01x21 - The 100 vs 2 Strategy

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure". Aired: October 6, 2012 - present.*
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JoJo, becomes involved in a battle against his stepbrother, Dio Brando, who is intent on taking control of the Joestar fortune.
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01x21 - The 100 vs 2 Strategy

Post by bunniefuu »

This hotel was originally constructed as a castle during the 14th Century.

It was only remodeled into a hotel during the 20th Century, but when the landlord passed away in 1928, the hotels operations ceased.

Cars was taken by the secluded hotel and used it as his stronghold against sunlight.

Jojo and Lisa Lisa realized prior to their entry that they knew nothing of the hotel's interior, and may be entrapped in enemy territory.

Shijima no soko kara Once, four folks arose from the fires of Hell mezameru sono hashiratachi toki wo koe and awoke from their pillars after eons of eternal slumber.

Their ambition for power assembled Shinku no chishio ga the blood of a few bombastic braves.

tachiagaru yuuki wo hikiawaseru But one brave, whose fate was bound in his blood, Uketsugu ai wo sadame to yobu nara shot a sly smirk at his destined demise.

hohoemu me de tsugi no te wo Yami wo azamuite setsuna wo kawashite He would deceive the darkness and dodge the danger! He would exploit the flaws of the foes he faced! Yaiba surinuke yatsura no suki wo tsuke Tsuranuita omoi ga mirai wo hiraku And his memory would live on for all posterity! He's like a bloody storm! Red

-hot like a bloody stone, Atsuku like a bloody stone ketsumyaku ni kizamareta innen ni but would he be ever free of the cursed fate of his family? Ukiagaru kienai hokori no kizuna Who can say, but the bonds of these braves will never be buried.

nigirishimete Episode Lisa Lisa's Long Shot g*dd*mn! What's with these waves of spider webs?! Tidy up the blasted place, will ya?! We're in foul enough moods already without these webs to worsen it! But this bloody trail is making me a bit cheery, since it tells me that Wham has indeed sustained severe injuries.

Caesar slashed him up good before succumbing, I'll bet.

We should finish him off before he recovers from his rest! Let's be on our way, Mistress Lisa Lisa! What's the matter? W

-Well I find this creepy handle to be rather chilling.

It's akin to holding the cold hand of another man.

I am no door, ja?! Who was that?! Over here, Herr.

And I am no door, ja?! He's a vampire! Back away from him! Jojo! If you weren't blocking me with those balls, I could've slashed the skin off your face, ja? I am Beck the Wire, ja? I was once imprisoned for strangling my sweetheart to death, but I made my escape and came across Master Cars, who offered me immortality, ja? He's my master, ja? And I won't allow you home

-wrecking rats to disturb my masters' rest, ja? So, they've begun turning the populace into vampires for their own nourishment! Escaped, have you? Then personally, I think I'd better handle your execution, Escapee.

Why don't you bend your head over and get ready for the guillotine? Mistress? You're a real sight for sore eyes, ja? Your skin's so silky

-smooth too, ja? Let me embrace you, and I'll suck your blood to the last drop, ja? You've caught me in a foul mood.

I'd rather be blind and deaf than see your filthy face and hear your shrill speech.

However, you're welcome to try and attempt an embrace.

An embrace leaving you anguished in your journey to the Afterlife.

Spikes! Th

-That's what cut 'em! His extra hand wasn't the one that split my bolas, but his spikes! He changed his body hair into wires and condensed them into sharp spikes! I despise it when women snub my sweet

-talk, ja? It makes me want to strangle 'em more, ja? I'll embrace ja! I'll skewer and strangle ja in my loving embrace! Crikey! I didn't think he was that fast on his feet! Her muffler?! I get it! She's gonna channel Ripple energy into that muffler and use it on him! What's with the muffler? Are ja trying to strangle me with it? Hilarious, ja? It tears so easily, ja? Where are ja going? Let's continue on inside, Jojo.


-Got it.

Her stroke was swift and as smooth as silk and the most effortless execution I've ever seen! Don't walk away from me, ja?! Herr Rat, that bitch deserves a good strangling, ja? Nein, ja yokel.

You're finished, ja? She's done you in with her hold, ja? You been wrapped in the Ripple, ja? Who are you kidding, ja

-! OHHHHH! NOOOOO! She's got a real handle on things! I thought her feminine side would make her frail n' feeble in a fight, but her technique is so much more refined than my own! Golly gee whiz! She's proved that her title of "Master" was well

-earned! Jojo, you haven't taken the antidote Caesar left for you yet, have you? No, not yet Why? Well, I've decided to take the antidote after I whack Wham.

