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02x06 - Home Truths

Posted: 01/07/23 05:34
by bunniefuu
Cranford's giving you a look.

There. Go and have a look.
Go and have a look.

I don't know why. I saved a cow
of his last week.

Poor thing had colic.

Sorry, ladies and gentlemen.

It says eight o'clock on there.

Quite exciting.

Hello! Hello.

Thank you.

And then a gasp of
amazement and satisfaction

runs around the world.

The Prime Minister decides to fly
to a personal meeting

with the German Chancellor,
so after 69 years of a busy life,

Mr Chamberlain makes his first
trip in a plane.

There's proof of his determination.

The German Chancellor

regards the situation,

it seems to me, to be one in which
discussions between him and me

It'll get sorted.

..may have useful consequences.

Are your parents
still coming down to see you?

The day after tomorrow.
They can only stay the one night.


She's dead.


Aye, she is. Dead.

Not her!

Me cow, you silly beggar!

I am sorry about that.

And I don't think it was owt to do
with her stomach, neither.



And here's another thing,

you never sent me
that salve you promised me either.

What do you think?

That it's beyond saving.

I thought I'd
get in for your parents.

They're still stopping by tomorrow?

Is there any more mustard?

You've got legs.

They're welcome to stay, you know.

It's no bother making up
another bed.

They've got the inn booked.
They didn't want to impose.

Has your mum got any idea you're
not coming back?

I didn't want to do it
over the phone.

With everything else going on in
the world, maybe she'll mind less.

What's this?

Oh, just...looking to the future,

making decisions.

I'm still thinking about it. You're
a good vet. There's only one exam.

I can help you revise if you like.

My gallant crew, good morning!

An enjoyable evening with Diana?
Mind your beeswax!

Oh, God, man, you smell like
a tart's handbag!

Parma Violet, if I'm not mistaken.

I wondered where my bath salts
had gone!

Oh, he had a rough time of it
last night. Oh, aye.

I was at the cinema with Helen...
I'll get it.

..but Cranford wouldn't stop
going on about some bloody salve.

I'll do it.

It would have been nice to have
one night out with Helen

that didn't end in disaster.

When are you going to stop this
nonsense and get wed?

Why are you laughing?

You're not serious, are you?

But I've no money, no house.
Where would we live?

Here, of course. With Tristan
sleeping in the cupboard?

I wouldn't mind waking up
to Helen...

Sorry, that's inappropriate!
But it's true.

Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,
Old Time is still a-flying;

And this same flower that smiles
today, tomorrow will be dying.

I'm not getting married!

You're getting married?!
I'm not!

Caution - often a virtue,
but you carry it too far.

You need to take a chance,
lash out a little.

Carpe some diem! Throw off these
hesitant ways

and, remember, there is a tide
in the affairs of men

which taken at the flood...

Yes, Siegfried, all right,
all right.

Stop it. Who was on the phone?

Mrs Dalby. She wants you to look
over her stirks.

Why aren't you off to school yet?

I just wanted to see about the cows.

Billy Francis Dalby, if you're not
on your bike this second...


You must be proud of him.

Oh, I am that.

Now, I know you told me not to put
them out again,

but we worked through the hay
so fast,

I couldn't afford to keep feeding
them cake.

I can see they've been suffering
with diarrhoea.Yeah.

It seems to have happened
within a few days.

Maybe it's something they've eaten.

You have any idea what it might be?

There's a few possibilities.

The most troubling is it could
be salmonella.


Let's wait until we know before
we start worrying.

I'll take some samples,
get them analysed,

and by tomorrow, we'll know what
we're dealing with.

I sometimes wonder...

..maybe we'd be better off
if I'd just listened to you

and sold up whilst we still had
the chance.

You kept the farm for Billy,
to give him hope, a future.

Oh, we spent all that money
on cake as well.

We need to wait for the results
and then we'll deal with it.

So let's stop all this talk about
moving on.

Your life is here.
This is where you belong.

Thanks, James.

Don't forget to
stop by the house for a brew.

