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02x05 - Jenny

Posted: 01/08/23 06:35
by bunniefuu
Previously, on Travelers...

Tell me about me.

I'm just trying to find
the missing pieces.

Someone like you
does not happen

to someone like me.

It could be the early signs
of a placental abruption.

- I need a favor.
- Yeah. Of course.

One that breaks protocol.

Give me
one of her folic acid pills.

If we're going to swap out

a medication
to prevent a miscarriage,

it'll need
to look identical.

Traveler 3326,
open memory chain 71985VX

and store the following

of the glycoproteins...


access memory chain 71985VX...

Write it down.

That's all of it?


Is that all of it?

Is it error-free?


Is it good?

It's great.
Can you move?

How did you get in?

Little girl
named Chloe.

I said
I would send it to you.

Yeah, well,
something like this,

I have to see
for myself.

Those stereoisomers are going
to be difficult to reproduce.

We're gonna
have to do it in batches.

We're leaving.

Good work, Philip.

Ohh... Oh. God.

What did
we do last night?

We were going to your place.

We did.

We did?

This is disturbing.

You hit the drops
pretty hard.


It's never felt
like this before.

It'll pass.

We need to talk.

This has to end.





I got a new mission.

What mission?

Sorry, Philip.

Lightning struck.

So "goodbye"?

We never see
each other again?

I... I thought
we had a connection.


I am your connection.

That's not what I meant.

That should last you
a few months,

if you use 'em
the way you're supposed to.



Okay. It's
almost over.

- Okay.
- It's 100.6.

It's high,
but manageable.

I know, I know, I know, I know.

So, um...

alternate between these two...
Acetaminophen and ibuprofen.

It should manage his fever
or whatever pain he might be in.

That's it?

That's it.

He should be fine
in a few days.

You hear that, baby?

Auntie Marcy says
you're gonna be all right.


Stay for coffee?



So I'll put him down.


You've been quiet lately.

not much to say.

Well, some people

find talking about it
to be therapeutic.

It has been two weeks.

You know that doesn't make
a difference for me, right?

I remember every detail
as if it just happened.

Okay, good chat. Ahem.

Who is it?



We were given orders
to meet you.

You must be Graham.

Come on in.

You boys hungry?
I got soup on.

No, thank you.

Smells delicious.

You have a lovely home.

It's just temporary.

Driving up
and down the state,

making hand-offs.

A long mission.

Well, roll out's been
longer than expected,

but I ain't complaining.

I got to see three eagles!

you're done soon.

Yeah, well, your team's
one of the last on the list.

Excuse me.

Here you go.

What a lovely couple.

Thank you for coming
and checking him out.

I know I probably
sounded crazy.

No, you don't
sound crazy.

You had a natural
maternal instinct.

I don't know
about natural.

It's not like
I'm really his mother.

Yeah, you are.

In every way
that means something.

You guys have bonded.

Who would've thought that would
happen to somebody like me?

You mean
a soldier?

Maybe you've changed.

Maybe we all have.

I mean, I have to believe

that we are more than
just our consciousness.

At least,
the one we came here with.

Maybe that's...

Maybe that's
the better part of us.

It's funny, you said
something like that,

the night that you, uh...



The night
that I was reset?

What did I say?

Mac didn't tell you?

Well, he said that it was
the only way to save my life.

It was.


I really didn't
have any choice then.

You thought you did.

What does that mean?

I shouldn't have
said anything.

No, Carly.

We just didn't know
it was gonna happen so fast.

Are you saying that
it happened against my will?

I don't know.

We thought
you had more time.

So did you.

You said you wanted
to go home,

because you wanted
to think about it.

What could there possibly be
to think about?

I mean, I'd be dead.

I know, that's what
I said at the time.

Now I'm beginning
to understand.

This is exactly how
it happened last time.

Kat... you've been taking
your medication,

you've done everything
by the book.

It's gonna be all right.

Ohh, stop saying that.

Hi. Apologies.

The, uh, the printer
was down.

How are we?


the, uh, latest ultrasound,

it looks good.

It looks really good.

The dark spot's
completely gone,

which means that
it was probably nothing

or maybe just a mistake
with the scan.

You and the baby are fine.

I'm sorry...

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Now, I want you to stick

to the calcium-rich foods,
the folic acid, and...


I'll see you in a few weeks.




Thank you.


What was in the package?

An antiviral.


this is the beginning
of a minor flu outbreak

that kills 70,000
people worldwide.

That does not
sound "minor" to me.


We're not wired to think
in "billions" of people.

Over a few months,
an antigenic shift

allows the virus to mutate,

more of the population.

