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02x05 - The Last Man In

Posted: 01/07/23 05:33
by bunniefuu
Mr. Hulton's
waiting for you

in the yard, Mr. Herriot.

Thank you.

Mrs. Hall?

Look at this, Mrs. Hall.

There's a hole in
my cricket flannels!

So there is.

I can't wear them on
Sunday with a hole.

What would Mrs. Pumphrey say?

It's a good thing the Lord
invented darning then.

Thank you.

I've just been speaking
to Richard Alderson.

- Oh, aye?
- Apparently,

we're still a man
short for Sunday.

It's bad enough that we've
lost our top batsman.

Tristan, I know you're still
unhappy with me, but this,

this is cricket!

The annual Darrowby
match at Pumphrey Manor.

You're not just
punishing me, you know,

you're letting down
the whole team!

Look, I told you, I can't play
for the Darrowby Eleven anymore.

Oh, that's just nonsense!

It's for local farmers
and vets, by invitation,

and I, last time I
checked, am neither.


- Thanks so much for coming out.
- No trouble at all.

I understand you've a
bull who needs ringing?

I do indeed.
This way.

So, how have you been, James?
Life treating you well?

Uh, yes, no complaints.

How about you, how was France?

Oh, it was really
rather good, actually.

Excellent weather, fine
food, plenty of wine.

Very nice.

Here he is!

This is Monty.

He's only a year old,
but he's a powerful fellow.

No, I can see that!

We also need to move
him later today,

so if you could sedate him
once you've got the ring in.

That shouldn't be a problem.

I will need a couple more
men to hold him, though.

So Hugh definitely said
it was about a bull?

That's what he said.

He's got a new bull
that needs ringing.

And he specifically
asked for James?

He did.

It's about Helen,
it's got to be.

I reckon James' sins
finally found him out.

Don't be daft.

James has done nothing wrong.

Tell that to Hugh Hulton.

Won't be a moment.

Just going to give him an
injection of local anesthetic.

Don't most vets just go
ahead and punch the hole?

They do.

I find this way works better.

All right, almost done.

Easy now.


Didn't bother him at all!
It usually works.

Now, we just need the ring.

So have I missed very much
while I've been away in France?

Uh, no, not that I can think of.

No great Darrowby
dramas to report?

No, no, things chugging
along, you know?

Have you seen much of Helen?

Uh, no, not a great deal,

but, well, now and
again, you know?

She seems well, does she?

Yes, yes, far as I can tell.

All right, shall we
get on with this, then?

I'm going up there
later, actually,

- to Heston Grange.
- Oh, yes?

Ah, whoa!

Easy, Monty!

I say, James, are you all right?

Come on,
Monty, now, calm down.

I think I'll live.

Oh, glad to hear it.

So what's the verdict?

Any hope?

Oh, there's always hope.

The adjustment
nut's a bit stiff,

but once I've worked it loose,

I can raise the bob and
she'll run right to time.

That all it needs?

Well, you have to know
how far to raise it.

Oh, of course.

I don't doubt it takes
a lot of expertise.

Oh, don't know about that.

The main thing to remember is

lower is slower
and left is lower.

Turn it to the right,
it'll go faster.

That's it.

Ah, so you've a
cricketer in the house.

Hm? Oh, we have two, but
it's Mr. Farnon Senior

who's playing in
the match on Sunday.

To be honest, I've never
understood the appeal.

I know, and I
call myself a Yorkshireman!

You'll be at the
match, I take it?

I will.

In fact, I'll be scoring.

Ah, so you're
something of an expert?

An amateur enthusiast, perhaps.

Anyway, I'll, uh…

I'll let you get on.

Oh, uh, thanks for the tea.


What happened to you?

Bit of a near-miss.

Who with?

A very large, very angry bull.


Well, book it.

What time did
Hugh say he'd be up?

11 o'clock.

And he just said it
were about the lease?

He did.

So do you think
he wants to sell?

Is that what he's
coming to tell us?

You know as much as I do.

What if he's decided
not to renew the lease

because of what happened
between me and him?

Then I'd say you were
right not to marry him.

I put everything in the bucket.


