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05x02 - See No Evil

Posted: 10/14/09 00:23
by bunniefuu
Previously on Ghost Whisperer...

I feel like I've waited my whole life just to meet you.

Is this what our lives have become? One giant party?

Both: Yes!


Ooh, dad's gonna get us! He's gonna get us!

Eli: But you feel it, too, right?

Every time I treat a patient here, as soon as I walk in the building...

Lost souls, you know?

But it's a hospital.

People die here.

No, I worked in a lot of hospitals.

There's something different about this one.

[Electricity flickering]


Melinda: Where are they?

Are they in danger? Aiden isn't, if he stays where he is.


Just stay where you are.

Come here! You're not safe there.

How do you know? I just know.

I got ya.

Are you ok? Yeah.

I made Tyler stay with me, like I was supposed to.

Who told you that you were supposed to?

I don't know. The visions I've had, they've been from Aiden? Is he a sensitive?

The word you're looking for is "empath."

He can share other people's feelings.

You don't want him to know he's connected to you?

No. If he did, then he'd know that his dreams aren't really his.

I want his dreams to belong to him like any little boy.

[Crickets chirping]

Melinda: Ok.

Time for you to get comfy all on your own.

Tomorrow, we're gonna get up early and we're going to have your favorite breakfast.

But for right now, here's your monkey, ok?

Good night, baby. Sweet dreams.

Here, put your arms in there.

There you go.

But I don't want to go to sleep yet.

I'm not tired.

Well, you're just gonna have to give it your best shot, ok?

But I--I'm thirsty.

Uh-uh, don't try to pull that with me.

Good night.

It's not even 8:00. Do you really think he's gonna go down?

Unheard of, right?


Jim: Wow.

He's an angel.

Hard to imagine he's the same little guy who just smeared peanut butter on my laptop.

Wait a minute, wait a minute.

You know what this means, don't you?

We get a gold star?

No, we might actually have some time...To ourselves.

Uh, if I didn't have peanut butter on my laptop.

No, laptop's peanut butter-free.

I had a minute when you were brushing Aiden's teeth.

Wait a minute, if we just get the dishes done--

done! I did them while you were reading to Aiden.

Well, if we can get the laundry folded--

also done. Clean scrubs, in your drawer.

I took out the trash.

I made Aiden's lunch for tomorrow.

You did? Yeah.

Ah, that is such a turn-on.

If you did not have to go to work tonight...

I don't.

I got that intern Scott to cover my shift.

We have a totally free night?



[Meese performing
next in line]

♪You're just so typical ♪
♪I took you for original♪
♪Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah ♪
♪Like all the other ones♪
♪Like every other hit and run ♪
♪Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah... ♪

So, where's your roommate?

Uh, cramming for a psych midterm.

Won't be back for a while.

[Both moaning]

Lucky us.

You know, just in case...

Don't move a muscle.


Don't move a muscle.

♪Make a scream ♪
♪Like you're losing your mind... ♪


Ned: Brianna?

Ned! Oh, no! Brianna--what...


What kind of person would do this?

I don't know!


What's happening?


It's all right.

Maybe it wasn't a person at all.



It must be done.

Who are you?

Stop it before it spreads.

Stop what?

If it's not too late already.

Why can't you hear me? Why won't you answer me?

Shush, now.

Shush, girl.

Your screams won't help you.

Whose screams? Who are you talking to?

This will hurt, but it'll be over quickly.

What are you doing?

What are you doing with that needle?

Hold still now. Melinda: No.



Child, whispering: Can you see us?

[Rock music playing]

Jim: So with the robes and the hushed voices, I mean, is there any chance they could have been doctors performing, I don't know, some kind of operation?

With a huge, rusty needle?

Well, you said it looked like they came from another era.

Maybe it was the era before sterilization.

Yeah, or no anesthesia. They just kept saying, "hold still, "

but I could still feel everything.

And they couldn't see or hear you at all.

You know, it sounds like one of your visions you've been channeling from Aiden.

Yeah, he was awake when I went in to check on him.

Hey, there weren't any little needles in any of his dreams, though, were they?

No, he doesn't remember his ghost dreams.

Thank God. You know, he certainly remembers his other dreams.

You know, a couple nights ago, he was dreaming that he was flying over a Mountain made of ice cream.

Now he wants to learn how to skate--

Daddy! Aha! Whoo!

Hey, do you want O.J. or milk with your pancakes?

Milk, please. You got it.

Hey, I think we got SpongeBob coming to visit us for breakfast.

