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03x09 - The Theft of the Royal Ruby

Posted: 01/08/23 06:49
by bunniefuu
FAROUK: One of my father's
most valued possessions,

from the reign
of the Pharaoh Rameses.

Some more.

Yes, your highness.

And some coffee for the woman.

Very good, your highness.

Where are you going?

WOMAN: Just going to powder
my nose. Won't be a minute.

He wants another bottle of fizz.

He's been through two already,
him and the tart.

Where is she?

Beg your pardon, your highness?

The woman, where is she?

I couldn't say, your highness.

She's got my ruby!


- Aah!
- Iris!


You can't come in here,
your highness.

I do apologize, ladies.

Your lady friend left,
your highness.

She got a taxi and left.

Get Scotland Yard.




Oh! Thank you.

On your own for Christmas,
Mr. Poirot?

Yes, indeed.

Miss Lemon, she visits
an aunt at Torquay.

And Captain Hastings?

En I'cosse.

Oh, pardon.
He is in Scotland.

So, yes, I am quite alone.

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that,
Mr. Poirot.

No, no, no, no, no, no.
Not at all.

A week of the complete peace
and repose,

the demi-kilo of your
chocolates most excellent,

is for Poirot
the Christmas parfait.

Thank you.

And a happy Christmas.


Are you Mr. Hercule Poirot?

Yes, who are you?

Would you get in the car,
please, Mr. Poirot?

Mr. Jesmond
wants a word with you.


Just get in the car, please,
Mr. Poirot.

He was most insistent, sir.

Did M. Jesmond say
what he wanted me for?

Only that it's a matter
of national importance.

I am not empowered to say
anything more, Mr. Poirot.

POIROT: Why should this
concern Poirot?

Why should this concern you?

This foolish young prince
whom you will not name,

he comes to London
to collect from Asprey's

the priceless ruby
which has been remounted.


Foolishly, he becomes acquainted
with a young lady.


And continuing his foolishness,
he permits this young lady

to wear the jewel
in a restaurant

while they have dinner together.

I think, um --

No, no, no, no, no, no,
M. Jesmond,

if you please, I have listened,
you must now do likewise.

This fool,

this young prince,

isn't surprised
when this young lady

disappears with his jewel
into the night.

No, no, no, no, no.

No, this is a matter I think not
for Hercule Poirot.

This is a matter, I think,
for the commissioners in lunacy.

I like this fellow.
He's funny.

You are the prince.
Prince Farouk.

Heir to King Fuad of Egypt.

If it gets out,
the Wafd nationalists

will use the scandal, Poirot.

The Wafd want the British
out of Egypt completely.

They want total Egyptian control
of the Suez Canal now.

My father cannot live for long.

When he dies,
I inherit the throne.

Then I will show them.

Now, I am tired.

I am going back to the hotel.


No, no, no, no, no, no, no,
and again, no.

Poirot has squandered
his talents before.

Many times he has assisted fools
in their folly.

But this royal, rude,
arrogant fool, no.

Poirot draws a line.

It is imperative to British
interests, M. Poirot,

that the prince should succeed
to the throne.

And what about the interests
of the Egyptians?

You think he will be a ruler
that is wise and just?

M. Poirot, I beg of you.

The prince is still young.

How young is he?


[ Scoffs ]

Did anyone else
know about the ruby?

No one.

You did not talk about it
to anyone?


Well, I may have done.

Perhaps when I was
at Kings Lacey.

But Colonel Lacey is
an old friend of my father's.

An Egyptologist.

JESMOND: He is one of England's
most famous archeologists,

M. Poirot.

Kings Lacey is a magnet
for all sorts of people

with interests in Egypt.

Then perhaps it is at Kings
Lacey that the answer is found.

Was anyone else present?

Am I a criminal?

Am I to be questioned like this?

Iris Moffat took the ruby.
We all know this.

Find Iris Moffat,
you will find the thief.

No, no, no, no, I think not.

[ Farouk groans ]

This robbery, it has been
planned with the utmost care.

One person alone
could not have carried it out.

Tell me, your highness,

was anyone else present

when you talked about the jewel
to Colonel Lacey?

I don't know. Maybe.

Yes, there were children...
and a man with two names.

The Laceys are good friends
of mine, M. Poirot.

I may be able to concoct a story

that will enable you
to spend Christmas there.


I seem to remember my wife
telling me they were concerned

about their granddaughter's
choice of men friends.

No, no, no, no, M. Jesmond,

I have made other arrangements.

