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03x05 - I Am Fearless and Therefore Powerful

Posted: 01/08/23 06:14
by bunniefuu
Good morning to you too, ladies.
Hard at work as always, I see.

Give my regards to the queen.

Such a bountiful harvest last year.

Thank you.

♪ First thing we'd climb a tree ♪

♪ And maybe then we'd talk ♪

♪ Or sit silently ♪

♪ And listen to our thoughts ♪

♪ With illusions of someday ♪

♪ Casting a golden light ♪

♪ No dress rehearsal ♪

♪ This is our life ♪

♪ You are ahead by a century ♪

♪ You are ahead by a century ♪

...bud, bloom, branch
and bough is part of a greater whole.

In fact, everything you see around you...

is entangled in a kind of symbiotic dance,

and the uniqueness of each participant
enables the forest to thrive.

But if you wish to see the true genius
and efficiency of Mother Nature,

just look up at the trees above you.

See the channels of space
between the canopy?

This mysterious phenomenon
is known as "crown shyness."

- Oh!
- Each tree is aware of its boundaries.

- Thank you.
- Which in tree-speak, means...

No touching!

This kind of intelligence
is not just limited to trees.

We see it across all of nature,
even with the birds and the bees.

- Finally!
- Birds and bees?

The bee collects pollen and nectar
to feed the hive and create honey.

The flower receives pollen,
which it needs to bear fruit.

I thought we were gonna learn
about the real birds and bees.

I assure you, the lesson
will be illuminating all the same.

And then we have the birds.
Take the red-breasted nuthatch.

Its main source of food

is the spruce budworm,
which is a conifer pest.

So while the Red-breast...

The bird gets its food,

the tree gets some
much-needed pest relief.

Which leads me to the purpose
of this outing...

- Mating season?
- Disgusting!

Oh, my goodness.

- Oh!
- Moody! Oh, goodness me.

- Indians!
- We are surrounded by savages!

Everyone, calm down!

- Can we focus on Moody?
- Ruby, you alright?

- How is he?
- It's deep.

There's nothing I can do here.
He needs stitches.

The Mi'kmaq village.
It's nearby, they can bring help.

- I know the way. I'll be right back.
- We've got to get help.

- Ruby, are you alright?
- Ruby. Ruby.

Hello, Mimikej!

Remember me?
Can you take me to your village?

Uh, wigwam. Mother?

- Is she going to be alright?
- She's in shock.

Give her some honey.
It'll bring her energy up.

- Be careful.
- You're gonna be alright.

This will help.

- It's alright.
- Oh...

This is the Mi'kmaq medicine woman.
She's here to help.

Who is dead?
My son, he said someone died.

Uh... no one's dead.

One of our girls has fainted
and a boy is hurt.

I heard the screaming from camp.

Thought someone had died too.

Alright, everyone, let's move
out of the way now.

Thank you so much for your help.

Hello. The girl will be alright,
but the boy needs help.

Fix him up good.

This one buys my hockey sticks.

- No.
- It is from the weeping tree.

- It grows by the water.
- It's for pain?

He'll need some sewing up.

Have him give me that honey.

She needs that.
Honey cleanses the wound.

- No sickness can enter.
- Oh, wow.

- Oh, God.
- It's alright, it's alright. Just breathe.

- Oh, God.
- It's alright.

- Oh, my goodness!
- Breathe, breathe, Moody.

- It's alright, Moody. Just breathe.
- You're alright.

She's almost done. Look at me.

- You're doing great.
- There. See?

He'll be fine in no time.
Just needs rest.

She says you must be gentle.

You will be well soon.

Oh, thank you. Keep it.

I have so much of it.

I went to visit Ka'kwet
a couple of weeks ago,

but I wasn't allowed to see her.
I hope she is doing well.

We know nothing.
They said that we will see her in summer.

We can only hope
that she is well and happy.

And the bees, it's genius!

How they produce a substance
that can actually heal wounds.

Why is that not in any
of the medical textbooks that I read?

And the medicine woman
used willow bark for pain!

That tree's been right underneath
my nose this whole time.

It's... incredible!
There's so much out there.

Why can't we use nature
to be on the winning side of medicine?