Those clothes will be
needing to soak overnight.

- Are you hurt?
- Mm, just a bit bruised.

It was mainly my pride
that took a bashing.

And how was Hugh?


Better than fine, he seemed
full of the joys of spring.

- Is that right?
- He asked after Helen.

Oh, yes?

I didn't have the
guts to tell him.

Well, probably best
he hears it from her.


Either way,

it'll not make any
difference to you and Helen.

No, I suppose not.

Darrowby, 2-2-9-7.

I'm sorry, I can
barely hear you.

It's Mrs. Pumphrey!

Ah, Mrs. Pumphrey!
Hello, is everything all right?

I need Mr. Farnon.

- Mr. Farnon?
- Yes, Mr. Farnon.

No, I see.

It's a
matter of great delicacy.

Well, of course, if it's a
matter of great delicacy.

I'll tell him now.

That was Mrs. Pumphrey.

She asked if you could
go up to the manor.

Doesn't she want
Tricki's Uncle Herriot?

Apparently not.

She said the matter requires
the utmost discretion.

- Intriguing!
- Mm-hm.

"The utmost discretion?"

- What's all that about?
- I have no idea.

She said she'll only discuss
it with Siegfried, in person.


So, spill the beans.

What happened at Hulton Hall?

Not a great deal.

What, Hugh didn't challenge you

to a duel for Helen's hand?

I'm sorry to disappoint
you, but, no.

Well, has he seen her yet?

Uh, no, he said he was
going up later today.

And that doesn't bother you?

- Of course not, why should it?
- No reason.

Where are you off to?

Uh, nowhere, I just, um…

I need run an errand.


He's here!

He's here.

- Hello there.
- How do?

You got back all right, then?

I did, yes, thank you.

Can I make you a cup of tea?

Uh, no, no, thanks,
I, I can't stay long.

You said you wanted to
speak to us about the lease.

Yes, yes, that's right, uh…

Ah! Here we go.

I intend to renew
the lease on the farm

for the agreed
period of 20 years,

as per our existing contract,

but with a couple of
additional stipulations.

The lawyers have added
Helen's and Jenny's names

and specified that
they'll inherit

the lease on the same terms.

That's assuming that they
want to continue farming.

That's wonderful.

Thank you.

Thank you, Hugh.

It is very good of you.

Not at all, it's

something that should have
been done years ago, but um…

Well, it didn't really
seem necessary before.


Anyway, I, uh, I think
that just about covers it.

I, I don't wanna take up
too much of your time,

but there is, um,
something I'd like

to show you back at the farm.

I don't understand.

Consider it a replacement,
or apology, if you like,

for the difficulties with
the sale of your last bull.

Hugh, this is too much.

We can't accept this.

Please, Mr. Alderson, it
would mean a great deal.

He's of good breeding
stock, excellent condition.

Ah, well even so, we-

I would really like
to make amends.

Dad, why don't we
think about it, eh?

That's all I ask.

Just keep him here for now and
let me know what you decide.

Right, all right, then.


Right, better get on.


Do you have to
rush straight off?

I'm afraid so.

Estate business has rather
piled up while I've been away.

No doubt see you at
the cricket on Sunday?

- You will.
- Jolly good.

I understand
Tricki's been rather distressed?

Uh, he's not himself at all.

Is he off his food?

Feeling lethargic?

Oh, no, no, there's no
problem in that department.

In fact, if anything,
his appetite's more

No, it's just, um…

He's become…

amorous towards things.


It's quite unsettling.

In the end, I had to
take his cushion away.

I see.

Well, let's have a
look at him, shall we?

You know, Mrs. Pumphrey,

the behavior you're describing,
is perfectly normal.

Tricki's a healthy animal
in the prime of life,

and, as such, he's experiencing
some very natural urges.

Yes, but he's just a baby!

He's never shown the
slightest bit of interest in

that sort of thing.

Well, it's a testament
to the excellent level

of care he's been receiving.

His weight's gone down and
his exercise has gone up.

He's obviously
feeling a great deal

livelier in every department.

You know, Francois did say
that on one of their outings

he seemed intent on getting
into Mr. Handshaw's yard.

