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03x08 - Great and Sudden Change

Posted: 01/08/23 06:16
by bunniefuu
- Keep up.
- Yes, Sister.

When Mr. Avery arrives,

don't stand there like a lump
like last time.

Make haste to meet him.

And you, no more dawdling outside,
smelling the air like an animal.

Heave out the trash, then get back.

Yes, Sister.

It would seem our milkman is tardy.

That is odd.

Mr. Avery is usually very punctual.

And punctuality is a virtue.

Get on with it.

My Lord, are you stupid?!

Savage and careless!
Get the broom!

Hannah, hurry up!





- Got a runner?
- A girl. Age 12 or so.

Not to worry. She won't get far.


Clumsiness is carelessness.
Don't you forget it.


Hello there, Sister! Whoa!

There, there, dear heart.

Dear me.

All kinds of commotion!

I'll be quick like a bunny
and out of your way.

I'm afraid we've no bottles
to return, thanks to this one.

Oh, that's alright.

Now I know better than anyone else

that there's no use
crying over spilled milk, huh?



Go inside!

I'm off, Sister.

Walk on.

♪ First thing we'd climb a tree ♪

♪ And maybe then we'd talk ♪

♪ Or sit silently ♪

♪ And listen to our thoughts ♪

♪ With illusions of someday ♪

♪ Casting a golden light ♪

♪ No dress rehearsal ♪

♪ This is our life ♪

♪ You are ahead by a century ♪

♪ You are ahead by a century ♪

Good morning! Uh, goodbye!
Breakfast on the run today.

- Where's the cause of such a hurry?
- Oh, uh...

Busy with... the paper.
Our march was so invigorating,

and I'm a pivotal member
of the community now.


- You're half an hour early!
- So are you.

Uh, now that I think of it,

uh, I forgot my hair... ribbon,
or lost it.

Is that an eagle?

I'll go see if I can find it.

Uh, you go on ahead! I'll...

My... heavens.

How could...?



- What happened?
- No printing-press metal.

A printing press doesn't just up
and walk away by itself.

It's burned to the ground.

- Oh!
- It's all gone.

The fire in the stove wasn't lit.

- No lightning...
- What could've...

Ask whoever took the printing press,
because it's not here.

- What do you mean, not here?
- What?

- Taken?
- Somebody did this? On purpose?

I believe it.

- Who would...?
- Those who didn't like being challenged.

They can't get away with this.
We have to do something!

We did do something,
and this was the result!

And now we have nothing.
It's all my fault.

This is not Anne's fault.

Nor any of yours.
This is the fault of small minds!

We don't know exactly what happened,
and we may never,

but we cannot let it knock us down
or silence us.

Yes, this is a vile, spineless act.

But it's proof positive
that we made an impact.

Kudos to you.

Now is the time
to focus on your futures

and the Queens entrance exams,

and not on this act of... cowardice!

Mrs. Lynde?



- How could you stand by and let it happen?
- What are...

You cannot hold us down!

Burn our school? We will rise.

We will take your fear
and turn it into fuel.

- Burn your school?
- Burn your school?

Our school is ashes.
As is everything in it,

aside from what was metal!
The bell is still there,

the stove.

Curiously, the printing press is not.

You didn't know...
so how could you be responsible?

Because I am a member of that board,

and mark my words, it was them.

I feel it in my bones.

Yes, they were angry,
but never would I have imagined...

- Because it's unimaginable.
- It's more than this.

The way they spoke of women,
myself included,

during your manifesto debacle,
was eye-opening to say the least.

Did you really think it was a debacle?

Not anymore.

I'm glad you forced this to the surface.

People have revealed themselves
and things will not be the same.

I assure you,
I am a very good ally to have.

Leave this with me.

Thirty days on water and it feels
like heaven to be back on land.

But I never did see anything
like New York City.

That Statue of Liberty
is something to behold.

When I asked how was your trip,
I meant...

Did I catch a glare every dock,
boat and train I stepped on?

You'd think I wouldn't notice anymore,

for how long
I've been navigating white folk.

How long is that? A hundred years?

I might be 100, but that's not too old.

I can't make it sting
if I've a mind to smack you.

I didn't think you'd come.

Why did you?

Because your wife died
and a child needs a caretaker.

