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01x08 - The Silencing Properties of Snow

Posted: 01/05/23 18:56
by bunniefuu

Julia, Julia.






Julia, Julia, Julia, Julia.


Julia, Julia...


What's that, now?

It's okay. He blurts things
out sometimes. It's normal.

Is everything okay, Sam?

Paige, I'm sorry to inform you of this,

but I shouldn't be here
because I don't love you.


I don't love you.

I thought I did because you passed
a simple checklist test that I devised,

but it turns out
the simpler test was just knowing,

and you failed that one.
So I think we should break up.

It was nice to meet all of you.

Oh, and by the way, they actually
do have plain pasta with butter,

even though it's not on the menu, in
case you're not happy with your order.

It's delicious.

See you at school, Paige.

Those buttered noodles
do sound pretty good.

Shh! Quiet!

I've learned a lot
about love this year.

It can be very complicated.

Hey, sleepyhead.

There she is. I was thinking we should
celebrate you getting into Clayton.

Maybe go out to breakfast,
just the two of us.

Or lunch?


What are you doing here?
We don't have an appointment.

I know.
But I wanted to tell you something,

and I wanted to do it in person

because this message involves a gift.



I've wanted you to be my girlfriend
since the day that I gave you my brain.

But then I learned
that you have a boyfriend

and about something called
a conflict of interest.

So on my father's suggestion,

I got a practice girlfriend named Paige

to prepare for the day
when you and I could be together.

Okay, Sam, no.

And now I believe that I'm ready.

I know how to dance and go to the mall

and that it's inappropriate
to lock a woman in your closet.

And I've seen boobs... really nice ones.

It was so cool.

Okay, but you have to understand that

So I got you this.

Chocolatecovered strawberries?


did you break into my house
with chocolatecovered strawberries?

No. Uh, the window was open.

I just silently climbed in
until my dad made me leave.

Well, you dropped one.



You need to leave, Sam.


Zahid says that you just know
when you love someone, which is dumb

because it's not based
on data or research.

But when we were dancing
in the parking garage,

I just knew.

Didn't you?

Are you asking me if I want to
start a romantic relationship

with my teenage patient?

Yes. Exactly.

Okay, fine.

Say I agree to be your girlfriend.

Then what? We start dating, have sex?

I'd lose my job
for sleeping with a patient,

so I won't have any money
to pay my bills or my rent,

and I have $200,000 in student loans.

Do you have an
extra $200,000 lying around?

No. Uh...

I don't know.
You're talking really fast.

Because I'm upset!

What you did is very inappropriate.

You have no sense of that,
after all the work we put in?

So... you don't love me?

No. Oh, my God, no!


God, no!


Adelie, chinstrap, emperor, gentoo.

Adelie, chinstrap, emperor, gentoo.

Adelie, chinstrap...

I didn't mean to upset you.
I wanted to...

You have to understand...
Adelie, chinstrap, emperor, gentoo.

Sam, I'm so sorry!

Adelie, chinstrap, emperor, gentoo.
Adelie, chinstrap, emperor, gentoo.

Adelie, chinstrap, emperor, gentoo.

Adelie, chinstrap, emperor, gentoo.

Adelie, chinstrap, emperor, gentoo.
Adelie, chinstrap, emperor, gentoo.

Adelie, chinstrap, emperor, gentoo.

Is everything okay?
Adelie, chinstrap, emperor, gentoo.

Adelie, chinstrap, emperor, gentoo.
Adelie, chinstrap, emperor, gentoo.

Adelie, chinstrap, emperor, gentoo.
Adelie, chinstrap, emperor, gentoo.

Adelie, chinstrap, emperor, gentoo!
Adelie, chinstrap, emperor, gentoo!

Adelie, chinstrap, emperor, gentoo!

Adelie, chinstrap, emperor, gentoo!

Oh, thank God.

He's up front.

What happened?

I'm sorry. You know...


Shh, shh, shh, shh.

I always try to drive extra smooth

when Sam's on the bus.

So his back doesn't touch the seat.
I did that.

Don't worry. It's not your fault.

I appreciate that you were there
and appreciate you gave us a call.

You're welcome.
Is there anything I can do?

Should I call someone?

No, no, no, she's got it. Thank you.

You probably wouldn't expect this,
but Antarctica has 37 named volcanoes,

many of them buried
under thick layers of ice.

Close your eyes.

And yet, often,
under all that ice,

the lava creates heated caves.

So, even in this landscape
of relentless cold,

you can find hidden pockets of warmth.

I'm gonna make you some hot soup,

You warm enough? We can turn up the
heat. You need me to turn up the heat?

Why would you do that?

What were you thinking?
I'm sorry.

Sorry? He let his guard down with you.
He trusted you.