And does Mr. Handshaw
own a dog at all?

Oh, yes, a terrier.

Named Bella, I believe.

Well, that would
certainly explain it.

Less lethargic, more Lothario.

So what can be done
to discourage it?

I'm afraid the heart
wants what it wants,

which, in Tricki's case,
would seem to be Bella.

Oh, dear.

There is one effective
course of action.

It's a fairly simple procedure.

Oh, no, no, no,
no, Mr. Farnon, no.

Can't you just give him a
calming draft of some sort?

I'm sorry, Mrs. Pumphrey,
he'll have to be fixed.

If not, Tricki will
simply continue

his pursuit until he succeeds.

Hello, James.

Hello, Jenny.

Hello, Scruff.

Wait 'til you see what
Hugh Hulton's brought us.

He's gonna be
absolutely massive!

He really is!

Have you ever seen
anything like it?

And he'll be worth a
fortune in stud fees.

But Hugh won't accept a penny
for him, said it's an apology

because he wants to move
forward with a clean slate.

Jenny, run and
put the kettle on.

Dad'll be wanting a brew and
I'm sure James would like one.


A pedigree bull.

- Quite the gift.
- I know.

It were the last
thing we expected.

We haven't said
we'll take him yet.

Dad thinks it's far
too much, but even so.

And there you were,
worried he might not

even renew the lease.

I know, that's all
sorted now too.

He's even added mine
and Jenny's names,

so it'll be ours to inherit.


That's very decent of him.

Now, then.

Mr. Alderson.

What do you reckon?

He's a fine specimen.

- He is that.
- Any luck with Reg Dutton, Dad?

No, he's still
over in Listondale.

Dad's a player down
for match on Sunday.

Oh, yes?

And with Hugh back, they'll
be really up against it.

- Hugh's on the opposing team?
- He's captain.

Not to mention the star player.

He's the main reason
they always win.

Uh, not always.

Though Hugh is a good bowler,
there's no denying it.

You know, Mr. Alderson,
if you need an extra man,

- I'd be happy to help out.
- I didn't know you played.

Yes, well,
now and again.

Oh, aye.

You reckon you're up
to it, do you, lad?



You're in.

I'm really not much
of a cricketer,

but I guess if it's
just a friendly match,

it's not too much
to worry about.


James, I would not be
exaggerating to say

that this is the
most important game

in the cricketing calendar.

Once a year, the Darrowby
Eleven goes up against

the might of Hulton
Hall's invited gentlemen,

playing for the
honor of Darrowby.

And get annihilated.

That's hardly the point.

It's really quite
the event, James.

Mm, Mrs. Pumphrey holds it
on her own private ground.

Sorry, she has a cricket pitch?

Ground, yes, down
beyond the orchard.

The old dear's
completely cricket mad.

So when you say you're
not much of a cricketer?

Uh, well, football's
more my game.

But you have played?

- Once or twice.
- Mm.

Probably just once.

Oh, dear.

Well, I had no idea
it was so important!

Oh, I'd say it's important!

For a Yorkshireman, it
goes King, God, Cricket.

I mean, if
you get this wrong,

they'll string you up
in the town square.

Oh, fiddlesticks!

James is fast and he's fit.

All right, it's not his game,

but, with a bit of coaching,
he'll do perfectly well.

Quite right.

We'll soon whip you
into shape, lad.

So, we've a day and a half.

That's, what, 14, 15
hours of sunlight?

Now, when you played before,

would you say you were more
of a batsman or a bowler?

Well, neither really.

It was on the beach at Troon
and it was probably more

what you would call
French cricket.

But it can't be any
tougher than football!

At least in cricket,
no one tackles you.

You haven't had a cricket ball

coming at you at
80 miles an hour.

Seriously, James, one
of those could k*ll you!

Right, follow me.

Jess, come on.

Give that, the boys
need it for the cricket.

Thank you.
Right, come on.

Right, James, take your guard.

Remember, middle and
leg, head over the ball,

straight back, weight
on the front foot.

And nice easy lob.

You need to maintain your guard!

How's he getting on?

Try again!

You could give your
brother a hand.