Well, you see here, Mr Thomas,

what I'm saying is
they call themselves vets,

and they're all right with cattle
and that class of thing,

but they're no use with cats
and dogs, you mark my words.

What you need is
some of my shampoos.

Oh, that will see him right as rain
in a minute, won't it, Rex?

Won't it, my sweetheart?

You're starting early.

Do I detect a note of judgment
in your tone, Maggie?

Far be it from me.

Oh, wheesht, Rex.

You'll give yourself a sore throat.


Come here, Rex!


He came out of nowhere!

It's all right. I'll take care
of him.

What are you doing?!

Poor thing! Come on, now.

Come on, now.

He needs a vet, Mrs Donovan. Rex...

My boy!

I've no doubt Mrs Donovan's
shampoos are marvellous for cleaning

a dog's fur, but they'll do nothing
to mend a broken hip.

If you'd like to wait, Mr Thomas,

then I'm sure Mr Farnon will be
with you in a minute.Thank you.

Siegfried, hit by a car. Hold on!

Hold on!

What are you going to do to him?

Mrs Donovan, perhaps you should
wait in the living room.

I am not leaving my dog!

What happened exactly?

Oh, he bolted and then a car came.

Chloroform. There's no need.

Has he gone?

No, he hasn't! That's my dog!

Massive internal haemorrhaging,
I think.

I can feel damage
to the pelvic bone.

Nothing we could have done.

I'm so sorry, Mrs Donovan.

Hi, James. How are you doing, Jenny?

Hello. Hello.

What is it?

Oh, nothing. There was just
some pollen in the air.

That's it, Candy. Good girl.

Jenny, you're not jinking off
school, are you?

I said she could. She don't want
to miss the birth.

It's all Pythagoras and his blooming
triangles anyway.

How's that supposed to help me
milk the cows?

Speaking of which,
you might make yourself useful.

I'll leave you pair to it.

I was always trying
to skip school at her age.Really?

I always had you down as a bit
of a goody-two-shoes.

I'll try not to take
offence at that.

Shall we have a look at you, then,
Candy, to see how your foal's doing?

Many more calls today?

You're my last. I've got to get
a sample from the Dalbys

over to Harrogate.
It could be salmonella.

Oh, that's the last thing
Phyllis needs.

When will you get the results?

Should be a day. It's a fair drive.

If you're able to get away, it'd be
nice to have some company.

There's a few things I need to
finish on the farm first.

I'm happy to wait.

I thought we could have dinner
with my folks tomorrow.

Together? All of us?

Well, I'd like to introduce you to
them since you are...

Well, we know.

And I met your dad.
I even wore his shoes.Right.

I must check I've got a clean
frock, then.

Do you think he suffered at all?

I'm certain he didn't.

You can leave him here
if you'd prefer.

Oh, no. My Rex will have
a proper burial.

There's a spot down
by my boat...

.. under a tree.
He used to like it.

Sounds perfect.

Shall I carry him over for you?

Aye, well...

I suppose that's all right, then.

Did you have him long?

Eight years all in. He must have
seen a lot of the world with you.

I'm sure he had a wonderful life.

What would you know about our life?

No, no, I'm not saying I do,
I just imagine.

Whenever I saw him out and about
with you, he always looked happy.

You know where you are with a dog.
They're loyal.

They don't judge you for who or what
you are.

What is it you're after?

Cos I'm telling you, if it's
money, you'll get none for me.

I'm not after anything.

Right. Well, why are you
doing this, then?

Sure, you hardly know me.

I saw what happened to your dog
and I wanted to help him.

And I suppose, deep down, it also
means I wanted to help you too.

It's not just the animals.

Are you soft in the head?

What are you on about?

It doesn't matter.
Something somebody said to me once.

More than once.

You're a funny man.
Did anyone ever tell you that?

More often than I care to mention.

Well, you might take it
as a compliment.

There's room enough in this world

for folks of all
kinds of different stripes.

Who's that fella?

You're all right, he's with me.

