1x04 - Bad News Blair

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Gossip Girl". Aired: September 2007 to December 2012.*
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Privileged teens living on the Upper Eastside of New York City. You know you love me. xoxo
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1x04 - Bad News Blair

Post by bunniefuu »

Safety Officer: Sorry, you're not on the list.

Blair: Of course you do! This is my dream!

Security guard: Not anymore.

Gossip Girl: Hi, the Upper East Siders. There's nothing Gossip Girl likes more than surprises. And we see the 2 in 1 formula enjoyed Blair Waldorf: his mother Eleanor who has just returned from Paris and Serena Van Der

Woodsen lunching with girlfriends.

Serena: Hey! You're standing.

Blair: We had something planned?

Eleanor: Honey, it's rude to interrupt. I just said to Serena, that Bendel is interrested by the shelving of my line.

Blair: Really? It's great! Why did not you say anything?

Eleanor: I returned to Paris early enough to meet my book and if they like what they see, it could be the beginning of a complete collection "lifestyle".

Blair: Because more people should be like you mom.

Eleanor: Before biting in there, you ought to interresser yogurt 0%.

Blair: I lost a pound during your absence ...

Eleanor: And you are wonderful.

Serena: They are beautiful, Ms. Waldorf.

Eleanor: Well, they will be if they are not offended by the trip. Honey, please. Serena comes back later when everything is unpacked. I'd love to have your opinion. You have a beautiful style, good for you.

Serena: Thank you, but it will not be possible. Blair and I have plans today.

Bair: A good?

Gossip Girl: Serena and Blair may have projects today, but Nate and Chuck are overbookés for all weekend ... if they survive.

Chuck: From Piaget.

Nate: You can not call it a watch?

Chuck: If it costs more than 10 bricks, it deserves its own name.

Nate: And that?

Chuck: Especially that. The ball Babe Ruth, the best that have ever typed for a home run. Better safe than sorry. Here we go! You survived the week and Ivy have fortunately gained entry to a tiquet

the school of your choice. Now, ruining the chance. Let me remind you the rules. From now, the only outside world is the one I showed you, you eat what I give you and you do what

I tell you, and until further notice the only girls whom you speak are the ones I paid. The weekend of debauchery begin!

Man: One, two, three, two!

Chuck: Who brought the yeti?

Nate: It's not Carter Baizen? I have not seen him since he was last year and in the fifth. He looks serious.

Chuck: Are you high? Looks like Matthew Mcconaughey between movies, it's a loser. Listen, someone who changes his investment fund for a fanny-pack is shattered all that is holy to Chuck Bass.

Carter: Nate Archibald, is that you?

Nate: Baizen, buddy! I heard that you had become a rogue!

Carter: And I'm here to talk about it.

Gossip Girl: It looks like someone did not anticipate the intruder. Chuck does not he know that a party is not one until someone is there is not embedded?

Blair: My god, I forgot what it was like to be with you.

Serena: No, they looked at us both.

Blair: You crazy not me, it was like that all morning, starting with your charming visit my mother. She has not even called to say she was returning.

Serena: She was busy. She hurried back and everything. Because she wanted to see you.

Blair: She did not even awake.

Serena: You know what Eleanor thought of sleep to be beautiful.

Blair: She loves you more than me.

Serena: This is not true, you are her daughter, she loves no one but you. It's just ... she does not know how to show it sometimes.

Blair: Okay, I'm inside, wait for me. I come back.

Serena Humphrey! Dan! Hello!

Dan: Hi!

Serena: Oh my god, that's what I love about this city, you fall always full of people. What are you doing here?

Dan: I'm back from my mother after having filed in Hudson Jenny. I took two Cuban for me and my father ... sandwiches, not cigars!

Serena: Do you remember saying you could meet one day and ... not to speak? I wondered if this "day" is happened?

Blair: It was disgusting. The head should be closed.

Serena: The toilets?

