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05x12 - Blessings in Disguise

Posted: 01/26/10 21:49
by bunniefuu
Delia: Oh, please don't worry, sir.

The walkers are taking great care Of your rental property.

They just haven't had a chance to stop in and sign the lease.



Yep, I have the lease right here.


No, I will have them come in, sign it today, And then I'll drop it off, of course.

Ok. Sounds good, thanks. Bye-bye.

[sighs] my assistant is great with the clients, But she is so organizationally impaired.

Ha, here it is.

Walker. Who puts walker in with the ms?

An upside down person.

Ah. You know what, I don't see the humor in that.

But could you please tell me What possessed me to branch out into the rental business?

Uh, ned's college tuition.

I take it you can't go to lunch.

Oh, I wish I could.

I am so swamped.

Hey. I thought you said you had classes all day.

Yeah, but I had a break and you sounded stressed on the phone, so...

You came by to save me. Oh, honey, I love you.

You know what, you could totally Help me if you could just drop off this lease.

The landlord is giving me grief because it isn't signed.

And I need to, right, get the keys And drop them off at the rental property.

Walker. I think I know their daughter.

Oh, I doubt it. The family Just moved to town recently.

No, katie, that's her.

She started working at the dance center next to my gym About six weeks ago.

Huh, really? Wonder how you would know that, Since you let your membership lapse Because there was that great free facility up on the campus.

This gym has better towels.

Melinda: Towels?

Maybe there are other benefits.

Mm-hmm, like katie.

You know what, I think I can drop by the lease And you could drop off the keys.


No, don't "mom" me, ned.

This girl is fresh off Of the hay wagon from ohio.

Yeah, she's different.

I like that about her.

Her? And who else?

Seriously, ned, how many girls Are you stringing along now?


I learned my lesson.

Katie gets off work in about 20 minutes, So I better run.

He knows her work schedule.

Yep, and I bet he's not coming back for these.


Hello. Hi, thanks.

Hey, katie. Hey, ned.

Hang on.

Oh, thanks. I'm not working out.

Thursday is a skip day.

Oh. So you just came by to say hi?

Actually, I'm doing my mom a favor.

She's a realtor.

There you go. Thanks.

She rented you guys your house.

Apparently your parents forgot to sign the lease.

Got it.

But why are you bringing it to me and not them?

I don't know.

Here you are. Thanks, katie.

I thought maybe we could grab a bite.

You get off soon, right?

In case you're interested. Great.

Hey, we're having dance company auditions.

Do you think you could put a few of these up on campus?

I've seen this.

My mom used to drag me To this show every year.

Mm-hmm? And I really enjoyed it.

Are you going to audition?

No. I'd love to, But I'm just not at that level, really.

I just started taking dance classes.

Are you?

What are you still doing here?

We were supposed to meet out front.

You had plans?

Yeah. I mean, no.

Ned, this is mike, my brother.

[chuckles] oh. Hey.

Good to meet you.

Don't make us wait.

I guess this means we're not grabbing a bite?


Katie, wait. You forgot the lease.

[bells ringing in distance]

I don't get it.

I mean, why do you always have to be such a creep To any guy I ever like?

You know why.

Yeah, we should.

What do you think? I mean, I just--

[gasps] mike, oh, my god!

Someone help! Hurry! Mike!


Oh, you ok?

Mike, are you ok? No, no, no!

Hey, look, I'm calling 9-1-1.

No, don't, don't. He's our son, we've got this.

Mom: Come on, sweetie.

Come on.

Melinda: Excuse me.

My husband's a doctor and I just saw what happened!

Dad: That's ok. We're fine.

Are you sure that you--

Thank you.

Are you sure that you don't need help?!

Let me guess-- that's the girl you have a thing for?

Yeah, katie.

Kind of weird, huh.

Weirder than you think.

Child, whispering: Can you see us?

So soda just sh**t out at the guy?

Bam, bam, bam!

Yeah. And the strange part Is that their son is bleeding, There's a hospital across the street, And the parents just took off.

That is odd.

