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02x03 - One Danger After Another ~Degeneration~

Posted: 01/06/23 17:45
by bunniefuu
Psychics Mobgle Search The Spirits and Such Consultation Office's official homepage.

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-Mobpedian 100 ways to tell if a psychic is real or not A psychic's advice to those living with the gift [Psychics]

Spirits and Such Consultation Office Homepage: Reigen Arataka [Exorcisms & Seances]

Psychic Jet | A relaxing spiritual life | Seasoning City Center Let us introduce you to the best psychics | Rei Rei Hotline Available 24 hours! ~SpiSpi Call Center~ [Psychics]

Spirits and Such Consultation Office Homepage: Reigen Arataka [Exorcisms & Seances]

Psychic Jet | A relaxing spiritual life | Seasoning City Center To much surprise, it became quite popular, You are the visitor here.

Welcome to Reigen Arataka's homepage! The star psychic of the 21st century who defeated The Dragger Spirits and Such Consultation Office Hello, I'm Reigen Arataka, the new star of the psychic world! Don't try to do it alone.

Come talk to me ! ! Honest billing and various courses available ! ! ! Spirits and Such Consultation Office Official HP and a lot of requests for actual exorcisms started coming in.

Do you want to hear the voice of your loved one again? Those able to do "seances" are considered modern

-day necromancers.

Why not put an end to those pesky inheritance battles? Those of you troubled with "spiritual harm," are they causing you trouble with your neighbors ! ? "Rapping sounds" "Paralyzed" when you're trying to sleep "Poltergeists," etc.


Hello, I'm Reigen Arataka, the new star of the psychic world! Don't try to do it alone.

Come talk to me ! ! Honest billing and various courses available ! ! ! Do you want to hear the voice of your loved one again? Those able to do "seances" are considered modern

-day necromancers.

Why not put an end to those pesky inheritance battles? Those of you troubled with "spiritual harm," are they causing you trouble with your neighbors ! ? "Rapping sounds" "Paralyzed" when you're trying to sleep "Poltergeists," etc.


Do you want to hear the voice of your loved one again? Those able to do "seances" are considered modern

-day necromancers.

Why not put an end to those pesky inheritance battles? Your stiff shoulders may be due to a spirit on your back See us when you're not feeling well or for modern sicknesses Spirit Photography Evaluation I will also evaluate any other possible cursed items you have and exorcise them! Advice About Stigmatized Properties Deal with "psychological defects" before you move In order to avoid real estate troubles and protect the value of your property Modern "Urban Legends" The Dragger, Hanako

-san, Kashima Reiko, Red Raincoat Net lore: the modern form of urban legends Your stiff shoulders may be due to a spirit on your back See us when you're not feeling well or for modern sicknesses Your stiff shoulders may be due to a spirit on your back See us when you're not feeling well or for modern sicknesses Your stiff shoulders may be due to a spirit on your back See us when you're not feeling well or for modern sicknesses Your stiff shoulders may be due to a spirit on your back See us when you're not feeling well or for modern sicknesses Executing the Exorcism ! ! We will do our best to reduce the spirit possessing you Option A Trial Course A Mere 2,000 yen (Tax Excluded) Outside Offer Period: 3,980 yen Option B Serious Course A Mere 5,000 yen (Tax Excluded) Outside of Offer Period: 8,980 Recommended Option C All

-Out Course A Mere 12,000 yen (Tax Excluded) Outside of Offer Period: 19,880 yen Refer us to a friend now and get an extra 5% reduction!! Also get an add

-on exorcism for 20% off!! Behold, Reigen Arataka's elegant special moves! Salt Splash Banishing Salt Punch Aroma Runaway Express Essence of Life Draft Low Carbs But that also meant that some of the requests coming in were the kind that could never be taken on.

Mob Psycho One Danger After Another ~Degeneration~ Again No matter how many times you ask, I'm not going to curse anyone for you.

Please leave.

But you're a psychic, right? Come on, don't be so spoilsport.

I'm begging you.

Curse this guy for me.

I'm afraid I can't.

You can't be serious! I traveled really far to come see you! Nobody asked you to.

