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01x05 - Room 101

Posted: 01/08/23 06:26
by bunniefuu

Dad! Please, stop!

Daddy! Stop!

Dad! Stop the car!
You're scaring me!

Dad! Stop! Please!


Daddy, stop! Stop!

Dad, stop!

Dad, stop!

Dad, stop, please!

Welcome to the 21st.

I'm Traveler 3468.

- 3117.
- 3890.


What's happening?




Hi. I'm Grant.

What's your name?


Charlotte, it's okay.
I'm a policeman.

No, really. I... I am. See?

It says FBI.

Well, it's like a policeman.
It's better, even!

Look, my friends and I
need to have a talk with your...

your mom and your dad and your brother
about what just happened.

Why was he doing that?

Why did you do that?

Look, I know you're upset.
I would be, too.

Just let us...
Let us talk with your family,

and everything will be all right,
I promise.

Sweetie, do you have
any other family that live around here?

Ten klicks back down the road.

- Grandmother, mother's side.
- Your side.

- How about if I take you there?
- I want to go with my mom.

You go with the nice man,

We'll be back in a few days,
and we'll be a family again.

Okay, that's my car over there.
The black one.

Can you wait there for me?

Car was going pretty fast.
Maybe she was moving inside of it?

It's a tough T.E.L.L.
for the director to calculate.

No, it doesn't matter. It happened.
I'll deal with her now.

Who is your historian?

She was going to be.

This isn't nearly enough to set you up,

so put it on Non-Event Horizon
in the fourth.

It's a horse race.
Tomorrow. Look it up.

This is the device.
Keep it upright.

What are you gonna do with her?

I guess I'll take her to Grandma's

and explain that Mom and Dad
will be back after the mission.

Obviously without
mentioning the mission,

which is in just over 48 hours,
and you're down a team member.

- Can you make the adjustment?
- We'll be ready.

Go. We can brief them.

Good. Protocol 5 till then.

Okay, boss. It's done.

Tip went out as of this morning.

I wonder how many misfires
there have been since we started this.

The first wave was upwards of 30%.

Wow! Nobody told me that.

Yeah. Me neither.

Would you have still volunteered?


I mean, if you think about it,
what other choice did we...




I'm over here.

You all right?

Oh, God... My head.


Can you tell if Marcy's breathing?
I can't see her face.

Slow and shallow.



What do we know?

Not where we are...

not for how long or who abducted us,
but it's been a couple of hours at least.

My mouth is dry.

No eyes or ears on us that I can see...

But we shouldn't count on it.

They cut out my com.
I can feel it!

Yeah, same.

I gotta stop getting whacked in the head.
I'm a blank here.

Where's the boss?

MacLaren was on his way
to Grandma's house.

So he wasn't with us when we were taken.

That's good. There's a chance
he'll find us before the mission.

Well, he'd better hurry up.


Whoever they are,
they plan on moving us.

Don't know about that.

They're giving us fluids intravenously.

I think we're gonna be
in these chairs a while.

And it's been a lot of years
since I felt this sensation, but...

it's pretty unmistakable.


Oh, God.

- Is that what that is?
- Yes, ma'am.

And do me a favor.

Don't say anything remotely suggestive.
It could get very painful over here.

Don't make me laugh.

I'm serious!

It's like a 17-year-old male's
default setting.

Look who showed up to work.

Thought you were driving to Olympia?

I was delayed.

Where were you this morning?

Oh, Kathryn, uh...

She needed me to pick up
an antique chair for a client

'cause it wouldn't fit in her car.

Why? What did I miss?

You know, the funny thing
about court dates is,

when you miss one,
you don't get another one next week.

- You get it next month, or next year.
- That was this morning...

It's cool, I covered for you again.

- You were the lead on this one, man.
- I'm sorry, man.

Don't apologize to me.

You got one angry prosecutor
on your hands.

Well, hello, sir.

Didn't catch your name on the way in.

I was unconscious.

I'm Trevor.

So here's the thing.

I got this geography test tomorrow
that I really gotta study for.

Capital cities, countries...

Am I gonna be able to do that?

'Cause it's pretty likely that my parents
are gonna ground me again if I fail.