Yeah, it's like they knew they were being haunted.

We don't know that they were.

You didn't see a ghost. Yeah, but--

And the soda could have been overheated.

Except for the fact that I was kne e-deep in a mud vision When it all exploded.

Which kind of screams ghost. You know, ned, We gotta look at why you keep hooking up with haunted babes.

Or why you see a ghost every time I like someone.

Wait a minute.

Did my mom put you up to this?

Is this her way of keeping me in line?

You know what, ned, your mom just actually wants you to be happy, And safe.

Which dating a haunted girl isn't.

You probably dated a haunted girl in college, You just didn't know it.

And at least one possessed bio major, Judging from the live frogs I found in my bed.

I'd also like to get to know katie Without you two buzzing around.

So if I'm a responsible adult Like my mom says, Why don't you two treat me like one, and butt out?

[bell dings]

[door closes]

I'm calling delia.


[turns music off]

I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to scare you.

We're closed. You shouldn't be here.

You're an amazing dancer.

I thought you said you were just learning.

I am.

What are you, some sort of dance expert now?

Look, if you want me to keep your dancing under wraps, that's cool.

I'll pretend I was never here.


It's not you.

I just get all moody when I first move to a new place.

Which is a lot lately.

My dad's in construction And work's been thin, so we go where the jobs are.

I guess I'm just sick of it.

It's funny-- the only time I've ever moved Is from a house in grandview to an apartment.

I guess that's really all I ever remember.

You are so lucky.

It must be scary having to make new friends all the time.

No, what's scary is when you get good at it.

You move to so many places so many times, You don't even know who you are anymore.

Some things feel strange about a town, And you're not sure if it isn't just you.

God. [chuckles] can I talk any more?

I wish you would.

But it's fine if you don't.

In fact, it's more than fine.

How about from now on, anything you don't want to tell me, I don't want to know, ok?



You know, since you're here, I could use a partner.

A partner?


You put your arm out.

Now pull me in.

Now dip me.

Mm-hmm. Good. [laughs]

No, stay there. [laughs]

Delia: Ok.

It just--this isn't right, you know?

I tell ned that he has to be responsible And make the right choices, And now I'm helping you spy on him.

And he's just starting to open up to me again.

Look, I understand that you don't want to break ned's trust, But if these people are haunted, It's my job to help.

This ghost blows things up.

Ok, fine, let's just make it quick.

[knocks on door]

Delia, well.


Delia: Hey, dave.

Um, this is my friend melinda.

Don't I know you?

Uh, sort of.

We met yesterday at the gas station.

And when mel and I made the connection That I was your realtor--

I wanted to welcome you to town And see how your son was doing.

This is some stuff from my shop.

How nice. Thank you.

Yeah, my son's fine.

Strange as that accident was.

Thick-headed like his dad, I guess.

How sweet.

Look, I'd ask you in, but we're just heading out for the evening.

Oh, well, that's ok.

If you can just sign the lease, You know, I could finally get out of your hair.

Excuse me. Excuse us.

Yeah, we're in kind of a hurry.

What if I just drop it by the office?

All right. See you later, thanks.

They were not planning on heading out.

I could smell that they were cooking dinner, And I saw that she had marinara sauce on her apron.

Oh, my god.

I am so dead.

Ok, hurry. Run before ned can yell at us.

All right.


We have to go, hon.

She'll be fine. Uh-huh.

[starts engine]

I really appreciate you taking a look at this old junker.

My dad won't buy me a new one.

Hey, I get it. Money's tight, you know?

It's not so much that.

He's anti-trashing anything.

Says we live in a disposable culture That's ruining our planet.

Well, he's right.

You know, I bet I can fix this.

Oh, k*ller.

I mean, I don't need it for school or anything.

I'm taking a year off.

But gotta go online.


Oh, god, no. Please don't do this.


What the hell? What is this?

It won't turn off!

Make it stop! Just make it stop!

Why is this happening?!

[katie screams]

It's mud.

Yeah, it's mud. So what?

You've seen this before, haven't you?

Oh, please. Not again.

Mom, dad, you're back.