You see, I have my books,
my radio.

My demi-kilo

of excellent hand-made
chocolates from Dupres.

My radiators
that are nice and warm.

The Laceys are
very hospitable people,

M. Poirot,

and they have an excellent
central heating system.

[ Band playing Christmas music ]

WELWYN: You might do better
at auction,

you know, Colonel Lacey.

Oh, no, no, no, it's too public.

Em mustn't know about this.

Imagine the fuss she'd make.

I don't want to
sell anything, David.

I wish we had one item which
would cover the whole amount.

Something small
she wouldn't notice.

Haven't you still got
that little footstool

from the Amenhotep tomb?

Oh, I don't want to
part with that.

That was almost the first thing
to come out of my first dig.

Well, what do you suggest, then?

Oh, I don't know.

I don't want to part
with any of it.

Tell you what, come and spend
Christmas with us.

Have a good look at everything.

I don't like to impose on
Mrs. Lacey at such short notice.

Oh, nonsense!

She will be delighted.

Sarah is going to be there, too.

And that Lee-Wortley fellow,
I suppose.

Lee-Wortley, good chap.

Knows a lot about Egypt.

You'll have lots of things
to talk about.

You're keen on Sarah,
aren't you?

Well, yes.

But I think your granddaughter
is rather keener on Lee-Wortley.


Well, there you are, then.

You got three days
to get her to see reason.

Come down Christmas Eve.

Peverill takes ages
to get to the door.


The butler.

He's 90, at least.
Who are you?

I am Hercule Poirot.
And you, monsieur?


I'm Bridget.
He's my cousin.

You haven't seen Michael
anywhere, have you?

Batty-looking chap
with glasses.


Good afternoon, sir.

Good afternoon to you,
M. Peverill.

Come on, Bridget.

This way, please, sir.

[ Knocking at door ]

Mr. Hercule Poirot, madame.

Mr. Poirot,
how very nice to meet you.

Mme. Lacey.

You have a most beautiful house.

Yes, isn't it?

It's this tree

I'm worried about
at the moment.

Is it vulgar enough yet,
do you think?

So good of you to come,
Mr. Poirot.

Oh, do please sit down.

Thank you, madame.

Edwina Jesmond tells me
that you were very helpful

to some friends of hers
in a case very like ours.

But perhaps you don't know
what I am talking about.

I understand that this is
a matter rather unfortunate

concerning the infatuation

of a young girl.

Yes, my granddaughter, Sarah.

She's got herself mixed up
with this dreadful man.

He calls himself
Desmond Lee-Wortley.

And this man, he has not
a good reputation?

Oh, indeed, he has not,

but it's no good
telling Sarah that.

Never any good
telling young girls

that a man has
a bad reputation, is it?

It is often, I believe,
an added attraction.

Yes, well, anyway,

Edwina Jesmond tells me
that you might be able to

find out something,
how shall I put it?

Something useful about
this Desmond Lee-Wortley.

How long
do I have to do this for?

Oh, you give it
a good old stir, sir.

Go on, Desmond, don't be lazy.

The longer you stir, sir,
the better your luck will be.

Why do you have two?

Well, the big one's
for Christmas Day,

and the small one's
for New Year, silly.

Oh, yes.

Oh, Mr. Poirot,
you must have a stir, too.

Sarah won't let anyone else
have a go.

I need all the luck I can get.

This is Sarah, my granddaughter,
Mr. Poirot.

How do you do?

Mlle. Sarah.

And Mr. Lee-Wortley.

M. Lee-Wortley.

- Desmond.
- POIROT: Desmond.

And Gloria Lee-Wortley,
his sister.

Enchanté, mademoiselle.

How do you do?

This is our maid, Annie.

Mlle. Annie.

And I'm David Welwyn.

- POIROT: Ah, M. Welwyn.
- How do you do?

And who, may I ask,
is responsible

for these puddings
most magnificent?

Oh, that would be me,
I reckon, sir.

This is Mrs. Ross, our cook.

Hello, Mme. Ross,
you are truly the artist.

- Oh, thank you very much, sir!
- Oh, no, no, no.

Pas de tous. The whole house,
it is redolent with the...

nutmeg, the ginger,
the allspice, the...

The brandy.

C'est true,
c'est magnifique.

Oh, thank you.

Are you going to have
a good old stir, sir?

It is permitted?

You just go right ahead, sir.

Go on, Mr. Poirot.

Merci beaucoup.

[ Laughing ]


What do you think
of the glass vase?