You know what that means?

Having to watch hours of golf
on television with Gary!

Don't do it to me, man.

Where are you taking him?

Hey, assh*le!

I said where are you taking him?


I know it goes against your instincts...

but don't waste any more energy
trying to get free from the restraints.

It's not gonna happen.



Hey. It's me.

Um, I thought you said you were
gonna be coming home early for...

for dinner tonight and, uh,
I couldn't decide what we were gonna have,

so I bought the ingredients
for basically two different...


and, uh, I was just curious
to see what you'd...

you'd like to have tonight, so...

Yeah, one of them would be
like a roast chicken with vegetables,

and the other one,

it's more of a...

It's like a pasta thing I do, and, um...

well, now I'm talking to you as if
you're actually on the phone.

I don't know why I do that.
That's, uh...

Well, that's weird.
So anyway, uh, give me a call,

or I will see you when you get back here.

Hopefully soon. Okay.

I'm gonna start on the roast chicken...
unless you really want the pasta,

in which case, call me back. It's David.

And I'm doing it again. Bye.


We're here, Marcy.

How bad is it?

My head and my neck.

Probably... just whiplash from the impact.

This is... the worst hospital
in the world, or...

We've been abducted.

I obviously vomited on myself.

Anybody clock when?

Probably before we got here.

The stink's not as bad as it was.


Smells around here aren't
going to improve much.

We've only met one of our captors.

He came and wheeled Philip
out of here a while ago.

Never said a word.
That's all we know.

We know they intend to keep us alive
for a while at least.

They've got us on IVs.

How long have I been out?

A few hours longer than us.

Now, don't be like that,
Mr. Giant!

Pick me.

Take me instead of her!
I'm asking nice here!

Come on!

What? Am I supposed to answer?

Who have I told what?

I don't understand.

No. I've never seen him before.


He's the father of my child,
and he's a police officer.

So if I were you people, I'd...

I don't understand the question.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

Who am I talking to?

Why don't you show yourself?


I just take care of my son all day.

My specialty is mac and cheese.

He's with his father today.

Don't you hurt him!

Don't you dare hurt him!

If that child is harmed in any way...

I will hunt you down...

whoever you are, whenever you are...

and I will k*ll you.


Sorry to interrupt. There's someone here
who'd like to see you.

A David Mailer?


"A mutual friend of Marcy," he said.

Sir, I can send him away.

He gave me the impression
that you knew each other.

No, that's... uh, send him in.

David Mailer, sir.

- Thanks, Beth.
- Hi. David Mailer.

She just... said that.

So, FBI headquarters, huh?

It's a field office. Uh... How did you...

Uh, the address was on the, uh...

the card that you gave me.

I gave you?

Yeah, well, you slipped it under my door
while I was out a while back.

We spoke on the phone later that night.
You don't remember.

No. How do I know this Marcy person?

Well, I kinda know
that she works with you, so...

Well, obviously, I can neither confirm
or deny that.

Which is cool, and I totally get that,

and I know that what you're doing
is very important, and...

She really hasn't mentioned me?

The point of this visit is...

Marcy didn't come home last night.

Not "home" home.

She's just...
She's staying with me platonically,

but I was expecting her for dinner.

When did you last see her?

Uh, yesterday morning, when she left.

I'm sure she's on some sort of
secret FBI medical thing,

but, uh, I was worried
and I just wanted to hear from you...

Okay. Um, I'm gonna look into this.

Uh... why don't you leave
your number with Beth,

and I'll give you a call
if I find anything.

- Wait. You don't know where she is either?
- Beth?

Beth, can you please take Mr. Mailer's
contact information? Thank you.


Marcy, it's MacLaren.


Trevor? Philip?


Now exhale.

Feel the silence between your breaths.

Your heart beating in your chest.

Constant as the reactor beneath.

Giving light.




Oh, thank God!

I thought I was alone.

I'm really gonna take it personally
if you don't pick me next time.

Hey. Did you see Carly?
They just left with her.

I woke up in an empty room...
and they brought me here.

I don't even know
how long I was there. Hours?

Wait, you hurt?