What? Is that how you talk to a customer?! Are they going to fight? All right, all right! Fine, I'll do it.

If there are 3 evil spirits, the exorcism fee on 1 of them will be on the house!! Really?! I knew it'd be worth the trip! The Spiritual Compendium 17th Edition ~The Miraculous Unknown Psychic~ But this is the only time I'm doing it.

And I won't be held responsible for what happens.

Huh? Keep this on your person at all times.

Curse The hell is this? It's a cursed, well, you know As long as you have that with you, I'm sure something will happen someday.

Oh, I don't need any payment.

But just make sure you don't tell anyone else about this.

I mean, I believe you, but if you're messing with me I'm going to curse you.

Man, he finally left.

I mean, I can understand hating someone so much you want to curse them Do you have someone like that too, Master? Nope.

Do you? Someone I want to curse? Uh, you don't need to think so hard about it.

Huh? Can't think of anyone.

Don't take so long, then! You actually scared me! Anyway, was it a good idea to give him that thing? Well, I just cooked it up on the spot.

I'm sure it won't harm anyone.

Do you really think so? I mean Even if it's a lie, First in the world!

- Goku NERO

- 0 Purine 0 Carbs Alcohol 4% Pork Loin Tonkatsu Bento in his mind, he believes that he's actually cursing someone.

Is he going to keep living under that impression? Isn't that rather frightening? Mob? Reigen Arataka The New Star of the 21st Century That's rare He's actually voicing his own opinion.

Something's obviously bothering him.

Did I miss something? Hello, this is Spirits and Such Consultation Office.

This is the place.

At first, I thought it was a stalker, so I talked to the police.

But it just didn't seem human It was staring at me through the window the other day! The window? Seasoning Moving Center We're on the fifth floor, and there's no balcony I see.

You here, Dimple? The hell do you want? Could you check things out around this window? See if there's a rope or something dangling from the roof.

And why do I have to do this? Feel free to eat any evil spirits you see.

Mob, do you sense anything? Yes, though it's faint.

Nope, not a damn thing.

Why the hell did you close the window, you jerk?! But there definitely seems to be a stalker What kind of interest would a ghost have in a living woman? Beats me.

It's pretty rare for spirits to have any sexual desires left.

It's not like they can reproduce anymore.

But does love always have to come with sexual desires? Actually, I don't want to discuss this with you.

Right back at you, ya jerk.

Is this a poltergeist? What do I do? It must be mad I called you here.

Did it settle down? Outside the window! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Mob! Vaporize it! That's a living person.

So it is a stalker! Damn it! He disappeared! He's in the next apartment.

Who are these people? Why are they here? It's not like I did anything wrong.

I mean, yeah, I'm sorry I used an out of body experience to spy on you.

But I seriously fell for you at first sight! I've never felt like this before I didn't know what to do.


-Yeah I'm serious about this.

I'm going to go out with her! Don't get in my way! I'll m*rder you! Why, you You pervy peeping tom! Ow, ow, owie! Say no to v*olence! Let me go! I'll call the cops, you bastard! What are you talking about? I'm sorry! I was in the wrong! I'll never do it again! Please forgive me! My feelings for you are genuine, though! So, please p



-p You're seriously You're seriously insanely creepy! I can't believe I was scared of that.

So he tried to hide his stalking tendencies behind a supernatural phenomenon.

Don't try that at home, Shigeo.

Why? Why does she feel so differently after finding out it was a human and not an evil spirit? I don't understand Man, he's got a lot on his mind today.

Guess I'll pick his brain later.

All right, let's head back and grab some soba on the way.

Okay Oh, there he is! We were waiting for you! Hey, you sure got him working a long part

-time shift today.

Three jobs in one day? That website is paying off.

We want to make some memories before we graduate, man! So, like, we want to go to some popular haunted place and take a spirit photo.

But it'd suck if we actually ran into an evil spirit.

So they're just messing around.

But it's not like I'm going to turn them down.

When and where? Right now, my dude! We've got a car waiting just outside! They definitely don't have a plan in mind.

What happened to getting there in 20 minutes? It's already been 30.

I think it might take another 30.

We might not have time for soba after all.