The blue one?
I noticed it.

18th dynasty?


Horace, you're looking
very furtive.

- Stop it.
- No, my dear, not at all.

Ah, Mr. Poirot.

Horace, come and meet
Mr. Hercule Poirot.

Not the Hercule Poirot?

There is but one Hercule Poirot,
and I am he.

- The great detective?
- The same.

Let me see...

You are Michael.

How do you do, M. Poirot?

I am Horace Lacey.

Ah, I am indeed honored
to meet you, Colonel.

Ah, mangoes.

Look damn delicious,
don't they?

Indeed, they do, monsieur.

Don't be fooled.

They are absolutely
impossible to eat.


They come out of India.

Impossible to get
the stone out.

I spent the best years of my
life trying to hack the stone

out of mangoes.

If I might demonstrate?


Thank you.

Now, let me see.

With the tip of a sharp knife.

We insert it here
until we feel the pip.

Then we cut around the mango,
comme ça,

feeling the stone

all the time
with the tip of the knife.

Then with a spoon,

we insert it here

and go over and across
the stone,

all the way around,

until the fruit half,
it separates.

Then with a knife,

un, deux, trois.

Et voilà.

Good God above,
did you see that, Em?

There's an absolute marvel
with a mango.

Where did you learn that?

A duke taught me.

[ "Oh, Come, All Ye Faithful"
playing ]

♪ Oh, come, all ye faithful ♪

♪ Joyful and triumphant ♪

♪ Oh, come, ye, oh, come, ye ♪

♪ To Bethlehem ♪

♪ Come and behold him ♪

♪ Born the king of angels ♪

♪ Oh, come -- ♪

Just the women.


What's he doing here?
Why did they invite a detective?

I don't know.

He's dangerous, Desmond.
He's got to be dealt with.

Yeah, I know.

Where did you put it?

COLIN: Why don't we put on a
show for that old Poirot fellow?

"There's but one Hercule Poirot,
and I am it."

What sort of a show?

We will arrange ze m*rder.

Ze bodies, still and cold,
ze young, so beautiful girl.

Moi, naturellement.

When shall we do it?

Come on, let's go inside
and talk about it.

POIROT: "Do not eat none of
the plum pudding.

One as wishes you well."

Oh, let me have a go!

I haven't even tried it yet!

- Happy Christmas, Mr. Poirot.
- Happy Christmas, Michael.

- Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas, Colin.

[ Dishes shatter ]

What do you think you're doing?

It's ruined, completely ruined.

Oh, look at that.
Get off with you.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

[ Applause ]

Come along.

Everyone has got to make a wish
before the flames go out.

Well done, Peverill.

Didn't get scorched
this year, eh?

[ Laughter ]

Lots for me, please.

And me.

I'm so full.

For Mr. Poirot.

Merci, madame.

You don't like Christmas
pudding, Mr. Poirot.

Au contraire,

I am inordinately fond of
the plum pudding.

Aww, I got the thimble.

Old maid.

I've got the pig.

There you are,
there's justice for you.

I've got something,

bit of damned glass.

How did that get in there?

HORACE: I could have broken
my damned tooth.

You will permit me, madame?

Perhaps it's a ruby.

If it was a ruby,
it would be worth thousands.

No, it is not a ruby,

it is simply glass.

I've got a sixpence!

Mme. Ross?

Yes, sir?

Oh, no, no, no,
please to be seated.

It is permitted
that I congratulate the cook

on a luncheon delicieux.

Oh, just plain
English cooking, sir.

There is none better.

You will allow me?

Thank you very much, sir.

And the pudding, oh.

Well, thank you, sir.

As a matter of fact, I served
the wrong pudding today.

How is that, Mme. Ross?

Well, I usually make two,
one for New Year's Day.

There was a bit of an accident
this morning.

One of the boys ran straight
in here and into Annie

as she was just putting it
into the steamer.

Quel désastre.

Oh, you should have seen
the mess, sir.

So, anyway,

I served the New Year's
pudding instead.


I have the pleasure
to inform your highness

that I have been successful.

Where is the thief?

The thief?

No, no, no, no, no, Poirot.

M. Poirot has done a magnificent
job, your highness.

You're supposed to
catch the thief!

I'm afraid we do need to know
the real identity of the thief.

We suspect there is a cell
of Wafd sympathizers --

The Wafd are animals.

My father
is too soft with them.

Who are supporting
the Wafd financially.

We must neutralize them.

Neuter them.

