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02x09 - Ritual-licious

Posted: 01/07/23 19:02
by bunniefuu

Rituals are important.

When two pods of orcas have been apart, they'll reunite at the surface of the ocean before all diving down to the bottom.

It's called the orca greeting ceremony.

It's how they know everything is okay.

Because that's what rituals do.

They make everything okay.





- Happy birth minute! - [YELLS]

Get out of my room! It's time for your "happy birthdays.

" You get 16 this year.


Happy birthday.

- Get out! - Happy birthday.

- Get out! - Happy birthday.

- Get out! - Get out! - Happy birthday.

Happy birthday! [KNOCKING AT DOOR]


I only got to 13 birthdays.

I still need to say it three more times.





Go back to sleep, Edison.






Humans are the only animals that have a birthday ritual.

Other animals don't use time to measure age.

They measure age through milestones.

There she is, my birthday girl.

I made you a special birthday breakfast.

This looks like what I eat every day.

With a strawberry.

So any special big plans for tonight?

Um, I'm probably just going to do what I always do.

I think Evan and Sharice are coming over, and we're going to watch a movie, and just chill, low-key.

No drama.

- Happy birthday, happy birthday.

- Thank you.


This came for you, Sam.

That's a big envelope.

Is it from Denton?

- That means you got in.

- Nope.

I used $200 of my own money, from my own bank account, to adopt my own baby penguin from the penguin cam.

You bought a penguin?

- Adopted.

Me and ten other people.

- Is it gonna live here?

- That's kick-ass.

- No.

She'll stay at the aquarium, obviously.

But I'm the majority shareholder, so I have naming rights.

Well, you can name it Casey, both sort of came on the same day, kinda.

Two Caseys in one family?

I mean, Mom's Christmas newsletter won't make any sense.

I can't believe you're 16.

I still remember the day you were born.

IÂ remember the day you were hatched.

Well, happy birthday.

I'll see you guys later.

- Love you.

- Wait! We didn't do the Casey sandwich.

Oh, we don't have to do that this year, Sam.

Yeah, we do.

It's part of the birthday ritual.

We do it every year.


Well, we'll do it really quick.

- Yes.


No! All right, happy birthday.

Happy birthday.

I'll see you guys later.

Bye, honey.

Mwah! - Okay.

I need to go.

- Wait! You need to drink your birthday chocolate milk.

Sam, I can't drink this.

- It's like it's looking at me.

- But it's part of the ritual.

Mmm! Ritual-licious.


I have to go.

If you want to be a sl*ve to time, man, go for it.

I don't know what that means.


Oh! Bailey Bennett.

Is this a casual relationship or a regular relationship?

This is not a relationship.

This is nothing.


We kiss sometimes and that's it.

- And I can't tell anyone, correct?

- Correct.

Can I tell people that I made out with someone, but not say who it is?

I don't care.


Thank you for your clarity.

Look at this place.

I always forget how nice it is.

I feel underdressed.

Nah, you look like all the other chauffeurs.

Shut up, you punk.

You ready for this?

Sure am, are you?

Not really.

Wow, you are You're surprisingly good at this.

Yeah, I mean, it's basically just like running, but with tires instead of feet.

So, um How's school?

It's fine.

I don't have any friends, so I got a lot of time for my studies.

What about your friend Auggie or Ozzy?


We're not really friends anymore.


I'm out of the loop.

It's fine.

You got your own stuff going on.

Mom moving out, then back in and hopefully back out again?

Who knows.

Make this right here.

Look at that, you signaled and everything.

- I'm not an idiot.

- Yeah, I know.

So whatever happens with Mom and I, it's between us, okay?

It's She's always going to love you guys.

She's always going to have your back.

So don't Don't worry about it.

It's our thing.

I know.

It's just Whenever she does something nice, I remember seeing her kiss that bartender.


Sometimes it's just, like, all I can think about.


You know, I wish I wish you never saw that.

Me, too.

Hey, but she hasn't done anything to piss me off in a while, so You know, it's probably just a matter of time.

- Yeah, probably.



Okay, everyone! The birthday girl is almost here.

So what are we going to say when she gets here?



Yeah, but less like you're at a funeral.


Who says "surprise" at a funeral?

Hey, Mrs.

