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05x07 - Devil's Bargain

Posted: 11/18/09 21:44
by bunniefuu
Melinda: Previously on "Ghost Whisperer"....

Zoe: That book is the key to everything.

The book is always changing. New things are written, old things are erased.

You know, Carl said that Aiden would have powers that I don't.

What if that means seeing things that I can't, things that are real?

Tell them why your friends shine.

Because they don't have faces.

They're made of light.

But they're scared.

What are they scared of, buddy?

The shadows.

What kind of shadows are those?

The ones they make from the parts that get left behind.

Parts of what?

People. Broken people.


[Indistinct chatter]

Be sure to let them cool a little.

I will.

And save your tin foil for the shinies.

You, too, aunt Delia.

Ok, honey, I will.

The shinies?

Kind of sounds like a new family in town.

Melinda: Pretty weird, huh?

Be grateful. Ned's imaginary friend was named Bob, and all Bob ever did was watch TV and agree with everything Ned had to say.

I know, but he talks to these shiny people like they're real, you know?

And I can't see them or hear them.

And then they put these scary ideas in his head, like the shadows.

Which she can't see, either.

Not the ones that move, anyway.

Shadows that move? Apparently.

I mean, could a 5-year-old even make that up?

One that lives with ghosts, sure.


He's supposed to have abilities that I don't, but what if talking to these shiny people is one of them?

You know, I mean, what if Aiden's imaginary friends aren't imaginary?

I don't know. Would that be so bad?

They told Aiden this morning that something bad was going to happen.

Something really bad, really soon.


[Sirens in distance]

Doctor: All right, I need you to be still.

Girl: Where are my parents?

I want my mom to come with me.

All right, Ruby g., don't even tell me you're nervous.

Hello, you guys are about to cut me open and rip out my gallbladder.

And I can't miss the playoffs.

Time out.

Nobody's going to be ripping anything out of anywhere.

And secondly, you're not going to miss the playoffs.

Because we never let anybody miss the playoffs, do we? Hey, um, maybe we could postpone the surgery?

Ruby, how many matches have you missed because of your stomachaches?

Too many. All right.

So this surgery is going to make that problem disappear.

Uh, if I can ever find a vein.

We should try the other arm, huh? All right.

Yeah. Don't worry about it.

Everything's going to be all right.

Thanks. Just relax, Ruby, it's going to be ok.

I'm scared.

There's nothing to be afraid of.

Except this is going to be a little pinch. Ow.

The surgery will take about an hour.

And you're gonna be out, and be able to go home and sleep in your own bed.

Yeah, but I'm gonna have a big honkin'
scar on my stomach.

No. The surgery's laparoscopic.

There will be four tiny little marks.

All right? Now, Dr. Prakash is going to give you something that's going to help you relax.

Hey, um, you're not going to let anything happen to me? Promise?


What are you doing?

Uh, nothing, Dr. Morgan.

I was just helping--

Dr. Prakash is perfectly capable of doing his job.

Now scrub in.

Right. Sorry.


[Monitor beeping]

Gallbladder's out.

No bleeders.

Surgical sight looks good.

Nicely done. Let's finish up.

Dr. Lucas is going to close. I'm honored.

Well, you're the one who promised her there wouldn't be any scars.

Well, I didn't so much as promise her that.

[Monitor beeping]
End tidal co-2 is down.

What? Stats are dropping.

Could be an embolism. Give her a hundred percent o2.

She's brading down. BP's falling.

Releasing hemoperitoneum.

Let's get the ports out.

Uh, it's yours. Move.

[Monitor flat-lining]

Cardiac arrest. Start compression.

Give her epi. Woman: I'll get it, doctor.

What just happened?

Come on. Come on, Ruby.

Come on, girl, right here.

Stay with us.

Come on, baby. Ruby...

There was nothing we could do.

She had a massive pulmonary embolism.

She was a healthy
19-year-old girl.

Not healthy enough, apparently.

Is that how you feel?

I mean, really?

It's the truth.

That's how we cope with things, huh?

By not caring.

No, by not getting invested in the first place.

You set yourself up, not to mention the patient.