I was not informed of this.

I am sorry.

We assumed that when you
retrieved the ruby,

you would also apprehend
the culprit.

Then we will neutralize her,

JESMOND: It is in this country's
interest, too, M. Poirot.

You really have only completed
half the task.

[ Sighs ]

Very well.

What are you doing?

If I am to catch the thief,

I will need the ruby as bait.


Thank you.

I must apologize for the prince,
M. Poirot.

- He is --
- Young?

One is never too young
to learn the manners.

Indeed, indeed.

Unfortunately, the prince has
never seen any reason to do so.

Why not?

Look, you said the 23rd.

You could have milled the part
yourself in less time.

Are you quite sure about that?

Well, yes, of course
we'll be there!

- GLORIA: Still not ready?
- DESMOND: Tomorrow.

It seems he had some sort of
problem -- Ah, good morning.

Good morning.

- EM: Yes, dear.

That detective fellow.


I think he's foreign
or something.

I'll tell you why.

When he went up to bed last
night, he said "bon soir,"

instead of "good night,"
that is.

That's "good night" in French.

Well, at first, I thought
he's being facetious.

Then I thought back --

Very amusing, Horace.

- Bonjour, mademoiselle.
- Oh, hello, Mr. Poirot.

You haven't seen Desmond
anywhere, have you?

Yes, he was in the drawing room
with his sister, mademoiselle.

I've looked there.

WELWYN: You still won't part
with the Amenhotep footstool?

No, no, I can't.

What about the blue vase?

Absolutely not.

It's just not on.

- The painted coffin?

Colonel Lacey, I know
this is difficult for you.

But you asked me down here
to look at your collection

with a view to purchasing one --

I know, I know.

Listen to me, David,

perhaps I don't really have to
sell anything after all.


Circumstances change, you know.

[ Sighs ]

[ Giggling ]

Oh, Desmond! I've been looking
for you everywhere.

Do you want to come and see
the obelisk?

- Can't wait.
- Yeah, that would be nice.

Gloria, you don't have to come.

It will be lunch soon, anyway.

Obelisks always give me
an appetite. Lead on.

[ Indistinct conversation ]

Who's next?
Grandma, it's your turn.

No, no, no,
it's for you children.

Now, Bridget, what about you?
I know you've got a good one.

Come on, come on.

Now, then, what is it?

Is it a book?

No, film -- oops!

[ Laughter ]

Did I ever tell you that I used
to be a waiter at the Savoy?

- Oh, careful, careful!
- It's all right, it's all right.

You'd be very unpopular
if you dropped it.

Yes, but not with you, though.

No, not with me.

It's a book.

Two words.

First word.

- MICHAEL: Nuts.
- BRIDGET: Bowl.

- MICHAEL: Berry?
- COLIN: Holly.

You're not supposed to
use objects.

Second syllable.


Frock, holly frock.




HORACE: Holly fur?
What's that meant to mean?

I must say, David,

I don't think
you've quite grasped

the rudiments of this game.

- Ring?
- Second word.

- Turn.
- Rinse.

- Strangle.
- Washing.

[ All talking ]

- Screw.
- Drive.

Holly, fir, screw?

No, no, no, no.

It is, I think,

"Oliver Twist"?

Holly, fur, twist.

Well done, Mr. Poirot,
you win again.

Now it's your turn.

No, no, no, no,
please forgive me.

All of a sudden, I am tired.

I will, I think, retire.

But it's only 10:00.

It is perhaps the Christmas
pudding that affects me.

I am not used to
such Lucullian fare.

I thank you for
a most enjoyable Christmas,

and I wish you all
good night.

Good night.

EM: Well, come on, Michael,
it's your go.

No, no, I'm no good.

Mr. Poirot!
Mr. Poirot!


Mr. Poirot, can you help us?

Something awful has happened.

POIROT: Oh, mon Dieu!
This is horrible.

It is like something
in the theater!

Well, that's how
we found her, Mr. Poirot.

You boys, you have
touched nothing?

No, we haven't been near her.

There are footprints.

The footprints of a man.

They arrive with the girl...

But they depart alone.

[ Laughing ]

You are amused?

It's all right, Bridget,
you can get up now.

I do not understand.

It's all a joke, Mr. Poirot.

This is no joke, mes amis.

The young lady,
she has no pulse.


Help! Someone help!

MICHAEL: Grandma! Grandma!
Something terrible has happened!

Help, help!

What's going on?

Good God.

The boys, they planned a comedy.

