07x16 - Death Knell

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Stargate SG-1". Aired: July 27, 1997 – March 13, 2007.*
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Based off the film, Stargate follows a team of explorers made up of soldiers and scientists travels through a Stargate, an ancient portal to other planets.
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07x16 - Death Knell

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Stargate SG-1":

This is the base of the Tauri.
Why are there Jaffa?

- Rebel warriors.
- Jaffa who've turned against the Goa'uld.

- Is that going to be a problem?
- Not for us.

Somebody want to tell me
what's going on here?

It's history.

For 2,000 years, every time a Tok'ra died
by a staff w*apon, a Jaffa was holding it.

This was obviously intended
to be a new form of foot soldier.

I serve Anubis.

He's got the strength
and healing powers of a normal Goa'uld,

but none of the normal personality traits.

This being was not alive
when it was first grown.

Frankenstein's monster.

Thousands of years ago Goa'uld
found a device created by the Ancients.

With it, maybe we can devise a w*apon
to counteract its life-giving energy.

- Where's the matrix crystal?
- By the primaries.

I can't find anything in here.
I had a system at the Alpha site.

Its location was compromised when
Anubis used his mind probe on Jonas.

- Did you really want to hang around?
- I want to work as efficiently as possible.

Anubis' drones are kicking the crap
out of the System Lords. We're next.

This prototype should've
been done weeks ago.

- It's done. It's just not... finished.
- Interesting distinction.

We just got Telchak's device. I'm amazed
we came up with something so quickly.

In this form, it's only 70% effective
in countering the reanimation technology.

That's because your power unit hasn't
been properly calibrated. This'll be better.


Have you not had
your coffee this morning?

Selmak doesn't like coffee.

You gave up coffee for your symbiote?

- I didn't know that.
- We never talk any more, Sam.

- What's happening?
- We're under attack.

Goa'uld ships entering the atmosphere.
Colonel Riley's ordered evac to Beta.

We're bugging out right now.

What happened?

Approximately 20 minutes ago,
the approach of Goa'uld ships

- prompted evacuation of the Alpha site.
- Sam was doing research there.

She and Jacob were working on a w*apon
to neutralise Anubis' new soldiers.

We have no idea what
happened to either of them.

- How many people got out?
- Casualty reports are still coming in,

but 90 are still missing, including
the base commander, Colonel Riley.

I thought the location
of the Alpha site was secret.

It's a completely new address.

Evidently the Goa'uld
have discovered its whereabouts.

Chevron seven locked.

Wormhole stable, sir.
No radio chatter.

- Send the MALP.
- Yes, sir.

MALP is en route.

Receiving MALP telemetry.

My instruments say
the MALP is on its side.

- You still have camera control?
- Yes, sir.

If the Stargate fell over and it's face down,
the event horizon would've dug a cavity.

When the MALP came through
it fell into the hole.

There's no way to know
if the DHD survived.

- If we had another power source...
- We can dial out manually.

- Possibly under enemy fire.
- We'll be fine, sir.

The gate dug the perfect foxhole.

- You have a go. Good luck, Colonel.
- Thank you, sir.


This destruction does not
appear to be from aerial as*ault.

Single-radius blast.

Quite possibly the self-destruct...

to prevent the Alpha site
from falling into enemy hands.

- So, we'll split up, search for survivors.
- Who could've survived this?

- Start with the tree line there.
- Copy.

Move out.


What do you got?

This is the armour
of one of Anubis' drones.


- Go ahead.
- Be advised. We may not be alone here.

At least one of Anubis' g*ons might
have been on the planet when it blew.

Use extreme caution.



Major Green. You all right?

I'm fine, sir.
We got some serious injuries here.

- Any other survivors in the area?
- As far as I know, we're the only ones, sir.

- O'Neill?
- Go ahead.

- Found 12, but they're not in good shape.
- How bad?

Some can walk, but most need
immediate medical treatment.

Major Carter with 'em?

I'm afraid not.

SG-3's gonna need help
to get the gate back up.

SGs 11 and 21 are assembling now.
I'll be sending them through momentarily.

However, that means a delay before I can
send any other resources to help search.

Getting the wounded out is our priority.

Agreed, but if there are any other
survivors they may not have a lot of time.

Understood, sir. We'll keep trying.


- Anubis' drones.
- We know.

Take this. It's not 100%,
but it's all we've got.

It only has a few more sh*ts.

Sam has a fully-charged power unit.

- Where is she?
- I don't know.

I don't even know if she's still alive.

- How are you doing?
- It's nothing Selmak can't handle.

We need to know what happened.

How did Anubis get the location
to the new Alpha site?

I have no idea.

I was with Sam when
the self-destruct went off.

One of the drones was
chasing us into the forest.

George, if I survived the blast,
you know that thing survived as well.

