy.


Don't give that woman my number.

Todd? Lieber?

In the flesh.

What can I do you for?


You don't know a woman named Sherry, by any chance, do you?

Sherry--my Sherry?

Oh, my God.

You found her.

I'm real sorry to hear about Charlie.

How long have you worked with him?

Not very long. We're just contacting all of his clients to make sure they've been debriefed.

Oh, man.

What? What is it?

I messed up so bad.

We've been a couple since high school, and I guess everyone thought, me included, that would never change.

And Sherry felt differently?

Well, she must have, because she left.

But you never would have known it.

All she did since we got out of school was bug me to marry her.

Every time she'd ask, I'd say, "sure, yeah, sounds great, "but, you know, let's wait till all our ducks are in a row."

What ducks were those?

Well, you know, like...Me.

You? I mean, come on.

Marriage is for grown-ups, for people who get out of bed in the morning and take a lot of showers.

It's for people who balance their checkbooks and know to, you know, use their stoves.

And it's not like I don't shower. I do.

But not if I don't really need to.

And I guess I thought getting married's like showering.

Why do it if you don't really need to?

And that went over big with Sherry, huh?

For the first 8 years, she was fine.

8 years?


We were great, really great.

But then suddenly she started acting all weird, all kind of secretive.

I asked her if she'd met another guy.

And she swore she hadn't, so I started wondering.

What other secret could there be that she would have to keep from me?

Then whammo.

What if she's pregnant?

What if she's pregnant and she doesn't think I'm ready to be a dad.


I know, right?

So I thought about being a dad, how important that was, and I made up my mind.

It was time to grow up.

So one day, while it was still morning, I got out of bed, and I showered, and I put on a shirt, and I asked her to marry me.

And what'd she say?


She just started crying, like those were the worst words I could possibly say.

Then what happened?

The next day, she was gone.

Did you call the police?


She left a note. I knew she wasn't kidnapped.

But I had to find her.

I had to know what I did wrong.

Plus, if she really was pregnant with our baby, then...

Ok, so how did you find Charlie?

A parking ticket from Grandview showed up in the mailbox
3 weeks after Sherry left.

I just looked in the phone book, and that's how I found him.

I had to sell my truck to come up with his fee.

But it's good.

I'm walking much more. I've lost
10 pounds already.

Well, what did Charlie say? Did he find anything?

He got some leads early on, yeah, but then he made it sound like he'd lost her.

Made it sound like? What do you mean?

After a while, he kinda stopped taking my checks or my calls.

I just figured he was a busy guy and he didn't have anything else he could tell me.

Why? Was there something else he found out?

We would have to check his files, but if we find anything, w-we'll definitely let you know.

We better get going.

Call me as soon as you hear anything, ok?

You've got my number and address.

Um, just one more question--

8351, does that mean anything to you?

That was Sherry's parents street address here in Weston. Ok. We'll be in touch.

8351? What was that about?

Maybe nothing. Maybe something.

She took off the moment he asked her to marry him.


After 8 years of bugging him for a ring.

And you said this guy, he's not rich?

No. He had to sell his car to hire a P.I.

All right, now am I missing something here, or is Sherry not the gold-digging gold digger that everyone says she is?

She's kind of the opposite.

Hmm. Man.

What's so interesting?

The number that Aiden wrote, it's a combination of Todd and Sherry's street addresses, 624, 8351.

You think he picked them up from the ghost.


Charlie's been hanging around.

Aiden said he felt like he was watching us.

Aiden wouldn't be seeing these numbers unless it was something important to the ghost, but why would it be important?

It's just a couple of street addresses.

Maybe it's more.

Like what? And how am I supposed to find it?

This from a woman who practically spends her life on the Internet?

Ooh! Good point.


[Computer] Congratulations!

Oh, my God.

It's a lottery number. A winning one.

A big winning one?

Sherry doesn't need anybody's gold.

She's a multimillionaire.

Are you sure? I thought you said her name wasn't listed in the article.

Well, the story said that the winner wanted to remain anonymous, but then they described her as a 25-year-old female from Weston.

Ok, so when did she win?

4 days before she left town.

Ooh. And 3 days before he suddenly lost his cold feet and proposed?

Look, he said he was afraid she was pregnant, and so he asked her to marry him.

Ok, or maybe she told him that she won the lottery, hence his sudden conversion to marriage.

Or maybe he found out and, you know, needed to pretend

'cause he didn't want her to think that he married her for money.

And maybe she saw through his act and that's why she skipped town.

Unless they bought the tickets together and then she went running away with his winnings.

Right. But in that case, they would both be liars, because he didn't mention the lottery to you.

Money like that brings out the worst in everyone.