Ahh, nice socks.


I couldn't decide.

You know what? I think it's great, and I am very impressed with how you're getting yourself ready.


You're welcome.

So, is Ned ok?

Ned? Why wouldn't he be?

He called before. Didn't he?

Well, someone called.

I just didn't get the chance to check it.

I think Ned wants to talk to you.

Yeah, I--I think you could be right about that.

Um, your dad's going to get the syrup.

[Phone beeping]
Jim: Yeah, here's the syrup, little man...

Woman: Please enter your password, then press pound...

Does this have something to do with your vision?

Because as the only member of this family who doesn't traffic in ghosts, I'm kind of at a loss.

All I know is, I have a voicemail from Ned.

It came in this morning, my phone was on vibrate.

There is no way that Aiden would have known he called.

But he did.

What does this mean?

That he's going to continue to amaze us.

And that whatever has meaning to me obviously means something to him, too.

Yeah, and Ned means a lot to both of you.

Ned: Hey, Melinda. It's Ned.

Something weird happened at school.

A friend of mine's in trouble.

What happened?

Can you come over?


[Indistinct chatter]

It was like this when we came in, only it was wet.

It's nail Polish.

Melinda: Yeah, I can smell it.

Look, I guess someone could have walked in here and hung my doll and painted the walls in nail Polish to make it look like blood, but we were right here when that mirror shattered.

What caused that?

Did you call the campus cops?

No, we called you.

A friend of Brianna's died a few days ago...

A friend who was angry at her.

Ned told me what you can do.


Is there one, here? No.

No ghost. Not right now.

So, why don't you tell me about your friend who died.


We used to be really tight.

She was run down by a car about a week ago.

We met in my first day at Rockland.

I was totally lost, and she helped me find my dorm room.

After that, we did everything together.

I couldn't believe it when I heard she'd been k*lled.

By then, we weren't really speaking.

What happened?

I saw her at a party.

She was making out with a guy.

She had a boyfriend who was a good friend of mine, too.

It ticked me off, so I told a friend who told a friend--

who told her boyfriend.

Gwen was really upset.

Upset enough to do all this?

Actually, there's one more thing.

Can a ghost send an email?

"Hello, my name is Sally Stitch.

"I have chosen you. Forward this, "or you or someone you love will suffer.

Do not break the chain, or the suffering will have no end."

Wow. That's pretty disturbing.

This Gwen's email?


I got it a few days ago.

I didn't forward it.

Guess that made her mad.

And it came after Gwen died?

Two days after, according to the timestamp.

So, the image of this girl with her eyes stitched shut, would that mean anything to you and Gwen?

No. So, it could be some chain email Gwen got and forwarded.

Except that's not all she did.

She's the only one who could have known.

Known what? Look at this.

At the end of the email, there are these descriptions of what happened to people who broke the chain.

The most recent injury is on the top of the list.

"A college student ignored the email

"and found her best friend Luanne hanging from a noose in a blood-splattered closet."

Like your doll.

Luanne is my doll.

She's a keepsake I've had since I was six.

Gwen is the only one who knew she what she meant to me.

She's the only one who even knew her name.

[Indistinct chatter]

Eli: Ghosts are creating their own emails now?

Aren't they getting crafty.

What's next, blogging? Webisodes?

Well, it's possible Gwen didn't create the email.

It's just something going around--

a scary image she's using to terrorize her friends.


Ok, so what would this email have to do with two friends fighting?

Maybe it's a way for Gwen to pay Brianna back.

For not forwarding it?

For getting her in trouble with her boyfriend.

I did a little research on the image of someone with their eyes sewn shut.

Ugh, I hate needles.

It's rooted in some lore.

You said the people in your vision, they didn't seem to be of this time, right?


Well, in Dante's inferno,
it was punishment for envy.

In Scottish folklore, it was punishment for intimate betrayal.

But I could only find one society that actually put it into practice.

The puritans?

"A zealous offshoot deems stitching of eyes suitable punishment for those who spread slanderous gossip."

That look like anything you saw?

It's hard to tell, but the clothes are similar.

And so is the theme.

Gwen was hurt by gossip. Yeah, by one friend, but this email, it's designed to be forwarded.

I mean, Gwen punished Brianna when she didn't pass it on, so what does she want?

Spread a little fear on her way out--

make her mark, so to speak.

Do we know if the email was sent to anyone else?

It was a blind c.c.

You wouldn't do that unless there were other recipients.

So, this is only the beginning.

Oh, sick!