Ned was just leaving.

It's a good thing, apparently.

Hon, we've rented plenty of houses.

Shouldn't be surprised when the plumbing's bad.


You're right.

I should know better.

I'm gonna go get some towels.

Yeah. Katie's right, my friend.

You should probably be going.

You sure I can't help?

No, it's nothing my dad can't deal with.

Since when do we bring people into our home?

So it turns out I was wrong.

Looks like katie's family is haunted.

But I guess you already knew that.

Yeah. Melinda had a vision When we were at the house.

Here. Thanks.

I'm so sorry, honey. Look at you.

Are you ok? Yeah, I'm fine.

Any idea who the ghost is?

[sighs] we don't know.

Actually, it turns out there's a lot we don't know.

In my vision, katie's parents and brother, They had no faces.

So we did a little bit more research.

You know, I went back over the rental application, The credit check.

I thought if I could go back a few more years Than I first had... Find anything?

Nothing, literally.

There's no previous employment, No rentals, no résumés, Everything we looked at was a dead end.

Yeah, and we even checked their places and dates of birth, And the county clerk had no record of them.

So that's why they had no faces.

They don't exist.

How does an entire family fall off the grid?

Well, it's not that hard these days.

I mean, you can get a social and get credit reports, Even a college degree online.

Yeah, but why? I mean, who would want to do that?

People who don't want to be found.

Right. Ok, I'm going to go out on a limb And say people who are on the run.

Ok, so, someone besides the ghost is after them.

Right. Right.

But why would a whole family go into hiding?

Ah, they did something illegal.

They committed a crime.

Yeah, or they didn't commit a crime And they witnessed one.

Wait, so you're thinking witness protection?

You could always ask detective blair about this.

Yeah, but even if she was willing, Do you think she'd get anywhere?

I mean, their identities are protected, right?

Yeah, but it's worth a try.

You haven't even seen this ghost, have you?


So really, it could be anybody.

A m*rder*r, victim, man, woman.

Ok, you're making this sound a lot harder than I thought.


Wait a minute. Ned's in a good position to find out.

Why don't you keep asking him to hang out with the girl?

Yeah. Something tells me I won't have to ask.


Katie: Hey, I'm just leaving now.

I'll see you soon. Ok, bye.

Ned: Katie.

Katie, hey.

Hey, I left you a message. How are you?

Good. Fine. Just busy.

And I'm late to meet someone.

Oh, really? Who, your brother?

A friend. Ok.

Hey, what's this deal with all the mud, anyways?

And your parents leaving the house with dinner still in the oven?

They left a meal for us, so what?

I thought it was nice.

They didn't really seem to want me there.

They're protective.

What are they protecting you from?

What are you talking about?

All the weird stuff that happens to your family.

The bottles blowing up at the gas station?

What do you think it's all about?

Katie, hey.

You can trust me, I swear.

[sighs] I think you should stay away from me.

Is that what you want?

Or stop asking questions I can't answer.

Maybe I can help.

You said whatever I don't want to tell you--

I don't have to know. I remember.

It's different now.

Katie, I'm worried about you.


You asked me to trust you, So why can't you trust me?


It's the only way this can work.

Ned thinks katie knows about the ghost.

Yeah, but he doesn't know what they're running from.

Can't run from a ghost, So it has to be a real person.

Maybe the ghost is doing all these public hauntings Because it wants them to get caught.


I'm right here, and I'm ready to listen.

Whoever this is wants them to run.

Ugh, can you imagine? Just all those new houses and jobs And schools and friends.

Always lying about who you are and where you came from.

It's gotta be t*rture.

Yeah. This ghost definitely wants revenge.

On the whole family?

What did they do?

[bell dings] hey, delia, Melinda.

Hey, mike.

Is everything ok with the house?

Oh, yeah, great. My mom loves it.

Really? Even with all the mud?

Oh, ned told you about that broken pipe, huh?

My dad didn't want you to sweat it.

He just fixed it himself.

That was really thoughtful of him.

