01x24 - The Ties That Bind JoJo

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure". Aired: October 6, 2012 - present.*
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JoJo, becomes involved in a battle against his stepbrother, Dio Brando, who is intent on taking control of the Joestar fortune.
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01x24 - The Ties That Bind JoJo

Post by bunniefuu »

After using Caesar's blazing bandana on Wham, Jojo delivered him his first and final defeat.

Lisa Lisa would have her duel with Cars next.

Stroheim strode onto the scene as their support, with Speedwagon and Smokey in tow.

But the fallacy of a fair duel had met an abrupt end with the defeat of Cars's clone, who was used as a decoy in order for Cars to s*ab Lisa Lisa in the back.

And now, both Jojo and Lisa Lisa were trapped between dismemberment and skewering! Damn you, Cars! Damn you to Hell and back! Jojo doesn't know that Lisa Lisa is actually his mother! Don't drop her now, Jojo.

The ground below is riddled with crystal spikes.

Drop her, and she's dead.


-Cars! You're jacked

-up! You're so jacked

-up, you make the Great Slump sound like a jolly

-good time! Whine on, Wailer.

Prattle on, Provocateur.

Rage on, Rabidus! The only part you may play in our game is the role of rope


Once, four folks arose from the fires of Hell Shijima no soko kara and awoke from their pillars after eons of eternal slumber.

mezameru sono hashiratachi toki wo koe Their ambition for power assembled Shinku no chishio ga the blood of a few bombastic braves.

tachiagaru yuuki wo hikiawaseru But one brave, whose fate was bound in his blood, Uketsugu ai wo sadame to yobu nara shot a sly smirk at his destined demise.

hohoemu me de tsugi no te wo Yami wo azamuite setsuna wo kawashite He would deceive the darkness and dodge the danger! He would exploit the flaws of the foes he faced! Yaiba surinuke yatsura no suki wo tsuke Tsuranuita omoi ga mirai wo hiraku And his memory would live on for all posterity! He's like a bloody storm! Atsuku like a bloody stone Red

-hot like a bloody stone, but would he be ever free of the cursed fate of his family? ketsumyaku ni kizamareta innen ni Who can say, but the bonds of these braves Ukiagaru kienai hokori no kizuna will never be buried.

nigirishimete A Mother and Her Son Episode Jojo! Lisa Lisa! He has no idea that the life he's holding in his very hands is his mom's! Mister Speedwagon, we'd better tell Jojo about his mom! No.

Why not, Gramps?! There are more pressing matters Stroheim! What's taking you so long to vaporize those damn vampires?! Jojo needs your help! Halt die Klappe! It takes more than a minute or two to slaughter all diese Scheisser, ja?! Verdammt! Die, Damonen! Dammit! Stroheim and his SS have their hands full! Jojo! Hold hard to that rope, or she'll slip from your grip.

The range of your reactive lunges have been severely limited by the length of this little rope, aye?! Cars didn't receive any Ripple energy from slashing Jojo's leg?! Th

-That ain't no good! Your respiration's in disarray, and your Ripple energy's exhausted.

Ergo, I may assume that you possess just enough energy for one final attack.

I will pluck the pulp of Life from you, alike petals being plucked from a flower.

Cars! To tell you the truth, I'm not even sure if I can force any energy outta me.

I'm really not.

But nevertheless I've cooked up a new scheme! A scheme that'll sweep you off your feet! Are you dying to know what my ingenious scheme is? Well I ain't tellin'! Jojo! It better not involve tying Lisa Lisa's rope to your own! It's the flame from a match! And guess what I'm gonna do with it! Wh

-What the hell're you doing, Jojo?! You've lit up your own muffler! I'm gonna motivate myself into channeling one last attack before incurring immolation! It's my double

-edged draw! And I ain't foldin' on this flame until I've ruined you with a Royal Flush! Jojo, I would determine your "ingenious scheme" to be infernally ill

-fated by fire! Cease this charade! Your scheme consists of recovering Ripple energy as you run about! I won't have it! I will make your execution my most effortless! I won't stand for your fictive vine

-swinging nonsense! That's too bad! I will respire, one way or another! Listen well.

At any given point during our game, I can simply sever your master's rope.

Swing about once more, and down she goes! Do you want to see her skewered below? Yes or no? Here goes the rope Stop it! Then stop swinging around.

I want you to walk towards me, now.

You don't have to come, if you're willing to have her blood on your hands.

That coward! What will it be? Do you treasure your own life over the life of this woman's? Die! You've chosen an unexpected alternative, but if you want to fall to your deaths together, then I shall sever this rope and oblige you! Jojo! Lisa Lisa! The Ultimate Aja is finally mine, and the Mystics are no more! The rope?! But how?! It's tied around Jojo's ankle! But when did he tie it around his ankle?! I never gave him an opportunity to When he made his first lunge, he swung the rope around his leg so that I'd sever a spare rope for him! Then, he secretly tied the spare rope around his ankle and Lisa Lisa's rope, and made a loop from it.

And this all went unnoticed due to his diversion with the flaming muffler.