Yes, and he could apologize
for treating me like a fool,

but I don't see that happening
any time soon either.


James, please, try
to concentrate!


Right, once more.

Take your guard, middle and leg.

Oh, for the love of God!
James, pass it here.

Right, don't even
think about hitting it,

- just think about blocking it.
- Blocking it?

You just need to get behind the
ball and stop it, all right?

Come on.

As long as it doesn't hit
your leg or the wicket,

you'll stay in.

Well, there's a little
more to it, than that-

No, there isn't, not for James,

but, as ever, you're
making everything

10,000 times more complicated
than it has to be.

He needs to know what
he should be doing!

No, he needs you to
stop confusing him
with pointless stuff.

Just let the man breathe and
he'll work it out for himself!


Here, give it a try.

Right, that's it, just relax.

All you need to do is block it.

- It worked!
- Of course it did.

Now, just remember
the cardinal rule:

never step away
from your stumps.

Well, at least he's
making himself useful,

despite the injured air.

He feels you still
owe him an apology.

Oh, utter nonsense!

Yes, I'm well aware,
thank you.

So you played a lot of cricket

at school then, did you, Triss?

Yes, a fair bit.

Captain of the first
Eleven, weren't you?

- Mm.
- Darrowby, 2-2-9-7.

Yes, we had a pretty strong
team at the prep school.

Even won the Interschool
Cup three years in a row.

- I didn't know that.
- Yes, very much.


You know, we actually set a
new record for the Under 12s.

The old man came to every match.

Pa used to watch you play?

He'd drive up in the mornings
and we'd make a day of it.

You know how he loved cricket.

- Yes.
- Mr. Farnon?

- Let me get him.
- Yes, I suppose he did.

Mr. Farnon?
Mrs. Pumphrey.

She says she's in dire
need of your assistance.


Mrs. Pumphrey, what
can I do for you?

The workmen were putting up
the tea tent for tomorrow,

you see, and Francois
was clearly distracted.

And, um, poor Tricki, I mean,

he dashed through the main
gate and just ran and ran!

So Tricki is missing?

- Foot to the bridge of the ball, James!
- Well, no, not, not exactly.

He was, um…

He was heading in the direction
of Mr. Handshaw's yard.

- Ah.
- And I really can't ask

No, of course.

Uh, leave, leave it
with me, Mrs. Pumphrey,

uh, you've nothing
to worry about.

Oh, thank you, thank you!

Uh, Mr. Farnon?

When you see Tricki,

could you pretend that you
just happened to be passing?

He's terribly private.

I would hate for him
to be embarrassed.

I understand.

Of course.


I think we should keep it.

How can we?
It's far too much!

We could never afford a
bull like that ourselves.

That we couldn't.

But, if we did accept a pedigree
stood in prime condition,

it'd earn its keep
10 times over.

But if we say yes, would
we end up feeling beholden?

But if you say no,
wouldn't it seem like
you're making a point?

Like, you're saying
things aren't all right

- between you and Hugh?
- I suppose.

What do you think
we should do, Dad?

I think the final decision
has got to be yours, love.

If it don't sit right with you,

our money's well enough without.

Aye, he's a determined
little bugger.

Well, as I said, Mrs.
Pumphrey did want me

to pass on her
sincere apologies.

Not to worry, it's not
like he's some stray.

A litter or two of pups
won't be end of world.

Come on, then, young Tricki Woo,

let's put you back where
you belong, shall we?

See you at the match
tomorrow, Mr. Handshaw.

brother still not playing?

- I'm afraid not.
- That's a damned shame.

Might've given us
a fighting chance.

I just don't understand it.

I mean, if it were
another Pekingese

it might make more sense.

Well, now he's been there once,

he'll be much more
inclined to visit again.

Oh, it seems we have no choice.

It's a very simple procedure.

In fact, I should be able
to fit him in on Monday.

That soon?

Well, all right, if
we must, we must.

But, until then, you really
need to keep him on a lead.

Oh, Tricki.

Will you ever forgive me?

Uh, all set for match
tomorrow, I hope?

Absolutely, raring to go!

that's the spirit!

And with James playing too,

I really think this
might be your year.

