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24x10 - Jumped In

Posted: 01/06/23 12:36
by bunniefuu
In the criminal justice system,

sexually based offenses

are considered especially heinous.

In New York City, the
dedicated detectives

who investigate these vicious felonies

are members of an elite squad

known as the Special Victims Unit.

These are their stories.

We didn't wanna do this
without any of you here.

You are taking the Fordham job.

- I am.
- My wife, the professor.

I know that you have to do this.

I have to try.


I love you, Amanda.

I love you, Liv.


I see a lot of people come and go.

- I never thought she'd be one of them.
- Yeah.

She left the chipmunk, so there's that.

What do you wanna do with it?

Well, now that she's gone,

McGrath is finally gonna have
to sign off on more bodies.

We're gonna need this
desk space eventually.

Yeah, just put it in the break room.

What, you wanna eat with
this thing looking at you?

Fin, I don't care where you put it.

It just... it can't stay out here.

I feel it too, her absence.

Good night, Fin.

Nothing good ever happens at night.

Speaking of.

Chief. You look rattled.

Is everything okay?



You still beating yourself up

about that sex bunker guy from Fishkill?

Elias Olsen.

Yeah, I know which one
you're talking about, Duarte.

The whole damn trial blew
up because of my temper.

Pretty conceited, isn't it?

Judge calls a mistrial because
some lady cop goes all Karen

on the witness stand.

That's not enough.


Do not call me a Karen while I'm armed.

All I'm saying, you're
not that important.

Maybe I'm not cut out for SVU.

You telling me you
wanna come back to Gangs?

If I did?

I'd tell you you made
your bed, and now it's wet.


Figure out a way to lie in it.

That's your advice?

That's my advice.


A civil rights investigation
by the Department of Justice.

Into one of our units.

Chief, we both know that Bronx SVU

has been a mess for a while.

Question is, why are they coming in now?

It was all triggered by that
wrongful termination case.

The whistleblower cop,
yeah. What is his name?

- Terry. Terry... yeah.
- Terry Bruno.

God, there was a lot of dirty
laundry came out of that case.

Well, if you ask me, the
guy did the city a favor.

Oh, no. Trust me.

The guy's no saint. He
did it for the money.

And from what I hear, he got
himself a nice little payout.

Well, if that's what it takes to make

change up there, good for him.

Well I'm glad that's how you feel.

What does that mean?



You want me to go up to The Bronx?

Yes, I do.

The only way to get
the Feds out of there

is to clear a bunch of cases.

Okay, don't you have anyone else?

You know that I am one person down.

And whose fault is that?

You're the one who told
Rollins to seek the truth,

or whatever it was.

Look, I'm not... I'm not saying no.

But offhand, I don't have the time.

I don't have the resources.

And that sounds an awful lot like a no.

Let me think about it?

I don't have time to let you think.

This is a very big ask
on very short notice.

Hey, what's up with McGrath?
My guy's looking shattered.

Whatever it is, I'm guessing
Liv ain't gonna be the one

to glue his ass back together.

So we'll eat first and
then homework, right?

I can eat and do
homework at the same time.

It's called multitasking.

Oh, I know what it means.


Mom, what's going on?

Noah, I want you to go inside.

- But Mom, what's...
- No, no, no.

Noah, now you go inside and you
tell Jorge to call the police.

Honey, take this and
tell him it's a - .

- Can you remember that?
- A - ?

- , right. And don't leave the lobby.

NYPD, drop your w*apon.

We take what we want.

Drop it, now.

For Sabo.

And Ricky.

This is for Sleep.

Hands up where I can see them.


- Mom!
- Noah, get back inside!


I saw the machete, I
identified myself as NYPD,

and I told the boy to drop his w*apon.

- Boy?
- They were so young.

They were , years old.

I mean, I almost took
a shot at his head.

- But you didn't?
- Did you find the kids?

Not yet. Tell me what happened.

So his moped comes out of nowhere,

it knocks me to the ground.

That's when I lost my w*apon,
and then they kicked me.

They stomped on me.

And then I just caught this
glint of... of a machete.

What makes you think
these guys were BX ?

I worked a case a few months back,

I collared a couple of them.

I'm guessing that I was greenlit.

Look... look, protocol
says that now is the time

when I give you my g*n.


Are we done?

I really need to get back to my kid.

Blow until you hear the beep.



. , in the clear.

We'll take you to the hospital.

Okay, I don't need
to go to the hospital.

