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01x02 - Episode Two

Posted: 01/06/23 19:34
by bunniefuu
I'm Catherine, by the way. I'm 47,
I'm divorced, I live with my sister

who's a recovering heroin addict.
I have two grown-up children.

One dead, one who doesn't speak
to me, and a grandson.

How would you like to make
half a million pounds?

You're talking about kidnapping her?

Some bastard's got our Annie.

And he wants a million quid.

Are you here to report a crime?

KEVIN: Nevison could afford to lose
half a million pounds easily.

Any more and he might go to the

CATHERINE: Oh, Becky, me daughter.

Died just after Ryan was born.

She was r*ped.

I'm terrified if Ryan's like him
in any way shape or form.

Which he's bound to be, isn't he?

CLARE: Tommy Lee Royce is out of
prison. Why didn't you tell me?

I didn't want to upset you.

You look after yourself, love.

I will be in touch.
OK, thanks a lot, bye-bye.

Bravo November 45.
Operation Greensleeves.

Sighted, the ice-cream van outside
Wilberforce House in Sowerby Bridge.

I'm going after it, I'm on foot.

Registration Hotel Kilo 11
Romeo November X-ray.

I'm going after it, I'm nearly with
it, I'm going to stop it.

5-0. Come on.

Dad, 5-0.

'45, do not chase the vehicle
on foot.'

Yeah, whatever.


Pull over!

Oi! Oi!

Failed to stop.

Off-side window smashed.
Two occupants.

Both white, male, one with
a sleeve tattoo, dark hair, beard,

pale blue T-shirt,
khaki body-warmer,

the other ginger hair, beard,
pasty-faced, pink hoodie.

Driving off towards Wharf Street.

You're getting too bloody old
for this, Catherine, love.

♪ There's a tower block overhead

♪ All you've got's your benefits

♪ And you're barely scraping by

♪ In this trouble town

♪ Troubles are found

♪ Stuck in speed-bump city

♪ Where the only thing that's pretty

♪ Is the thought of getting out. ♪

We're going to have to take it
out of the business.

We're going to have to borrow a bit
from here, there and everywhere,

that's how we can do it.
You're not to tell anyone,

they get a whiff anyone else knows,
they say they're going to start doing

to her. I won't. I won't.

And they must be watching me,
they know things.

These people are often very...
very highly organised.

For months! Following me.
Following Ann!

Jesus! We can...

I can look into how much
you can take out of the business

if that's...
I've got maybe 200 grand

I can lay my hands on immediately,
but even then,

are they going to let me
withdraw that amount in cash,

without asking bloody questions?

Well, it's your money.

Yeah, but they're going to think
I'm laundering money,

then they're going to tell
the police!

Really? Well, I would!

Why would anyone be withdrawing
that amount in cash

if it wasn't dodgy? I...

We'll get it, we'll get it,
I'll raise it.

I'll ring what's-his-name.
At the bank.

I'll say, I'll just say, "I want to
withdraw 200 grand in cash,"

see what he says. Sure.

"How soon can you have it?" Sure.

Yeah, see if it can be done without
anybody sticking their bloody...

noses in. Sure.

Pay the money, get her back,
safe and sound, and then find out

who the little...

..are and choke 'em with it!



Get me Adam Stapleton on the phone
and tell him it's important, please.

CLARE: Outside the Chinese
up Rawson Lane?


How d'you know it was him?

Er...because I'm not blind?

'No, come on...

'He's been in prison
for God knows how long.'

It was him.

'Fine, OK. Fine, fine.

'Even if it was...' Yes?

"Even if it was..."?

What time's your dinner break?

You pushed it as far as you could
after Becky died.

You did everything you could,

Everybody knows what he is, the fact
that the CPS couldn't run with it

is bad, it's awful,
everyone knows that, but...


I worry about you.
Getting yourself all upset

and obsessed with it all over again.

That subhuman piece
of rotting excrement

should be on the Sex Offenders'
Register. And he isn't.

I think that's something worth
getting obsessed and upset about.
Don't you?

You're never going to be able
to approach this objectively.

you're going to make yourself ill

He's on my patch.
You think I'm going to ignore it?

Sooner or later, unless somebody
marks his card for him, big style,

he's going to hurt someone else.

Is that what you're going to do?
Mark his card for him?