Blair: No, all people ... it's called Nolita, not "no shower". What are you doing here? It smells like pork? And cheese? Ok, as soon as you finished with your charity why not join me? I would have to Tory

Burch to look for ponchos.

Dan: It's not the girl who said to the whole school and several universities that you had a drug problem?

Serena; Si But you know, Blair may be a little Blair.

Dan: Yeah, yeah.

Serena, is just trying to reconcile. Today is our first day out alone both. So it is better that I go back.

Dan: Yeah, of course, is ...

Serena: Yes. But call me one of these days so we can get together and do stuff you do not ask me to do.

Nate: I do not understand, the last time I saw your sister she said that you had turned your family and you wandered the earth's surface.

Carter: No, I just wandered in their own area. Once embezzled money, you see that it does not buy freedom but rather a prison. They said I had gone but I just escaped.

Nate: You went where?

Carter: Where? I helped clean up after Katrina, spent a year rebuilding Machu Picchu, which, let me tell you, my life has changed. I bought a digital camera and filmed for a documentary.

Chuck: You're the guy who gave us our first joint, first brought to our club and you will tell me that the life of director for Youtube is better than that? You've invented the weekend of debauchery.

Nate: Who interress at a party when you can travel?

Carter: Exactly, in the real world, the only thing that matters is what you are and not what you possess.

Chuck: Well I love this speech on non-material need a guy who has as much product in his hair, this festival is about the excess, not the phisolophie. Stop talking. Let's party. Now

this is something that requires nothing material. Indeed, this is about to be removed. Who's with me?

Nate: I think I'll stay here a little bit.

Chuck: Well. I would have hated to destroy such a beautiful meeting anyway.

Carter: If we went around a few cards? That shit for the kids, texas hold'em died. I'll show you the real action. You know what? I am part of the weekly game in this borough of Queens,

it lasts all night. This is the real game: high stakes, big money, people with stories that would raise mine for anything. You ... you should come.

Nate: Yeah?

Carter: Yeah

Laurel: It missed its entry in the parade of Chloe, because she was vomiting a pear. She made the cover of vogue Vera.

Eleanor: I do not want dummies Vera, none is good.

Laurel: That's because you cling too in standard fashion, then you should look for a new face, that goes well with your clothes, someone in this book, as I have told you.

Eleanor: I hate the American style.

Laurel: But it comes close to what you seek, they are current, trendy.

Eleanor: If this person must represent Waldorf designs, I must find someone who ... deserves his clothes.

Laurel: Yes.

Eleanor: Someone like me. Someone like ... my daughter.

Laurel: Well why does not it? You want someone who represents the lifestyle of the Waldorf. Who better to represent you as a family member?

Eleanor: I made my first dress for her.

Serena: She would love to!

Blair: I can?

Laurel: Eleanor?

Eleaor: Yes. That's perfect.

Laurel: Eleanor Waldorf, here is the new face of Waldorf for Bendel.

Gossip Girl: It's a smile on the face of B. ? For once the spotlight is on her and S. helped him there. I suppose that miracles exist.

Serena: It will be so sexy, the clothes are beautiful.

Blair: They are.

Serena: Shut up they are incredible.

Blair: I give just a service to my mother. Hair and makeup trials are tonight.

Katie: I think this is my best pose.

Isabel: Because you see it. Model is that you hand. That's how to do ...

Blair: The girls do not. That's how to do. No. We must bend the column forward, lengthening ...

Serena: No, girls. You do anything. You miss the point. Look, you must get your hands on the hip and ask. That's how you have to do.

Blair: Ask. Ask.

Serena: Hello. Who is it?

Blair: Who dares interrupt VDWoodsen when she teaches? I say that?

Serena: Give me back my phone!

Dan: Dan Humphrey.

Serena: Who is it?

Blair: I'm sorry, Dan, this number is no longer in service.

Serena: Stop it, who it is?

Blair: I give you service.

Dan: I hear you. Do I talk to Serena?

Blair: Apparently you can, sweetie.