She was scared. I--

I just wanted to reassure her.

You made an invasive procedure sound like a haircut.

The only thing you ever say to a patient ever is that surgery carries risks.


[Lockers creaking]

What the hell?


Oh, no.

See you tomorrow on rounds. Don't be late.

Ruby, if that's you, I'm sorry.

And I understand if you're angry at me.


[Lockers creaking]

Child, whispering: Can you see us?


You want your night light on?

Hmm, I sleep better when it's dark.

Why is that, pal?

If there's no light, there can't be any shadows.

And I can see the shinies better.

Do the shadows come in here?

No. I just don't like to imagine them.

You want me to stay with you?

No. I'm not scared.

My friends didn't say any bad stuff would happen to me.


Nothing bad is ever going to happen to you.

I love you.

Love you, too.

Good night, pal. Good night, dad.

Lockers slamming, words repeating on the P.A.?

Sounds like a ghost to me.


Ruby Grayson.

She was a sophomore.

I haven't seen her hanging around.

It started happening right after we lost her.

That doesn't mean she's haunting you.

I mean, you said it yourself that her death was no one's fault.

Yeah, but Morgan got on me for reassuring her, right?

So maybe she heard that. And then she thought that...

Jim, you didn't do anything wrong.

Has anything else happened?


But I'm telling you, I feel like...

I could feel that she was angry at me, you know?

I don't blame her.

Probably 'cause you're angry at yourself.

'Cause you care.

Too much, according to Morgan.

One of the many reasons I'm in love with you.

You were kind to her.

There's nothing wrong with that.

You know, maybe...

You're being haunted by your own doubts more than anything else.


Look, what did Aiden mean when he said that his friends said no bad stuff would happen to him?


Tell you what, why don't you send her picture to my cell and I'll take a look at it? Ok?

If it'll make you feel better.

Yeah, yeah, it might.


If you're around, I really need to talk to you.

Carl? [Gasps] Oh.

Do you always have to do that?

Do you always have to keep calling?

Is it a problem?

They don't like me to talk to you too often.

We're watchers, you know. We're not meddlers.

I'm sorry. I know. It's just...

Your son. You're worried about your son.

His new friends.

It all felt harmless until they told him that something bad was going to happen.

Jim lost a patient yesterday during surgery, and he thinks that she might be haunting him.

But you're not so sure.


Let me see the picture on your cell phone.

How did you know that?!

Oh, right. The watching.

Hmm. Haven't seen her.

Doesn't prove anything.

Why don't you ask me what you really want to know?

Is it true?

The shinies and the shadows?

It just all feels so fanciful.

Because you've never seen them.


So the person who asks people to believe what they can't see is refusing to believe what she can't see.

It's completely normal for children to have imaginary friends.

But you don't really believe that.

Carl, please. Just once, give me a straight answer.

I couldn't, even if I wanted to.

It's too dangerous.

For you?

Are the shadows that powerful?

All I can tell you is this--

the answers are there.

But you have to know when to look.

Don't you mean "where"?

That you already know.

If you're talking about the book, Ned's already looked.

Ok, there's no shinies or shadows in there.

Maybe not now.

What does that mean?

What use would the book be if it got itself destroyed?

Are you saying that the book hides things to protect itself?


Someday soon, you may want to think about doing the same.

Please don't touch that.

President Bedford. I wasn't sure how long I'd be waiting.

Your assistant didn't know where you were.

Well, I was detained. My apologies.

You wanted to see me about something?

You honestly don't know?

Professor Sanders?

Tenure? Job for life?

Well, if you want to congratulate him, I suggest a nice Bordeaux.

This is twice you've passed me over.

I get published more and invited to more conferences than any Professor in the entire psych department.

Do you?

I've also been voted best Professor by my students three years running.


I even worked on my appearance and my hair since your last evaluation.

Well, I find that hard to believe.

It's a job offer, from Collier university. It's not the first.

It's a good school. You should take it.

I don't want to leave here.

I can't. Why not?

Let's just cut to the chase.

What do you have against me?


