06x10 - Cure

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Stargate SG-1". Aired: July 27, 1997 – March 13, 2007.*
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Based off the film, Stargate follows a team of explorers made up of soldiers and scientists travels through a Stargate, an ancient portal to other planets.
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06x10 - Cure

Post by bunniefuu »

Calm yourself, Commander.

We are about to meet an alien race
in person for the first time.

If you are correct they are advanced
and capable of being a threat.

That gives me reason to be on the alert.

Since the discovery of the ruins
we have had reason to believe

that there are other inhabited planets
in the galaxy, and now we have our proof.

I am relieved that the very
first contact that we have made

is with a race of humans
that seem to be very like us.

Maybe you trust them
without suspicion. I cannot.

Nevertheless, Commander,
we must proceed.

They are sending their most
respected team of representatives.

No doubt the leader of this group
will be a brilliant and savvy negotiator.

We must be at our best
to match the challenge.

Personally, I cannot wait
to meet a man of such genius.

Howdy, folks.

- Nice.
- Thank you, Colonel.

We would be happy to take you
on a tour of our city,

but first we'd like to spend a little
time talking about our mutual interests,

so please, please, sit.

To be honest, we are still trying
to adjust to the fact

that our Stargate, as you call it,

is no longer a mere relic of a bygone era.

It was a shock when your communication
machine appeared last month.

First contact can be unnerving.

We are all very pleased to finally
get the chance to talk face to face.

From our study of the temple
we were able to deduce

the Stargate was an interplanetary
transportation device.

We haven't determined
how to make a connection

with the many worlds described
in the writings in the temple.

It took us a while to get the hang of it, too.

We know the symbols
on the Stargate are the key,

but as for the number sequence
to enter in the dialling device...

We can definitely help you out there.

Once we get to know you a little better.

Oh, yes, well, of course.

We intend to allow you full access
to our citizens, our history, our culture,

so that you may come to trust us.

I hope we can reciprocate.

We also want to make it clear that we
intend to offer all that we can in trade

for any knowledge or technology
that you are willing to share.

- Qu'est- ce que c'est?
- We call it tretonin, Colonel.

- It is our greatest scientific discovery.
- How so?

Major Carter, from what you
have told me about your world,

your people suffer from a myriad of
illnesses. Many of them are untreatable.

Tretonin makes our immune systems
impervious to any ailment.

We live in perfect health.

What is it you hope to achieve here?

If we're gonna learn about these
people, start at the beginning.


Uh, Earthlings... sort of.

I am Zenna Valk, supervisor
of the temple research project.

It is a pleasure to meet
the explorers from Earth.

We're not originally from there.

However, we have dedicated
ourselves to the cause of the Tauri.


Am I at least correct
in assuming you are Jaffa?

- Indeed.
- I cannot tell you how exciting this is.

We have learned much from this site,

but it must pale in comparison
to what you can teach us.

I don't know, but we'd love it
if you showed us around.

By all means. That was my intention.

We first discovered these ruins
over 100 years ago, and since then

we've dedicated ourselves to studying
the secrets the Goa'uld left behind.

This area was obviously
some sort of reception colonnade

for greeting travellers
who came through the Stargate.

The real discovery
was made just over here.

Although we fully admit tretonin
is not without side effects,

we assure you, the good it can do
far outweighs any negative aspects.

What kind of side effects?

Depends on the individual. Most people
experience almost no reaction.

Those who do merely require
more regulated doses.

- We'll need a decent amount for testing.
- On Earth, of course.

Yes, certainly.

Of course, we need something in return
from you, as a measure of good faith.

We can give you these ten addresses
and a lesson in gate technology.

These are peaceful worlds,
safe from hostile forces,

rich with historical relics
and natural resources.

Well, this is a very generous offer,
Major, very generous.

However, based on our studies
of the writings in the temple,

we have compiled a list of the names
of the worlds that we would like to visit.

Do you recognise any?

I'll have to cross- reference
the Goa'uld names with our database,

but offhand, I recognise these three, sir.

They're classified off limits,
Goa'uld home worlds.

Yeah, uh... fellas,

you really don't wanna go here.
It's not exactly a walk in the park.

We know the Goa'uld are a hostile race
that once ruled this planet centuries ago.

You're new, so I'll cut you a break...

Those are the worlds we wish to explore.

We believe that they are
significant to our history.

Guys, we're not lying to you about this.
You don't wanna go there first time out.