That's my boat.

And my lamb there.

My Rex is dead.

He felt nothing.

You wains can help me
lay him to rest.

How old were your parents
when they got married?

Dad said he were barely out of short
trousers when he asked me mam.

I don't know my parents got engaged.
Never thought to ask.

No. You never struck me
as the romantic type.

I am romantic!

Oh, no, I didn't mean it
in a bad way.

I just meant you're not one
for grand gestures

or anything too extravagant.

I like that about you.

My mum thinks if I stay in this job,
I'll never find a wife.

And Siegfried thinks
I should just get on and marry you!

Oh! What did you say?

I laughed.

He said I'd a habit of being
too cautious,

that I don't have the courage
of my convictions

and see dangers
where there are none.

That's how Siegfried put it anyway.

You know, there's
something in what Siegfried said.

In what way?

Well, you do sometimes overthink,
see catastrophe round every corner.

It's not something I want to do.

Then don't. Don't?

Overthink. Worry less.

I wish I could.Well, you can.
I can?

Why not?

Just decide to be
positive and take the plunge?

What's the worst that could happen?

You'd say no!To what?

Asking you to marry me.

Stop the car.

Helen, I'm fine with you
not being ready.

I just...

I just need a moment.

But I'm not afraid to say it.

Say what?

I want to spend
the rest of my life with you.

Here in the Dales.

I'm not afraid either.

You're not?


James, why do you smell like that?

I ran out of bath salts so I used
Mrs Hall's.

I may have overdone it somewhat.

What? Is it the smell? Don't worry,
it'll be gone in a couple of days.

It's not the smell. The ring?

I haven't got a ring! You see, this
is the problem with not planning!

It's Dad. I take it you haven't
spoke to him?

Look Dad in the eye.

And don't gabble. Sometimes
when you're nervous, you gabble.

What do you mean, I gabble?
I don't gabble. When have I ever...

I hardly ever.
Unless I'm really nervous maybe.


Something's wrong.

I would have sent for Mr Farnon.

There's summat up with our
Candy. Come quick, will you?

The uterus is twisted.

And that's bad, is it?

Give me a hand.

Now, when it's open like this, you
can put your hand straight through.

But if I twist it...
Nothing can get through.

That's what's
happening inside Candy.

And we need to unwind it.
If you can't?

We'll lose them both, love.

Jenny, go up to the phone box
and call Skeldale House.

We're going to need some help.


Darrowby 2-2-9-7.

Oh, Jenny, hello, how are you?

Mr Farnon?

He's just coming, love.

Jenny Alderson.


I'll be out there straight away.

I'll get your jacket.

Is something going on?

Problem with the Aldersons' horse.
James needs my help.

Hold that.

Thank you.

This morning,
I had another talk

with the German Chancellor,
Herr Hitler.

Here is the paper...

Hello, you.

..which bears his name upon it
as well as mine.

Good book?


Some of you perhaps have already
heard what it contains...

..but I would just like to read it
to you.

..the British Minister have had
a further meeting today...

Siegfried! Wait!

..and are agreed in recognising

that the question of Anglo-German
relations is of the first importance

for the two countries
and for Europe.

We regard the agreement
signed last night

and at the Anglo-German Naval
Agreement as symbolic of the desire

of our two peoples never to
go to w*r with one another again.

Good evening, Richard, Helen, Jenny.
What's the presentation?

Uterus is still twisted.

It's too late to carry out
a caesarean.

Don't worry, the cavalry's here.

So you're going to try to turn
her over to unwind it?

That's the plan. I'll take hold of
the hooves.

Siegfried, Mr Alderson, when I
say, roll the horse over.

Hopefully it'll untwist
the uterus around the foal.

Tris, give them a hand
if they need it.

Jenny, love... I'm staying. Ready?

Come on, then.

It's all right. Candy was their
mother's horse.

It'll put everything right.

I've got hold of the feet.

All right. Now, roll her.

Stop, stop, hold on.

I'm losing grip
of the foal's hooves.