How much further? Lord knows I've traveled
clear across the world.

Don't tell me it's another while.

Not long now.

If nothing else,
at least I can offer you refreshments.

It's so infuriating!

Poor Miss Stacy. Poor all of us.

Now we're all crammed in here, cramming,
because of their heinous actions.

I wonder if Mrs. Lynde
will actually hold them accountable.

Well, if anybody can...

I have to say it was exhilarating
seeing the change in Mrs. Lynde.

I bet.

Can I borrow your pen?

We took a stand
and accomplished something,

despite the repercussions.

Maybe because of them.

The school's burned down, it's awful...

Do not get me started.

But it's strange.

It makes me feel
like the world is moveable.

No matter where life takes me,
I now know I must be a relentless thorn

in the side of those who refuse
to amend the status quo.

Of course you must.

And I know what I must not be.

A country doctor,
limited to delivering death sentences.

There's so much that we don't yet know.

I believe we can fix people, save them.

We just haven't figured out how.

I would give anything to be there
when we do.

Are you going to the Sorbonne?

May as well ask if I can fly.

Someday. Someday I will.

They're like evil children

who stole a box of matches
from their parents.

I'd know.

How many times did Thomas Jr.
set our shed on fire? And he was 11!

If you could put some of that anger
into dusting...

Hateful souls!

And no consequences, I imagine.
No one saw anything.

Won't they just deny, deny, deny,
until it goes away?

That, they will.

But isn't the first step to defeating
an enemy knowing what they plan to do?

Heavens! Oh. Oh! Oh, Sebastian.

Oh, we're terribly sorry.

We meant to have the place shining
by the time...

There was a commotion this morning,
in town,

but that is no excuse for your mother,

to come into an untidy house.

Oh, dear me, what a day.

Welcome. How lovely to see you.

What devil did you sell your soul to
that you got two white maids

falling all over themselves
not to vex you?

No devil. Hazel Lacroix,

meet Miss Marilla Cuthbert
and Mrs. Rachel Lynde.

They're like family to me -
cooking, cleaning,

helping out with Delphine.



Baby girl...

Grandma's here.

Don't be sappy now. Hazel is fine.

Hmm? Yes.

Tell her to focus, Anne!
The exams are tomorrow,

and all she can do is turn
geometric shapes into hearts.

Who says that being romantic is any less
respectable than being studious?

Ask Gilbert.
He's the most studious and he's romantic.

Well, we're not being romantic.
There's nowhere else...

Not with you, Anne, with Winifred.

- How'd you meet her anyway?
- How long have you been courting?

He was squiring her folks around
at the fair. It must be serious.

It has to be, with a girl so beautiful.
Isn't she, Anne?

So... beautiful.

- When will you see her again?
- Well...

I'm headed into Charlottetown tomorrow
to take my exams.

So I can dine with her
and her folks after.

Dining with the parents, eh?

- We're all going to the ruins after.
- It's a secret!

You should come.
And bring your fiancée.


Diana. Allô.

Lovely to see you.

We can't meet up anymore.

We're apples and oranges.
It just doesn't make sense. It never did.

- I'm not good enough for you?
- It's not that, it's just...

- We come from different worlds.
- And I'm not good enough for you.

- I'm going to Paris...
- You were always going to Paris.

We were always... as you say,

apples and oranges.
Why now is it different?

It's not. It's just...

It's just that you told Anne,

and I thought we were
keeping this secret...

- Because I'm not good enough for you.
- Will you stop saying that?

You're being rude and... and aggressive,
and I will not stand for it!

Here, take them!

Of... of course we're happy to see you,
Auntie, we're just...

- Su-surprised.
- Hmm.

How nice.

Where might Diana be?

Hello, dear one.

Aunt Josephine!
What a wonderful surprise!


Your father disagrees.

You should've seen his face.
Worth the price of admission.

What brings you to Avonlea?


The Queens entrance exams are tomorrow.

Take them.

Give yourself the option.
Don't condemn yourself

to someone else's idea
of who you should be.

- Uh, I haven't prepared.
- Oh, but you're intelligent. You can...

And I'm not going to Queens.
I'm going to finishing school.

Drivel. Times have changed.
Go to college! Learn!

- I am going to learn.
- How to marry well?

The course of study is varied...