It has turned into a tragedy.

- DESMOND: She's dead?
- I think there can be no doubt.

I can detect no pulse.
You try.

- No, no --
- No, please, just for me.

My hands are very cold.

The pulse,
it might be very faint.


No, nothing.

Not even a slight flutter?

Look, I think someone had

better get the police,
all right? I'll go.

- You stay here.
- Very well, mon ami.

But hurry, the miscreant
may try to run away.

I'll be as quick as I can.


Horace! Horace!




[ Engine revving ]

I can't wake him,
so I went along to find Sarah

and she's not in
her bedroom.

Now, where is she?
Have you seen her?

- COLIN: Bridget's dead.
- EM: What?

COLIN: Mr. Poirot says
she hasn't got a pulse.

What do you mean?

WELWYN: Poirot, what on earth
is going on?

What's happened to Bridget?

Well, tell her, Mr. Poirot.

Tell her what?


We thought you were dead!

You played a trick on us?

A trick, yes, but not on you.

You all right, Mlle. Bridget?

I'm fine.

But my husband,
I can't wake him.

And I can't find Sarah!

If M. Desmond Lee-Wortley
intended to

leave this country in haste,
where might he go?

He's got his own
private airplane.

Where does he keep it?

At the aerodrome, near Elstree.

M. Welwyn, you have a car?


Bon. On y va.

But where is Sarah?
I must see Sarah!

So, when you were making off

with Farouk's family jewels
in London,

I was 50 miles away, down here.

The perfect alibi.
We've done it.

Paris by lunchtime,
a New Year's wedding in Cairo.

A new life.

POIROT: How far is it
to Elstree Aerodrome?

About 12 miles.

You care for Mlle. Sarah, yes?

That's why I came
down here, really.

There was no other reason?

Yes, all right.

Colonel Lacey's taken a crash
on the stock market.

He's having to sell
some of his artworks.

But he doesn't want
anyone else to know.

- Ah.
- Not even Mrs. Lacey.

I comprehend, M. Welwyn.

Poirot shall be
discretion himself.

I only came down here
really to see Sarah.

I can't make her out,
Mr. Poirot.

Can't think why she's run off
with this Lee-Wortley fellow.

She's just infatuated.

You have not lost her yet,
mon ami.

But now we must make haste

if we are to catch them.

Not far now.

Hold it.

Oh, mon Dieu!

Back off a bit, sir,
give us some room.

Thank you.
Come on.

That's it. Steady.

WELWYN: Don't worry,
I've got an idea.

Where is it you are going?

Hold tight.

Oi, you can't do that!

What's your hurry?

MAN: Put your backs
into it, lads.

The lady and gentleman
are in a hurry.

Here we are.

We've made it.

Let us hope so, mon ami.

There, look.

We're too late.

I think not.

[ Police alarm ringing ]

You'll hit them, Desmond!

Keep quiet!

Hang on!

[ Woman screaming ]

Quick, constable!

You know what to do.

Right, constable.

Hold it right there, sir.

You have something
that does not belong to you,

M. Lee-Wortley.

So you finally caught up
with me, Jesmond, have you?

Well, you're not going to be
fomenting trouble

for a few years.

Do you think I'm the only person
fighting to free Egypt?

I'm a very small cog,
I can assure you.

Yes, I'm sure you are.

Thank you, M. Lee-Wortley.

Take him away.

Come and give me a hand.
Sarah's trapped.

[ Coughs ]

It's his sister!
Where's Sarah?

How in the hell should I know?

And I'm not his sister.

All right, madame, come along.

That's her!
That's Iris Moffat.


You steal my jewels, eh?

And you, fatty.

- Fatty? I --
- Dignity, your highness.

Ah, yes, yes.

Daughter of a licentious camel!

Ah, Poirot.

These girls, eh?

Do you still have the ruby?

We can hardly thank you enough,
M. Poirot.

Quite, quite.
We will give you an honor.

Would you like the Order of
the Golden Snake?

Your highness is too kind.

Yes, I will see my father
about it.

Mr. Poirot, where is Sarah?

I mean, if she's not
with Lee-Wortley, then --

I'm afraid that I misled you,
M. Welwyn.

Earlier this morning,

I sent Mlle. Sarah

to warn his highness.

She is a good-looking woman, eh?

Eh voilà, the ruby.

I am afraid, Mlle. Sarah,

that it is evident to me
that the flirtations with you

of M. Desmond Lee-Wortley

had been
most carefully planned.