Serena: Come on, give it to me.

Blair: My god.

Serena: Hi, Dan. I'm really sorry for that.

Dan: And I'm really ready to hang up.

Serena: Blair was playing. You have my attention, I promise.

Dan: Okay, because I was calling to ask you not to talk with me by going to the movies tonight.

Serena: Tonight? Where? What time?

Dan: In Sunshine at 7:00.

Serena: I would love. See you there.

Dan: I'll see you there.

Rufus: It's complicated, is not it?

Bex: I can not help but observe. This is hard work, in the best sense, égnigmatique ... Reminds me of Bacon or young Schnabel.

Rufus: The artist lives in Hudson. I have represented for a while. Rufus.

Bex Bex Simon. I heard a lot about your gallery. I do not expect such a work from an old rock star.

Rufus: I prefer "author of a tube".

Bex: Why did you open a gallery?

Rufus: I always wanted to be an artist.

Bex: It has something in common, I continue always the artists. I shot all day in Brooklyn for a client, I'm buying, I did not find a work like this and I do not think she

will long remain. I would like the book. Is that possible?

Rufus: Yes, of course.

Bex: What time do you close?

Rufus: I will remain open.

Bex: Good. Thank you.

Chuck: What is Carter here?

Nate: I invited him.

Chuck: Or he invited himself alone? That's his style ... beg us to free us from our prisons while he crams free food and alcohol that our vacuum. It is a parasite and unn hypocrite.

Nate: And a good basketball player if my memories are good. Are you afraid to lose against him, Chuck?

Carter: If your father bought a basketball team instead of a hotel, you might have the skills.

Chuck: This is the weekend of debauchery for new, not old. Go hang yourself.

Carter: Let's get it on the ground.

Chuck: No, right now.

Nate: Calm down.

Chuck: No, this is my part, I choose the players.

Carter: I understand, I'm going.

Nate: Hey man! The card game is tonight?

Carter: Yes.

Nate: Send me the address by text.

OK Carter

Nate: You were not doing that.

Chuck: No want him here. It's an old blues brother everybody.

Nate: Come on, play a little basketball.

Terry: Ok, Blair, relax, head down, not moving and ... Ok, are you ready? Another, this time, breathe, jump, you coward. You cowards really this time. Relaxes you for that. Now give me your best pose.

That's it. Come on, more. Think big. One, two, troix! Ok, take a break. Thank you very much. Who chose this girl?

Laurel: Eleanor, why?

Terry: It is so stilted and stiff, like a library, it is not natural.

Laurel: Yes but it is fabulous in the clothes, right?

Terry: To me, it looks like a goddess. In those eyes, yuck. Looks like a statue. This is not to sell to the press. She has to let go, have fun, have fun. How will the customer does not love the dress if the dummy

will not like?

Serena: All dabord, you are terrific!

Blair: I know.

Serena: But I can give you a little advice?

Blair: I thought so.

Serena: No, all you have to do is just let you go, you know? Bestir yourself. You could do the crazy like when you were 10 years and we danced to "Genie in a Bottle" in your mother's clothes.

Blair: Help me. Help me.

Serena: Daccord ... Be like a lion. Ok? Go! No, no, you gotta roar! Yes, yes am the tiger! Spread over the tiger! You're in the jungle. You're a savage! Now, let's make it a prettier. You are Venus in the half shell. Looks up. Let's do something crazy like britney and her umbrella. Ok, Britney and her umbrella. Go! In the car! In the car! Posh Spice in America. Ready? Go! It's Cyborg Spice for you. You have to do pouting and arching. You remember the hand on her hip. Cambre and poses. Going, continuous, you're a sex b*mb. This is perfect! You're doing great! You have in the skin! Look how beautiful you are. Poses.

Blair: What are you doing?

Serena: Oh, damn. I have to meet Dan.

Blair: No, you stay here. I need you. I can not disappoint my mother.

Dan: You arrive soon?

