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01x03 - m*rder Case

Posted: 01/08/23 08:58
by bunniefuu

Sorry for calling on you so early. I'm from the state police.

Are you Dr. Tenma?

What can I do for you?

Excuse me, but were you at home all night?

No... I was out drinking until it was nearly morning...

What about it?

The truth is,

Eisler Memorial Hospital's Director Heinemann;

Chief of Surgery, Dr. Oppenheim, and Dr. Boyer are dead.

In any case, no one except the police are allowed at the scene of the crime!

Episode 3: A m*rder

Even so, you are obstructing the operations of the hospital.

The Press is not allowed

- inside the hospital!
- Please don't do anything

to excite the patients!

Was it an accident? Or was it m*rder?

Three people died at the same time! Of course it was m*rder!

Are you from the hospital?

Do you know anything about this incident?

Out of my way! Let me through!

Hey! No one is allowed in!

I'm Dr. Kenzo Tenma of this hospital!

Oh... go right ahead. Hey! Don't push!

So, did you see anyone suspicious?

Wait a minute. Now is not the time...

- Now is not the time...
- Dr. Tenma!

Dr. Tenma! The Director!


Everyone, calm down! Are the emergencies taken care of?

W-Well, even at this time...

there's been no end to the emergencies.

There are two patients waiting to be operated on...

I understand. I'll help out!

Take care of the car accident victim with the brain contusion.

I'll go to the X-ray Reading Room to look at the x-rays first.

What about the other case?

A patient who collapsed due to a stroke.

Oh, Doctor, will you help us in our investigation?

Now is not the time...

I know that, but the initial investigation is vital!

Do you know of anyone with a grudge against the director and the others?

A grudge?

You may consider your path to becoming

the doctor you envisioned closed.

What? Do you know something?

Oh... No.

Dr. Tenma!

Trouble! Those children... The twin brother and sister...

We can't find them anywhere!

Is the sister's bed empty, too?

I looked! But they're nowhere to be found...

What's going on?

What in the world has happened?

...compassionately extended a helping hand.

We will surely praise his lifetime of achievements through eternity.

Farewell Dr. Heinemann. Rest in peace. Amen.


- Eva... - Eva.

I know it's difficult, but pull yourself together...

Let me go!

Give back my father! Father!

It's just too much, Dr. Tenma.


Up until now, she lived an easy life as the director's daughter...

Now suddenly, she's just an ordinary person.

It must be a big shock...

How can you say that at a time like this?

Oh, pardon me.

You're Dr. Tenma, aren't you?

I am Detective Visbaugh

of the Nordhein-Westfalen Police Department.

Thank you for your efforts.

This was such a tragic incident...


Let me introduce you. This is...


I am Inspector Lunge of the BKA.

I've heard rumours that you are a brilliant physician.

Not at all. I've still got a long ways to go.

Um... Have you any idea where the children are?

Never mind them.

We have determined what caused

the death of the director and the other two.

We found a nitrate type poison in their bodies.

nitrates... That means a muscular relaxant...

As expected of a doctor. You are knowledgeable...

But how could something like that...

It was sweets.


The same sweet wrapper was found beside each body,

and the same sweets were found in their stomachs.

By the way...

Would you have any idea where the three of them

might get a hold of something like that?

I don't know anything about that. What about the search for the twins?

The BKA has taken over the investigation.

Don't worry about it.

This incident may have started

when the parents of those twins were shot and k*lled.

Their parents defected from East Germany

and were k*lled by someone.

Then, the director and doctors of the hospital

where the children were taken to were k*lled.

There is also the possibility that this is political terrorism.

Those children might be holding a major clue.

Please. Please find them.

We will do our best.


Before the incident, the Director removed him from his position as Chief.

Furthermore, the Director's daughter broke off her engagement to him...

But he was in a bar drinking at the time of the incident.

He has an alibi...

Umm... May I ask you something?

Why do you move your hand like that?

What? Oh, I'm typing.