It's my job.
How? How're you going to do it?

The less you know, Clare.

You see, that - saying something
like that - just makes me

even more worried that you're not...

What? Not going to deal with it

Rationally? I've no intentions
of dealing with it rationally.

I'm amazed you'd think
anybody'd expect me to.

You're winding me up.
My intention

is to deal with it effectively.

All right, well, you've heard what
I'm saying. I worry about you, OK?

You worry about me...

staying on the wagon.

I worry about you.

You're the only sister I've got.

JOYCE: Catherine!


Mrs Godley, Turnpike Street, Elland,
just rung the desk line to say,

"Them lads in that ice-cream van,
they are at it again."

Right now? Right now.

Job on, boys and girls!
I need everybody.

The ice-cream man cometh!
Let's go, go, go and get him.

And you make sure you're tooled up
properly this time, lady.

45 to 9242.

SHAFIQ: '9242, go ahead.'

What's your location, Shaf?
it's all hands on deck.

'We're just on by wharf.'

Bravo November 45 to Control.
Go ahead, 45.

Have we a mobile unit,
double crewed?

I need 'em for a back-up job on
Turnpike Street in Elland.
Silent approach,

rendezvous on Cemetery Road.

There you go, enjoy.

Can I have two of them what he
had? Here y'are.

5-0. What?


Get off!

Stay where you are!

Right. Hold him down.

Calm down! Stop moving.

Stop wriggling,
you're not going anywhere.

What's in your pockets? Nothing.
Eh? Nothing!

What's your name? Nothing!

Right. Well, I'm arresting you, OK?

On suspicion of supplying dr*gs,
d'you understand?

You don't have to say anything, but
it may harm your defence if you...

Stop wriggling!

..if you do not mention when
questioned something you later rely
on in court.

Anything you do say
may be given in evidence.


Those are well expensive ice creams
you're flogging, Alfie.

TV: 'Selling your own home and saving
thousands of pounds in the bargain.

'Single mum, Millie Spencer,
wants to move to a smaller house...'

How's things?


She been all right?

In what sense?

Well, keeping quiet,
behaving 'erself.


Right, well, you can clear off
for a few hours.

I'll see to things here. OK.


Have you fed her?

What happens if she needs a wee?

There's a bucket.
Have you not tied her to chair?

Oh, yeah.


Tell you what.
I'll go down and check, shall I?

Leave her. Eh?

Leave her.

Leave her!

She's fine.

Like I said, you can go.

I'm OK here.

Ashley's got stuff he needs doing.

He doesn't need two of us here,
we do shifts.

You think you're the bastard
who gets to watch telly all day?


Is he...? Not in?

No, he's popped home. Why...

Probably catch him on his mobile.
If it's important.

Yeah, sure.


I didn't want to tell you
until it was over and done with.

But...I can't think straight,
I don't know what to do.

We've got to ring the police.
They're watching us. They'd know.

And then God knows what they'd...

They...might even have the phones
bugged. We just...

We just don't know, do we?
But they are organised, Helen.

Didn't we used to know
someone in the CID? Neil Mitchell.

They're not going to get away with
this, Helen.

Please give him a ring.
We're going to go to the police

after...after we've got her back.

They're not going to get away
with it.


There's no need to be frightened.
All right?


If everything goes down like it
should, you're not going to get



You need to stop crying, bitch,

otherwise you're just going to
annoy me, and there's no need.

Do you want anything to eat?


Do you want to...

Do you need to use the bucket?

I won't look.

Right, well, um...

I'll be back in a bit.

And you see if - when - I can trust

I'll be able to unfasten you.
So you can...

And everything, so...

Are them...?


OK, well, d'you want to keep it
behind the counter?

Tell everybody who works here
and if he does come in,

if you recognise him, if you see him
looking at your menu out there,

if you see him walk past, anything,
can you...

..give us a ring?

Don't challenge him, don't approach
him, don't say anything.

Just act normally, serve him,

and then ring me.


Hello? 'Are we allowed to f*ck her?'


'Why would you be asking me that,

Look, I'm just asking.

You're a sick little bastard,
aren't you?

'No, no,'

it isn't me. It's...

Is he there?

'Weirdo. I sent him over.'


'I think he's had cellar.'

Why, what...?

What makes you think that, Lewis?

