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03x03 - The Million Dollar Bond Robbery

Posted: 01/08/23 06:45
by bunniefuu
-Morning, Mr. Shaw.
-Good morning, Mr. Vavasour.

Terrible weather, Mr. Shaw.

Yes. Shocking.

I'll see you at the bank,
Mr. Shaw.

Right, Mr. Vavasour.

-Morning, gov.

Look out, gov!


My dear Mr. Shaw!
Are you all right?


Yes, I think so.

Here, he done that on purpose.

He was trying to k*ll ya!

It weighs 80,000 tons, you know?

That is heavy, Hastings.

It's over 1,000 feet long.

Yes, Hastings.

Its siren can be heard
10 miles away.

10 miles, Poirot.

Oh, mon Dieu.

I'd give my eyeteeth
to be on this maiden voyage.

I mean,
it's an engineering marvel.

It is a marvel to me, Hastings,

how anyone wishes to travel
on such a contraption.

The Queen Mary?

Poirot, you're going too far.

No, Hastings.
I'm going nowhere.

Even to contemplate such a
matter gives me the mal de mer.

I can assure you, Poirot,

you wouldn't be seasick
on the Queen Mary.

Steady as a rock.

Hastings, it is 20 years ago

that I came to this country
in a boat across the channel,

and still I am not recovered.

Mr. Poirot.

This just came for you
by personal messenger.

Thank you, Miss Lemon.

The London and Scottish Bank.

We don't have an account there,
do we?


Mr. Poirot
did have some problems

with his bank last year.

The chairman was arrested.

Yes, I remember.

It was Poirot who put the man
behind bars.

This is most unusual.

Indeed a circumstance unique.

An attempted m*rder.

American Liberty Bonds.

Have they been robbed?

Not yet, Miss Lemon.

But they think
that they are going to be.

And when they are,

there is at stake
the sum of $1 million.

Mr. Poirot, are you aware
of the nature of Liberty Bonds?

I have no personal experience.

They're the equivalent
of blank checks,

payable to whosoever holds them.

And so if they were
to be mislaid?

Same as losing cash.
It would ruin us.

Tell me, M. Shaw,

why is it necessary
to transport these bonds?

The bank is currently
extending its credit

in America, Mr. Poirot.

We must have funds in place
in New York.

-Thank you.

And it is M. Shaw
who will take them?

In two days' time.

He'll be traveling
on the Queen Mary.

I say!

Oh. Sorry.

Now, if M. Shaw were unable
to make this journey,

who would travel in his place?

The assistant general manager.
Mr. Ridgeway.

Mr. Ridgeway is above suspicion.

I would certainly
like to think so.

Why is that, M. Vavasour?

He has been with the bank
for seven years.

He's also engaged
to my secretary.

Yes, gentlemen.

I will examine this matter
for you.

Really, Mr. Vavasour.

No, Mr. Shaw.
That car tried to k*ll you.

I saw it with my own eyes.

The red sports car?

A Singer, you think?

Uh, yes.

But you were unable
to make out

the number of the registration?

It happened too quickly.

And to be truthful,
my eyesight is not good.

I'm sorry, Mr. Vavasour.

I still think you're
blowing this whole thing

out of proportion.

We'll let Mr. Poirot
be the judge of that.

You'd better have a word
with our Mr. McNeil.

He's the head of security.

I'm sure you'll find him
more than helpful.

I have to tell you, Mr. Poirot,
I consider your presence here

to be a gross intrusion
in my affairs.

That, I would say,
is for M. Vavasour to decide.

I'll have you know
that in the five years

that I have been
head of security here,

not so much as a paper clip
has gone astray.

M. McNeil, I'm sure
if such a thing were to happen,

you would be the man
ideal for the case.

Here it is, Mr. Poirot.

The portmanteau in which
the bonds will travel.

I had it built to my own design.

Steel plate inside.

Five-lever lock.
Hardened steel.

Clutch screws here and here.

There are just three keys.

One for Mr. Shaw
and one for Mr. Vavasour.

And the third?

For me, of course.

And what if M. Ridgeway
had to make the journey?

Mr. Ridgeway?

Well, that's the bank's lookout,

but I'd have to say he would not
be my first choice as courier.

And why is that, M. McNeil?

You're the detective,
Mr. Poirot.

You work it out.


Thank you, Sandra.

Mr. Poirot, isn't it?

M. Ridgeway.
My associate, Captain Hastings.

-How do you do?
-How do you do?