Anyway. Oh, um, my mom dug that gift basket You gave her, and she hates to let a good mason jar Go to waste. So she wanted me To drop this by. It's raspberry.

[gasping] just shut up, lydia!


No, no, no, no!


Wait! No, please!

No, please!

I said shut up!

Oh, I'm such a klutz. I--

[train horn in distance]

I got it.

Uh, anyway...

I gotta run.

[bell dings]

That boy wanted to hurt that girl.

Melinda: That's his necklace.


[footsteps] is he asleep?

He's out cold.

Did he say anything about the vision?

I asked him and he doesn't remember.

Don't worry.

He lets these things in, Then he lets them go.

Good. 'cause it was a violent vision.

You saw this guy hurt this girl?

The walkers are protecting their son from something.

That's why they're running; That's why they don't have any faces.

Katie's brother, he was so detached.

I mean, he was wearing her necklace.

The one he ripped off that girl in your vision, right?

Is that like some kind of trophy or something?

Maybe. Sick, huh?


Poor girl.

So she's your ghost?

It makes sense.

I don't know what I would do If aiden ever hurt someone like that.

Hey, hey, that is never going to happen.

Katie's parents thought that, too.

You need to stop thinking about this right now And go to bed, ok?

I'll go take out the trash. I'll be up in a minute.


What are you doing here?

Have you been haunting that family?

Who are you?

What do you want from them?

Only what they owe me.

He can never stop paying for what he did.

Look, if the ghost is a man, Then the girl that you saw in your vision Could still be alive.

Yeah, but I still don't know her connection To the ghost. Yeah, I know.

But there's gotta be something.

Wait a minute, wait a minute.

You said that he was covered with mud, right?

Yeah, I could barely see his uniform.

Well, the girl in your vision had mud on her, huh?

On the path?

So maybe the ghost is a boyfriend or a brother Who died trying to protect her.

Yeah, but why wouldn't he have told me that?

Yeah. Wait, no, you said it yourself.

You know, maybe he's trying to t*rture them by keeping them on the run.

I know. You've probably already thought about this about four or five times, huh?

Eight, ten, thirty, to say the least.

But I don't know what that is.

What is that?

Credit check authorization for one dustin harris.

In the walker file? Yeah.

Get back, check the basement.

Move! Watch your weapons, there's kids.

Quickly, quickly!

Officer: Clear!


Clear. All clear upstairs!

Something must have tipped them off.

They're a step ahead of us.

Clear. Clear in back!


Jim: Mel, you ok?

Yeah. Um, I think the ghost Put this here for a reason.

The credit report? Where did he get it?

The walkers. Look at the handwriting.

It's almost identical.

Yeah, dave walker is dustin harris.

Harris was just an alias.

Did you get that in the vision?

I think I was in their house.

And they ran again, you know, Just left everything behind.

Look, I think whatever katie's brother did, The ghost is just trying to make sure that the family Is one step ahead of the law.

No more, no less.

What did detective blair say?

That she loves my jacket.


She said if she's going to call the fbi, She's going to need something more.

Like what?

More than mud, ghosts, And exploding soda.

She's going to need something concrete.

Ok, well, what about the form the ghost gave us?

It's got to have a signature, fingerprints...

It's gone.

The ghost giveth and taketh away.

Just enough to keep them running.

This ghost is not going to stop.

It's only a matter of time before the police are after them again.

Then they'll run.

Yeah, but then they'll be leaving the one town Where someone can talk to their ghost.

Maybe end all this.

Melinda: They're not going to get another chance.
Katie: Hey, ned!

Did you get tickets to the movie?

Yeah. Great, let's go.

Can we talk first?

[sighs] ned, please...

Look, believe me, "can we talk" is like the last thing That I say to girls.

[laughs] I'm sure you've heard it plenty of times.

Anyways, here's the thing--

I like you.

[giggles] I like you, too.

Good. Glad we got that squared away.

Also, I don't want you to move.

I don't want to, either.

But my father's job-- don't.

Just stop, ok?

Please, hear me out before you say anything.

What I mean is, what if you didn't have to move?