'Well, he's had her knickers off,

'So I were just...
I were just asking, really.

'That weren't...that isn't...

'That wasn't part of the plan.
Is it?


Well, Lewis, I don't want you
to feel that it's obligatory.

You mean you told him to do that?

No. No, I didn't.

Sounds to me like he were just
using his initiative.

Right, well, I'm not...

I don't want to...that's...

I'm not doing that.

'I'm not asking you to, Lewis.'

Good. Cos if this goes tits up,

I'm not the noncy weirdo bastard
that's getting done for r*pe.


Granny's been in a fight.

Oh, God. Is it bad?

She was chasing this scrote,
and he kicked her in the face.

Did he get away? Hell, no!

What'd he been doing?

Selling ice creams. Oh.

OK. Are you going to get changed?

Yep. Are you OK?

Yeah, couple of Nurofen,
I'll be like new.

Have you not taken something
before? I've not had time.

Daniel rang. He's invited us
over for tea tomorrow.

All of us? Well...

I said I'll see if Ryan can go
to one of his friends',

and he didn't say, "No, it's fine,
bring him with you." So...

I'm...yeah, assuming it's just you
and me.


..he rang you, his auntie.

He didn't ring me, his mother.

Well, he rang on the house line.
When he knows I'm at work.

You work shifts, Catherine.
You could've been here.

Why tea tomorrow?

I don't know. Maybe him and Lucy
have got some news.

He's invited Richard and Ros
as well.


What news?

Is Lucy pregnant?
You know as much I do.

Oh, well, that'd be...
You mean you didn't ask?

No. I'm not a copper.

He'd have told me over the phone
if he'd wanted me to know.

They probably want to make
an announcement.

So you think that is what it is.
I don't know!

Have you got any fags?

Couldn't believe how much gear
they were carrying.

And a bit of everything - coke,
heroin, M-Cat, cannabis, crystal,

He'd got over 3,000 quid in his

There's no wonder he didn't want

D'you know what...really...

..annoys me.

I rang ahead,
I flagged it up to the dr*gs squad,

I said d'you want to talk to these
lads first? Yes, they did.

I said I wanted Twiggy and Shafiq
sitting in on the interviews

once they got 'em to Halifax.
Fine, no problem.

Course, it's all "no comment, no
comment, no comment."

So that's it for us at our level.
We never get any closer.

We never get any higher
up the food chain.

Any intelligence they have - dr*gs
squad - about where all this stuff's
coming from,

how it's getting here,
I never get to hear about it.

I just get to mop up the mess
at the bottom end.

And we should know. I should know.

If they know stuff about
people on my patch,

people bringing stuff into this
valley, I should damn well know
about it.

Well, why wouldn't they let you

Oh, they'll have some
covert surveillance stuff going on

that numpties like me aren't allowed
to know about.

In case you tell your sister?
Till they need a bit of back-up.


And she leaks it to her
contacts in the media.

Which you would. Inevitably.

It's either that or they don't
actually know any more than I do.

Which is even more worrying.

At least it's taken your mind off
that other business.

I printed a photo of the little...

shit off the box
and I went in to Chinese.

Say that again slower.

Mickey Yip runs it.
D'you remember Mickey Yip?

He used to be in the year between us
at school.

Well, you know my opinion.


What? I forgot.



'Hello, it's me.' I know.

Do you know a Kevin Weatherill?

He lives next-door-but-three
to you and Ros, drives a BMW.

'Kevin? Yeah.'

What's he like?

'Oh, very nice.
Ordinary. Quiet. Two girls.'

She's in the early stages of
multiple sclerosis, Jenny, his wife.

Walks with a stick...
sometimes a wheelchair.

But, yeah, no...

He's an accountant.
He works for Nevison Gallagher.

OK. 'Why?'

Is there any...
problems that you know of?

Not that I'm aware of. Why?

'No reason.' Is that...?

Oh, yeah, thanks.

Is Lucy pregnant?

Ha-ha! I wondered that.



Did you have a nice day?


GIRL: Did you see that?


The weirdest thing.


It's, can't mention it,
not to anyone.


Nevison' I've never seen him,
all over the place. And...



Someone's taken Ann.


Abducted. Kidnapped.

They rang him, on her phone,

this morning, mid-morning, saying
they wanted a million pounds in cash.

