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04x08 - Magical Bird #2

Posted: 01/08/23 06:06
by bunniefuu

I don't know how to explain it.

Okay, maybe I do.

I wrote an essay in sixth grade about this lady, Mighty Moe.

Her real name was Maureen.




Honey, you need anything? No.


She was a runner.


We need to talk.




You hungry? No.

You wanna hang out? No.

Will you teach me how to drive? Why me? Mom gets too nervous, Dad gets too mad, and Zahid listens to music really, really loud.

Something called dubstep.

Let me get my shoes.



You making more soup? [ELSA]

I don't know what else to do.

There's something wrong with her, but I don't know what it is.

So all I can think to do is make more soup.

I'm not used to seeing her like this.

She's so, so sad.

I know.

I know.

Maybe we should just sell her bed.

That way, she'll have nothing to lay on.


I don't know what to do.

She's been up there for days.


I'm going out with Sam.



Uh, take a warm coat, maybe? Okay.

- You okay?

- I'm fine, thank you.

I think you'll be pleased.

I've been studying the rules of the road intently.

I know everything.

Now all I have left to do is get behind the wheel.

Not yet.

I haven't eaten in 40 hours.

We're gonna get some fast food first.

Okay, but nothing too greasy.

I don't want my hands to slip off of any vital knobs.

You're a vital knob.



Why haven't you eaten? You never don't eat.


Mighty Moe was amazing.

- Soldier, keep on marching on

- [g*nsh*t]


She broke the marathon record when she was 13 years old.

Head down till the work is done Waiting on that morning sun Soldier, keep on marching on Head in the dust, feet in the fire Feet in the fire Labor on that midnight wire [BREATHING SHAKILY]


She was one of the fastest women in the country Oh Oh [CASEY]

but she was actually still a girl.

Oh Oh Oh [SAM]

So, why haven't you eaten? I just haven't.

So why do you wanna learn how to drive? Oh, because Zahid has cancer.


What? Really? Testicular.


Is he gonna have to, you know, lose one? A testicle? Yes, the right one.

Oh, poor Zahid.

He really loves his testicles.

Talks about 'em all the time.

What does that have to do with driving? He can't drive home from the surgery, so I'm gonna drive him.

Damn it, Sam.

Also, I may be called upon to drive an all

-terrain vehicle of some sort on my trip, so I should be prepared.

Can I have your fries? No.

I said no! Can we go drive now? I have to get a few more burgers to go.

Finally, time to drive.

This driving lesson has become less of a driving lesson and more of a watch



-hamburgers lesson.

Okay, go for it.

Very funny.

I have to get ready, you goof.

First, seat belt.

Secure, but not painful.

Good amount of give.

Next, mirrors.

Paige says mirrors are useless, but I believe she's wrong.

Now I will start the car to check temperature and sound.


And finally, I will review a few rules of the road.

- No.

- My manual! Stop getting ready to drive and just drive.

- You're bending it.

- Shut up.


- What are you doing?

- I'm driving.

Sam, your eyes were closed.

So? So?

- I'll try not to.

- No, that is not good enough.

If you drive us home with your eyes closed, we'll get there dead.


Oh my God, I thought you were dead.

Are you okay? What happened? You just walked off.

Are you hurt?

- No.

- Are you sick? No, I'm What? I don't know.

You're freaking me out.


Um, I just I couldn't do it.

Do what? Run? Yeah.


It's just too much.

- People expect too much from me.

- Okay.

I just couldn't breathe.

- Oh no.


I mean, track used to be fun.

It used to be the only time I could breathe but today I couldn't.



It's okay.


Instead of people being happy for Mighty Moe, they were worried.

They thought it was too much for a young girl to handle.


Slow down! You're going 11 No, 12 miles over the speed limit.

And did you forget about a thing called signaling? [EXHALES]

Did Mom tell you what happened at the track meet? Yeah, you walked off.

News flash, that was a stop sign back there, not a yield sign.

Oh my God, you are so annoying.

In preparation for this, I got very familiar with Connecticut driving laws.

You're doing it all wrong.

At least I have my eyes open.

That's probably the only thing you do better than I would.




Ugh! Casey! It was an accident and karma.

It's so cold! Why do you always dump milkshakes on people? [SAM]

There's chocolate in my corduroy creases.

I need to change my clothes.

I love this one.

Thank you.

Abby? What are you doing here? Painting.

You're the bird artist? You like my birds? I love your birds.

There's one on Maple Anya.

She's a badass.

I see her all the time.

You're really good.

These birds are I love them.

- You know graffiti is illegal, right?

- Ugh.

I'm also a badass.

- Do you need a ride?

- Sure.

- This is disgusting.


Yeah, well, lick it up.

My leg is still cold.

What's up with these fancy things? Those are the punishment boots.

You stand in those when you've been bad.

Like when you spill milkshakes all over people.


Go take your pants off.


So, how have you been? I remember when Sam and Zahid got married, you said you were deciding about UCLA.

