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04x04 - Starters and Endings

Posted: 01/08/23 06:03
by bunniefuu
At the very minimum, humans need three things to survive: food, shelter, and water.

Are you ready for this?

- I'm sure it'll be a lovely service.

- Let's just get it over with.

Once we have those things, the rules of society exist to help us keep them, so it doesn't all fall apart.

- Well?

- Um This is not how we do things at Clayton Prep.

Protests? Why didn't you just come talk to me? It never in a million years occurred to me that someone might have a problem with those beautiful uniforms, but I assure you, I would have listened.

We did submit a petition.


We We don't look at those.

Look, you two are athletes.

You are both here on scholarship.

If you lose the support of Clayton Prep, say goodbye to this amazing, magical place forever.

We know.

And we didn't mean any disrespect.

We just wanna be heard.

Well, you have been.

Loud and clear.

You've also been seen.

Now you're feeling the sting of punishment.

Are you gonna do all the senses?



- Sorry.

That snark just left a sour taste in my mouth.

I'm not sure what's gonna happen to you two.

The school will decide from here.


I'm having a really hard week.

Can I play with your ax? I can think of no good reason why not.


Can you play more quietly? I'm trying to concentrate.


- Hey!

- No.


Banned from the ax.

That's not fair.

I wasn't trying to k*ll, just maim.



Please pass me my ax.

Sam, can we talk? Sure.

Um Last night, I drove all the way home, and I just sat in my car and yelled at myself.

Really loudly too.

It got the attention of a neighbor.

Poor Mr.

Lang got the full wrath of Petunia.

That's my angry alter ego.

But, Sam, I just I'm so ashamed of the way that I behaved at your party.

We all have darkness, and I clearly need to further investigate mine.

It's okay.

- It is?

- It is? Yes.

In fact, you not believing in me has been helpful.

I used your list of ways that I could fail to start my to

-do list.


Well, I'm glad that the vile words spewed from my black, black heart came in handy.

But, Sam, I do believe in you.

And that's why I got you this.

Crampon boots! For your trip.

All the reviews said these were the best ones for sub

-zero temperatures.

And they're rated C3, and they're yellow, so you could spot your little feet, even if there was a blizzard.

And they came scented so that they'll scare off predators.


What smell is a predator afraid of? I'm stuck.

- Ooh, maybe if you kinda


Kinda shimmy.

- Twisting the Do the On the bottom.



Well, at least we know that they work.

Sam, do you still forgive me? Yes.

Now I just have to find the right program to go to Antarctica.

It's not as simple as hopping on a plane, and a boat, and a ferry, and another plane, and an all

-terrain vehicle of some sort.

If only it were that simple.

Well, I bet your school has a student activities office.

Bowdoin had one.

I was there all the time, trying to find things to do to make me feel less lonely.

It didn't work, but you should still check with them.

That's a great idea.

I'll look it up and see if we have one.

For someone who dropped out of college, you're pretty good at knowing how they work.

Thank you.


What? That he forgave you so quickly.

- I wouldn't have.


Well, why not? I have some concerns along the lines of you seem to be an unsupportive dream k*ller.


A Gretchen, if you will.

Okay, I am not a Gretchen.

Gretchen is horrible.

I may have made some mistakes over the past couple of days, but I'm not a Gretchen.

If anything, I am a Lady Shackleton.

Who now? Lady Shackleton, Ernest Shackleton's wife, who funded most of his expeditions and was just an all

-around great gal.

I did a deep dive on Antarctica research when I was feeling guilty.

I still say Gretchen.


- Gretchity Gretch Gretch.

- Perhaps there's a way to know for sure.

For instance, you, Casey, could devise a series of tests to determine if you, Paige, are a Shackleton or a Gretchen.

That's ridiculous.

What's wrong, PP? Scared? [SCOFFS]

I live at home now.

I go to bed early, and I take my mom's Jazzercise class ten times a week.

I'm in the best shape of my life.

Bring it.


Oh, well, very well.

Your first task? Procure me the world's finest dandelion in its whitest, puffiest form.

A dandelion? It's winter in Connecticut.

I understand.

You're not up to the challenge.

Oh no, I'm up to the challenge.

I'll find you a dandelion.