Has he been to the police?
No! God, no! These people...

The thing is, the thing I didn't

Helen's ill.

Really ill. I mean...liver cancer.

She's dying, she's...

Oh, my God!

When did...?

He should go to the police!

No. That's... He should because

they'll know how to deal with it.

Well, that's easy to say!
But can you imagine?

If it was one of these two?

These people don't
mess about, Jenny!

If he steps out of line,
they're threatening to...

do things to her and...



Well, it's...

Oh, um, Ashley rang,
you know, from the farm.


Yeah, just something to do with
the rental on the site.

He said can you ring him when you
got in.


Have you changed your mind about me
ringing you, then?

'How's Nev?'

How would you expect him to be?

'Hey, calm down, pal.'

It's your party.

Is he getting this cash together,
then, or what?

'What is all this shit'

about a million. I specifically said
don't ask for any more than 500,000.

It were you, insisting you had to
have a hundred grand.

I told you, I've got overheads.
I've got expenses.

'Say you'll accept less
next time you ring him.'


I mean it.

'OK.' I'm serious.

You're the boss.

So what did you want?

I wanted to know
he was getting on with it

and that he hadn't been
anywhere near the police.

'No, he won't,
he wants her back all in one piece.'


Well, he needs to buckle down
and get on with it, then.

You're not going to hurt her.

'I'm not, no.
But I can't vouch for my lads.

'Cooped up with her all day.

'Eh? Getting little ideas
in their little heads.'

What are you talking about?

Tommy's just got out of prison.

Poor lad hasn't had his leg over
in eight years.

'Use your imagination.'

You'll tell them not to touch her!

You'll get the money,
just tell him you'll take less!

'Right.' I mean it!

'Yeah, you said.'


I did this stupid thing.



I want you to do something for me.

You've got to go to the police.

I know. Except...

..I can't.

Do you know where they're keeping

No! No. I know nothing. I...


I don't think they're even going to
give me any money at the end of it.

I think I've just been...shafted,
and used, and taken for a ride

and I don't even know why I did it!


I was so angry at Nevison.

Then he turns around
and tells me Helen's got cancer

and he offers me more money! Jesus.

Do you think they'll hurt her?



He's doing it for the money.

He's not doing it to hurt her.


So we...

..know that she's safe.


I mean, even if she doesn't,
and even if her parents don't,

we know that Ashley wouldn't... anything...

Yeah. Yeah, we know that. Yeah.

So is there anything...

Was this all verbal?
Between you and Ashley.

There's no emails, no...

I phoned him this morning, and just

Phone calls are traceable.

But not the content, not what you

No. No.

I don't know, I don't think so.


you could just deny everything.

You deny putting the idea
in his head.

You say that none of those
conversations ever happened.

That it was all him.

I mean, if it becomes necessary.

If they get caught. Which they will.

Which is why you mustn't
go anywhere near that money.

Even if it looks like
they've got away with it.

Cos they won't.

In the end.

People like that never do.

Night-night, love. Night-night.

Is Granny going to come in and kiss

I'll ask her.

Y'all right?

Too old to be getting knocked about
by scrotes.

You love it. You know you do. Mmm.

Promise me you'll not let
that bastard get to you.

I won't let that bastard get to me.

Ryan says will you go up
and give him a kiss?






You can go now.





We can't leave her in that cellar
all night.

She'll freeze. She'll be reet.

I gave her her knickers back.

I think it might be best
we leave it that way from now on.

Have you heard?

You can go home now.

I'm putting her in that bedroom.

She can sleep in that sleeping bag.

Leave her. I ain't taking orders

from a screwhead like you.

Ashley wants me
to take a photo of her.

In the cellar.

Not looking like she's having
a right lot in the way of fun.

OK? I can do that.

Yeah, but he asked me. So...

Right. Well, do it, then.
Then I'm putting her in that bedroom

and I'm giving her
that sleeping bag.

I'll do it when I'm ready.

You're not hurting her.

That was never the plan.

Do you know something, Lewis?

I don't think you're cut out
for this.

First off you blab, in front of her.

"Ashley up at farm."

And now you want to put her upstairs,

where people are more likely
to see her.

What's wrong with you?

What's wrong with me?
You're the one that...

