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02x02 - Signs are Small Measurable Things, but Interpretations are Illimitable

Posted: 01/07/23 06:24
by bunniefuu

Boy, stop skylarking.

Wow, this place looks amazing.

Just the beginning, my friend.

Eight to go.

You look underwhelmed.

What you want me to do, dance?

It's been two years.

Yes, I am very happy to be home.

But you, you'll cry when you have to leave.

Trinidad will get into your soul.

Now, we have to get these barrels
where they're going.


Oh, sea leg and seashore
ain't friend, you know.

I just need to get my balance.

MAN: You need more than that
with your mawga self.

If you catch a stiff breeze, you're gone.

I'm not that skinny.

I'll find you
some good Trinidadian bush medicine.


MAN: When I was a boy,
I'd come down here every day.

I had no idea such a place could exist.

MAN: Bet you never thought
you'd find yourself this far from...

- What the name again?
- GILBERT: Avonlea.

I used to shop here for my mum.

Every ingredient she cooked with
had to be fresh.

Nothing stale in her kitchen.

All these smells are making me hungry.

MAN: You have anything good
to eat up on Prince Edward?

I like potatoes.

Come on. Potatoes?

Give me something to work with here.

Well, Mrs Kincannon would serve crab
every once in a while.

Now we getting somewhere.

How'd she prepare it?

Boil it, I think. Add some salt.

That's it? Crab with salt?

What's wrong with that?

Nothing. Crab's nice
when you cook it up right.

Like Mummy's crab callaloo. Sunday food.

She'd boil down a pile
of dasheen leaves in coconut milk

throw in some onions, garlic

okra, a pig tail

and then the crab

add a whole pimento pepper
and let it simmer.

I don't think I've ever had
a hot pepper in my life.

Yeah, you?

Your little dry-up body would go to w*r
against itself.

I think I could handle it.

Mummy'd say, "Bash, come for a taste".

I'd tip my head back
and she'd feed me a spoonful.

I can almost taste it now

sliding down my throat
like spicy green medicine.

- It sounds delicious.
- Oh, it was.

But it was always just the one taste.

Then she'd serve the family...

and I'd be given the scraps that were left.

Why didn't you eat with the family?

It wasn't my family.

Whose family was it?

The white people she worked for, Blythe.

- I feel like an idiot. I'm so sorry.
- Don't be.

I still got more flavour
from one spoonful every Sunday

than you had in your whole life
from the sounds of it.

Crab with, here it comes,
the secret ingredient...


Oh, wow. What a beauty.

I used ride one just like her.

Come over here, Bash, she's friendly.

I have a thing about horses.

You, boy, since you're already sniffing
around my horse

go to the stable and fetch her some feed.

You're angling for a tip
before the job is even...

I am not your boy.

I am a free man, Sir, since .

I am sure you can find assistance
inside the hotel.

That was messed up.
He just assumed you were a servant.

Way things are.

If we cried every time that happens,
the whole of Trinidad would be flooded.

Now let's get us to
a better neighbourhood.

You still need some medicine.

MUSIC: "Ahead by a Century" by Tragically Hip
♪ First thing, we'd climb a tree ♪

♪ And maybe then we'd talk ♪

♪ Or sit silently ♪

♪ And listen to our thoughts ♪

♪ With illusions of someday ♪

♪ Cast in a golden light ♪

♪ No dress rehearsal ♪

♪ This is our life ♪

♪ You are ahead by a century ♪

- ♪ This is our life ♪
- ♪ You are ahead by a century ♪


Morning, glad you're up.

I didn't sleep a wink last night.

To think that we've been walking
on gold in Avonlea.

I well understand your moral quandary.

We're all so grateful and excited.

Reading about gold is perfectly wonderful

but it would be even more wonderful
if I could see it.

This sort of thing really isn't
for children.

But you're not just a simple girl now,
are you?

Ah, there.



I'm not...

What am...

It is gold, isn't it?

Let your eyes adjust. Don't rush it.

You might find it more beautiful
than you imagined.

See those tiny bits among the red,
how they sparkle?

Why can't I see it?

Ah, it's not your fault, Pipsqueak.

In fact, it's mine and I apologise.

- You just don't have an expert eye.
- Please don't give up on me.

Oh yes, there it is.

You're right, Nate. The gold is exquisite.

Miss Marilla, don't you just look
like a bright shiny penny this morning?

ANNE: Oh, Mr Dunlop, the toast smells
especially good this morning.