Serena: I sui really sorry, but I'm kind of stuck at this photo session with Blair. It's a long story but I can not join you.

Dan: A photo sh**t?

Serena: It sounds very superficial, I know, but it is important to her and you know, she matters to me. But I'd forgive, I promise.

Dan: No, it does not matter you inkiète not.

Serena: You're the best, I knew you'd understand. I remember later.

Dan: Yes, yes.

Cashier: How?

Dan: None.

Bex: Are you still there?

Rufus: Yes, I told you I would wait.

Bex: A man who keeps his word. I like it.

Rufus: You could talk to your client?

Bex: I came back, right? Make me an invoice.

Rufus: Really? It's great.

Bex: You are terribly excited. This is not the first time, anyway? You sell a painting.

Rufus: I already had the first few times but the artist is happy. It ... does something else for a while. It is very important to her.

Bex: For my client too. This is a very special work. You would not ... I do not know, celebrate with a drink?

Rufus: Well, we were talking about the artist is my wife.

Bex: I thought the artist was living in Hudson ... Long journey.

Rufus: She lives there. Not me.

Bex: If ever the train had stopped ...

Chuck: Phase three: the pub crawl: 5 districts, 50 pubs ... 500 chances to sleep tonight. And remember, do not dip your stick ... in the wrong pot of gold. Come on, you'll think of your boyfriend inside.

Nate: I do not come.

Chuck: Seriously, Carter Baizen fears. I do not know what spell did you cast it, but this is not your friend. You can not trust him.

Nate: And why? Because it does not have the same values as you? This is exactly what he said. Money, dr*gs, privileges, they brutalize us so that we know that it's better in the real world.

Chuck: The real world? Everyone around wants to be like us. We are what we want, not what we want to flee.

Nate: You do not really understand me, huh?

Chuck: Your dream for you, you know what it is? Because I hear you say you do not want to go to Dartmouth and you do not want to follow in the footsteps of your father, but what you want, exactly?

Nate: No that's all I know.

Chuck: You better find out before everything behind to find it. And where are you?

Rufus: How was the movie?

Dan: Loupé ... Literally ... I do not know what to think of Serena, Dad, I do not know if it's worth it.

Rufus: What do you mean?

Dan: It is best friends with this girl, Blair Waldorf, who is everything I hate in the Upper East Side in a concentrated evil daughter of 43 kg with doe eyes, who dresses from couturiers and coming out of big words.

Rufus: No one is as bad.

Dan: She, though. I was exaggerating just saying it is Medusa who wants to find her petrifying gaze.

Rufus: If there's one thing I learned is that in general ... there is something beneath the surface of these people, makes them act this way.

Dan: Like what? Orange juice in her mimosa was in no hurry but concentrated? And said what about if Serena is her best friend?

Rufus: I dated a girl like Serena once ... which resembled indeed much to Serena. And girls like that ... are challenges, yes. They are complicated and enigmatic ... and generally they are worth blow. And the only way to know for sure is there to jump in with both feet.

Dan: What happened to you?

Rufus: I swam a time ... until I drown.

Dan: Thank you, it's a great story, Dad.

Eleanor: Now sleep and I'll see you tomorrow morning. We'll go to the photo sh**t together.

Blair: You have not done that since I was little.

Eleanor: You do more layers before 22h since you were little. You were really good tonight.

Blair: Really?

Dan: Hello?

Serena: How was the movie? I missed something great?

Dan: Yes, even without the film.

Serena: Do not be arrogant, I call you with a reconciliation plan. Are you available now?

Dan: Yes.

Serena: How would you like to see what really happens during a photo sh**t?

Dan: I'm sorry, this is Dan Humphrey. You do not try to join my sister instead?

Serena: I know it's a girl thing but tell you one thing: I'll be there.

Dan: I can bet on it. Because according to probabilitées, I lose my shirt.

Serena: This is the photo sh**t for Blair, I must be there in moral support.

Dan Blair? Finally, for sure, I do not come.