I'm inputting all the information into the disk in my head.

When I press the key to extract the information...

" Not at all. I still have a long ways to go."

That's what Dr. Tenma bashfully said when I called him brilliant.

The police? Do they suspect you of doing something?

It's because there's enough evidence for me to be a suspect.

Don't worry about it.

They were quite persistent when they questioned me, too.

I'm exhausted...

When the dust from this thing settles, I think I'll go back to Japan...

- What? - I came to Germany to do research,

but due to the recent chain of events,

I feel like I've gone back to saving lives, the true duty of a doctor.

Hey, don't be so depressing.

I'm tired...

I'm just so tired...

Your progress is favourable, Mr. Buchner.

Thank you, Dr. Tenma. Do you think I can work again?

Yes, of course.

My store will go under if I'm not there.

But you mustn't overdo it.

I'll go have a drink there after you're released.

I'll be there to make sure you don't overdo things.

Dr. Tenma


I heard that you were leaving this hospital.

Is that true?


Please don't quit.

There aren't any good doctors like you.

Please don't say you're quitting.


Mr. Buchner...

Dr. Tenma, the Chairman is asking for you.

The board is discussing who should succeed to the empty posts.

Up until now, the Director's faction has filled the major positions...

There will be a considerable purging of personnel.

The rumour is Dr. Eckner is being transferred

to a small hospital in Bavaria.

- Is that so... - Umm, Dr. Tenma!

- What? - No matter what the Chairman says,

please don't give up!

We're all behind you!

Please don't leave this hospital!


I'll say it again. I am performance oriented.

Dr. Tenma, you are appointed to Chief of Surgery.

What a life...

I went against the orders of the Director,

lost my position as Chief,

and my engagement to Eva was dissolved.

As soon as I decide to work as a simple doctor

without any hope of promotion...

Wh-What a life!

I'm sorry for calling you out.

I heard you've been appointed Chief of Surgery. That's very good.

Thank you...

Kenzo... At my father's funeral, you tried to comfort me, didn't you?

Oh... not really...

It made me happy...

A lot of things happened between us, but I'd like to try again.



Please! I was wrong!

I want to try again!




The patient hospitalised for a spinal cord tumour...

His paralysis has accelerated.

I understand. I'll perform the operation.

If you will, Chief of Surgery.

Make the arrangements for the operation.

Yes, sir!

Honestly, when will this flood recede?


I thought the world would change

when the Berlin Wall came down six years ago,

but nothing good has happened.

Even with the unification of Europe,

hopeless people from all over come flowing in.

Yeah. There's been an increase in unexplainable crimes.


Inspector, we've arrived.

Both victims had their throats slit open with a knife.

Their identities?

The Reichmanns of Stich Drive

They were m*rder*d in their home.

We believe that they were hidden in a closet,

and their bodies floated out because of the flood.

A m*rder of a middle-aged couple.

There have been four incidents in Germany

over the past two years.

All by the same method.

It's probably a robber who targets rich middle-aged couples.

No, it's too soon to call them robberies.

According to the data, for some reason,

all of the couples did not have children.

This couple certainly did not have any children.

Don't you think there are too many similarities

to call them robberies?

But money and goods have been taken from all of the victims' homes...

All of them totalling very little.

It would make sense if a single perpetrator did it.

Are you suggesting that there wasn't a single perpetrator?

Two of the homes had extremely strong locks and alarms.

But the perpetrator opened them and entered very easily.

Also, all the couples did not seem to fight back when they were k*lled

and the neighbours did not hear any noise at the time of the incidents.

Don't you think they were too skilfully done

for it to have been done by a single individual?

Do you know this man?


Adolph Junkers, 32 years old.

He has been convicted twice for larceny.

His role was to open locks... In other words, he's a lock picker.

He was seen near the scene

of three of the murders of middle-aged couples.

Then did this man do it?

I can't say.

Well, that's the extent of your work as state police.

Leave the rest to the BKA.

Uh... yeah...