Well, it's not so much that I don't respect you or that I disapprove of your cowboy methods or that I cringe every time you open your mouth representing this university in public.

Although all those things are true, it's just, the simple fact is, I just don't like you.

Well, for a minute there, I thought it was personal.

What's not to like? I'm likeable, right?

People like me.

Yeah, we like you.

[Sighs] Well, that's a start.

Jim, could you step it up, there?

I got a date at the wine bar at lento's.

Hey, count me in there.

Did you I.D. Your ghost? Not yet.

And there haven't been any other hauntings, so...

Well, maybe it's just some random hospital ghost who was messing with the lockers and the sound system.

Yeah, that's possible.

Or maybe the ghost was just haunting somebody else.

What about Dr. Morgan? Was he surprised by what happened?

I wondered about that.

He was surprised at first, but then he just turned and walked away.

Hmm. Maybe it's not the first time.

Maybe that's why he's being such a sourpuss.

'Cause he's got a ghost keeping him up at night.

Hey, doctor Morgan's a good man.

He's just frustrated he can't perform surgery anymore.

He's in the early stages of Parkinson's.

You know, he's hard on us because he wants us to be as good as he was.

Eli: Funny.

The only thing Bedford wants from me is to dry up and blow away.

What are you--
are you crazy?

Yeah. For you.

Come on.

I locked the door.

Come on. I'll do anything for you.

Absolutely anything.

He used me.

And then he just threw me away.

What'd you see?

Um, let me just put it this way--

you're not the one who's being haunted.

Wow, so the old man did ok for himself.

Was he by any chance married at the time?

No, he was divorced, and I think for a long time.

Any clues about who she was?

Hmm, she was wearing yellow scrubs.

Which means she was a med student.

Damn it. Yikes.

The good doctor, whether married or not, wasn't being so good.

You're not blogging this, ok? Don't blog this.

I'm offended.

I'm searching for female med students at Rockland who have died in the past five years.

Here we go, two of them, both male.

What do you got?

Med school face page. Ooh, I found her.

"Tina Clark, 22, went missing this week."

That was 6 months ago.

Is there a body? Doesn't look like it.

Wait. I know her.

She and I took Morgan's class.

She was really quiet. I think she was his T.A.

I think you mean t and a.

Look, whatever their relationship, we have to figure out what happened between them and why she's so angry at Morgan.

You know, I'd really like to give this guy a chance to explain himself. He was a good teacher.

[Pills clattering]

Dr. Morgan? Oh, I'm sorry.

Can I give you a hand?

I dropped some pills.

For my Parkinson's, if that look on your face means it's any of your business.

I'm sorry.

I just came by to ask your advice about that liver patient who was admitted last night.

Aaronson? Yeah.

Leave the files.

I'll review it and I'll get it back to you.

All right.

Ah, doctor, look, I've been meaning to ask you about Tina Clark. Do you remember her?

Did you know her?

I knew her.

Someone I'm close to was asking about her, and I remembered her from your intro to clinical medicine class.

You know she went missing, don't you?

Well, I knew that she quit medical school.

I heard she went to New York after that.

Was that the last thing you heard about her?

Well, I saw her photo in the news, just like everyone else.

Right. I'm sorry.

I know this must be hard for you.

I know she was your teaching assistant.

And it did seem like the two of you were close, so--

did it, now?

Yeah, look, I'm just trying to help find her, that's all.

You should talk to the police.

Did they talk to you?



Do you think you know something about her, about me?

Look, Dr. Morgan, the shortest answer to that question is yes.

Something that could get you a good evaluation, get you into cardiology?

Let it go. There's no mileage here.

Doctor, I'm not trying to blackmail you.

I'm just asking you to help find a young woman that I thought you cared about.

This is all sounding an awful lot like blackmail to me.

We're done here.

All right.

[Door closes]

Blackmail? Yep.

I mean, you talked about a missing girl and he went straight to blackmail?

And he said there's no mileage here, like he'd been cornered on the topic before.

Maybe someone else knew about the affair.

Well, people gossip.

Yeah, so did you talk to any of his other students?

Yeah, I did.