Makes you wonder, doesn't it?

What else there is that we don't know.

I... don't know.

Well, neither do I, but I want to know.

I can tell you one thing.

You're dripping stew.

Oh, we stir up and down,

and we stir to and fro...

and off to bed you go!

Ah. Oh...

I am running out of ideas. Ah!

Please go to sleep. Please?

Oh... you're so tired.

I'm so tired.




- Oh, no!
- Oh, you're late.

- She's awake.
- She's teething.

And I'm leaving.

- What's happened to you?
- The same thing that's happened to you.

I can't keep up with this pace, Marilla.
I can't do it.

I must admit,
I'm finding this daily routine rather...


Right, then it's settled.

Bash needs a wife.

A wife?

- But he's still grieving,
- And what of it?

We both know our old bones
can't keep this up.

And besides,
we are about to sow the winter crops.

How on earth are we to do all that
when we're knee-deep in nappies?

You know I'm right,
and it's the way of things.

Tell him to start looking.

- Me?
- Trust me, Marilla,

we'll all be better for it.

Seems about... That's right.

Mr. Cuthbert... at this rate,
you could win at the county fair.

Look at those leaves!

Suppose they are quite big...
for a radish.

Aren't they?

If it's alright with you, uh...
may I go home early today?

It's time to plant les haricots out back.
I promised my family...

Yeah, yeah, of course. Go on.

Thank you.

It's odd that there aren't more posts
about me.

Another day of glorious obscurity.

How many notices today for you?
I think I saw at least three.

I think you may get a post
from Charlie soon.

What? Charlie, Charlie?

Yes. The Charlie who couldn't stop
looking at you earlier.


I quite enjoyed the lesson today.
Birds and bees are all well and good,

but give me wild wolves, soaring eagles
and blue-crested herons up in the canopy!

Oh, to be the Bride of Adventure
is so much more exciting.

Hear-hear! Give me red-breasted nuthatches
or give me death!

Oh, I love that I'm not the only one
courting adventure.

Has your mother forgiven
your scandalous Acadian affair yet?

Hardly. She lives for melodrama.

She'll feast off that night
for weeks to come.

Oh, then I do believe
you'd be doing her a kindness

by indulging
in even more unsuitable experiences.

It's the least I can do.


that's day 124.

- Lockets?
- Mm-hmm.

Kindred spirits forever.

Mwah! Farewell!


- Jerry?
- Hello.

Um, I was hoping I'd be here in time.

In time for...?

You're not here to walk me home,
are you?

Because that's... definitely...
not allowed.

I... I know. I shouldn't be here.

In fact, my mother would say
it's highly improper.

- Wouldn't you agree?
- I... I don't know.

- You don't know?
- I've only met your mother once. Um...

but my mother says
you're très charmante.

In which case, I agree.

Flattery is also improper.


I-I can go home now, Diana,

if... that's what you prefer.

I'd prefer that we continue.

Tillie, the Pauls are quite ardent!

I can't choose one.

Hello again, dear world.

Medical research at The Sorbonne in Paris.

Funny, Dr. Ward mentioned antitoxins
last month.

What's an antitoxin?

It's a new kind of preventative medicine.

Seems to actually be working,
from the look of it,

even though Dr. Ward called it "nonsense."

Most people have a hard time
trusting new ideas.

The Sorbonne is an excellent university.

And thousands of miles and dollars away.

I know a doctor named Emily Oak

who's doing similar work
at the University of Toronto.

- A female doctor?
- Perhaps you could write to her, Gilbert.

I expect she could guide you
toward Canadian universities

specializing in medical research.

Thank you. I'll take you up on that.

Oh, just look at these obituaries.

So many incredible lives.

Reading these makes me wish my own parents
had been remembered the same way

so I might've known something about them.

Perhaps we should write an obituary
for Mary in the Avonlea Gazette.

- For Delphine.
- That's a lovely idea.

It is. I'll ask Bash,
see what he thinks about it.

Anne! You're on the board!
Charlie "noticed you"!

- Good morning, Anne.
- Busy! Sorry!

So, Anne, are you gonna dance
with Charlie tomorrow?

Am I what?

Miss Stacy scheduled practice
for the county-fair barn dance.