- Yeah, you do.
- This is my sergeant, okay?

So if you don't mind.

I'll wait for you in the squad car.

Not as pretty as Rollins,
but I'll try my best

with this emotional support thing.

Between the two of you,
we both know who's softer.

Can you believe this?

It looks like the Tremont
clique know where you live.

I mean, these people are pretty ballsy

going after a New York
City captain on her turf.

Well, I heard on the radio

you blew out one of their kneecaps.

I didn't wanna sh**t any of them.

They were kids.

Well, you have a lot more
restraint than I would have.

He's somebody's son.

Some b*ll*ts have a lesson behind them.

You know what I don't understand?

We put these bangers away in the summer.

Why are they coming after me now?

Your boy Duarte might know.

Where's Noah?

He's... I told him to go inside.


Fin, will you stay with him?


Me and a half dozen of
New York City's finest.

I gotta go get checked out.

No broken bones.

BP's normal, considering.

You'll be sore tomorrow,
especially your lower back.

So same as yesterday.

Captain Benson, you have a visitor.


Thank you.

Hey, Cap.

Jeez, you all right?

I will be, once I get
my hands on Oscar Papa.

Well, that's not an SVU case.

And how do you know that...

that Papa's behind all this, anyway?

Who else has the power to greenlight

a New York City captain
and her -year-old son?

Well, I got a call under Bronx Gangs,

who no doubt will handle this with
all the swiftness that it deserves.

You called Duarte?

He's our expert on BX .

Well, I'm sure he loved that.

Look, whatever beef
exists between you two,

I suggest you put it to
rest because he's coming

tomorrow morning to take
your victim statement.

My victim statement?

Well, you are a victim, right?

Thank you.

How is he?

He fell asleep.

No child should have to live like this.

You don't need any kind of
parenting book to know that.

So what's the plan?

I put in a call to the McCanns.

You know his half-brother
up in Woodstock?

Liv, I can spend the night if you want.

No, no, no.

Go home to Phoebe.

I got this.

Drive him up in the morning?

That'd be great.



We BX , brother.

We take what we want.

Noah, call the police.

Drop it, now!

All I could see was their eyes.

Nobody knows these
guys better than Duarte.

For Sabo.

I need to know what I'm dealing with.



You think this is a game?

They've already put
roots down in Manhattan.

What's next?

Noah, back inside.


But how long am I gonna
have to stay with Connor?

You know, I'm not sure, sweetie.

Until... until I know that it's safe.

But I don't wanna go.

I wanna stay here with you.

Noah, look.

We can't do that.

I mean, we certainly have
enough of a police presence,

but remember how much fun you
had last night with Connor?

And Fin came just to
drive you up, right?

And I packed all your games,

and I'll pick you up before you know it.



We're gonna take good care of your mom.

All right, sweetie?

I love you, Mom.

I love you, too, babe.

Have fun.


Carry on.

Huh? With what?

Whatever it was two were
gabbing about when I walked in.

- Oh no, Captain. It wasn't like that.
- You're a bad liar, Muncy.

Velasco, not so much.

I shot a kid yesterday.

I want eyes on him, medical treatment,

by the end of the day.

- Okay.
- On it, Cap.

Captain, before we
go, you have a visitor.

Captain Benson.

Looking pretty good, considering.

- Thank you, Duarte.

I was almost hacked to death, so yeah.

You know, that says a
lot about your standards.

So that's it? No apology?

For squashing your pie in
the sky surveillance deal?

Trying to use some driver
to cut off the head of BX ?

If I could've done things my way,

Oscar Papa would already be in jail.

It was half a g*ng case,
but you were only interested

in the r*pe part of it.

Well, we have two rapists in prison,

Sabo and Pretty Ricky, who,

if my memory serves me correctly,

were gonna give up Oscar Papa's driver.

So the way I see it,
we can still flip them.

Both were stabbed to death in prison

by th Street last month.

Why do you think you were greenlit?

So now what?

How do we get them?

Why don't we start with
your victim statement?

You want my victim statement?

All right, here it is.

It is important for any victim
of a violent or senseless act

to reclaim their own locus of control.

That's my victim statement.

Are you saying you wanna liaise with me?

I'm saying that somebody needs to show

you Bronx boys how it's done.

You must have the g*ng Squad
confused with Bronx SVU.

If you think that you can
separate the g*ng problem

from the r*pe problem up there,
I would like to see you try.

It's a good offer, Captain.