All right.

I've got them. Ready?


Is it working?

Yeah, I can feel it loosening.

It's coming towards me.

The foal's coming.

It's coming. It's coming!

It's coming.

He's done it! It's out!

Oh. Evening.

Thought we'd drop by and see
if you fancied a stroll?

Let me grab my coat. Come here.

Go one.Aw!

Go on.Go on. Aw!

One more, one more.
Come on, little one.

Go on, little one.

Yay! There we are.

Our work here is done.

I'll call her Joan. After mum.

Aye, that'll do.

We'll, um, leave 'em be.

Mother knows what's best for 'em.


Jenny. But...

Must be going bloomin' soft.

She's, er...

She's a good girl, is Candy.

Mr Alderson...

..I'd like to marry your daughter.


You better come up to t'house, lad.

It's been good weather for t'hay.
Aye, it is. That's true.

Drop of rain won't do any ill, mind.
Oh, definitely.

Definitely, just to...moisten it.

No, I'm fine.

Actually... Thank you.

I had a wife in a thousand.

I've heard a lot about her.
She certainly sounds it.

Nobody thought she'd settle for
a fella like me. You know?

But she did.

One in a thousand, she were.

Bit bloody stubborn, though,

she set her mind to it.

I... All right, why not?

You know, I can't...

I can't picture her face
the way that I used to.

Time passes.

But I see it in them girls of mine,
I see it in our Jenny.

She has that look when
she gets cross, and

our Helen has her smile.

I see it sometimes when I catch her
looking at you.


Mr Alderson, I love Helen.

I'll take care of her.I doubt that.

She'll be t'one taking care of you,
lad. With your permission.

What for?

You've already asked her,
haven't you?

I did. I have.

How did you know?I told you.

That smile, her mother's smile.


There's no point asking me
for my permission, lad.

That lass does exactly
as she chooses.

Like her mother. Stubborn.

That were Helen's mother's.

My Joan.

Might you use it?

I'd be honoured.

Thank you.Aye.

Good lad.

Leftover stool samples. Unlike
James not to have cleaned them out.

Lovely. Where is he, by the way?
Shouldn't he be up by now?

Didn't get back from the Aldersons
until late last night.

I know you want the salve,
Mr Cranford.

But we are not a delivery service.

If you'd like to come by...

Get that bloody salve
sent over!

Rude man! Cranford?

Need you ask?

I'll drop the salve round
for him later.

Oh, there you are James. What time
do you call this? Sorry, Siegfried.

Late night. I got waylaid at the
Aldersons.Ha-ha, really?

Talking to Richard.
Oh, Richard now, is it?

Asking his permission
to marry Helen!

Oh, my goodness! Congratulations!

Let me give you a kiss.

Well, hang on,
she hasn't said yes yet.

She has! James, well done!

I got the order of things
a little muddled up.

I've got you to thank for that,

Yes, well, you took your time
about it. Mr Farnon. What?

Oh, all right. Well done.
Yes, very good, very moving.

Drinks later to celebrate?

Let's see how dinner with my parents
goes first.Are you bringing Helen?

Oh, they're going to be so pleased.

Another busy day?

A list far too long and varied to
encapsulate in a few brief words.

He said he had to come to it
himself. Oh, rubbish.

What happened to doing as you're
damn well told?

Go on. You better be off to meet
your parents.

Hold on. I had a phone call
from a lab in Harrogate.

They said they didn't find anything.

Why are you smiling?
Is that a good thing? Aye. It is.

There you are.

Come on, then.

What's this?

Come on.

Good boy.

Good boy!

Come on, then, you.

Come on. That's it.

Good boy!

There's my boy!

Give your ma a kiss.

Let me take that for you, Dad.
Thank you, son.

We'll drop your things at the inn,
and then we'll go for a drive.

Where to? You'll see.

On a beautiful day like this,
you can see for 20 miles.

But when the weather comes in,
it's a brutal place.