I think we're all here.

Ladies and gentlemen,

it's my very great
pleasure to welcome you all

to Pumphrey Manor for
this year's encounter

between the Darrowby Eleven
and the Hulton Hall Chaps!

Has anyone seen Mr. Rudd?

We'll be playing a timed game,

with the last 20 overs
from five o'clock.

And, um, I know we're
all looking forward

to seeing some excellent

So, um…


Without, uh, further
ado, Mr. Chapman?


If you would do the honors.


Well, gentlemen,
if you're ready,

will you two
captains accompany me

to the crease with
the coin toss, please?

- Thank you.
- Mr. Alderson!

Mr. Alderson!

Young Rudds,
where's your father?

He can't come, Mr.
Alderson, the sheep got out

and he needs to round 'em up!

- You're kidding me?
- No, we're not!

We're not.

You're not.

So he's not coming?

So we're a player short.

Well, go on, you can't let
them go out with 10 men.

I could always
play, Mr. Alderson,

if that would be any help.

Help? Yeah, that'd
be a big help.

Shame you didn't offer before.

Go and help your dad
look for them sheep.

Welcome to the team!

Yes, thanks.

- Afternoon.
- Helen.

Come early to watch you.

Mr. Hulton, would you
like to make the call?


Heads it is.

I think we'll bat first.

- We're bowling, lads!
- We're batting!

Well, we've gotta
do it sometime.

I'd rather do it second, but…



Right, now remember
what we did last year?

Come on,
boys, be alert!

Go on, Dad!

- Here.
- Ah.

Go on.

Look lively, Herriot!

Come on, lads!

Okay, play.

Knock to
it, lads, come on!

Ugh, unlucky, unlucky,
all right now!

Thought we
were playing nice!

Good times!

- Good shot, Hugh!
- Good one, Hugh!


Excellent opener, Mr. Hulton!

Looks like Mr. Hulton
means business.


- Oh, good shot!
- Good shot!

- Yours, Herriot!
- Get behind it!

- Come on!
- Go on, James!


- Catch it!
- Catch it, Herriot!

Catch it!

- Just a single.
- Get it!

- Keepers' end!
- Hey!

That's Hulton's 50.

- No way!
- They did!

- Hooray!
- We've only just started!

- Hey, looking up, that.
- Yahoo!

Well done, Hugh!

- Herriot!
- James!

- Ball!
- Come on, laddie!

Eye on the ball, Mr. Herriot!


for no wickets.

- That's out!
- Yay!

Not out.

next time, lads.

James is looking a bit hot.

Hugh's giving him
a right runaround.

- Helen!
- Is this thing yours?

How are you?

- Hello, Margot.
- Um, I'm fine thank you.

- Uh, this is my sister, Jenny.
- Hello!

- Keeper's end!
- Are you enjoying the match?

I will once we start
getting some wickets.

Oh, yes, of course.

I see James is playing.

He is.



Shot one!

Anyway, I'm sure I'll
see you in the tea tent.

What was all that about?

Let's be having
a wicket, Siegfried.

Let's have it, Sig.

Hello there.


I noticed you were
rather tied to your post

and thought you might be
in need of refreshment.

Oh, that's very kind of you.

- Thank you.
- Let's go, Siegfried.

Your Mr. Farnon doesn't
seem to be having much luck.

Ah, trouble is,
he's overpitching.

Come on, Siegfried!

Let's be
over the wicket.

When you say overpitching?

He's landing the ball
too close to the batsman,

making it easier to drive.

Go on, James!

He's making it
harder for the fielders.

Nice shot, Hugh!

- So he does.
- Nice shot, Hugh.

Nice shot, Hugh!

Are you all right
there, Herriot?

Fine, thanks!

Well, you can't blame
the bull this time!

Oh, where's Jenny?

Would you mind
changing that to 138?

Yeah, we've
got plenty, haven't you?

- Mr. Chapman?
- Mm?

I think that's enough.
Come on, Harry.

Ah, and that's the declaration!

Tea, everyone!

What's happening?

Hulton thinks he's
got enough runs

to win so he's declared.

He's stopping.

