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01x05 - Ochimusha ~Psychic Powers and Me~

Posted: 01/06/23 17:38
by bunniefuu
That attack gave me an idea.

I'll have Black Vinegar's shadow leader, Teruki Hanazawa, face off against Salt Middle's Bodybuilding Club.

Guys, get me a pen and a piece of paper.

What is this? A love letter? "Please come.

" "Come to Ankle Park and face our men.

" There is no way you're one of the "men.

" Who the hell are you? I'm Musashi Goda of Salt Middle School's Bodybuilding Club! I'm here for Kageyama.

Are you okay? I'm sorry, Boss.

Let's get the shadow leader.

I've already called him here.

Who let these gorillas in here? Teru! Do they need to be housebroken? This is going well.

MOB 40% Have you ever heard of the Violent Organization? The people that belong to this organization are symbols of authority at the school I'm attending.

By defeating them, you have more or less disgraced me.

Boss, I have no idea what he's talking about.

Me neither.

Are you part of this g*ng? What? You muscle

-bound moron! This is Black Vinegar Middle School's shadow leader, Teruki Hanazawa! You jerks are an easy game for him.

Who cares if he's the shadow leader? Our business here is done.

We're leaving.

I'm the one who will decide whether you can leave or not.

I don't want to hurt you.

You are fools who can only see what's visible to the naked eye.

That's why you're so easy to control.

You don't just become a star and get the spotlight.

You have to earn the spotlight to become a star.


LIKE LOOKING AT TRASH Do you have stiff shoulders or back pain? Do you want relief? You sure are working hard.

I have to advertise, you know.

Hey, Arataka.

Wait! I'll pay my tab soon! I'm not talking about that.

Usually, you give up so easily, so I wanted to praise you on sticking with this for so long.

Oh, come on.

Stop it.

Helping people is really your thing.

- By the way,

- What? one of my customers has a problem.

I'll introduce you to her, so drop by the bar.


Fine! You're bothering me! Go away! Why are you so cold? Don't snap at me!

- Come to the bar, okay?

- All right.

Hey! Quit touching me there! I'll be waiting.

This isn't yours to touch! It's a very holy place! That guy is crazy.

I'm craving for some takoyaki.

I'll get Mob to buy some for me.

Hey! Don't be late to work today.

Also, on your way, get the usual.

We didn't build our muscles to use them for fighting.

- Okay, let's go.

- Yes, sir! Hey! Wait! Teru! These jerks think they are superior than us.

Take them down! Edano, today is your last day as the leader.

You're so pathetic that you might damage my reputation.

What? Hey! That's not fair! Hold on a second! I mean, those guys are Yes! He didn't even touch him, did he? That was a fast move! That was BODYBUILDING CLUB TELEPATHY CLUB What is this? There are people other than Mob who can use psychic powers? I sense something! Here it comes! I'm getting signals!

- I sense

- Tome Kurata! Why are you in the room of Bodybuilding Club? I thought I already kicked out the Telepathy Club.

Their club leader, Mr.

Goda, gave me permission.

What do you want, anyway? You know Onigawara, right? He's been fighting with students from other schools.

Oh, you mean our school's g*ng leader? He hasn't approached the Bodybuilding Club, has he? We want you to help us defeat the guys from Black Vinegar Middle School! Well, I don't know.

There will be trouble if he's involved in any kind of v*olence.

When Goda returns, tell him to come to the Student Council Office.

What a pain.

The school rules state that non

-club members can't use club rooms, right? Right.

Kurata, you're All right! I'll tell him! Okay? If those guys do anything stupid, tell me right away.

If you don't, your club will be eliminated once and for all! As you wish! Hey, hold on! Wait! Your brother might be in trouble.

What do you mean? Well, I guess I could tell you if you can promise to keep that mean student council president away from here.

I can't make a promise like that.

We have Kageyama.

If you want him back, you have to fight us.

This is bad! I have to go save him.

It's only two or three delinquents.

With Mob's power, he can handle them.

No, he can't.

Shigeo doesn't use his power for that kind of thing! Don't use that on people.

Who the hell are you? Stop it.

You might hurt someone.

Move aside.

Stop it! Stand back, Kageyama! Boss! This is bad! Stop hiding.

Come out.

You're the one who came up with this sloppy plan, right? He found us out.

Damn you! Those leaders are nothing more than boss monkeys of ordinary folks.

Ultimately, they're powerless.

Why do you use that on people? What are you talking about? I'm talking about that psychic power you've been throwing around.

Who the hell are you? Using psychic powers on people or using it for v*olence is wrong.

Impossible! Do you have this power naturally? You even have enough power to avoid my att*cks? I can't believe there's someone else like me.

And, what the heck is that disgusting ball of energy floating in the air? Who are you calling disgusting? Is that your pet? Yes.

He's an evil spirit who follows me around.


Anyway, I have some questions for you.

But before that, we have to settle who's stronger here.

It doesn't look like this guy wants to be friends.

Be careful! MOB 45% What's wrong? Have they given up? Putting any more stress on them would be dangerous.

All right then.

Let them take a break.

Where the hell is that nerdy guy who destroyed that religion? I'll do anything to get my hands on him! Anything at all! Hey, you.

I've been looking for you.

For me? Yes! Show me more of what you can do.

So, you're a fan of Pepper China XO too? What? Okay! Here it goes! Just another fake.