Serena: It's not as bad as you think. In addition, it will be so busy with the sh*ts you do not even see her and since it's so boring to be next, get my attention. Ok, and if I

you bought anything from the buffet?

Dan: I thought it was free.

Serena: A morning, 8am. I'll send the address via SMS, I hang up before you again protests.

Dan: A feet together, Humphrey.

Eleanor: What is the great urgency to keep me awake before the big day, Laurel, and why we have not just talked on the phone?

Laurel: For if we had not seen in person, I would not have been able to show you these photos.

Terry: This girl does not describe what you are trying to say inaccessible, mistress of herself, perfect.

Eleanor: It is not inaccessible, it is full insurance, royal.

Terry: I know it's your daughter and I do not want to create problems ... but ... your daughter is too steep a twig. You have to be afraid of it let you go so your designs and ... can not be in ... What is the word again?

Eleanor: Symbiosis. What can we do now?
Terry: Your daughter is beautiful, yes, but this girl ... this girl has in her! She is warm like the sun, she has fun. It will make customers believe that if they buy these clothes. They also have fun

Laurel: But it's your decision, Eleanor. It is entirely your choice.

Gossip Girl: The rules for dummies, the day of a sh**t are the same as for a patient before operation ... do not eat or drink within 12 hours which precede. Wear comfortable clothes and you ensure that your affairs are in order. We do not know what could happen in a flash.

Serena: Hi B, you must'm sleeping, be already be under way, but I can not wait to see you at the studio, we'll have fun!

Eleanor: Thank you Lord, you're awake!

Blair: I'm late? Oh my god, I slept too late?

Eleanor: Honey, I have bad news. Teddy, this idiot photographer thinks we need to change direction.

Blair: With the theme?

Eleanor: With the dummy. Honey, I hired these people for their advice, and finally, they think ... it would damage the brand. I'm really sorry. I know you really wanted it.

Blair: No, really, I'm glad I do not have to go. I hate photo sh**t, it's so boring. You should take Alessandra Ambrosio and not an amateur.

Eleanor: We take dinner after all, ok? Steak fries and pancakes "coffee artists" as before. A little while ago.

Blair: Hi S., I hope you're not already there, as it turned out that my career in fashion was completed faster than Jessica Simpson in the movie. Now that I think about it, maybe we could become embedded in the photo sh**t and see who replaces me, make fun of skinny bitch?

Lily: How did you have?

Rufus: I think it is really out of place here.

Lily: I'm not kidding, Humphrey.

Rufus: What are you doing with that?

Lily: Why do the selling?

Rufus: You ... you are the customer of Bex. And you did not know. I am surprised that you have hired someone who has taste.

Lily: I'm as shocked as when she said she found a great thing in Brooklyn, your gallery does not come to me in mind.

Rufus: You must admit the art to remind you of the place.

Lily: I know your wife would not want it behind me.

Rufus: Allison is a professional, has no control checks of potential buyers and me either. In addition it has been almost 20 years.

Lily: And yet you know not women.

Rufus: And you still know everything.

Lily: Your wife despises me.

Rufus: I would not say that.

Lily: If she despises me. She wore a dress perhaps with suspenders and Doc Martens at the time but she really meant it.

Rufus: It's not like you. She does not cling to this stuff.

Lily: Why would not call you asking? Or are you leaving him still in space? Because, believe me, show it in my house, even after this conversation, will only further away.

Rufus: What do you do?

Lily: Take back the. You can call Bex to establish reimbursement.

Rufus: What you have in mind?

Lily: I thought ... it was amazing.

Chuck (message to Nate): We need to talk, where are you?

Nate (message to Chuck): Fives Stars in Queens. I'll call you later.

Carter: No phone!

Nate: That's right, sorry dude.

Carter: You made how much?

Nate: $ 5000

Carter: That's insane, amigo.

Nate: I should stop until I win.

Carter: What? It has just begun.

Nate: I played well. And it's better to leave your head up.