It's cinnamon, my dear girl, in celebration.

Any morning we don't find ourselves
in the grave should be celebrated.

- MR DUNLOP: Right indeed, Miss Marilla.
- NATE: I agree with Mr Dunlop.

Pass the celebratory toast.

Now, Matthew,
I'd like to do the extractions for you.

Happy to do you that favour.
Let's be sure this is done right.

There will be no gold testing.

At least not yet.

Matthew and I are undecided.

But you have to.

We could be one of the richest families
in Avonlea.

Matthew, you wouldn't have to farm anymore
and you could...

It's expensive, Anne

and we worked very hard
for that harvest money.

Matthew, Miss Marilla

I think your caution is absolutely right.

The gold is all but guaranteed,
but there is still some risk.

Well now, Anne

I suppose it's about time
that you got a new slate.

Thank you, Matthew.

I didn't want to ask

although, technically,
I broke it defending myself.

Sounds like a good story.

Not one she'll have time to tell.

You can pick up a new slate
from the General Store after school, Anne.

Now, eat up, then off you go.

Ah, children.

So precious, so expensive.

Why didn't you tell Nate the truth?

I thought seeing gold
in the soil would be obvious.

He thinks I'm a child.


You can't possibly expect
to be his equal, Anne.

He's an adult and a scientist.

Uh, but that's just book learning, though.

And you've already proven
you're good at that

but you have something else.

Remember when Minnie May was sick

and you put onions on the soles of her feet
to bring her fever down?

That was an old wives' tale.

It takes imagination
to believe in such a thing.

Your imagination is a gift, Anne,
something that can't be learned.

What good is an imagination
if I can't see what's in front of my eyes...


This branch is like a skeleton hand...

An evil skeleton
that lives in a haunted forest...

and feeds on the lives of the innocent.

Anne, that's horrible.

Why are they clutching at us now?

Do they mean to do us harm?

Ghosts on the wind, bearing a warning.

- Beware!
- They're coming for us!

We must escape!

Come on.


Thank you again, Nathaniel.


Is that Cole? He looks different.

He looks positively mature.

Not at all like he did before harvest.

Hey, Cole, throw the ball back, Bud.

Hey, sissy!

Yeah, you.


Nice arm, Rembrandt.

- Wanna play?
- No, I wouldn't, thank you, though.



"...answered Lancelot, the chief of knights

'And with what face,
after my pretext made

shall I appear, O Queen, at Camelot'.

I before a King

who honours his word, as if..."

I think the entire poem is shameful.

They should be tarred and feathered.


Guinevere is married to the King,
not Lancelot.

Oh, Mr Phillips,
can't you skip to the part

where Elaine's pure and true love
turns most tragical?

No. Do not interrupt me again.

"'Yea,' said the Queen.

'A moral child without the craft to rule

else had he not lost..."

- COLE: Sh...

Cole? What have you got there?


My apologies, Mr Phillips. I'll clean it up.

Are you doodling

while I'm tirelessly dedicating my life
to your education?


- Now.
- BOY WHISPERS: Blackboard.

You like to draw?

Draw that.

Make sure it's legible.

Back to your readers!

"'Yea,' said the Queen.

'A moral child without the craft to rule

else he had not lost me..."


Less flourish.

You're going to need room
for fifty of those.



BASH: There are so many things
I miss about this place.

Other things, I don't miss at all.

- How much?
- How much you have?

He doesn't have a thing. Not one cent.

I told you, this is only a shortcut.

GILBERT: Why are you walking me
through all of this delectable temptation?

Just hold your horse, farm boy.

GILBERT: Ah, how about this?
Just a taste?

Nah. Don't eat that.

Bash, I'm starving
and that looks really good.

Of course. Trinidadians can cook

especially the dregs nobody else wants.

But you have to taste
what we does do with real food.

How about I go back
so I have something to compare it to.

Patience, boy. Don't cry.

Hold this for now.

It's a mango. Prepare for an experience.

Mm. Mm! Mm!

It nice, eh?

Don't swallow that skin. Spit it out.

If it's not gonna k*ll me,
why would I waste it?


You traded this for a boiler room?

To trade you have to have a choice.


- Hi, Mum.
- Sebastian.

Boy, you trying to k*ll me?

Anybody see you?

Come, come, come, come.



Who is this boy you bring here
looking like a wet fowl?

What name they christen you?

- Ah, Gilbert Blythe, Ma'am.

