01x23 - The Warrior of Wind

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure". Aired: October 6, 2012 - present.*
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JoJo, becomes involved in a battle against his stepbrother, Dio Brando, who is intent on taking control of the Joestar fortune.
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01x23 - The Warrior of Wind

Post by bunniefuu »

Once, four folks arose from the fires of Hell Shijima no soko kara and awoke from their pillars after eons of eternal slumber.

mezameru sono hashiratachi toki wo koe Shinku no chishio ga Their ambition for power assembled the blood of a few bombastic braves.

tachiagaru yuuki wo hikiawaseru Uketsugu ai wo sadame to yobu nara But one brave, whose fate was bound in his blood, hohoemu me de tsugi no te wo shot a sly smirk at his destined demise.

He would deceive the darkness and dodge the danger! Yami wo azamuite setsuna wo kawashite Yaiba surinuke yatsura no suki wo tsuke He would exploit the flaws of the foes he faced! And his memory would live on for all posterity! Tsuranuita omoi ga mirai wo hiraku He's like a bloody storm! Red

-hot like a bloody stone, Atsuku like a bloody stone ketsumyaku ni kizamareta innen ni but would he be ever free of the cursed fate of his family? Ukiagaru kienai hokori no kizuna Who can say, but the bonds of these braves nigirishimete will never be buried.

Episode Waning into the Wind W

-Wind? Why is there wind swirling around him?! Witness my Wind of Destruction! Wh

-What kind of wind is this?! Your seat by the flame obscures my sight Jojo, I cannot clearly define your projection, but as you now suffocate from strangulation, you are powerless to avoid my Wind of Destruction as it inches towards you! Towards total decapitation! Wham's Wind of Destruction is his ultimate technique.

The very pipes he used with steam to shield himself from sunlight may also be used to intake a great deal of air which will undergo ultra

-compression within his lungs.

He then forces the air to exit through a small slit in his horn using ultrahigh

-pressure, which manifests as a small cyclone.

However, in order to accommodate the ultrahigh

-pressure, his body undergoes extreme strain.

Strain so extreme, that his body begins deteriorating as a consequence of usage.

But I find that frailty to be quite captivating.

Do decapitate him for me! Do so, and I shall acquire the human blood required for your rejuvenation! Jojo! I

-It's close! I need to cook up a scheme, quick! I'll use my canteen of kerosene! H

-His pipes are sucking all the wind into his gut like suction tubes, but if I can splash his pipes with this kerosene and flame, they'll suck up all the flaming vapor and cause an implosion! This is literally my last ace in the hole! It's do


-die now! I have you now! Goddammit! Suck on this, Wham! An expl*sive lamp? Pathetic.

I may pierce any projectile flying within one

-meter of my being.

Your schemes are all but spent, and your burning bark has betrayed your bearings.

Witness my Wind of Destruction! Caesar!!! Save my skin! Another attempt to light the lamp? Try as you may, but my wind will blow away anything within a meter of me! And now, our duel will finally end after I've decapitated you! Jojo! A

-At long last Wham Your defeat was determined from the moment I tossed Caesar's bandana at you.

I wanted you to slice my canteen in half, you half

-wit! Your pipes' ceaseless suction of the canteen's contents was essential to your defeat! You've been sucking aerosolized kerosene vapor into your gut, as well as Caesar's shredded bandana! The The flames are still lit, and my pipes are sucking the flames within! Wham, you were the most adept adversary I've ever had, but the combined effort of my fallen friend and I defeated you in the end.


-He lost Master Wham's been whacked! Remember Jojo, all Pillar Men can recover from any injuries sustained, even from explosions! The only certain way to defeat them is by channeling Ripple energy on contact! O

-Our duel has finally ended Jojo It did.

Have you avenged Caesar? I have.

Then go, and deal unto me Death.

I will! What are you doing?! The fumes curling up from your head's not smoke from the implosion, but vapor from being ruined by the Ripple.

Ruin which originated from the energy that I had channeled into your chest and legs.

I've seen how much suffering the Ripple brings your people, and although your body's blasted to bits, the least I could do is alleviate your anguish with my blood.

How dare you! Do not force me to suffer in such shame! I need not your sympathy! "Sympathy?" You wanna talk to me about "sympathy?" Then tell me why you left the blood bubble containing Caesar's bandana and your ring intact.

Was it out of sympathy? I left his bubble because he was a proud and honorable warrior! I only paid my respects to an honorable warrior! You'll now spout, "Are you doing the same?!" Are you doing the same?! You bet I am.