Oh, now you show up. Where have you been?

He's been around.

Yeah, that's right. Skulking and spying and scaring everybody I know while you're at it.

Sorry about that. Old habits.

I know why you wanted me off Sherry's case.

You were trying to keep her money a secret.

I saw what happened when people found out.

You mean Todd.

What did he do?

He broke Sherry's heart. That about-face proposal?

I mean, how dumb was he thinking she wouldn't know why he changed his mind about the marriage?

She told you about his proposal?

Wow. I guess you guys had gotten pretty close.

Well, I'm good at my job. What can I say?

Why would you care if she ran?

I mean, it got her away from Todd.

All she wanted was someone to love her for who she really is.

She needs someone she can trust.

What did he say?

He was trying to help her find somebody that she could trust.

Oh, really? Like you, who never mentioned to her why the two of you met, or you, who pretended not to know that she won the lottery?

Or you, who pretended you were a clown...

So that you could spy on her boyfriend?

Yeah, I'm a creep who wears costumes to sneak around following people.

And half the time, I work for the bad guys.

But sometimes I dig up more than dirt.

Sometimes I dig up something good.

Or someone, which is why you were watching Sherry even though you told Todd that you'd lost her.

Look, here's this girl who has millions of dollars, and she spends it like water.

But guess how much she spends on herself?

Not one dime.

Ok, so what does she spend it on?


Every hopeless, lost-cause, 3-legged puppy she can find, and all anonymous.

Sounds pretty special.

Well, she deserves a lot better than some lazy bum looking to take a free ride on the lotto train.

It still doesn't explain why you spied on Alex.

He doesn't need a free ride.

He's got plenty of money on his own.

Yeah, well, sometimes these rich guys like to play the field.

So you were watching him to see if he was dating anyone else.

I wanted to know if he was right for her.

And I still do.

How many millions?

That's more zeroes than I have actual dollars.

Remember when I said not to give Sherry my number?

Yeah, I'm reappraising that, mm-Hmm.

Uh-oh. Gotta go.

Hey, I know you.


Where's your uniform? Oh.

It's, um, uh--
it's my day off.

Why does your bag have a Rockland u. I.D. On it?

Professor James.

Oh, uh, it's my brother. My twin brother.

Teaches psychology. He's extremely talented.

[Chuckles] Man, I could use a shrink right now.


I wanna strangle my dad for giving away my wedding ring. It's so oedipal!

Actually, that sounds a little bit more like Elektra than Oedipus.

I'm sure my twin brother would say.

So your dad gave your ring away?

I just knew he was gonna marry Goldie.

He gave away my grandma's ring. It was supposed to be mine!


I call her Goldie
'cause she's a gold digger.

I knew she'd pawn the ring the second she got it, so I wanted to make sure it was worth something.

She did it before it was even on her finger.

Is that what the jeweler just told you?

She pulled the same stunt she did with the earrings.

Now there's 2 carats of cubic z where the diamond used to be.

Really? What do you think she did with the money?

Bought dr*gs, I hope.

At least then my father will see she's not worth it.

As if he'd listen.

'Cause when you told him about the earrings, he didn't even blink.

Which is insane!

And I googled her.

Parks isn't even her last name.

And when I told him, guess what he did.

He got online and researched her himself.

After that, he was full steam ahead.

He fell even more in love with her.

How dumb does he have to be to do that?

That's a good question.


Ok, thanks, Tom.

I promise I won't breathe a word about how I heard. Bye.

Well, this confirms Eli's hunch.

Sherry's new boyfriend is basically broke.

How? I mean, he owns all those stores.

Yeah, and mortgaged beyond the hilt.

And this is not a good time to be overextended.

So Alex must have found out that Sherry won the lottery, and that's why he started giving her jewelry.

To make it look like he didn't need her millions.

And it cost him nothing because he pawned off the diamonds to stave off the creditors.

So how did Brittany know that her father was gonna propose?

He's been planning a special trip.

Yeah, him and Sherry. To Las Vegas.

He's such a romantic. He keeps dropping hints that he wants Elvis to be the best man. Oh, boy.

It gets worse. How?

There's a limo outside their house right now.

They're leaving for the airport. What?

Eli: Sherry's being taken for a ride.

We need to stop them.

You ready to go, babe?

Um, yeah, sure.

Can't wait.



Are you here?


Oh. Thank God we're not too late.

[Chuckles] Excuse me.

I hate to be rude, but we have a plane to catch.

I know you.

You're from the antique store.

What are you doing here?

I'm here to look after you, because Charlie Hammond can't do that anymore.

Babe, we gotta hit the road.

Whatever it is, I'll call you when I get back.