- For all of us.
- Boys and girls.

That means... touching.

- Dancing's for girls.
- But at least there's touching.

I'm going to hate practicing
with these silly boys.

I'll only be dancing with my intended
at the fair.

I don't think I'm a very good dancer.

Don't worry, it's all in knees.


Billy has two left feet
and they both smell awful.

It's too much too soon!

And besides, it's...
it's not my place to...

Well, what is your place in this matter?

Is it to cook and clean
for hours and hours,

only to run home
to do it all over again?!

- Surely there must be another way...
- Precisely what I've been saying!

Ev-everything alright, ladies?

Sebastian... take a seat.


It's time you remarried.


Exactly. June is mere weeks away,
and it's the toughest month of the year.

With all the sowing and harvesting,
you'll be in need of a woman

so you can tend to your land.

And who knows, maybe in time,

you'll have more children
to help on the farm.

Perhaps a son or two.
Now, wouldn't that be nice?

I expect he needs more time to...

You'll need a young wife...

with some energy,
a bit of meat on her.

Childbearing hips.
What about that lovely gal from the Bog...

- Rachel, that is quite enough!
- This is important, Marilla!

We care for you deeply, Bash.
But this...

...arrangement, fond as it is,

cannot be sustained.

Find yourself a wife,
or Delphine must be placed out.


When a tragedy strikes such as yours
and you cannot care for a child,

you'd best consider matrimony, dear boy.

Right quick.

I think I'll write to my mother.

Oh, Sebastian.

That seems like a very good idea indeed.

Perhaps Charlie Sloane should take notice
of what an ill match we are.

He's never taken a chance in his life!

Well, he posted, didn't he? That was bold.

Anne Shirley-Cuthbert-Sloane!

Sounds like groan.

Tone. Bemoan.

I wouldn't be the Bride of Adventure.

- More like the Bride of Boring!
- Anne.

- You're right, that was callous.
- No. Yes.

Uh, I just remembered.

I'm to accompany Minnie May
in her music lesson so I really must go.

- Oh, uh, wait. Can I come with you?
- No!

Um, if you hear her play,
you'll never recover. Best not.

But I was hoping to borrow a book
from your father's study.

- Do you think he'd have one on Scotland...
- I'll take a look. Bye!

Thank you! Bye.

Day 122.


You're not supposed to be here.

Oh... If anybody saw us here,
we'd be in grave trouble.

"It's true, we shall be monsters,
cut off from all the world.

But on that account,
we shall be more attached to one another."

It's really, really good.

Merci, Jerry.

So many months of snow and frost,

I almost forgot what the very earth
below me looks like.

Mary sure brought this garden to life.

Don't get your hopes up.
I don't think I have her green thumb.

Mary brought everything to life.

I was thinking... it'd be nice
if people knew more about her.

I'd like to write an obituary for Mary
in the Gazette.

She should have her legacy honoured.

I was talking with Anne and she felt...

it would be something for Delly
to hold onto.

Not long now

till you're a mama.

And a fine one you'll be.

Big doings soon.

Look there.

You see how the foal... is at the back?

It's almost time.

Let's away.

I think Belle,
she needs her peace and privacy now.

I don't envy Baby Belle her teenage years.

It's a long time till then.

He or she isn't even here yet.

I know.

But maturity is exhausting.

A nice cup of tea will set things right.

Maybe so.

I dunno. I doubt my mum will come.

Want me to take a look?

And, uh...
you should see how you feel about this.

As promised, today we'll be practicing
for the county-fair barn dance.

Mr. and Mrs. Lynde have kindly consented
to help us in this endeavour.

Since The Dashing White Sergeant
needs a set of six,

I thought we'd better do so.

Oh, you remember my son.

- Yes, of course.
- It's very nice to see you again.

Thank you...

all for coming to help.

Shall we?

We shall!

Pay particular attention to the patterns.


Ready when you are, Mrs. Lynde.

Please clap out the rhythm.

And eight steps round.

Five, six, seven and eight,
and back to other way!

Centre dancers, get ready to set,

and set and set,

and turn with both hands.

And set and set,

and one, two, three.

Reels of three! One, two, three.