-Please sit down, gentlemen.
-Thank you.

I suppose you've come
about Mr. Shaw.

You heard what took place?

But I'm sure it was an accident.


Well, I mean,
who's gonna knock off old Shaw?

He's utterly harmless
and dry as old bones.


I understand that you yourself
would travel to America

if M. Shaw were indisposed.

A bit of fun, eh?

And on the Queen Mary, too.

I'll say.

You would like to go?

Of course I would.

Oh, but not enough to...

You don't think...

What car do you drive,
M. Ridgeway?

I don't.

I did have a car.
It was a Singer.

The color?

But I haven't had it for weeks.

You see, I sold it.

I didn't like it.

It was the ignition.

I could never get
the damn thing to start.

He was lying.

He was not, perhaps,
telling the truth in entirety.

The Singer's got
a brand-new ignition system.

Racing start.
It's the best on the road.

Ah, Hastings.
Always the enthusiast.

Mr. Poirot?

Might I...

Can I talk to you?

My name is Esmee Dalgleish.

I'm engaged to be married
to Philip Ridgeway.

Ah, I'd say
he's a very lucky man.

Thank you.

And you're also
the secretary of M. Vavasour?

Yes, that's right.

How can I help you,

Mr. Poirot, may I speak to you
in confidence?

You have my assurance,

I love Philip very much.

We hope to be married
in the autumn.

But it's just these bonds,
Mr. Poirot.

The money.

It concerns you?


Because if Mr. Shaw were unable
to go to America,

Philip would take his place.

And I'm afraid for him,
Mr. Poirot.

You're afraid
someone might attack him?

Well... yes.

There's no saying
what some people might do

for such a sum of money.

Mr. Poirot, I know you will do
everything you can,

but, please, I beg of you,
keep an eye on Philip.

Whatever happens.

I'm frightened
he's going to come to harm.

You're very punctual,
Mr. Ridgeway.

Time for a pint?


I have to get back to the bank.

Ah, yes.

And the money?

It's on its way.

Another week, that's all.

Another week?

10 days.

No more.

I promise you.

It's all arranged.

Thank you, Mrs. Winter.

Mr. Poirot.
Thank goodness you're back.

What is it, Miss Lemon?

It's the bank.
They telephoned.

Their Mr. Shaw --
He's been poisoned!

Good evening.
We wish to see a M. Shaw.

And you are?

Hercule Poirot.

Oh, yes.
Come in.

Thank you.

-How is he?
-Still very weak.

-It was strychnine, you know?

In his coffee.

More guests, Mr. Shaw.

Just five minutes, then sleep.

Thank you.
Thank you, Nurse Long.

Mr. -- Mr. Poirot --

No, no, no, M. Shaw. Please.
You must not tire yourself.

It was a close thing,
Mr. Poirot.

One more mouthful --

I have begun an investigation.

It could have been anyone.


But at least we have ascertained

who was the last person
in Mr. Shaw's office

before the coffee was drunk.

And who was that, M. McNeil?

The same person who will
now be taking the bonds.

Mr. Ridgeway.

I thought you were going to
take me out this evening.

I was. And I want to.
But I can't.

I'm sorry, old girl.
It's business.

It's always business.

Well, you should talk to
old Vavasour.

He's the one to blame.


-Do you still love me?

Of course I do.

I'm wild about you.

I never see you anymore.


Things will get better

once I just... turn the corner.


I got to fly.


Darling, look,
damn silly of me --

I, uh, left my wallet
at the office.

Oh, Philip.

I seem to keep doing this,
don't I?

I've got a couple of pounds.

I'm sorry, darling.

Philip, look,
if you're in trouble...

Of course I'm not in trouble.

You can tell me.

Everything's going to be fine.

See you tomorrow.

The keys, Mr. McNeil.

You know what to do when you
reach New York, Mr. Ridgeway?

-Yes, sir.

One for you, Mr. Ridgeway.

Mr. McNeil, you are responsible

for delivering that to Mr. Shaw
at his home.

Very good, sir.

And one for me.

Is Mr. Shaw
still not better, sir?

I'm afraid not, Miss Dalgleish.

He's going to be in bed
for at least two weeks.

I'd be glad
to make the journey, sir.

Thank you, Mr. McNeil.

But there's business to be done
in New York

which in Mr. Shaw's absence
only Mr. Ridgeway can handle.

It's only 10 days, old girl.

They say it's going to be
the fastest crossing ever.

