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01x05 - The Missing Bride

Posted: 01/08/23 12:11
by bunniefuu
There was the sound of a huge expl*si*n.

And, suddenly, children were screaming and wailing...

Did you experience something like this in real life?

An area close to the clinic was hit by a b*mb...

In an instant, the whole area...

You're suffering from PTSD.

It's an anxiety disorder.

It's caused by exposure to traumatic events.

Symptoms include flashbacks.

Positive thinkers may think they're OK.

But they develop PTSD more easily than others.

Will I continue to have flashbacks?


It's impossible to totally erase such memories.


They'll gradually fade with time.

I promise.




- Congrats!- Congrats!

Look here!

Mr. Saeki, please come to the waiting room.

Your bride...

The Missing Bride

What are you looking at?

I'm wondering which one I should go to.

Matchmaking parties?

Even for seniors.

"For widows mourning their beloved husbands."

An illusion.

All women who've lost their husbands are lonely.

That's just an assumption.

Some women hated caring for their husbands.

They're finally free to lead their own lives again.

Maybe there are some people like that.

But aren't there many happily married couples?

They love each other, share their joys and sorrows.

Some participants may have k*lled their husbands.

What're you making?

Toner. For Mrs. Hatano.

Her toner is magical.

It revitalizes the skin.


Hey, move.

OK, OK...

Huh? Anyone seen my phone?

Cellphone, cellphone...




The bride vanished?

The missing bride is model Risa Mashima.

She disappeared right before the wedding reception.

Someone ran away with her? Like in the movies.

No, no sign of anyone coming to take her away.


The groom is famous jewelry designer Kazuma Saeki.

Made his name at the international Mazarin Awards.

He has clients all over the world.

I've seen him on TV.

Why are you working on a missing persons case?

years ago, I married my wife here.


This place is full of memories for me and my wife.

I can't let a case that occurred here go unsolved.

Plus, the case would be ours if she remains missing.

OK! Gather every single photo taken at the wedding.

Already on it.

Wow, you're learning.

Consulting detectives can't handle this work.

All hail the great detective!

Shibata, let's go.

I'll leave you to it.

Beautiful wedding location, isn't it?

It is.

How nice...I want to wear a dress like this one day.

I don't understand why.

Having an audience makes divorce difficult later.

Do you have to be so bleak?

Sorry to keep you waiting.

You're the consulting detectives?

I was expecting you. I'm Tachikawa, the manager.

- She's the wedding planner.- I'm Mako Yokokawa.

This is the room.

Sorry about her...

The bride fainted during the flower petal shower...

I took her back to the bridal suite.

She asked for some orange juice.

I'm so sorry!

It's fine. I'll clean it up.

I got the vacuum and began cleaning the floor.

I noticed some orange juice on her dress.

It got on your dress. I'll get some stain remover.

Thank you.

I went to get the stain remover.

When I returned...

She'd disappeared.

That's right.

I was in the lobby, but I didn't see her leave.

Any chance she left through here?

I don't think so. It was locked from the inside.

How did she get out then?

Did you notice anything unusual about the couple?

Yes, two days before the wedding.

A woman barged in while we were making arrangements.


You bitch! Kazuma is my fiance!

Explain this!

What are you doing?

- Do you know her?- No, I don't.

Don't know me?! Kazuma...!

Ma'am, please step outside.

- Why?!- Ma'am, this way please.

What relationship did she have with Kazuma Saeki?

That I don't know.

Ah, Nanami Kanzaki.

She worked at a bar I used to frequent.

A bar?

Put it back.


Please put it back.

Let's talk over there.

What was your relationship with her?

She's a stalker.

Stop, please.

She's a stalker.

A stalker?

She would follow me every day.

If she saw me with another girl, I'd get threats.

Where's the bar located?

It's no longer in business.


It's no longer in business.

I designed this wedding ring for Risa.

It reminds me of her every time I see it.

Please find her for me. I'm counting on you.

Stop that!

I'm sorry about her.

I wonder where on earth Risa disappeared to.

He seems to be truly in love with her.

Or so he says.

Bleak again!

I have plans. See you later.

You had a flashback?


My photos might have triggered it.

It's not your fault.

I haven't experienced any since then. I'm fine.

I bet you've been to places other than combat zones.


What left the strongest impression on you?

There's so many...

The Thai festival Loy Krathong comes to mind.

Launching paper lanterns into the sky?

Yes, you've heard of it?

I've also been!


Eight years ago. So, ?

Really?! I was also there in .

You're kidding!

We were in Thailand at the same annual festival.

Just two strangers.

And now, eight years later, we meet in Tokyo.

What a coincidence!

Maybe it was meant to be.

We were drawn together after eight years...

Like the poles of a magnet.

Was that...too pretentious?

I'm sorry. I drank too much.

I don't feel so good...