Carter: I'm not gonna let that happen. The table will shrink. People will start to unfold. Up to now was that the cards but ... Now, it's an adventure. A few more hands.

Man: Ok, let's continue.

Nate: Ok

Carter: Let's play.

Blair: You foues Me?

Teddy: Fantastic! One, two, three ...

Serena: There it is. Blair. Come quickly! What made you take so long? Blair. Blair, wait, where are you going? Blair, wait, why are you so angry?

Blair: Why am I angry? Why I am not angry, yes? How I have thought for a second that this would be different this time.

Serena: Different?

Blair: You stand it spotlights are on me for once, eh?

Serena: What are you talking? I was told that we would do together. What you did not get my message?

Blair: And this morning, then? When you saw the call sheet, my name was there? I was not the hair, makeup, this was normal? The locker room wearing only your name, you've thought it was an oversight?

Serena: I was told that you had of late, and they asked me to make the catch before. Blair, they told me you wanted me to do.

Blair: And you have them raw?

Serena: Look Blair, I am encouraged to do so. Why I would try to steal what I have to push?

Blair: Because you take me for everything! Nate, my mother ...

Serena: Blair!

Blair: You can not help it, that's what you are. I just thought that this time, it would be different. I should have known that I was wrong. Super.

Gossip Girl: Spotted ... rude awakening of a boy alone. Queens of the Upper East Side were not born at the top. They are moving up in heels. No matter on which they must walk to get there.

Eleanor: It has to come back. There you are! Terry told me that you are ...

Serena: Eleanor, I quit.

Eleanor: Wait a minute. Why?

Serena: I think you know!

Eleanor: Because of Blair? I know she will understand my decision when I have explained. You know you like the spotlight ever since. It's part of your charm, there is nothing wrong with that. Who are you? Ridges that you here?

Dan: I do not know, actually.

Dan: I'm surprised you on the stairs.

Serena: Dan, listen, I really can not talk now.

Dan: Ok, forget what I told you so. In fact, I am dumb. I'll just stay here and very silently flashing. Unless you do veuilles ...

Serena: To do without my jeans? Yes, please.

Dan: It's just that ... I thought you wanted to stay on the sidelines here. You wanted to be here for your friend Blair. You know, we had to use the buffet and I must have all your attention.

Serena: Say it.

Dan: I do not think it necessary am.

Serena: So my best friend does not believe me and the boy that I like either. Listen, Dan, Blair's mother trapped me for bringing me here. Because she did not want Blair. How to say something like that her best friend?

Dan: I do ...

Serena: Look, you know what, Dan? Go out of here, ok? I need my makeup and I just need to leave here.

Blair: Serena send you to talk to me?

Dan: No, believe it or not, I came to myself.

Blair: I normally would not be so near you without a tetanus shot.

Dan: Ma .. my mother went there a few months. Only my ... father and sister do not see it because she told us she was away for the summer to pursue his dream of being an artist. But this is no longer summer, and it is still there. And that is all that seems to interresser right now. Whenever I visit, I tell myself: "This time I will tell him what I think." "This time I will look into the eyes and tell you to go am, be you

'm leaving for good. "And then I was there the other day I was sitting at the table opposite her, looking her straight in the eye, and I said nothing.

Blair: Why?

Dan: I do not know but I would have liked because even though it would not have changed, she would know how I feel

Man: As, sir. First bet.

Man 1: $ 5000.

Man 2: 5 to follow.

Nate: I have no money, am his bet.

Carter: It was only luck. You are daccord for the brand that?

Nate: I do not think it's a good idea.

Carter: If you never take any risks, begins now. What is the point of playing if not? It's good.

Man 1: You sure he is leaving?

Carter: Of course, this is an Archibald.

Nate, I raise to $ 10 000.

Man 2: 5 to follow.

Man 1: I am.

Men: Show your cards. Set of aces. The set of aces wins.

Carter: It's hard.

Nate, You told me to play.

Carter: This is the chance my friend. He had three aces.