It didn't fly after all. I've never flown a kite before.

It almost went up.

Well, how was the girl last night?

How was she? She was a nice person.

Hey, hey, she's the daughter of a director, you know.

Don't tell me you just had dinner and saw her home.

Well, there was an emergency call during dinner,

so I had to come back to the hospital.

What's that?! You'd better rethink that all work and no play doctrine!

You're going to lose a great catch and regret it some day!

Hey! Are you listening, Chief of Surgery?!

A kite?

Good morning, Chief.

Is that yours, Karl?

My grandpa gave it to me, but it just won't fly...

Could it be it's unbalanced?

Chief, can you fly a kite?

I did it often during my childhood in Japan.

Try holding it up high, Karl.

Like this?

That's right. ow... will it work?

- Heave ho! - There!

- There we go!

It's flying!

I did it!

Oh, my...

If I were in his shoes, I'd have at least five lovers.


That's amazing, Dr. Tenma.

Get well quickly and fly it yourself, Karl.


Today's surgery is a parasellar meningioma extirpation.

We'll proceed with a right pterional approach.


Watch closely. Chief Tenma will perform the surgery himself.

What a splendid operation.

He's hardly retracted the brain at all!

He truly is a surgical genius.

You residents should treat the brain with tender care.

Always keep this in mind.


This is terrible!

- Look at the blood! - Ambulance! Call an ambulance!

I-I didn't do it! It's not my fault.

This man ran into the street suddenly!

This is the patient?


How is his condition?

Well, I can't say... There's nothing more we can do...

He's a material witness in a certain case.

His testimony alone could solve a serial m*rder case.

We can't have him die.

But the patient is in a very critical condition.

nothing more can be done at our hospital...

There's a terrific brain surgeon at Eisler Memorial Hospital.

If he came...

Brain surgeon...

You mean Dr. Tenma...

Thank you for coming all this way, Dr. Tenma.

How is the patient's condition?

He is in a coma. And one of his pupils is dilated.

It's been a long time, Dr. Tenma.

Um... I'm sorry, but who are you?

It's been nine years. Not since the Director's funeral...

If I'm not mistaken, you're with the BKA.

Inspector Lunge.

Please make this operation a success for the sake of the BKA.


The patient has to live. He holds the key to solving a big case.

I don't operate for the sake of the police.

I do it for the sake of the patient.

That's fine...

Well, I have an operation to perform...

I hear you've become the Chief of Surgery, Dr. Tenma.

You've been very successful...

Is there a problem?

No. At your age, it's quite an accomplishment.

Aren't you in line to become the next Director?

No, that would be a long way off for me.

About the murders at the Eisler Memorial Hospital...

There is very little evidence.

The investigation has been extremely difficult.

The only clue is the poisoned sweets.

The methodology means it is an intelligent crime.

An intelligent crime means

the victim and the assailant have some sort of interests at stake

What are you trying to tell me?

No, excuse me. In this business, I'm constantly thinking like this.

In any case, rest assured.

All the cases I've ever handled have been solved.

Every single one.

I hope so.

We will perform a craniotomy to remove the haematoma.

We must hurry. There is the danger of the brain hernia worsening.

No matter how you look at it,

only one person greatly benefited from the Eisler Memorial Hospital murders.

That is you, Dr. Tenma.

Thank you for taking the trouble to come here.

Not at all. How has the patient been doing?

He's conscious, but his right pupil remains dilated...

And he has some paralysis on the left side.

He's started rehab already, hasn't he? The paralysis should go away.

He's recovering normally.

Also, the police will want to see him, but please refuse for now.

But, that detective, Lunge, is so persistent...

Right now, the patient's recovery is most important.

How are you feeling, Mr. Junkers?

Mr. Junkers, do you recognise me?

Can you see this finger?

How about it? Can you answer me?

What's that?

The monster... is coming...

What's that, Mr. Junkers?

The monster... is coming...

Coming? What's coming?

The monster is coming...

The monster... is coming...

The monster?!