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01x01 - You've Got to Dream

Posted: 01/06/23 19:57
by bunniefuu

Morning, James.

- There you are.

- Thanks.

- Morning, James.

- Morning.

Hen, I'm home.

All that money on veterinary college.

It's all these trucks and motorcars now.


-one's got need of vets any more.

- Thanks, Mother.

- Och, something'll come along.

And what if it doesn't?

- I'll go, Dad.

- No, son.

You sit and eat your breakfast.

Your father's had a word.

I don't want to work on the docks.

You should be thanking your lucky stars.

Men are queuing on the streets, begging for work.

I know it can't go on forever.

It's good to dream.

But it's also good to wake up again, and see the world as it truly is.

Postman missed one.

You know your father wanted to be a professional musician? His bread and butter was the cinema.

And then the talkies come along, and then it's all up the swanny.

I don't mean to be cruel.

We just worry, love.

I got an interview.

- You did?

- You didn't! Darrowby? Yorkshire? What if it's like the others? No job at the end of it? They're not going to have me go all the way to Yorkshire for no reason.

There was no mention of a wage in that letter either.

He is better off at the docks, and that's all I'll say about it.

Best get a move on, if you're going to catch it.

Train for Yorkshire's about to depart.

Just don't be disappointed if there's not a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Bye, Don, you be good.

I'll probably be home tomorrow anyway.

Hold up.

You're wonky.

You know I only took that job on the docks to see us through the lean times.

You've got a dream.

You've got to chase it.

Thanks, Dad.

Cheese and pickle.

Here's your ticket.

Now, get on before you miss it.

- Bye, Mother.

- Good luck, son.

You got a bit of grit in your eye? Oh, I hope to God he gets it.

Waste of bloody time.

You won't learn owt in there you can't learn out there.

- Darrowby.

- What was that? Did he say Darrowby? Aye, Darrowby.


Sit yourself down, don't push past.


Little terror always wants to go at the back.

Oh, Meccano.

I think you dropped this.


- I like building bridges the best.

- Thank you.

- On or off?

- Er, I'm getting off.


Excuse me.

This is Darrowby, isn't it? Darrowby? Nay.

You want t'bus for Darrowby.

The bus FOR Darrowby.

You don't half talk funny.

When's the next one? I need to be in Darrowby before four.

No more buses till tonight.

- Oh, hello.

- Mr Herriot? Yes, sorry I'm late.

I'd almost given up on you.

I'm Mrs Hall, I keep house for Mr Farnon.

Oh, do take care of my Saint Nick.

What happened to you? You're drenched.

I missed the bus I got off the bus.



Oh, she likes you, that's a good start.

Jess is suspicious of most men.

Rightly so, too.

You can wait in here.

I'll make some tea and fetch Mr Farnon.

Mrs Hall, where is the blasted thing? One moment.




Quickly now, we haven't got all day.

Thank you.

One down, God knows how many to go.

I'm sorry, who are you? Ah, I see you've met already.

This is Mr Herriot.

Yes, of course.

And why are you here exactly? I You invited me, Mr Farnon.

- Did I?

- Mm


For the assistant job.

Excuse us a moment.

We agreed there'd be no more.

He's travelled all the way from Glasgow.

I don't give a damn how far he's come, he can just go back again.

- Well, you can tell him that, then.

- Is he even qualified?

- Nine months ago.

- What's his name? James Herriot.

Give the boy a chance.

Mr Herriot, I'm Farnon.


- Don't ask.

- I'm James.

Thank you for this opportunity.

Yes, well, let's see how we rub along first, shall we? Jacket?

- You're wearing it.

- Job list? Pocket.

Will you not stop for tea? I don't care how he takes his Darjeeling, I want to know if he's up to the work.

Come along, Herriot, don't just stand there.

Are we not? I thought this would be an interview.

I've got my references from the Principal of Glasgow Veterinary College.

No, I'm not interested in a lot of flannel.

Let's get cracking.

Until this evening, Mrs Hall.

- Good luck.

- Grab that.


In the box.

The box, man! Dispensary.

Oh, emasculator.

That's the Burdizzo.

Enough to bring tears to your eyes.

Come on.

This is Mrs Hall's domain.

Cooks a mean black pudding.

Makes it herself, you know.

Place looks like an abattoir afterwards.

This is the animal shed.

You'll take care of feeding them, morning and night.

If successful, of course.


Shut the door.

Our practice covers most of the Northern Dales

- Swaledale, Wensleydale

- so you'll need your own car.

- Beauty, isn't she?

- Stunning.

We keep this spare for the assistant.

Good little runner.

Aye, she looks grand.

Right, let's see what you're made of, shall we? Best foot forward.