If you have been to these worlds
and survived, can we not?

All I'm trying to say to you
is it would be stupid.

We are aware of the risks and believe
the rewards are worth the consequences,

as you and your people
obviously do, Colonel.

Please, Colonel,
in exchange for the tretonin,

we are simply asking
that you respect our wishes.

There is an underground tunnel system
that leads to the main temple.

It is most likely a means of escape
to the Stargate in case of attack.

That's exactly what I thought. Please.

The writing in this chamber seems to tell
the story of the Goa'uld who ruled here.

We've been attempting to decipher
this section of the wall for months,

thus far with limited success.

It is written in a rare dialect
of ancient Goa'uld.

An account of the w*rlord Shak'ran.

He was a System Lord who was defeated
by Apophis about 300 years ago.


Until his defeat, it appears Pangar
served as Shak'ran's home world.

And what of the Goa'uld Apophis,
the one who conquered Shak'ran?

He was k*lled in battle not long ago.

As I suspected, you have
much wisdom to share.

Teal'c and I will help with the translations.
I've got a dozen ancient ciphers I can try.

Please, I do not wish to be overheard
by the Pangar security contingent.

There is something you need
to know about the tretonin.

Please, come with me and I will finish
showing you the rest of the ruins.

I will try to talk to you later.

She said there was something
we needed to know about tretonin.

She seemed to be worried
about these guys,

like she was going out on a limb talking
about something other than hieroglyphs.

Keep digging.
See what you can find.

Carter and I will take this
sample back to the SGC.

- Jonas.
- Dr Valk.

- Please, call me Zenna.
- How's it coming?

It's slow and painstaking. Any
help you're willing to give me...

Certainly. I brought those
ciphers I was telling you about.

Looks like we're alone.

What do you suppose this means?

You said that there was something
we needed to know about the tretonin.

I'm sorry. You must have misunderstood.

No, I think you were pretty clear.

No one's coming. Teal'c is up there
standing guard. You can talk to me.

- I don't have anything to say.
- Hey, Zenna.

- If you know something...
- No, I don't.

- That was strange.
- What did Zenna Valk have to say?


Someone must have gotten to her.

Right away.

I think I got something. She's on tretonin.

- It looks like she has regular injections.
- Continue.

I was thinking we go and check out
the place they get their sh*ts.

I found a map of the city.
I'm pretty sure I can get us there.

Let's do it.

Looks like this is where they actually
make the drug, as well as administer it.

This way.

What is it?

Teal'c I am not sure.

Well, something tells me
this isn't the rec room.

Teal'c No, it is not.

- There's something living in there.
- Goa'uld symbiotes.

- Are you sure?
- Yes.

And there are a great many.

What are they doing?

Who's there? Identify yourselves.



- He's got one in him.
- Stand aside.

Lower your w*apon!

- This man is a Goa'uld.
- Teal'c, something's not right.

- This guy's completely out of it.
- Lower your w*apon now!

Care to say why you were
at the tretonin facility?

You wanna tell us why you have
a pool full of Goa'uld symbiotes?

- You've betrayed our openness with you.
- Openness?

You're raising Goa'ulds.
When were you gonna tell us?

The symbiotes are a critical
component to making tretonin.

Excuse me?

It is a complicated process, one which
is better explained by our scientists.

Frankly, we intended to tell you how
the tretonin was made, eventually.

We just wanted to first assess
how you might react.

- Not well.
- I don't know why you're taking offence.

You've told us. The Goa'uld are enemies
who have enslaved countless humans.

Where is the harm in using them
to enhance our quality of life?

Do you really understand the risks?

We have used the same method
to produce tretonin for nearly 30 years.

- We take every precaution possible.
- How were these symbiotes procured?

For people who haven't mastered gate
travel, you've sure got a lot of them.

We require answers before sharing
any further information.

We have already told you
everything that is necessary.

Tegar, the colonel is right.

There is no reason to keep more secrets.

The drug was developed and is now
manufactured and administered here.

And since its use has spread
to more of the general population,

we've implemented treatment
centres throughout Pangar.

Through here is the reason we were able
to create tretonin in the first place.

The symbiotes were not
procured through gate travel.

Our symbiotes are all bred
here, in captivity.

Teal'c A queen.

No kidding.

Is there nothing you can do to help him?

- What's his condition?
- His lower- brain functions seem intact,

his breathing and heart rate are normal,
but he is unresponsive to any stimulus.

It doesn't make sense.