Why don't you just get yourself
a girlfriend, like normal people?

What's up, Lewis?

Are you jealous? Jealous?!

You... You're just...
You're not even...

And you think I have no idea?

Do you think when she gets out of
this she's going to let you get
away with

whatever it is you think you've been
doing to her?

Do you think her dad is?

Maybe she won't get out of it.

Now what are you bloody saying?

I think once the cash's
been handed over,

the safest thing would be to...


That isn't... That was never...
It's your fault.

Blabbing. She never heard that!

She might've done. You don't know.
She didn't.

Take the photo, take the stupid
photo and go.

I'll look after her.
No, you'll put her in the bedroom.

I'm not leaving her on her own
with you, you weirdo!

I won't put her in a bedroom.

I might give her the sleeping bag,
but I won't put her in a bedroom.

Ashley wants you.

I'm not leaving you
on your own with her.

I don't care what Ashley wants.




We need a picture now,
for your daddy.

We're going to send it to your daddy

so he can see how much fun
you're having with us.!


One more for luck. Yeah?

One more with my hand up your fanny.

Leave her alone!



Anything else to say?

Little shitty pants.









Ooh, been in the wars?

What happened?
Went straight into the back of her.

Couldn't stop in time.

She must have slammed her brakes on,
everyone's piled in behind.

My constable radio'd me to say
she'd asked you to take

a breathalyser test
and you weren't right keen.

Is there a reason for that?

Ah, come on. It's quarter past eight
in the morning,

I'm not going to stand here looking
like I've had vodka for breakfast.

People know who I am. She wasn't
doing it to make you look bad - it's

when there's been a smash.

She'd have asked you even if she
hadn't smelled alcohol on your

OK, look. I had a late night.

Last night.

I, er...

I wasn't at home.

So I haven't had time to shower,
get changed.

So admittedly it may be on my breath,

but I'm certainly not over the limit.
So you thought

calling her a stupid little effing

would help?
She threatened to arrest me.

She was doing her job.

She risks her neck every day,

all of my officers do,
dealing with scum and tossers.

What none of 'em need is abuse

from someone on the council who
above all people should know better.

Yes, yes. I know and I'm sorry.

it had... It had just happened,
I was upset,

I was shaken.

I'd like you to blow into the tube.

If you refuse again,
I'll arrest you.

OK. Look.

I'm more than happy to apologise
to her.

Really, I am. Good.

Well, you can do that
as soon as you've done this.

Catherine, come on.

You know I've got the highest respect
for you and your team.

I'm amazed you're making a fuss
like this.

Can you blow into the tube, please?

It wasn't me who caused the accident!
It was the woman at the front.

She's been breathalysed.

She didn't have a problem with it.
And the cause remains to be

I'm not standing here and being
humiliated and compromised like this.

OK. Then I'm going to have to ask
you to give me the keys
to your vehicle.

Oh! You'll understand
that I can't let you

drive away from the scene if you're
refusing to be breathalysed.

I have to say,
I never had you down as a jobsworth.


Keys are in the ignition.

And I'm only refusing on principle.

I want you to understand that
and I want it noted down.

You're refusing because you've been
drinking. You and me both know that.

I have to say, Catherine,

I'm very disappointed
in this attitude you're taking.

Can you explain to me what this is?

I've no idea.

Well, it looks like a little packet
of white powder to me.

Well, it's not mine.
Well, it's in your vehicle.

Jesus! Y...

You've just put that there.
You've just planted that there.

I'm arresting you
on suspicion of drunk driving

and possessing an illegal substance.

It's not mine!
It's got nowt to do with me!

You don't have to say anything,
but it may... Can you turn round?

Hands on the roof of your vehicle.
Don't do this.

This is going to have consequences,

and not for me.

Catherine, it's ridiculous!
It's humiliating!

You're making a big mistake.

Have you got any other substances
on you?

No, don't be ridiculous!

Look, it's a plant.

It was planted. All right,
maybe not by you, but it was planted.

You're going to regret this, you're
going to regret it a lot, and soon,

and for the rest of your life,
you understand?

You're going to lose your job
over this, and worse.

Much worse.
OK, hands behind your back.

I'm not your mother. You've gotta
remember that nobody
is above the law.

However important
they try and tell you that they are,

however much they try and bully you

into thinking that you've got
the wrong end of stick,

nobody bullies you -
you're a police officer.