But if you wanna go after Oscar Papa,

you're gonna have to
come up to the Bronx,

and we both know McGrath's
never gonna allow that.

How about you let me deal with McGrath?

You got my calls?

And your texts.

So what's so important that
I had to interrupt my meeting?

There's a lot of white
shirts in this room,

so I'm imagining this is all about

your DOJ problem at Bronx SVU?

Trying to figure out
a way to get the Feds

out of our collective underwear drawer.

I think I might be able to help you.

Oh, well, that's singing
a very different tune

tune than you did yesterday.

Yeah, and I'll give you a hint why.

It's two letters, one number.

BX .

I'm ready to go up to the Bronx.

And hunt down a g*ng?

And hunt down a man.

I'm getting my ass
handed to me in there,

and that's your solution?

Duarte and I already have a
plan to take down Oscar Papa.

Well, that's just not how victim
statements are supposed to work.

Chief, all you have
to do is walk in there

and announce that you're
putting together a task force.

And what, you and your people

are gonna use the Bronx SVU as what?

Some kind of w*r room?

They still have cases to clear.

We can help.

That's... you said
that's what you needed.

I understand that your
squad room must feel

very empty without Rollins.

What does this have to do with Rollins?



Chief, with all due
respect, you've had what?

Three therapy sessions?

You're telling me that you think

that this is my redirecting
unwanted feelings about...

about missing my friend?

Am I wrong?

I was with my son,

and a g*ng came after me with a machete.

And you took the fight to them.

But now you're asking me to let you

go looking for another fight.

All I'm saying is that both of
our problems are in the Bronx.

Do you want me to fix that or not?

So you're telling me McGrath
signed off on all this?

Well, with some parameters.

- Such as?
- We save his ass.

Okay, so technically, we're only here

to offer our expertise
and to close open cases.

Speaking of which, any
luck finding that kid?

- I checked all the hospitals.
- Okay.

So you and Muncy, talk to Duarte.

Have the g*ng Unit work their CIs.

Do B&B. Debrief prisoners.

Someone knows where this kid is.

- Copy that, Captain.
- And Muncy.

- Yeah.
- Lose the blazer.

Will do.

Captain Benson.

Counselor, surprised to see you here.

I thought you were in private practice.

Yeah, I keep a foot in
the Southern District.

This is AUSA Ingram Wise from DOJ Main,

our most senior attorney
with boots on the ground.

Ah, Wise. Nice to meet you.

Glad you and your
people are here, Captain.

As long as we're clear on boundaries.

We are here in a support capacity only.

So who here from Bronx SVU is in charge?

Well, most of the power structure

were forced into retirement.

Well, I see there's
at least one holdover.

- Terry Bruno.
- That's the whistleblower.

I heard he made out big

in that wrongful termination suit.

$ million in city money.

So what the hell is he
doing coming in to work?

How are we supposed to find
what's open in this mess?

That's easy. You're looking at it.

You gotta be kidding.

Have fun.

- It's your mess now.
- Ah, spoken like a true Fed.

Captain Benson.

I hope you brought a mop and a bucket.

Oh, look who it is.
The little Dutch boy.

Half Italian, half Irish.

But I have been keeping
this place watertight

with my own fingers for years.

Why'd it take you so long to speak up?

I talked, but nobody would
listen until I sued them.

Detective Bruno, Sergeant Tutuola.

I've never shook hands
with a millionaire before.

How's it feel?

- Litigious.

I hope you don't mind
us invading your space.

Nah, we're not precious.

It's a hell of a shiner you got there.

From those bangers you shot?

More open cases?

About pounds' worth.

Where do you wanna start?

What's the one case that
keeps you up at night?

You're not gonna like it.

- Why not?
- 'Cause it's closed.

If you ask me, the
wrong guy's locked up.

Six young girls over two years,

all att*cked on their way
home from St. Genevieve.

The deaf school?

Knocked out with one punch,

then dragged into a
private area and r*ped.

Well, against my better
judgment, I'm interested.

Their stories are consistent,

but no one would listen to them.

Yeah, I'm sensing the theme, Bruno.

Yeah. I know how they feel.

Well, you said the
stories are consistent.

Did you have a translator,
somebody who knew ASL?

We put in the request,
but no one ever showed.

These weren't classified as a serial

until someone made a collar.

Local hump named Pup Peters.

We could connect him to the last victim,

but I think my captain
just used him to wipe

the other five off the board.

And you're sure they put
the wrong man in prison?


There were more r*pes
in the area, the same MO.

