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01x09 - Claw ~7th Division~

Posted: 01/06/23 17:41
by bunniefuu
A middle school student I have never seen before came out of the lab.

Follow that boy.

Your body is mine now! Damn it! I can't control his body! Your brother is like a different person lately.

White T

-Shirt Poison is you? I found someone who says he's White T

-Shirt Poison.

What are doing, Ritsu? Shigeo I have psychic powers.

I'm not your friendly brother anymore.

I'm sorry my brother hurt you.

What are you doing? Stop it! It's useless to try to separate yourself from me.

We're brothers after all.

Why are you doing this? The Awakening Lab? You make this place sound impressive, but you must feel foolish saying its name.

Who the heck are you? What does that matter? It appears that both our groups are collecting Espers.

But our ability and scale are on a different level.

This sword is a plastic toy, but when I cast my spell on it, it becomes a magical sword.

What What are you after? I'm taking these kids with me.

Your powers will grow immensely if you come with us instead of staying here.

I won't let you take them! Hurry! Run! Such a feeble attempt to stop me.

Hurry up, Kaito! Wait for me.

Let's do this.


A barrier, I see.

What? Why is this locked? Darn it! Where are you going in such a hurry? You can't touch us! I'm going to take control of you with my hypnosis.

Ignite! How cute.

What? But I don't approve of your rebellious attitude.

Want a taste of my Hardening Qigong? "Hardening Qigong"? I focus my chi and crush my opponents with it.

Choose your opponents carefully, or you'll get yourself hurt.

Take them away.

THE WILL TO DESTRUC How is it going there? He is definitely powerful.

Just in case, send me a photo of him.

All right.

No doubt about it.

That's Kageyama.

Bring him right away.

Got it.

Hey, White T

-Shirt Poison if you don't want us to kick the crap out of your precious brother give yourself up.

No! I won't let you fight anymore.

Did you hear that? This useless jerk is talking like he's a tough guy! Hey, big boy.

If you want to order us around, you'll have to defeat us.

Only the strongest get to tell other people what to do.

What idiots! The strongest person here is That's right! Only the strongest can order people around.

Who are you? Let go! Ritsu! You think being the strongest fighter is enough, right, punks? That just shows how old

-fashioned you are.

But this guy is different.

It's no use fighting him.

That's why I'm taking him.

Let go! Who is this chump? Stay out of this, assh*le! Okay, get on your knees, punks.

On your knees! You thought you were the toughest just a minute ago, didn't you? Listen up, punks.

If you get too cocky again, just let me know.

I will come k*ll you anytime, anywhere.

Let go of Shigeo! My brother! MOB 60% Let go of my brother! What? Let him go.

I won't let you have Ritsu! MOB 70% I should never use this on people but it's different this time.

I'm sure Master will forgive this.

Shigeo Give me back Ritsu! MOB 80% This is telekinetic power.

I wasn't told anything about Esper brothers.

An Esper brat like you deserves a good ass

-whipping! Telekinetic Helix! Shigeo! GHOSTS ETC.

AGENCY How dare you think you can defeat me, evil hay fever! GHOSTS ETC.

AGENCY Are you open for business? Who screwed up this project? Who's responsible? Him.

He acted too rashly.

I haven't been able to sleep lately.

At night I become frozen with dread.

I see.

That could be caused by a ghost.

What? Let's have a look.


Ouch! That hurts! Just as I thought.

What is? Long ago, you made your office staff take the blame for your own mistake, and made him quit his job.

How How did you know? You're being haunted by his living ghost.

You can't sleep because of his hatred for you! It must be true At the time my dad was in the hospital, and my kid was facing entrance exams.

I couldn't take the blame and quit.

I didn't want to, but I made that guy with the super

-slanted eyes take all the blame.

What? You feel bad about it? Of course I do! I have always regretted it! I I always wondered where he was and how he was doing.

I want to see him and apologize to him.

I see.

So, it was that guy with the super

-slanted eyes.

I'll exorcise him.


Thank you.

Curse Crush.

That feels so good.

That feels so good! Forgive me! The living ghost has been dispelled.

I doubt he hates you anymore.

I think he's enjoying his current job.


From now on, don't blame others, and be a nice guy.

I will.