So who the heck are you? His assistant? I'm a part


You work part

-time at a psychic's office? That's hilarious.

How much do you Mob! Concentrate.

Make sure you're prepared for the unexpected.

Right Wow, you sound legit! We're here.

Yo! This place is creepy AF! OMG! I'm so excited! Holy shit.

Holy shit, man.

You sense any spirits? Faintly Doesn't deserve to be a popular haunted spot, though.

All right, hurry up and take that picture, please.

Got it! I'm taking it! Okay, say chee Actually, could you take it? I want to vehemently decline, but they're customers, so what can I do? Okay, say chee Oh, hey, don't forget the flash! Okay, say cheese.

We should head back.

My disciple's still in middle school.

Sure, thanks.



Also, regarding the fee What? Fee? What are you even talking about? What? The fee for this job.

Nothing bad happened, and you didn't even do anything, psychic dude! You really want us to pay you for nothing? Isn't that a scam? Yeah, like, a total scam! No pay, and then Not even a ride back? Yup.

I'd say the unexpected just happened.

Oh, well.

Let's head out to the road and hail us a taxi.

No soba tonight.

Mob Psycho 100 Mob Psycho 100 Hey! Hey, kid! You ignoring me? Hey! Look at you, stumbling around.

You're in our way.

But since you're here, could you lend us some cash? Huh? But I don't have any.

Why you freakin' out? Could you bring us some money tomorrow, then? Huh? You heard the guy.

Uh, Sugimoto? Hey, what's wrong? Why are you stripping, Sugimoto?! I'm an angel! Sugimoto Dimple, stop! Stop that! Sugimoto Are you okay? I dunno What just happened? Let's try this again! Hey, you little shit! You were laughing just now, weren't you? I

-I wasn't! Shut up! You get what this is, right? We're mugging yo Sugimoto?! I'm okay! Let him go, Ritsu.

You sure? They seem like a bad crowd.

Dude, what's wrong with you, Sugimoto? Did you need something from our club member? Huh? Wh

-Who the hell are you guys?! Who said you could surround me like that, huh? Bring it on, you bastards! I'll kick yer asses! Hey, stop squishing me, damn it! Hey, I can't get out! Hey! Um, I'm fine, so please don't fight.

Fair enough.

Sugimoto! You'll regret this, you jerks! You sure you're all right? Yes.

Thank you.

You need to know when to fight back, Kageyama.

Or they're just going to try to bully you even more.

I can't think of a good way to.

Kick their asses with your shadow leader powers.

You don't have to waste your powers on guys like them, Nii


If they show up again, I'll get rid of them.

Raking bad guys over the coals is what's good for them and society.

Make sure you kick their asses on your own next time.

You've got the power to do it.

Spirits and Such Consultation Office What? You ended up with a spirit photo? Yes So we wanted to ask for your help again.

Just throw some salt around.

I don't do volunteer work.

We're really sorry! We'll pay! So what's the job? We want to go back to that haunted place and have you make the ghost in this picture disappear! I mean, I can exorcise that photograph if you'd like.

We don't even need to go back to the place.

No way! It's creepy enough knowing that thing exists! Please get rid of it! So an exorcism request.

Very well.

Let me explain the various options.

We'll take the most expensive one! Looks like you got dragged out again.

And your Sunday got ruined yesterday.

You can get pissed off about this, y'know? Please wrap this up as soon as possible.

There're three of them.

They don't seem to be evil spirits, though.

We'll just have to take care of them.

They're scaring our clients.

Go ahead and exorcise them.

Please don't.

The three of us are family.

We died in an accident and lost our chance at a good life.

But now that we're ghosts, we've been living here peacefully.

We haven't done anything wrong.

I just want to stay with my family a little bit longer.

As soon as this desire is fulfilled, we will disappear naturally.

So I beg of you Please, let us be.

Did you hear that, Master? Nope, not a thing.

Their aura must be too weak.


-There's no reason to exorcise them.

They said that they wouldn't do anything bad.

They're a family.

Hello?! We called you here because we need you to exorcise them! It's way too creepy knowing they're here! Who cares if they do anything bad or not? Not to mention, we said we'd pay you! Hurry up and exorcise them already! I'm getting goosebumps just standing here! It's so creepy, I feel like I'm going to throw up.