When Caesar died, he broke my "warrior's word of honor" with Wham, so I've sworn to Caesar that I wouldn't take this until after I've defeated Wham.

Lisa Lisa, would you mind holding onto it until then? I would.

It's not my burden to bear because I may already have another burden to bear.

The further they pursued Wham into the hotel, the more they noticed that his trail of blood slowly turned into trickles.

Jojo and Lisa Lisa were well aware of the symbolic meaning of these trickles for it represented the regeneration of Wham's wounds.

They've arrived.

I've been waiting for you Your growth is indeed remarkable, Jojo.

I've got a bloody bone to pick with you, after what you did to Caesar

-! Calm yourself, Jojo.

Do divert your attention to the floor.

Don't worry, Mistress.

I am calm.

I've seen the set of footprints on the floor, all right.

The extra set, too.

And they belong to Cars! Come out, come out, wherever you are! Stop hiding and show yourself! Yes, their footprints are the only ones which left a visible impression even though the respiration occurring within this room is several times their own! So it was her I see now.

A wise woman with a warrior's intellect and perception.

The force behind the miraculous growth of both Caesar and Jojo is now known to me! You've even sensed the abnormal respirations as well.

You must be a master of the Art of Mystics! C

-Cor blimey! Goddammit, they're all vampires! Are they mute, too?! That's rather unnerving! Cars! We are the Warriors of Night, hand

-picked personally by Master Cars! We are one


-strong, and on the command of our Master, we shall dissect and tear you two apart, Jojo! W

-We're buggered! Mistress Lisa Lisa, what hope do we have against a hundred of 'em?! Master Cars, a moment! Jojo and I made an agreement to have our duel in the Colosseum, and avenging Master ACDC remains a prerogative.

Master Cars, please acquiesce to our arranged duel! I shall not.

Acquiring the Ultimate Aja always remains our main prerogative Make no mistake, Wham.


He makes a fine point, Wham! I ain't up for any duel, not anymore.

I'm confident that I can defeat you, but even if I do, I've got a hundred vampires to face afterwards.

Damned if I duel, damned if I don't.

I just don't see the point anymore, especially if I'm doomed to die either way.

I'm calling it quits Goddammit! They spotted my thread I thought I'd save myself the trouble of facing them with the Thread Shredder, too Minions, dismember them both! Dismember us, and the Ultimate Aja will be lost for all eternity.

Cessatis! Speak sense, Woman! I am not so foolish as to deliver the very prize you seek so, straight into your hands.

A device's been attached to the Ultimate Aja, and if neither Jojo nor I return by a certain time, the device will detonate, shattering the stone into shards.

I won't buy into your provocation, Woman.

But I'd wager that neither you nor your horde will find the stone in time.

The expl*sive range itself is small, but it has enough force to leave the Ultimate Aja fractured.

Did she seriously strap a time

-b*mb onto the stone? It's news to me, but I'd better play along with her.

She's not joking, Cars! We die, and bada

-bing bada

-boom, the stone's doomed.

Be that as it may, I cannot allow either of you to leave alive! I agree, with a slight suggestion.

I would allow Jojo and Wham to keep their arranged duel, and that would leave me to duel you, Cars.

And the winner will receive the Ultimate Aja! Erk! Edepol! The winner will receive the Ultimate Aja, and the right to survive.

Why prolong the inevitable? The battle for the Ultimate Aja and the future will end with one side left standing.

Will the Pillar Men prevail, or will Humanity triumph? Curse you, Woman! Wham! Forgive my snicker, Master Cars.


-Jolly good! Lisa Lisa's long shot's even better than my own damn bluffs! You have bold words, Woman.

I shall acquiesce and duel you for the Ultimate Aja! But make no mistake! Neither of you shall live to see the dawn! She's managed to bring us outta the fire and back into the frying pan! Well, what are we waiting for? Let's duel! Our duels will take place at another hour, in a more appropriate arena.

When and where would you desire the duel, Wham? We duel tonight, when the full moon is at its apex.

Our arena is located 15 kilometers south of here, at the base of Piz Berlina.

We shall duel in the ancient hippodrome known as the "Skeleton Stone Heel.

" It is a sacred arena, where warriors came to claim glory from the heads of their fellows! A hippodrome?! Who said that you'd get to pick?! I ain't letting you two have the upper

-hand! A peculiar, yet perfect arena for our duels, Wham.

And in regards to the Ultimate Aja, Jojo You are to bring the stone to the hippodrome at the stroke of midnight, tonight.

Without the expl*sive device, of course.

Your master shall remain with us as our hostage! Lisa Lisa! They're ensuring that neither of us can renege on our word.

I would do the same.