Respect is to be paid to my adversary, and my solemn respect is due to my fallen fellow, Caesar.

Even after everything you put me through, I cannot help but pay my respects to you.

And paid it was, in my blood.

You've left me in utter defeat, Jojo.

It seems that your warrior ways are more wondrous than my own.

k*ll him! Halt! Stay your hands! Scatter, you scum! Wham! Wh

-Why did you do that?! I am dedicated to Master Cars until the end, but I will not tolerate such treachery from our servants.

I left Caesar's bubble whole out of respect, not sympathy.

I acknowledge only the strength and will of a warrior.

And only the victor may respect the final will of his fallen foe.

It is this very will in which I've disciplined myself.

Jojo Not once, have I ever yearned to prolong the eternal life that I've been endowed So long as I could wither away in this will of my own.

Now keep your word and take the antidote.

Before I am reduced to ashes.

How will you know? I need not rely on my view, wind, or words.

Your actions will speak the truth to my ears.

My life is fulfilled.

I am truly overjoyed to have witnessed your miraculous growth.

Perhaps I spent these 12,000 years of my life in search of you.

Aeternum vale, Jojo Wham waned into the wind.

As Jojo watched, he unconsciously shifted his stance into a salute to the fallen warrior.

He shed not a single tear, but his silence served as a eulogy for his enemy.

He felt an unusual fellowship between himself and Wham.

Wham, I order you to k*ll him.


-If I may have a word, Master Cars The object of your aggression is but a boy! A boy he be, but he must die.

The child of Mystics must never mature into adulthood, lest he becomes a great threat to our survival.

It takes only a decade for a boy to become a man! k*ll him now, Wham! If your warrior's will withholds your hand, then allow me to illustrate how our survival is ensured! A swift stroke is all it takes! Wham Your wholehearted warrior's will was what wasted you away! It wasted away your will to win! Wham whacked the bucket.

I had me rations riding on the rotter, too.

And what a wuss he was! The filth of these fools doesn't fail to foul the mood.


-Master Cars! Y

-You're sucking me dry! I am all that's left of the Pillar Men However, there need only be one to stand omnipotent over all others! Master Cars has finally tossed his turban! He's ready to duel! But there's no need for Master Cars to sully his own hands on these humans! To Hell with the duel! We'll k*ll 'em both for ye! I'll be the first to bathe in their blood! They were gonna ambush us, after all! Do recall our arrangement.


-The Ultimate Aja! I, and I alone, am to duel Cars.

And if any were to interfere and renege upon our arrangement, then I will smash the Ultimate Aja into shards! I gave you my word, and I will duel you alone, as I had always intended.

The very unveiling of my horns signifies my intention to duel you.

These filthy few who've dared to thr*aten our arrangement have already fallen.

Master Cars?! I will attain the Ultimate Aja, for the sake of my fallen fellows of several millenia.

I will duel you with the exact dignity they both displayed in battle.

You meddlesome Mystics will be massacred by me, for I must now avenge both of my fallen fellows.

And Lisa Lisa, the aggression you've shown my minions was nothing short of masculine.

It is a man I face, and a man I shall mutilate! Follow me! This shall be our arena! It is the Shrine of Skeleton Heel Stone! Long ago, the victors of chariot combat would ascend this shrine and drink a mixture made from their fallen foe's blood with wine.

They would thank their gods who've graced them with longer lives.

An arena it is not, but it is ideal for an invigorating duel.


-Mistress Lisa Lisa! You may be the Master, but you're still just a woman! He seems a lot weaker than Wham was, so let me duel him instead! Too bad.

I don't need the burden of having a boy worry about an old mare like me! F


-Fifties are fierce! As I maintain mastery over the Shining Sword, it would be unworthy of the will of Wham to not offer you a w*apon as well.

You may use any of those arms.

My muffler is my arm.

So be it.

Let us begin.


-This aura that he emanates is bereft of bloodlust.

How will he duel me without the will to k*ll? Won't you come at me already? Then I will act first! Cars has concealed himself with that small shine of light! Where's he gone?! C

-Cars's aura has vanished It's almost as if he could ambush me from anywhere! Shining Sword! He hid himself within the fissure of that pillar! Mamba Muffler! This muffler was made from the intestines of many Satypolasia beetles, and is incredibly conductive to Ripple energy! It works both as a w*apon and a lifeforce locater! It's what gives me eyes around the back of my head! H

-He's dead! The Master massacred that mook! Cars was a wimp compared to Wham, but cocksure jerks are always k*lled

-off quick! I always knew she had more moxie than me

- M

-Master Cars! C

-Cars is behind her?! Th

-Then who the Hell did she hit?! N

-No way! That can't be true! Cars's wasn't dueling her at all! It was his look

-alike! Damn the duel.