And nobody wants to be known as the person who blackmailed their Professor.

But a few of them knew Tina.

What did they say about her?

They said that she was always tired, like any medical student.

But that she paid her tuition in cash.

In cash?

Her full tuition?

Yeah. Lots of small bills in lots of installments.

And they said she was scraping by, you know, just borrowing money for books and lab fees.

But, you know, there was something else.

When I walked in on Morgan, he was taking pills.

And he looked like he'd been caught, he was wired.

Maybe he was just taking something for his Parkinson's.

Yeah, or maybe he and Tina had more in common than just their affair.

Wait a minute. You think that she's paying all of her bills in cash because they were dealing right out of the hospital?

He does have easy access to dr*gs.

I feel so lost.

I can help you.



Don't judge me.

What do you mean?
["Psychotic girl"
by the black keys playing]

♪I heard you threw your man around ♪
♪Picked him up just to♪
♪Let him down♪
♪It's a shame, baby, but I always knew ♪
♪Just the way you're gonna do ♪
♪Oh, no♪
♪Just a psychotic girl♪
♪And I won't get lost in your world ♪

[Music stops]

[Door slams]


Go away, Tina.

For good.

Who did this?

Who was threatening you?

It wasn't a threat.

Are you saying that someone k*lled you?

He wanted me gone.

Who? Was it Morgan?




Woman: Here you go. Thank you.

So I tell you that a med student is a stripper, and you're not surprised either?

Well, Tina wouldn't be the first grad student to moonlight.

That's what I said. Tuition's expensive, time is money.

It's maximum results for minimum effort.

Yeah, easy for you to say.

Well, what did Tina's other career really have to do with anything?

Maybe that's why Morgan wanted to be so rid of her.

It's bad enough for your career to date a student.

Even worse if she happens to be a stripper.

What? Bad enough to want to k*ll her, though?

Tina said that he wanted her gone, but she still hasn't told me how she died.

We gotta find that body.

Have the police tell us what the ghost won't.

Morgan said the last thing he heard is that she was on the way to New York.

So if that wasn't in the papers, it'll help narrow down the search.

Especially if they're only looking in the morgues.

I'll call detective Blair.

She doesn't ask questions anymore.

She's glad for the help.

Wait. Where are you going?

Uh, Tina's other life, the one she hid, to find out what else she's been hiding. Wait a minute.

You're going to a strip club?

Yes. Ok?

And I never thought I would say this to my husband, but you're coming with me.


What about me?!

[Indistinct chatter]

Um... So the bouncer said you guys were friends of Tina's?

Uh, yeah, we took a class together once.

Did you know that Tina was in medical school?


You know, I used to be an executive assistant downtown.

Thought I'd do this a couple hours a week.

One night turned into three, three turned into five, and pretty soon, I couldn't stay awake at my day job.

Now this is what I do.

So is that what happened with Tina?

Sure, she said this was short-term for her, and I believed her because one day I came in, and she was just gone.

Was that when they reported her missing?

No. She went missing later.

She left here for New York.

Didn't say good-bye?

Look, she got on the wrong side of somebody, and she didn't say who.

You know, we tried to stay friends.

I even went to visit her once.

She had a nice place.

A really nice place.

You seem surprised.

[Chuckles] We don't make that kind of money here.

I figured she landed on her feet, met somebody. A rich somebody.

Charee, do you mind if we show you some photographs?

Ahem, right. Have you seen this guy?


Morgan had a beard for a while, so it might--

wait, wait, go back. That guy.

I've seen him with Tina. Wait a minute.

Why didn't the cops show me that guy?

That's Bedford. Are you sure?

Oh, yeah.

They were arguing about something.

President Bedford.

At the time, I thought it was because he was cheap and they were coming to terms.

To terms?

Because they went into the back room after.

You know, for a private.

The next day, Tina was gone.

[Deep voice]
Shh, come on, don't do it.

We told you.

[High-pitched voice]
What? You never told me.

[Deep voice]
Yes, we did.

Don't talk to him.

[High-pitched voice]
Why not?

[Deep voice]
You know why not.

Aiden, what are you doing?