Eventually, the C.D.C.
and W.H.O. get it under control.

Must be why they provided
a broad-spectrum antiviral.

This will inhibit

the development
of each of its mutations.

Our mission is to save
three of the people

who, historically,
don't make it.

Are there
any more?

Jeffrey's already been
through the worst of it.

You need
to protect yourself.

Couldn't we have
gotten the pill version?

These are the host candidates?

Jordan Lam,
Annie Kapoor,

and Brittney Palmer.

Personal trainer,
a flight attendant,

a travel blogger.

Prime hosts that must
have spread the virus.

Well, let's make sure
that doesn't happen.

Are you gonna do
the whole class?

Just waiting
for the right opportunity.

Hi, Brittney.

I'll be doing
your vaccinations today.

- Okay.
- You can take a seat.

That's it.

Have fun in Europe.


Mein Asthma.


God. I was stung
by a freakin' bee.

Me too. I think.

Are you allergic?

No. I'm not.


...As reports are increasing

of an unknown flu strain

that seems to be
rapidly spreading

throughout the country.

The World Health Organization

describes the condition
as "atypical influenza"

and confirms five cases
have been reported...

- ...In the Pacific Northwest.
- It's starting.

Nice work, everybody.

Protocol five
until further notice.

We need to talk.

Hello, Miss Day.

When's the last time
you heard from the Director?

The school
board director?

What are you talking about?

Hey, you're worried about them?

Please! There's literally
nothing going on

inside their tiny brains.

The girls are thinking about
their insipid friendships

and the boys
are imagining them naked.

What do you want?

Have you heard

from the Director?

We've had missions.

Well, why haven't
I heard anything?

I don't know.
Maybe because

you jumped here
without permission?

Or maybe because
you don't have a team?

Maybe I can
join your team.

I could be
your computer expert.

Nah, we already have
a computer expert.

I could be your

computer expert.

Doesn't work like that.

Well, it should!
I'm getting bored!

You gonna
finish that?

Mm! Fake chicken.


Hey have you seen
my, uh, my work jacket?

You were supposed
to take Jeffrey today.

I know that, but
I just got called in.

There's this big
bug going around.


So I'm going to work.

What'd I say?

It's what
you didn't say.

"Hey, Carly.

"I know I was supposed
to take Jeffrey today,

but something came up.
Can you help?"

Well, why do I have to say
all of that?

You're his mother.

And you're
his father.

We said we were
going to do this together.

Equal partners, remember?

Carly Shannon,

would you please help me out

by taking our gorgeous son
to the babysitter's house

so that I can go to work

as an underpaid,
underappreciated, beat cop

one more day?


but you're doing pick-ups
for the rest of the week.


And your jacket's
on the hook by the door.

Thank you.

See you, little man.

I'll see you, uh,
see you tonight.

Hey. You want your ducky?

Yeah, you do.

Oh, ho, ho, ho.

Oh? Where are you taking him?


3185. Has your team
taken the antiviral?

- Yeah.
- 'Kay, let us in.


Where's Marcy?

Hi. This David Mailer.
Please leave a message.

Hi, David.
Um, it's me, Marcy.

Just wondering

if you wanted to maybe
get together to talk.

Marcy, you there?

Uh, so, if you'd like to,
just give me a call back.

Okay. Bye.


Yeah, Philip, go ahead.

We need you at Ops.

Boyd showed up
with one of her teammates.

What's happening?

I don't know.

She said it's some kind
of viral infection.

There's growing concern

for an outbreak
of a new flu strain

that has infected a number
of people in recent days.

While much is still unknown
about this virus...

Hey, Sarge.

I never
got my assignment.

Connicker, what
are you doing here?

I'm filling in.

Yeah, right.

This flu is kicking us around.
You get your shot yet?

No. Not yet.

Well, you better
get on it.

You covering
McAllister or Boyd?



Top authorities
are expressing concern

over the intensity
of the symptoms

and the speed in which the virs
seems to be spreading.

So it presents
like classic flu...

Fever, sore throat, headache.

Yeah, but
it's not the flu.

He received

the same broad-spectrum
antiviral we all did.

Okay, a virus
that's not the flu...


West Nile?

I checked those.

I checked
them all, actually.

There's no match.


...Okay, well, if it's a virus,
we can identify which one it is.

I've checked
every gene sequence

for every virus
in the 21st

and every century
after that.

Are you saying
that it's a new pathogen?

Yeah. Unknown in this time
or in ours.

How is that
even possible?

"O, my love, my wife!"