Damn the arrangement.

Damn everything, save for my acquisition of the Ultimate Aja, so that I may become the True Omnipotent Organism.

I have no will of a warrior alike the likes of Wham! I will use any and all means at my disposal to s*ab Defeat through the heart! Th

-That's why his aura felt so bereft of bloodlust He never intended to duel me at all On the ground! Jojo The Ultimate Aja is mine! Now my minions, go and mutilate Jojo with all your might! C

-Cars! Now you've done it! Get outta my way, you jagoffs! I'm gonna bust your bloody brains in! Zoom Punch! Yer Ripple powers are worn.

He's exhausted his Ripple energy

-! Ripple of Repulsion! You have yet to fully recover from your duel with Wham.

Your respiration is in disarray, reducing the potency of your Ripple powers.

No matter how well your master maximized your strength and stamina, you won't last long against my whole horde! Jojo Just how long will you last? Y

-You goddamned son of a! Tear him apart, boys! C

-Cor blimey! U

-Ultraviolet light?! I know that mug! Hear me, you vile vampires! Sturmbannführer Stroheim and the SS of the Third Reich shall silence you! The Speedwagon Foundation's Special Task Force shall join them as well! Jojo! Yo, Jojo! G


-Uncle Speedwagon! And my buddy from the Big Apple, Smokey Brown! My right leg is rearing up for vampire violation! The repairs to my body have finally finished as well! And now, allow me to introduce our newest venom against vampires! The Uber Ultraviolet Ray Cannons! It was actually my foundation that succeeded in mass

-producing the mobile models, but he was quite adamant on adding a dash of Deutsch.

So the trivial tools of the Teutons have returned Jojo is gone! Where has he jolted off to? The swiftness of your sprint never ceases to surprise.

My eyes need only wander for a moment, and you'll spring me with your next scheme.

You've crossed the bloody line over into lunacy.

You gave your word that you would duel Lisa Lisa, but you used some slimy tactics to s*ab her in the back! Overall, your dishonorable conduct has besmirched the warrior's will of Wham! Agitated, are we? Well do try to calm yourself.

Do understand that I would do anything to achieve my main prerogative, no matter the indecency of my implemented tactics.

I did that which carried the least amount of risk and worry, and played the game at my own pace.

Victory to the most patient of players! And now, you shall suffer from this new game that we shall engage in.

Never before have I loathed anyone with the same malice that I do you! You loathe me? Then let's alleviate your loathing! If it's a duel with me that you desire, then a duel with me you shall have! Lisa Lisa is lapsing within the limbo between Life and Death, exactly as I wanted her.

I left her with as little life as possible.

Would you like to know why? She still has a part to play in our game.

In fact, her part is quite literally tied yours.

Twang Twaaang You sick, twisted I've threaded rope through the holes in her feet, Jojo.

Would you like to know why?! It's because Li

-Lisa Lisa! catching her is your part in our game! If you don't grab ahold of her rope, she'll be skewered by the crystals below! J

-Jojo! Lisa Lisa! Li

-Lisa Lisa?! Isn't that the baby Nanna Erina saved from that sinking ship during her honeymoon? I

-If that's her, then she's actually Jojo's You are to remain paralyzed in that position.

My tactics have left you trapped, Jojo! I will slowly, but surely, advance towards you and dismember you at my own leisurely pace! g*dd*mn you, Cars! g*dd*mn you to Hell and back! Jojo doesn't know that Lisa Lisa is actually his mother! I'll be the round about The words will make you out 'n' out I'll spend the day your way Call it morning driving through the sound and In and out the valley The muses dance and sing They make the children really ring I'll spend the day your way Call it morning driving through the sound and In and out the valley..

In and around the lake Mountains come out of the sky and they stand there One mile over we'll be there and we'll see you Ten true summers we'll be there and Laughing too Twenty four before my love you'll see I'll be There with you Next Time Mop up the rest of those vampires already! I will make your execution effortless.

I ain't foldin' on this flame! Spare him Spare my boy Stop, Stroheim! Scheisse! Episode A Mother and Her Son
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