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01x26 - Shockwave, Part I

Posted: 01/05/23 12:21
by bunniefuu
They don't have a problem
with us dropping by?

On the contrary.

The operations foreman said

they haven't had visitors

in nearly six months.


Is it really
a matriarchal society?

I mean, the women
make all the decisions?

Until recently, but
in the last decade,

the Paraagan males
have made great strides

to acquire equal rights.

Still, it would probably be best

if we didn't get
too flirtatious.


I read that this colony
started off 20 years ago

with just 30 miners.

Now there are over 3,000.

They've got schools,
landscaped communities,

even some kind of museum.

You think, 20 years from now,

there'll be Earth
colonies out this far?

Human kids growing
up on New Sausalito?

If my father were alive,

he wouldn't doubt it
for a minute.

We're making history with...

Every light-year.

You know, I think I've heard

you say that at least
half a dozen times.

Archer here.

The Paraagans

have given us clearance
to enter orbit.

Have you received
their landing protocols?

They're coming in now.

We're on our way.

This should take
a bit longer than usual.

It wouldn't be very polite
to ignite their atmosphere.

When are you supposed to
close the plasma ducts?

The protocol said 50 kilometers,
but, to be on the safe side,

I'm going to lock them off
at about 75.

the matriarchal elements

of the culture have diminished,

it might be best
if I were to ask...

♪ It's been a long road ♪

♪ Getting from there to here ♪

♪ It's been a long time ♪

♪ But my time is finally near ♪

♪ And I will see my dream
come alive at last ♪

♪ I will touch the sky ♪

♪ And they're not gonna
hold me down no more ♪

♪ No, they're not gonna
change my mind ♪

♪ 'Cause I've got faith ♪

♪ Of the heart ♪

♪ I'm going where my heart
will take me ♪

♪ I've got faith to believe ♪

♪ I can do anything ♪

♪ I've got strength
of the soul ♪

♪ No one's gonna bend
or break me ♪

♪ I can reach any star ♪

♪ I've got faith ♪

♪ I've got, I've got, I've got ♪

♪ I've got faith ♪

♪ Faith of the heart. ♪

I closed both plasma ducts.

I'm certain of it.

Are you sure
there's nothing left?

We could see the colony
in full magnification, sir.

The ground was scorched

for at least a hundred
kilometers in every direction.

Could one of the dampeners
been malfunctioning?

I closed both ducts.

Any kind of malfunction
would have triggered an alarm.

Two alarms.

There are backups to prevent
these kinds of accidents.

The ducts were closed.

This is no time
to be placing blame.

A thorough investigation
should explain what happened.

How is he?

He has a mild concussion,
but he should be fine.

Have you tried
hailing the colony?

There has to be
someone down there.

Sir, I tried to explain.

There's nothing left.

No buildings,
no trees, no people.

That's impossible.

There were 3,600 colonists.

Have you finished
the diagnostics?

I've analyzed six
of the pod sensor logs.

I have two left.

Well, get them done.

You've had three hours.

What about the Enterprise
sensor logs?

They must have recorded

how much tetrazine
was in the atmosphere.

Was the concentration greater
than the Paraagans specified?

Was it present at
higher altitudes

than it was supposed to be?

That's the weird part, sir.

The tetrazine levels were less
than three parts per million.

That's half
what the protocol specified.

What about the
point of ignition?

The flash point was directly
beneath the shuttle, sir.

But it seems to have originated
at the starboard plasma duct.

A plasma duct
you're certain was closed.

Every log on the shuttle

that both ducts
were sealed and locked.

Then you'd better start
reexamining those logs...

because something
doesn't add up here.

Get me Admiral Forrest.

This is not going to be fun.


It's a by-product
of their mining operation.

It settles between 45 and 50
kilometers in their atmosphere.

Exhaust plasma is about the only
thing hot enough to ignite it.

But you said
your plasma ducts were closed.

Yes, sir.

We're doing everything we can
to determine what went wrong,

but that's not going
to change the fact

that there are 3,600 corpses
down there.

Continue to analyze your logs.

I'm going to call
an emergency meeting

of the Command Council.

You realize they'll undoubtedly
bring the Vulcans into this.

They'll have to figure out

who's going to contact
the Paraagan homeworld.

That should be
my responsibility, sir.

You're right, it should...

but let's take this
one step at a time.

How do you tell
all those families that...?

You followed all the protocols
that you were given.

We came here
to meet these people.

To learn something about them,
not to k*ll them.

You followed the protocols.

You've got a crew

that's going
to be looking to you

to figure out
how to react to all this.

Don't let them down.

I'll get back to you
as soon as I can.

I'm sorry, Jon.

His behavior has been erratic.