Dude, check this out.

"Hello, my name is Sally Stitch."

Oh, man.

It says you're supposed to forward it.

[Scoffs] Yeah. I'm not forwarding this to anyone I know.

You sure?

Dude, this is so lame.

What's it say down there?

Crap that supposedly happens to people who didn't.

This guy found his dog dead in a car.

This girl's father bled out in the bathtub.

Intense. If it was real.

What if it's true?

Come on, dude. It's a bunch of lies.

You sure, man? I mean, look at this.

A girl, Luanne, was found hanging in a blood-splattered dorm room.

I'd toss it off to somebody just to be safe.

You did toss it off to someone.

You tossed it off to me.

Hey. It said I could die. I'm not taking any chances.




It's your funeral.

See ya, Sally!

This is really beautiful.

We should do this more often. I know.

Fast food never tastes better than when it's in the great outdoors, honey.

Now that they've got the whole square wired for Wi-Fi.

I'm sorry.

You were ten minutes late and I've been working all morning, and so I just thought I'd look at Gwen's obit.

What'd you find out? Not much, actually.

I mean, she was raised by her mom, only child, really good student, did a lot of charity work.

I have ten minutes with you, and I am talking about my ghost.

Come on, I get you alone twice in one week.

I'm a spoiled man.

Come here.

Oh! There you are.

Man, you two are hard to find.

Do you know that your cell's off?

Yeah. I turned it off.

Ok. No reason to get snippy.

I just thought I'd let you know that someone sent me the Sally Stitch chain.

Who sent it to you? A student of mine.

It's spreading across campus like kudzu weed.

Somebody you flunked?

No. I asked him to send it to me.

He fractured his ankle walking into class.

He thought it was because he broke the chain.

I told him to send it to me so he would stop freaking out.

I was right, wasn't I?

No chance emails are cursed.

I'd hate to be proof that curses exist.

Oh, please. There's always an explanation.

Yeah, I knew that.

Then try explaining this.


All these things happened to people who broke the chain?

Apparently, the chain keeps breaking.


That's a lot of mayhem.

Yeah, but why would Gwen want to cause all this suffering?

I mean, why would she be so angry?

She said that her death was an accident, right?

Wait a minute.

Brianna said that Gwen got hit by a car.

Well, I always assumed that it was as a pedestrian.

But she was a passenger.

Passenger in what?

In a car that got into an accident.

Look, it says that there's two victims.

Now, what did the email say again?

"My name is Sally Stitch, I'm a nasty little bi--"

the threat.

It said that something bad would happen to you or someone you love.

What if it happened to both?

[Monitor beeping]

That's Gwen's mom.

She ran a red light straight into a guy taking a left.

What happened to him?

Minor injuries, he's fine.

I don't understand. What happened to Gwen?

She must have gotten out of the car to go get help for her mother.

She got out straight into the path of an oncoming car.


What about her mother?

Been in a coma ever since.

She's here.


You can see me?

It's ok.

I can help you. I...

I know your story.

I think I understand what happened.

Everyone thinks it was an accident.

But you don't.

You think it was the email.

[Monitor beeping]

You got it right before the accident, and you didn't forward it.

Not then.

My mom lives a few hours away.

I was so happy to see her.

Ah, I wish I lived closer.

We could go to lento's every night.

[Laughs] Right.

Then I'd be a blimp.

[Both laugh]

The minute I opened the email, I wished I hadn't.

I hate those chain things, you want to just trash them, but then, part of you wonders...

What if there's something to it?

I made the wrong choice.

Because right after I hit delete...

Mom! No!

[Alarm sounding]


Mom, are you ok? Wake up, mom!

Oh, no. Please. Please!

[Horn honking]


[Brakes squealing]

So, you think because of what you did with the email, that caused the accident.

I'm dead, aren't I?

[Monitor beeping]

But it's not fair that she has to suffer for what I did.

But that's the rule, of the email.

"Forward this, "or you or someone you love will suffer.

"If you break the chain, the suffering will have no end."

I have to save her.

It's not too late.

So, you think if you keep the email going, that she'll be spared. Yes.

And I'm sorry Brianna got it, but I had no choice. And neither does she.

She has to keep the chain going.

They all do.

So, wait a minute.

All the horrible things that have been happening to people in the email...

Are you haunting them?

I didn't start this. Someone sent it to me.

Yeah, but you're the one who has to make it stop.

You don't understand!

Something scared you.

Was it the same thing that scared me?

I had a vision that my eyes were being sewn shut, like Sally Stitch.