Prior to the process of incubating
Goa'uld symbiotes using Jaffa,

the blending between Goa'uld and host
had only a one- in- two chance of success.

Jaffa were created to improve the ability
of the symbiote to take human hosts.

The fact that this symbiote was raised in
a t*nk could explain the comalike state?

To the best of my knowledge,
a failed blending results in death

to both Goa'uld and host.

This man is very much alive.

Our understanding is that this is a typical
reaction to contact with Goa'uld offspring.

A Goa'uld offspring is born with the
intellect and knowledge of its queen.

Normally the personality emerges,

allowing the symbiote to control
the host immediately upon blending.

Glowing eyes, cliché behaviour, evilness.

- That kind of thing.
- This one's more of a blank slate.

Is it possible that the production process
hinders the development of the symbiote?

I do not know.

I recommend
we contact the Tok'ra.

They may understand this condition. They
might be able to take the symbiote out.

Uh, I'm sorry, who are the Tok'ra?

An offshoot of the Goa'uld who oppose
them philosophically in every way.

You propose to bring these Goa'uld here?

They're different. They coexist with their
hosts in a truer symbiotic relationship.

They are, in fact, allies.

- And they can help?
- We'll see.

- Hi.
- Hello.

I have an admission. You know Teal'c
and I tracked down the tretonin facility.

Yes, I heard.


Well, I did it by going through
your stuff when you weren't here.

- I was wrong.
- I know.

- You know it was wrong or...
- I know what you did. I saw you.

Really? Cos I thought that we were...

- Not so good.
- No?

- But you didn't try and stop us.
- No. I wanted you to know.

In some ways, I'm glad
you did what you did.

In others, I'm disappointed
you were so willing to betray me.

Well, no, I never would have done this
had you not come to me first.

I should have told you
outright. I was afraid.

Tretonin is not available
to everyone in Pangar yet.

Taking it is a privilege,
one that can be revoked.

- I hope I didn't get you in trouble.
- No.

But our relationship,
our peoples' relationship,

if we ever are to trust each other...

we're not off to a very good start.

I know.

You could make it up to me.

- How?
- Help me finish the translations.

It is as though the symbiote
in this man has taken a host

before it was mature enough to do so.

And yet our scans indicate it to be
a full- grown adult. Most puzzling.

Can you account for its lack of identity?

Memory is passed on
genetically by the queen,

so they are born with the
collective knowledge of their lineage.

It is possible the queen that spawned him
was unable to pass on this information.


The knowledge imparted on her young
by a queen is done so voluntarily.

If nothing were passed on to a symbiote
it would be, as you say, an empty vessel.

Can you remove it
without harming the host?

Possibly, although such
a procedure would be dangerous.

We would like to see the queen
that spawned this Goa'uld.

Not a pretty sight,
even for a Goa'uld, huh?

- She is extremely old.
- She has been kept this way for decades?

The Pangarans began using her for
medical experiments over 50 years ago.

She's been breeding symbiotes to make
tretonin for more than half that time.

All right. Now,
how is that possible?

I mean, how does she make kids
without a... man friend?

Symbiote queens can
fertilise their own eggs.

It is essentially an asexual process.

Is that why you guys take hosts?

It is impressive that a primitive human
culture could develop such a drug.

Does it bother you that
they use Goa'ulds like this?



The Goa'uld have done no worse
than this to humans for centuries.

That Pangarans use them for
a beneficial result is surprising,

but not morally objectionable to me,
if that's what you mean.

I believe her condition is the reason
her offspring are not mentally developed.

Most unfortunate.

What is it?

My scans indicate massive
cellular degeneration.

Quite simply, she is dying.

I am sorry. The Pangarans sugar- coated
the whole side- effect aspect of the drug.

Well, that's a shock.

While tretonin does cure most diseases,
it creates bigger problems than it solves.


The drug acts like
a symbiote in many ways.

Upon entering the bloodstream it takes
over, suppressing the immune system.

The result is a powerful
resistance to disease.

- But...
- The healing effect is not permanent,

and the user's immune system
remains suppressed.

You have to keep taking
the drug for it to work.

We'd never create enough
to sustain our population.

I don't know how the Pangarans
can make enough for theirs.

They don't. Only about
20 per cent are on it.

They're running into a wall
as far as production is concerned.

They've sucked the queen dry, Doc.

According to the Tok'ra, she's dying.