Give your left shoulder
to the partner facing you!

One, two, three,
and all tree lines reform.

And one, two, three, four.

And back, two, three, four.

And... sweep under raised arms
to form another set.

Ah! And stop. Oh!

That's the basic pattern.

Why don't we have you give it a try?
Please form your sets of six:

boy-girl, boy and girl,

boy-girl, boys and girls...

Come along.

Okay, uh...


- Um, I...
- Lovely.

Can we just get this over with?

Ready? Here we go.

One, two, three, four.

And one and two and three and four
and five and six and...

- Out of the way, out of the way.
- ...and four. Get ready.

Two, set, set!

And fetch. Turn, turn, turn, turn, turn.

Set to the dancer on your right! Right!

- I don't know what I'm doing.
- Oh, dear.

Stop, stop, stop!

That was... a start.

Yeah, that's... Take a little break.

- Catch my breath. Catch your breath.
- Did you see me dancing?

You'll get it.

- What's the matter, Ruby?
- Are you feeling faint again?

- She's shaking.
- You can tell us.

I... What if I'm pregnant?!

My mother said
if I so much as go near a boy,

I might get pregnant,
and if a boy touches me,

then I'll certainly get pregnant!

So I must be. You all could be!

How could this be?

But who's the father?

- How could you let this happen?!
- Girls, girls, please, calm yourselves.

I can assure you,
no one will become pregnant from dancing.

- But there was so much touching!
- That's not how it works. It's not...

uh... topical.

There are... many steps to conceiving.

First, courtship.
Then, of course, marriage.

Then you and your husband... m-m-m-may...

will... with your consent,

go down...
that cherished path to parenthood.


Is that clear?

- Good.
- I'm afraid to dance.

You don't have to.
You may sit this out if you wish.

- Dancing is stupid.
- How much longer?

- I'm hungry.
- Looks good.

How does it feel, though? Itchiness?

No, just a little sore.

It's incredible.

So, can I dance now?

Sorry, you still need to heal.


Let's try this once again.

Shall I play?

- Yes.
- Yes, thank you.

Caleb, why don't you and Muriel step in?

Here we go!

Go! One, two, three, four and five,

six, seven, eight!

Other way!
And two, three, four, five, six,

seven, eight!

And set and set,

turn with both hands and set!

And set and turn, turn, turn!

Reels of three!

Three, two, and left shoulder.

Left shoulder. Ha-ha! Very good.

And all three lines reform! Here we go!

And together,
two, three, four, and away...

Very good.
And sweep through, raised arms,

to form another set.

Here we go!
And one and two and three and four,

five, six, seven. Other way!

One, two, three, four, five, six,

and here we go and...

Well done, well done!


Oh. Charlie.

Afternoon, Anne.

I was wondering, uh...

May I walk with you a ways?


Do you mean...

walk with me?


If that's alright.

Of course.

- Did you enjoy the dance practice?
- No, I didn't.

- You seem to be a natural at it.
- Me? A natural? No, no, no, no!

If anything, I found the whole affair
to be torturous!

What a ludicrous waste of time!
Queens exams are on the horizon,

yet we're spinning around like dying bees?
It's ridiculous!

In fact, I can think
of an infinite number of things

I'd rather spend my time on
instead of participating in that...


How can you possibly not agree?

- I worry for you, is all.
- Worry for me?


You think so much
and you're very emotional.

It might damage your ability
to have children in the future.

I don't understand.

I'm sorry, did you not know?

An overly active mind
causes women to be barren.

I'm doomed!
I don't know what my future holds,

but I expected to have all the options.

Is there... medical evidence?

I have no idea!

Dashing... White... Sergeant!

This White Sergeant,
what did he do to offend you so?

Dancing isn't my preferred way
to spend an afternoon, that's all.

I don't...

I don't understand it.

Even those bees of yours dance.
What was so confusing?

If I...

If I feel something...

for... a girl...

does that mean that...
she's the one that I should marry?

Uh... not necessarily, Blythe.

Attraction - yes, it's important.

But love... that's what truly matters.

And love is bigger than those...

feelings you're talking about.


Does that makes sense?

I think so.

- Mind telling me who this girl is?
- I mind.