- Did you?

- Yeah.

Kind of.


So, how did it go? Crowley told the recruiter I was sick, but I wasn't.

I wasn't sick.


- She's coming back, the recruiter.

- Great.

Oh, that's That's great.

So, uh, now what? Coach wants me to take a week off training and practice to, like, rest or whatever.


That makes sense.

So we'll, uh, take a week off, and we'll come back stronger than ever.

I'll just, uh, adjust the training schedule.


The thing is, nobody thought Mighty Moe should be running.

They didn't think girls should run at all.

One reporter even wondered if she was a boy in disguise.

And people couldn't figure her out.

Maybe she couldn't even figure herself out.

I don't know.


Hi! I missed you.

Get over here.

- You seem so good.


I'm glad you seem so good.

I feel good.

I haven't run in a week.

- Whoa, really?

- Yeah.

You're gonna have to work hard to get back into shape.

- No, I won't.

- Cocky again too.

I love it.

No, I mean, I'm quitting track.

What? Why? You love track.

And you're on your way to UCLA.

I know it.

And if you quit, you're gonna lose your Clayton scholarship.

I know all that, and I've thought about this a lot.

I used to love running so much.

It was the only thing I loved that much.

And ever since the UCLA stuff, the love has just changed.

It's become stress and anxiety.

It's a pit in my stomach.


I mean, running is who you are.

It's who we are.

No, it's not.

I can do this.

It feels good to know that I can quit at any time.

And what about Clayton? I don't like Clayton.

I never did.

I like you, and I don't wanna lose you, but we don't have to go to the same school to be together.

Maybe you just need more time.

No, I don't.

I'm doing this.


After years of all that stress, Mighty Moe quit running.

Don't worry.

And, hey, now I'm gonna have a lot more time for the things I love, like you.


- Well, you're not a thing.

- Hmm.

You're a person.



I used to hate that part of her story.


I didn't understand it.

Now I do.

Yeah, I made the big decision about UCLA, and then I made a different big decision that my girlfriend wasn't too thrilled about.



- That's new, right?

- Yeah.

But it's, uh, kinda complicated right now.


I don't think coming out is ever not complicated.

I mean, it was okay for me.

I've been out since eighth grade.

Knew right after the "California Gurls" video.

But I didn't meet anyone else who was bi till college.


Yeah, we went to this meeting, me and Izzie, with the GSA at school, and she just felt like they got her.

She found a community there immediately.

And I feel like she knows herself better.

And I'm I don't.

I feel like I'm not supposed to not know.

I've just done all this work on myself, in my head, trying to figure out what I want.

And breaking up with Evan was so hard.

And I love Izzie so much.

But I just feel like that's not enough.

Like, I feel like I need to be, you know I need to do more, and say more, and be more certain, but I just don't know how I'm supposed to be loud, and bold, and political about something if I don't even know how to talk about it yet.

I mean, is there something wrong with me because I don't know exactly who I am? [SCOFFS]


Can I give you a hug? Yeah.

I'm ready, and I only a little bit smell like milkshake.

Let's get this show on the road.

Listen to me.

I will allow it.

I will let you behind the wheel, on one condition.

- Eyes open?

- Eyes open.

Eyes open? Deal.

So I know you guys said you'd give me a ride, but I think I'm just gonna walk.

- Okay.

- Okay, yeah.

You're on thin ice.

First the milkshake, then the keys [ABBY]

Oh boy.



Gardner, have you talked to Casey? She wants to quit track.


I heard.

- Well, I think she means it.

- Me too.

Is that all? I mean, we need to do something.

We need to help her.

I'm not thrilled about it, but it's her life.

Look, I I know we don't talk much, but I'm worried about your daughter, and you should be too.



I am worried about Casey.

I have been all year.

She's falling apart, and I've never seen her like that.

And you know what's new? You.

All your drama.

So, yeah, I am worried.

I'm worried that the thing that's making her life so hard right now is you.

But she won't admit it, so she's blaming running.





Oh hey.


So I have a lot of nervous energy today, and I figure our choices are get into a big fight or do something fun.

So do you wanna have a date? Honey? Are you okay? Yeah, I I'm okay.

Actually, I have, uh, so much free time today, I wanna head over to Sam's and replace his bathroom door.

You need a helper? Sure.

I forgot how walking around someone's house when they're not home is one of my favorite activities.


Yeah, you do like doing that.


Look at all these honey bears.

Sam doesn't even like honey.

I need to find some books to prop this up with.

I'm gonna look in Sam's room.


This is t*rture! Drive faster! Be quiet.

You're making me nervous.

You are making me nervous by driving so slow.

Someone's gonna plow into us.

A snail just passed us.

There's no way you could have seen that.


Faster! Faster! Faster! Faster! Stop! I hate this.

This is horrible.

I'm never gonna learn how to drive, and that's that.


No way.

You're not giving up now.

Bigger idiots than you learn how to drive every day.

I don't care.

I quit.

Oh my God.