- What about the prototype w*apon?
- I gave it to Colonel O'Neill.

But it's only semieffective
in its current configuration.

The upgraded power unit was with Sam.

- And we have no idea where she is?
- She's still missing.

Is there anything else we can use
against these drones?

Their armour is impervious
to energy weapons and regular firearms.

What about the drones k*lled in the blast?

Kinetic energy, an expl*si*n of that size...
They can't ignore physics.

- So with enough kinetic energy...
- It would have to be a lot.

- How about a m*ssile?
- That might do it, if you get close enough.

Sergeant Siler.

- Prepare a UAV with UCAV specs.
- Yes, sir.

Am I in trouble, sir?

The Alpha site has been compromised,
indicating we've got a security breach.

The Pentagon is demanding
I launch a formal inquiry immediately.

Just tell me what happened, son.

To tell you the truth, I'm not entirely sure. I
was still at chow when the alarm went off.

By the time I got to the command centre,
Colonel Riley had ordered the evacuation.

- What about the Stargate?
- It was hit by an Alkesh bomber.

We were cut off. That's when
the drones landed in scout ships.

They took all we threw at them
and just kept coming.

So Colonel Riley
ordered the self-destruct?

He knew there was
sensitive material on the base.

He stayed with the device
so the enemy couldn't disarm it.

He told the rest of us that we had
one minute to make it to the tree line.

- I should've stayed with him.
- You were following orders, Major.

Yes, sir.

Was there any unusual activity
at the Alpha site in the last few days?

Any unscheduled gate activations
or unexplained signals?

- No, sir.
- What about the Jaffa and the Tok'ra?

They haven't been getting along very well,
but there's nothing unusual about that.

I want a list of all personnel -
human, Tok'ra and Jaffa -

who've used the Alpha site gate
in the last 48 hours.

Yes, sir.


Standard issue from the SGC.

Indeed. The depth of the impression
is consistent with Major Carter's size.

- There's another set over there.
- Someone much larger.

Perhaps a drone.


Do you believe this prototype w*apon
will be effective against it?

We'll jump off that bridge
when we come to it.

- So how's the leg?
- Getting there, slowly but surely.

Yeah, slowly. The way you heal,
it'll probably take a day.

You didn't come here
to ask me about my leg.

You want to know what happened to Sam.


The base was under attack. We could
hear the explosions getting closer,

and the sound
of scout ships approaching.

- We have to leave now!
- Just gimme a second!

But we had to download the
w*apon design into the matrix crystal

and wipe the computer memory.

- You have the prototype!
- We can't leave this data for them to find.

- How much longer?
- Finished!

It worked.

Not good enough.

Let's get the hell out of here.

The Stargate was hit.

We couldn't get out...

so we ran for the hills.

The drone followed us.

If Sam is still alive, it's still after her.

Maybe it was just hiding,
waiting to go back through the gate.

Out of all the rooms on that base,
why did it come to that lab?

And why did it chase us,
as opposed to anyone else?

You think it knew about the prototype?

I think that was
the whole reason for the attack.

Anubis knows we have the only w*apon
in the galaxy able to stop his soldiers.

And Sam has the design.

That thing won't stop until it finds her.

- Sergeant Siler, report.
- It's ready to go.

- Well done. I want it airborne now.
- Yes, sir.

General, the leader of the Jaffa survivors
is cleared for debriefing.

- I want to speak to him immediately.
- Yes, sir.

- I do not know why I'm being questioned.
- We need to determine what happened.

If you wish to know who betrayed
your base, I suggest you ask the Tok'ra.

- Why do you say that?
- They are without honour.

- They're your allies.
- Then why will they not help us?

- What do you mean?
- Even as we speak,

Anubis is moving against
the System Lord Olokun.

Drones slaughter Jaffa
that stand against them.

- They are dying for a hopeless cause.
- What's that got to do with the Tok'ra?

We believe they have a spy in Olokun's
higher ranks, close enough to k*ll him.

The Tok'ra inform us of their operations.

I have no knowledge
of any spy in Olokun's ranks.

Then they are lying to you too. With their
master dead, the siege would be over

and Olokun's Jaffa would be
free to join our movement.

Our logs show that a group of Jaffa left the
site less than 24 hours before the attack.

- You sent your own people, didn't you?
- Yes.

- Have they reported back?
- They have not.

- If they were captured by Anubis...
- No Jaffa would yield to t*rture.

Anubis doesn't have to resort to t*rture.

He has technology that allows him
to simply read a prisoner's mind.

When Heru-ur was k*lled, I was forced
to pledge allegiance to Apophis.

The slayer of my master
became my master.

So it has been for all Jaffa
for thousands of years.

But now we can choose to fight our
oppressors. We can choose to be free.