He seems to alternate

between agitation,
despondency and guilt.

He spends
most of his time alone.

I've tried to remind him
that this was an accident,

but his responses
have been illogical.

He seems to be ignoring his
responsibilities as Captain.

Ah, to be Vulcan.

It's been my experience

that humans
have a great deal of difficulty

separating emotional despair

from what you call

Nevertheless, as his physician,

you should monitor him closely

to be certain he remains
fit for command.

I understand how, um,

his behavior must be for you,
but... trust me,

it would be unnatural
for the Captain

not to be affected by grief
under these circumstances.

It's, uh... human nature.

He'll be fine.

What is it?

It's Admiral Forrest, sir.

Thank you.

The atmospheric analysis
of the probe

is coming through.

Put it up here, would you?

What is it?

The air near the surface

is filled with traces
of boro-carbons.

When tetrazine is ignited
by plasma exhaust,

there's only one outcome
you can be sure of.

Traces of boro-carbons.

You got it.

I don't care whether that probe

picked up traces
of bread pudding.

Both our plasma ducts
were locked down

and there were no leaks
in the system.

Not unless they miraculously
mended themselves afterwards.



The mission's been canceled.


From what the Admiral tells me,

Ambassador Soval will use this
to convince Starfleet...

that we need
another 10 or 20 years

before we try this again.

20 years?!

Starfleet won't buy that
for a minute.

Won't they?

Tell him he's crazy!

Tell him that's guilt talking,
not Jonathan Archer!

A Vulcan ship will
meet us in three days

to get you
and Dr. Phlox.

Please inform Mr. Mayweather

to... head
for these coordinates.

I can't believe you're letting
them do this to us.

You've waited all your life
to command this ship!


But, sir...

I said you're dismissed.

Both of you.

You think they've replaced
you in Brazil yet?

Even if they have,
they'd take me back.

I'm a prodigy, remember?

How about you?

After a year on Enterprise,

the thought of a cargo ship
is pretty unappealing.

What if they made you Captain?

You're going to be

the most famous boomer
around, you know?

Or maybe infamous.

From what Commander
Tucker tells me,

people back home think that

we're doing nothing out here
but getting in trouble.

Then it's our job to let
the people back home know

what really happened.

Anyone who tries
to bad-mouth Captain Archer

in front of me
is going to get an earful

in any language they want.

Come in.

What was so important
it couldn't wait till morning?

If you'd prefer, I'll come back.

No, I'm sorry.

What have you got?

Lieutenant Reed and his team
have discovered

an unidentified EM signature
on the ventral hull

of Shuttlepod 1.

Could be anything.

Mr. Reed felt
you'd be interested.

In what?

Does he think that
Starfleet Command's

going to take a look
at this, apologize

and send us on our way?

Tell him it was a nice try.

Is this what humans refer to as

"feeling sorry for themselves"?

You're out of line,

I apologize.

I wish I was simply feeling
sorry for myself.

But, actually, I'm feeling sorry

for a whole lot of people...

Every member of Starfleet,
in fact.

Their futures depended
upon my ability

to succeed at this mission.

As soon as we learned about

the consequences
of the expl*si*n,

I knew the Vulcan High Command
would take advantage

of the situation.

What's your point?

You have a responsibility
to dispute their recommendation.

Starfleet already bought
their recommendation,

hook, line and sinker.

Then you have

a responsibility
to convince them as well.

And how do you suggest
I do that?

You are very adept

at listing the questionable
decisions you've made,

but there have been
other decisions...

Many of them
that no one would question.

I'm willing to try to convince
my government of that.

Are you willing to try
to convince yours?

You know... this has got to be
the first time

a Vulcan... has ever attempted
to cheer up a human.

I'll see you in the morning.

That's all right, Commander.

Your company is appreciated,
but it would be best

if you left the packing to me.

I would have thought
you'd be a little more upset

about leaving Enterprise.

Well, I, uh, I did
expect this posting

would last a while longer,
but I'm sure

an equally adventurous

will present itself.

I wish I had your attitude.

Humans seem to be
naturally optimistic.

I'm surprised you don't
share my outlook

that something exciting's

always waiting around
the next nebula.

That's just the point.

There won't be any nebulas
in Starfleet's future.

At least not for a decade so.

Oh, I wouldn't be
so sure of that.

You're wrong, Doc.

You worked with Vulcans.

You know what they think of us.

Enterprise coming back to Earth

with its tail tucked
between its legs...

It'll be Soval's
crowning achievement.

They'll probably give
the son of a bitch

some gaudy medal,

and then cart him off
to wherever they send

bitter old Vulcans to retire.

Ambassador Soval's
service record

contains an impressive
list of accomplishments.

