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01x03 - Andante

Posted: 01/06/23 19:58
by bunniefuu
Ah, good morning Mrs H.

Isn't it custom to get dressed in the morning? I shall be retiring to my room.

Mrs Hall?

- Triss?

- Shh! Can't get the thing through the Come here

- Bloody cufflinks.

- Oh, come into the light.

- Morning Siegfried.

- Morning.

- New suit?

- What? Oh, yes.

I'm being put through my paces at Darrowby Racecourse.

The attending vet's retiring.

It'll be quite the honour if he gets the role.

It's no bloody good.

There's another pair in my office.

He's wanted the job some time, it's made him a little emotional.

Now, James, I'm hoping to be back for afternoon rounds, but I need you to hold the fort till then.

Of course.

Thank you! I won't let you down.

Ah, many have said the same but few rise to We've been robbed! This was full only last week.

What're you doing? I was, just Why aren't you dressed? It's nearly nine o'clock.

Come and explain yourself.

Is that your doing? I haven't touched it.

I took the last of the petty cash for this week's shop.

How is it possible? We've worked harder than ever since James arrived.

More surgery time.

Where's all the money from that gone? Shall I call the police? Still in the farmer's pockets, I should imagine.

When was the last time you chased the bills?

- You.

- Me? It's market day.

Time to earn your keep like the rest of us.

Good luck today.

Hold on.

Thank you.

I'll keep an eye on Tristan for you.

Yes, do.


Spare the rod.

Spoil the child.

You'll have to go back.

- Go back!

- Oh, OK.

Thank you.

Much obliged.

Put it in reverse and Oh, for Pete's sake.

Well, what I thought I was going back? I thought so too but Never mind.

Well, hold on.

You're Siegfried's chap, aren't you? Harris!

- Herriot.

- Ah, that's it.

Yes, I do apologise.

Have a good day.

You too.


General Ransom.

Hello, I didn't expecting to see you today.

I thought you'd be with Andante.

- Soames is bringing him down later.

- How's he looking for tomorrow? Well, I err, I'd put a fiver on him.

Which other breeders do you work with, Farnon? Well, virtually all my clients have horses that need attending to.

Racehorses? Well, just Hugh, really.

We were hoping for someone with a pertinent experience.

There's quite a bit of difference between a cart horse and a thoroughbred.

Not anatomically speaking.

A horse is always a horse My father wouldn't have had any other vet but Siegfried in his stables.

A good man.

Loved his horses.

There's a horse down.

Time to show us what you're made of Farnon.

Mrs Calvert? Hello, hello, hello.

What's this? We've got the new chap, today? I've been at the practise for a while, actually.

Oh, ain't he got a nice smile.

He's a real happy Harry, this one.

That don't sound too clever.

Going like the clappers.

What's she been doing these last few days? She was out in the field, chasing round after the dog.

It were roasting yesterday.

- Well, there's your problem.

- Hmm? She's got heat exhaustion.

Well, what's to be done? Let's start with a couple buckets of water.

Quick as you like.

Would you mind, Hugh? What's up with you, fella? Done yourself a mischief, have you? Keep back, please.

Give me room.

No sign of sprain or fracture.

Then why is he not getting up? There it is.

There's no nystagmus.

But that doesn't mean he didn't hit his head on the way down.

What we need is to get him up and walking.

Sooner the better.

Gentlemen, I'll need your help.

Come on, boy.

Up we go.

Come on, boy.

Come on.

Up we go.

Come on.

He's not having it, Siegfried.


I think he's probably still winded from the fall.

Let's just, um, let's just take a moment.

Shouldn't you be doing something? Nature takes the time she needs.


Bring the tractor, we're going to have to winch him off.

- I can't let you to do that.

- Excuse me? Nobody is winching this horse anywhere.

It's cruel and unnecessary.

Yes, you've given yourself a fright, haven't you? But you're fine.

Get some more air in to your lungs.

Happy to have another go? Come on then.

Up and at 'em.

That's the one.

Let's be having you, there we are.

Well done.

Walk on.

I'm not used to being spoken to in that manner.

And I'm not used to putting personal niceties before good professional practice, sir.

A shilling and two pence, please.

Good boy.

Keep it up.

Ah, Mr Dinsdale

- how fortuitous! Erm, oh, my you have let it build up, one pound and threepence.

Oh, I don't have any on me now.