Which dress to wear? Which smile?

You have potential, Diana.

Demand more from yourself.
Don't accept what your parents have said...

I don't have a choice!



Nothing to fear.

You're beautiful, Paris will adore you.

You won't be very interesting,
but you'll succeed.

- Good morning.
- Good morning, sir.

- Oh, it smells wonderful in here!
- Thank you, sir.

I wasn't sure where you sit.

Does it look alright?

Would you like anything else,
Mr. Blythe?

Oh, no...

Thank you. Gilbert, please.

And it looks perfect.

Is Uncle Gilby looking his smartest
for his big exam today, baby bunny?

Oh, hi. Good morning, Delly.


- Ouch.
- Sit.

I'm sure Mr. Blythe doesn't need that baby
in his face when he's trying to eat!


- Taste alright, Mr. Blythe?
- Gilbert really is fine.

And it's delicious.

You sure you have a place
to put all that food, Mr. Blythe?

Good news is, you won't be staying
skinny long with my mother in town.


I-I'm sure he didn't mean that.
You look like a very strong young man.

She should try building a fence with you.

Twig arms liable to snap
picking up a pencil one day.

Are you out of your mind, child?
Speaking to that man like that?

- That... man?
- Yeah.

- He's my...
- Yes, yes, equal partner.

Don't be foolish now. You have a baby.
You act like that, get too comfortable,

they'll turn on you!

- Did no one teach you to know your place?
- Teach me? I suppose that was your job,

had you been around to do it.

I'm gonna go catch some breeze.

Area of a rectangle
is base times height.

Area of a triangle is base
times height divided by two.

Area of a circle
is pi times radius squared.

Nervous? Huh?


Nervous, excited,

and somehow,
despite a year of preparation,


I'm actually about to sit
for my college entrance exams.

I feel like I'm dreaming.

You're as smart as they make 'em.

Now, what time did you say
the exam starts?


Good luck!

Well, since all my friends are busy today,

I'm off help the PMSC ladies
collect food for the unfortunate.

Oh... did I know about this?

I'm sure I mentioned it.

I'm dying! I-I can't breathe!
My heart is beating too fast!

What if it's about to explode?
Why isn't Gilbert here?

It's probably just nerves.
Try to occupy your mind.

PEI became the British colony
of St. John Island in 1769.

Oh, and joined Canada on July 1, 1872.


Happy thoughts. You can do this.


- Ah!
- Diana!

- What are you doing here?
- I'm taking the exams.

- What about Paris?
- I'll tell you later.

- Hurry and talk me through the topics.
- Eleven times 11 is a 121...

- Uh, 12 times 12 is 144...
- The repetition keeps him calm.

The examiner.

You have one hour per subject.

Write in pencil or pen.

No reference books.

No crib sheets.

- No unauthorized breaks.
- May I borrow a pen?

And no talking!


Might you have a pen I could borrow?

I lent mine to Gil...
to a friend and, uh...


The trick will be getting some alone time

with the board members
without the minister.

Oh, but he's always so damned prompt!


I have an idea.

Evil! Backward!



Pardon me, Miss Stacy.

Ever so sorry to disturb, Sebastian.

But the students are finally seated
for the Queens exams,

and I can hold my anger in no longer!
It's fishing or m*rder!

How does one properly say
"Sorry someone burned down your school"?

I've been fighting backwards thinking
long enough in this town.

Now this?

Why would I stay and live my life
around people frozen in time?

You can't make a teacher
feel less welcome

than burning down her school.

Come to think of it,
what took them so long!

Wouldn't know anything
about not feeling welcome in a place.

Who's with Delphine?

- The ladies?
- My mother.

So I know something
about your murderous feelings.

We did it!


- Oh, I'm still alive!
- I brought shine!

Me first!


My word,
it is going to be a wild night!

Now you have a good meal in your belly,

are you feeling a bit more relaxed
about the exams?

Yes. My best is all I can do.

Je ne peux que faire de mon mieux.

You should practice your French
for when you get into the Sorbonne.

Ah. Uh, oui. And how do you say...

"fingers crossed"?

- Time for some masculine discourse.
- Ah.

Code for brandy and cigars.

And a distinct lack of femininity.
I don't recommend it.

- Which?
- Two out of three. You decide.