Jojo, be a good boy and fetch the Ultimate Aja.

You know where to look.

I will, and I'll bring it straight to the arena.

Believe me, Mistress.

I already do.

Caesar It was only yesterday when I stopped being such a self

-absorbed bell


And this enigmatic emotion that has me on fire Could it be "compassion" for my fellow man? Goddammit! If only I could bash both their heads in now! Out of compassion, I swear to Messina, Lisa Lisa, and to Caesar's spirit, that I'll end this crusade! She didn't attach any time

-b*mb to it, after all.

Even I might've caved if they called me on that big of a bluff, you crazy cheat! Should I bring her a change of undergarments, or not? Who's this old crone? It's Nanna Erina! Why's Lisa Lisa carrying a picture of her around? What's with this one? "May 22, 1889.

" It's 49


-old! Could this dashing gent be Great

-Uncle?! Nanna Erina?! And Straits, holding a baby in his arms?! Lisa Lisa Come to think of it, I don't know a damn thing about her past, her present, nada.

But why would she have these photographs? It's the genuine article.

We shall keep our word as well and duel you both, one



Since you spotted these two photographs already, then I suppose I have some explaining to do.

I was going to open up before your duel, regardless.

Who are you? In 1889, Miss Erina lost her husband, Jonathan Joestar, on their honeymoon voyage over the Atlantic.

Your grandfather, I'm sure you know.

Before the ship sunk, Miss Erina saved the life of a little lass.

That little lass was me.

The little lass in that photo was me.


-Hold it If that was you 49 years ago If you were a baby 49 years ago h

-how old would that make you, exactly?! F

-Fifty, perhaps?! I




-If you're in your fifties, then aren't you a

-an old bag?! The math makes sense B

-But you look like you're still in your late twenties.

The Art of Mystics utilizes lifeforce, so I suppose your appearance could be maintained with the Ripple But that also explains why you're such an uncute, cold, old crone What if I said that I could see crows feet under your eyes? Minions, ready the arena for our duels! Light the cauldron! We're short on time for the full explanation but I'll cover what I can.

You and I are related in many ways.

Related? My parents died due to the Stone Mask, and after Miss Erina saved my little life, her pregnancy made caring for me difficult, so she entrusted me into Straits's care.


-She gave you to Straits?! He disciplined me into the Art of Mystics, and entrusted me with the Ultimate Aja, as well.


-So basically, Straits was your foster father?! He was, and it brought me to sorrow to hear that old age drove him to madness.

To be honest, I have conflicting feelings because of your hand in his death, but all life eventually ends in Death.

Well I'll be damned C

-Could this get any more awkward? I k*lled my Master's only father

-figure Lisa Lisa's led a sorrowful life, just like Nanna Erina and I We're out of time for talk, Jojo.


-What's with these quakes?! They're ready.

At last, the true duel can be underway with them Wh

-What are they?! Make way! Those who don't will be trampled to death! Wh

-What are those, dinosaurs?! N

-No wait, they're horses, aren't they!? My Masters, make way for the chariot! The strength of these beasts bests my own! Master Wham, make way! These are excellent w*r horses.

These horses had their brains pierced by the Stone Mask's spines, evolving them into Vampequines.


-Vampequines?!" Wham and Jojo's duel in this arena shall commence in the ceremony of chariot combat! "Chariot combat?!" Aye, akin to the gladiator

-driven chariot races of the Roman Republic.

You are to race these horses around the arena while dueling your opponent! Either driver may fall from the chariot, leading to an inevitable trampling, or be fatally struck by the opposing driver during the race! The victor is the last man standing! You're in for a ride, Jojo! Vampequines draw these chariots with the strength of 150 horses! Even Master Wham will struggle to hold tight to the reins! Wait a bloody second here! I'm game for chariot combat, chariot racing, whatever floats your boat, but not with these "vampequines!" They're your loyal lackeys, no?! Fret not.

The reins are designed to conduct Ripple energy.

Wham will control the horses with his sheer strength, but you will be able to steer the Vampequines with your Ripple energy.


-Are you sure about that? They look rather rabid Watch your hand there! You may steer them with minimal Ripple energy.

Wham! Wham has adorned the garments of gladiators for this duel.

He is determined.

Determined to exterminate his foe, which is made ever

-evident with his visage.

Defeat him, Jojo.

Humanity must triumph this morning! Show no mercy! Wham! I don't plan on taking your damn antidote until after I've kept my promise to Caesar, and pounded you into pudding.

And this promise will imbue me with strength greater than I've ever known! Shine with me, Caesar! Let's ride, Vampequines! Next Time Wham! Cedo! Episode Gallant Gladiator
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