This is all I've ever wanted to do...
all my life...

..and I'm shit at it.

Go on, off you go.







You can go.



ASHLEY: 'Y'all right, Nev?'

Where is she?

She's fine. She's lovely. She's
spent a very comfortable night.

'Let's keep it that way, eh?'

Is she? Has she? 'So, tomorrow.'

McDonald's drive-thru
just off Huddersfield ring road.

'I want to speak to her.'

Let's see how we get on
tomorrow first, Nev, eh?

Then we'll see about
letting you speak to her.

We'd like an initial instalment.

By way of showing willing.

20 grand.

'Cash, obviously.

'And I don't want you dropping it.'

I want that irritating little twat
of an accountant you've got.

Me? Yes.



No. I... All you have to do is
drop it in a bin.

Marcus Gascoigne?
It's priceless, innit?

Marcus Ga...!

Didn't you...have him once?

No... No! God, no.

Well, just that once.

You know...the scrotes,
the dropouts,

the numpties with nothing going on
in their lives, you can...

not condone it, but you can more
easily see it, get it,
understand it, almost.

But someone like him,
apart from the hypocrisy...

Yeah, well,
it takes all sorts, doesn't it?

No, I didn't mean you.
I wasn't thinking about you.

You just... got in with the wrong
crowd, didn't you?

Well, it sounds like he's blown it
as regards being a councillor

when all this comes out.
You're joking!

He'll get some smartarse lawyer
to tidy it all up for him,

to spin it, to twist it,
the Teflon twat.

Nothing'll stick. You watch.

Did you have to hand him over
to drug squad?

Oh, yeah. First dabs, every time.
I just tidy the streets, me.


Catherine, what have you done
to your face?

Oh, it's work.

How are you? Really well.

Ooh, looks sore. Hiya, Clare.

Hiya, love.

Er, his friend he were going to,
he's got a sore throat, so we...

got blown out at the last minute.

I brung you some chocolate.

BOTH: Brought.

Come on in.

Mum! Hi. Hello. Hiya, Ros.

Oh, good Lord,
what have you done to your eye?

Oh, it's work. How are you?

Good. Good. Er, I've brought Ryan.

He was going to a friend's, only
they cried off at the last minute,

cos he's got a bug,
his friend has, so...

Ryan brought me some chocolates.

The thing is, this house,

it's the sort that just doesn't come
on the market very often.

So, if we didn't go for it now,
we might not get the chance again.

Which would be fine,
if I wasn't being made redundant.

When did you find this out?
Last week.

The thing is, they're going to still
need journalists.

It's going online, which is fair
enough, but they still need stories.

We have to reapply.

They need exactly half
the number of us, so...

You're assuming that you won't be
one of the ones they want back,
which is...

That's not entirely the point, is it?

The point is, half of us might be
taken back on, half of us won't.

I wouldn't want to be in either

I'd rather walk away having made my
feelings about the damned thing

Well, that's just cutting off your
nose to spite your face.

Well, you may choose
to see it that way, but the point is,

either way, it's certainly not a good
time to be getting a bigger mortgage.

On a...

..on a lighter note... Sorry, Dad.


The reason we've got you all round

is cos we've got some kind of
more happy news for you.



Well, we're, um...

She-she's pregnant.
We're having a baby.

Oh, my God!

No, that's... That's...wonderful.

That is wonderful. That is really...

You're crying. I'm happy!


How many weeks? 12.

We thought we'd wait till,
you know...

Ohh! And...and are you...?
I'm fine.

I felt a bit sick once or twice.
Think that's how I knew. Um...

Then I went off coffee and red wine,
which made me think, "Ooh, hello!"


Oh, no! You're going to be

Well, we're already grandparents.

What are you doing about work?
Have you decided?

Well, obviously,
I don't want to give my job up, so...

"Ho Ho for the robbers
The cops and the robbers Ho Ho!

"And the toys?
Oh, they were taken back

"By a Santa Claus copper
with a Santa Claus sack

"While the rest of the force
searched day and night

"For an elderly lady
of medium height

"With a fondness for earrings
and red fox furs

"And a habit of taking
what wasn't hers

"She usually carried a sizeable bag

"Her name, of course,
was Grandma Swagg

"Ho Ho for the robbers
The cops and the robbers Ho Ho!"