Did you see it, too?


Just don't try and stop this.

What's it going to take?

How much fear needs to be spread?

I don't know.

But it is not my fault if people get hurt.

It's yours.

[Indistinct chatter]


Sally Stitch?


You want me to send this, give you an excuse to keep terrorizing people?

Yeah, well, forget it.

No deal.


[Line ringing]

♪And I'm about to let you go ♪
♪And I'm about to save the day ♪

[Phone vibrating]

♪And I'm about to let it all hang out ♪

[Line ringing]
Come on, mom.

Pick up.

♪I didn't want to give you up ♪

[Line ringing]

♪Didn't want to let me in ♪
[Phone vibrating]

♪Well, I guess it didn't hurt me enough ♪
♪When you wondered where I'd been ♪

Oh, hey, honey. I thought you were studying.

Ned: Mom!

Are you ok? Yeah, yeah.

I was just rocking out to your friend Nick's band.

You know, they're really good.

Why, is there something wrong?

Nothing. Nothing. I've been trying to call you.

Oh, honey, I had my phone on vibrate while I was cooking, and then the music was really loud.

[Gasps] Oh, my God!

Mom! Aah!




[Indistinct chatter]

[Sighs] I'm sorry.

Is he ok?

Melinda: Oh, Ned.

[Crickets chirping]
[Indistinct chatter]

I need some help.

Hi, guys.

Hey. Is Ned going to be ok?

Yeah, he's got a scratched cornea, but he'll be all right. There's no permanent damage.

And Delia?

First-degree burns on her hands.

They'll heal in a week.

I mean, they were both lucky.

The ghost said that when someone gets hurt, it's going to be my fault. I guess this is what she meant.

Does she really believe her mom's going to die if we break this chain?

I've been checking that email I got.

Let me tell you, that list of tragedies keeps growing.

Bodies are piling up.

Everybody in the E.R. keeps talking about it.

They're blaming it on household accidents, twisted ankles.

But there aren't any bodies piling up.

It's just the usual stuff.

Which would have happened whether they got the email or not.


Sally Stitch.

We have to prove that she and that email are not real.

Any chance you could figure out who created it?

Fat chance.

Yeah. I mean, that thing could have been going around for months before Gwen even got it.

Yeah, the email's building. I mean, every time somebody gets hurt, it just makes Gwen's case.

What are you going to do, travel the speed of D.S.L. To prove each one was an accident?

No. Just the one who turned her into a believer and a ghost.

Wait, Gwen's obit says she died in a car accident.

But we know that she was disoriented from the other accident, two car accident.

There was a witness.

The other driver.

Can you get your hands on a police report?


That'll be $5.99.

Thank you.

I really appreciate you taking the time to talk.

Well, I was due a break, anyways.

So you're a therapist?

And a grief counselor. Up at the university.

Right. You mentioned that on the phone.

The girl, the one that died, she was a student there.

Yeah. I'm trying to help some of her friends make sense of the tragedy.

Make sense of a freak accident.

How are you supposed to do that?

Well, sometimes it can be comforting if people think there's a reason why something like this happened.

A woman runs a red light.

Where's the reason in that? Good question.

So, from your point of view, there's no way to explain what happened.

I didn't say that. Tell me.

Well, there was a moment just before the crash.

I was making a left, so I pulled out.

Then I saw her coming.

But there was still plenty of time for her to stop.

Normally when someone runs a red, you think cell phone or make-up, a radio.

You know, there's some distraction.

But she was staring straight ahead.

Her eyes glazed over like she was frozen.

Didn't even blink.


It was like she was in a trance.

In a trance. That's what he said?

She looked right at him, but she didn't seem to see him.

What would make her do that?

Plenty of things. She could have been having what my father called an "episode."

She could have gotten her meds wrong.

Could have had too much wine after dinner.

Any one of which can be confirmed with a little bit of follow-up.


And prove to the ghost that it wasn't a curse, and I can stop reading my emails through closed fingers.

What if we can't confirm it?

What if we can't find a reasonable explanation?

I got back to mail with stamps.

Shouldn't we be looking for other explanations?

Like what? Like, there's a curse.

See, this is why I think economics would have been a better choice of major for you than anthropology of the occult.

Come on, you're gonna tell me you've never thought about it?

You've read
the book of changes.

Yeah, but only in the bright sunlight with garlic and a cross wrapped around my neck.

Because you know there's more out there than what you can see with your eyes.

When I can hear it with my ears, sure.

