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01x04 - A Tricki Case

Posted: 01/06/23 19:51
by bunniefuu
- Darrowby 2297.
- Hello, Mrs Pumphrey's butler here.

- Yes, Francois, Flop Bot again?
- Non, Tricki's struggling to breathe.

- That does sound bad.
- Mrs Pumphrey would like you to come.

- All right, I'll be there as soon as I can.
- Merci. Thank you.

Maggie! Maggie, come on wake up.
Come on. It's seven o'clock.

Oh, bugger!

Come on. I'll see you later.

- If you're in the pub.
- See you later.

Quiet down Jess!

- In here.
- Wait, Tristan!

- Morning.
- Oh. Thank you, John.

Good morning, Mrs Hall.

You were wearing that yesterday.

Just... trying to ease the laundry

burden before I leave
for college next week.

- Morning.
- Just the man. For what exactly?

It's only a week before I go

and there's that small
matter of my cheque.

- Cheque. What cheque?
- For food. Lodgings.

Oh, don't worry about that.
You're family. Happy to help.

- No. So I can go back to college?
- Oh, I see.

- You're not leaving today, are you?
- No, but...

Cos there's a list of medicines to
make up, as long as your arm.

Be glad to.

Oh, and would you mind answering
the phone, morning and night.

James and Mrs Hall are far too busy.

Stay calm. Don't enrage him.

Siegfried? Don't!

Don't what?

Don't you think we do as well to
just get it over with?

Once you've convinced me
you deserve it.

I thought you wanted me
to go to college.

No. I want you to pass your exams.

I know from bitter experience,

that one is not necessarily
followed by the other.

It'll be different this time.
I'll apply myself.

Hudson's instrument please.
If you want that cheque Tristan,

- you'll need to earn it.
- What are you doing?

Thank you.

It's a lot of money,
you can't just expect him

to hand it over just like that.

Especially if he thinks
you're gonna waste it. Stop that.

- Agh!
- You'll make the wall grubby.

Keep your nose clean,
stay out of his whisky,

and don't give him any excuse.

Oh, you know me, good as gold.

That your shade?

Ah, we fell asleep on the sofa.

Hop it, you.

Thank you.

Only one more week.

- Good morning, Mrs Pumphrey.
- Oh, thank you so much for coming.

Let's take a look at you, Tricki.

Can you hear all that rasping
and wheezing?

It's like he's got a little steam
train inside him?

I asked Francois to build the fires

- up, but it hasn't made much difference.
- It's not the cold.

Don't tell me it's the Spanish Flu.
I couldn't bare it.

I've never heard of that crossing
over into the canine species before.

It's not, a weak heart?

You've been sticking to the diet
I prescribed?

To the letter, Mr Herriot.

One cup of biscuits, twice daily?

Perhaps not every letter.

We all need the odd treat or life
becomes a little dull.

Don't you think?

Tricki-woo is becoming
dangerously overweight.

- He's struggling to breathe.
- He's going to die.

He's not going to die.

But he's been so listless,
Mr Herriot.

I thought he must be suffering
from malnutrition, so I've been

giving him a little extra between
meals, just to build him up.

Dare I ask?

A little calf's foot jelly,

uh, cod liver oil, beef Wellington.

And a bowl of Horlicks
at night to help him sleep.

Oh, dear, he's never been
away from home before.

- Are you sure this is quite necessary?
- Absolutely.

We'll keep him at Skeldale House
under observation.

That way, we can rule out
anything more serious.

- What's all this?
- Oh, just a few essentials for Tricki.

Can't have him going without.

Oh, goodbye, my precious!

Oh, this is too tragic.

I'll take good care of him.
You have my word.

Vomiting again, he is.

What did he have for breakfast?

Oh, right. Any odds and sods.

Leftovers from my dinner,
bones from the butcher.

I catch him eating newspaper.

Well, I think probably his diet

might have something to do
with his upset stomach.

Oh, I can't afford to be giving him
the tip-top stuff.

All right.

Would you have a closer
look at him, then?

Easy now.

Err, he seems lively enough.

Let's, erm, try some different

See if that settles things down.

What are you up to in here?

Preparing the medicines, as ordered.

Five drops in his water, every day.

- How much will that be then?
- Oh, don't worry about that.