Walk on.

That'll do.


The majority of our work comes from the smallholdings.

We do get the occasional small animal, cats, dogs.

Look at that! Shorthorn cow, you see? Gorgeous beast.

Dying out now, of course.

Friesians give so much more milk.

As much as eight quarts per day.

And you think that's a good thing, do you? If a farmer can get more milk for the same amount of effort, I suppose it is.

You suppose?

- I mean

- But at what cost? This place has a character all of its own.

The Shorthorns are a part of that.

With them gone, the Dales lose a little more of what makes them so special.

So, where did it all start for you, wanting to be a vet? There was a

-a small city farm at the back of my school.

It was like having part of the country in the city.

I developed a real love for the animals there.

Ah, well, you see, the animals are the easy part.

It's the people cause all the bother.

- How do, Mr Farnon?

- How do you do, Mr Sharpe? This is Herriot.

New assistant, possibly.

Oh, aye, another one.

He had me worried, I thought t'bank were coming for me.

What seems to be the trouble? I've got a gelding gone wrong in 'oof.

Well, we certainly don't want that.

- Is he foreign?

- I'm from Glasgow.


- It's that dark one over there.

- Yes.

Well? Which foot is it? Well, I'd need to see him walk.

Dealt with many horses before? Yes, lots.

At veterinary college.

What about in the real world? This'll be my first.

Hold your coat for you? From the way he's holding his head, I'd say it was the offside fore.


Right, let's have a look at this hoof.

I'm sorry, young man, I ought to have told you, it's a very friendly horse.

He always likes to shake hands.

No, no, I'd like to continue.

Easy, boy.


Steady down, boy.

Steady down.

That's it.

You carry on, young man.

Knife, please.


- Looks like pus in the foot.

- Ah.

Easy! Got it! Wait.

Now to disinfect the wound.

A touch of iodine.

A dash of turpentine.

By God, Mr Farnon! It's wonderful what science can do these days.

- What shall we say to that, ten bob?

- Aye.


Let's go back a different way.

Over the Brenkstone Pass and down Sildale.

I'd like you to see it.

I've never used iodine in that way before.

Is it a new remedy? Oh, it has no practical purpose whatsoever, but it never fails to impress.

Makes them feel they're getting their money's worth.

Time to earn your wings.

I didn't expect it to be so beautiful.

One of the wildest spots in England.

It's a fearsome place in winter, I tell you.

It's marvellous.

You won't be saying that when the snow's 8ft deep.

I've known this pass to be blocked for weeks on end.

I'll be sure to keep a shovel with me.

That's Hodden Hill ahead.

You need to keep your speed up or you won't make it up the other side.

The brakes don't work! That happens from time to time.

- They're consistently inconsistent.

- How am I supposed to slow down?! Why would you want to? We want to go faster, Herriot, not slower.

Faster! Have faith in yourself.

Keep your foot on it.

I can't! Oh.

Oh, dear.

Shall I get out and push? Oh, you're back.

- Good day?

- Not over yet.

He was lying on the ground, covered in muck, and I says to him, "He always likes to shake hands.

" Farnon.

How do, Mr Farnon? Evening, Nick.

Two ales, please, Joe.

You found your way all right, then, lad? I did, thank you.

Here, Farnon.

Lady of the house wants to know what's to do with this cat of hers.

Ask her to come into surgery tomorrow to pick him up.

Oh, and I've got a sow I wanted to talk to you about.

Yes, yes, Henry, just give me a moment to wet my whistle.

Your very good health.

Now, about this sow of mine, seven piglets, all good an' healthy but runt of the litter, he's not getting a look in, poor sod.

Ah, well, now, that's a very common problem.

And one which will have to wait.

If I allow them to think I'm at their beck and call, I'll never stop.

'Ere, Farnon, got Heifer going on three cylinders

- wants seeing to.

Yes, Mr Handshaw, I'll be up first thing tomorrow morning.

No matter, then, I'll go see George Pandhi.

He's always happy to come out, see us animals.

Well, that's certainly your prerogative.

- He's a perfectly adequate substitute.

- Yeah.

- Hold on, Dennis.

- Here.

What about my pigs? Erm, perhaps you could direct your questions to my new assistant.

Your assistant? You mean I've got the job? How does four quid a week and full board sound? It sounds great.

I mean, thank you.

- Trial period only, mind you.

- Of course.

These gentlemen'll look after you.

You all right finding your own way home? Good.

Now, let's us have us another, then we'll get to this pig of mine.

They got your brew on tonight, haven't they, Sharpe? Oh, aye, puts hairs on your chest, if you're up to it.

Not like that gnat's piss.