I'll find you the nicest, floofiest dang dandelion that you've ever seen.

Hi, Sam! Oh, hey, Excited Evelyn.

What are you doing here? It's just Evelyn.

This is my work

-study job.

What can I do for you? I'm planning a trip, and I'm looking for an arts program.

Well, you came to the right place.

Denton University has connections to programs everywhere under the sun.

Where do you want to go? Asia? Africa? Antarctica.


A tough one.

Let me see what I've got.



Amsterdam Nope.



-ha! This should be the ticket.

If you're truly interested, these programs require an awful lot.

Recommendations, application, project proposals I'm gonna need a tent.

- Whoa, mister.

What you doing?

- I'm getting ready for work.

- You're going to work?

- He's going to work.

- Uh, you can probably skip work.

- I don't wanna skip work.

- Dad.


Honey, we don't wanna pressure you.

I just hope that you're giving yourself enough space to grieve in your own way, however you wanna do it.

For example, my way is to start a meal train for Donna and then sign up for the first six slots.

- Yeah, the crazy way.

- Right now we're making ratatouille.

I can handle work, okay? And besides, a bunch of the guys are going out later this week to have a drink for Chuck, so I'll feel stuff then.


Here are your appliances.

They're junk.

No one wanted them.

Uh, you're selling that plate for $500? Or best offer.

Honey, I don't know if we told you, but your dad's best friend passed away.

- Who?

- Chuck.


I didn't know he was your best friend.

I'm sorry your best friend died.

Thank you, but he wasn't my best friend.

I'm a grown man.

I don't have a best friend.

Okay, well, I need you to teach me how to pitch a tent.

I'm going to work.

I can't.

The tent's in the garage.

Have at it.

But I need you to teach me how to assemble it.

It can be tricky, and instructions vary by model.

You're a smart kid, Sam.

Figure it out.



- I can't figure it out.

- Me neither.

But I'm pretty baked, and I don't actually know what we're trying to build.


What is this? Ugh.


No new emails.

I can't believe we haven't heard from Clayton yet.

I know.

It's freaking me out.

I mean, I'm glad we protested, but if we get suspended or expelled, there goes UCLA for both of us.

Yeah, that is what I've been saying this whole time.

I never said you were wrong.

I just Justice is more important.


Hey, it's gonna be okay.


Do you think that's them coming in person to tell us we're kicked out?




I preserved it in resin.


- Is that a dandelion?

- Not just a dandelion.

That's the world's best dandelion.

It's large, perfectly round, every little white fluffer in place.

She is a beaut.

How did you do it? I paid my nine


-old cousin in Florida $63 plus the cost of shipping to hunt one down, safely pack it in Tupperware, and overnight it to me.

- Wow.

- After that, a trip to Michaels and a simple online class in resin flower preservation did the trick.

Very impressive.

So are we done with this now? We can agree, I am a Lady Shackleton.

Alas, this was merely the first task.

What's going on? What are you up to, you rat? Nothing.

I'm giving Paige a series of random and impossible tasks to prove that she's reliable.

That sounds dumb and mean.


It is.

- And I'm gonna crush it.

- That's the spirit.

Now bring me a live pig.

- What?

- Toodle



Sorry, man.


Oh, man.

Please tell me that's not your lunch.

No, it's Chuck's starter.

He left it.

- I called Donna.

She told me to keep it.

- Oh, that's nice.

Yeah, real nice.

You want it? Ack.

I don't even know what a starter is.

It's a bread thing.

But I don't wanna deal with it.

I I know all this is really hard, so if you need someone to talk to, I'm here.


- Uh, sorry about the starter.



Of the three basic needs for survival, food, water, and shelter, in Antarctica, finding water is never a problem, and people can survive for days or even weeks without food.

But if you go even one night in Antarctica without shelter, well, say goodbye to life.

There were no instructions, multiple zippers, and I almost impaled my armpit on a fiberglass pole.

Do you want a solution, or are you just here to complain? Solution.

You don't need a tent.

But shelter is one of man's basic needs for survival.

Trust me, Sam.

I was a Girl Scout.

I sold so many cookies, the factory had to ramp up production.

Took my cut and bought myself a Mazda.


Yep, Thin Mints made me a fat cat.

And along the way, I learned my fair share about the great outdoors.