You may be sure
I'm taking no chances

with your fianc?'s safety,
Miss Dalgleish.

After what has happened
to Mr. Shaw.

I have asked Mr. Poirot
to accompany the bonds.

He's letting me know
later today.

With due respect, I can't
quite see what's to be gained

by employing a Belgian.

It's just
these bonds, Mr. Poirot.

The money.

I love Philip very much.

I know you will do
everything you can,

but, please, I beg of you,
keep an eye on Philip.

Come on, Johnathan.
It's time we were home.

I've put in your blue tie
and the mauve silk waistcoat.

And I shall take also
the brown suit

and the two waistcoats
that coordinate.

You can't take your
entire wardrobe, Mr. Poirot.

-Ah, Hastings. Enfin.

You must begin at once
the packing.

-We're going?
-On the Queen Mary.

What, you and me?

Yes, Hastings,
we travel with the bonds.

I have this confirmed
with M. Vavasour this afternoon.

That's wonderful, Poirot!

What on earth
made you change your mind?

I cannot refuse a lady.

Especially if she's a queen.

I promise you, Poirot, you won't
have a twinge of seasickness.

So you say, mon ami.

But I take the precautions
all the same.

$1 million in Liberty Bonds.

New York bound at last,

the Queen Mary
on her maiden voyage.

Tens of thousands of people

have poured into Southampton
to catch a glimpse

of the world's newest
and greatest liner.

But what of the privileged few
who will sail aboard her?

One or two will
hardly remember the occasion,

whilst others are determined
that this will be one trip

that they won't forget.

And here's a familiar face --

Europe's most famous detective,
Hercule Poirot,

hot on the track
of a well-deserved break

and looking forward
to a life on the ocean way.

Another "case" for M. Poirot.

There are over 2,000 cases
being loaded safely onboard.

And it's certainly
an arresting sight

as the sailing hour arrives
and the Queen Mary puts to sea.

And now our camera
takes to the air

as Britain's newest liner leaves
the sanctuary of home waters

and heads into the Atlantic
Ocean for the first time.

But will she steal
that blue ribbon?

It's currently held
by the Normandie,

with a crossing time
of just four days.



Good morning, Mr. Poirot.

Bonjour, mademoiselle.

Bonjour, Hastings.

Comment ?a va?

Oh, I'm terrible.

I tell you, Poirot,
it's not seasickness.

I'm never seasick.

Must have been
that oyster last night.

If you wish, I have some pills.

Thank you, Poirot.
I'll be perfectly all right.

Oh, I say, Poirot...


There's a young lady
in the cabin next door.

Yes, it is just now
that we have met.

Miss Brooks.


We were supposed to
go swimming together.

If you see her again,
could you tell her I'm...

The bad oyster, no?



Bring it in.

Oh. Good morning.

Bonjour, M. Ridgeway.

I thought you were the steward.


You have not yet had
a breakfast.


Actually, I had
a bit of a night of it.


And the portmanteau?


The key's perfectly safe,
Mr. Poirot.

You don't have to worry.

I'll keep the key in my pocket

and lock the cabin door
each time I go out.

If you see the steward, could
you ask him to get a move on?

I'm famished.

Well, hello again.

Ah, mademoiselle.

My friend, Captain Hastings,
regrets that he is unable

to swim with you today.

Oh, that's okay.

I was feeling
pretty terrible myself.

I was dancin' until 3:00.


And yet you are traveling alone,
Mlle. Brooks?

You're never alone
on a ship, Mr. Poirot.

I'll see ya.

Mademoiselle, pardon, but...

What is the time?

It's just 9:30.

Thank you.

Ah, Mr. Poirot.

-Good morning.

The captain
sends his compliments,

but I'm afraid he won't be
at his table tonight.

Oh, there is a problem?

There's been
a patch of fog forecast, sir.

Nothing to concern you,

but the captain will have to
remain on the bridge.

Ah, well. Please to convey
my regrets to the captain.

Yes, sir. Looks as if this may
lose us the blue ribbon.

I suppose
there's always next time.


Morning, sir.

Good morning.

Just a little fish for me,

With dry toast.

Merci beaucoup.

Mais c'est incroyable, eh?
This ship that is not a ship.

It is, how you say, a marvel.

Yes, Poirot.

Ah, but of course my poor
Hastings, he still has the --

Food poisoning.

Evening, Ridgeway.
Can we count you in tonight?

I'll be there.