And my captain, he just ignored them

because we already
had a perp behind bars.

So I kept pushing and pushing.

Until they fired you.


Well, the first step is to re-interview

any of these victims
that will talk to us

with somebody who is fluent in ASL,

and preferably a woman.

You have someone in mind?

I do.

Hey, how are you? I heard what happened.

Well, at least I'm upright.

Thank you, Kate, for coming in.

Yeah, of course.

I'm not your only resource here, right?


- And you called for an interpreter?
- I put in a request.

Right, and they told you
it was gonna take a week?

And we just don't
have that kind of time.

So these women have
been waiting ten years.


How about we start
with what you remember

about the day of the attack?

I noticed him when I got off the bus.

- Okay.
- He was following me, so I...

I just started walking fast.

Okay. Did he say anything?


He just... he just kept following me.

So I went into the park,
and then I remember I felt...

I just felt this punch,
right on the side of my head.


It's okay.

Take your time.

When it was over, I went
to find a police officer

and ask for help.

What happened next?

I signed help me, but
he misunderstood it

and thought I pulled out
a g*n and he drew down.

At her?

Well, she's lucky she didn't get shot.

Did Bronx SVU even interview her?

I was handcuffed, behind my back.

I couldn't sign anything at all.

The lieutenant in charge of my case,

he didn't understand me.

He said if I couldn't
communicate with him,

how am I supposed to
communicate with a judge?

Okay. Did you have a r*pe kit done?


He finished it, but the lieutenant,

he never even told me the results.

Never. Nothing.

How's your relationship
with this lieutenant?

I got him fired. How do you think?

What's with the third degree?

I already told the DOJ everything

I knew in my exit interview.

We're not with the DOJ, Lieutenant.

We're just fellow SVU cops,
curious about what became

of r*pe kits in a possible serial.

What do you think?

They went to the lab.

And I might be old, but I'm not stupid.

You're here to piss in my beer.

Bruno put you up to this?

What makes you think that?

He didn't care about victims
till he smelled a payday.

Bruno's lawsuit does not concern us.

Who is he gonna sue next, you?

How about you?

Back to the r*pe kits.

We got our guy the old-fashioned way.

Okay, so how'd you know
Pup Peters was good for it?

He was known to the
victim, placed in the area,

made a full confession.

I don't know what that
means in Manhattan,

but in the Bronx, it means a conviction.

That wasn't a real confession.

I didn't touch those girls.

I kept trying to tell them.

Well, why did they pick
you up in the first place?

Deaf girl's mother
just up and dimed me out

to get out of some bogus drug charge.

But you admit you shot up with her?

Yeah. I fixed with her.

We'd party all night.

One time, I told her Cee-Cee
was pretty, for a mute.


Did you have sex with the girl?


Hell, I was just being nice.

Yeah, a real sweet talker.

Look, my sheet might be
long, but my heart is clean.

I only ever robbed drug dealers.

I don't mess with no kids.

That's for damn sure.

And what happened
after you were arrested?

They put me in a box, kept
asking me why I did it.

It went on for hours.

I started going into
withdrawal, real bad.

- Didn't ask for a lawyer?
- Didn't have to.

They gave me a piece of paper,
said if I signed, I could fix.

So I signed, and shot up
right there on the spot.


Look, you gonna get
me out of here or not?

We're working on it.

DA is never gonna let him out
unless we find another suspect.


You could be on a beach in Bali.

I'm not leaving till this one's fixed.

- Everything all right?
- Everything?

How about nothing?

And just when I thought we were starting

to understand each other.

Under no circumstances were you

to interfere with our work.

I haven't.

The deaf school case is closed.

You were only supposed to assist
the Bronx SVU with uncleared cases.

It's hard enough for us to wade

through their gross incompetence

without you adding to
the depth of the pile.

Pup Peter's confession was coerced.

It's not your job to make that
determination, it's the DOJ's.

All right, this ends now.

I am ordering you to
move on to another case

or get your people out of the Bronx.

Is that understood?

Copy that, Chief.

- Hey.
- Benson. It's me, Bruno.

You need to drop what you're doing

and meet me at Willis and st.

Look, the Feds called McGrath.

I just got spanked.

They said we can't work closed cases.

We got another victim, a deaf girl.

He's still out there.

And he's leveling up. This one's dead.

Renee Perry, years old,
sophomore at St. Genevieve's.

Residents found her in the
lot, tights around her ankles,

- called the local precinct.
- Any witnesses?