We'll save that for you and Clancy.

What's all this?

Tricki's essentials. He's here for a
period of convalescence.

Err, he won't be needing
his hamper of goodies.

Oh, don't be too hasty, James,
we need to ease the poor boy in.

Just pop it on the table over there.

Thank you, Charlie.

That dog is an absolute disgrace.

It's not his fault. Mrs Pumphrey
overindulges him.

All the fine foods, the pampering.

It's done him no good whatsoever.

He's been spoilt.

- I know it comes from a place of love.
- Well, of sorts.

He's learnt so many bad habits,
the eating, the lack of exercise.

The inability to carry out the most
basic of instructions!

I don't know.

He gives paw pretty well. Paw.

He can't even answer the bloody

The phone? I mean,
I don't know how he ever would,

that would be fairly extraordinary.


- Can you in fact hear that?
- What? - Don't worry. I'll get it.

No, you won't! Don't you dare!
It's his job.

I told him to do it,
and he'll damn well do it.

Don't you walk away
when I'm talking to you!

Well, I thought you wanted me
to answer the phone.

- Can no-one hear that?
- Don't answer it! He has to do it.

Genuinely no idea what you want me
to do.

I'm fed up to the back
teeth with you!

All you do is laze around, fattening
yourself, while I foot the bill!

- Ow! - Well, you can wave
goodbye to your cheque,

until you buck your bloody ideas up!

Darrowby 2297.

Oh, don't worry. I'll give these a
good scrub afterwards.


I'm going to get you fighting
fit, Tricki.

Shouldn't you be making
yourself useful?

Hm? Oh, my brother's little
tantrum yesterday?

No, I wouldn't worry about that,

Mrs H, he'll want me gone soon

Well, that may be so, but it
mightn't be to where you want to be.

Let me help you with that, Jim.

Good morning, Siegfried.

How much did you say it was Jim?
An ounce of biscuits?

An ounce and a half.

Jim has left me
in charge of Tricki today.

- More fool him.
- Actually, Tris...

James is needed up at Dobson's.

Helen called last night,

her bull's having trouble

She asked for him specifically.

- Oh, that'll be awkward!
- Why's that?

It won't be. It's not.

Go on, then, James, you've a few to
get through this morning.

I promised Mrs Pumphrey I'd take
good care of him...

Which is why you entrusted me
with Tricki, hey?


Oh, you're not afraid of that little

Being fearful is the sign of a
higher intellect.

He needs regular exercise
and lots of water.

Yes, yes. I think I can just about

- Will you come to church with me
this morning? - Yes.

Lord knows I have enough
to pray for.

- I'm doing your favourite, roast beef.
- Ooh!

Make sure you earn it.

- Understood.
- Shall we?

Sorry, Tricki, doctor's orders!

- Morning..
- Thanks for coming.

I thought you were gonna put
lead in his pencil,

not a b*llet in the back
of his head. No offence, lad.

Now, Mr Dobson. You know James
was in the right on that one.

Mm, aye.

I understand Clive's having
some difficulty serving the cows.

Aye, he's not showing much interest.

Much? He's not been up on any of

You said your bull will perform.

And if he don't get 'em knocked up,
then I shan't be paying.

- How long's Clive been in with them?
- A week now.

Mr Dobson's been giving his cows
plenty of water,

so he should smell 'em well enough.

Has this happened before?

Never. Most of the time it's getting
him to stop that's the trouble.

From my experience
that's often the way.


With bulls.

Shall we take a look at him?

Hello, old friend. Remember me?


Oi, Tricki.

- You left Tricki in the care of Tristan?
- He'll be fine.

He will, won't he?

Is it all right down there?

Impressive... and healthy.

We'll give him a shot of

see if that gets him going.

Any idea how long that'll
take before it as an effect?

- Should be fairly immediate.
- Good.

I don't know how you Dales
farmers do it,

your livelihood's constantly at the
mercy of nature.

We do our best to keep up with
the rent, Hugh's good to us,

not that I like to ask it of him.

He's your landlord?

Since he inherited the estate.

He lost his father around the same
time I did my mam.

That's really what got us together.

I got the impression it had been
going on longer.

We've knocked about together
since we were kids,

well, when he wasn't away at his
school, at any rate.