Wherever you wanted to stay, You could. What if there was a way?

It's just...

It's not that simple.

I'm not saying it wouldn't cost anything.

I know you love your brother and I know you want to protect him.

Wait, my brother?

What does he have to do with anything?

If he hurt somebody, he needs to be responsible for that.

Or else he's hurting you, he's hurting all of you.

And I think he sees that.

Wait, wait, wait, what are you accusing him of?

What are you saying?

Is someone asking questions about my brother, about us?

I know what it's like to have a secret.


I have one, too.

My friend melinda...

She sees ghosts.

And there is a really angry guy Haunting your family.

We think it's some kind of payback For what mike did to the girl.


You and your friend...

Have you gone to the cops about this?



But we can help you if-

if you just tell me what's going on.

It's not my decision to make.

It's my family.

I could lose them forever.

You can't keep running, At least not from this ghost.

[sniffles] we have to.

Katie... [zipping bag]


My name is rachel.

Well, their last name is blessing.

Glen and his wife belong to the green front, An environmental activist group.

Their last big stand was 12 years ago.

After that, the blessings went underground And the group disbanded.

What were they protesting?

A housing development being built On endangered wetlands.

There were at least a dozen att*cks--

Vandalism, trespassing, destruction of property.

Where did all this happen?

Believe it or not, mostly right here in driscoll county.

So they lived here before?

And they lied about it.

Why risk coming back?

Well, it's not unusual for fugitives to be drawn back.

Lots of things, like friends or family Or nostalgia for their old life.

But there's something I just don't get.

Would the fbi really track somebody down for a decade Because they trashed a construction site?

Well, during that final attack, A security guard was k*lled, Probably trying to stop them.

Melinda: What was his name?

Trevor marshall.

That explains the ghost in uniform.

Well, now we know who they are, So we're going to put out an apb and find them.

The name rachel--

Without it, we'd be nowhere.

Did a ghost give it to you?

Come on, let's go!


[pounding on door]

Police! Warrant!

Detective blair: Are we covered in back?

All covered.

Break it down!

Quickly, quickly!

Officer: Clear.

Move, move! Clear. All clear upstairs.


Clear in back, let's move out.


They couldn't have gone far!

Gordon, can you take this? Ok, detective.

That's katie's dance bag.

They left everything.

Well, I think they had a short lead.

There's coffee brewing in the kitchen, so...

So what happens now?

They won't get far.

You did a good thing.

Doesn't feel that way.

Seeing ned so upset got me thinking about katie's family.

It was a huge risk, them coming back to grandview.

Which didn't make any sense Until I thought about what detective blair had said.

About nostalgia for the scene of the crime?

Visiting loved ones.

I remember seeing dave and diane leaving the hospital.

Do you think they were visiting family?

Yes, but not their's.

Wait, I'm lost.

I asked jim to check the records To see if there were any employees or patients Who might have their real name, Or any of their aliases.

And did he find anything?

No, but found a patient with the ghost's last name, marshall.

Connie marshall.

She's trevor's mom.

Hey, guys. Sorry. I was going to call you, But you're not going to find her in her room.

She died the day before yesterday.

And the nurses were telling me There's a couple that's been visiting recently, Sounds a lot like the walkers.

Ok, I'm really lost.

I know someone who has the answers.

[indistinct police radio]

Try another channel. Ok.

I don't get you.

You didn't have to come.

Why didn't you stay?

Because I would never see you guys again.

He seemed like a nice guy.

Stop it.

Did you make him hate you?

Mike, don't.

That's my favorite trick.

No! [gasping]

That's why I did to lydia.

Just shut up. Aah! Mike!

Mike, what are you doing?!

This meant we're together. We're not!

Mike, mike, wait! It's over, lydia.

Mike, you're-- you're acting like somebody I don't even know!

Who are you?

Mike, wait! No, please! [starts engine]


Oh, my god, please!


So we can just keep doing this.

Just me, you, Dad and mom and whatever we can grab Before we run out the door.

Don't you want a life? Shh! Guys.

What did they just say?

They're calling all units in the vicinity.