Here you are.


Thank you.

Are you OK?

Sorry my place is such a mess.

I'm the sorry one.

I'd better get going.

I'm sorry...

Sherlock, what do you think of this photo?

Uh, Sherlock!

You're here? What is it?

How's this picture?

Composition? Quality? Paper? Subject?

Me! Me! How do I look?

Yes, not bad!

No, the photographer is no good.

Do you know anyone?

I'm back.

Wato! Wato!

Look at this! This picture.

Very nice. You look very pretty.


You have such a charming smile.

Something's wrong.

Only the wedding dress?


This was in one of the pockets.

I know the truth.Call me.--

It's Nanami Kanzaki's phone number.

- Kanzaki, isn't she the stalker?- Right.

Give it back.

Give it to me.

You can't just take evidence away.

I'm not evidence!

Damn heavy!

You're Nanami Kanzaki, right?


Did you write this?


We know this phone number is yours.

Yes, that's true, but I didn't write it.

She reeks of alcohol.

Four days ago, you went to confront Kazuma Saeki.

He told me he was going to marry me.

Then he went and married some bitch! I was pissed!

Where were you during the wedding?

At the hospital!

I had a terrible stomach ache after I saw him.

I was diagnosed with acute gastroenteritis.

Agh! I hate his guts!

What's in the suitcase?

Hydrogen water.


I don't really get it.

That's from our store.

Show me the security footage.

That's against policy...


Sorry about her...

- Wait!- Next please.

Hey, take over the reg.

I'm not supposed to do this.

Go back.

Too much.

OK, stop!

I think it's him.

A man?

Not Nanami?

This lists a razor, shaving cream, and trunks.

Wedding photos?

This guy?

It's him?



Why did you do that?!


Have a nice day.



You're not with your friend.

That useless idiot's not my friend!

Nanami Kanzaki was hospitalized during the wedding.

This receipt was his.

He spotted us and ran away.

He looks familiar...

Just like the suspect in a case from years ago.

Where is he now?

Supposedly dead.

He k*lled his girlfriend and fled to the mountains.

The mountains?

Shibata, hurry up.

My apologies.

The victim was Miku Nishino, years old.

She was stabbed in the back and bled to death.

It was first thought to be a robbery gone wrong.

But that wasn't the case.

Natsuo Koda's name came up as a suspect.

A year old alpine photographer.

He was seeing Miku Nishino at the time.

A knife covered in her blood was found in his room.

An arrest was attempted, but he fled.

It's believed he was k*lled in an avalanche.

Any proof he was in the mountains?

Camera footage from a mountain hut.

But his body was never found.

With the suspect missing, it's an unsolved case.

He's alive.


Stop that.

Sorry, sir!

Stop. Don't touch that!

I suddenly started having trouble breathing.

I see.

Are you OK now?

What happened?


Talking helps.

It helps you to clean out what's inside of you.

It can help you feel better.

Both mentally and physically.

You can say anything here.

Things you can't tell your family or friends.

But only if you want to.

I'm afraid...

People might feel sorry...

or treat me differently.

I can't bring myself to tell the truth.

I'm scared of people knowing what I'm really like.

In psychology, we have a name for that.

It's a persona.

The face an individual shows others.

We all have several personas.

Revealing your true character...

You're not the only one who fears that.

That's not what I mean.

I was wounded...

in a b*mb blast.

You're no different.

My impression of you hasn't changed a bit.

It's all right.

You are...

you, no matter what.

Don't worry.

I'm back.

Why was Natsuo Koda at the wedding?

He's a m*rder suspect. He took a huge risk.

He must have had a good reason.

Do you think Risa left with him?

People would notice a suspicious guy like him.

What about the dress?

Why was it on the bridge?

To buy some time.

Nanami's number was written on the receipt to interfere with the police investigation.

Who would do that?

You used this vacuum to clean this room?


It can suck up broken glass and water.

But there was no broken glass.

You helped Risa Mashima disappear, right?

You said she spilled juice on her dress, right?

But there were no stains on the dress we found. Why?

Because you're lying.

Risa asked you for help, so you planned everything.

You gave Risa the vacuum and a change of clothes.

Risa changed into the uniform you brought.

Then you compressed her wedding dress.

And hid it in the vacuum.

Then Risa left the room disguised as you.

You waited for the right timing before telling the groom and guests about Risa's disappearance.

I'm sorry!

Why did you do that?

Risa's former boyfriend showed up.

Former boyfriend?

This man?

Yes, him!

She thought he died in the mountains.

But he showed up to take her away.

Please help me!

Ma'am, if we cancel now...


She said she'd give anything to be with that man.

My heart went out to her.

I just had to help.

I'm so sorry!

Where is she now?

I have no idea where she went.

Thank you.

But wasn't Koda dating Miku Nishino, who was m*rder*d?