"Death sucked
the honey of thy breath,

have no power yet
upon thy beauty."

Seriously, you guys?

How old are you?

Go ahead, Trevor.

"...Upon thy beauty.

"Thou art not conquered.

"Beauty's ensign yet

"is crimson in thy lips
and in thy cheeks,

and death's pale flag..."

Trevor? You there?


Good. Okay, okay.

Take it from, um...

You in class?


"Dear Juliet,
Why art thou yet so fair?"

Okay, you need to leave.

You might be infected
with a dangerous pathogen.

Keep your distance

from other people
and get outside.

- What's happening?
- Just go now.

We're skipping
to the last section.

One final embrace,
one last kiss, and then...

Go, now.
MacLaren's waiting for you.

I got to go.

You don't have to kiss,
just read.

Don't touch me!

I'm sorry...
I got to go.

Hardly even looks
like a virus.

No, you kind of
expect something


Spherical capsid...
radial symmetry.

That's what's
infected us?

That's what
we're trying to determine.

Oh, good! I need
blood from both of you.

What do you call it?

Mm. We haven't
got that far yet.

Boyd's viral count

is up in the hundreds
of thousand,

her teammate's
up over a million.

Seems to be tied

to the antiviral mission

We got it two weeks
before you did.

Heath's immune system
was already compromised.

I had to remove
one of his lungs

after a mission blew up
near the beginning.

His antibodies
are showing no cross-reactivity,

his body just
keeps amplifying it.

So how do we get it
under control?


- Little help?
- Guys!

We need to sedate him!

Keep holding him down!

I can't get a BP.

There's no pulse.

One, two...
three, four...

five, six, seven,

eight, nine, ten.

11, 12, 13, 14,

15, 16, 17, 18, 19...

Stop CPR.

One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven,

eight, nine, ten.

- One, two, three, four...
- He's gone. Marcy.

- ...Five, six...
- Marcy!

He's gone.

I'm sorry.

Come on.

Let's get you
off your feet.

You need some rest.

I think
it's a little late for that.


how's it looking?

We're all infected,
aren't we?

Not all.

You, Philip,
and Carly have it.

You and I
somehow rejected the virus.


Each of your blood samples

has a viral load between 500
and 1,000 copies per milliliter.

Ours is zero.

What about antibodies?

Trace amounts.

Somehow, we're immune.

How is
that possible?

It's hard to say,
without running more tests.

So, if we're immune,
can't you create a blood serum?

We'll try, but we might be
running out of time.

If this started
with the mission,

we can't be
the only ones.

Check the deep web

for any other teams
reporting the same symptoms.

If it's transmitted

through air particles
and fomites,

that means
there's a good chance

you've infected everyone
you've come into contact with.

Are you sure?

of an immunity,

we're predicting
an infection rate

of over 40%.


Call everyone
you've come into contact with.

Tell them to stay inside.

Boss, you're gonna
want to see this.

Traveler teams
from around the world

are reporting
the same sickness.

They've been
transmitting it this whole time.

If I get you more
of the antiviral,

can you analyze it?

See what
went wrong?

Possibly, but I'm running low
on ethidium bromide.

It's a controlled substance,

it's not something you can get
on short notice.

What about
your hospital?

Yeah, the lab
should have some.

I'll text you a name.

You two, track down the team
that handed off the vials,

I'll go
to the hospital.

I've got to get my son
from the babysitter's.

You're infected.

The best thing that you can do
for Jeffrey right now

is stay away.

Hi, David.
Um, it's me, Marcy.

I was just wondering

if you wanted to maybe
get together to talk.

Uh, so, if you'd like to,
just give me a call back.

Okay, bye.


Marce! Hey!
Sorry, I just got your message.

I was out riding.

Uh, I'd love to meet up.

Um, where are
you right now?

I'm at home.

don't leave.

You coming over?

No, David. Uh...

A dangerous flu is spreading.

Like SARS?

Worse than that.


Wait. What-what?
Where are you?

I'm-I'm safe. Just...

Why do I get more worried
every time you say that?

David, you don't
need to worry about me, okay?

Well, I do,
I worry about you.

And I worry about my clients,
most of whom...

don't have a home
to stay inside of.


Just stay home.

I've seen how bad this can get.

Marce, I'm sorry.

Thank you for telling me,
but I've got to go.


...And reporting
a wide range of symptoms,

from common flu ailments,

like headache,
fatigue, and fever,

to, in rare cases,
more extreme symptoms,

including redness
and bleeding around the eyes.

At this point,

health authorities
are advising the public

to stay home
if they don't feel...

Where are you headed?


