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03x09 - A Dense and Frightful Darkness

Posted: 01/08/23 06:17
by bunniefuu
Look how quick I am!

Say it in English.

Look... how... quick...
I... am.

Say it! Look how quick I am!

This is for your own good.
Stop behaving like a stupid Indian!

Is everything alright, Ka'kwet?

What do you care?

Off you go, please.

This is all your fault!
You wanted me to go to that school!

They told me I'm worthless. Stupid!

Why did you even have me? I hate you!

It's alright, my sweet girl...

No! It's not alright!

You're safe... you're home.

You're safe...

You're home.

♪ First thing we'd climb a tree ♪

♪ And maybe then we'd talk ♪

♪ Or sit silently ♪

♪ And listen to our thoughts ♪

♪ With illusions of someday ♪

♪ Casting a golden light ♪

♪ No dress rehearsal ♪

♪ This is our life ♪

♪ You are ahead by a century ♪

♪ You are ahead by a century ♪

- Anne? Are you...
- Why would he ask me...

so late?

So sudden?

But he did. In spite of...

her perfection, and-and his passion

to make an indelible mark
on medicine and humanity!

And I was...

so, so surprised and-and-and
how could he have expected me

to know in that moment that...

I love him.

I love Gilbert Blythe.

- Are you quite sure it's love?
- Yes.

But it doesn't matter,
because it's too late.

- How do you know it's too late?
- Well, his...

Winifred... seems... wonderful.

- And I can only assume...
- So you don't know, not for certain.

I told him to marry her.

Listen to me very carefully, Anne.

Do not make the same mistake I did.

Go to him. Tell him. Right now.

Uh... everything alright, Anne?

Gilbert! I love him!
I have to tell him now!


Play Dashing White Sergeant!

Spinning, spinning, spin, spin, spin.

Round and round and don't throw up,

even though you might want to.

It's time to get romantic.

Does he love me, yes or no?

Do not stop until...

Oh, thank goodness, Gilbert!

- What are you doing here?
- Hello.

Sorry to intrude.

It's like you read my mind.
What a welcome apparition.

May I speak with you, sir?

Dance with us.

A tad too forward, my darling.

Off you go, the both of you.

Okay. Minnie May, come along.

- Can I help you?
- You must be Mrs. Lacroix,

come all the way from Trinidad!

I-I-I'm Anne. It's an honour to meet you.
Your exquisite taste in - well, taste -

furnished Bash and Mary with the most
enviable collection of spices.

- You know my son?
- He's basically part of my family.

Like Gilbert. Is he at home? Gilbert?
I'd very much like to speak with him.

- I-I'm sorry, he went out.
- Well, could you tell him...

That's silly, I should tell him.

A note. I'll leave him a note!

Um... Oh...

- I...
- Oh.

I... I have to see about the baby.

Oh, please kiss her for me?
I can show myself out.

Dear... Gilbert...

I'm sorry...

...I was confused...


I'm not... anymore.

I love you.


PS: May I please...

...have my... pen back?

And if I do, I want you to know
that I trust Bash with the business.

Like you, I am without reservation.

You can also trust
that I'll handle any paperwork

regarding our apple export
before I leave.

The mark of a proper gentleman,
bringing this news personally.

You are rising above your station,
Gilbert. Well done.

You'll make a fine addition
to the family of your betrothed.

Her family. They indeed have wealth.

Could I show you something?

It's modest, I know,
but it belonged to my mother.

Well, a family heirloom is a most
meaningful way to begin a marriage.

The baubles can come later. Hmm?

If you're lucky.

Good luck, son.

Thank you, sir.

Diana... where are you going?

Where are you going, Diana?

- I-I have an urgent errand.
- Now?

Away from your instrument? I think not.

I can't practice with a guest
in the parlour.

Good thing he's just taken his leave.
So you may resume.

Resume, resume, resume.

But... I must speak to Anne...

Mozart, please,
none of that awful, common dance.

Promise me you'll never play
that sort of thing at Lycée Bellerêve.

- It demeans you.
- I never liked that song.

Fetch my husband!

I didn't expect such a big camp.

Can't solve the Indian problem
as long as they're raised like this.

- Welcome.
- Peace be with you.

I'm here to collect Hannah.

Please don't make me go back!

Thank them for coming

but tell him we've decided
you will not return.

She said I'm not going back.

Tell your mother
that she doesn't have a choice.

Lots of kids here. It's like a nest.
We should grab more.

We aren't really equipped
to take more than a couple.

Fine. Cover me.

They want to take the children!

Everyone run!

Delly, Delly, Delly!

Can you say... "Papa"? Huh?

Can you say "Papa"?

Is Gilbert paying you to work,
or play with your child?

Speaking of your favorite,

my business partner is getting married
and moving to France.

