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01x06 - Helios 685

Posted: 01/08/23 06:27
by bunniefuu


Moses went to the mountain
for 40 days and nights.

Jesus wandered
into the desert for 40 days,

and so, too, have we journeyed
across this land,

back to the place where I first had
the vision of our coming rapture.

- Hallelujah!
- Praise be.

It was at the shores of this river

that you were first baptized
into my flock.


My friends...

it is time.


The Lord awaits us!

Did we all make it?

Good question.

Anybody here feeling out of place?

Feeling not too bad.

g*ng's all here.

Well, hallelujah.
That's gotta be a record.

All right, Earl.

Let's get everybody back on the bus.
We got a long drive down the coast.

Nurse said you woke up at 0300.

Tried to pull out your ventilator tube.

They called me in to reprimand you.

Yes, sir.

Sorry, I was a little out of it.

Anyone told you you've been unconscious
for a number of weeks?

Yeah, it's hard to believe.

Feels like I was
in the driver's seat of that truck

and then... I was here.

Can you tell me
what happened that night?

To be honest, sir, you...

you probably saw
more of what happened than I did.

How's that?

You were following behind me,
like you said.

I spotted your headlights at one point.

I was mostly focused on...

keeping the vibrations down
and the road ahead.

And then the car came out of nowhere,
and that... that woman walked out.

- What woman?
- You didn't see her?

I radioed you
before I stopped the truck.

She was just standing
in the middle of the road.

I told her she didn't want to be there,

and then the next thing I remember,
I was driving again.

Sir, I know it sounds crazy, but...

All right.
That's enough for now.

I'm sure it'll all come back
to you in time.

Get some rest.

Sir, I know what was
in the back of my truck.

How am I still alive?

I'm gonna go find out.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Someone tried to shabby-chic
a classic barley twist.

The client wants me to restore it.

Brought you the last of the coffee.

Oh, I... I left that for you
for your traveler's mug.

My what?

You know, that insulated mug

your dad used to wander
around the house with?

Oh... uh, no.

I've had my caffeine ration for the day.

I was thinking about doing fish
on the grill tonight.

Don't count on me for dinner.


I was hoping since you've been
working so much these past few weeks...

I can't. Not tonight.

All right.

So that's a classic barley twist, huh?


Imagine someone treating it like that...

not knowing what they have.

It's impressive what you do.

And why do you think that is, Grant?

You take something neglected, and...

something that's rare and beautiful,
make it whole again.

Oh... thank you.

I told Forbes I'd be early.

Bye, Kat.



Oh, no, no. That's not what you said
you were gonna wear.

Well, I've changed my mind!

No, you know I like you
in that black dress.

All right.
Would you mind? Thank you.

You know, my humanities teacher,
Mr. Warchowski,

says that in 20 years,

equality between the sexes
won't even be an issue.

Warchowski's the gay one, isn't he?

Not an issue.

No parties while I'm gone,
okay, superstar?

- I promise.
- I'm serious.

I can tell.
You have a good time, Gary.

I'll be in the car.

Stop calling me "Gary,"
for Christ's sake, I'm your father.

You looked lovely
in that other dress, by the way.

Oh, it's just easier, honey.

We've gotta teach him some time.

Yeah, thank you.

Okay, so we are gonna be
home by noon tomorrow.

Bye, Mom.

- Thank you, sweetheart.
- Here you go.


- All set?
- Yep.

What's wrong?
Is everything all right?

Yeah, you know. Parents.

Prevent Helios and we prevent
the beginning of the fall.

That was the director's calculation
that started this whole thing.

More than any other,
this is the mission objective

that motivated us
to come back to the 21st.

I know you all just went through hell,
and I wish we had answers, but we don't.

So let's just focus
on the mission at hand.


All right. Uh...

Place the business end
against your bicep like so, and push.

It's important that you receive
the full dosage, okay?

You'll still smell and taste the chemical
in the air within the compound,

but I promise you, this will stop
your nervous system from shutting down.


Nervous about a little pinprick

after what we've just
been through?

I just have a thing with needles.

Funny. Me, too.

Speaking of which,
this isn't gonna interfere with, uh...

No, you're fine.
You can go ahead.

Our abductors set back his rehab.


One last thing.

It was our decision to take
the antimatter back to Delaney.

It's on us that the location
for this mission had to change,

so one way or the other,
we are seeing this through.

To the end, if necessary.

We know.

And we're good.

Yes, you are.

If I may?

We, the last unbroken remnants...