Well, I never.

You must be the first
to ever call me ma'am.

Where you from?

Prince Edward Island, Canada.

They don't feed you on that boat,
Gilbert Blythe?

Sebastian has promised me
the best in Trinidadian bush medicine.

I see.

Sebastian is so much more elegant
than Bash.

Hush your mouth.

I just made it.

My mind told me I might soon
get to see my one son.


- Is he stealing?
- No, Doux-doux.

Remember Jesus say we have to help people.

The men just hungry.

OK, you have your food.

Uh, we could come back tomorrow?

Nah, that's enough charity.

If you come here again,
you looking for trouble.

Come on, Doux-Doux.

And, uh, what's this?

A stick of thyme, seasoning, the bush.

And, uh, this?

A cornmeal dumpling.

Mm. Amazing.

Now if this is the medicine,
I wish I was sick every single day.

Glad to see you're enjoying
the fruits of sl*ve labour.

I thought sl*very ended here
over fifty years ago.

My family never left that plantation.

Not Granny, not Mum.

She raised them children.

I hardly know her.


Um, Mr Cuthbert

is it ugly, the gold mines?

- May well be.
- Where will you put it?

We haven't decided yet.

You should have stopped him
from getting on a steamship, Anne.

If Gilbert falls overboard and drowns,
it'll all be all your fault.

He'd come home soon enough
if he knew there was gold on his farm.

Anne is writing him a letter,
aren't you, Anne?

He looks so awfully lonely.

I think he's more sad and handsome
than lonely.

Josie's dead gone over Cole.

I am not. I'm simply observant.

There is no boy more sad and handsome
than Gilbert Blythe.

I know just how he feels.

Your drawing was exquisite.

It brought Camelot to life.

And plus, Billy Andrews is a barbarian.

DIANA: I have strawberry tarts to share.
May we join you?

Aren't you girls coming over?

Diana has strawberry tarts.

Sorry, Josie,
but strawberry's my favourite.

Thank you.

- DIANA: Would you like a tart?
- TILLIE: I'd love some.

Why, of course Prissy

I'd love to join you and the older girls
for lunch.

That looks exquisite!

C-A-T. Cat.

Mr Cuthbert, look, I write English.

J'ai fini. Sorry.

I... I do the hay now.

ANNE: There's no such thing as ghosts.
There's no such thing as ghosts.

There's no such thing as ghosts.







I just survived
the most harrowing experience.

I believe a terrifyingly evil curse
has befallen Avonlea.

It pervades every alcove and crevice,
every tree and flower.

All the spirits are stirring.

I'm nearly certain I saw
a ghostly white lady down by the brook.

- What did she want?
- Us.

Couldn't you just die of fright?

It's not real, Ruby. Right, Anne?

Thank you, Ruby.
I take your tears as the highest compliment.

I call my story The Haunted Dell:
A Most Shuddersome Tale.

You know how I admire your imagination, Anne,
but I just remembered, I'm due at home.

I'd better get home, too. It's getting dark.

But you haven't heard the ending yet.

I haven't thought of it,
but it promises to be very sinister.

Uh, tomorrow maybe, on the way to school,
a little further away from twilight. Bye.

Be careful walking home!

The Haunted Dell by Anne Shirley Cuthbert.

The little girl...

felt the dark force lurking...

- just beyond the trees...

Please don't k*ll me. Please don't k*ll me.

Please don't k*ll me.

- Hello.


I just had a rapturous encounter
with a forest creature.

What's wrong?

- My Great Aunt Beatrice.
- She's died.

Oh, Mr Dunlop.

Uh, there is a sizable inheritance, but...

it is of little comfort.

I was already an orphan, like you Anne,
but now I am truly alone.

You're not alone.
You have me, your sister, remember?

You are a very sweet girl, Anne.

Aunt Bea always wanted me
to have a fine family.

Perhaps your aunt will be a lovely ghost.

Do you believe in ghosts?

An interesting question.

Should I believe in them?

I'm writing a story called The Haunted Dell.

And there's a ghost in it. She's beautiful.

It has me petrified, but it's my duty
as a storyteller to finish it.

Aunt Bea loved a good scary story.

Do you have an instrument worthy
of capturing your fine work?

I prefer pen and ink to pencil.

Oh, well...

an author should have the latest
and most stylish of writing tools.

I'd like you to have this.

I shall cherish this always.

Thank you.


Good evening, all.

My day was incredibly productive.