You see how t'ings change
without warning?

He'll want to sell this place.
Where we going to live?

Here. In the house you know is half mine.
And you're right.

When it's just the three of us,
things will have to change.

I thought maybe you just needed time
to settle in. This is a big move.

But now I think it's... you.

You're too... rigid.

This isn't the plantation. You can relax.

And what does "relax" mean?

You could start by being less strict
with my daughter.

- She's only a baby, but she can feel it.
- Mm-hmm. So you want me to spoil her.

Not spoil, love.

Mm. Well, if that is love,
you must think I never loved you at all.

How you behave, I remember it
from when I was small.

- And when I came to see you with Gilbert...
- What d'you wanted me to do?

Carry you inside the big house
and make you some tea?!

After the way you left,
burning every bridge,

you're not welcome there.

Mum, I hadn't seen you in over 10 years.

I... I have to ask you again:
Why did you come here?

- Why did you ask me to come?
- You see? This is what I can't stand.

Why-why can't you give me
a simple answer?

You don't have to drop any more words,

Since you can't stand me,
and I don't love you, I'll leave.

- That's not what I said!
- Go outside and catch some more breeze.

And take your daughter with you.
I have to pack.

- Hello there!
- Ahoy, you two!

Allow me to move the detritus of my hobby
from your sunbathing spot.

If you hold this baby,
I'll move it for you.

Gladly. I get the better bargain.

Hello, sweet Delphine!

How nice to see you again.

You'll not encounter
a more enchanting spot

on this entire island.

Thankfully, we won't encounter her granny.

She either came to help with Delly,
or to put me in the madhouse.

- Hmm.
- I can't be sure.

A fate I've narrowly avoided myself

But having this cherub must make
everything infinitely more bearable.


What's all this about?



A sudden jolt of truth.

I'm not meant to have one of these,
I think.

Oh, now... never say never.

Well, the search for a partner
as weird and wonderful... the one I lost has been elusive.

Even under the... guidance
of Rachel Lynde.

I'm familiar with her "guidance."

It's well-meaning and... abrupt.

How long did she give you?

Suitors appeared like magic. Literally.

Daily at my front door.

She gave me mere weeks to find a wife.

Which is really no time at all...

when I see Mary every day
in this tiny face.

You're fortunate in that.

To have part of her with you still.

You have children in a way, though.

Students and teachers come and go...
but parents are for always.

Don't make me nervous, now.

If I disappoint, I have dozens
of chances with multiple children.

But when they're yours...

I'm not sure I'd recover if my own
little one chafed under my mothering.

We're all just making it up as we go.

All we can do is our best.

Are you ready to plight your troth?

Take the plunge? Get hitched?

- I know what you meant, Moody.
- You've chosen a wife, haven't you?

It doesn't quite work like that.

It must be daunting. You're determining
the course of your entire life.

I'm aware.

How long will you stay in Charlottetown
after you're married?

You snared a Charlottetown girl? Nice.

I'm appraising a few myself.
Small-town girls aren't up to snuff.

- Just right for you though, bud.
- Ah.

It says we must convert the mixed
numbers into improper fractions.

- You said never to do anything improper.
- Diana, stop.

I need assistance.
This lesson is beyond my comprehension.

Please take over.

But... you promised I could go
as soon as I was finished practicing.

You can attend to your errand
after your sister has learned...

uh, this.

Indians! Oh, my word!

Anne! Stop!

Matthew! Matthew!

Aluk, Oqwatnuk, what happened?!

They took Ka'kwet.

Stole her.

Our camp is moving to coastal grounds
so our other children will be safe.

We must find her.

Can you help us?

I-I don't understand.
Isn't Ka'kwet at school?

She escaped, came...

- Whoa-oh-oh-oh.
- ...home.

Lean on me. Go on, go on.

- I got you.
- Oh, no. Oh, no.

Put your weight on there.

I can't believe they shot you.
To take her back to school?

- I just... I don't understand.
- We must go...

When I finish.

Matthew, can we take them?
I know where it is.

Surely we can reason this through.

We'd be happy to help.

Matthew? A word, please?

We cannot and will not involve ourselves,
and that is final.

- A crime has been committed.
- It's not our problem.

- Against a child and...
- It is dangerous, and I forbid it!

We can't abandon them
in their time of need!

No one will listen to them!
We have to help.

Marilla... please.

It is the right thing to do.

Your foolhardy ways
have put us in this position, Anne.

- If you hadn't fraternized with...
- Ka'kwet is my friend!

Please help us.

My children are my whole world. My heart.

You have your baby. She's safe.

Where is my child?

Without her, how can I live?

How can she live? Please.

- She says...
- I...

I believe I understood.

There we go. Like this.

Just enough room for your young friend
to ride back.

Thank you.

I expect... uh, we'll be back in...

two days' time.