Vow to undo the errors
of our ascendants,

to make the Earth whole,

the lost unlost,

at peril of our own birth.


That's time.

Could I take this in my glutes,
or does it have to be my arm?

Not a lot of muscle to work with.

Just stick to the instructions, Becky.
You're our best sn*per.

Good to go.

Dr. Delaney?

That was fast.

I need you
to come with us, ma'am.

Come with you?

That I wasn't expecting.
Where are we going?

I'm afraid I can't say.



Look it up. It means "no."

Ma'am, I'm afraid I'm not authorized
to take no for an answer.

Oh, for God's sake,
I'm just screwing with you.

Let's go.

Stay here.

The major doesn't want
anyone to have access

- without his knowledge.
- Yes, sir.

Look at all the trees.

Can you imagine
ever seeing so many trees?

I've seen maybe 100 birds.

Oh! There's another one
of those Canada geese!

Keep your eyes on the road.

All my eyes are looking for
is a rest stop.

Oh, we're on a tight schedule.

Yeah, tell my bladder.

These are your guys?
I thought...

Oh, by all means,
complete that sentence.

Who were you expecting?

- Take me back to my lab, please.
- But you just got here.

Then I wanna talk to my lawyer.

Dr. Delaney, you're a military contractor
operating under military law

during a time of contingency operations.

I am a scientist and my contract is with
the Van Huizen Corporation.

Consequently, you fall under
the code of military conduct,

and will be held for questioning.


I'll need to take this for now, ma'am.
Follow me, please.

Don't know why you'd be nervous.
You're in your element.

I'm just thinking about Jeffrey...

about not being able to protect him.

I never expected to get so attached.

You can't think like that.
You gotta stay in the present.

Irony intended.

What about your wife?

Does it bother you
that you may never see her again?

That's not really the present, is it?

That's not really an answer.

Mrs. Bloom? Are you ready?

Now, legally, we need to present
this material before we proceed.

I didn't walk in here by mistake.

I'll be right back with your medicine.

Could I have some chocolate, please?

I hear the liquid's bitter.

Of course.

Is everything okay?

I changed my mind.

Hi. Remember me?

Another leak in 26, apparently.

I don't see that here.

What? They called, like, 40 minutes ago.

Said it was worse than last time.

I brought the whole crew out
on a Saturday.

Mind if I have a look at that?

The notification would show up
right here if you had one.

Can I get some help here?
A little help!

your security guard passed out.

I know CPR.
Get him on the ground.

He just clutched his chest
and his knees buckled.

I hope he's not having a heart attack.

All right.

- Just put 'em in the back.
- Three down.

Police and military radio signals
are jammed outside the facility.

- Wind direction?
- Same as historical record.

Okay, you guys to the charges.

We'll find Delaney,
give her the antitoxin,

and explain what's going on.
That ought to be interesting.

Your reinforcements have been delayed.

Bus got stopped at the border.
Expired passport.

Well, no plan survives contact
with the past, right?

3546 in position.

Dr. Delaney?


I mean, it is the weekend.

Well, she said she'd be here.

Does it matter?

We don't need her, but I...

No, she's not answering her cell.
It just keeps ringing.

- We're in position.
- All right.

Go when ready.


- Hope the wind doesn't change!
- It won't for hours.

According to the historical record,
it won't,

but you said it yourself,
we're starting to see changes.

These tanks will be ruptured
by the blast anyway,

and the toxic cloud
would be blown toward the city.

A controlled release allows
for a forced evacuation.

Hands in the air!



This is Morrison. Come in.

Your radio won't work.

On your knees,
with your hands on your head!

Listen! You need to run!
Now! That way!

I said, on your knees,
with your hands on your head!

Now! I repeat, this is Morrison.

And I repeat, your radio will not work.

Five seconds.

Please, kid! Run!

You need to run! Go! Go!

Shut up!

Hands on your head!
Last warning!

I'm so sorry.

- He's not a Van Huizen employee.
- No, he's not.

Boss, we initiated the controlled release.
The alarm should go any second now.

I regret to report one casualty.

I need you back in building 26 now.

We got another problem.

this is an air quality alert.

All personnel evacuate immediately
or report to your designated refuge area.

Keep moving! Come on, let's go!

Okay! Keep moving! Keep moving!
Let's go, let's go!

All personnel
evacuate immediately

or report to your designated refuge area.

Keep the change, Omar,
and head east as fast as you can.

You're late, ma'am.

Did you know that older people
have a hard time getting cabs in the city

because apparently we tip like shit?

My new friend taught me that.


this is an air quality alert.