I spent a good part of it
chatting with William.

- ANNE: Who's that?
- NATE: Mr Barry.

According to William

apparently many people are sceptical
about the gold

even after the town hall meeting.

Well, that's to be expected.

It is unusual business.

Well, we thought, William and I

that there should be a less formal gathering

where the people of Avonlea
can talk things out.

That's a splendid idea.

The Barrys have decided to host a big party
for any and all interested folks.

Rather classy, I say.

Marilla, you and Matthew have to go.

Sounds a rather frivolous affair.

Well, perhaps

but it might help you and Matthew
to make your decision one way or another.

And also lemon squares, currant cake,
shortbread cookies...

We need something festive, a showstopper.

- I wish I had more notice.
- MAID: Nesselrode pie?


- I'll not have rum in this house, Mary Joe.
- It's only for flavouring, Ma'am.

Eliza, I've invited a few more guests
if you could make arrangements accordingly.

Exactly how many?

Cakes aren't made by magic elves, dear.

I shall need to secure Thomas Lynde

before he consumes
the entirety of the sweets table.

That scene at the church picnic was
very unfortunate.

See what you can do
about that, won't you, darling?

Please take me with you.

You've proven yourself old enough
to stay home alone.

- Not afraid of the dark, are you?
- Not really.

You were fine the night we went
to the town hall meeting.

My, my, you must have written
a bang up ending for your story.

The skeleton tree has captured
the little girl

and then indentured her
to the White Lady, Queen of the Ghosts...

Ghosts, fiddlesticks.

You'll stay here
and nothing untoward will happen.

That should cure you
of imagining danger into this house.


I worry that this gold is an open road
to avarice in our small town.

Ah, but it's inspired such generosity
among your flock.

Yes, well, it's dollars,
a very large sum of money.

Quite a lot of Sunday service dimes, eh?

And what does the philanthropist
get in return

for sparing his neighbour
the financial burden

of paying for their own gold testing?

A very small share
of his grateful neighbour's gold claim.

That truly selfless act might inspire
the church to counsel other parishioners

on the benefits of your offer.

A righteous agreement, gentlemen.

We can't let all this frivolity go to waste,
Miss Marilla.

You could at least try to have some fun.

- Glass of frivolity, at all?
- Uh, no.

Did you change your hair?

Nathaniel, a word?

What can I do for you?


He's quite the prized pony, your Nate.

He's hardly mine.

I just meant that he's practically part
of the family now.

You look lovely this evening, Marilla.

That hairstyle suits you.




How are...


Dear Gilbert...

♪ Our feet may wander ♪

♪ Far, far away ♪

♪ Amid scenes of beauty ♪

♪ From place to place... ♪

NATE: Don't you just look like
a bright shiny penny this evening?

Oh, well, thank you.

- Are you enjoying the party?
- NATE: It's quite wonderful, yeah.

Glad to hear it.

♪ The heart may wander ♪

♪ And for a while... ♪

Your Rachel seems to be having a good time.

Oh, Belle of the ball, that one.

♪ There comes no smile ♪

♪ As we remember ♪

♪ The friends we love ♪

♪ The friends we love ♪

- DIANA: ♪ Love ♪
- ♪ The friends we love ♪

♪ The friends we love... ♪

Happy to help.

♪ The friends we love ♪

♪ The friends we love ♪

- ♪ But or the feeling ♪
- ♪ But the... ♪

Diana will already be miles
ahead when she gets to finishing school.

Does that man have no sense of moderation?

Well, no reason I can't make
his gain my gain.

- Thomas.
- Mm.

- MR BARRY: You enjoying yourself?
- Mm-hm.

This gold business, eh?

Exciting, and worrisome.

Now, would you consider...

Now Thomas, don't you shake hands
on William's offer until you've heard mine.

Thomas, as your closer neighbour

in geography as well as friendship

I would like to fund your gold testing

if you can't or won't part
with the money up front

for a small stake in your claim.

Same offer, smaller stake.

I don't seek to profit.

I just mean to lessen
your financial burden, Thomas.

Gentlemen, thank you for the offers.

I will take the matter up with my wife.

I'd never make such a bold decision
on my own.

♪ And we remember ♪

♪ A friends we loved. ♪

And for my brilliant and nimble accompanist.

Thank you, good people of Avonlea.

I have news.

My ship has come in.

I've recently inherited some money

and the first thing I plan to do is
buy land in Avonlea.