I shouldn't, really, I want a clear head tomorrow.

Probably for the best, it's a drink for Yorkshiremen, in't it?

- Aye.

- Aye.

Not for city folk.

Och, where's the harm in one? Mr Herriot, what on Earth are you doing? Feeding the cats.

I got the job.

- How much did you have?

- Only two.

Mr Sharpe was kind enough to let me sample his home brew.

On your feet.

If Mr Farnon wakes up and catches you in this state, you'll be out on your ear.

Now, put them back, quickly.

No sign of Rip Van Winkle? I expect he's tired from all that travelling yesterday.

Morning, Mrs Hall, Mr Farnon.

Morning, James.

- I hope you slept comfortably.

- Very much so.

Thank you.

Stay long at the Drovers last night? Only for a couple.

Get to know the locals, you know?

- And did you?

- Did I what?

- Get to know them.

- Who? The locals? The locals? Oh, YES, yes, I was.

But I did, I think.

Sorry, what was the question? Poor boy's barely woken up.

Coffee? I don't usually actually take

- Something the matter?

- No, er, no.

It looks There's just so much of it.

It's not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.

- What's this about Henry's pig?

- Henry's? Mr Dinsdale.

- You spoke with him last night.

- Ah, yes.


He he has a pig that well, it's a it's a little confusing, actually, he HAD a pig that was Really, James, these people are our valued customers


- if you can't remember

- Perhaps the inquisition can wait

- until after Mr Herriot's finished his breakfast.

- The runt.

I advised him to remove the others to give the little one a chance.

And if that didn't work, then bottle feeding would be the only way.

Well, we best be getting on.

We've got a full list.

Got to see the Aldersons, calf trouble.

Just try and make it through the day.

What on Earth are you doing? You're missing the turning.

You said you were going to tell me when it was coming up!

- I just did.

Weren't you listening?

- But Yes, Mr Farnon.



- Just enjoying the view.

- See if you can find Alderson.

I'll follow.

Hello? Hello? Mr Alderson? Mr Alderson? Oh, God.

Good boy.

Good lad.

Oh, bugger this.

Go on, get.


Hold this one for me.


Come here, you.

Come here.

That's it.


Just don't look him in the eye.

That's them sorted.

Sorry about Clive, he's a miserable devil at the best of times.

Who's Clive? This one.

Need a hand down? No, I can manage.

- I'm Helen.

- Herriot, James Herriot.

Mr Farnon's new assistant.

Oh, another one.

Calf's in the top field.


Get yourself up to the house, your homework needs doing.

I swear she's like a sheep dog, but with half the sense.

MY mother used to despair at my mucking about with animals.

Still does.

She's my sister.

How old is she now? 12.

I swear I've aged two for every one of hers.

Oh, I'm sure she'll appreciate everything you've done when she's older.

We can live in hope, can't we, Siegfried? Your father faring well? He never stops.

Much as I want him to.

That's good.

Keep hold of her neck, please? Good girl, there, settle down.

He's here to look after you.

Clean fracture of the metacarpal bone, but there's very little displacement.

And what do you suggest we do about it? It should do well with a plaster cast I think.

You think?

- No, I know.

- You're not going to use a splint? The plaster cast should be sufficient to hold it in alignment.

- Should?

- It will be.

Very good.

Carry on.

Don't worry, we're here now.

We're going to look after her.

Other leg.

I'll be back to see you soon to see the calf.

To remove the cast from its leg.

In a couple of months.


I better go.

It was nice meeting you.

You too.



Siegfried's bark really is worse than his bite.

He's been very kind to us.

Underneath it all, he's a good man.

Stand up to him.

He'll love you for it.

Chop chop.

- Mrs Dinsdale?

- Yes.

- Here for Jaspar?

- Mm


If you'd like to wait in here, I'll fetch your cat.

Could you grab Leo for me while you're at it? OK, Leo.

And Jaspar.

Ah, Herriot.

Thank you.

- What's the operation?

- Oh, a simple castration.

Nothing major.

What's that, then? Jaspar.

Your cat.

No, it isn't.

Are you sure? You think I wouldn't know me own cat? Sorry, Mrs Hall, would you mind?

- James?

- It's the wrong cat.

I don't understand, it said "Jaspar" on the cage.

I know it did, so how can it be? Maybe because you came home soused last night.

I put them back in the wrong cages.

Please don't say anything.

Darrowby 2



-7? I'll have someone call you today.

Apologies for the delay, Mrs Dinsdale.

Now, the good news, Jaspar's mange has cleared up, and you can take him home today.

Bad news, it'll be a half a crown.

That's not my cat neither.

- You're sure?

- Am I sure?! It's the wrong colour, for starters.