He even managed to lure me into his damned loop! That provocateur purposely provoked me into severing Lisa Lisa's rope to do it, too! Curse your accursed deceit! Now, your role is to support both of our weights combined! You're a deceptive deceiver, Jojo! It doesn't feel good to be on the receiving end, does it?! You're a decent deceiver, but I suppose you don't handle being deceived too well! You've been around for tens of thousands of years, but the only way you'll ever match my smarts is by spending ten years in the modern day, Cars! Get ready for the Ripple! Ripple of Repulsion! D

-Did I get him?! Th

-That was the last of my energy! My Ripple energy's all spent! I can't channel another bloody Ripple I

-I channeled it into him! He did it! He sure did! He cracked Cars with the Ripple! Not you! C

-Curse you! Look! Cars has been impaled by the crystal spikes from his fall! He's finally fallen! Behold! Ripple energy is starting to spread straight up his arm! He is now weakened! He is now finished! Even our Uber weapons could k*ll him now! That was shocking, ja? But now, he's ours for the taking! Ready the Ultra

-Uber Ultraviolet Ray Cannon! Jawohl! Mistress Lisa Lisa Cars said that he'd left a smidgen of life in you Supposedly, he stopped short of striking your vitals.

If we patch you up now, I think you'll live to see the sun rise again.

It's over At long last Say, Mister Speedwagon? Mind if I pry a bit? What is it? Why did Nanna Erina tell Jojo a straight fib? That his mother passed away ill during his childhood? Why was Miss Lisa Lisa hiding the truth from her own son? Smokey, I can't I know you asked me not to ask Nanna herself, but I wanna know.

They're family, right? Why do they need to hide that from each other? Smokey I consider Nanna Erina and Jojo to be good homies of mine.

They both stood up for me against a r*cist and two corrupt coppers back in NYC All for a rotten hood like myself! I flew here for my homie, and I always wanna have his back! All right, Smokey.

I'll tell you the story.

You did do a gentleman's duty by looking after Miss Erina during my absence.

But you are never to tell Jojo a word! This is an affair between members of the Joestar Estate, and we outsiders may not interfere with their wishes.

"Lisa Lisa" is an alias An alias for "Elisabeth.

" She was raised by Ripple Master Straits, and eventually met, romanced, and married Miss Erina's son, George Joestar II.

George and Elisabeth eventually had their one and only son, Joseph.

George was a fighter pilot in the Royal Air Force, and even with the unexpected advent of aerial warfare during World w*r I, nothing stopped George from taking to the skies with his wings.

His spectacular performance in the RAF earned him the popular nickname of "The Blue Baron!" However a foul stench surfaced from the sewers of the past to sicken us once more! 49 years ago, Dio Brando created his very own horde of vampires.

Both Straits and I were certain of their extermination by our own hands, but alas! One escaped us and went into hiding, where they lived incognito for decades! And that vampire was one smart stinker, all right He never made a horde of his own, and he even devoured every bone and hair strand on his prey in order to avoid drawing attention to his true nature.

I was dumbstruck to discover that he was a Wing Commander in the Royal Air Force! Th

-The RAF?! The same RAF Jojo's pop's was in?! The very same.

George was the first to uncover his true identity after hearing about Dio's stories from both Straits and I.

But George was just a simple John Smith! He had the talent and aptitude for learning the Art of Mystics, but he never had any formal training! Before he could attain any evidence of the Wing Commander's identity, that damned vampire had already spotted him! And before he could call and inform Straits Officially, George died after his plane crashed during a routine night


Both Straits and I conducted our own investigation for the true cause of death, and we learned of his Wing Commander.

The night I told Elisabeth the truth was the last night she'd ever cradle her beloved baby


Rather than weep over my report, she immediately left the Estate! Elisabeth was a Ripple Master! However, she was vengeful and without restraint! The Wing Commander's subordinate witnessed her m*rder him! The RAF knew nothing about the Art of Mystics or vampires.

All they knew was that one of their exceptional Wing Commanders was k*lled by a "wicked woman" who had set fire to his body after the m*rder! An enemy of the state, Elisabeth would be wanted worldwide for the infamy of murdering a RAF Wing Commander! My Foundation did everything in its power to erase any trace she'd left, and Elisabeth entered exile without a word.

Without even a word to her beloved baby


Miss Erina spoke a somber request to me after Elisabeth's exile.

If Joseph ever asks about his parents whereabouts, tell him that they both passed away.

Let him be spared from it all.

And thus, Elisabeth became "Lisa Lisa.

" Why Why not tell him?! What bad could come from knowing that his mom's still around?! I felt her pain! The very pain Miss Erina felt after losing both her husband and son to the Mystic's crusade against the accursed Stone Mask! That is why she wanted her one and only grandson, Joseph Joestar, to never learn the Art which cost her both her husband and son! That is exactly what Lisa Lisa wanted as well! I feel for this family This unfortunate family! But Jojo Jojo just saved his own mother with that very same Art! Mister Speedwagon There ain't no reason left to hide the truth no more, right? He needs to know that he saved his own mother with the Art of Mystics! True But it's not our decision to make! We'll have to run it by both Miss Erina and Lisa Lisa, first! C'mon Sturmbannführer, the cannon is ready! Good! Put him between the crosshairs! The Third Reich shall be responsible for k*lling Cars! Jawohl! Here comes the countdown, Cars! The countdown to your very doom! Stop, Stroheim! He's wearing the Stone Mask! And the Ultimate Aja's embedded within! Don't shine it on him! M

-Mein Gott! Shut it down! Shut the Ultra

-Uber down, now! Sch

-Scheisse! H

-How could this be?! When did he adorn the damned Stone Mask?! When was the Ultimate Aja embedded in the damn thing?! O God in Heaven! Cars! I'll be the roundabout The words will make you out 'n' out We spend the day your way Call it morning driving thru the sound and In and out the valley In and around the lake Mountains come out of the sky and they Stand there One mile over we'll be there and we'll see You Ten true summers we'll be there and Laughing too.

Twenty four before my love you'll see I'll be There with you Next Time "True Omnipotent Organism?!" He can sculpt any life out of his own body?! Isn't there any way to k*ll that cr*cker?! We have witnessed the birth of Cars the Creator! Episode Cars the Creator
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