Thanks to John Hetrick, no.

Inventor of airbags, 1952.

But I am hurtin' in other ways.


I haven't been able to go
more than 18 hours

between doses since we got here,

and I can pretty much tell you,
without looking at a clock,

we're coming up on that number.

Not the rehab facility
I thought that I'd end up in.

Marcy and I were meditating.

You should, too.

There's no way.

Trust me, Philip. It'll help.

I promise.

Now exhale.

You're the one
who told me to take the red flag

off these same four people.

Well, now there's no sign
of any of them.

One of them might be missing.
Just do it, please.

I'll put in the request, but even
a priority facial recognition search

isn't likely to turn up anything.

Let's try to be a little more positive.
Shall we?

Okay. Sure. I'm positive that
I'm the one they're gonna complain to

for using up NSA mainframe time...

on something
that you called a false alarm.

Jesus, David,
what are you doing out here?

Just waiting to hear
if you got anything yet.

What? In the 11 minutes
since you left my office? No.

I have employed resources.


If Marcy's face shows up

practically anywhere
there's a closed-circuit TV camera,

we'll know her location.

Great. Tell me how I can help.

You can go home.

Oh, my God.
You're just like her.

Would you stop?

You know what? I'm gonna help you out
whether you like it or not.

How about that?

What're you gonna do,
follow me on your bike?

A-ha! She did tell you about me.

You just gave it all away.
You know I have a bike.

Your right pant leg is tucked
into your sock.

I was giving you
the benefit of the doubt.

Okay, I get it. I'm not qualified,
but just know this.

Marcy's welfare is very important to me.

When I find her, I'll call you.

Or better still... she'll just come home.

Okay, so if I don't hear from you
by, like, what? Five...

I'm getting the feeling
we're not gonna make our next mission.

That is the least
of my problems right now.

Come on, Philip.
You're stronger than that.

You have no idea what this feels like,

so why don't you...

I can't see.

I can't see!


You... You're gonna pass over me again?

How many of them are there?
What did they do?

Just the one you've already met.

There was an old-style television
in an open space, like a warehouse.

- In this building?
- Must be.

Then they asked questions.

Just words on the television.

"When are you from?"


They know.

No. There's nothing to know.

Well, they obviously know something.

They have Jeffrey.

- What?
- My son.

They showed him to me on the television.

They have him. I saw.

Whoa, whoa. Guys?

What's he doing?

He's injecting something
into your IV line.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Uh, what, um...


Oh. Never mind.

No. No, no, no!
Stop, stop. That's too much.

No! Stop, he'll overdose! Stop!

That's okay. It's what I needed.

That amount of heroin will slow

your respiration rate and heart rate
to dangerous levels.

Philip? You need to stay with us, okay?

- I'm here.
- Philip, stay awake.

Philip! Listen to Marcy!

I can hear you.

- I'm...
- Philip.

Philip. No. No, no!
No, no, no! Philip!

Carly, make sure he stays awake!

Philip, you stay awake, okay?

Let's try this again.
Anyone on come?

Talk to me, g*ng.


My name is Marcy Warton.

I work at a library.

I don't know why you've taken me here.
I haven't done anything wrong.

Hello? Marcy! Yes.

Oh, thank God. I was so worried.
I've been freaking out.

No. No, I get it.
Yeah. Mum's the word.

Yeah, no, of course. You're busy.

Okay. Well then, when you do,
I'll be here.

Yeah, all right.
We'll have the chicken.

Yeah, chicken sounds good.
I can't wait. Okay.

Yeah. Bye-bye.


Philip, you do not have permission
to sleep!

We asked you a question!

I'm still here.

Good. That's good.

Talk to us.

Tell us about your parents.
Where do they live?

Yeah. You never talk about them.

What's your mother's name?


Stay in the here and now, Philip.

Do you remember
the taste of the water?

Recycled so many times
it could never be made pure again?

- Shut up!
- This can't be heroin.

No, no, no, it is.

Or at least the first one was.

And I am more grateful for it
than I care to admit,

but the second one was something else.

Something I think
would only work on someone

who's been modified to be an historian.

What is it?


pouring in like a flood.