When you get there,
stay there.

There seems to be
a bad flu going around.

And tell everyone you know,
all right?

Sure thing.

have been able to determine

that despite being referred to
by most as "the flu,"

this is not actually
a new strain of influenza

but rather
a new virus completely.

The origins of the virus...

Mac, where are you?

It's all-hands over here.

I know, listen.

Did you receive an antiviral
in the last two weeks?

Yeah, I had to save some hosts.

Any of your team sick?

Yeah. Three of us. Why?

We've seen Traveler reports

this is happening
all over the world,

and I think
we are the primary transmitters.


I have my team
tracking down

the antiviral,
to run some tests.

All right,
well, let me know how it goes.

In the meantime,
the CDC's setting up shelters,

Wakefield wants us

to meet up with
the National Guard.

I'll text you the address.

Look, I'm on my way
to the hospital.

I'll have to meet
you in 30.

All right.


Graham! It's Trevor.

I'll go
check the back.


Hi. Sorry. Can you tell me
who's in charge here?

What do you need?

He's got a bad fever,
a headache.

He needs to see a doctor.

Well, he's not
gonna get one here.

The E.R.'s been
in overflow for an hour,

and people with the flu
are being sent home.

He'll be better off at home.

Excuse me.
Excuse me.

Nurse, he doesn't
have a home.

Well, he's better off
anywhere but here.

You his family?

Case worker.

How many people
are you caring for right now?


or unofficially?

Wait here.

Oh. Here. Um...

It's not much,

but it's better
than nothing.

Thank you.

Yeah. Be sure to keep
one for yourself.

Thank you,
that's very kind.

Take care!

Agent MacLaren!


Is Marcy here?


Maybe you could pass
along a message for me?

Could you ask her

to come by the shelter
a little later?

These guys
are in rough shape.

I'll pass it along,

but her hands
are pretty full right now.

Yeah, I bet.

Excuse me!
Why are you taking her?

We were here first!

I'm not taking anyone,
sir, relax.

We've got a kid here!

How bad is it?

Okay. I'll let you
get to it, then.

Remember to ask Marcy...

I will. Good luck.

Yeah, you too.

Pupils are sluggish.

Intracranial pressure?

I mean,
that would explain

the headaches
and the seizures.

We could
try mannitol,

or skip straight
to a cerebral shunt.


Isn't that your specialty?


We got company.

Let me in!

I can't, we're sick.

So am I!
Let me in!

One of those teenage
petri dishes got me sick.

What's all this?

We got a mission
to save people

who were gonna
die from the flu,

but the Director's
antiviral didn't work.

That's impossible.

There's also an outbreak
in Shanghai and Berlin.

Hey, Mac, you there?

Go ahead.

We found the delivery team,
but no antiviral.

The supply was cleared out

and the team
had been assassinated.


There was no sign
of struggle or forced entry.

Are you thinking inside job?

It wouldn't be the first time
a team turned on each other.


None of this
makes any sense.

Okay. I'll see you back at Ops.

She doesn't
look good.

Not helpful.

Hold this
above her head.

None of this

in the long run.

The Director
will fix it!

Didn't fix him.

Traveler incoming.

Ah! Told ya!

Here comes
the cavalry.

It's good to see you.
We need help.

Everyone does.

All right, let's have the cure.
We can chat later.

- There is no cure.
- What?

Of course there is.
We're from the future.

Several teams
are working on a viricide,

but so far
without success.

I'm here to talk to Philip.

I want to go over the antiviral
data one more time.

Maybe we made a mistake.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

The formula
you wrote on the wall.

It allowed us

to synthesize
the antiviral.

It's right here, look.

I remember this...

but I don't remember
writing it down.

How do you not remember?
That's impossible.

When did this happen?

About two weeks ago.

You were with 4514.



I had a headache

and she told me
it was from the drops.

She must have given you
a memory inhibitor.

Oh, God.

Please tell me
what is going on.

Just go get her!


Hey. It's me.

What's happening?
Are you all right?

Grant, have you
seen the news?

No. I-I haven't.
Are you sure you're okay?

Yeah, just feeling
a bit...

shaky, I don't know.

Probably just the news
making me crazy.

Can you come home?

Not... Not yet.
Look, just lie down, Kat.

And stay inside! Okay?

What about you?

Are you gonna be
all ri...

Well, look at this.


I gotta go.
I just... uh, I'll call you soon.

Come to get a look at
some real police work?

Carly's worried
about your son.

You need to pick him up
and go home.

You running errands
for her now?

I thought that shit
was over between you.

It was never
what you thought it was.