As far as I know there's no way to reverse
the drug's effects. If their queen is dying,

it's a matter of time before anyone living
off tretonin will be facing death as well.

OK? O'Neill out.

So you wanted the gate addresses
to the Goa'uld worlds

because you wanted
to snag another queen?

Colonel, we have no choice
but to replace the one we have.

Exactly how did you get to this point?

60 years ago our archaeologists found
a secret chamber beneath the temple.

We found a sealed Canopic jar
containing a living female symbiote,

perfectly preserved in stasis.

From our study of the temple, we knew
the Goa'uld never suffered from illness.

We saw this discovery
as an opportunity to learn why.

Once the queen gave birth, we began
experimenting on her offspring,

searching for a way to mimic their
seemingly perfect immune system.

After decades of trying, we
finally came up with tretonin.

- It seemed like a miracle at first.
- Didn't you foresee the negative effects?

Of course. But what we couldn't predict
was our inability to refine the drug.

We were confident we could solve
the problems. We limited the use,

but ultimately we didn't see why
we shouldn't begin to reap the benefits

while working to overcome the downside.

We know the risks
in confronting the Goa'uld,

but tens of thousands of lives
will be lost if we do nothing.

Perhaps you could assist us.

You have faced the Goa'uld many times.
You could give us a tactical advantage.

No. There is no tactical advantage
when you're dealing with the Goa'uld.

We've stayed ahead because we don't
bite off more than we can chew... usually.

Besides, we need to get you off
the tretonin, not find another source.

Our scientists have been trying for years
to find a way to reverse its effects.

We've made very little progress.
We need more time.

Or more help.

This is important to you.

More so than just curiosity
about your history.

As you now know, the tretonin may
not be available to us for much longer,

and when we run out, those
of us taking it are going to die.

Not if we can help you
find some kind of antidote.

- Do you think that's possible?
- Anything's possible.

- If we could find a new queen...
- Long- term.

It's not the answer
but it could buy us a little time

until another option is available.
This has been my life's work.

- My father's life's work.
- Your father?

My father was the one who found
the jar that contained the queen.

He was attempting to remove
a section of the ruins for further study

when he literally stumbled
into the chamber.

He had no way of knowing his discovery
would eventually doom so many people.

The result is not his fault.



Didn't you say this temple
was built by Shak'ran?

It was.

Then why does this section
of the fresco mention Ra?

- Who's Ra?
- Ra was a powerful System Lord,

brother of Apophis.

He, too, is dead.

Well, according to this...

Ra used to live here.

- We will examine the drug.
- If it acts as I suspect,

it may be impossible to perfect
as the Pangarans would hope.

The best we might be able
to do is provide an antidote

to allow their immune
systems to regenerate.

They would not possess
the superior health that they do now.

How long would it take to go from
theoretical to enough for everyone?

We can make no promises,
Colonel O'Neill.

However, as you say, we are in your debt.

We will begin immediately.

It is possible that Shak'ran
captured this world from Ra in battle.

And built this entire temple on top
of whatever Ra had here before.

It goes on to say something about
this being some kind of prison,

or a tomb...

for one of Ra's enemies.

Wait a minute.

"Here lies... Egeria...

betrayer of the Goa'uld. "

"May she... suffer...

for all... eternity. "


Dr Jackson's notes mention her.
Isn't she supposed to have been k*lled?

Indeed she was, but this would
seem to indicate otherwise.

That means...

The queen the Pangarans
are breeding is not Goa'uld.

She is the origin of the Tok'ra.

- This could be a problem.
- Are you sure?

The writings in the chamber
are extremely clear.

From what we can piece together,
Ra used this planet

as his base of operations
in this sector of the galaxy.

A rival Goa'uld, Shak'ran, captured this
world in battle, forcing Ra to abandon it.

The question is, do we tell
Malek and Kelmaa?

How can we not tell them?

If we remain silent, the
Pangarans will use Egeria

as a source for their drug
until she is dead.

If we don't find a way to get them off
the drug they'll die eventually anyway.

We have to tell them.

Understand we had no
idea who she was until now.

It is hard to believe.

Many of our historians speculated that Ra
did not k*ll Egeria as was widely believed,

but we...

we never dared hope that
she would ever be found.

She must be freed. Every moment she
is kept in this condition is an affront.

We're going to talk to the Pangarans now.

It would help if you had
something to offer.

Like, say, an antidote?

Unfortunately, finding an antidote may be
more problematic than we'd first hoped.