Well, that's good
news for us, isn't it?

Aye, if you like charity.

I could certainly
use a cup of tea.

Well, enjoy it while you can.

We're batting next,
and it won't be pretty.

- Well played, chaps!
- Good play!

Good play, chaps!

How about a bit of pork pie?

You love that!

Ooh, yummy-yum-yum-yum!

No? Or how about a tiny
piece of iced bun?


Oh, oh, Mr. Farnon!

I hope you're not
too disheartened.

Oh, not at all!

We've got a lot of
strength in our batting.

That's the spirit. And, uh, you
have your secret w*apon.

Your brother, of course.

Going straight to
bat, straight to bat!


He opened quite
gloriously last year.

He did do very well.


Tricki, please!

He simply hates
this horrid lead.

Well, it's only
'til the operation.

And what then?

Can you promise me

he'll still be my Tricki once
he's been, um, emasculated?

Some dogs do present a
slight change in temperament.

Mm, yes, that's what I feared.

It just
feels too cruel.

Why shouldn't he be allowed
to express his true self

and experience life to the full?

And if Mr. Handshaw were
open to, uh, an arrangement.

Well, he certainly
gave that impression.

Well, what would
you do, Mr. Farnon?

That's what you say.

Do you know what, Mrs. Pumphrey?

If I were you, I
would forget the lead

and just let Tricki do
what comes naturally.

Life's just too short, isn't it?

Ah, I knew you would


Could I speak to
you for a moment?

Of course.

I just want to say,
how, how sorry I am.

For everything that happened.

That's water under the bridge.

No, I know, but I've
not had a chance

to apologize, uh,
properly, in person.

I never wanted to hurt you.

We just weren't right
for one another.

And I knew I wouldn't
make you happy.

Well, I admit I, uh…

I was rather devastated.

But, in a way,

once the worst has happened,
it's actually rather freeing,

and I think part of me
always knew it wasn't right.

That we were good pals and I
know you were fond of me, but,

well, it was never a grand
passion really, was it?

Well, no.
Maybe not.

Maybe one day we
can be pals again.

I'd like that.

About the bull.

It was such a
generous thing to do.

Did I overstep?

Because that, that really
wasn't my intention.

No, uh, my Dad knows you
meant well, we both do.

But we can't accept it.


We pay our own way, always have.

And you have no reason to
feel you have to make amends.

I didn't realize
Herriot was a cricketer.

Oh, he stepped in
at last minute.

Ah, keen to impress
the captain, no doubt.

We only started seeing
each other quite recently.

I mean, there were
nothing going on before.

Helen, really.

I'm just glad you're happy.

Well, I'd better get
back to the others.

Discuss strategy and all that.

Oh, give us
here, all right?

- Hello.
- Oh, there you are!

I saw you chatting with Hugh.

Yeah, we had a really good talk.

I feel like we cleared the air.


What's wrong?

I just wondered why
he was kissing you.


Oh, that were nothing!


He just wants to be friends.

And he's given you a
pedigree bull to prove it.

Yeah, well, I said I'm
not accepting the bull.

You're not?

Of course not.

It were a kind gesture, but
we're not in need of charity,

however well meant.

Now, then Herriot.

I'll, uh, put you up to bat
last with you being a novice.

Right, very good.

Mm, let's hope that Hugh,
um, takes it easy with you.


Ladies and gentlemen, I
think we are ready to resume.

looking deadly serious,

but then I suppose he's
a lot riding on this.

How do you mean?

Well, all those months
he spent in France,

too embarrassed
to show his face?

He'll be wanting a win
to restore his dignity.


A lovely shot, Tristan!

Cracking shot, Tristan!

Go on, Triss!

- Good shot!
- Brilliant!


- Get it!
- Catch it!


Nicely done.

Good running, lads.


Oh, that's unlucky.

And that's called
a batting collapse.

Well, it's more exciting
than I'd anticipated.

We'll make a cricket
convert of you yet.

You know, I walk Rock down by
Copley Brook most evenings.

If you're ever out with Jess
and want a bit of company.


perhaps we'll see
you down there.

Last over.

Doubt you'll be needed.