No, we're canvassing, but, uh...

Folks up here don't
like talking to cops.

Detective, Captain.

Well, I hope you're paying
attention now because...

I'd exercise caution before
finishing that sentence.

Because we have a serial on the loose.

It's been ten years
since the last attack.

No, it hasn't.

Pup Peters is rotting in jail.

The real r*pist has
always been out there.

So there were other deaf victims?

What do you think I got fired about?

Any of them k*lled?

If someone had listened
to me, or those deaf girls,

she'd still be alive.

We didn't botch the investigation.

No, no, you're just
botching the cleanup.

All right, just walk it off, all right?


You can say what you want about him,

but his message is giving
a voice to the voiceless.

I know how he feels.

Solving this one would send
a signal to the community

that Bronx SVU's finally listening.

Given the circumstances,
I have no objection

to you staying on this case.

Thank you.

Appreciate that.

What is that worried face?

A ten-year-old case.

Now we gotta solve it.

That poor baby.

I... I mostly just walk her
home, and I wasn't there.

Was it quick?

No please, please. Just... just tell me.

The ME said the cause of
death was blunt force trauma.

She didn't see or feel a thing.

Were you aware of the other
St. Genevieve students that...

that were att*cked?

I asked the administration
when Renee first started.

I... I remember what
happened to those other girls

when I was around her age.

What'd they say about it?

That they caught someone.

We understand.

We're so incredibly sorry.

She would have been safe

if I had been there to walk her out.

If this happened to my child...

Yeah, all right.

Thanks, Junior.

Lab pulled DNA from Renee Perry's body.

- That's good news.
- Great.

Have the lab put a rush on it.

Well, it'll take at least a few weeks.

We don't have that kind of time.

With our k*ller still on the loose?

All right, grab your coat. Let's go.

- Where are we going?
- To help motivate them.

See you.

As I already explained,
our backlog is long.

I can't prioritize testing.

All right, so...

Eddie, is it?

Look, I understand
there's a protocol, right?

But all we need is the DNA
from Renee Perry's autopsy

to be run a little quicker than normal.

I am not authorized to
unilaterally make that happen.

But you understand that we're
trying to track a serial r*pist?

And I'd like to help, but
the gears of bureaucracy

don't grind any faster just because you

batted your eyelashes at me.

Hey, Eddie.

That's a nice watch.

Oh, it's just a Seiko.

My wife teases because
every phone's got a clock,

but it never comes off my wrist.

Nonetheless, a fellow horologist.

You know what that is, don't you?

A Patek.

Is that real?

I splurged a little after my settlement.

Got this and a couple of Sea-Doos.

It's yours, if you rush that DNA.

- You can't do that.
- Because it's bribery?

Because I'm a police captain.

But it worked, didn't it?

- Muncy.
- Captain, we found the kid.

The one you shot.

- He's still alive?
- Yeah.

A few of his buddies dumped him
in some basement up in Tremont.

He's septic, fever.

So make sure that he
gets to Knickerbocker.

EMT says your b*llet's in his leg.

About to have surgery.

Well, let me know when he's out.

I wanna talk to him.

Duarte found your banger.
Is he gonna make it?

He's been in surgery all night.

They're trying to remove
my b*llet from his knee.

So what's your plan once he comes to?

When BX finds out he's in custody,

they're gonna come for him.

I have Muncy and Velasco
on security detail,

and I'm liaising with Duarte.

Good news.

I got a call from Fuentes.

The DNA on Renee's body

was a match to some of the r*pes

- from ten years ago.
- Was he in the system?

No, but Fuentes was so
enamored with my Patek,

he processed another sample

and uploaded it to a genealogy site.

- And?
- He found a familial hit.

A half-brother in Park Chester.

I'll send Churlish to go pick him up.


I'm telling you, I don't
have a half-brother.

It's just me, my
sister Diane in Orlando,

and Amy in Hoboken.

Go ahead, call them right now.

We don't wanna talk to your sisters.

We wanna talk to whoever
r*ped these six girls...


And k*lled this girl, Renee.

She was only years old.

All of these school girls
were deaf, vulnerable.

They couldn't even hear
the footsteps behind them.

I'm a CPA.

I garden, do puzzles with my wife.

I don't know anyone who
could do something like that.

Yeah, well, we do, and DNA doesn't lie.

Your brother did this.

Dear God.

And if you keep protecting him,

we're gonna charge you as an accessory.