- You sure?
- Yep.

- How about now?
- Nope.

You can tell her.

She won't talk.

Here. I haven't read it, but...

Oh... Oh, it's beautiful.

Thank you!

I hope you find whatever your heart
desires in its pages.

I'm sure I will. Look at all this.
Uh... Aberdeen,

Isle of Skye!

Hello, Diana.


- Uh, how are you today?
- Fine, thank you.

- How long can I keep this for?
- What... what book is that?

- Uh...
- Sorry, would you excuse us?

Oh. Of-of-of-of course.


I think you made quite the impression
when you stayed for supper.

You can keep it as long as you like.



This must belong to you.


yes, it's mine.


I'm sure she wasn't herself at all.
And for the first time ever,

I was completely confounded
by what Miss Stacy was saying.

What did she mean by "steps to consent"?

Perhaps it has to do
with being escorted home.

Walking home? But there's no touching.

- Unless there's rough ground.
- So it's like...

animal husbandry?

That's disgusting!
We're not filthy animals.

But... animals don't have to think.

Perhaps that's why they bear offspring
so easily.

Oh, no... that means...

Perhaps Charlie is right.

Maybe intelligent and emotional females
can't bear children!


You definitely aren't pregnant, Ruby.

But I don't want to be barren!

Surely there must be someone
who can answer all this.


No, no, no, no, no, no!

- You have to do it.
- In you go.

Uh... hello?

Anne has a question.

Is... it true...

that women of intelligence

and passio... uh... emotion

are... doomed to be infertile?

Is that how repro...

duction works?


There's nothing I've seen
in my medical experience

that would lead me to believe that.

So, uh...


- Is that all?
- The steps.

Ask him.

Well, good day, then.

He said seen!

What has he seen?


We need to purge ourselves
of all of these nonsensical lies!

And I know a cure.

- And it's in your book on Scotland, Diana.
- What is it?

It's called Beltane.

We'll all meet tonight, in the meadow,

just past the Lake of Shining Waters,
as soon as it's dark.

Be there.

"Mary LaCroix was born
on a winter's day in 1865.

As those who knew her well can attest,

her presence was felt
like an endless summer.

Her smile could lighten a room
where no candles were lit.

Her laugh could warm a home
with an empty hearth.

Fierce yet kind,

she could cut a man down
with her sharpness of tongue,

but would bandage the broken wing
of a sparrow,

such was her sense of justice.

For she was as generous in spirit

as she was
with her cinnamon-sugar glaze

constantly rebutting the lack
of sweetness in this world.

Her life was not short on challenges.

And still, she held no grudges,

believing instead that grace is perennial,

like the green, green grass.

Whatever Mary did, she did fully,

unwaveringly, with open arms.

Whether it be raising her beloved
son Elijah,

or welcoming her precious daughter,
Delphine, into this world,

she lived life with both her hands.

And when she left this world
on April 6, 1899,

her hands were held tightly
by Sebastian,

the love of her life.

She was laid to rest

in the place she called home.



That's your mama.

That's your mama.

Oh, William...

she was a lovely woman.

I'm so ashamed
we declined her invitations.

So utterly ashamed.

Well, at least we gave her
a fine Easter Sunday.

We hardly gave it.

And it wasn't nearly enough.

Perhaps we can bring some ease
to their situation now.


What about those marvelous apples
of theirs?

We could include them in our export.

Don't you think
they'd love them in England?

I do indeed.

Let's have the dear boys over to dinner
to discuss, hmm?

Goddess of Beltane, Sacred Mother,
Queen of May,

Wild Lady of the Woods,

Guardian of Love and Life,

welcome to our circle.

We women, powerful and sacred,

declare upon this Hallowed Night...

Our heavenly bodies belong solely to us.

We shall choose whom to love
and with whom to share trust.

We shall walk upon this earth
with grace and respect.

We'll always take pride
in our great intellect.

We'll honor our emotions
so our spirits may soar!

And should any man belittle us...

...we'll show him the door!

Our spirits are unbreakable,
our imaginations free!

Walk with us, Goddess,
so blessed are we!


Ruby? Wh-what's wrong? What is it?

How I love being a woman!