You get in that car now, it'll be too late.

Too late for what?

He knows.

Alex knows that you're rich.

[Alex scoffs]

What are you talking about?

Sherry, we have to go.

In just a minute. I wanna hear this.

What is it that you think you know?

I mean, you didn't even know Charlie.

No, I didn't, not when he was alive.

But I've talked to him since, and I can explain. I will.

Look, I don't know who you 2 people are, but--

there's a reason that he was at the party that day when he died.

Was he working for you?

Is that why you've been pushing to take this trip so hard?

All the marriage talk?

Are we talking about the poor, dead clown--

see, I've been wondering who hired Charlie, what he was doing here at the party ever since I read his obit and saw that he was a P.I.

Charlie was never working for Alex.

At that point, he was really just looking after you.

But when Alex found out that a P.I.

Had died in his house, he decided to cover up the story.

Look, I want you people out of my house, off my property.

Cover it up? Why?

Because he thought that Charlie was snooping around, and if people were snooping around Charlie, then they'd find out your secret.

And if everyone knew that you had won the lottery...

Then he couldn't pretend to not know himself.

Why would I need to pretend to not know anything?

Because you're a gold digging scum sucker, that's why. Todd?!

Who's the homeless guy?

[Police dispatch chatter]

The, uh, benevolent electronics king isn't gonna press any charges.

Officer: We'll take care of it, sir.

He doesn't need the extra publicity right now, especially not this kind.

Are you sure that you're ok?

You look terrible.

I just spent the night in the woods, is all.

Wait. You tracked us from Weston to Grandview on foot?

I could tell you had something on Sherry.

No offense, but you guys don't look much like P.I.s.

Charlie: None taken, I'm sure.

So I, uh, guess you were pretty desperate not to lose me and my money.

I didn't sell my ride just to find you, girl.

I got 9 grand for that quad cab.

4 went to that P.I. Charlie, and the other 5
I socked away for college for t-bone.


I always dreamed I'd name my firstborn for my favorite blues man.

But if it's a girl--

your firstborn?

Well, ours, actually.

I thought you were pregnant.

But you're not, are you?


You just ran because you didn't trust me.

You expect me to believe that you had no idea I'd won the lottery?

Babe, when's the last time you saw me touch a newspaper?

I just--
I don't know.

You don't know if you trust me...

Or if I'm who you want to be with now?

So much has happened.

I can't figure out what's right.

Well, whatever you do, I'm ok.

You know?

What do you mean?

When I thought I was gonna be a dad, I realized I had to stop seeing myself as a loser.

Because someone else, my kid, was gonna see me as this awesome grown-up, no matter what I really am.

Plus, which...

You were with me a really long time and wanting to marry me, and that means you must have seen something in me.


If I'm ever lucky enough to find someone like you again, I--

lady antebellum: ?Without the fear of how it might end ?

♪I guess I'm ready♪
♪Ready to love again♪

I'll sign a pre-nup.

I'll bunk in a trailer behind your new mansion.

Will you shut up?

You tell them I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to keep them apart.

They'll understand. It's your job not to trust people.

Yeah. You didn't even trust me.

I mean, you gave me all those visions even though you knew I was trying to help. What visions?

The whole fishbowl thing in my living room, people staring at me.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Sherry: Is Charlie here?

Will you tell him thanks for looking out for me?

Should I tell her the real reason you've hung in for so long?

I probably won't get another chance.

Ask Todd.

Sherry's the kind of girl, the more time you spend with her, the crazier things you'll do.

Sleep in the woods.

Jog across the county.

Even dress up as a clown.

Not even death could slow you down.


But that might.

You see the light?


It's filled with people.

You know how I feel about people.


But, Charlie, this place is different.

I can feel it.

Feel what?


Blind, senseless, bottomless trust.

Not so bad, is it?

Will you tell Sherry what I said?

Trust me.

I just kissed our sleeping son good night.

How long does it take him to get him to go down?

Even longer than usual.



Is he still thinking somebody's watching him?

I don't get it.

Didn't that private eye go into the light?

I don't think it's that ghost.

What is it? Is it a shadow or a shiny or another ghost?

He says it's something different.

That's good.

Good night.


Ok, I gotta go...

Transcribe some patient notes downstairs.




What are you doing here?

You should listen to your son.

What are you talking about? What do you want?

It was never about what I want.

But it could be about what you want.

What do you mean?


You want to live.

Come on. You can do better than that.

You owe me, especially after what you almost did to my friends.

Owe you?

I've given up my life and my mother's, and I'm still not done paying.



What's happening?

Remember this--

nothing is what it seems, nothing and no one.

I don't understand.

Trust nothing and no one.