But why did she say that Risa was dating him?

They're not dating.

Risa lied about dating Koda to get the wedding planner's help.

They're up to something.

What do you mean?

Two years ago, nothing made sense...

The police said that Natsuo k*lled my daughter.

But I didn't believe it.

He would never do such a thing.

Why do you say that?

Only days before, Miku brought him to see me.

I have something to ask you.

Please marry me!

Huh? Me...?

Hey, want to marry her?

I messed up! I don't need you.

Oh no! That's not what I mean...!

They were so in love.

Truly in love.

Natsuo would never think of harming her.

I just couldn't believe it.

Do you know this woman?

That's Risa. An old friend of my daughter's.

Miku wanted to make some jewelry for Risa.

She always talked about it.

Miku was a jewelry designer?

Yes, but she wasn't famous.

She always stayed up late sketching though.

She really worked hard.

Would you mind showing me her designs?

I'm afraid they're all gone.

I searched her room after the incident,

but couldn't find a single one.

Now we know the connection between Risa and Miku.

But where has Risa disappeared to?

Look at this.

It's Koda's receipt.

But it's a woman's handwriting.

Who wrote it?

Well, not Nanami's.

Risa signed this marriage certificate.

Look closely.

I don't get it.

Risa Mashima wrote the note.

This means Risa and Koda met before the wedding,

and planned everything together.

But why?

Eliminate the impossible,

and you're left with the unlikely truth.

Homemade lunch?

How nice.

Marriage is great. You should settle down, too.

The tray, too?

Yeah, she's great.

Why did Sherlock ask us to follow Saeki?

She has her reasons.

What's in your soup?

Tofu and fried bean curd.

Fried bean curd?

Looks good.

Oh, over there.

Sherlock, he's on the move.

Those eggs look good, too.

Try it.

- Really?- Just one.

Thank you.

That's where you hid them.


This text...wasn't you?

I have Miku's sketchbooks. - Risa

What's going on?

You k*lled Miku.

After Koda went missing in the mountains, you planted the knife at his place.

What are you saying?

Why would I k*ll Miku?

Isn't the evidence in those bags?



Allow me.

You went to the trouble of a fake marriage.

Just to obtain proof that he did it, right?

Fake marriage?

Here's the design that won the Jewelry Awards.

But this isn't your sketchbook.

It's Miku's.

Miku often showed me her designs.

I notice immediately.

The same goes for all your other designs, too.

Everything was actually Miku's work.


It's so cute.

You think so?


I'm glad.

You were a junior at design school and saw her talent.

Give them back.

They're my designs.

Like I said, you design while I produce.

A collaboration. You'll be paid well.

Give them back!

You k*lled Miku and stole her sketchbooks.

You then planted the knife used in the crime in Koda's room to divert the blame.

The police were waiting at my apartment in Tokyo.

Risa was the only one who believed I was innocent.

You would never k*ll your beloved Miku.

Once I saw the award-winning design...

I knew that you were the one who k*lled her.

But I didn't have proof.

That's why Risa got close to you.

To find out the truth behind Miku's m*rder.

I searched every inch of your apartment while you were gone.

But I couldn't find the sketchbooks.

That left the office and his parents' home.

But someone was always around.

So you decided to search the day of the wedding?

I managed to get the keys.

And gave one to Koda during the flower shower.

Miss Mashima!

Why don't you rest a bit?

He went to the office.

Risa snuck out to search for the sketchbooks at Saeki's parents' home.

But there was no sign of them.

You were getting desperate.

You would soon contact Saeki directly.

After we analyze this blood, we'll know for sure.

If I were Miku, I would be happy.

I showed off her designs.

She was talented, but she couldn't promote herself.

You bastard!

You! You bastard!

I bet Miku appreciates what I've done.

For the sake of her designs.

That's enough.

I knew it.

This was also Miku's design.


How could you give this to me?

Inspector, she att*cked me.

Did something happen?

This case has put me off marriage.

So, did you find someone?


C'mon! A good photographer!

I asked you to find someone.

The matchmaking company needs my photo.

- You know someone, right?- Huh?

- A good photographer.- Really?

I guess so.

Let me check these.

You should get some taken, too.


Yes! He won't mind! Right?

Of course not.

I'll go make some tea then.

I thought I'd never see you again.

Me too.

Will you take my picture?


Make me look good, please.

Got it.

Please take a seat.

All right. Get ready.

I'm so relieved.

About what?

You were worried, too!

Wato was so depressed.

What do you mean?

Such good friends.

She's not my friend!

Why can't you just admit it!

You look happy.

No, not really...

How long have you been there?


Cucumber toner!

Sherlock made too much.


She said it's not just for skin, but good for scars, too.

SherlockYuko Takeuchi

Wato Tachibana (Wato-san)Shihori Kanjiya