See if you can win back
some of that money, eh?

You play the cards?


It passes the time.

And it's all very friendly.
We just play for a few pounds.

Ah. Merci.

Les cervelles au beurre.

Oh, what's that?

It is the brains of the calf
fried in butter.

I think perhaps I'll go
and have another lie-down.

Bye! Bye.

Queens high, damn it.


I'm afraid you're blown,


I'm sure you'll accept an IOU.

Oh, Miss Brooks.

Why, Captain Hastings.
Can't you sleep?

No, no, I couldn't.

I thought I heard...

Someone didn't go overboard
just now, did they?

Only the orchestra.

But they've been going overboard
all night.

I'm sorry I couldn't join you.

Why, I'm sorry
you couldn't make it.

Still, we'll be in New York
in a few hours.

Perhaps we could, um...

Yes, well,
maybe we'll meet again.

Well, then.


Miss Brooks?

Good night, Captain Hastings.


Captain Hastings.


The bonds!

Wait here, please.

Is it really true?
They've gone?

Yes, sir.
I'm afraid so.

But they're an hour
from New York, you said.

They must still be on the ship.

I've cabled them to start
a person-to-person search, sir,

but, uh, it would be easier
if I were there.

They must be found.

If the bonds are sold, it could
bring down the entire bank.

I'm aware of that, sir.

Which is why I must ask you
one question.

Of course. Anything.

Do you still have the key
I gave you?

It hasn't left my sight.

Britain's greatest
liner steams into New York

at the end
of her first Atlantic crossing

without the blue ribbon

after fog delayed her
for more than 11 hours.

Even so, New York gave
a frenzied welcome

to Britain's queen of the sea.

The crossing was completed
in 4 days, 12 hours, 24 minutes

at an average speed of 29 knots.

And just listen
to that roar of welcome.

I swear to heaven, Mr. Poirot.

I had the key all the time.

And where were you all night,
Mr. Ridgeway?

I was playing cards.

I know I should have been here,

I suppose
it's a weakness of mine.


How much did you lose?

About ?100.

And the same the night before.

This doesn't look too good
for me, does it?

Leave us, M. Ridgeway.

We shall speak again later.

I'll go and make my report
to the captain.

I say.
Look at this, Poirot.

It's all cut and scratched
at the back here.

This I have examined already.

Almost as if someone
tried to force it but couldn't.


But then they managed
to unlock it anyway.


It is very curious.

They waste much, much time
trying to pry it open,

and then, sapristi, they find
they have the key all the time.

Unless they wanted to make it
look as if it'd been forced.

Oui. C'est possible.

But then
it must have been Ridgeway.

Nobody else had a key.

You are disappointed?

Well, I mean, I think he's
a bit of an ass in many ways,

but I didn't think
he had it in him to --

Neither did I, mon ami.

-We have to find them, McNeil.
-Yes, sir.

Or the person
who stole them, sir.


-Mr. Shaw had his key?
-Yes, sir.

-Yes, of course he had.
-Do you have yours, sir?

-Your key.

-Of course I have.
-May I see it, please, sir?

Really, McNeil!

So I came out here,

went over to the rail here.

Then I heard a splash, which
seemed to come from over there.

And this is where I met Miranda.

Mlle. Brooks?

She came from over there.

Now, the cabin of M. Ridgeway --

It looks out onto this deck,
does it not?

Yes, it does.

But she was carrying nothing?


If she had taken them,

she could have
thrown them overboard,

and then they could have drifted
into New York.

And then...

perhaps they grew
the little fins and swam ashore.


It is a stupid idea.

Au contraire, my dear Hastings.

You are as perceptive as ever.

Wait a minute.

It was here.

Mr. Vavasour, do you realize
how serious this matter is?

Of course I do.

This is a matter
for the police now.

-Yes, sir.

Your key,
your secretary's fianc?,

and your idea to send the bonds
in the first place.

McNeil, you work for me.

I think you better
come with me, sir.

Down to the Yard.

Ah, Mr. Poirot.
Have you made any progress, sir?

We make great steps.

Oh, I wish I could say the same.

This gentleman
is a customs officer, sir.

The name's Franklin, sir.
Tom Franklin.

And may I say
what an honor it is

to shake the hand
of the famous Hercule Poirot.

Thank you.

You have begun the search,
M. Franklin?

Yes, sir,
and I have to tell you,

a bent dime
couldn't get past my men.

But so far, nothing.