G, this is some party.

Well, Casey's never had a big birthday party, so I figured 16, perfect year.

Yeah, totally.

And I love the sentiment, um I think that Casey said that she wanted, like, something small.

I know.

But this has been a really hard year for her.

Because of well me, so I need to do this, and she deserves it.

- Yeah.

- Right?

- Yeah, she does.


Whatcha working on, busy beaver?

Making a birthday comic for Casey.

It's part of the ritual.

Oh, shit, I didn't get her anything.

Throw my name on that?

Wait, what's up with you?

You seem different.

What do you mean?

You have a secret, Sam Gardner.

Look at me.


You've been smooching.


Look at you! Under my tutelage! I knew it.

So, who's the lucky lady?

I can't tell anyone.

- Sam - Hi, Sam.

Okay, I see.

Say no more, brother.

I hear you loud and clear.


They're coming! [ELSA]

Everybody, hide.

Sam, honey.

Look, I'm all for hiding if there's a good reason, but who're we fooling?

That kid's holding a paper plate in front of his face.

Why am I crouching in a skirt?


Doug and I had sex.

- Really?

That's amazing.

Are you back together?

What's going on?

No, he's been distant.

He slept in the sunroom.

Here's what you got to do: throw yourself at him.

I normally wouldn't say that to someone, but this is a critical moment and I want you to be happy.

Hey, dude, what are you doing here?

There's a surprise party for you inside and I hate surprises.

- Yeah, me too.

- No.

Sorry, kid.

We gotta do it.

- Thank you.

Thanks for that.

- No problem.



Surprise! Happy birthday.



Hi, guys.


Are you surprised?




Hey, Casey, happy birthday again.

Time to play Ickle Bickle Beanstalk.

Not right now, Sam.


Happy birthday, Casey.

What's Ickle Bickle Beanstalk?

It's a silly game I made up ten years ago after two glasses of wine, when the kids were climbing the walls.

I don't know, somehow it made it into Casey's birthday ritual.

I'm shocked it's lasted ten years.

Come on.

I'll hide the Ickle Bickle.

No, I said no.

But I don't want Edison to die.

Not many people know this, but Edison isn't my first tortoise.

First there was Tesla.

But on Casey's 12th birthday, she broke her arm and we had to go to the hospital and I never completed our ritual.

When we got home, Tesla was dead.

My parents said it had nothing to do with the ritual.

But that morning Tesla was the picture of health.

He was active and alert.

His eyes were clear and bright.

His stool was solid and black.

So explain that.

Ever since then, I always complete the ritual.


Hey, it's okay.


It's okay.

There's no reason to get upset.


You want tighter or looser?

- Tighter.

- Okay.




Is that better?

- Yeah.

- Okay.


I'll leave it alone for now.

But I'll be back in 16 minutes, and then we'll play Ickle Bickle Beanstalk.

Sixteen 'cause it's my 16th birthday?

Yes, because it's your 16th birthday.

And the square root of 16 is four, and that's my number.

So it's the perfect amount of time.


Sixteen minutes, starting now.



So, you enjoying your party?

- So nope! - Hey, where are you going?

Upstairs to change 'cause my mom invited 1,000 people over without telling me.

So is it too early to sneak away for our first-second time?

Our second-first time?

Yes, it is too early.

But that would be a really good way to get back at her for throwing me a party I didn't want.

Oh, yeah, I mean, she's, like, a major jerk.

Look, I know, like, honestly, I know this isn't exactly what you wanted, but it's happening, and and it's kind of fun.

I mean, look! That guy's dancing with a paper plate in front of his face.


He's the Sia of this party.

So why don't you just dance your little butt upstairs, you know, lose the uniform, and get some regular clothes, and can we just try to have some fun?

I vote:Â hell yes! [ALL CHUCKLE]

Ooh, I come alive at this song! [UPBEAT DANCE MUSIC PLAYING]

Okay, fine.

I'll have fun.

I'm a jet-set player Yeah, I'm doing life right Rooftop party [GUESTS CHATTERING AND LAUGHING]

Sixteen years old.

- Can you believe it?

- I can't believe it.

She was so small and wrinkly as an infant.

She looked like a baked potato that was microwaved too long.

She was such an unattractive baby.