I'm sorry.
You know how many people that kid has

in his life that treat him like
a person, and that's what you do?

I'm 27 years old. My life's a mess.
I don't know what I'm doing.

That's a bullshit excuse.

You crushed him.

This isn't all on me.

You knew Sam had a crush on me.
You enabled those feelings.

You helped him break into my home.
That's on you.

I know. I'm an idiot.

That's why I was talking to you.
You're supposed to be an expert.

Guess what. I don't know anything.
No shit.

Just stay away from my son.



Uh, sorry to just show up,

but you weren't really responding
to any of my texts,

so I thought I'd go
oldschool and just...

track you down in person.

Sorry. Sam had a thing,

so it's just been kind
of hectic around here.

Really seems hectic.



Is everything cool?


Like, is everything cool with us?

Yeah. We're fine.

Okay, because if it's about that
"I love you" thing, I take it back.

I didn't mean it.

I just thought that's what, you know,
girls like to hear after...

you know.

You're such an assh*le.
Do you know that?

Just go home.
Wait, Casey.

I said get out!

Most people don't give
much thought to snow.

But I do.

What are you watching?
Frozen Planet.

It's a sevenpart
nature documentary series.

This one is about volcanic ice caves.

Sounds awful.

When it snows, it gets really quiet
because snow actually absorbs sound.

Can I have some blankets?

So when you get a snowstorm,

it's like soundproofing
for the entire planet.

Sometimes I wish it would snow
and just never stop snowing.

What the hell is this?

Oh, yeah.

What up, Shorty?

I didn't know they made eyes that blue.

You are too young for me.

Ah, the prettiest lady here.

Okay, Zahid, good. Headphones.
Put them in the garage, please.

But can't I stay here?

No. Shoo!


Hey, Case. Want me to do your hair?
I can squeeze you in.

Why are you even doing this? You know
Sam's not going to the dance anymore.

Well, whether he goes or not,

I made a commitment,
and I plan to keep it.

Oh, really? I didn't think
commitments mattered to you.

I'll be right back.

I don't know what's going on with you,

if you're stressed
about changing schools

or if it's something else,

but you can't keep taking it out on me.

I haven't done anything.

Yeah. You're perfect.


I love you very much.

Okay, whatever. I have to go.

Code titties. I repeat, code titties.
There are a thousand hotties downstairs.

They're bored. Their standards
of entertainment are low.

We got to get down there.

No, thank you. I'm okay here.

What's going on, man? Why are you
wrapped up like a skinny burrito?

There was an incident... on the bus.

I caused a scene.

Oh. Dude, I'm sorry.

You know what might make you
feel better, though?

Like a thousand nice asses
in those fleecy sweatpants.

Or nachos.

melty cheese makes my mouth feel funny.

And I'm done with girls.

They're too...

Did something happen with Paige?

Not Paige.


All right,
I'm calling bullshit on this Julia.

She dresses like a homeless lady,

and she has horrible taste in televisions.
I thought you were in love with Paige.

I thought so, too, but then...

With Julia, it was like you said.

I just knew.

But then when II told her how I felt...

I'm sorry, man. Chicks are the worst.

let's go meet a whole bunch of them.

Screw you, Sam Gardner!

Since you thought it would be appropriate
to take a giant dump on my heart,

I thought it would be appropriate
to dump all of your stuff!


We got a situation!

Here's the "A" I got on the AP bio test
you helped me study for.

Here's the drawing of
the Antarctic krill,

which I obviously don't need
for my locker anymore!

Here's the detention slip that we got
after our first kiss in French class.

She seems mad.

Yeah, she is.

But you know what's not in here?
My virginity!

Which you were gonna get, by the way.

But now you're not.

I'll probably do it with the first guy
in college with a British accent.

So thanks for that!

You know what else isn't in there?

The penguin necklace you got me.
I lost it, at some point, last Tuesday,

and I really, really miss it.

And I didn't want to tell you because
I didn't want to hurt your feelings.

But now I do!

Jeez, dude, what did you do to her?

I don't know. I just told her the truth.

I think you broke her heart, Sam.

People think autistic people
don't have empathy,

but that's not true.

Sometimes I can't tell
if someone's upset,

but once I know, I feel lots of empathy.

Maybe even more than neurotypicals.

This was gonna be
your Christmas present, Sam.

Isn't it so cute?

You would have loved that, dude.

Well, guess what.

No! Paige!

Suck on that.

Paige is here?
Does she want her hair done?

I don't think so.

I think I need to apologize to Paige.

It's gonna need
to be a pretty big apology, bro.

I'll have a gin and tonic.

You know there's no way
that's happening, right?

Do you want to see my ID?

Not really. You're clearly not 21.

Trust me, you want to see my ID.




I'll take that gin and tonic now.

Lime and soda. Best I can do.