And yet here you are.

Buying things.

With money one would presume? Well, mother gives me money for vegetables.

Not a penny more not a penny less.

If it's threepence a hen, how about I put a shilling in your pocket and take six off your hands? Jenny what do you think you're playing at? Buying hens! Sorry.

Ah, the delightful Miss Alderson.

Yes, Triss, what, is it? Um, nothing it can wait.

But them were good hens.

Old man Cocker says so.

Oh, if old man Cocker says so, they must be.

You don't trust me to do anything.

I've been there.

The shouting, the tantrums.

Your Edward was the same? He was but I were thinking more of Mr Farnon? Never mind.

I just want her to know there's more to life than being a farmer.

How you have no time to yourself.

Want me to take her for the day? It wouldn't put you out? Not a bit of it.

Have a break.

You deserve it.

Cheeky beggar.

Pint of best when you're ready, Maggie.

Coming right up.

Ah, Mr Dinsdale.

That's a healthy wedge you have there.

More flush than I thought.

So it seems.

Don't expect him to buy a round though chaps, not without the say so of his good lady wife, eh? If you're doing business in here, least you can do is buy a drink.

Hello, you're new.

What'll it be? I shouldn't really.

Drink leads to loose tongues and even looser wallets.

You want people to part with their money, this is no bad place for it.

But you got to buy a drink first.

Did you write all these recipes? And my mother.

And her mother before her.

All our family secrets.

My sister does most of the baking at home.

That's because it's her job to look after you.

I don't need looking after.

We were born to the land to work the land.

Is that something you've heard your dad say? Hugh Hulton's estate, right.

I'll get someone up to you as quick as I can.

Bye And how did you know what was wrong? Were you guessing? Oh, no, we're professional vets.

We never guess.

First I took her heart rate, and then I checked her temperature.

That along with the clinical history meant there was only one possible diagnosis.

He's a clever clogs, isn't he? James has been seeing to a sunburnt calf.

Heat exhaustion.

We just had a call from Hulton Manor.

Horse with colic.

That's Hugh's house.

Can I go with him, Auntie Audrey? No your sister will be back soon, she'll wonder where you got to.

Maybe next time.


How about we finish off them faces? Oh, dear, he's a one grumpy one isn't he? It's our Helen.

So young Farnon here says, 'Where'd you want a six, in the bloody bus depot?' You're a good lad.

Oh, yes, honestly, Mr Lunn, that's why it pains me so to turn to matters more serious.

Don't you worry.

You tell me how much it is? Here, Mags.

Darrowby Classic, 12:30 tomorrow.

Andante to win.

You're a dark horse, aren't you? Birds of a feather.

You staying for another? Don't mind if I do.

Is he paying for a drink? Lads, Tristan Farnon he's buying himself his own pint! It's a miracle.

Now, now I always pay my way.

In fact, Henry, why don't I get you one.

Well, that's dreadful decent of you.

How about one for everybody? How every kind of you.

Mr Soames? James Herriott How long's he been like this? Since this morning.

Just give him a shot of arecoline, that'll sort him.

This is no ordinary colic.

What the hell is it then? I won't know for sure until I've given him an examination.

I've been running stables here since you were in short trousers.

I know what colic looks like.

Look, he's due at the racecourse to settle in for tomorrow.

- I'll need soap and water.

- What the devil for? You've done nowt and now you want a wash? Get a head collar on so I can examine him.

Now, please.

Steady, boy.

I know.

I know.

Oh, you poor thing.

Well, then? Spit it out.

It's no ordinary colic.

What is it then? I'm really sorry to say it's a torsion of the bowel, Mr Soames.

He's got a torsion? What're you gonna do about it? Well, the bowel's twisted so badly that the circulation's been cut off for some time.

The tissue's died.

Toxins are already building up in the blood.

There's nothing more that we can do.

I'm sorry but it's already too late.

Too late for what? This horse will die.

The only thing we can do is end his life as quickly

- and painlessly as possible.

- Put him down? Do you have you any idea how much this horse is worth? It doesn't make the blindest bit of difference.

He's in agony, the sooner we proceed the better.

I want a second opinion.

I want Siegfried Farnon up here.

Mr Hulton swears by him.

Now come on lad, you don't want this on your shoulders.

Born to jump.

Show him a fence and he'd have a go.

I went up one morning, and he'd dragged his feeding trough into the middle of the paddock just so he could jump it.