Snow ten foot deep, fog so thick
you can barely see your hand

in front of your face.
I don't like the thought of you

going out in weather like that.
Thank goodness you won't have to do

this much longer. It's not so bad.

Slipping off in the dead of night?

Not coming home until morning?

You'll never find a wife carrying on
like that, you know. It's unnatural.

And those grandkiddies don't make
themselves, you know.

Good to see you, Dad.

Pick the leaves like these, and
don't be pulling up the meadowsweet,

cos it needs leaf to bloom.

Right. Look miserable.

Hello, Mrs Donovan.

What's up with this one, then?

He's a stray.

Where are you taking him?

Well, with no home to go to,
there's really only one option.

We'll have to put him down.
Got no-one to take care of him.

No-one's going to want a dog
in this state. Give him to me.

I'll have him.

Really, he should be
checked over by a qualified vet.

Oh, I'll take care of him,
never you worry.

He might benefit from those
shampoos of yours.

Maybe he's not as daft as he looks.

Come on, down you get.

That's it.

Why on earth have
you brought us here?

I've got a few jobs to get through
this afternoon.

I'm sorry. It won't take long.

All right there, Jim?
Afternoon, Phyllis.

These are my parents,
Hannah and James.Hello.

Afternoon. Hello.

What we saying then, Jim?
Don't keep us waiting.

Thankfully, it's not salmonella.

In fact, the laboratory couldn't
find anything wrong with them.Oh.

There must be a mistake,
because I can see how bad they are,

and they're getting worse
by the day.

There's something
I want to show you.

Come on.
Why don't we take a look?

Come on! Oh...


See this light colouration
around the eyes?

It's like they've got spectacles.

Aye, that's right, Billy.
Well spotted.

I noticed it last time I was here,
but I wanted to rule out

everything else to confirm
the diagnosis.

So, what is it?

They're suffering
from copper deficiency.

You can tell by the loss
of pigment in the coat -

particularly around the eyes.

I take it by the smug look
on your face you know how to fix it.

Certainly, I do.
A simple solution given orally.

It'll have to be repeated, to make
sure they don't get deficient again.

Other than that,
they'll have a long and happy life.

And it is very expensive?

Cheap as chips.


We mix it,
and you administer it yourself.

I'll have some ready for you to
pick up tomorrow.

Good God, Jim, don't do that to me.

I thought for a minute there
we were beaten.

I don't think you'd ever be that,

Well, better get back. Mm-hm.

Get tea ready for the brood. Yeah.
Thanks, James.

Cheerio. Nice to meet you.

See? Told you everything would be
all right. Yes, we made it.

It's beautiful up here, isn't it?

Aye, it is.

I'll drop you at the end
to freshen up.

Where are you gallivanting
off to now?

I'm bringing someone to dinner
I'd like you to meet.

I want to say...

..that the settlement of the
Czechoslovakian problem...

..which has now been achieved... in my view only the prelude... a larger settlement...

in which all Europe may find peace.

Careful, you'll get messed up.

James' parents have us down as a
right bunch of scruff-backs.

Yeah, well, they need taking in.

Otherwise they'll be roosting
all over the place.

Give him here. Give him here!

Ready to go?

Erm, I'm just going to see if Deb
needs help with anything first.

Don't worry.

They're going to love you.Hm...

Is that...? Looks like something
on the back of your dress.

You said I couldn't do
romantic gestures.

Get up, you daft beggar.

Is that...?

Is that me mum's?

It is.

James will be back soon.

Drink, anyone? Whisky perhaps?

God, yes!

We won't actually.
We're not big drinkers.

No, neither are we.

Special occasions.

It's a fine place you have here,
Mr Farnon.

James can't speak highly
enough about it.


You must be sorry to be losing him.


What are you talking about?

Oh, no, me and my big mouth.

Did you not know?


Sorry that took a while.
No trouble at all, son.

Mr Farnon's been keeping us

We were just talking about how sorry
he'll be to see you gone.

Yes, something of a shock.

No doubt we'll find a replacement
easily enough.


Who's this? Aren't you going
to introduce us?