I saw you guys... you and my mom.

Have you talked to her?

It's over. It ended.

That's bullshit.

No, I'm serious.
She ended things with me.


Because of you...

her family.

If she cared about us, she wouldn't have
done it in the first place.

I don't know about that,
but I don't think it's so simple.

What the hell do you know?
Not much, really.

But I know she really loves you two.

Us two? There's three of us?
There's me, my brother and my dad.

I know, I meant three.

Why did she do it?

II don't know.

I think your mom has spent...

a really long time
sort of stuck in a role.

I mean, not stuck, uh...

but there's more to her
than just being a mom, you know?

I think she just needed
to be reminded of that,

to remind herself.


That is super deep, dude.


Here's what we're gonna do.

I made Paige feel the way
Julia made me feel...

which is very bad.

So I'm gonna make it up to her
by finding her missing necklace

and presenting it to her
at the silent dance.

Yeah, dude!
You look like a million bucks!

Well, the tux rental was only $99,
so that's a really good return.

I'll trust you on the math.
Now look over here, DoubleO Penguin.

Oh, honey, look!

How does Zahid have your phone number?
I gave it to him in case of emergencies.

But he uses it to send me selfies
when he's bored.

Look at this guy.

He looks great.

You ever think we'd make it
to a school dance?

Especially after yesterday.
We were good together.

I know.
Really, really good.

I know. It was a tough day.

You know what?

You were right.

You were right to push him.
You've been great with him lately.

He's been needing you much more than me,
which has been hard for me, but, clearly,

really good for him.

You know, I knew about Julia.

Yeah, we both did.
I mean, he was overly dependent on her.

No, I knew... how he felt about her.

He told me that he had a crush on her,
and I didn't tell you.

And I know I should have.

But, you know, it's always been...
the two of you.

It's always been you and Sam, and...

You know,
he started talking to me and...

I didn't want to lose that.


Do you know why it's always
been me and Sam?

Because you left.

But I'm here now,
and I'm not going anywhere.

I know.


imagine having a young child
that was just diagnosed...

and a toddler.

And the person that you love most
in the world

and the person you trust splits.

So, yeah, I kept Sam separate and safe.

Because I didn't know
if you were gonna leave again.

Honey, I...
It was wrong.

I've been so angry,

and I've been holding it over you
for so long.

And I'm done. I'm done doing that.

He needs you. I need you.


I'm sorry.

You don't have to say sorry.

Why don't we do this?
Why don't we just have a clean slate...

for both of us?

Clean slate.

I love you.

I love you, too.

You built a really nice igloo.

It is a nice igloo.

All right. I need to find some kids
to bring this igloo in that school.

I don't want Paige to have a breakdown.
She's hanging on by a thread already.

Something is up with you.

What's wrong with you?

Did you get into a fight with Evan?



Have a great time.

Oh, girls! Look how great you all look.
So beautiful.

Did you see Christopher?
Look how sharp he is.

I want to leave.

Here you go. You guys, go ahead
and go in there. We'll be in soon.

Then we can all shake
our booties toget

Teenage girls are assholes.

Oh, what? Like you don't know it?


I know.

Aw! My garlands look so pretty.

I made every snowflake uniquely different,
just like reallife nature does.


Look at you! You look fantastic!

You look so good.
Thank you.

Did you see the igloo?
I made this igloo. You like this?

Pretty good, right?
It's amazing.

I even used the stuffing from Paige's
m*rder*d penguin as a snow base.

Oh, my God.
I'm gonna go stand by it

and make sure no bozos spill punch on
it. Okay, you girls, you look magical.

All right, have a great night.

Have fun.

Let's do this.





Drug takin'

At my place, baby, at my place


Come into my house, you're invited

Okay, Paige lost her necklace sometime
on Tuesday,

so if I can retrace her steps,
I should be able to find it.

I have her whole schedule memorized.

Stalkery, but also kind of sweet.

Thank you.

First period, chemistry.

It's not here.

Well, you think you have it bad?
I'm dead.

Now, come kiss Skelly on the phalanges.

Let's go.

Third period... French.

It's not in here.

French chicks are hot!

I got to get over there
so I can tap that poutine.

Let's go.

Sixth period... history.

It's not in here.

Did you know that
George Washington smoked dope?

They called him Ganja George.

Of course you didn't know.
They don't teach that shit in school.

Let's go.

There you go.

Spent a summer with my cousin
who jacks cars.

It was sad.

It's not in here, either.
How have we not found it yet?

Oh, no.


I hope she didn't lose it
in eighth period.

Why, what's eighth period?

In 2015, Lewis Pugh swam
in freezing Antarctic waters

to promote the conservation
of the Ross Sea.

There it is.


Because of his efforts,

it's now the largest protected
marine area in the world.