But, Ned, come on, you're not going to convince me that this email's carrying some kind of spell.

Because you don't believe in anything you can't see or hear.

I try not to. Yeah.

It's not really an option for me.

I know ghosts are real even though I can't see them.

What's hard for me to believe is that ghosts are the only things out there that I can't see.


[Door creaks]


[Telephone rings]






Aiden, on answering machine: Hi, this is Aiden.

My says I should tell you to talk at the beep.


Jim: Hey. Hey, how are you doing there?

I'm just checking in.

Looks like I'm going to be stuck here for another couple of hours.

I wanted to tell you something. It, uh, looks like that email chain finally reached the hospital.

Two E.R. nurses, Dave in admitting, and, well, actually me.

I'm thinking you're probably still with Aiden.

Call me now, huh?

I won't do anything till I hear from you.

All right? Bye.



Aiden: Mommy?



Are you ok?

Did you have a bad dream?

I don't know. I don't remember.

Did you?


Do you need a hug?




[Horn honking]
Come on!

Melinda: Hey, Aiden!

Your lunch.


Don't come with me, mom.

I'm not. I'm just gonna watch.

Love you guys.

Love you, too. Love you.


God, he's so brave.

Woman: Yes, honey!

Hmm. It's because he doesn't know what you know.

And he doesn't remember his dreams.

Hey, I'm so sorry I wasn't here last night.

That sounded like a bad one.

Yeah, it felt so real.


It feels pretty real to Gwen, too.

She gets a creepy, threatening email, she ignores the warning to forward it, and wham, car accident, she's dead.

Her mother's hanging by a thread.

Yeah, I'm starting to wonder about the power of that email.

How's an email have power?

Well, if there's a ghost attached to it.

The one who started this whole thing, the one's who's feeding off the fear it spreads.

Wait, you're talking about another ghost.

Sally Stitch?

It would explain my visions.

You know, I mean, Ned said that hundreds of years ago, there was this practice, this punishment--

wait, wait, you don't believe that there really was a girl who had her eyes and mouth stitched shut and now she's creating chain emails?

To do what? Spread the misery.

I mean, if you can reach thousands and millions of people on the Internet...

You can spread some misery.

Wow. But now the visions are coming through Aiden?

I think he was channeling them to me.

I mean, they stopped every time that he woke up.

Although, they originally came from her.

All right. So, you think Sally Stitch caused the accident that k*lled Gwen and hurt her mom?

The driver said that she was staring at him, like she was in some kind of trance.

Or that she was blinded, like you were in your vision.

Ok, see the wheels turning, but what?

You see, this accident, it always bothered me, 'cause it was low impact.

But then how does Gwen's mother end up in a coma?

The doctors said the same thing, too, so they sent her for an M.R.I.

Yeah, so what were they looking for?

To see if she'd had a stroke.

I mean, think about it. It makes sense.

You said in your vision you weren't totally blinded, you saw little slivers of light?

What I saw through the stitches.

That's what happens to stroke victims.

Before it goes black, they see these little pin pricks of light.

You're brilliant!

No. I think I'm probably wrong.

Yeah, but you're still totally brilliant.

I'm gonna be late. Look, I'll call you if I learn anything from the hospital.

[Cell phone rings]

Hey. What's up?

Ok, so we couldn't convince the ghost that an accident was just that--
an accident.

Well, Jim is close.

I'm proving the email's a hoax by locating its author.

Impossible, right? A needle in a gazillion haystacks?

Ah, I am sensing triumph here.

I found it. Hey, I helped!

The creator of the email, the evil mythical Sally Stitch, we got a name.

J. Miller. Hey!

Ok, well, is this J. Miller alive?

Not just alive, living. And you'll never guess where.

The hospital. He or she has an email address there.


Ned: Well, hurry up. We shouldn't be down here.

Ok, don't be gender-biased here.

Male, female, J. Miller could be anyone.

Yeah, except thankfully a ghost.

Did you ever think it might be?

For a minute.

A brief, dark minute.

So we get double brownie points finding the living, non-ghost person who wrote this email?

Um, triple if this person convinces Gwen there's no spell.

Well, it may be a moot point.

I can't access the employee files.

Well, try harder. This person works here, or did.

They've got a hospital email address.

Which would explain how they knew Gwen.

Brianna said they both volunteered here over spring break.

Uh, except the person didn't actually work here.

Her name's Julia Miller, and she was a patient.

Still is.

According to this, she has A.M.L., an acute type of leukemia.

A patient? Why would she have a hospital email address?