Granny. Yes, chick?

Is that Richard my grandad?

He...he used to be my husband.

So, yeah. He...

And he was your mum's dad, so, yeah.

Yes, he is your grandad.
Can I go and see him?

Would you like to?
Where does he live?

On towards Ripponden.
Can you drive me over?

Like, one Saturday morning.
Then he could play football with me.

Well, we'll have...
we'll have to see.



'Kevin, it's Ashley.

'You do realise
you don't really have to drive

'to McDonald's off Huddersfield
ring road, don't you?'

She's all right.


Isn't she? She's fine.

She's absolutely fine.

There you go. That's yours.


Hello. Is he in?

Yeah! Come in.

I was just passing, I was, er...

He's just getting changed,
I'll give him a shout.


Can I make you a cup of tea? No.
Thank you.

I meant to say...about yesterday.

I'm sorry that I put my foot in it.
It's fine.

I said it without even thinking.
It's fine.

Hi. Hi.

Have you got five minutes? Sure.

It's delicate. Can I...?
Yeah, course.

D'you want me to
leave you on your own?

No, no, no, er...

OK, erm...

So yesterday, after yesterday,
last night...

...Ryan asked me if you're
his grandad and, erm, I...

I couldn't...

I said you used to be my husband
and you were his mum's dad

and I said... I said yeah, yeah,
you are his grandad.

But the thing...

No, I'm sorry. I am sorry.

I know I made this decision,
and I know you didn't,

and I've brought it all on myself,

and I've got no right to ask you
this, but I'm going to.


He asked me...

..if I would drive him over here
one day, one Saturday... you that you could play
football with him.

Cos it doesn't occur to him

that...that you being his grandad
wouldn't want to do that,

wouldn't want to play with him.

I'm not his grandad.

You shouldn't have told him that.

OK. Fair enough.

Except, you know, you are. Don't.

You know, I don't...I don't get
the way you can think...

I'm not going through all this. If
I'd decided to wash my hands of him,

he'd have ended up in care.
You made that decision.

Our daughter's child
would've ended up

in care. She never wanted him!

It's still her flesh and blood!
She was r*ped!

Our flesh and...
She k*lled herself because of him!

She k*lled herself because she'd
been r*ped not because of him!

It's the same thing! It isn't!

It isn't. He was there to remind
her every day.

That's why she...
That is not his fault!

I can't look at him.

I realise it was a big ask.


Oh, hi. How are you?

Kevin, is it?

Yeah, I'm fine, I'm fine.
You left abruptly.

Everything all right?

Yes. Yeah.

You never finished telling me
your story.

Oh, I changed my mind. It wasn't...
really a police matter.


Well, if, er, there's anything
I can do. Sure.


'Is that Catherine?'


It's Mickey from the Curry House
up Rawson Lane.

That fella you were looking for's
been in.

'Just now.

'I came outside for a smoke when he
left so I could keep an eye on him,

'and I saw where he went.
I saw which house he went in.'

I've got to go.

I'll be with you in five minutes.










Answer the phone, you twat!

'Hello.' Ashley, it's Tommy.

Why have I just had bastard
police knocking on door?

'What are you talking about?'

Some slag of a policewoman
knocking on this door!

When? 'Now! Just now!'

Just don't...don't...don't do
anything, don't panic, I'll...
Has she gone?


I'll send Lewis...with the van.

Just get her ready, we'll move her.

How come the police know anything?
Who's said anything?

'Nothing, nobody.'

Just get her ready to shift her.

All right?

I'm not... I'm not going there.
Do it!

D'you want that money?

I'll get keys.

Where are we taking her?
I don't know yet.

Just ring me
as soon as you're on the move.



Why've I got police knocking
on my door down Milton Avenue?


The house where I'm keeping her.
I've got police knocking on it.

'Has Nevison been to the police?'
No! No, not...not to my...

No, he hasn't. Not to my...

Well, then, why are they knocking
on the door, then?

What do they know?
'I've got absolutely'

no idea.


♪ In this trouble town

♪ Troubles are found

♪ In this trouble town

♪ Word soon gets round

♪ Stuck in speed-bump city

♪ Where the only thing that's pretty

♪ Is the thought of getting out. ♪