All personnel...

Traveler 3277.

Park the vehicles near the leak

in case a television crew
is stupid enough to try to get a shot.

- Then get up on the roof. It's on the way.
- Okay, got it.

- The device hasn't arrived yet?
- Oh, it's ten minutes out.

Well, then, I'm not late yet, am I?

How far of a walk is it?

Can we get the engineer transport?

Walk with me, if we've got the time.

I need the exercise.

It is a very simple question, Doctor.
What happened to the antimatter?

- If this is an interrogation fantasy...
- Hardly.

Or worse, your way of getting me
to confess that I failed again.

This is what it is.

You can expect charges of mutiny,

sedition, aiding the enemy,
and espionage,

and each one
carries the death penalty.

I already told you what happened.

The antimatter we actually created

only amounted to a fraction
of what we thought.

- I think you sold it!
- What? To who?

Russians. North Korea.
Any number of foreign powers.

Wow. You're right.

And it didn't even take you long
to figure out.

First, I snuck the material
out in my purse.

I didn't say I knew how you did it.
I just know you did it.

Major Gleason, I didn't know
how big an idiot you were.

I just knew you were an idiot.

She put a biometric lock on the material.

Retinal scan. Delaney's.

- That's a tough hack.
- I guess she didn't trust us.

No, I told her to keep it safe, but...

not safe from us.

Texted her a heads-up yesterday
and this morning.

Can't reach her.

You think she's been taken somewhere
against her will?

That's been goin' around.

That casualty that I reported
a few minutes ago

wasn't a Van Huizen employee.

Wasn't in uniform,
but I'm pretty sure he was military.

I'll look for her.

I'll try and break this lock.

I'm Traveler 117.

The director says hello.

Welcome to the 21st, engineer.

Call me Bloom.

It's wonderful to see you again.

Ah... you too, kid.

How are you coping
with your situation, dear?

Oh, I'm fine, thank you, ma'am.

Uh, it is an honor to meet you in person.

Oh, please. The honor's mine.

You do know you guys are already famous
where I just came from?


Not in a good way.


There's been a lot of arguments
among the project team over you.

I should know.
I've argued on both sides.

Boy, they ever give you a hard time.

Remind me not to ever
get on your bad side.

Wait, you know
who abducted my team?

Wasn't anyone on my team.

They were tortured for days!

I know what happened, dear.
I'm from the future.

I'm sure it was terrible,
but the point is, you found them.

Well, we found them.

Not that that matters anymore, anyway.

This is the big day. If this works...

we're done.

If this works, we save
tens of millions of lives.

Sure we do.

But you're forgetting the oath
you took before you came.

"At peril of our own birth."

The handsome boy gets it.

Uh... I'm sorry, I don't.

They're so cute when they're young.

Everything up to now,
all these missions,

they've been preparations,
fine-tuning for this moment.

Not that the other work wasn't important
or didn't matter, but...

If we successfully deflect
asteroid Helios 685,

we alter the course of humanity
so profoundly,

it's highly probable
that the time we come from,

everything between then and now,

the plagues, the shortages, the wars...

none of that will happen.

Which means it's also
highly probable that...

neither will we.

And are
evacuating outskirts of the city

near the Van Huizen research facility
as a precaution.

While close exposure is considered fatal,

civic authorities are confident
the toxic chemical leak...

We shouldn't have stopped
to take a picture of that dog.

It was a bear,
and it took all of 30 seconds.

It was that damn border crossing.

But as a precaution,
city residents...

This is Carly. The device has arrived,

and it's being lowered into position.

How's the perimeter looking?

Non-traveler responders
keep showing up,

and we keep telling them to leave.

Sooner or later, someone's not
gonna take no for an answer.

I could use those reinforcements.

Well, just keep saying no, Carly.

I don't know what else
to tell you.


Laser's here. I'm here.

All we need now is access
to the antimatter.

And there's no way
to bypass this scan?

Well, Philip's gonna run
a software hack,

but Delaney did an excellent job.

We may be stuck.

- Imagine why you're famous.
- This isn't really a problem.

With or without Delaney,
we can trigger containment failure

by shutting off its power supply.

Do it that way
and we risk an asymmetrical collapse

of the magnetic bottle.

Now, would you please stop improvising
for one damn minute?

Power shut off has always been
the contingency.

An X-ray laser works by translating
a very specific amount of energy

from an antimatter or nuclear expl*si*n
into a coherent beam of X-rays.

Too much, and you overload the laser.

Too little,
and it won't deflect the target.