How do they know?

[indistinct police radio]

[sighs] they got a tip.

You told that boy everything, didn't you?

He already knew...A lot.

He has a friend.

She sees ghosts.

It's trevor. I knew it.

All of these years-- not now!

He's been haunting us! Diane, please!

Ned said trevor was angry. He said something About payback. Oh, god Why is he doing this?

Diane, stop it!

Dad, mom, what happened to that guy?!

Tell us!

You know the rules.

No questions.

The less you know, the better.

But you want us to believe What we read about you on the internet?

That you're basically t*rrorists, murderers?

We're not. You know that.

Look, I'm sorry.

Your mother and I never meant it to be this way.

We just wanted us all to stay together.

[tires squealing]



Does he really think he can make his guilt go away By visiting my mom?

After everything he did, the way he betrayed me?

[sighs] betrayed you?

He was like a big brother to me.

The only reason I got a job at that site Was so we could take it out.

We joined green fund together.

We were ready to give it everything.

Or at least I was.

[frogs croaking]

We hit them in their wallet to get their attention.

Glen, sugar.

Burned out the engines by pouring sugar.

But I knew, to really hurt them, We had to go further.

Then I saw something I couldn't pass up.

Glen! Yeah?

All we have to do is point this tractor down the hill And get the hell out of the way.

Once this rig hits the propane tanks--

Yeah, the whole place will blow up.

Don't you want people thinking about what they're doing?

Trevor, I want them thinking that the enemy is this project, Not us!

Oh, come on, man!

Don't do that!

Well, either help me or get the hell out of my way.

Hey, stop acting like an idiot, ok?

Now let's go!

If you're going to walk, just walk.

Trevor: I thought if I could just get it started, Point it in the right direction...

[starts engine]

But it was a two-man job.





I screamed out for glen to help me.

Glen, you gotta help me!

Pull me out of there. [sirens]

But he ran. I was hurt and he left me in the mud. He left me there to die.

Glen, don't go! [sobbing]


By the time the cops found me, I was dead.

He ran from our cause, And he ran from me.

And you made sure he never stopped running.

[indistinct police radio]

Ok, everybody.

Just stay calm.

Dad! It's ok, sweetie.

You know what to do.

Officer: Everyone remain in the vehicle.

Remain seated in the vehicle.

Katie: Dad?

Dave, don't. Don't.

Protect the family.

Stay together.

That's all that matters.

Sir, stay in the vehicle!

Is there a problem, officer?

Put your hands in the air, now!

I'm unarmed. I told you to stay in the van!

Is there a problem?

Don't move. I'm not moving.

Is there a problem?

[starts engine] something wrong?

You in the car, don't move! Nothing to worry about.


Don't point that g*n at my hands!

Hands where I can see them.

Where are you going?! What are you doing?

Don't sh**t. Hands in the air!

On the ground! Get on the ground, now!

Get back in the car! Get back in the car!

[all yelling at once]

It's ok, officer. Get on the ground!

On your knees! Don't sh**t!

[g*nsh*t] it's all right.

Drive, katie, go!

Hands in the air, on your knees, now!

No! No! No! No, no, no!

Don't--please don't sh**t!

Both: Don't sh**t, don't sh**t!

Please! Out of the car, now!

Now! Now!

They haven't done anything!

They're kids! Those are my children!

They are innocent! Out of the vehicle!

Do not sh**t!

Katie, dad wants you to go! Why aren't you going?!

Do you hear me? Now!


Turn it off!

[stops engine]

Throw the keys out and exit the van!

[keys fall on ground]

[crickets chirping]

Hands in the air... Slowly.

On your knees.

[indistinct police radio]

Everyone on your knees, hands behind your head.

Why did you give up?

We had a plan!

I can't, daddy. I'm sorry. I just...

I can't run anymore.

[indistinct police radio]

All of you on your knees, hands behind your head, interlock your fingers.

She's right.

She's right.

It's going to be ok, baby.

It's ok.


Please, sir, on your knees, all of you.

Dispatch: Roger, they're in route.