Do the honors, would you, son?

Nothing like a snifter and a stogy
to accompany musings of the future.

If your ears have been burning of late,
I'm responsible.

Yes, I've been talking you up
to my friend at the Sorbonne.

Not the college drinking buddy,
the real one.

He's assured me that with the right...
test scores and, uh... backing,
you could be there come fall.

I don't know what to say. That's...

Not to mention we have that flat
in the fourth Arrondissement.

Ah, Winnie adores it.

Paris is her favorite place in the world.

A thoughtful man...
with an eye to the future...

is a needle in a haystack.

And as I mentioned
that fine day at the fair:

if my daughter is happy, then so am I.

So if you're awaiting my blessing, son...

it's granted.

Red Ruby Rover!


Red Rover, Red Rover,
send Charlie right over!

Charlie, come on!

- Drink up, weaklings.
- Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum!

Follow me, my sweethearts and friends!

Avast, ye school mateys!

Why does it take a pirate so long
to learn the alphabet?

- Why?!
- Because he spends years at C!

What's the difference between
a hungry pirate and a drunken pirate?

Tell us!!

One has a rumbling tummy,
and the other's a tumbling rummy!


May I speak with you, please?

Then her father
laid it out on a silver platter.

Laid... what out on a platter?

The Sorbonne, Paris,
the money to do it.

My future if I want it!


to propose.

I don't know what to do.

You don't want to be a country doctor.

The Sorbonne... is your dream.

Winifred is lovely,
and her parents are supportive.

I don't understand.
What's holding you back?

Just... one thing.

I don't know what to say. I...

What am I supposed to...

And everyone, everyone is...
and now you just... and I'm...

pirate and we never even...
And Paris is...

And you are never gonna find...
that much I know,

so how... can't...

I... We...

- We...
- Anne! Anne! Anne!

- We want to do one of your rituals!
- We need to mark this moment!

Remember it till the end of time!

- Come on!
- Come on, Anne.

I'll be off, then.

Good night.

Anne! Anne, come on!

We can't do it without you!

Anne, come on.

Will you marry me?

May I have your hand in marriage?

No. Will you... do me the honour
of becoming my wife?

No, not there.

Oh... no.

Oh, where could it be?


Rice. Rind.


Ring! Oh.

How can I help you?

I heard you say Aunt Jo is here.
I came to speak with her.

My aunt is visiting me, yes.

Will you please let Miss Barry know
she has a visitor?

I think Gilbert Blythe
might've been asking if I love him,

and I think I told him
to marry someone else.

Well... do you love this Gilbert Blythe?

I don't know.
I've never loved anyone like that before!

He's the only one
I think of in that way, but love?

How does one know?
And how can I be sure enough to say,

"Sure, take option two," when option one
is all he wants for his future?

What is option one?

A girl...

whose father offers him a chance at a life
he can't otherwise have.

That is a prodigious conundrum.

I was a child yesterday,

and now I feel I'm being asked to explain
the rest of my life on a ticking clock!

If I make the wrong decision,
I've either ruined my life or his.

In books, characters just know.

But this feels like something
that I can't quite grasp.

Does that mean I don't love him?

I've never bought
into that "you just know" notion.

Love is a tricky thing.

Sometimes it feels
like an undeniable force

that hits between the eyes
and doesn't let up.

Other times, it's malleable, questionable.

It's truth hidden in and amongst
external obstacles

and internal circumstances
that've formed who you are,

what you expect in the world,

and how you can accept love.

Oh... to say the least, it's complicated.

And if a mind's abuzz with pressure
and deadlines and "what if this and that,"

I imagine love's truth would be
a near-impossible thing to feel.

I wonder if,

when all's quiet in your mind,

you'll find your answer.

And what if by then it's too late?

I suppose I'll have my tragical romance
after all.

And the coal goes
inside the engine.




Oh, I know that face.

It means my baby girl is full
and ready for action.

And this cereal goes to waste
because her father must be rich.

Daddy had to eat leftover dregs
from someone else's child's bowl,

so you can have as much or as little
as you want.

Daddy is dropping words,

but any complaint he has
about his childhood can come to me direct.

Make sure she doesn't capsize that bowl.

Ah! All over Mr. Blythe's table?

Mr. Gilbert, hungry this morning?