- She's so pretty now.

- Yeah.


Gee, I'm sorry.

Are you okay?

No, I'm fine.

So I stepped out to get some air, only to find the bench that I so lovingly painted mutilated.

I mean, the "Live" was completely rubbed off.

And then, when I asked about the school's vandalism policy there isn't one! So, you and Sam, huh?

Oh, thank God.

Will they?

Won't they?

I mean, you kids drive me nuts.

- What?

- Come on.

I know my Sammy's kissing somebody.

Who else could it be, but you?

Oh, no, Sam and I are not kissing.

Wait, is he kissing?

Who is he kissing?

Did I say "kissing"?

I meant blissing.

As in, giving someone emotional and mental bliss through platonic conversation.


Later, Paige.

Sammy, I did something bad.

Really bad.

Like, stray-dog-on-a-highway bad.


- Sixteen minutes is up.

It's Ickle Bickle Beanstalk time.

Okay, cool.

Yeah, no.

Dance floor seems like a good place to hide out.

It's definitely a funky place to hide out.



Adelie, Chinstrap, Emperor - Adelie - Oh, jeez.

Are you a penguin guy, too?

- Oh, hey, Chris.

- It's Christopher.

Okay, um You gonna come inside?

Maybe later.

Want me to bring you cake when we take it out?

A corner piece, please.

I think it's actually round.

- Then forget it.

- All right.

Ickle Bickle Beanstalk.


Has it already been 16 minutes?

Yes, you promised.

Come on.

Okay, fine.

- Edison lives.

Thank you.



- Did you kiss someone?

- Yes.


Bailey Bennett was very clear.

I'm not supposed to tell.

It's a rule, and I love rules.

Plus, she's pretty scary.

I'm sorry, Paige, but I have a privacy agreement with the girl I've been kissing.

I'm sure you understand.

I don't.

- Bummer.

- So you're really not going to tell me?

Yes, exactly.

You, Evan.

Hide this.

What is this?

Like, a magic gorilla?

Don't be silly.

It's the Ickle Bickle.

Hide it somewhere so we can find it.


- Come on, let's swish-boom.

- Really?

Oh, my God.

I am the best sister in the world.




Go! Swish-boom.




Oh, there you are.

Kind of got cut off back there.

I'm sorry.

I just I'm still working everything out.

I just I need more time.

I get it.

That is one hot mama.

What'd you say?

I said, "That is one hot mama.

" It's a compliment, on all fronts.


Aw, shut up, Zahid.

Was I supposed to tell them I finished hiding that gorilla thing?

To be honest, I'm a little fuzzy on the rules.

But doesn't Casey look pretty?

Hey, chill out, Beth.


Wow, super cool dance moves.


I love candy in a cup.

Hey, Newton.

Hey, Sam.

There she is.

I made pizza rolls.

Having fun at your party yet?

Yeah, I was until the b*tches from Clayton Prep showed up.

- Who the hell invited them?

- Izzie and the track team?

- Yeah.

- I did.

I thought it would be a good way to mend fences.

- It's your birthday.

- No, that is not your place.

- I hate them.

- I'm so sorry, Casey.

I - Do you want me to ask them to leave?

- Yeah.

And while you're at it, can you ask everybody else to leave, too?

I never wanted this.

I wanted something small.

But you don't listen.

Of course, you don't care.

Hey, Case, take it easy.

She went through a lot of trouble.

Are you seriously defending her?

Whose side are you on?

There's no sides, she was doing something really nice.

Hey stop being a brat.

Are you kidding me?

Wait! We have to find the Ickle Bickle.

Evan didn't even go up there, you nut.


Leave me alone! I don't care about the Ickle Bickle or any of your stupid rituals.

It's not even about me! [SOBS]

It's just about Sam, Sam, Sam, just like everything else in my sorry-ass life.


- Drama.

- That's enough.




I saw what happened with Casey.

Are you okay?

No, I'm furious! Casey said I was making her party all about me, but I was only trying to complete the ritual, which is all about her.

And also maybe a teensy-weensy bit about Edison too, but mostly her.


Originally, the birthday ritual was meant to help you focus on Casey for her big day.

But, I I guess over the years things have kind of shifted, and I think maybe today you were making it about yourself.