I ask only that the Jaffa who serve Olokun
be given that same choice.

If you let me go to the Beta site
to speak to the other survivors,

I may be able to discover
what happened to the Jaffa we sent.

Very well.

- Colonel O'Neill?
- General.

Status report.

We found tracks, sir.
They could be Carter's.

- What direction?
- East, up into the hills.

The high ground
is a more defensible position.

Understood. I'll have the UAV fly a
search pattern in that area. Hammond out.


- Any news on Sam?
- Not yet.

We have a UAV airborne
and all available SG teams are searching.

I don't know anyone tougher or more
resourceful. She'll find a way out of this.

How's the investigation going?

I've been meaning
to talk to you about that.

Do you know anything about
a Tok'ra operative within Olokun's ranks?


The Jaffa say
you have a spy in his inner circle.

They're mistaken.

Unscheduled offworld activation.

Did you learn anything at the Beta site?

Of the Jaffa sent to recruit rebels from
Olokun's army, only one has returned.

The fate of the others is unknown.
Anubis has won a major victory.

Thousands of Jaffa have been k*lled, and
many of Olokun's commanders captured.

- The Tok'ra spy among them.
- That's impossible.

If we had someone on the inside,
I would've known about it.

Are you sure?

Thank you for
your cooperation in this, Delek.

I do not see the need
to continue this investigation, General.

The Jaffa have as much as
admitted responsibility.

All we know is that some of the men
they sent to recruit rebels didn't return.

They were captured in Anubis' latest
offensive. It is the logical explanation.

According to the Jaffa,
a Tok'ra spy was also captured.

We both know Jaffa intelligence
is not always as reliable as it should be.

So you're saying you had
no operative in Olokun's ranks?

I am unable to discuss
such matters at present.

The terms of our alliance
dictate full disclosure.

In matters of joint concern.

Security of the Alpha site
is a matter of joint concern.

The disposition of our operatives has no
bearing on the security of the Alpha site.

So you claim.

You have allies amongst
the other nations of Earth.

Of course.

Do you always practise
full disclosure with them?

We gave you shelter
when you had nowhere else to go.

Because you needed us. Just as you
brought us Telchak's reanimation device

because you needed our help to develop
a w*apon against Anubis' drones.

But you are not always so forthcoming.

For example, your programme to build
hybrid ships using Goa'uld technologies.

A programme the Tok'ra feel
is extremely unwise.

We need those ships
for the defence of Earth.

And so you feel it is
none of our concern.

You see, General, it works both ways.
You ask us to trust

that your headlong pursuit of technologies
that you don't understand poses no threat.

But you fail to offer similar consideration
with our policy on using covert operatives.

Let me ask you something.

How many Tok'ra from the Alpha site
are still unaccounted for?

- Five.
- Do you know how many I'm missing?


Believe me, I'm going to get to the bottom
of this, with or without your help.

I've been expecting you.

No doubt you've spoken
to General Hammond.

He says he asked you
if we had a spy in Olokun's inner circle.

Yes, he did.

He asked me the same question.
Of course I told him no,

because only the High Council
could make a decision like that,

and since I'm on the High Council,
I would know about it. Wouldn't I?

Got something to tell me?

If you have a concern, you can
take it up with the Council yourself.

- Who do you think you're talking to?
- An interesting question.

It seems I am talking to a human host.

Make no mistake, Delek.

I am still Selmak, and I was a leader of the
Tok'ra before you had even taken a host.

Maybe you've been a leader too long.

The Tauri are unlike
other humans in the galaxy.

Their will has not been eroded
by thousands of years of sl*very.

This can be a valuable asset,
but it can also make them dangerous.

Particularly as hosts.

Jacob Carter has had no more
influence on me than any other host.

There are those of us
who would disagree.

You have allowed yourself
to get too close to these people.

Your true loyalties are in question.

You speak for the entire Council?

You still have your defenders,
although their numbers are diminishing.

So you did meet without me.
And you did send an operative.

And if you had known,
would you have told General Hammond?

They have a right to know.

We knew you would feel that way, which
is precisely why you were not informed.

So Delek admits that
this spy has gone missing.


But the Tok'ra will never acknowledge
that he could have been responsible.

Tok'ra operatives have orders
never to be taken alive.

What about a sarcophagus?

They take precautions to ensure the brain
is not left intact. No revival is possible.

This is all assuming
the man wasn't taken unawares.

The system isn't foolproof,
but they won't admit that.

The truth is, I don't think you'll ever
find out who was responsible for the leak.

It could've been the Tok'ra or the Jaffa.
It could've been both. Look...

I've helped as much as I can with this, but
now I'd like to get back to join the search.

- I need you here.
- I already told you, I'm out of the loop.

They don't trust me any more. They think
my emotions are clouding my judgment.