Choose as many as you'd like.

Uh, Sebastian,

you didn't tell me
Avonlea had a special fish delivery.

Lovely to meet you, ma'am.

You must be "Miss Breeze."

Oh, no, I'm Muriel Stacy.
I'm pleased to make the acquaintance

of the woman who raised
such an extraordinary man.

Yes, I keep hearing
how proud I should be.

Making a life here
isn't easy for outsiders.

I, for one,
found inspiration in his success.

Yes, turns out he doesn't really need
my help.

Did he tell you he's sending me back?

Ask her to tell you about her habit
of wilfully misunderstanding me.

Miss Stacy is the local teacher,
a family friend and neighbor.

She's here to generously
share her catch with us.

And learn the hard way
it might be smarter to be selfish.

Oh, there's plenty for me
to take home to my smoker.

Have you tried smoked fish?

- In Trinidad. I didn't mind it.
- Excellent.

I'll build you one.

My welcome gift to you.

Sebastian, I'm glad I misunderstood you.

I can't possibly leave Canada
with a smoker in my future.


Mercy me!


I need to see Anne! Is she here?

I-I'm afraid you've missed her.
She's... she's gone away.

With Matthew.

- She'll return in two days.
- Oh, no.

- Oh, no, no, no, no.
- What... what's wrong?

Gilbert is going to propose to Winifred!

Oh... oh...

I know!

Poor Anne.

There you go. Maybe she's the best
neighbor in all the world,

but you cannot be alone
with a white woman!

- Meeting her wasn't planned...
- Not by a lake, not even in church,

- and especially not in your house!
- You embarrassed me for spite.

- Embarrassment won't bleed ya!
- What is that supposed to mean?

I have a good life here.
It's not perfect, but Mary...

We found kindness.
I won't let you ruin it.

So you'll ruin your child instead!

No, I'll teach her to be a good person
around good people,

and when the time comes,
how to manage those who aren't!

Mum, I want you here,
but you have to trust me.

Me and Mary worked hard
to create a community for our family...

It's not you I don't trust.

But it's your house,

so you said things have to change,
so I will.


I did not see that coming.

Oh! Oh.

- I'll... see you in the morning?
- Good night, Sebastian.

I'm sure it's all a terrible mistake.

And we'll fix everything tomorrow.

Good night... to you both.

I remember... the pain...

all too well when I went to find you.

But this...

I can't imagine.


It's the name Ka'kwet gave me.

It means a strong, brave heart.

I hope it's true.


We have to get her back, Matthew.

We have to.

Are they bringing Ka'kwet?

She told us to go away.

Oh, that doesn't make sense.

We don't want to take up
too much of your time, but we'd be...

we'd be mi-mighty grateful
to speak with you, Sister.

Good day to you, sir.
How may I help you?

Hello... again.

I came here before to see my friend.

She was just inexplicably
brought back here by force!

You call her Hannah?

Yes. Hannah is perfectly fine.


- She's here.
- Please, uh...

fetch her, Sister.

There was a mistake, you see.

Her parents,

they don't want her here,

so we've come to... take Ka'kwet home.

That will not be possible, sir.

What is going on here?

This is a school, not a prison!

This is preposterous!

I insist... you bring their child...

out at once!

Or we'll fetch the authorities!

- They'll k*ll you this time!
- Clear out!

Let's just... You watch yourself now.

Or what, old man? I said go!

You do what's right and we will.

Get out of my face.

Hand over their child.

That little savage
is right where she needs to be.

- Ka'kwet! Ka'kwet!
- Ka'kwet!

- Ka'kwet!
- Ka'kwet!

- Ka'kwet?
- Help!

- Ka'kwet!
- Shut your fool face,

- or I'll shut it for ya!
- Leave her be!

- Hey!
- Matthew!! Matthew!




We can trade.

You take this...
we take our daughter.

Everyone... Everyone, please calm down.

You misunderstand me.

Let me explain.

I do not have the authorization
to release any children.


You need to discuss this
with Father Beck.

Unfortunately, he is away for a fortnight.

So... please...

come back at a later date
and take the matter up with him.

Help! Help! I'm here!

I can bring you back here in two weeks...
when the priest has returned.

Yes. We will be heard, you'll see!
We'll get her back.

We're not leaving without our child.

- We will camp here.
- Fine by me.

Our presence here will speak volumes.

Anne, no, we... we... we can't stay.

It's harvest time.

- Marilla will be sick with worry.
- We can send Marilla a telegram!

I'm sure the crop can hold
for a fortnight! This is too important!

Anne, you know it can't wait,

- and I have to be there.
- So go, then, if you don't care!

Of course, of course I care.
But just be reas...

I am not abandoning them
in their time of need! I am staying!

We are very grateful for all you've done.

We will handle it from here.