Nate: Look, I do ... It may take me a while to find the money.

Carter: Wait, wait. Time? Come on, man, snaps fingers ...

Nate: Wait a minute. You're with these guys? You've fooled? You fooled me, huh? I take that as a yes.

Carter: Give him the money, man. It's nothing for you. They do not joke but nobody gets hurt. I try to help you.

Chuck: Yeah, you're a true friend.

Carter: Who left you enter Bass?

Nate: I was trapped.

Carter: It is not forced. It was at the fair.

Chuck: Really?

Carter: Be you give them money now, I am told them where you live, and they will take it to your father. What do you think?

Chuck: Look ... you took my watch and my ball. You keep them, you care for these types. I do not call the cops and it breaks.

Carter: Okay, I'm on it, I'll take care

Nate: I will transfer money and pray that the captain did not see it before bailing out.

Chuck: You do not have to pay me back. It was worth all the pennies to see how this guy ended.

Nate: No, I care ... Really ... Thank you. It is not possible.

Chuck: What?

Nate: I'm zero.

Chuck: You're perhaps on the wrong account.

Nate: No, something is wrong. I accessed the account last month and there was near $ 200 000.

Nate: Tom, thank you for reminding me so quickly.

Tom: Your message said it was important.

Nate: Yeah, I checked my account and there must be some mistake, my money seems to be zero.

Tom: I thought you knew. This account was emptied several weeks ago.

Nate: Emptied? But ... by whom?

Tom: Your dad. He said he had spoken with you.

Terry: We must solve it. What will we do?

Laurel Blair, baby, there is a terrible mistake. Would you find your job?

Blair: Did you choose Serena in my place? You could have chosen a stranger. You did not choose my best friend. You thought I would not know?

Eleanor: I was going to tell you tonight ... dinner. There was no right decision. There was no time. I know you can understand all that. It was mismanaged ... all ... from beginning to end.

Blair: That I Wanna Be daccord with you?

Eleanor: Bendel will legitimize this company. It's going to take it to another level. You know how I worked hard for it. You were always my biggest supporter, my biggest fan.

Blair: I am your daughter.

Eleanor: And as such, I knew you would forgive me in time, but if my company had lost the market because of you, I'd never forgive me.

Blair: I hope so.

Gossip Girl: We do not have it said, but in the life of every girl, there comes a moment when she realizes that her mother might be more disturbed it.

Serena: You're still there?

Dan: Yeah, I could not leave without you bring something from the buffet. And you say I'm sorry to have judged.

Serena: I'm sorry for giving you reasons to do so. And if you invite me again to come out?

Dan: And if you really came?

Serena: Ok, no drama, no disruption, I promise.

Dan: You promise? No! That means it'll never happen.

Serena: Ok, quick! I withdraw, I de-promise.

Dan: Friday, 20 hours ...

Blair: I think we can accept these conditions but you can not wear these shoes. Neither this cup.

Serena: Blair. Ok, more.

Dan: Daccord.

Serena: You were right.

Blair: I know.

Serena: When I got this call, I should have known that you had nothing to do with it. And I should never have to push yourself to do all that first.

Blair: Well, I'm glad that thou hast pushed. It turned out to be a very important day for me. I just thought it'd be funnier.

Serena: I know, me too. You know what? Who says it can no longer be? Go. Go.

Gossip Girl: S. and B. committing a crime of fashion. Who does not like to buy with five fingers? Especially if one of the fingers is the middle one.

Eleanor: Where are my clothes?

Gossip Girl: Everyone knows you can not choose your family, but we can choose our friends and in a world governed by the origins and bank accounts, it is to have a friend.

Serena: Repeat it, one, two ... One, two, three ...

Gossip Girl: Although the "best friends for life" can put you in the end, one can not deny that we'd all be a little less rich without them. And Serena and Blair, they are the "best" better than anyone. No,

these are not tears in my eyes, it's just an allergy. Without you I am nothing. Gossip Girl.
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