Be brave for your mom, ok?

Stay together.

I'll see you soon.

I am so sorry, daddy!

No, no, I am.

I love you, baby.

Sir, come with me, watch your step.

I love you, too.

Excuse me, detective blair, I know that it's a lot to ask, But can I have five minutes with mr. Blessing?

He's just been arrested for m*rder.

Yeah, I know.

But there's something I have to ask him.

Don't tell me-- you've got a message from a ghost?

No, from my husband, but I think it could be important.

I think I can prove that he didn't k*ll anyone.

Don't you want to know the truth?


Come on.

Melinda: Ok, just tell me what happened.

Well, if you talk to ghosts, You should already know.

[sighs] trevor told me what he remembers.

Why don't you give me your side of the story?

The truth is, I try not to remember it.

It was the worst day of my life.

Worse than seeing your family being taken away from you?

I'm going to see my family again someday.

Trevor, I'll never see.

You still care that much about him?

Even though he had your family on the run for all those years?

Trevor was a good man Who lost his life trying to make the world better.

He blames me for that, and who knows?

Maybe he's right. Maybe?

I never should have let him hang back that night.

Neither of us knew how to drive that kind of machine.

That's what he regrets?

What about leaving me there to die?

He wants to know why you left him there to die.

Trevor's here?

How can he think I left him there to die?

That's crazy. He was my friend.

That's just what he remembers.

He doesn't know what we know.

What are you talking about?

Trevor, my husband...

He saw your autopsy report. You died instantly From the fall. But that's not possible.

I called his name, that's why he came back.


[frogs croaking]

I ran, but I stopped.

I just couldn't leave him there, he was my friend.


[siren] oh, my god, trevor!

Melinda: He came back for you because he's your friend.


But by the time he got to you, He couldn't hear your voice; Not any more than he can now.

What's he saying?

He's trying to understand.

I punished him all those years.

And he never did anything wrong.

He feels guilty for haunting you and your family.

After all he did for my mom.

I thought he was just working off his shame.

I should have known better.

Family was everything to him.

He was just trying to make sure My mom had a family, too.

He knows why you came back, And what you did for his mother.

She lost a son.

That was punishment enough.


Trevor: She knew what we were up to. She gave me money.

Gave people from the movement a place to stay.

Melinda: So she could have gone to jail.


My wife, too.

We were all involved in the movement.

My family would have been torn apart.

I couldn't face that.

We never thought it through.

We just ran.

And once we did, we couldn't stop.

Tell trevor not to feel guilty.

I'm alive!

I have everything.

Not if they take it away.

They want to put him in prison for my death.

We can't let them do that.

What's he saying now?

I kept a box, all my letters to glen and the others, They're hidden in my mother's attic.

I was so full of myself, I thought that they could help some historian Write about my cause someday.

Maybe now they can help glen.

He hid letters That he wrote about what you two did.

If they read those letters, They'll know that I was involved, That I was the hot-head, not him.

And please call him glen.

That's who he is again.

He wants you to take your name back, And your life back.

And he says it's nice to see a really old friend.

I see it.

My mom.

She's waiting for me.

Then go and be with her.

Tell glen he was always right About family.

I can see that now.

I will.

He's gone.



Detective blair said they dropped the m*rder charges Because of the ghost's letters.

Katie said her dad still had to stand trial.

Yeah, that's because of the vandalism and the running.

But the mom won't be prosecuted.

Oh, I know ned's happy about that.

And she signed a one-year lease, So she'll be sticking around for a while.

So you think it's the real thing?

Oh, god, who knows?

They're still kids.

I'm not going to be knitting baby booties Any time soon.

But whatever happens, I'm really proud of him.

I think he made some good choices.

Who made good choices?

Um, I did.

I got a hazelnut mocha double latte, And it's so good, so good.

That's fine. I don't need your kudos.

Katie's brother has given me plenty.

Ned helped him get up the courage to call lydia, The girl he chased away.

And she called him back.

So we'll see.

That's so cute!

Please, don't make me look.


Oh, my god!

Oh, young.