This is my swan song, MacLaren.

I would like to get it right,

and I would like to be
the one who turns the key.

I do not care to wing this!

How's your search going?

I just found a car on security logs

arriving at the facility
early this morning

and leaving five minutes after.

I can't identify the occupants,
but I do have a plate.

Good. Locate that car.

We've still got time to get her here.

At least, find her eye.
That's all we really need.

I'll be checking my science project
on the roof

if anybody needs me.

She's been like that for 100 years.
Don't take it personally.


Private Wilson
suffered third-degree burns

over 20% of his body.

He spent the last several weeks in a coma.

Whoever intercepted his truck
made it look like containment failed,

- and then there was an expl*si*n.
- How did you let that happen?

Where were you during all this?

Wilson came out of his coma
in the middle of the night

and I spoke to him.

He told me a woman stopped him
in the middle of the road,

"just standing there."

Damn it.
You just keep getting it right.

The second you left,
I took off in my invisible helicopter...

This is not funny!

If you actually
listen to yourself, it's hilarious!

Your own piece-of-shit
portable containment unit

weighed a couple tons,

and needed a Mack truck to pull it around.
How the hell...

There are plenty of foreign powers
capable of engineering this, Doctor!

Why would I have waited
until you took it from me to sell it

if I already had it?

A few minutes ago, you were sticking
to your story that it never existed.

Hey, David, it's me.

Uh, guess it's my turn
to leave you a goofy message.

Um... I just know how stressed out you get
when you don't hear from me,

so I... wanted to let you know
that I might be away for a while,

and maybe even... relocated.

I just don't want you wondering
or worrying if you don't hear from me.

You know, if it happens...

I mean, I don't know for sure
if it will, but if it does...

I just want to thank you...

for always being there for me
when I really needed someone.

You know, in another time
or another life, right?

Okay, uh...

Goodbye, David.

I spent my life
designing that thing.

Now, I'm just gonna blow it up.

How's that for the circle of life?

Oh! Are you feeling ill?

My host was dying of cancer.

Whatever pain medication she was on...

I'll go grab you something.

No, wait.

Are you serious?

One of the best pain meds there ever was.

I mean, she's... she's not wrong.

The firing window is 2 hours,
4 minutes, and 11 seconds away.

All I gotta do is turn a key.
I'd rather not do it in pain.

I'll check inside.

Oh, I'm good.


What happened?


I think my hacking attempts
triggered a silent alarm.

It's pinging to a remote IP.

Can you ID the location?

Hold that thought.


It was in her bag.

What is this?

What does this mean?

- Hello!
- I'll take Marcy.

Send me the coordinates en route!

It means that your people are
in my lab

trying to break into the containment unit.

And they don't know
what the f*ck they're doing.

The only guy I've got there
couldn't break into his own lunchbox.

Tell me who that is!

Where are you going?

Philip found Delaney.
The engineer wants her here.

- We can't hold them off much longer.
- We just need an hour or so.

Give us a head start,
then blow the second charge.

All right, go get her.

- Trevor, blow the main.
- Copy.

All right. Okay, this is
a deadly toxic gas, people.

Get in your vehicles
and get out of here now!


You ever get the feeling
you're heading the wrong direction?

Well, at least we can say we saw a dog.

It was a bear!

It was a beautiful living thing...

out in the world.

Excuse me, Major.

There's a special agent
from the FBI who wants to talk.

Tell him I'm busy.

Not to you, sir. To her.

Special Agent...

MacLaren, FBI.

- You're Major...
- Gleason.

You must be
who triggered Delaney's alarm.

Actually, the doctor's part
of an ongoing investigation

that the bureau has had
underway for months,

so you can imagine our surprise
when you show up out of nowhere

and take her
to wherever the hell this is.

This place...

Obviously not
an official military facility,

which is the only place
you'd have any sort of jurisdiction

or the right to question anybody,
let alone Delaney.

All right, so tell me.
Who's she selling to?

Selling to? What are you doing?

- Major, this is not your job.
- I have good reason to suspect...

It is, however, my job.
Do you understand that?

You know what?
I've had enough of this conversation.

Let me see her right now,
before I call your superiors

and tell them you've been freelancing
as a private f*cking detective.

I give up. Where is she?

Lock down the building.
Find her!

Gleason, you gotta be kidding me!

My men will find her!

No! They will stand down
and stay out of this!

What the hell is wrong with you?

Who knows what damage you've done?

I've released
all non-essential personnel.

Where are my reinforcements?

Be there any minute.

Can I get up now?