That should perk him up a bit.

Right. Don't you be shy, this time.

We should probably make
a quick exit,

the testosterone might make him
a tad aggressive.

Hello, Mr Herriot.

Afternoon, Mrs Dobson!

I'll see you at the house.

Hope you didn't
have a big breakfast.

- Why's that?
- You'll see.

Go on, lad. Don't be shy.

Go on!


Come in, Mr Mulligan.

I'm sorry to put you
out like this, Mr Farnon.

Clancy was sick again this morning.

No trouble at all, we would never
leave an animal in distress.

We have not stopped all morning.

Just point me in the right
direction, Siegfried,

- no task is too great.
- Then you'll

have no qualms about examining

Oh, good God!

What a delightful animal.

If you'd just like to
come through here. Yes.

Come on Clancy. Come on.


All right. There you go.

What seems to be the problem, Joe?

Well, he's still vomiting bad, he

MR Farnon gave him some medication

- but it don't seem to have done the trick.
- I see.

You'll be wanting to have
a good look over him, then?

Hmm? Oh, yes.
Yes. Naturally. Yes.

Not on your nelly.

Joe. Joe.

This should be enough to last
you a week or so.

Well, thank you kindly, sir.
Real gentleman, isn't he, Clancy?

Come on Clans.

How can he love something
so ferocious?

No doubt he faced worse
terrors on the front.

Many men like him
lost their hearing as a result.

- Was the hound much trouble?
- Oh, not really.

He seemed lively enough.
Just needs to improve his diet.

So now we're responsible for feeding

every poorly nourished
dog in Darrowby?

- Siegfried, it's one packet of food.
- Oh, I know. That's kind of you.

We can't make a habit of it.

Even though his bad diet is probably
the root cause of the vomiting?

- What do you mean by probably?
- Possibly. Apparently. Presumably.

I know what it means.
Why say it? You should know!

Well, can anyone ever be certain?

I take it you did a full examination
to rule out, anything else?

Mm-hm. Yes.

As I'm sure you did,
when you last saw him?

- Naturally.
- Well, there we are then.

Come on, Tricki,
time for another walk.

Thank you for the feast, Mrs Dobson.

Here, take these sausages,
Mr Herriot. Bye, love.

God, you could roll me home.

Dales hospitality.
One of the perks of the job.

I haven't given you so much as a
glass of water.

- I'm feeling guilty now.
- Oh, don't be.

I could give you a lift home
if you like. It's really no bother.

Oh, thanks.

Is that Hugh?


Nothing for you to worry yourself about,

- Helen.
- Hello, Hugh.

What a lovely surprise?

James gave me a lift back from
Mr Dobson's.

Very gallant of you.

- See you've thrown a shoe.
- Hm?

- Flat tyre.
- Right, yes. Funny.

I've already sent for a mechanic.
He should be along in a moment.

I don't mind giving it a go.

Is there a tool kit in the back?

Um... You know, I've no idea.

Really, Herriot, it's actually quite
a valuable car.

Well, James sounds like he knows
what he's doing.

Come on, please, Tricki, the pub's
just there, it's no distance at all.

Hey. There might be a lady dog in

I won't crack.

I'm not carrying you. Genuinely.
I'm not.

Siegfried will let me jump through
one hoop after another.

Aww! Isn't he just gorgeous.

Eventually the hoops will get
so high, that I'll get caught

halfway and be left dangling
with my backside in the wind.

Now that's a lovely image.

Can I hold him?

Be my guest.

Hello! Come here.

I need to get Tricki walking

and lose weight to get my cheque
from Siegfried.

You know, Maggie, I'm beginning to

if you're really engaging with
this problem of mine.

You want him to give you money and
he wants you to earn it, doesn't he?

Yes. Which I do?

Not long ago I was on this very spot
collecting debts for the business.

And spending it as quickly as it
came in.

He got what he was due.

You'd think he might start
showing some faith in me.

What? You mean when he
asks you to do something,

he expects you'll shirk off instead
of getting on with it?

- Outrageous!
- Hm.

It's not my fault.
The dog won't walk.

- What am I supposed to do?
- I don't know, Tristan.

It would take a mind greater
than mine to work that one out.

Maggie, do you have any string?