- And I don't need a tent?

- Nope.

All you need is a bivy sack.

It's waterproof, it's warm, and it's cozy.

It's like sleeping inside a burrito.

- That's my favorite way to sleep.

- Well, there you go.

Yet another boy rescued by the Girl Scouts.


That timer's for me.


That smells good.

It's for Donna.

Three down.

Three to go.

Hey, I thought you were going out with the guys for a drink? I, uh I skipped it.

- You skipped drinks?

- [DOUG]


Listen, enough with the looks, you guys.

I'm fine, okay? I just need everyone to back off.

Okay, I'm just trying to help.

So, let me know if you want to blow off some steam.

We can smash stuff.

Something of Mom's, maybe.

The lasagna, perhaps? Or maybe something of Casey's.

Something that we bought.

Let me think.

Oh yeah, that would be everything.

Okay, well, while Mom is being rude, I'm here for you, Dad.


Anything you need.

Anytime, day or night.


I gotta go.


Hi, hi, hi.

You saw the email, right? Did you see the email? Who is this? [CASEY]

Shut up.

Did you see the email? From Vice Principal Patrick? He loves us.

We're not suspended.

We're not suspended? Nope.

We got a warning.

What? That's amazing.


I know, right? I never thought I'd be so happy to have to go to school.

Wait, I didn't get an email yet.

Why didn't I get an email yet? Maybe they're going alphabetically.

Gardner before Taylor.

I mean, who cares? We're not suspended.

We're not suspended.


Okay, I'm gonna go celebrate the Clayton way, by doing 1,000 hours of homework and then maybe some training, so Send me a hot selfie? No, thanks.

Have fun.

I am going to have a Twinkie.


All right.




I think this is a great idea, Sam.

Nothing can really go wrong.

I agree.

Do you have everything you need in that little sack? I think so.


Well, I also got you something from the Techtropolis liquidation sale,

- just in case.

- Walkie

-talkies? Yeah, you know, in case you get scared or need a little snicky


- Should we test it out?

- Good idea.


Hey, Sam.


- Hi, Zahid.





Do you know what they call walkie

-talkies in France? Over.

- No.









- That's strange.





Isn't it? Good night, Sam.

Don't get knifed by a drifter.


- Good night, Zahid.






Nope! Whatever that is, I don't want it.

Relax, it's just flour.

It's half white and, um, half something.

Beth made it.

It's her special mix.

It's to feed your starter.

Feed it?

- Do I have to take it for walks too?


Uh, she put the instructions on a card inside.

But she said if you do make bread, you can't give any to Casey, which is weird.


So how are you doing? You know this is work, right? It's not a bar.

It's not a support group.

It's work.


Let's go.




- Well, hello.

Nice pig.

Thank you.

I gotta admit, I'm impressed.

That was a prompt pig procurement.


So can we be done now? I got you your dandelion and your pig.

I mean, I have proven myself worthy.

I also got Sam those boots.

That was a total Lady Shackleton move.

She was always getting supplies.

There is one more thing.


How long am I supposed to stand in these? Only three days.


For the record, I once filibustered a middle school student government meeting for seven straight hours.

Good thing I brought homework.

Hey, next time there's a tragedy, remind me five meals is my limit.

Will do.

Hey, uh, did you see this brownish goo that was in here? What? Oh, yeah.

It was like old yogurt or something? Ugh, I threw it out.

It smelled awful.

What? What? What happened? That was Chuck's starter.

His what? His bread thing.

He fed it and kept it alive.

For a long time? Thirteen years.

Oh, Jeez.

You should have told me.

Well, I didn't think you would throw it out so fast.

It smelled horrible.

I needed room.

- That was his legacy, Chuck's Crust.


- I get it.

I feel terrible.


There you are, mister.

Yesterday, I had to look into a possum's eyes.

And it was very different than looking in Stumpy's eyes.

It was the opposite, actually.

And this is all because you wouldn't teach me how to build the tent.

This is all your fault.

You looked in a possum's eyes, and it's my fault? What are you talking about? What are you talking about, Sam? Just stop, okay? I just wanted to come home and put this flour in my friend's bread stuff.

That's it.

So just stop! You wanted me to feel things, so now I feel things.