The second thing I plan to do
is test my soil.

Your house is filled with things
almost as pretty as you.



Could that be the long drawn wail
of two boughs rubbing together

or the cry of the unearthly creatures
I've called into being?

If there is gold we'd have more than enough
to take care of Anne.

I suppose we should consider it.

Well, now, I don't know.

What if I paid the dollars for you
out of my inheritance?

It's the least I could do to thank you

and especially Anne

for welcoming me not only into your home,
but your lives.

- We couldn't possibly...

What are we talking about?

Uh, Mr Dunlop has just offered
to pay for our gold testing.

That's a lot of money, Mr Dunlop.

Well, now's not the time
to make such decisions.

We should get home to Anne

before she conjures herself
a nervous breakdown.

And I'll thank you, Mr Dunlop,
not to encourage her.

She's a great talent, our Anne.

- I'll deliver our goodbyes to the Barrys.
- I'll harness the horse.

An inheritance? Buying land?

- What the hell?
- I'm shoring up the grift.

You're sprung. You're taking it too far.

You never know.
Maybe Dunlop can make a home here.

Dunlop is a dandy whose brain is clouded
by pastry and a red-headed little brat.

Jonesey k*lled five guys who cheated
at cards with a blade

and another just for scuffing his boots.

Sure thing, looney, you'll fit right in.



Do you want to come at me? Huh?

I've been carrying your dead weight
for five years.



Anne, are you hurt?

I was in a terrible dream.

We are in such danger, Marilla.

Oh, dear life and heart.

It's all in your head, Anne.

One day you may come to regret

the license you've given your imagination.

Oh, no, Marilla.

I wish I had more to give.

My time at the asylum might've been bearable

if I'd conjured you and Matthew
and Green Gables

when I imagined my most perfect home.

You must try and remember
what's real and good, Anne.

Now, get some rest.

You may leave the lamp burning
if you promise not to touch it.


Can you believe that Harmon Andrews
competing with me?

Imagine. In my house. At my party.

Was it a success? Your party?

Did you secure the number
of investments you were after?

It was a triumph.

You made it very pretty
and I left Andrews in the dust.

How many tests are you underwriting?

You sound like my Aunt Josephine.

She is not the manager of our finances
and neither are you.

I'm not asking you to turn out the books.

I am your wife.

Thomas Lynde never make decisions
without consulting Rachel.

Hm. Rather undignified, wouldn't you say?

What if this little venture fails?

Diana and Minnie May
must go to finishing school.

- They simply must.
- Calm yourself, dear.

The girls will be finished, never fear.

And you know how much
I would love to go back home.

I couldn't bear never seeing London again.

We could even winter in Spain.

You and the girls shall get
everything your hearts desire.

Now, leave it all to me.

- Oh for heaven's sake, Matthew.
- Sorry.

Didn't mean to scare you.

It would seem Anne's dark imagination
is contagious.

Well, now, what is it?

We've only just settled up with the bank.

A hundred and fifty dollars,
that's quite a bit.

And Mr Dunlop, his offer is a generous one,
but it doesn't feel right.

Dig up Green Gables?

I mean, there might be gold,
and if so, it'll keep.

But I want us to give Anne a farm.

And a whole one.

And she can mine it after we're gone,
if that's her decision.

I agree entirely.



Oh Matthew, is it really you?

I thought for sure my end had come.

I think it's time
you best be getting to sleep.

You're safe here.

I promise.

Bash, do you wanna talk about it?


I know you're not asleep.
Your eyes are open.


Your born-name is Sebastian?

Sounds like you should own this boat.

And I thought "Bash" meant
you like to rough a fella up.

- Good to know.
- You have ruined my reputation.

I could hit you two tap myself.

There's this girl back in Avonlea. Anne.

One time I called her Carrots
and she whacked me over the head.

- I give her right on that.
- GILBERT: She's a redhead.

Fiery temper.

She should've done more than whack you.

I wonder if I'll ever see her again.

- How long you planning to stay on this ship?
- GILBERT: I don't know...

I want to go wherever the spirit moves me.

That's what my dad used to say.

I feel I'm gonna be crackin' coal forever.

Like them pistons in the engine,
always going and going and going nowhere.

I'm trapped here.

I felt trapped in Avonlea.

If I go back home,
I may never be able to leave.

Boy, you call that a problem?

Some of us ain't have no home.

- MARILLA: Good morning, Jerry.
- JERRY: Bonjour.




No, no, no!