♪ Such horrible dreams which you
very much better be awake

♪ For you dream you are crossing
The Channel

♪ And tossing About in a steamer
from Harwich

♪ Which is something between
a large bathing machine

♪ And a very small
second-class carriage

♪ And you're giving a treat
Penny ice and cold meat

♪ To a party of friends
and relations

♪ They're a ravenous horde
and they all came on board

♪ At Sloane Square
and South Kensington stations

♪ And bound on that journey
you find your attorney

♪ Who started that morning
from Devon

♪ He's a bit undersized

♪ And you don't feel surprised

♪ When he tells you
he's only eleven... ♪

You better not be spoiling your

No. I was, just, um, taking stock.

Why? What've you got planned for us?

Roast Beef with all the trimmings.

Would you like to be the man
that's more hands on?

Stop it! Stop it.
James is right there...

- Why should he care?
- All done.

Stop it, Hugh. Be kind.

- Good man, much appreciated.
- My pleasure.

And sincerely, I would never have

I'm not really that mechanically

My school didn't really
go in for that sort of thing.

- He did study Ancient Greek though.
- Oh, yes.

- Incredibly useful round these parts.
- I bet.

Well, thanks again for this.

And for what you did for... for

I think James was almost
as upset about it, as you were.


Father made me sh**t a stag once.

Beautiful thing.

Felt rotten about it after.
Never again.

You giving me a lift back? I think
we've put James out enough already.

- Love to. - Bye, James.
- Bye.

Well, Mrs Hall, this is certainly a
lot of food.

Well, you've all been hard at it all

day, I expect you've worked up an

Something smells delicious.

Oh, God, my feet are k*lling me.

You don't mean you've been
walking him all this time?

Must've done three or four miles,
at least.

I'll have Tricki-woo in tip-top
shape in no time.

What's wrong wi' you?
Seen a sparrow eat more.

And you. Normally it's like feeding

I don't suppose there's any more

- Dobson's?
- Ate my own weight in Yorkshire puddings.


Mrs Pumphrey's pork pies
are certainly quite moreish.

And then there was the pate.

Gentlemen, never fear.


Cometh the hour, cometh the man.

Anything to help you, Siegfried.


- Good boy.
- Mm.


Tristan. Tristan.


Oh, God! Ugh!

Oh, no. I'm coming...


Darrowby 2297.

Mrs Pumphrey.

Oh, I, I feel simply ghastly.

- I haven't slept a wink.
- Mrs Pumphrey, I assure you,

Tricki's absolutely fine.

- Can I have a little word?
- Go ahead.

Oh, you mean with Tricki?

Of course.

Here, Tricki.

There we go. Here we go.

Speak to Mummy.


Oh, he sounds so hoarse.

Give him a little kiss from Mummy.

- A kiss?
- Of course.


Mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah!

Oh, that phone has not stopped
all morning.

Set yourself down, Triss.
I'll get you some breakfast.

Mrs Pumphrey happy?

Utterly bonkers, but seems pleased

Now, could've been the gin talking,

but I think Tricki might have
gained a new uncle.

Oh, and Dobson called for you, Jim.
Said not to bother going up to

check on Clive again, apparently

- he's sewing his oats all over the place.
- That's fantastic news!

Fort Clive, I mean. And the cows,

The Aldersons, that beast brings
in a tidy sum.

Helen will be pleased.

I'd best be going.

It's all right to leave
Tricki with you again?


I've a full day's
activities planned for us.

So, Siegfried, I hate to nag,

but have you given any more
consideration towards that cheque?

I have.

Only it'll take some time to
clear before I can spend any of it.

There are lots of books I need,
you know. For studying.

Oh. No-one move.

You see. Properly motivated,
he pulls his finger out.

Dobson called.

Oh, right. Here, make yourself

I am pleased to report that Clive

is having a rare old time with
Dobson's cows.

Oh, James, that's fantastic news!

Here. Wait there.
I'm baking something.

- You don't have to do that.
- No, back in a minute. Wait there.

Oh, sugar.

What are you doing with our eggs?

Oh, I was just helping... Yeah,
helping yourself? No, no, no.

Listen, I work damn hard keeping
this place going.

Do you think I'm gonna stand here,
and watch a bloody thief?

I'm the vet, Siegfried's assistant.