Maine: Augusta, Maryland: Annapolis, Massachusetts: Boston, Michigan: Lansing.

Whoo, okay, I have got to pee.


I I have to be able to pee.

Casey, I Um, excuse me.


Enough is enough.

I'm done with this.

You know, you keep acting like this is about Sam, and it's not.

You're stressed, and you're taking it out on me.

I'm not stressed.

Oh really? Look at your cuticles.

Usually, they're glorious, but now it looks like you fought off a badger.

Okay, you are torturing me to make yourself feel better, and it's really, really rude.

You don't know what you're talking about.

Okay, you know what? Maybe I don't.

But at least I can look at myself and try to figure out where my bad behavior is coming from.

Okay? But you just keep spreading your anger around like Well, like fluff on a dandelion.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go home and check on my pig.

You're keeping it? Look, you can't send a shopaholic to a petting zoo.

It's Well, it's the cutest place on earth.

I'm also in conversations about buying a llama.

You're right.

I, um I've been feeling off lately.

I know.

I'm sorry I blew up.

I know.

It's just hard.

I know.

You know, I'm not really the one you need to talk to.

I know.

Sam? Let me show you something.

Come on.


You want greatness You wanna taste it You wanna be a king You wanna make it Don't wanna fake it You wanna levitate You want love, want truth Wanna feel brand new You want do it, do it, do it You got dreams, you got dreams You got dreams, you got dreams But there's something in between, man And you're stuck there underneath them So get up Looks pretty good, huh? What do you think? Wanna take it for a test drive? It's nice.

I'll practice putting it up more times when I get home.

This tent stuff was stressing you out, huh? Yes.

I just moved into my new place with Zahid.

It's the only place I've been able to live except for this house.

I know I want to go to Antarctica, but what if I can't sleep there? What if I can't live somewhere else? You? Not able to live amongst a bunch of penguins? Come on.

Why do you wanna go anyway? I've always wanted to go.

This is just the first time in my life that I actually thought maybe I can.

Well, then you should.

We should do it the right way.

You have to get ready.

You can't drop out of school.

Okay, you have to take an official leave of absence.


And, um, I'm sorry I snapped at you earlier.

I am sad about Chuck.

You know, he was someone I could talk to about stuff.

Well, you can talk to me about stuff, if you want.

Thank you.

Am I interrupting a Scout meeting? What are you guys talking about? Death.

Did you know that when a crew member dies on an Antarctic expedition, they always have a burial ritual, no matter where they are?

- Really?

- Yes.

They cover the body with snow, and they mark the site in some way, and then they leave a note that explains who died and how.


Here lies Chuck's starter, m*rder*d by Elsa.

Accidentally m*rder*d by Elsa.

You were a good starter.

A mere 13 years old at the time of your tragic dumping by the kitchen wench.

We'll never know what kind of good bread you could've become.

Your crisp crust, your delicious guts slathered in butter, or jelly, or hummus, or a nice avocado spread with pepper and salt.


This is nice.

No, this is ridiculous.

Does anyone else have anything they want to share? No.

Actually, yeah.

Sam, I was wrong.

He was my best friend.

I love you like crazy, baby All right, are we done? What's starter? So, turns out Paige is a raving lunatic.

Who knew? You mean, because she thought the test you designed to humiliate her was unkind? Exactly.

I mean, she's not totally wrong.

I was stressed about Clayton stuff.

And this is weird, but I think maybe in a way I was hoping to get kicked out.

- What?


I just never felt like I fit in there.

And this year has been so hard that it just felt like an easy way out of all the stress.

But now that we're safe, I'm relieved.

I'm not safe.

What? I got the email.

I'm suspended.

What? No.

I I got a warning.

Yeah, well, I guess I'm not you.

This was sweet of you.

As long as you don't start sleeping in here again.

- No more of that.

- No.

I'm done with that.

But we're still waiting for this crazy plan of his to go away, right? Actually, no.

If I've learned anything lately, it's that life is short.

And if Sam wants to go to Antarctica, he should go to Antarctica as soon as he can.


She is so shy Scared of the sunrise Only calm by noon And he is a wallflower Scared of the fallout Of speaking too soon It only takes one move Can you move me? Under a blood wolf moon Down on Queen Street [VOCALIZING]