Has Miss Brooks gone ashore yet?

Blond American girl.
Very beautiful.

Sir, there are
over 1,000 passengers onboard.

In any case, officer,
you are too late.

Too late?

The bonds will not be found
on the passengers,

and they are not on this ship.

That's impossible, sir.

They can't have
got off the ship.

I assure you, gentlemen,
that is the case.

There is nothing more
for us here.

Hastings, you and I must return
to London at once.

-And Mr. Ridgeway?
-He will be returning with us.

But what about the search,
Mr. Poirot?

Your Mr. McNeil
was pretty insistent.

I assure you, officer,
M. McNeil does not belong to me.

Mr. McNeil,
where is Mr. Vavasour?

He is at the police station,
Miss Dalgleish.

The police? Why?

I'm afraid that is confidential
information, Miss Dalgleish.

He is the general manager
of this bank,

and I am his secretary.

That makes no difference.

I have a right to know.
This is ridiculous.

But let me remind you,
Mr. McNeil.

In a few days,
Mr. Poirot will be back.

I don't see how he can help.

And home again!

The Queen Mary returns
to home waters.

And as we circle 'round,

another member
of the line passes --

the Berengaria, outward bound --

two great vessels
passing at sea.

And now the Queen Mary
heads into Southampton water

and prepares to berth.

Many happy returns
to your home waters.

Good to be home, eh, Poirot?

Oh, look.
There's your fianc?e.


Yes, sir?

Mr. Poirot.

I want you to arrest this man

for the theft of $1 million
in the Liberty Bonds.


I say, Poirot.

If you say so, sir.

Come on, you.

How could you?!

It looked such a beautiful ship,
Mr. Poirot.

It was indeed an experience
most remarkable, Miss Lemon.

I'm only sorry it wasn't all
more successful.

But it was a great success.

Not once did I succumb
to the mal de mer.

-Ah, Hastings, you are ready.

We have played the games
long enough, Hastings.

it is now time
to settle the scores.

Mr. Poirot!

This is monstrous.

I do not know
what happened to my key.

When did you notice it had gone,
M. Vavasour?

Only when McNeil asked for it.

Eh bien. Who, then,
had access to your office?

Myself, my secretary.

One more question,
if you please, monsieur.

before the departure
of the Queen Mary,

who was it that put the bonds
into the portmanteau?

I did. Why?

It is just as I thought,

And it tells me
all that I need to know.

Thank you.

Mr. Poirot.

Where now?

I don't suppose you'd care
to tell me what's going on.

You know, Poirot, you really are
quite impossible.

-Why, Hastings?
-You never tell me anything.

I have no idea where we are
or where we're going.

Have patience, mon ami.

Soon all will be made clear.


You must understand,

that I am only trying
to help you.

You arrest my fianc?.
McNeil arrests Mr. Vavasour.

You're both as bad
as each other!

Je vous en prie, mademoiselle.
Have patience.


When you came to see me,

it was because you are afraid
of Mr. Ridgeway, no?

I was afraid for him.

No, no, no, mademoiselle.

You knew he was a gambler
most compulsive.

You knew of his debts.

And it was for this reason
that he sold his car.


I can't deny it, Mr. Poirot.

You seem to know.

And you were also afraid,
were you not,

that if he were entrusted with
the $1 million Liberty Bonds

that he would take them
and disappear.

-I --
-You wished to protect him, mademoiselle.

And it is for this reason

that you stole the key
of your employer.

I don't know what you mean!

Please, mademoiselle,
do not try to deceive me!

I know!

You took the key?

Because you wish to save
M. Ridgeway,

you are willing
to let us believe

that the key that opened
the portmanteau

was the key of your employer,
M. Vavasour.

But I'm afraid, mademoiselle,
that will not work.

Because the keys
have nothing to do with it.

Why have you dragged me here,
Mr. Poirot?

I thought it might be
instructive for you, M. McNeil.

Is it really true?

Both Mr. Vavasour
and Ridgeway arrested?

Well, one of them
stole the bonds.

Ah, no, no, no.
They stole nothing.

Indeed, there was
nothing to steal.

You see, M. McNeil,

the bonds were taken long before
the Queen Mary set sail.

But that's impossible.

We were with the portmanteau
all the time.

No. No, no, no.
Pas du tout, mon ami.

M. Vavasour, he put the bonds
into the portmanteau.

And the eyesight of M. Vavasour
is poor.

He told us so himself.

$1 million in Liberty Bonds.