Happy as Larry, he was.

I'm afraid you'll have to excuse me, gentlemen.

- Andante should've arrived by now.

- Of course.


Could be a big day for Hulton if that horse of his lives up to his promise.

It would be good to have a winner from a local stable.

A particular source of pride for me personally.

Why's that? I've known Andante since he was a foal.

You're more of a farm vet aren't you?

- I've built a strong practice.

- Is that so? I've taken on an excellent young vet.

And my brother's about to qualify.

I hope.

But horses have always been my passion.

Really? Belgium, 1917.

Army Veterinary Corps.

- Ypres?

- In the main.

The bravery of men who fought matched only by the bravery of the horses that carried them there.

The things those poor souls endured.

And then we shot a lot of them.

Cheaper than bringing them home on boats you see.

If I can help a horse in pain I feel in some way I'm repaying a debt of sorts.

There you have it.

We're trying out another fellow tomorrow.

I'm very grateful for the opportunity.

If I offended you earlier, it was only that for me the animal always comes first.

Above all things.

As it should.

Come to the course tomorrow evening.

I hope to have some good news for you.

I've called, but Siegfried's already left the course.

He's going mad with the pain of it.

- I can't let this go on.

- Oh, now just hold on Maybe if you'd called me up sooner, this might've been avoided.

But not now.

You might have failed in your duty of care to that animal but there's no way I'm going to.

What's his name? Andante.

Hold him tight.

Steady, boy.


It's nearly over, Andante.

Good lad.

Good lad.

- Mr Hulton.

- Why are you still here? What do you mean? What's going on? What have you just done? What the hell have you just done!? Hugh! Listen to me! He had a torsion.

There was nothing else I could do for him.

He was in terrible pain.

Get out.

Now! Ah, one of my employees.

James! You look like you've lost a shilling and found a penny.

I've just had to put a horse down.

It was one of Hugh Hulton's horses.


Oh, good God.

I know what you need.

Maggie Hold on a minute.

Maggie! Where's it all gone? This was full an hour ago.

Down their necks, I reckon.

Who's the second favourite in the Darrowby classic tomorrow? Finlay Bay.

Ten to one.

But he's got no chance, I mean Andante gonna run away with it.

Put that on Finlay Bay to win.

I take great satisfaction in looking after our usual clientele of cart horses and gymkhana ponies.

But to spend a day with those magnificent beasts, bred to perfection.

And the General was impressed.

He had me down as an also


Now he knows I'm a thoroughbred.

I'm happy for you.

It's you I have to thank for it.

I don't think Ransom would have taken me as seriously if I was still a one

-man band.

You encouraged me to take on James.

I nudged you in the right direction.

Mrs Hall, you're considerably less braggadocios than I would expect in the circumstances.

Oh, it's nothing, had Jenny Alderson for the day.

I thought I could help but I'm not sure I did her much good.

I never thought I'd see it.

Mrs Hall waving the white flag.

I'm not waving anything.

Undone by a 12


-old child.

Well, it can't be easy having your big sister, acting like your mother.

It's no easier for the other party I assure you.

No, you stay there.

I'll get this.

Hugh? Has Herriot told you? It is an outrage.

He had no right doing that to my horse.

I understand you're upset.

Oh, for God's sake, can you blame me? It sounds like he was in terrible pain, Hugh.

- I, I, I would have done the same thing.

- Would you? With the same diagnosis? Yes.

We would never leave and animal in distress.

But that's just it.

How do I know his diagnosis was right? James is a very competent vet.

He's barely out of school! He should have got a second opinion.

He should have called for you.

- You should have been there for him, Siegfried!

- Well, I wish I had been.

I've been advised to speak to a solicitor.

That's really not necessary.

He was a very valuable horse.

We can sort this out between ourselves, Hugh.

How? I'll do a postmortem examination tomorrow.

And if Herriot made a mistake? I'll deal with it.

You can be sure of that.

Hugh I James come in.

Well? I couldn't let that poor animal suffer.

And you're positive about your diagnosis? 100%.

How are you faring? Me? I'm all right.

Trying to be.

Shocked at first.

It felt a terrible thing to do to such a beautiful creature.

The first one is always the hardest.

I presume you did a full internal examination? Yes.

I felt a tympanitic mass.

About halfway up the colon.

And it couldn't've been some other kind of blockage? No, I don't think so.