What is so hard about it? You just hit the gas and go.

Do it, Sam.

Zahid needs you.








Wait a minute.

I think I know that dog.

That looks like Dewey.

Evan's dog that you stole? Rescued.


I think we might have to do it one more time.

But how? When camping in Antarctica, food must be kept in locked cases to mask the smell so animals don't approach.

So? Wait, why are you looking at my burgers? Stop looking at my burgers.

Bring those back!

- What is that?

- It's dr*gs.

I know that, but where did

- What did

- I found it in the kitchen.

I picked it up.

I put it in my purse.

I know it's Zahid's.

I just brought it home.

Why would you do that? 'Cause I didn't want it in the same house with my baby boy.

But this is stolen! You stole many, many ounces of marijuana.

Maybe he won't notice.

Of course this little burnout is gonna notice.


I I'm gonna return this.

I I'm gonna drop it off at his house anonymously.

I'll do that.

Thank you.

Please drive slowly.

I do not want you stopped with that thing.

But it's legal.

Is that much legal? Maybe not.

What the F? Aha.


I noticed the bathroom door was fixed.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

So, you stole my weed and returned it? Yeah.

Thank you again.

All right.


Daddy G, if you wanna stay, Guys Who Cry is about to start.

What's Guys Who Cry? It's the support group I started.

We weep and blaze.

I know you've had some loss lately.

Stick around.

No, I'm good.

Are you? You owe me a burger.


Four, to be precise.

Will you go in? Why? Are you scared to see Evan? No, Beth, actually.

She took our breakup pretty hard and kinda hates me now.

I've never carried a dog before.

I'm not sure how it will feel.

They're warm and squirmy.

But, hey, you might have to carry one of your sled dogs someday, if one of them gets tired.


I suppose that's true.



Hello? Hello? Sam? Oh, Dewey! Oh, you found him! Beth's out looking for him right now.

Aw! She's gonna be so happy! [CHUCKLES]

Thanks, Sam!

- Hi!

- [SAM]

You're welcome.

I almost ran him over with a car, but I didn't because I drive very, very slowly.


Well, I'm glad.

I bet Dewey's glad too, huh? Wait, so you drive now? Not legally.

I wanted to learn, but it's very difficult, and Casey's a very mean instructor.


Yeah, well, you know, I've been doing some driving myself.

Oh, that looks interesting.



Hey, do you wanna play? It's fun.

You can go as slow as you want.

Hit that green button and you're off.


- Yeah, there you go.


Are you freaking kidding me? Why are you here? Planning to steal something? You've already taken my joy.

What else do you want, my sneakers? I see you eyeing them.

They'd be great for stomping on hearts.

- Beth

- Don't "Beth" me! Do you have any idea what that felt like? That breakup coming out of nowhere? [CASEY]

I'm glad we drove out here to get these.

It's weird they're the only one with the root beer flavor.

It's clearly the best one.



Are you okay? [INHALES]

I think we need to break up.

What? I'm not good for you.

You haven't been yourself the last few months.

You've been stressed, and anxious, and pulling away from anything that's not school.

- What? No.

- And now you wanna quit track.

This isn't you.

Everything changed once we started dating.

I don't wanna be the reason you don't do the things you wanna do.

- But that's not even

- I'm sorry.



I loved you.

I have a Pinterest board of crafts I wanted to make you.

You could have had homemade clay doughnut earrings.


Where are you going? Casey? Casey, I'm so sorry! You can have my sneakers! This is way better than in real life.

I saw Casey, and I yelled at her, and she ran off into the night.

Wait, Dewey? I don't deserve his snuggles.

Oh, what happened? I was mean.

I was so mean, and she just took off.

We need to go after her, but she's so fast.

How are we gonna we catch up? [CASEY]

When she was 56 years old, someone tracked Mighty Moe down and asked her to run a half marathon.

She said yes because she loved it.

- Casey!

- Sam!

- Are you okay?



- You're running.


I know.

You're driving.

I know, and my eyes are open.

I see that.


That's what I want, to run like Mighty Moe after she quit.




There you are.


I tried to read a book but was too nervous, so I decided to Swiffer.

How'd it go? I was sure you got arrested.


It was weird.

But he, uh he gave me something.


Wanna have a date?


- I did it! [CASEY]

After everything she'd been through, after everything she'd tried Mighty Moe was finally happy.



And that's why I wanna come back to the team.

If you'll have me.


Well, heck.

I like the sound of that Mighty Moe lady.


And And And we'll have you back, of course.

We are exceptionally mediocre, and you are freaky fast.


But are you sure this is what you wanna do? I am.

Then welcome home.









- Hoo

-hoo! [CASEY]

Go, Owls! [BOTH LAUGH]

Tell me it's fine It's getting rough But we're still alive You hold me close Your hair against mine I love you, so I'll be there Hold tight I'll be around As soon as I leave this town And we will be all right Alone in the sunlight And time is moving slow As your hair starts to grow I'll be with you sometime Alone in the sunlight