Like the Helios tidal wave.

I can't stop.

- I'm drowning in it!
- I want you to breathe deeply

- and listen to my voice...
- You can't compete with this.

Do you remember the taste
of metal in the air?

The stink of 20,000 souls

crammed into a shelter
designed for half that number?

Don't talk about the past!

You mean the future.

I mean stop talking.

Do you guys remember
when the reveille bell rang

at the exact moment
the dome in shelter 41 collapsed?

It was exactly at 0600...

almost like cause and effect.

The bell rang and woke everyone up
a split second before they died.

As a boy, I remember thinking...

"That's so unfair."

Philip, keep your mouth shut.

I'm not sure that I can.


- Philip! Philip, you can.
- I'll try.


I'll try. I'll try. I'll try. I'll try.

- Philip!
- I'll try. I'll try...





Where are you guys?

"No battle plan survives contact."

Plans are useless.
You are planning to fail.

Planning is indispensable."
Franklin. Franklin.

"If you fail to plan,
you're planning to fail."

Benjamin Franklin.

"No battle plan..."

Battle plan...

"survives contact with the enemy."

Helmuth von Moltke.

"My mission... in life"

is not merely to survive,
but to thrive. To thrive.

And to do so with some passion...

Passion, some compassion...

"some humor, and some style!"

Maya Angelou!

"This is the way the world ends."

This is the way the world ends.
This is the way the world ends.

This is the way the world ends.

This is the way the world ends.

This is the way the world ends.

Not with a bang...

"but a whimper."

T... S...


I just sent you the address of the yard.

Well, it's a start.

What about 911 records?
EMT calls?

Nothing. I've also tried
virtually every emergency room

in the Pacific Northwest.

Are you sure you don't want me
to call Agent Forbes?

No, he's got enough on his plate.

Okay. It's just that he's asked me
to keep him updated on everything...

I said I was sure, Beth.

How many f*cking times
do you need me to say it?

I'm sorry. I'm having a bad day.

Well, now we all are.

Just let me know if you find anything.


Oh, ho, ho! Come on!

Come on! Yeah! Finally!

I've really been looking forward
to this, Mr. Giant.

Thank you so much.

I just hate being the last guy picked,
you know?

Drives me crazy.

I'm sure a guy like you understands.

Back soon!

All right, all right!


Freight elevator.

Sweet ride.

Hey, are we going up or down?

I'm gonna guess down.

Up? You son of a bitch! You got me!

Can I help you?

Special Agent Grant MacLaren.
I'm with the FBI.

I'm looking for a silver van.

It was brought here yesterday
about 3:30 in the afternoon.

Oh, the one that got T-boned
by the Peterbilt?

T-boned by the...

Yeah. Sure. Show me.


- Hey, FBI doing traffic accidents now?
- No.

Well, what's this about?

It's about you showing me the van
and not asking anymore g*dd*mn questions.

Oh... 'Kay.

There she is. Total write-off.

Do you know if any of the occupants
were badly hurt?

Oh, we don't get reports on the incident.

Uh, the airbags went off,
I can tell you that.

Okay. Thanks for your time.

Uh, you wanna dust it for prints
or hit it with a blue light or nothin'?

Knock yourself out.

Wow! This is great up here.

Nice big space, daylight.

That's a big old CRT.

I'm guessing...

late '90s.

Those flat-screen
sons of g*ns are heavy, huh?

Probably not so much for you.

I bet you didn't even need help
from your friends.

You do have friends, right?

Are they government,
or is this a private contractor gig?

Whoa, a question on the TV!
I love it.

It's like that show my mom watches
after supper.

You know, most people would ask,
"Where are you from?"

But, hey, I don't want to offend anybody,
if English is a second language.

Maybe it's a typo, huh?

What a coincidence!
I was gonna ask the same thing,

since you're the ones
who brought me here, but, hey,

like my humanities teacher,
Mr. Warchowski, says,

"Why are we all here?" Right?


'Kay, technically,
I'll be 18 in October,

but I'm kind of an old soul.

What about you, Mr. Giant?
When's your birthday?

Back when I was starting quarterback,

our mission was to win the division,

You look like you played some
ball in your day, Mr. Giant.