Ironic, considering I'm wasting time while
my daughter is being hunted by that thing.

We have our best people on this.
They will find her.

- What do I do until then?
- I just got a report from the Beta site.

The Jaffa are blaming the Tok'ra for what
happened. There have been altercations.

If I can't get the situation under control,
I have orders to expel them all.

Our alliance is falling apart.

I need someone to bridge the gap,
someone to be the voice of reason.

I need you.

- O'Neill?
- Go ahead.

The UAVhas been
shot down in your area.

It's four clicks away on a heading of
320 degrees from your present location.

We're on it.

Why have you asked me here?

- You know what's happening at Beta site.
- I do.

We need your help to put a stop to it
before it gets out of hand.

You're a leader amongst the Jaffa.
They'll listen to you.

What should I say? They must continue
to bear the arrogance of the Tok'ra?

They must be subservient to those who
had sacrificed so many of their brothers?

The Jaffa have always been
dependent on the Goa'uld

because they need symbiotes
to sustain them.

But now there is
a substance called tretonin,

which can free the Jaffa
from this dependence.

I am aware of its significance.

Are you also aware that millions of
Tok'ra symbiotes died in its development,

including our beloved Queen Egeria,

the queen from whom
all our lineage can be traced?

- I was not.
- For the first time,

the Tok'ra have fought alongside the Jaffa
and the Tauri, and it's made a difference.

More System Lords have fallen in the past
seven years than in the 700 years before.

It is true that together we are strong.

And, divided, we will die.

We cannot let our alliance end.

Your words are wise,

but my time at the Alpha site
has taught me some bitter lessons.

I suspect that you
do not speak for all the Tok'ra.


Until the others feel as you do,
reconciliation may not be possible.

Gentlemen, we need your help to keep the
situation at Beta from getting out of hand.

I'm not sure what you expect of the
Tok'ra. We've had unprovoked assaults.

Unprovoked? You refused to help us
and thousands of Jaffa died needlessly.

- Assassinating Olokun was not an option.
- Why not?

We didn't know how many Jaffa
would join the rebels.

We could have delivered
an army into Anubis' hands.

They deserved the right to choose.
Instead, they were slaughtered.

We have fought the Goa'uld
for thousands of years.

You have no right
to question our methods.

You were alone.
You have allies now.

What good has it done us?

Since we have been allies, your tendency
to provoke confrontation with the Goa'uld

has resulted in the deaths of more Tok'ra
than in the previous hundred years.

I hate to admit it,
but he's got a point.

When a human or a Jaffa dies,
more are born to take their place.

Not so for the Tok'ra.

Our Queen Egeria, from whom
all Tok'ra have spawned, is dead.

Our numbers are dwindling.

This alliance may simply
be something we cannot afford.

Carter, I need the...


Cover him.

Is it...

Yeah, he's dead.

Right, Teal'c? He's dead?

Yeah, he's dead.

Wanna get up?

I just need to rest for a minute.

Come here.

First of all, we'd like to congratulate
you on the recovery of Major Carter.

- We are glad to know that she is safe.
- Thank you.

I have spoken to the High Council with
regard to the situation at the Beta site.

- They believe the best solution is to leave.
- Is that really necessary?

If this partnership were to continue,

you would insist on full disclosure
of our covert operations.

I'm afraid that's non-negotiable.

In that case, we must refuse.

Secrecy is our only w*apon.
It's all we've ever known.

The Jaffa, too, will be leaving.

- But with the Tok'ra gone...
- We are not leaving because of them.

We are leaving because
it is what we must do.

On your base, you dictate the terms. We
must consult you before we take action.

There are those among us who feel
we simply traded one master for another.

We're not trying to tell you what to do. We
simply think it's vital to coordinate efforts.

Unlike the Tauri or the Tok'ra, the Jaffa
are still learning what it means to be free.

To do this, we must have our own bases,
our own leaders, our own communities.

We must do this for ourselves,
or it would have no meaning.

Only then can we be
equal partners in any alliance.

I'm sorry, this is nuts.

My friend almost died so we could get
a w*apon able to stop Anubis' soldiers.

Now we're finally able to really make
a difference, and you want to walk away?

I'm sorry, Dr Jackson.

This is how it must be.

Hiya, kid.

You were asleep for a long time.

You gave me quite a scare.


Jack told me what happened.

I'm proud of you.

Look, Sam... I may not be able to come
around as much for the next little while.

- What do you mean?
- Things kind of got screwed up.

The alliance is in trouble.

- I don't understand.
- You don't need to know the details.

Let's just say we're going
our separate ways for a while.

If I stay with the Tok'ra,
I can at least try to mend some fences.

Are you sure?

I'm not ready to give up on this just yet.

Don't worry, I'll be back eventually.

I'll miss you.

I'll miss you, too.
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