They'll need to get two
wickets before you go in

and Siegfried's looking strong.

- Lovely shot!
- Good shot, Siegfried!

Catch it!

- Yes!
- Yeah!

Good catch!

Just four balls to face, Henry.

- Good luck, Henry!
- Do great

- or we'll come after you.
- Come on, Henry!

Thanks, lads.

- Go Henry!
- Go fight 'em.

All the best, Henry!

Cheer, lads.


that's nasty, that!

Spoke too soon.

Right, Herriot, get padded up.

Henry's retiring hurt.

There's three balls left
'til the end of the game.

If they don't get
you out, we'll draw,

and that's as good as a win.

Just do what you can.

Thanks, lad.

No, that's all right.

Keep it up, lad!

All you have to do
is stay in, old chap.

Remember what we practiced.

- Protect your wicket…
- Just one more!

And guard your stumps.

Middle and leg.

That'll do.

Go on, lad!

Three balls to come.

- Oh, my stars!
- Look at that.

Look at him.

Are you all right, lad?


You all right, Jim?

Well done, James!

Now Tristan will want the strike

so he can face the last knoll.

How will he do that?

Well, James will
need a single run.

So they can swap ends.


It's gone for four.

Back this end, old chap.

Oh, that's not good,
James keeps the strike.

Last ball of the match.

Just block it again,
exactly the same as before,

and Hugh'll be crying
into his beer tonight.

Mr. Herriot!

- Come on, Herriot!
- Come on, James!

- Well done, Hugh!
- Yay!

- Well done, Hugh!
- Go, Hugh!

- Well done, sir!
- Well done!

- Well done, lad!
- Way to go!

Unlucky, batsman.

Hard luck, lad.

Thanks, Bert.

Funny that, almost looked like

you deliberately stepped
away from the wicket.

Why ever would I do that?

I have absolutely no idea.

- Good job, lads.
- Played well.

Hey, bad luck, Mr. Herriot.

Nearly had a draw there.

Aye, still, well played, lads.

They were a tough
side and no mistake!

You carried your bat.

Great achievement, both of you.

The old man would be proud.

That's, uh, very fine
batting, young Farnon.

James didn't do
too badly either.

'Til he lost his nerve.


Oh, well, I'm only
saying it to him.

Good try, Uncle Herriot.

Thank you, Mrs. Pumphrey.

- Well done, Triss.
- Thanks, Helen.

Well done.

I don't think your
dad's too happy.

Oh, don't worry about him.

Oh, James?

I just wanted to
say well played.

You too.

I suppose the best team won.

Still, that took real grit.

Anyway, have a good evening.
Both of you.


how does it feel?

Hm, what?

To have missed the most
important ball of the match?

Is that what you did?

- I felt I owed him a win.
- I know.

- And I love you for it.
- You do?


I suppose I do.

Thank you, George.

Yes, she
come into this place-


To your very good health.


You know, I don't remember Pa
ever visiting me at school.

- No?
- He used to take me out on his rounds, though.

I was nine when I
delivered my first lamb.

And you've never looked back.

No, I suppose I didn't.

I owe you an apology, Tristan.

For not telling you the
truth about your results.

I genuinely believed I was
acting in your best interests.



But I realize now, that
I may have been wrong.

Anyway, the money's
there, if you

decide you want to
go back to college.

Equally, if you feel
it's not for you…

Well, it should
be your decision.

Thank you.

Here he is!


"An hour to play and
the last man in."

I think he did very well.

Mm, how're the ribs?

A bit sore, to be honest.

Oh, you poor old thing!

Uh, no Tricki
Woo, Mrs. Pumphrey?

Uh, Tricki?

Yes, Tricki has some personal
business to attend to.

I think it's time
I made my move.

Well played, darling.

Hugh and Margot?

Wait, are they?

I think you've missed
your chance, Triss.

Bad luck, old chap.

Well, she wasn't
really my type anyway.

- Since when?
- No, it's true.

She was a bit too tall.

Oh, for heaven's sake,
she's a woman, not a pony!

Oh, height
is a consideration!

should be so lucky!

Nothing wrong with tall.

I'm a catch!

You're a liability.