You don't think so? That's not what it was a torsion.

- A moment ago you said you were sure.

- I am.

I am sure.

Because tomorrow there'll be nowhere to hide.

And if you're wrong, I'm afraid there will be consequences.

Breakfast's ready.

I'm sorry, Mrs Hall.

I'm not very hungry.

James won't be joining us.

I imagine he doesn't have the appetite for it.

What time's the postmortem? Ten o'clock.

Get on with your list.

Let James get on with his.

There's nothing worrying will do for it.

Morning Siegfried.


Now please.

You collected all this? And I'm not done yet, far from it.

I wanna keep at it today.

Finish the job off properly.

See that you do.

Money, now please.

Oh, I thought it would make more sense to give to you in one go.

Cleaner that way rather than piecemeal.


I left my wallet in my room.

Was that the front door? Tristan? TRISTAN! TRISTAN! Here, before you go.

In case you get your appetite back later.

Thank you.

Once everyone's calmed down a bit, they'll see.

What you did was right.

What I thought was right.

Don't dwell on what's done when there's things need doing.

Mrs Calvert's been on the phone, wants someone up there again.

It's time to get back in the saddle.

Sorry, poor choice of words.


Look ahead.

Look ahead.

Tristan! What're you doing? Trying to save my skin.

You spent the money, didn't you? Don't worry, I have a plan.


Just drive.

You know there's still a chance your horse might not come in.

Fortes Fortuna iogurtum.

Fortune favours the yoghurt? No, the brave.

Fortune favours the brave.

That's iuvat.

Fortes Fortuna Iuvat.

Never the less.

You took a gamble on your horse, I took one on mine.

Either one or both or neither of us are for the high jump.

- I didn't gamble.

- No.

Of course.

Turn of phrase.

Oh, not again! Isn't that the lovely Miss Alderson? Good morning to you too, James! Hold on.

Let me back up! Sorry, my mind was somewhere else.

I'm sure it was.

- You heard?

- Hugh told me last night.

Andante meant the world to him.

It sounded awful.

- He called you a bas

- Jenny! Ah, out of the mouth of babes.

I had to do it.

You don't have to explain yourself to me.

It was Hugh's horse.

No, I know.

It's just, you're his, his His, err, fiancee? Unless you know something I don't.

I best get on.

Good luck today.

And what was all that about?

- Hmm?

- I saw you.

I saw that look.

It's nothing.

Now I am intrigued.

- I asked her out.

- Oh, James, you didn't.

Mrs Pumphrey's do.

Took all night to pluck up the courage.

Dutch courage? Might as well have been Abyssinian for all the good it did.

I'd just made my play, and in walks Hugh.

And then you k*lled his horse.

It's unorthodox, but I have to say I admire the gumption.

You're sure this isn't putting you out too much? Oh, it's no trouble at all.

You're a godsend, we've got a load of hay to bring in and then there's all with Hugh's horse.

Right, come here you.

- How is he?

- In pieces.

Not that he'd admit it.

You'll sweep him up and put him back together again.

Isn't that our lot in life? For you more than most.

If you ever fancy a natter There's not much more to say.

I best get on.

I'll be back before tea.

All these need cleaning out.

And after that you can feed and exercise them.

Can I play with the bunnies? Can I take the dogs for a walk on the green? If you like.

But first, I want you to have a look at this.

Don't you start with all the books an'all.

What should a good vet do for a rabbit with suspected Ivy poisoning? The only rabbits I know they put in pies.

Well, Mr Farnon won't have any Tom, d*ck or Harry tending to his animals, they need to know their stuff first.

Morning Mr Soames.

- Morning.

- Hugh.

I'm sorry it's come to this.

As am I.

Where is he? I should be here.

I owe it to him to be here.

Oh, dear, oh, dear.

Here's trouble, Herriot the Horse k*ller.

What? Word's got around, not many of them good.

I thought they'd have you out on your ear by now.

So, what seems to be the problem today? Calf gone daft.

But I'd like Mr Siegfried to look it over.

My brother is otherwise engaged.

So it'll be Jim or no


How long has he been like this? I first noticed something this morning.

Swear he was drunk, the way he's staggering about and bumping into things.

Not right, is it? No, Mrs Calvert, it's not.


Well, what you reckon? I just don't know.

The process of veterinary discovery often takes time.