I don't know what's going
on, but I swear to you,

I don't have a brother.

Then who were you looking
for with that ancestry kit?

My wife gave that to me for my birthday.

She told me they didn't
find any relatives.

Ancestry site screwed up.

Or the lab?

I want my watch back.

Fin's right.

DNA doesn't lie.

So the wife did.

When are you going
to release my husband?

He's completely innocent.

He may be, but we need
to find his half-brother.

- He doesn't have a brother.
- Mrs. Little, we know.

And we know that you know.

Alan told us about the ancestry site.

The question is, how
did you get the results?

Look, you have to talk to me.

This is a m*rder investigation.

Okay, okay.

I was curious.

I opened his email before he did.


And you read it, and what did it say?

On his family tree, under parents,

were the names of two
people I'd never heard of.

I thought it had to be a mistake.

So I emailed the woman
listed as his mother.

And she let you in on her secret?

Alan's birth mother had an affair,

put Alan up for adoption.

And you decided not
to tell your husband?

Alan thinks his adopted
parents are his real parents.


I love my family, I
don't want them hurt.

I understand.

And we will do everything
we can to protect

your family's secret.

But we need to catch this r*pist

before he hurts another girl.

My husband forced me to give
up Alan to save our marriage.

Did you have another son?

Yeah, Ronnie.

We've just had nothing
but conflict and issues.

Can I ask about the issues?

Just a lot of anger between us both.

I really tried my best, but
we just never really got along.

Where is Ronnie now?

- Ronnie Samuels.

I didn't do anything.

- Whoa!
- Drop it!

Drop the g*n, Ronnie.


Don't sh**t?

- Now you're protecting me?
- Ronnie, Ronnie.

You told them I was here?

Ronnie, Ronnie. Listen to me.

I need you to give me the g*n, okay?

Okay. Drop the g*n, there we go.

There you go. Give me the g*n.

There we go.

You're done, Ronnie.

We can connect you to Renee's m*rder

and three of the r*pe vics.

DNA, and all three picked
you out of a lineup.

What are you offering?

A chance for your client to
tell his side of the story

and answer some of our questions.

And if we like what he has to say,

we tell the DA he cooperated.

Why deaf girls?

You met my mother.

Why do you think?

It's pretty Freudian, isn't it?

I want to hurt her, but I can't.

That's it?


You don't listen very well.

I just confessed.

I wanna hear it.

These girls...

Logan Camacho, Rose
Salazar, Moreno West.

They were victimized.

We didn't listen, and that's on us.

But their r*pes?

That's on you.

And Renee.

She can't even speak at all anymore.

That wasn't supposed to happen.

She... she just hit her head.

I wanna hear you say it!

I r*ped them all.

Are we satisfied now?


Not until he writes it up and signs it.

I've been waiting a long time for this.

Can we get out of the Bronx now?

No chance, Fin.

We have all those cases in there.

Yeah, a whole wall of them.

Which is your problem now.

You, Bruno, and Churlish.

That's not gonna be enough.

There's only one way to
put out a fire like this.

Yeah, exactly, which is
to toss more bodies at it.

And SVU Bronx needs a new squad now.

I don't have the
authority to hire anybody.

Right, but you and Bruno
should be vetting them

for PP and the Feds.

While you go after Oscar Papa?

It's the reason that I
came up here, isn't it?

How much time you think
they're gonna give Ronnie?

Seven counts for r*pe one,
one count for m*rder two.

He'll spend the rest
of his life behind bars.

Which means Pup Peter's r*pe conviction

will get overturned too.

And he'll probably sue.

Just like our friend in there.

Yeah, and if it keeps
going on like this,

the city is gonna go broke.

The kid that I shot
just got out of surgery.

Oh, I'm so glad you're
having such a good time, Noah.

Yeah, me and Connor stayed up all night.

We had ice cream,

and we almost beat
"Red Dead Redemption."

Well, it sounds like you're
not ready to come home, huh?

No, but I miss you.

Oh, honey, I miss you too. So much.

Did you get those bad guys yet?

Oh, I'm still working on that.

But it sounds like you're
getting a lot of bad guys.

Oh, sweetie, I gotta go.

Listen, don't... don't stay
up all night again, okay?

All right? I'll call you tomorrow.

Love you.

Love you too.

Kid's still groggy.

Might be a good time to talk to him.

How's he doing?

He's gonna need a new knee.

Better than being dead
in a basement somewhere.

He needs better friends.

Well, he's about to get one.

Remember me?