Playing what? Teacher.

Is that the teacher?

Who's not supposed to talk to him?


Who doesn't want me to talk to him?

Well, my friends.

They say the shadows don't like it when you do.

Whose teacher have I been talking to?


He teaches grown-ups.

Is it your daddy's teacher?


Uncle Eli's.

[Cell phone rings]

Hey, I was just about to call you.

They found Tina's body.

She was laying dead in the street.

She's been a Jane Doe in some morgue in downtown New York.

Od'ed on prescription meds.

You know what, I'm not surprised.

I felt high when I was dancing.

She must have been doing dr*gs just to make it through the night.

Cops were finally able to search her apartment.

They found a lot of hidden cash.

Her friend said that she had money, enough to OD.

But then why would she be blaming Dr. Morgan for her death?

Maybe 'cause he turned on her.

Threatening her to make her leave town.

Except he's not the guy they saw at the club.

It was Bedford, your boss, your teacher.

My teacher?

Yeah, it was Bedford. Look, I'll explain later.

Now we just have to figure out how he's involved.

Think he's sleeping with her, too?

No, it's gotta be more than that for the shadows to get involved.

The shadows?

Yeah, Aiden said that I'm not supposed to talk to Bedford because they don't like it when I do.

The shadows, the parts that get left behind when people go into the light, they actually want something?

Well, whatever it is, they're scary enough that the book decided to rewrite itself to erase any mention of them.

Ok, just pretend for a moment that any of this makes sense.

The shadows are in bed with the president?

That dude just gets more and more evil.


[Wind blowing]

[Glass breaking]
[Bedford grunting]






It's you!

No, you're wrong.

I'm not the one you should punish!





Was he injured? Only his ego.

I heard that when maintenance finally pried open the elevator door, they found the president curled up in the fetal position.

I only wish I could have been there to see it.

Eli, he's a person. A haunted person who has a ghost that we can't cross over until we find out what happened between them.

Wait a minute, what do you mean, what happened between them? Do we think that Tina was sleeping with both Morgan and Bedford?

I don't know about that, but I do know one thing that they both wanted.

You asked me to look for a connection, right?

Well, I think I found one.

Right around the time that Tina went missing, Bedford became president of the university.

Guess who he was running against.

Dr. Morgan.

Who acted like he'd been threatened before about his affair with Tina. Yeah.

But if Bedford wanted the affair to go public, why would he be at the club threatening Tina to get her to leave town?

You know what, maybe it's the other way around.

Maybe Bedford was paying her to go public and Morgan was threatening her to be quiet and then go.

Yeah, but would either one of those guys thr*aten a girl's life over a job?


What if it was about more than the job?

What if it was about the book?

Wasn't Bedford managing the sale of Rockland's rare book collection, the one with our book in it?

Till it got stolen and ended up with us.

So you think that Bedford knew about the book, then?

I'm sure the shadows did.

There must be some reason why they don't want you talking to him.

Oh, if the wrong people got a hold of that thing...

Bedford's president now.

He'd have total control over it.

Maybe that's what he's been after all along.

You want to tell me why you're going around asking questions about me and Tina Clark?

And the day after you're asking these questions, it's in the news that she's dead?

Doesn't that sound strange to you?


No, the only thing that seems strange to me is this--

from the day I got here, you know, I've been defending you against people who say you're too hard on your staff.

And you know what I tell them?

I tell them it's because you care.

You care about us, you care about our patients.

And because you're an honest man.

But ever since this Tina thing started, no, doctor, you have not been an honest man.

You're angry at me?

No. You're stonewalling me.

Why is that, Dr. Morgan?

You're right. I'm sorry.

I just don't know how. If you're sorry, stop lying and tell me what happened.

Some people call it a perk of my job.

I call it a waste of my time, but attending surgeons are wined and dined by sales reps all the time.

This one night, the sales reps dragged me to a strip club.

[Music playing, indistinct cheering]

I'm not going to pretend I didn't look.

But I really wasn't in the mood.

So I went outside to get some air.

On the way out, I passed a partially opened door.

I glanced inside, and I saw Tina giving someone a private dance.