And what would be the right colour?

- He's a ginger.

- Oh, God.

- Sorry.

- James, slow down, take a deep breath.

Stop, that's the wrong cat.

What you talking about? This is the cat you gave me.

It's Jaspar.

- I asked for Leo.

- I thought he was.

My cat! You've k*lled him.

- He's not dead.

- Merely chloroformed.

Mrs Dinsdale, perhaps you could wait in the hall.

You've drugged him.

My baby.

You've drugged my cat! For the love of God, would someone tell me what the hell is going on?!

- It was my fault.

- It's was more than likely, I should say.

It was just a simple administrative error.

I put them back in the wrong cages.

Really, Herriot? How could you make such a fundamental mistake? Because he was bloody pie

-eyed, I shouldn't imagine.

Well, that's how my Henry tells it.

What? You were drunk? Looks like it's me and you in the doghouse, Jess.

What's wrong? Why can't I have that? Because it's not one word and it's spelt differently.

Yes, yes, apart from that.

You know, he were only feeding the cats because he wanted to do a good job.

It was a silly mistake.

These people trust us with their animals.

For the farmers, it's their livelihood.

I can't afford a repeat of what happened today.

So you propose to keep running this place by yourself? I've managed perfectly well on my own so far.

You weren't always on your own.

Even if that's what you've got used to.

Are you going to take your turn?

- It's wearing you down.

- Well, that's my business, isn't it? And what about the people who care about you? Are we playing this blasted game or not? You never stop.

You're always on the go.

You'll run yourself into an early grave.

I think I've a few good years before they put me out to pasture.

One mistake.

He's a good boy, taking his first steps in the working world.

You must remember what that were like, how hard it was? It's just someone else for me to worry about.

You can't say I haven't tried.

What is he

- the fifth? The sixth? You never gave any of them a fair crack of the whip.

In fact, I might even go so far as to suggest you spiked his g*ns.

- I have no idea what you're talking about.

- You led a horse to water, knowing full well Sharpe and Dinsdale would see he drank it.

That's an absurd suggestion.

I know you're the patron saint of lost causes but, really And what exactly is that supposed to mean? That you care about people who who sometimes don't deserve it.

Oh, on that we must agree.

- He's a good lad.

- I don't doubt it.

But I'm afraid he still has to go.

I'm having trouble with t'calf, can someone come and help us? We'll get someone up to your farm right away.

Thanks so much.

d*ck Rudd's having trouble with the calf.

I better wake Mr Farnon.


I'll go.

I can do it.

Mrs Hall, please.

All right.

I put it up for luck when Mr Farnon goes out.

Thank you.

She's in here.

Don't worry.

He'll soon be here.

You let me know if I can get you some more light.

This will do just fine, thank you, Mr Rudd.

I don't suppose she has a name?

- Not as such.

- He calls them all Missus.

Spends more time talking with them than he does with me.

A better quality of conversation.

- They don't say owt.

- Aye.

All right, there, Missus? It's all right, we're here to look after you.

We're going to get that baby of yours out.

How long has she been pushing? Five hour, thereabouts.


Take it easy.

You're all right.

The head's caught in the pelvis, I can't bring it around to get it out.

Are you all right there? She's having a contraction.

It's no good.

It's no good.

It's not coming around.

Is that it, then? Are they are they both done for? No, no, we keep trying.

Good morning, good morning.

Mrs Hall? This is going on too long.

I could fetch Farnon.

- He wouldn't make it in time.

- Look, I don't want her to suffer.

If it comes to it, you do what you've got to do.


Oh, my goodness, is James back? How do you mean? Back from where? There's one last thing we can try.

I'll try to hook it around the jaw and pull it around that way.

I can't quite Nearly.

I can't get it.

We'll try one more time.

Got it! I hooked the jaw.

Take the rope.

Keep a gentle tension.

That's it.

Gently now.


It's coming! I think I've got it! I think I've got it.

Must've seen it a thousand times.

Never gets old.


What the devil do you think you're playing at? He's done good, Mr Farnon.

One healthy girl in there.

- I never gave you permission to go out on your own.

- I'm sorry.

But it turned out well.

You were lucky.

There was nothing lucky about it.

- I worked damned hard getting that calf out.

- Yes, you seemed to have made quite the meal of it? How long were you in there? Five hours? Has anyone told you how insufferable you are? Not to my face, no.

Thank you, Mrs Rudd.

How much sleep did you get, James? Hour? Hour and a half? None.

Better get used to it.

Thank you, Mr Farnon.

You won't regret it.

Siegfried, please.

Mr Farnon was my father.

Don't brake, don't brake.

Woooooh! Woooooh!