What's the matter, Mob? You've gotten rid of plenty of evil spirits before.

These people just want to live in peace.

I can't I don't want to destroy that.

Just hurry up and do it already! No one cares how you feel! Sir, we asked for your help because we really needed it.

Our customers always take top priority.

However, if spirits deserve as much respect as the living, and the three here are truly just a family living peacefully Then I can't make Mob do something as heinous as barging in and dispatching them.

But our clients' fear is real, too.

What should I do? As a professional, can I really put the ghosts above the clients? Hey, man of the house.

I bet you've got plenty of pent

-up spiritual power.

Dimple? You gained that strength to protect your family, right? In that case Why not k*ll those three right now? They won't have to exorcise you if the clients are dead.

You want to live peacefully with your family, right? Go on.

What other choice do you have? Darling Daddy I beg of you Please let us be.

I cannot do something so horrific, especially in front of my child I see.

Well, what're you gonna do, then? But we have nowhere left to run.

If you must go through with it, we'll just have to accept it.

But, please Please, I ask that you let us all go together, wherever it may be.

Mob, are the spirits still saying something? You Hey So what's going on? A moment, please.

What's wrong, Mob? He's so against exorcising them that it's making him tremble.

That much, huh? Okay, got it.

Let's skip the exorcism.

It's not like I'm ordering you.

It's okay to listen to your feelings.


You don't have to take this so seriously.

You're plenty strong, Shigeo.

I don't think you understand This must be something that only I understand I mean, there's no way I can go off my feelings alone.

I can't take this lightly.

If I truly decide to protect this family, that'll mean the clients will have to get hurt instead.

How long is this gonna take, damn it?! Who cares what the brat Yo, what the hell is this? Salt?! This concludes the exorcism.

What? Wait, seriously? That was it? We're done here.

Uh, okay.

Reigen? What's the matter with you now? So that's what's going on here Why didn't I realize it sooner? He can do so much more than an average person.

The world he can see is far bigger than ours.

Curses and spirits are a part of Mob's daily life.

Both the human and the inhuman are equally close to him.

Damn it! It's all because I took too many jobs, got complacent, and half

-assed things.

Let's head back.

Want some soba? Okay.

Spirits and Such Consultation Office You okay with that? The New Star of the 21st Century Reigen Arataka Spirits and Such Consultation Office You actually took money for just throwing a bunch of salt around.

What was I supposed to do? If I hadn't taken the money, it would've been suspicious.

More importantly, you're sure they weren't evil spirits, right? If there are 3 evil spirits, the exorcism fee on 1 of them will be on the house!! Yeah.

I tried to provoke him, but he didn't turn into an evil spirit.

If there are 3 evil spirits, the exorcism fee on 1 of them will be on the house!! Why are you trembling now? Oh, you're yawning.

Man, you two are like night and day.

Hey, you've got something on your back.

What? Yeah, someone definitely cursed you.

What'll happen to me if I leave it alone? You might slip on a banana peel at least.

That'd be enough to do me in if I was on some stairs.

Get rid of it for me.

Your attitude sucks, so nope.

Please, I can't ask Mob to do this for me.

I bet the guy from yesterday hired someone who could actually use curses.

All right, fine.

If there are 3 evil spirits, the exorcism fee on 1 of them will be on the house!! Reception The New Star of the 21st Century Reigen Arataka Spirits and Such Consultation Office He might be able to see something more terrifying than anything that we can ever witness.

The things he feared, and the things he avoided Mob understood that they were different from the norm.

Shampoo If I ever end up wanting to curse someone If I ever end up using my powers for evil If I ever end up wanting to eradicate people rather than spirits I wonder if anyone will yell at me for it.

Mob tried to think about everything that happened over the past two days, but perhaps out of exhaustion, he immediately fell asleep.

Mob We've been invited to a rich guy's house! I smell a huge score! We're gonna make that money, Mob! Next time on Mob Psycho 100 II Episode 4: "Inside ~Evil Spirit~.

" Inside ~Evil Spirit~ A streaming service? But of course, that's an excellent decision!