It's not about me.

It's about the ritual.

- You don't break rituals.

- Actually, it's about Casey.

Just like I thought Casey would want a big party.

When actually, that's what I wanted.

- Yeah, big oversight.

- Yeah.

I think we both owe Casey an apology.

I wouldn't say that we owe her an apology.

But, I'm okay with giving her one anyway.


I found it, the Ickle Bickle.

Ickle Bickle Beanstalk! Ickle Bickle Beanstalk! He seems fine, right?

Yeah, Sam's fine.

So Last night was really wonderful.

- Felt like we were connecting, didn't it?

- Yeah.

Like we were us again, finally.

After forever.

Just hold on one sec, okay?

So, if you want to talk [STAMMERS]

I don't want to talk about it.

But if I do I'll let you know.



Leave me alone, Mom or Evan.


Can I come in?


Your brother's all jazzed up because he found this creepy little gorilla thingy.

- It's the Ickle Bickle.

- Yeah.

That's what he told me.

I like you guys.

Dude, I'm sorry.

About everything.

I was a d*ck and I got jealous, and I was afraid of losing someone that I love.

I would never come between you and Nate.

Screw him.

No, I was afraid of losing you.

- Oh.

- I just Before you got to Clayton, I felt so out of place.

Like I couldn't be myself.

And with Nate, our lives are just so different.

Like, he's a huge douche and you're not?

- Yes.


And then you and I got into that big fight and we stopped talking.

And I missed you.

I, like, really, really missed you.

And I just want my girl back.

Sorry if that sounds stalkerish.


It does.

But I feel the same.

So it's cool.

Let's forehead promise to never leave each other again.


What is that?

Come here, I'll show you.


- That's it.


Is it obvious that I just made this up?


- Hey, Casey, I - Mom.

Oh, sorry.

I just I just wanted to let you know that cake's ready.

Yeah, we're gonna be down in a second.

Hi, Mrs.



In nature, there are a lot of rituals that no one ever questions.

Like, why a peacock spreads its tail feathers, or why a gorilla beats its chest.

- Hey.

- Hey.

I'm sorry I was being lame earlier.

Yeah, it's [SAM]

It's just necessary for mating or survival.

I was going to say sorry too, but - I guess we're okay.

- Yeah.

I'm officially asking for a rain check on my birthday gift.

Yeah, granted.


Where is everybody?

I sent them home.

All right, you guys, come on.

Let's have some cake.


Humans, however, have a lot of unnecessary rituals that have nothing to do with mating or survival.

- Happy birthday to you - No, no singing.

Casey hates the "Happy Birthday" song, right?


Thanks for remembering.

Okay, let's sing "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" instead.

I'll start.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star How I wonder what you are Up above the world so high Like a diamond in the sky Twinkle, twinkle, little star How I wonder what you are Thanks for the party, Mom.

Honey, I'm so sorry.

No, it's okay.


This is a weird family.


But doesn't Casey look pretty?

What, you too?


I come home in the morning light My mother says, "When you gonna live your life right?

" [SAM]

But even though we don't need rituals in the same way as animals some of them are still kind of nice.

What's up?

Not much.

I found the Ickle Bickle.

It was in the sunroom.

Yeah, I heard.

I'm sorry I didn't finish playing.

I know how much it means to you.

It's okay.

I think I was being annoying.

You were.

But I was a pain, too, so maybe we can call it even.


You know there's still one more part of the birthday ritual.

I was hoping you'd say that.

What are Little Dude and Little Sis getting into this year?

Discovering the Souther Pole?

No, but good idea for next year.


We're so fast.


- That's Zahid - Yeah.

as a dragon.

You know, I think this is my favorite part of the birthday ritual.

I'm going to miss it when you're away at school next year.

I won't be that far, I'll only be at Denton.

- You will?

- Yes.

I got my acceptance letter to the scientific illustration program this afternoon.

That's huge news! - Ow! - Why didn't you say anything?


Today is your day.

- Stop doing that.

- That's so annoying.


You're going to do big things.

- I know.


Hey, who wants to watch a movie?

No v*olence, but I'll allow exposed butts.

I like butts.

Should we get Dad?


I don't know where he is.

He was just here.

Let's not wait.