I'm James Herriot.

Right. What're you doing up here,

I was... I was telling Helen
about Clive.

He's doing well now at Dobsons farm.

Afternoon. James. Our Helen's just
burning something for you.

Hello, Jenny.

She wants to thank me
for getting Clive going.

Right. Are we not paying you for
that, then?

Leave him be, Dad,
it's just something to say,

thank you for everything
James has done.

They look great.

- You might want to scrape the top off.
- Yeah.

You might want to bring him
my chisel, Jenny.


- Delicious.
- They're not too terrible?

Quite a unique flavour.

They're awful, aren't they?

Honestly... some of the worst I've
ever had.

- Afternoon.
- Afternoon, Mr Farnon.

When did that come back?

What did you call me?
Patron Saint of Lost Causes?

Among many other much more
flattering things.

I'll drive you to Scarborough,
we won't stop until we find him.

I've chased Edward long enough.

He knows where I am.


Oh, set yourself down, I'll make you
some tea.

No, I'm not ready to rest yet.

I want to weigh Tricki,
to chart his progress.

Go on, stop punishing him.

He's done everything you asked
and more.

- How's he getting on?
- Yes, well...


- Very well, actually.
- Good.

All that hard graft paying off.

- Feel like I've shed a few pounds too.
- Let's see, then.

- Oh, I don't think I'll quite fit on there.
- Not you, man. The dog.

It's only been two days, it'd be
unusual to see too much change.

You just said he was doing
very well?

I think I said he was well.

And I asked, "Well?" And you said,
"Very well, actually."

- Did I?
- You did.

Put him on the scales.

Look, I've been measuring out
his food, walking him constantly.

- I swear...
- On the scales.

He's heavier. I don't know why,
I expected anything different.

What's that supposed to mean?

Four-mile walks?
Meticulous monitoring of his diet?

Why do you never fail to
live down to my expectations.

- Now hang on a minute, that's not fair.
- Just when I thought

you might've changed. I should've
known better.

I'm telling you the truth.
I have been walking him.

I'm sorry, I don't believe you.

And if you think I'm gonna throw
good money after bad,

you've got another thing coming.

Mr Farnon, wait a minute.


Hold on a minute. Tristan.


- Mrs Pumphrey.
- I'm so sorry, I...

I couldn't stay away a minute

Oh, it's hard, isn't it?

Come on in. They're all out at the

moment, but I'm sure they'll be back

Oh, and Tricki?

He's around here somewhere.

Set yourself down,
I'll make you some tea.

Charming little house.

So, so compact and functional.

Like a Swiss army knife.


Oh, those boys.


Tea. Good idea, Mrs Hall.

Well, It's not for you.

Mrs Pumphrey's here.

I can't find Tricki.

Mrs Pumphrey. I do apologise.

I'm afraid you've just
missed Tricki.

James or, uh, Tristan,
or possibly even both of them,

have taken him for a walk.

Uh, they may be some time.

- I'll wait, if that's not too much trouble.
- No, of course not.

- You quite all right?
- What? Yes, um,

gin, wasn't it, your tipple of

It's twelve o'clock.

Your housekeeper offered me
a cup of tea.

Coming, Mrs Pumphrey.

Oh, Tricki!

Is that Tricki? Tricki!

- Well, where is he?
- I'm sorry, who?

We were just telling Mrs Pumphrey

about all the exercise Tricki's been

- Oh.
- He doesn't leave Tristan's side.

- That is patently a lie.
- Would you excuse us a minute?

We can't find Tricki-woo.

- Is it possible he left with you?
- Me? No, what about you?

- Why would he leave with me?
- Maybe you left the door open.

I am far to careful. It must have
been you.

Both of you quiet down!
Check upstairs. Quickly. Go on.

Oh, thank you.


What would I do without him?

And you're sure you've looked
absolutely everywhere?

- Yes. Upstairs. Every bedroom.
- Even under Tristan's bed.

You know there are actual
toadstools growing there.

He must've got out.
Let's organise a search party.

Oh, God, I can't believe
we've lost him. Poor little man.

Who've you lost?

Tricki!? Oh, my God!

- James, well done!
- Oh, thank the Lord. - Oh, no see this.

He's been at the liquors.