What's going... Ow!

What the hell is that?

It's an antitoxin
for the chemical leak at Van Huizen.

- What chemical leak?
- That's part of a longer conversation.

You found my biometric lock.

Uh-huh. And we're gonna need you
to unlock it.


- You're late!
- Long drive.

You know where you need to go?


Then, yeah,
we know what we're here to do.

Let's go.

While close exposure...

Sir, you should see this.

Civic authorities are confident
the toxic chemical leak

will dissipate harmlessly
and soon be under control.

We haven't heard from Morrison?

I can't reach him either.

Clearing the cloud away
from densely populated areas...

Can you guys be somewhere else
for a few minutes?

You're fine. Go back to work.

Oh, you son of a bitch.

I need the squad fully armed
and ready to go right now.

All right, leave two on that bus,
you stay down here.

The rest of your squad over on that roof.

Yours, over there.

That'll place any attacking force
in a field of fire between you, okay?

Protocol 3 hasn't been waived.

They won't know about Protocol 3.

They're gonna figure it out pretty quick.

Let me worry about that.
Who's your best sn*per?

Uh, Becky.

Becky... you're with me.

What the f*ck is that thing?

That's also part of a longer conversation.

Cutting it close.

There's plenty of time.

I wish.

Me, too.



I heard you the first time!


For Christ's sake,
someone knock the woman out,

point her eye at the damn thing,
and let's get on with it!

And you are?

The engineer who designed
that thing on your roof.

- Call me Bloom.
- What is that thing?

Tell her.

It's an X-ray laser.

And we're back to no.

Look, travelers like ourselves

have been building and assembling
components for this for over a year.

To do what with it?

There's an asteroid on a collision course
with Earth called Helios 685.

It hasn't been detected yet,

but when it strikes the Atlantic Ocean
in 18 months' time,

the wave will knock out
most of the Eastern Seaboard,

resulting in environmental effects,
shortages, and wars

from which there will be no recovery.

How the hell could you
possibly know all of this?

- We're from the future.
- Just came from there myself.

I don't recommend it.

Why wasn't this asteroid detected?

Helios will be detected
two months from now,

but by then, it's too late.

If my X-ray laser is fired
precisely 12 minutes from now,

the beam will strike Helios
and deflect it by .07 degrees.

Enough to miss the Earth in 18 months.

A near-miss that will hopefully
bring the nations of the world together,

make them realize
what the hell they've got to lose.

You've seen the laser.

You know damn well
the 21st century has nothing like it.

To power it,
you need the energy release

of a matter-antimatter detonation.

The blast radius could be miles wide.

People will die, yes.

Certainly everyone here.

But the laser will translate
most of that energy into the beam.

Doctor, we would rather do this
with your help...

but we are doing this.

By all means, dear, take your time.

They're coming.

Fire teams, stand by.

A full squad just entered the compound.

We're close, Carly.
You need to hold them back.

Hold who back?

Gleason and his men.

You're up, Doctor.

Stand by.


- Take cover!
- Yes, Major! Copy that!

You focus on the officer.

Protocol 3 is in force.

Good day, Dr. Delaney.

They're not sh**ting to k*ll!

Let's go, boys! Take 'em down!

Move, move, move!

You should know I'm hardest on people
I think have the most potential.


Okay, we're armed.

Take Dr. Delaney with you.
The future could use her.

We're not going anywhere.
We're staying till this is done.

If you hadn't brought Delaney here,
I'd be forced to agree with you,

but there's just time to get her
to minimum safe distance.

The soldiers will eventually
make it inside.

Then, there'll be no getting out of here
and it'll be in the hands of the director.

Now do you get it?

Request permission to use deadly force!

Negative, we're coming out the south door.

Have your teams give cover fire
and meet us on the way.

Orders from the engineer.
We've gotta get Delaney to safe distance.

Go, go, go! Move it! Move it!

I got the door!

Go, go, go, go!

It's medicinal... I swear.

Cover fire, now!

Carly, come on!

Everybody, get down!

Step away!

I'd tell you to run...

but with less than 87 seconds to go,

- we're past that now.
- Stop!

- I guess it's too much to ask...
- Stand down!

That I be the one
who turns the key when...

Make sure she's dead.


What are you doing? Soldier!

Soldier, stop! That is an order!

Stop! What are you doing?

Soldier! Stand down! Stop, sir!

Sergeant! No!

Stand down!

No. No!

That's time.

Eyes closed!

How will we know if it worked?

- I'm not sure it did.
- Why?

Because we're all still here.