I've received a report that he's in Seasoning City.

Go investigate right away.


Why do you want to fight with me? I haven't done anything.

Let's be friends.

No way! Fight back, Shigeo! Show him that he's not the strongest here! No.

Psychic powers shouldn't be used on people.

This is no time for that! I mean, just look at this guy! He's using his psychic abilities to gain popularity and enjoy school life to the fullest! How does your life compare to his? Your life is dull and depressing.

You've got this great natural psychic power, so why not use it? Do you think you'll be able to get Tsubomi if you keep this up? Here you go.

- Wow!

- Wow!

- It looks good!

- There's so much! I gave you pretty girls an extra.

- Thank you!

- Thank you! Let's eat! Ritsu! Oh, Tsubomi.

Are you jogging? That's fantastic! Have some takoyaki.

Sorry, but I'm a little busy now.

Slow and sweaty wins the race! It's "slow and steady.

" What? But sweaty means you've worked hard, right? Octopuses have three hearts! They're very strong! Have some!

- Sorry! I have no time for that!

- What? But, they are so delicious.

Octopuses are packed with collagen and vitamin E.

They make your skin smooth! Really? I'll take two more packs! Coming right up! That's too much.

It'll make my skin smooth! How do you like this? Use your psychic power! I won't.

I'm going to be different.

I don't want to hurt people anymore.

MOB 50% What? You think you can hurt me? Shigeo! Stop it! It hurts, Shigeo.

I won't use my power.

I promised not to use it anymore.

Psychic power is just another human characteristic.

So, it doesn't mean you should flaunt it.

Don't use it on people.

What I mean is Be a good guy! I'm going to be a good guy.

I'm going to be a good guy.

I don't want to depend on psychic powers.

That's why I'm doing weight training.

I'm going to change! Is this all that weight training has done for you? What's the point? But, I will still try to change.

I won't give up.

I wonder how long you'll keep believing that? No! HAPPY TRAIL BAR Master She's here.

Arataka, here's the woman I wanted to introduce you to.

Come here.


What? Please help me! I don't know what to do! I don't know why, but every guy I meet becomes my stalker.

Even now, the man from the local convenience store is waiting outside my place.

Yes, I can see you are definitely cursed! I'll do your exorcism at my office right away!

- What?

- A strand of hair.

Master told me not to use it on people.

Don't use those on people.

They're possessed with a spirit that turns weak men into stalkers.

Really? It's okay to use them on me.

I'm resistant to supernatural powers, so I won't become possessed.

You can use them on me all you want.

All you want.

So, what should I do? I'll do an exorcism on you right away.

- Come here.

- What?

- What? Wait!

- Come with me.

This way.

Leave this to me! My special technique, Chest Binder! What? TREATMENT ROOM Amazing! You'll be fine for the time being.

But is this going to help? Of course, it will! It will keep men from becoming possessed.

From now on, don't accidentally use those on anyone.

Always keep this binder wrapped around your chest.

Exorcism should be performed on you regularly, so how about scheduling another appointment in three days? By the way, the exorcism fee is 2,800 yen.

Put it on my tab, please.

See you again.

Tab? I guess it's okay.

I should probably be the one paying her.

Why the heck is Mob so late? What is he doing? Don't use it on people.

You still won't use your power? Shigeo, why do you have to get involved in this kind of trouble? You think there's something better than psychic powers? Everything else is useless! Weight training? Studying? Those are only for ordinary people! Live without using my psychic powers? Why should I lower myself to the level of ordinary people? When faced with against my abilities, physical strength, knowledge, and even the law are powerless! I am extraordinary.

I'm the center of this world! Hey, kid.

What? Is it time for the pet to butt in? Come on.

You can see my master doesn't want to fight.

How about you give up now and call it a draw? No way! Have a draw with this guy? That would be a black mark on my reputation.

I'm going to take this opportunity to teach him exactly where his place is.

I can't allow you to destroy Shigeo.

I won't let it happen.

Full supernatural power! Shigeo wiped out almost all my power, so all that's left are the dregs.

But even so, I think I have enough to teach a conceited brat a lesson.


Shigeo will become a god.

He's a totally different level than a second

-rate bum like MOB 55% Poor thing.

Since his master failed to train him properly, he has been completely destroyed.

I want to become the greatest being among all the creations.

A god! Let's become rulers of the world! Have some more confidence, Shigeo! You have the leading role, you know! Ekubo.

What's wrong? Was losing your pet that much of a shock? No.

That's not true.

MOB 55% I guess you're right.

Losing an ugly pet like that is no big deal.

He was totally useless in the first place.

You're the same after all! Even though you have psychic powers, you're only a third

-rate bum against me.

A small fry.

Some idiots have it all wrong.

They think they can become something if they try hard.

What? Don't look at me like that! Actually, I just realized that he was probably a nice guy compared to you.

What did you say? You won't be able to stay that calm for long! You will be completely defeated by my psychic power! I'll use my full power! Say your prayers now! It's dangerous to use that on people.

Everyone but me will be hurt.

You mean I can't hurt you? How dare you underestimate my power! I told you not to do that.

Did you just put up a barrier using your psychic power? Damn it! How dare you! That's dangerous! Don't use that on people! Shut up! I've had it with you! You should choose who to fight carefully unless you want to die young.

If you don't stop, you'll cause some serious damage.