- And God knows what else!
- We'll have to tell Mrs Pumphrey.

No. It would only upset her and slow
us down. We need to sedate him

and give him a stomach pump now!

Try not to worry.

I'll have James call you as soon
as he's back from his walk.

That would be kind.

She gone, let's get to it. Mask.

- Uh...
- I think it's in my jacket.


There we are.

There we are.

That's it.

That's it.

How on Earth did he get into the

Why are you looking at me?

I should never have left him
with you. Chocolate, alcohol.

There's no telling what it could
do to his insides.

And why's that my fault?

I haven't seen or touched that
hamper since it arrived.

I don't know how he got into it,
but it has nothing to do me.

Jim. I promise you,
this is nothing to do with me.

Why is everything around
here always my fault?

Because it usually is!

Who else would be stupid enough to
leave a hamper some place

- Tricki could get at it!
- Perhaps the recriminations can wait

- until Tricki's finished his treatment.
- And perhaps they can't!

Yes, well, um...

I don't think, in this case,
Tristan is entirely to blame.

If at all, really.

You see, if he weren't so addicted
to a rich diet,

he wouldn't have sought it out in
the first place.


The hamper was left on the floor
of the study... me.

Tristan is not to blame, James.
I am.

He did nothing wrong.

It was me.

- Jim.
- Yes?

Are we hallucinating?

Yes, all right, it was my bloody
fault. There's no need to rub it in!

- Sorry.
- Oh, don't worry about it.

It was worth it to hear him
say that.

Will Tricki be all right?

Once we get some fluids into him,
he should start to recover.



Oh, my boofoms!

Oh, my boofoms is home.

My goodness, he feels like a sack
of spanners.

He must be starving.

Tricki's been on a carefully regulated diet,
and his condition's much improved.

And we've taken a lot of walks
this last week. Haven't we, Tricki?

Oh, doesn't he just
love his Uncle Triss?

Remember his diet, Mrs Pumphrey.

Yes, yes. Two cups of dried biscuits
and ONLY brown meat.

Bye, Tricki. Mrs Pumphrey.

Darling. Oh, Mummy loves you!

James will take you on to the

there's no sense in
all of us being there.

No. I suppose not.

- I'll see you at Christmas, then.
- Yep.

What? You're not waiting for a hug?
We're not huggers now, are we?

- God, no. There's still the small
matter of the... - Oh, of course.

Isn't that lovely?

If not, I'm going to eat some of


- Oh, yummy.
- Unbelievable.

I can't begin to tell you what this
means, I won't let you down.

It is the definition of insanity,

doing the same thing over and over

again and expecting a different

- Siegfried, what's happening?
- It's not you Tris.

I've seen with my own eyes
what you can achieve

when you put your mind to it.

- It's these damn tutors letting you down.
- No. No. They really haven't,

- they're all first-rate.
- I'll teach you!

Come Winter you can sit your exams

Under my guidance, I have no doubt
you'll sail through!

You're back?
What have you forgotten?

That my brother's a lunatic.

Siegfried's decided to tutor
Tristan himself.

You're staying! Oh, dear.

You know, that must be hard.

It's going to be t*rture.

I'm sure he means well.

I for one am glad you're staying.

The only reason he's doing it is to
punish me. For what? I have no idea.

Maybe it's because you lied about
passing your exams.

I didn't lie, technically.

You do drink his best whisky.

I honestly can't tell
the difference.

Well, that makes it worse.

What about the time you spent
all his money in the Drovers?

What's that?

Nothing Mrs H,
just Jim being funny. Trying to be.


Oh, here we go.

Ah, there you are.

I've brought back someone very

special for your first
practical experience.

I'm giddy with anticipation.

Mr Farnon.

Clancy means the world to
Mr Mulligan.

I think we owe it to both of them

to carry out a full physical
examination. Don't you?

Right, Clancy.

Ah, look at him smiling. I reckon
he's a fan of yours, Mr Farnon.

Mr Mulligan, does it not scare you
when you hear him growl like...?

- Mr Mulligan?
- Ah, good boy.

Mr Mulligan? That's my boy.
There now.

No, of course it doesn't.

Siegfried, I think the bark may be
far worse than the bite.

Good boy!

You're not so fierce, are you?
Aww, good boy!