That will be 2,800 yen for the exorcism.

Keep the change.

I'll be able to sleep well now.

Thank you.


AGENCY That was pretty darn nice of me.

Your barrier is useless against my att*cks.

Holy shit! He'll die if this keeps up! Hanazawa! I should go get his help! It hurts! Stop! Take me! Isn't that what you want? I don't take orders from brats.

I have never felt this before, you big bully.

MOB 90% Can you sense MOB 99% My hostility? MOB 100% You have done terrible things to us you big bully.

Let me make this clear.

This is all your fault.

Hey, isn't that guy White T

-Shirt Poison? You're right! That dude was the White T

-Shirt Poison! White T

-Shirt Poison! White T

-Shirt Poison has lost his mind! Oh, shit! Get out now! Go! Hurry! Go! I won't let you take Ritsu! f*ck! At this rate, I'll never end this.

Ritsu Shigeo! This is all my fault! Even Koyama couldn't handle you? You're coming with me.

No way! Ritsu! Ritsu!

- Ritsu!

- Ritsu! Ritsu! Damn! We're too late! Kageyama! Kageyama! Wake up! Ritsu Kageyama! Bodybuilding! Pump! Up!

- Pump!

- Up!

- Pump!

- Up!

- Pump!

- Up! There is no school tomorrow.

Let's do tomorrow's exercise, too!

- Okay!

- Okay! I will become strong! That's the spirit, Onigawara!

- Come on! Do it!

- Let's do it! Hey! Hey! What? Why do I have to do this? If you want to use this room, you must satisfy the Student Council and make it look like this is the Bodybuilding Club.

Isn't the sign enough? What? You have a problem with this, Telepathy Club? No, not at all! One.



I sense something! Here it comes Sore muscles! What's the matter? If you're having troubles, I'll listen.

I'm perfectly fine.

Shigeo, I'm sorry for the terrible things I said.

Are you okay? Hang in there.

Ritsu! You're awake, Kageyama? Hanazawa? Ritsu! Where's Ritsu? Calm down.

Are you hurt anywhere? I I have to go save Ritsu! You need to rest a while longer.

- But

- Hold on.

You don't even know who those guys are.

Who are they? They're a group of dangerous Esper criminals.

They're called Claw.

Claw? They're gathering young Espers like us.

They've been after me for a few years.

That's why I live alone, so my family doesn't get hurt by them.

Why are they doing it? They're brainwashing kids who haven't developed their psychic powers to turn them into powerful soldiers.

They're planning a revolution, so they can take over the world.

Those guys are very powerful.

The guy you fought was one of the Scars.

They're the officers of Claw.

Scars? He had a scar, didn't he? Anyone who fights the boss of Claw and loses is given a terrible injury.

Only the ones that survive become officers.

They pledge their loyalty to the group, and become cold

-blooded fighting machines.

But, I have to go.

Wait! You'll die! I can win.

It won't be easy even for you, Kageyama.

They have many officers as strong as the guy you fought.

If you face them head

-on, you'll get crushed.

I feel bad for him but you should give up on Ritsu.

Give up on him? There is no way I can do that.

MOB 35% Thank you for helping me.

Wait! Ritsu is my brother.


I'll help you.

Hanazawa But we will not attack them recklessly.

If we can figure out why those guys were after Ritsu instead of you, that may give us a clue.

I think I might know why.

Ekubo? Is it your fault? Did you get Ritsu involved in this crazy stuff? No, of course not! Lately, Ritsu's been visiting that psychic power research center called Awakening Lab.

Awakening Lab? You might find out something if you go there.

Don't you think so? No! Please, no! No! Not this! I don't want to remain a budding flower Give me your love To make me blossom A woman becomes a flower By opening her petals Once you start singing, Tsubomi, you're amazing! To make a love song great, you need lots of vibrators.

Well, actually I think you mean "vibratos.

" Really? What's wrong with vibrators? They're so energizing.

I'll sing it again! It's all progressing smoothly, General.

I received a message from the Boss.

We have to prove the power of the Seventh Division to HQ.

We'll need as many Espers as we can get in order to do so.

Then, there's no need to worry.

I have someone who is officer material.

Are you certain? You see, the Boss is coming to inspect us.