It's like your father said.

It's a misunderstanding.

The nun said so, too.

This will all be solved
when the priest arrives.

You can go now, with our thanks.

We can't just go! We can't just go!
I'm not leaving! I can't! I...

Don't worry.

- What's she saying?
- "Don't worry, brave girl."

"We will not give up."

"All will be well."

That was all... mighty disturbing,

to steal children... from their family.

Deny the parents.
I've never seen or heard the like.

It's despicable!
Ka'kwet is not an orphan!

She has a home.

Parents who want her, love her.


...maybe we can help another way.

People need to know what's going on.

We can write a letter.

To a newspaper.

Let's write to The Globe.

If it's printed in a paper
and everyone in Canada finds out...

the outrage will change everything.

Then that's what we'll do.

That's... what we'll do.

Good evening to you.

The government has decreed
it's best for your kind to assimilate.

Schools like ours
will ensure that transition.

God willing, we will k*ll the Indian,
but save the child.

So you must leave.

It's for their own good, and it's the law.

We know what's best for our child.

- She needs to be...
- You're trespassing.

Leave immediately or face arrest.

If you care about the welfare
of your child...

you'll do as I say.

Thank you, gentlemen.


They'll hurt her if we don't go.

We'll camp close by...

and figure out a way to get her.

We won't leave without her.

When we have her, we'll disappear -

so they can never take her again.

These people and their laws
won't break us.

We will prevail.


Oh, Marilla,
it was all so horribly unjust!

And I didn't want to leave,
but they insisted

and they vowed not to give up
until Ka'kwet is released.

Oh, what a harrowing experience.

We must trust and hope
that everything will be sorted

and they'll be reunited soon.

Now, I think it's best you have a rest.

You've had a trying few days.

I was also very sorry
to hear the news about Gilbert.

What about Gilbert?

Diana was here.

She told me he plans to propose
to Winifred after all.

I'm sorry it didn't go well
when you spoke with him.

We didn't speak.

He wasn't home, so I left a note.

I guess love doesn't conquer all.

You bared your soul in your note.

- I never thought Gilbert Blythe...
- Did he actually read it,

before making such a dear promise,
or did he just throw it in a fire?

He gave another girl his mother's ring.
You don't need him.

Was I supposed to wait outside his home
until he came back? What if...

- Without boys, we're gloriously free.
- But then again...

This is ridiculous!

Why am I doing this to myself?
I can't see into his mind.

You know what I can do? Ask.

Even if his words are hurtful,

I will have facts and I will recover.

You have such a brave heart, Anne.

There are plenty worse things
than hurt feelings, believe me.

Could I touch your plate?

Of course.

Don't watch me like that.
It's your house.

I want to make sure
I have your permission.

Oh, could I touch your broom?
I want to sweep up.

Assuming it's alright
for me to touch your dust.

So this is why you came here -
to t*rture me.

You didn't get enough of a chance
before I left Trinidad?

Ah, please, I can't hear about you
and that leftover callaloo again.

I'm talking about the nit-picking
and dropped words,

the coldness and the criticizing.

How you make people feel like nothing,
unless they're white!

What does that say about you?

That you're nicer to white folks
than you are your own family!

- Poor Daddy.
- Poor Daddy, what?

- You think I tortured your father?
- I was small,

but I remember how you two argued,
and then he was just gone.

If you're not pushing people away,
you're driving them away!

You remember me chasing your father
out of our lives?

What else? Tell me!

I remember he gave me a toy.

One just like what the kids had
in the big house.

When he brought it, you got so mad.

Why didn't you want me
to have anything nice?

You wanted "nice,"
I wanted you to survive.

The white people I know
didn't want black people to have anything!

And your father, he...

Your father got too big for himself.

He wanted too much: a house,
land, a business.

And he caught his death for it.

They hanged him?

My father was lynched.

- Why didn't you tell me?
- You are my one son!

All I had left!

And just as hard-headed,
just as ambitious!

No. no, let her cry.

The only thing more dangerous
than being hard-headed is being soft.

I know you want to protect her.

But this is now.

What damage could I do
compared to the world?

She'll be exposed, like...

like your heart
beating outside your chest,

for anyone to harm.

You can't control it.
That is the worst thing...

...until you lose someone.

A husband.

A wife.

Once that heart cracks,

the only way to keep living
is to harden it.

Even if your child will never forgive you.

What you don't understand, Sebastian,
is that I gave you a gift.

You grew up strong... because of me.

What you don't understand
is that I grew up strong in spite of you.

Hello. I brought these for your mother.
For your household.

For all of you, really.
Including Gilbert. Is he at home?

Gilbert left for Charlottetown
early this morning.


Oh, I... I see.

Thank you for the flowers.

A gift to you
from another generous neighbor.

I did the best I knew how.