It would have ended there, but...

She looked up and saw me.

As soon as I got outside, she was running to catch me.

Dr. Morgan!

No, please wait!

She needed to tell me that she only danced to pay her tuition bills.

I told her it was none of my business.

You've got to understand!

But...She was so ashamed, she couldn't stop crying.

I gave her my shoulder.

But it didn't take long for it to turn into something more.

Didn't you try to break it off?

A hundred times.

I'm not saying that I don't share the blame, but Tina had problems.

She had an addictive personality, and not just about us, either.

Do you think she was stealing meds?

I never caught her, but I recognized the behavior.

And I'm pretty sure she was using.

How did it end?

My old friend, Josh Bedford.

President Bedford? You guys are friends?


Josh came to see me because he knew about me and Tina, and begged me to break it off. For my own good.

See, he knew that I was on the short list for university president.

What he failed to mention was that he was on that list, too.

What did you do?

Well, like a fool, I did what he told me.

I let him talk to Tina for me.

What do you mean? What do you think happened?

She packed up overnight and left.

And somehow, news of our relationship got out.

And somehow, the guy they picked to be president was the one person that knew about me and Tina.

You think he got her to disclose the affair?

They find her dead body on a street corner with a pile of cash sitting at home in a new, expensive place, when a month before she was lap-dancing to make ends meet.

Now he's president, handing out millions of dollars in research grants and construction contracts.

What do you think?

[Siren in distance]

President Bedford.

Do you have any idea how hard it was to find you?

Not hard enough, apparently.

You're disappearing every day.

Your staff has no clue where you are.

Well, you could ask my mother if she weren't comatose.

That's your mother? Yeah.

I visit her every day since the liver failure.


I'm sorry to hear about that.

So you got something to get off of your chest?

Look, I know all about your meetings with Tina Clark.

And I know you probably paid her off to go public about her affair with Dr. Morgan.

And I got a pretty good idea why.

You wanted to become president.


But not just so you keep your foot on the necks of professors you don't like.

You wanted to control the book.

Look, I'm going to give you some advice, and I suggest you don't make me repeat it.

Now some of what you think you know may be true, but it's just part of the story.

How do you know how much I know?

Because if you knew more, you wouldn't be babbling about it where they could hear you.


Shut up and listen.

It's true.

I did pay off Dr. Morgan's stripper friend.

But only to make her leave town.


I was trying to help my friend.

It's the last decent thing I've done in a long, long time.

If you didn't leak it, who did?

Just before I found out about Forrest--

Dr. Morgan's affair, I had a meeting with one of my old classmates who was also one of the college trustees.

We were reminiscing about something, and then suddenly his face went blank.

I thought he was having an episode of some sort, but he wasn't.

And then he said... Joshua...

You are going to be the next university president.

All you have to do is nothing.

What are you talking about, Henry?

The next thing I know, he was back to his normal self and apologizing for having broken my carafe.

Oh! I'm sorry.

Are you saying something possessed your friend?

Look, I don't know what happened.

All I know is, the next day, the rumors about Dr. Morgan were flying around.

I thought I was the only one that knew about it.

Well, who do you think spread the rumors?

Two days after I spoke to my friend, I was recruited by the board to replace Dr. Morgan as a candidate.

Now one by one, each candidate withdrew as skeletons began falling out of their closets.

So you're asking me to believe that you had nothing to do with the smear campaign that got you appointed?

And who is this "they"
that is so desperate for you to be president?

You already know who they are.

You know what? I'm done being toyed with.

The minute that you can show me the slightest respect--

why do you think I have treated you this way?!

Why do you think I have tried to chase you away from this university?

I've been trying to protect you.

You and Melinda.

Melinda? How did you--

look, I've said too much.

Protect her from what?

Is it the shadows?

Are you trying to protect us from the shadows?

Stop asking so many questions!

Don't ask any questions at all.


I really need to talk to you.

Are you here?


My husband and Eli, they spoke to Morgan and Bedford.

I think I understand now.

You died so young, that's hard to accept.

And you needed someone to blame, and these two men--

no, they had nothing to do with how I died.