Because she's lived here.

Her whole life.

Melinda: She's just a child.

She really lives here.

Apparently, the treatments make Julia vulnerable to infection.

That's why she couldn't leave.

Can you imagine growing up here?

No, I can't.

Maybe that's why she made up Sally Stitch--

as a coping device.

A way for her to deal with the creepiness of this place.

She put a face to it.

Do you think she has any idea what she started?

I'm going to go look for her doctor, see what else I can find out.

I told you this would happen, but you wouldn't listen.

What happened? What's wrong?

You wouldn't do what she wanted, and now she's dying! Who's dying?

Woman on P.A.: Code blue, I.C.U. On six west.

My mom. Oh, my God.

[Monitor beeping]
Jim: Charge it to 200.

Thank you. Clear!
150 joules.

[Monitor beeping rapidly]
Give me one milligram of epi.

Coming in. Still nonresponsive.

Charging again, doctor.

Still no pulse.

Continue chest compressions.

Complete pupil dilation.

Charging again, doctor.

[Indistinct chatter]


Jim: Hey. Hey, how is she?

Well, it was touch and go.

But we got her in the I.C.U., and she's stabilized.

Ok, so you were right. I mean, did the M.R.I. Give any answers?

That's why I wanted to meet you out here.

I'm really glad you're helping this woman, but--

I totally understand, ok? And I really am grateful that you're helping me.

The scan results came back.

They explain why she coded.


There's a mass on her brain stem.

Cancer? Most likely.

I mean, there's a chance she might not have even known she had it.

These things can go undiagnosed for years.

Ok, so can it cause a stroke?

Yeah, it can cause like a seizure.

I mean, it's pretty common with these kinds of tumors.

And then the M.R.I. Showed recent bleeding into the tumor.

Which would explain the trance the other driver described.

Gwen had no idea about the tumor.

Her only explanation was the email.

I gotta get to her right away.


[Monitor beeping]


Gwen: What do you want?

I have to stay with my mother.

Gwen, the email didn't cause any of this.

Not on its own.

You're wrong.

Your mother isn't here because she got hurt.

She's here because she's sick.

That makes no sense.

She has a brain tumor.

That's what caused the accident.

She wasn't hit by a curse.

She had a seizure.

You don't know what you're talking about.

My husband is a doctor here.

It's all true. I know what happened.

She told me. She warned me, and I'm not letting mom get hurt again.

Who is "she, " your mother?

You see ghosts.

You'll find out.

Find out what?




Gwen, I'm sorry.

No, it's not fair!

I did what I was supposed to. I made them all forward it.

Sweetheart, you don't understand.

Understand what?

She's right, I've been sick.

Even I didn't know how sick I was.


Mom, no.

That can't be. You've been sick--

this sick, and you never told me?


I wanted to tell you that night at dinner.

But we were having such a nice time, and you were so happy, and I knew that when I told you, we would never have that again.

I can't believe this.

And I know you, sweetheart.

I know you would want to quit school and do everything you could to take care of me.

To help me.

But no one can help me.

And I needed you to accept that and not blame yourself.

You do blame yourself.

I hope now that you can realize it's not your fault.

So she lied.

Paula: Who lied?

Oh, sweetheart, none of it matters anymore.


Because it's time for us to go.

We can go in there?

We can be together?

Yes, sweetheart.


Thank you.

Be careful.

I will.


Melinda: Jim, we need to talk.

Jim: What? Before she crossed over, Gwen was talking like she kept her end of the bargain.

She said, "she lied, she warned me, she told me."

Who? Her mother?

Well, that's what I thought at first.

I mean, Paula's brain tumor would explain the accident, but not the visions, or the email, for that matter.

Uh, you're losing me.

The little girl that Eli and I saw, the one who lives here at the hospital, she doesn't seem like she'd start a terror campaign.

Wait a minute, that's where we're going with this?

Yeah, I want to talk to her.

She can't be in this alone.

[Sighs] Who's in there with her?

Or what?

Gwen said, "you see ghosts, you'll find out."

Maybe Eli was right. Maybe there is something weird in this hospital.

Excuse me, do you know who requested no visitors?

Was it her parents, a doctor?

She told her parents she wants to be left alone.



Julia: Scarlett.


Where are you?

I've been looking for you.

I've been waiting for you.


That was good, right?

I did good?


Did I do everything just like you wanted me to?

Woman: You did well.

What do we do now?


Just wait.

Wait for what?

They'll see. They'll all see.

[Crashing thunder]