Just a camouflage, you mean?

Oui, I regret.

He was in need of an alibi.

He must not be seen in London
while the woman that you knew

only as his sister
stole the jewel.

He then had to wait for her
to bring it to him here.

Why didn't he just buzz off
as soon as they got it?

Well, that had been
their intention, Colonel Lacey,

but unfortunately for them,

the airplane developed
the engine trouble,

they had to wait for it
to be mended.

Why not?
You said the 23rd.

Yes, well, you could have milled
the part yourself in less time.

Once I discovered the ruby

in the otherwise most excellent
Christmas pudding...

You will permit me, madame?

Perhaps it's a ruby.

POIROT: I strongly suspected
M. Lee-Wortley,

but I had no proof.

So you set a cunning trap.

As you say, M. Michael,
I set a cunning trap.

I used to be a waiter
at the Savoy.


It's all right,
it's all right.

You would be very unpopular
if you drop it.

POIROT: He knew that
I had the jewel,

and it was essential to his plan
that he retrieve it.

No, not with me.

But unfortunately for him,

I was, by chance,

witness to a scene
between himself and Mlle. Sarah

in which he tried to ensure that
I could no longer hinder him

by drugging my coffee.

Thus forewarned,

I was able to substitute
my coffee

for that of Colonel Lacey.

I don't think you've a grasp of
the rudiments of this game.




You see, that's why
I couldn't wake you up.

Please accept my sincere
apologies, Colonel,

but it was necessary
to confirm my suspicions.

While I pretended to be asleep,

M. Lee-Wortley searched my room.

Believing me to be
in a drugged stupor,

he had no fear
of being apprehended.

Of course, he found nothing,
because the ruby,

it was in my hand.

So, what did you do then?

He came to see me.

I had heard Colin and Michael
making a plot,

so I arranged

a little counter-plot
of my own.

COLIN: Why don't we put on a
show for that old Poirot fellow?

What sort of a show?

We will arrange ze m*rder.

Ze body, still and cold.

I turned their deception

into a deception of my own.

I thought I'd bust
holding my breath.

I knew she wasn't dead.

No, you didn't.

No, but it was enough
that M. Lee-Wortley

was persuaded of the fact.

He saw his chance
to take the ruby and run.

As soon as he ran,
I had my proof.

The rest you know.

Hold on, well,
you still haven't told us

how this jewel came to be in
the pudding in the first place.

Ah, M. Lee-Wortley
and his "sister"

were in the kitchen,
stirring the pudding.


They recognized my name
and assumed that I was there

in pursuit of the jewel.

And, of course, they panicked.

And hid it in the pudding.

The New Year Day pudding, yes.

But when the Christmas Day
pudding was dropped,

the New Year Day pudding
was served instead.

Yes, sir.

And the ruby discovered.

Would've broken my tooth.

[ Chuckling ]

But there is one thing

that Poirot does not understand.

This note,

it was placed in my bed,

and still I do not know
who wrote it.

I, Hercule Poirot,

whose business it is
to know everything.

"Do not eat none of
the plum pudding.

One as wishes you well."

[ Clears throat ]


Excuse me, sir,

I couldn't help
but overhear you.

It was me.

But why?

I heard them, sir.

That Mr. Wortley
and his sister.

♪ Born the king of angels ♪

ANNIE: Mr. Lee-Wortley
and his sister

were standing behind me
in church.

I couldn't help
but hear them talking.

What's he doing here?
Why did they invite a detective?

I don't know.

He's dangerous, Desmond.
He's got to be dealt with.

Yeah, I know.

Where did you put it?

In the pudding.

♪ Christ, the lord ♪

ANNIE: I thought they meant
to poison you, sir.

In the plum pudding.

I didn't know what to do.

I couldn't tell Mrs. Ross.

She wouldn't listen
to the likes of me.

So you left the note.

Yes, sir.

Mlle. Annie... have the gratitude
most sincere of Hercule Poirot.

Thank you, sir.
Thank you very much, sir.

- Goodbye, Mr. Poirot.
- Au revoir.

- Goodbye, sir.
- Au revoir, au revoir.

Colonel Lacey.

Dear Mr. Poirot,
you really have made this

a most memorable Christmas
for us all.

And, perhaps, madame, your own
little problem is also solved,

n'est-ce pas?

It certainly seems so.

Such a nice young man,
don't you think?

Yes, indeed.

Au revoir, Mme. Lacey.

Thank you, M. Peverill.

- Goodbye!
- Au revoir!