Perpetually. And good morning.

- What about me?
- Hmm.

- Finish that first.
- Hold on.

Have to wipe down massah's table.

First, the little baby.


And then I will come back
for the big baby.

Sorry. She's very good
at making me behave badly.

You're going to have to learn
to get along.

Soon it might just be the two of you
and Delphine.

- Why are you threatening me?
- I'm not.

I'm... proposing.

Yes. My answer is yes.

Last night, I asked Anne if she thought
there was a chance for us...

Wait. I have to get up.

I have to get up for this,

because basically what you're saying
is that I win!

I knew it, I knew it! It was always Anne.

From the moment you got her letter
on the ship.

I called it. You love her. I win!

She said no.



I'm sorry.

That's rough.

But I have clarity.

I needed to know where I stood with Anne.

And now that I do,
I think I could be happy with Winnie.

You're sure you're sure?

Don't go feeling you have to do something
because people expect it.

- I'm sure.
- Don't go moving halfway 'round the world

- on a maybe.
- I'm sure.

- Sure...
- Bash.


So... Anne is behind you.

And Winifred is my future.

And... we'll still be brothers.


- I'm glad for you.
- Oh.

Good day, gentlemen.

So sorry to intrude,
but... I am at quite a loss.

Oh, forgive me, Minister,

but I have a pressing theological query
that cannot wait.

Speak it, Miss Cuthbert, please.

Why is it that bad things happen
to good people?

Oh... I have a lengthy answer on that.

You've come to the right place, you have.

Volumes, Miss Cuthbert.

Well, gentlemen...
how are you feeling about your actions?

- Not sure to what you're referring.
- Yes.

Denial at all costs, until it goes away.

Weather the few days of accusations,

then everyone gets busy with their lives
and forgets.

But what if it didn't go away?

I know it was you who burnt the school
and took the printing press.

- This is preposterous!
- Now, now. No need to be hysterical.

Need I remind you
that I'm the only one privy

to your outrage after the demonstration?

That's right. Only me.

And I'd be happy to talk about that
to every soul in town,

every day, for the next 10 years.

Or until you die, whichever comes first.

This is a promise.

While denial is your forte,

spreading news convincingly
and relentlessly is mine.

For goodness' sake!
We didn't burn the school.

- It was an accident!
- Interesting.

Though I have no idea
how you're going to prove that

without admitting that you stole
a printing press from children

under the cover of dark.

As pillars of the community,

your reputations are at risk
of being tarnished either way.

I have a proposal.

I won't talk,
or ask you to step down,

if we add three women to the board.

A gender balance and this all goes away.

All in favour?

Ergo, what is true goodness,

if it is not exhibited
in the face of true evil?

Minister, we've taken a vote.

Minnie May, tell me what happened.

It's not fair!

Why do you have to say things
that aren't true

and pretend to be who everybody
wants you to be all the time?

It's just the way things are...

No, I mean why do you?

Because then I'm supposed to be like you!

"Why can't you be more like your sister,
Minnie May?"

Well, I don't want to!

And you don't even like being you!

You just pretend.

But pretending is lying! And lying's bad!

And promise me you won't rush
into romance, Butterscotch.

Know your heart
before you make commitments.

That's a vow I've made to myself...
no matter how awful it feels.


Say hello to the newest member
of the Board of Trustees!

Well done.

Oh, you poor dear,
you must be tuckered out.

You need a little lie-down.
That's all you need.

It's been quite a time, alright.

I'm so sorry, Anne.

- I'm sorry too.
- I want to be braver... than I've been.

I don't want to lie anymore.

I want to be the person
that I am in all ways.

And that person, more than anything,

is your best friend.


I solemnly swear to be faithful
to my bosom friend Anne/Diana

for as long as the sun and moon
shall endure.

And now let's send our oath out
into the world.

And it may be too late
by the time I know my heart,

but I can't get it wrong.

Oh, Anne.

Who knew that life
could be so... momentous?

A morning can start off like any other,
but by nightfall...

things have occurred
that could change a course forever.

You are so brilliantly wise, Diana.

I'm so thrilled you took the exams.

- I probably didn't pass.
- Well, if you didn't,

there's something wrong with the tests.

Whatever may come,

we will face it together.

I'm in love with Gilbert Blythe!