So then why have you been haunting them?

I never haunted Bedford.

And Forrest, well, I loved him.

But I was angry at him until I heard what you and your friends were saying.

That he never asked Bedford to chase you away.

Well, Forrest was weak.

Just like I was.

He could never say no.

And Bedford, well...

He was just trying to protect his friend.

But the truth is, they're the ones who need protecting now.

From what?

I also heard what you said about president Bedford, about what he could control as president.

You mean the book?

So I asked some questions.

You asked questions? About the book?

Well, who did you ask?


There's so many.

Especially here.

In the hospital? Well, what do they say?

They were scared.

So they didn't say much.

Eli said that something possessed a friend of Bedford's.

Is it the shadows?

Is that what the ghosts are so scared of?

Is that what you're trying to protect Bedford and Morgan from?

Tina, please, what is everyone so scared of?


Who's there?

Is anyone there?

Who are you? Is anyone there?

[Breathing heavily]

[Voices whispering]



What are you?

[Voices whispering]

What do you want?


Eli: So what was it? A ghost?

Jim: There they are.

Different than any ghost I've ever met.

What do you mean?

It was like it could get inside me, and all I felt was cold, fear and hate.

Then it just disappeared?

Sort of.

It was uncoiling like this band of cold slithering off me.

Tina's here.

She's just keeping her distance.

Did you tell him what I can do?

Yeah, I did.

A month ago, I would have booted him out of the hospital.

But recently, you felt like Tina was here?

So this light that she's supposed to go into, she stayed back because of me?

You have to ask her that.

Is she here?

I don't know where to begin.

I'm so sorry for what happened.

I was your teacher.

I never should have let us get involved.

Tell him that he's right, but that it's my fault just as much as it is his.

She says it's her fault, too.

But if I played a part in leading her down a path to her death...

No, I had a pill problem long before I met Forrest.

Her addiction was there long before you were.

So what's kept her here? How can I help her move on?

I made so many mistakes.

Like not believing in myself and running away from things when I really should have faced them.

But the one thing that I always did was I took the easy way out.

You know, the easy money, the easy relationship.

She always chose the easy way out, the easy relationship.

Didn't take any work.

Do nothing, we stay together.

Do nothing, and it eventually ends.

Eli: Just like Bedford.

That's what they told him, do nothing and you'll become president.

But I'm not going to do that now.

I'm not going to leave Forrest alone now, or Bedford.

Even he's not to blame for this.

Tina, I know you want to protect them, but I don't think you can.

How do you know that?

You said it yourself.

Ghosts are scared.

Whatever this thing is, it can hurt them, and they don't have the power to stop it.

Well then, who can?

I don't know.

But I'm going to find out.

Tina, whatever this thing is, it can't mean more than you being where you belong.

Can you see the light?

Look for the light.

She can see it, she just doesn't want to go in.

If you want to help me, move into the light.


Melinda: Why?

All the time that we were together, I told myself that I was good for you.

But I really wasn't.

I want to be good for you.



Tell him I don't know if we were good for each other...

But he--he was the best thing I ever had.

I will.

Melinda: She's gone.

Please, mother, Chopin isn't muzak.

Now if you don't pipe down, I won't read you your Jane Austen.

Where were we, Hmm?

Page 293.

"But no such happy marriage

"could now teach the admiring multitude what connubial felicity really was"--


[Electricity flickering]

"The, uh, union of a different tendency, and precluding the possible"--


Leave her alone.

She's helpless.

She can't even open her eyes, for God sake.

In the middle of the night, when no one is looking, I'm going to go to that machine over there, the one that keeps me alive, and unplug it.

I will slowly die, Josh.

It will be painful.

And it will be on your head.

Why are you doing this to her?

You have no right.

I've done everything you've asked.

You've been sharing our business.

That's not acceptable, Josh.

You will pay a price.

I won't let you hurt her.

If I have to keep a nurse in here
24 hours a day, I will do whatever it takes.

Do you hear me?

Do you hear me?!

[Monitor beeping]


I need a nurse!

Nurse! Help us, please!