And why is that?

There is something unusual about
the genetic structure of the symbiotes.

The tretonin should work far better than
it does. We're not sure why it doesn't.

We cannot seem to identify
the defective gene

that is causing its effects to break down.

But we can say you'll solve
this eventually, right?

At this moment, all I can
say is it is a mystery.

What, you're suddenly stumped?

I understand the implication, Colonel.

This revelation about Egeria is in no way
affecting our analysis of the tretonin.

As of right now, we cannot
help the Pangarans.

We could not have known.

Surely the Tok'ra don't hold us
directly responsible?

They're demanding
the release of their queen.

How could we? It would doom
thousands without a remedy.

The Tok'ra have suffered great losses.
Their numbers are severely diminished.

Restoring Egeria's health may be
their only hope of survival as a people.

Have they made no progress at all
in reversing the effects of tretonin?

- Sorry. You ask the impossible.
- She is our queen.

- Her freedom is not open for negotiation.
- We deeply regret who she is,

but freeing her would mean
death for many people.

- Unless you offer an alternative.
- Malek and Kelmaa are having trouble

locating a particular element
in the symbiote's genetic structure.

Until they do, the chances of
synthesising an antidote are slim.

- Then we have no choice.
- You do not understand.

Her existence is a miracle to the Tok'ra.
We are also a dying race.

You may lose thousands.
Our kind will become extinct.

I am sympathetic to the Tok'ra, but what
you ask would amount to a holocaust.

She is a sentient being. Using her in this
manner is an insult to our very existence.

Someone has breached security
in the manufacturing wing.

What has she done?

Uh, is that...

Was that...

Kelmaa has given her life for our queen.

Her host belongs to Egeria now.

I bet the Pangarans would give up the
queen if the Tok'ra hand over the antidote.

You think they know how to save the
Pangarans and are withholding a cure?

To get what they wanted? Yeah, sure.

Sir, with all due respect, I disagree.

- Carter, they're pissed off.
- Wouldn't you be?

They just discovered the founder of their
race has been abused for over 50 years.

Oh, come on, Carter, face it.
For all their high morals

and fancy preaching about
coexisting with humans,

we are just a nice place to live.

I don't think they would lie and
doom thousands of innocent people.

That Tok'ra laying on
that table in there just did.

Egeria has awakened.

- Egeria, it is an honour.
- Rise, Malek.

You are not my servant.

Kelmaa was generous in
giving her life to free me,

but I am afraid it is too late.

Save your strength, my queen. Your
people need you, now more than ever.

Kelmaa's assessment of my
condition was correct, Malek.

My time is almost done.

I shall not live long enough
to see more of my children.

My host has shared her knowledge
of the Tok'ra with me.

You are beyond my greatest
hopes and dreams.

These are the Tauri, who ally
themselves with the Tok'ra.

I know.

Come forward.

My host tells me you seek
to help the Pangarans,

despite what they have done to me.

This has all been a terrible mistake,
but not a malicious act.

Nor was mine, Major Carter.

You know, back on my home planet,
my people discovered a substance

that had an incredible potential
to generate energy.

And after years of research and
a serious lack of moral fortitude,

they used it to make a b*mb.

Well, that being the reason I left.

But the point is that your
people had good intentions.

We thought we had found
the cure for all disease.

Now it may k*ll so many of us.

I am not afraid to die,
but I am afraid that...

my people will not have learned from this.

I think they already have.

I passed on the flawed gene
that gave the drug its weakness.

You were unable to construct an antidote

because of the manner in
which I sabotaged my young.

I did it in the hope

that they would ultimately prove
useless to the Pangarans.

I wanted to force them to abandon their
research once the drug proved untenable.

Instead, they continued to make it
in ever- increasing quantities.

And now they can't live without it.

It is not what I intended.

Their fate is their own doing, not yours.

You merely tried to free yourself.

They do not deserve this end,
not when it can be prevented.

You created the flaw.

You can create the antidote
that will save them.

I will tell you what you need to know.

Thank you.

On behalf of our people, please,
forgive us for what we have done to you.

Had we known, we...

The salvation of the Pangarans
shall be my final act.

Such is the spirit of Tok'ra
that I wish to live on.

Malek says he should have
a prototype antidote soon.

We are grateful for his efforts,
Major, and yours.

It is our hope we can repair any mistrust
that may have developed between us,

so that we can pursue a long- lasting
friendship between our people

far into the future.

Well said.
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