He would not have noticed that
the bonds that he was holding

were all forgeries.

-Wait a minute.

You mean the bonds
on the Queen Mary were fakes?

Exactly that, mon ami.

But why?
What good would that do anyone?

Mr. Shaw has got to rest now.

Yes, of course.


Ah, Miss Long, pardon,
but what is the time?

It's 10 past 4:00.

C'est ?a.

Ah, mademoiselle...

Pardon, but...

What is the time?

It's just 9:30.

On the ship also
I asked you the same question.

The disguise was to perfection.

But the movement
was exactly the same.

It was the movement
of an experienced nurse

who always wears the watch
on her chest.


Mlle. Brooks.

Or Mlle. Long.

Who traveled with a copy
of one of the keys,

who stole the bonds that were
fake, and who disposed of them.

I don't know
what you're talking about.

You're talking gibberish.

Well, she can't be.

Miranda Brooks
was an absolute stunner.

M. Philip Ridgeway
would take the blame, huh?

M. Ridgeway, with the problems
of his gambling,

he would be the obvious suspect.

He would become the,
how do you say, the... scapegoat.

But he did steal them.

He was the one
traveling with them.

Precisely what you were intended
to think, M. McNeil.

That was why it was essential

that M. Ridgeway
should be on that boat.

No, it was Mlle. Brooks

who tried to k*ll M. Shaw
with the motorcar.


It was Mlle. Brooks
who arranged the poisoning.

Miranda planned all that?

All right. Yes.

Here you are.

Good Lord.

What are you going to do?
Call the police?

All right.
Let's get on with it.

All this talk.

No, no, no, no, mademoiselle.

One step at a time.

You see, Mlle. Brooks,

she now makes
the attempt gallant

to shield her accomplice.



How simple it would have been

for M. Shaw
to remove those bonds

that were entrusted to him

if he had taken them
onboard the boat, eh?

Too simple.
Too obvious.

The bank would have known
precisely where to look.

Are you implying that I was
in some way involved in this?

I was bedridden.

Yes, of course you were,
M. Shaw.

With the poison...

that was fake.

As was the attempt to k*ll you
with the motorcar.

It was all part of your plan
to get M. Philip Ridgeway

to take your place on the boat.

But Mr. Shaw still had his key.

Oh, no, no, no, M. McNeil.

He had a copy of his key.

Mlle. Brooks,
she had the real one.

Oh, God.

I'm sorry, Miranda.

You are husband and wife?


But we intended to be.

I'm sorry.

Don't be.

Prison can't be much worse

than 25 years at the
London and Scottish Bank.

All right, Ridgeway.
You're done.

Where's McNeil?

I don't see why you had to
have me arrested, though.

Because, M. Ridgeway, I saw

the loan sharks waiting for you
at Southampton,

and I thought you'd be safer
in the police cell.

Well, that's true, I suppose.

Yeah, and it also allowed
the real culprits

to relax their guard
a little, huh?

I can't tell you how much
we owe you, Mr. Poirot.

I've been promoted
to joint general manager.

I paid off all my debts.

And there aren't going to be
any more.

Thank you for everything.

-And goodbye.

Au revoir.

We deserve to celebrate
a little, eh, Hastings?

A glass of cr?me de menthe?


You scorn the liqueur, Hastings.

For you, my friend,
a whiskey, perhaps?

Ah, no.
No, thanks.


You are not elated
by our success?

Oh, yes, yes.
Very good.

Pas encore Ie mal de mer?

No, I'm fine.

Hastings, we have just completed
a case most successful.

Two men have been released from
the imprisonment most unjust.

You have been privileged
to watch Hercule Poirot

at his most brilliant.

And on top of this, you have had
the nice ride on the Queen Mary.

Well, I -- I know, Poirot.

I'm sorry.

It's Miranda Brooks.

Ah, Hastings.

You still have the hankering for
the glamorous young woman, huh?

No, no, no, no.
Not at all. No.

Quite the opposite, in fact.

It's just that...

Well, there she was --

as you say,
a glamorous young woman.

But with a bit of a wig
and a few bits of makeup,

she could transform herself
into that dowdy hag of a nurse.

Yes, it was indeed
very well done, Hastings.


Well, I mean...

If a woman can do that one way,
she can do it the other.

Oh, Hastings.


I mean, then where are you?

At the beginning of wisdom,
mon ami.

Now, that also is something
to celebrate, n'est-ce pas?