Yeah, just so long as he don't wind up k*lling him.

Any ideas, Jim? You're rather losing your audience.

We've got muscle tremors, frothing from the mouth, confusion.

That's me every morning, Mrs Calvert.

No need to look so worried.

Blimey then, this place has seen better days, hasn't it? Where did this wood come from? Bit of old skirting board.

Waste not, want not.

Look at the paint.

It's flaking.

He's been licking it.

And biting.

I can see teeth marks.

He's a cow.

It's what they do.

It's lead paint.

He's got lead poisoning.

Get this wood out of here.

You heard.

Jump to it.

A couple of spoonfuls of Epsom salts in her feed, and all will be well again.

I'll be back to check in a couple of days.

Well, at least someone will be.

All the best, horse k*ller.

You know, everyone will forget eventually.

If my diagnosis was correct.

If it wasn't I'll be packing my bags.

Moment of truth, James.

Wish me luck.

Maggie, the sword of Damocles dangles by a mere thread.

Please tell me who won the race.

Finlay Bay came in.

Thank goodness.

Maggie, I could kiss you.

- Well, not without my say so.

- Sorry.

- Go on, then.

- What? Really? Is this him, then? The horse k*ller? I reckon I owe you a pint.

Saved me paying out to half the county by offing that horse.

I think we might have a budding vet on our hands.

- It's just good to see her so happy.

- Come on, Jess You know, she parroted your old man yesterday.

She said to me, bold as brass, 'we were born to the land to work the land'.

That won't me old man she were parroting.

It was me mother.

I'm always worried I'm letting her down.

You're doing a great job.

Your mother would be proud.

Don't, you'll start me off.

Jenny's getting older.

Maybe right now, she needs a big sister.

More than she needs a mother.

Thank you.

Fetch! Come on then.

Right, let's see if you can beat the dog, Jenny! How were it? James.

The postmortem was quite conclusive.

Significant torsion of the bowel.

There was necrosis, so he'd been in that state for a while.

Absolutely nothing you could have done for him, except put him out of his misery.

And Hugh? He agrees with that? I'm not sure either of us will be welcome at his stables for a bit.

James, your diagnosis, your chosen course of action, were both textbook.

Then why don't I feel any better? Because you had to euthanize a beautiful, young animal.

Never doubted you for a second, Jim.

There you are! Where is it? You've lost the money, haven't you? See for yourself.

I'll be checking it against the ledger.

If there's so much of an ha'penny missing I'll be flogged and boiled in oil.

Mr Farnon.

It's for you.


Siegfried, I was rather hoping to see you at the racecourse.

I didn't think there was much point.

I assume you've spoken to Hugh Hulton?

- Yes.

Terrible business.

- Awful.

Well, I thought you were very impressive yesterday, and I'd still like to offer you the role.

General, I can't thank you enough.

You won't regret it, I assure you.

I said I'd like to.

But I fear that many of my owners would be very twitchy, when they know that you're associated with that Herriot chap.

But he did absolutely the right thing.

The postmortem couldn't be more clearer.

Even so.

k*lling the pride and joy of Darrowby.

Hmm? Never a good look.

If you want this job he'll have to go.

Do we have an understanding? Actually we don't.

Yesterday, you agreed the welfare of the animal came first.

Today it seems that's not the case.

Herriot's the best assistant I've ever had.

I won't betray him for anything.

Then, with regret, I'm afraid we shan't be requiring your services.

Thank you.

Good evening.

Good evening.

I didn't get the job.

I heard.

I can't lie, it would've been tremendous.


You're a good man, Siegfried Farnon, no matter how much you try to hide it.

Yes, well, keep it to yourself.

We don't want people thinking I've gone soft.

We've had a few calls.

Seems folk would rather you visit than James.

Can't imagine it'll be easy for him.

They'll come round.

Let's see to it, that they do.

Tristan, get your bloody feet off the table! Do you think you're in some kind of backroom bordello!? Chance'd be a fine thing.

Fetch me the ledger.

I want to go through it with a fine

-tooth comb.

I want every penny accounted for.

Jump to it.

Now, Herriot, what about you? What about me? Well, you've a list as long as my arm to prepare for tomorrow.

Mrs Hall's had a whole load of calls, and you're doing all of them.

Is this some kind of punishment? Quite the opposite.

Go on, we've got a practice to run.

I'll fetch you a fresh one.