And, right now,

this is about something
bigger than that.

You need to pick up your son,
Jeff, and go home.

[radio crackling indistinctly

Hey, it's Marcy.
We need you back at Ops.

We know the source
of the antiviral.

A Traveler named Jenny.
Philip knows her.

I'm on my way.

Mac, it's been
over an hour.

What are you doing here?

We're late. We gotta meet
with the National Guard.

You'll have to do it
without me.

We need you.

My team comes first.





Oh, no...
No, no, no, no, no.

No, no.
Jenny. Hey, hey.

Hey! Hey.

No. No, no. No. No.

Are you sure about this?

Do I have any other choice?

All right.

Her vitals are good.


She's stable.




Shh. It's okay.
I got you.

I got you, I got you.
It's okay.

It's okay. It's okay.

Shh-shh-shh. It's okay.

It's okay. It's okay.

You know,
when I was a kid,

my mom would make me
chicken soup

when I was sick.

Not exactly sure
why it was always chicken soup.


Hey, I was trying to reach you.

I said no doctors!

- Okay. No, no...
- Don't touch me.

No. It's David. See?


You okay?


All right. You got
something to eat?

- Yeah.
- Okay.

I'll be around
if you need me. Okay?

It's okay, big man.

We're gonna get through this.

We're gonna be fine.

You're a fighter.

Just like Mama.

Just like Daddy.

It's okay.

It's okay. It's okay.


I sense that doctor
you sent me to

likes you a lot.


what's-her-name, Jenny?

They should be
back any minute.

Philip knows her how?

Ah. Okay.
So what's this?

I'm trying to determine

the pathogen's
reproduction number,

based on hospital databases,
social media updates...

Here. Let me
show you something.

An "r-nought" indicates

how infectious a virus is

by determining the rate
of secondary infection.

If it's less than one,

the virus
will quickly die out.

If it's greater than one...

We have an epidemic.

So what are we dealing with?

Let's put it
into perspective...

has an r-nought of one...

...With an incubation period
of two days.

Chances are you'd infect
one person in a day,

then they'd go on
to infect one more, and so on.

This virus has an r-nought
of at least two,

with an incubation period...

of 10 days.

14 days ago,

10 traveler teams
across the world

transmitted the virus.

So that is...


150 people on day one...


...on day two.

I don't like
where this is going.

So, based on the data
I pulled

from people
already reporting symptoms,

and factoring in
the exponential growth rate...

Over 4 million people

are currently infected.

it'll be almost 10.

Most of them aren't
showing symptoms yet,

but they will soon.

So how long before
the death rate starts to climb?

A couple of days.

I need some help
out here!

Clear off that table.

Marcy, I don't know
if she's breathing.

She took pills.

Get her up here.

I got a weak pulse!

What'd she take?


Hey. Hey, hey, Jenny.

I'm here.
I'm here.

You're at Ops. You're safe.

You're safe.

You overdosed.
I found you in your room.

Hey! Listen to me.
Listen to me.

The mission is in trouble.

No, Philip.

The mission
went exactly as planned.


What do you know?

It won't change anything.

What did you make me do?

My team...

they tried
to record messengers...

...but any incoming signal
caused static on our devices.

We needed a historian.

And someone
to synthesize the catalyst.


I was directed
to create an antiviral.


you were directed

to expedite
genetic recombination

of the historical pathogen.

You created
the new virus.

No, no, no.
She's delirious.

The Director would never
order that mission.

Who said the mission
came from the Director?

The future I left

was divided

those loyal to the Director

and the Faction.

Both sides
fighting for control,

back and forth.

When you reset the Director,

we lost the ability
to access the 21st.

We lost the past,
we lost everything.

We had no choice
but to shut down the reactor.

We've had missions.

Received messengers.

And that's all.
Only messengers.

Without the Director's
processing power,

consciousness transfer
isn't possible.


before power was cut
to the Director,

in our last moment of control,

we sent everyone we could
to the 21st.

All at once.

Into the quantum frame?

How many?

The frame is capable

of receiving
and storing thousands.

So Forbes,

all those people
with the FBI...

Are all Faction.

Every mission
we've done since...

...Has been for them.

The Faction
has our own plan.


is the single greatest threat
to the 21st century.

The Director wasn't capable
of seeing the natural solution.

How many people
are gonna die?

The virus
is genetically engineered

to preserve 70%
of the population.

The future will survive.

And those of us who die,
including me,

will have made
a great sacrifice.


Jenny, you're murdering
over 2 billion people.

The mission comes first.

Take positions
around the device and stand by.

What the hell is that?