Erm, right.

Mum, Dad, this is Helen... fiancee.

Hello. How do you do?

It's lovely to meet you both.

Tristan, would you like to come and
set the table for dinner?

Why don't I give you a hand?

Once you're married,

we'll see if we can't squeeze a
bigger bed into James' room.

Oh, should be able to manage that.

It'll be a busy house,

but I'm sure we'll all
rub along just fine.

Mum, I want you to know this hasn't
been easy, but...


What hasn't been easy?

I should've told you sooner,

but the truth is I didn't fully
know for a long time.

I'm staying here,

and it's not only because of Helen.

What about the job?

I was tempted, I won't lie.

But thinking about it's made me
realise all the more

how much I love it here.

Every day is different.

I wake up and I have no
idea where the job will take me.

I could be up in the High Dales
wrestling cattle

or helping a dog that's had its
paw caught in a trap.

It's this place, those hills...

James is too modest to ever
say this himself,

but he's made such a difference to
so, so many people since he arrived.

It's especially true for me
and my family,

and so many others.

That farm you visited today,
the Dalbys,

that's the second time
he's saved their herd this year.

What he does here really matters.

Oh, but Bill's place...

You can work normal hours,
it's so modern and new.

That's not what makes a practice.

It's the people.

I love this place.

It's my home now.

You should be so proud of him.

I certainly am.

And I love him

with all my heart.

So long as you're both happy.

That's all we've ever wanted
for you.

Aye, it's true.

I wish we could convince you to
stay another night.

No, we need to get back
and see about gaining some work.

I'll be back up to visit you
as soon as I can.

Christmas maybe.


You don't visit your home.

It's your real home,

and it always will be.

I know, Mum. I didn't mean that.

You're my boy.

Bye, son.

You've made a nice little
life for yourself down here.

Thanks, Dad.

Look after him for us.

I will.

Bye. Bye, love.

Right, let's get you in that bus.

I love you.

I love you, too.

Oi! There you are!

Hey, I'll have a word with you!

It's about that...

..that damn...

..salve you sent me!

To peace! To Mr Chamberlain!

Mr Chamberlain!Good man.

Isn't it something?

You don't realise how much something
weighs on you till it's gone.

I know exactly what you mean.

Now, look here, I think
it grossly unfair of you to

characterise my support as something
akin to the trials of Atlas.

I only push you because I know you
could achieve

so much more than you do,
and if I didn't push you,

then you damn well wouldn't do
anything useful...

Here! Here he is!

What do you think
of this one, then?

I cleaned the foots,

and all it took
was some of my shampoos.

I named him Roy.

And to think you were going to do
away with him.

You were right, Mrs Donovan.

Your shampoos really seem to
have done the trick.

Come here, you.

You needn't think I don't know what
you were up to.

Come on, Roy. Come on, son.

How is everything?

Can I get you anything else?

Any more drinks?

There was a stray
moping about the place.

I wanted to see
if I could do something for him

and help Mrs Donovan
at the same time.

That sounds very kind of you.

Sorry, Siegfried,
you were saying something about me

never doing anything useful.

I take it back.

Now you're going to have
to give me some money.

Oh, I just bought you a drink. Don't
tell me you've guzzled it already.

So I can go back to college.
I've decided to re-sit parasitology.

I think veterinary practice might
be my calling after all.

Tristan, is it possible that you
got Cranford's salve

mixed up with a stool sample?

Just bumped into him
outside the Vulcan Inn.

Said he started to rub
it in before he realised.

No-one gets to be rude to Mrs H.

Quite right, well played.

Good boy.

Siegfried, I know I should've told
you about the job sooner,

but I meant what I said.
I've learnt so much from you.

Yes, well, I couldn't help noticing
that both of you took rather a long

time fully to appreciate...

Oh, be quiet.

Hear, you pair... your engagement

and a very happy future together.


Thank you.


So, Helen,

do you think you'll be able to go
through with it this time?


What, I'm only saying what we're
all thinking.