I don't like getting in water
that people have touched.

Oh, people do much worse than that.

I guarantee this baby's been peed in
hundreds of times.

That's not helpful.

You want me to get it for you?

If one man can protect millions
of marine animals

just by swimming,

one quick dip can certainly
help fix things with Paige.

No, thank you, Zahid.

The hero must complete his
or her own mission of redemption.

Okay, see, no, no.
Only threequarters of a cup per person.

We're not made of punch.

I found this.

Whathow? Why?

"How" is I retraced your steps on
Tuesday and found it in the pool.

And "why" is that I feel bad
for breaking your heart,

so this is my apology.

Do you forgive me?

Meet me in the igloo in two minutes.

Hey, dance with me.

I only have two minutes,
and I don't like to slow dance.

Shut up.


Ew! Why are you wet?

You know what? Never mind.
I don't care. Just...


I don't have to go to Clayton Prep.


I mean, like, Sam,
if you need me or whatever,

I can turn the scholarship down.

That would be dumb.

Well... like what if something happens
like yesterday and I'm not there?

I know you think you have to protect me,

but I have Mom and Dad
and lots of other people. You can go.

what if you didn't have Mom and Dad?

Like, what if they weren't together?

Like, if Dad was at work?
I guess I'd wait for him to come home.

It's definitely been two minutes.
I have to go.


Can you come get me?

This is a good igloo.

Way better than his last one.

So what's going on here, Sam?

I mean, you show up with
my necklace and soaking wet.

I mean, what do you want?
Do you want to get back together?

I want to try to explain,
but I might have to talk about animals,

and I know that annoys you sometimes.

Go ahead.

In nature, it's simple.

Animals are drawn to mate
with an appropriate specimen,

and they spread their wings
or show their colorful rump and mate.

That makes sense.

They don't have love.
They don't have hurt feelings.

They don't have dances.

Actually, some birds do dance,
and there are some ridiculous dances.

Okay, I'm sorry to be short,

but I have a lot of people counting
on me out there.

So, what's the point?

I wanted to make
all this girlfriend stuff simple,

but it's not simple.

I don't know if I love you.

I don't know who I love anymore.

But you're funny and pretty,

and I like the way you pinch your nose
when you sneeze.

And I'm really,
really sorry I hurt your feelings.


I appreciate your honesty.

But you didn't appreciate it
at the Olive Garden.

Because that was
in front of my whole family.

Got it. That's the difference.

Well... I don't think we should be
boyfriend and girlfriend again

until you're sure of what you want.


But that doesn't mean
we can't mess around a little.


You okay?

My mom had an affair.

Here, come here.

I knew she was a d*ck.

I just didn't know she was
that big of a d*ck.

Sorry I was so weird to you.

No, it's, um...

it's okay.

I was, uh...

an idiot.

And when you didn't say
that you loved me back,

I just... I felt like a tool.

But I really don't care
whether you say it or not.

I love you, and... and that's that.



And I should have been more mature,
so, um, how about this?

I'll race you to the top of those steps.

And if I win,
then you have to love me back.

That sounds fair.

Doesn't it?



I totally love you.

Hey, Doug. Having fun?

Hey, guys. Sure. You?

Well, let's just put it this way,

I'm glad I brought comic books.

Uh, Luisa,
I'm sorry to hear about your cousin.

My cousin?
Who died.

Elsa was at the memorial.

Oh, right... my cousin.


We weren't super close, so I don't...

I don't, uh, think about it a lot.

What? Who died?

What's he talking about?

Honey, you have to try the photo booth.
They have the cutest props.

Look at this hat.

I just got a hand job in an igloo.

Dude, awesome!

Living in
Antarctica can be chilly.

As Antarctic winter descends
the ice continues to grow,

effectively doubling the size
of the continent.

Doubling it!

In this way,
the cold creates matter.

It has presence. It takes up space.

Miles? What are you doing here?


I got your messages.


You win.

Let's get married.

II win?

researchers have discovered that

when penguins make even
the smallest movement together,

they create a unique
behavioral warming structure.

So emperor penguins
perform a mass dance to keep warm.

They heat up
the planet by dancing.


It's a really good igloo.

That's the first time
you ever hugged me on your own.


But you wouldn't expect such
a little thing to make a difference.

So does your mom know that you know?


I've just been a total jerk to her.

I even left a passiveaggressive note
on her stupid todo board.

One penguin couldn't
warm up like that on its own.

They do it by being together.

Why would she write that on there, huh?

It's weird that she would write that,
isn't it?

Bite chunks out of me

You're a shark, and I'm swimming

My heart still thumps as I bleed

Mmmmmm, let's tessellate

Go along, my flower

And keep my whole lovely you

Wild green stones alone, my lover

And keep us on my heart

Three g*ns, and one goes off