But then again...

a deaf-mute like yourself

wouldn't be able to hear
the quarterback call plays,

would he?


I'll catch you later, man!

What did you say to them?

I got 'em right where I want 'em.

Excuse me.

Officer Boyd? Got a second?

Sure. Excuse me.

- What about the...
- CCTV is down.

What the hell are you doing here?

I thought I made it very clear last time
that you were not to communicate...

Yeah, well, f*ck Protocol 6.
My team is missing.

- For how long?
- Since yesterday morning.

I just found out about it a while ago.

All of them!
Their come and locators are offline.

They don't show up on GPS.

- What about the Deep Web backchannel?
- It's the first place I looked!

There's no sign of them.
It's like they've disappeared.

The FBI has far more resources than I do.

I'm running a facial recognition
search through the NSA.

Which could take forever,
if it works at all.

I know! But what else can I do?

They've all been previously red-flagged...
by the previous me.

I found their vehicle in a salvage yard.

It had been T-boned
by a Vanderbilt or some damn thing.

Trail ends there, I'm guessing?

Okay, you need to consider
the possibility

that they've been taken
out of the equation.

What equation?

The director's.

I've seen entire teams
I was supposed to work on a mission with

just disappear into thin air.

Probably taken out
by another traveler team under orders.

You know as well as I do,
the future has the ultimate power over us.

If the director doesn't like
the way we perform,

- a decision will be made.
- Why them?

I'm responsible for my team's actions.

Well, how badly have you f*cked up lately?
Maybe you're next.

I don't buy that.

What do you want from me?

My team has been tasked to participate
in a mission

that requires six people,
minimum, to pull it off.

- When?
- Tonight.

That's what you're here about?
You want my team's help?

- The mission comes first.
- The mission's canceled, MacLaren!

You just don't get it yet.

- Thanks for your help.
- Hold on.

If you get a real lead...

I will help you go after them, okay?
I'll help you.

But if I'm right,
and it's the director, then...

I know.

I hope I'm wrong.

t*rture doesn't work, people.

It's been proven!

You know, whoever you are,

whatever information
you think you're getting...

is of almost no value.


His name is Philip.

He was in the van with me when we were...

I don't understand the question.

I mean, if you're asking how old...

No! No!

Where's the rest of your team?

We have to cancel the mission.

What about all those people?

I was hoping the director would send you
a replacement team, but...

Maybe there's still a way.

No, no. Forget it, the mission's canceled.

The director will have an alternative.
We have to trust that.

I'm sorry about your team.

I haven't given up just yet.

There's no way they can do the mission
with so few personnel.

All those people are gonna die.

They already did.

We just weren't there
to prevent it from happening.

Just hope the boss
isn't in the same situation

as we are somewhere.

I have an idea
that could end this,

if the opportunity presents itself again.

But I want everyone to decide.

We may not be better off.

I say go for it.


- You're gonna try to talk me out of it.
- Why?

It's insane.


Philip? You're alive?

I saw... I saw you die. They showed me.

- No, I'm right here.
- No, on the television. They...

they shot you in the chest.

No, no, no, Marcy, Marcy,
he's right in front of you.

Marcy, look at me.

You were in those clothes,
you were slumped over...

- Oh, this is good.
- What? How?

Think about it!

They probably don't even have Carly's kid!

They're just pushing buttons
and seeing what happens.

I don't know who, but this still gives us
power that we don't have much of.

We don't have any power.



Before you take him away, would you...

Hang on!

Jesus Christ!

- He's alive.
- He's cold. Dead for hours.

Gotta get 'em out of here.

Look for a key!
Check his pockets!

- I got it! I got it!
- Got it?



She's unconscious.
Good strong pulse, though.

It's me. I'm here.

You're late.

Won't happen again.

Gonna get you outta here, okay?

How many days?


I had to end it.

What was this about?
Why did he do it?

Wasn't him. He was a hired g*n.

Never found out who it was.

I'm gonna get you out of this.

Wait. What about the mission?

No, it's canceled.
I couldn't do it without you.

There was... no way.

What? What is it?

What if that's what this was about?