You have to find something good

in everybody, don't you?!

I got to tell you, that's one

of your unique qualities
that drives me crazy.

I'll certainly miss

your outspoken personality,
Mr. Tucker.

I'll see you later, Doc.

Come on, Porthos.
Time for bed.

Porthos, up.

What's the matter, boy?

Don't tell me you're...


What's going on here?


Sorry to call so late, Captain,

but all three inspection pods

are getting their weekly
overhauls tonight.

They tell me
they won't be ready until noon.

So I figured
you might want to sleep in.
Might want to sleep in.

What do you say to breakfast
at 9:30, Spacedock cafeteria?

You must be reading my mind.

I was just about to suggest
the same thing.

See you in the morning.

If you're trying to tell me
the last ten months was a dream,

I'm not buying it.

I.M.E. Can I help you?

This is Captain Jonathan Archer,
Starfleet authorization:


I know who you are, Captain.

What can I do for you?

Do you have a Denobulan doctor
in the Interspecies

Medical Exchange?

Yes, a Doctor Phlox.

He's assigned to Starfleet
Medical here in San Francisco.

Would you like me
to contact him for you?

No, that's all right.

Thanks for your help.

I didn't even know
Phlox existed...

before they brought Klaang in.

And that was the day...

after the...
late-night call from Trip.

You're not dreaming, Captain.


This must be very disorienting.

I apologize,
but I had no choice.

Commander Tucker told me
you were dead...

that Silik k*lled you.

He did...
in a manner of speaking.

We have to talk, Captain,
and it's essential

that none of the other factions
know about it.

I doubt any of them would think

I'd bring you here.

So, you're... telling me you...

brought me back, what,
ten months ago?

How about

Jonathan Archer ten months ago?

Where's he?

He's you.

Then who just climbed into bed
aboard Enterprise?

That hasn't happened yet.

That's a load of crap
and you know it.

I've had this conversation
with half a dozen people.

It always ends up the same way.

Can't you ever give
a straight answer?

It depends on the question.

All right, try this one.

Why am I here?

I thought you were
supposed to protect

the timeline, not screw with it.

It's already been...
"screwed with," Captain.

That expl*si*n
at the Paraagan colony,

it wasn't supposed to happen.

Of course, it wasn't.

It was an accident.

That's not what I mean.

History never recorded
the disaster.

Someone violated
the Temporal Accord...

someone who doesn't want
your mission to succeed.

Are you telling me
that Enterprise

didn't cause that expl*si*n?

Do you remember the
Temporal Cold w*r I spoke of?

It's kind of hard to forget.

Then, listen to me carefully.

We don't have much time.

All senior staff report to the
Situation Room in 15 minutes.

Mr. Reed, I'd like you
in my quarters immediately.

It was just where we detected
the EM signature.

But I don't understand...
It was completely invisible.

How on Earth did you know

that a phase discriminator
would expose it?

If I'm not mistaken,

you'll find this
thing was designed

to generate a plasma stream.

Put a team together, Trip.

I'll need two quantum beacons.

They'll have
to be positron-based

and have an output
of 200 gigawatts apiece.

Positron-based, sir?

Just get started.

I'll bring you the specs
in a few minutes.

We're going to need
our com frequencies

on the fritz for a day or so.

See to it.

Aye, sir.

Put the Armory on full alert.

Turn the ship around, Travis.

We're going back to
the Paraagan colony.

What are you all waiting for?


It wasn't us, Trip.

We didn't do it.


Take a look at the dispersal
curve here... and here.

You'll have to isolate
the subassembly tolerances

from the emitter algorithms.

Whoa, hold on a minute.

You're saying the assembly's
independent of the emitters?


That's impossible.

Not if you generate

a stable flux between
the positron conductors.

Then all you'll have to do

is renormalize the tertiary
wave functions.

With all due respect, sir,

this is a level
of quantum engineering

that's beyond anything
I ever learned.

How the hell do you know this?

Remember Crewman Daniels?


I saw him get vaporized
by our friend, Silik.

Well, for a cloud of vapor,

he's one wealth of information.

I just spent two hours with him.

He's on Enterprise?

Not exactly.

Listen, I'll explain later.

Right now, we've got to get back
to building these beacons.

Whatever you say.

The circuitry in there isn't
compatible with our technology.

We'll have to create
an interface.

What for?

We're going to be retrieving
some Suliban data discs.

I have no doubt you'll be
able to handle the content,

but, before you can do that,

we'll have to find a way

to access the data.

And Daniels claims
this is Suliban technology?

Everything he's told me

has checked out so far.

I have no reason
to doubt him on this.

We'll do our best, Captain.


The Vulcan ship
we were headed for...

It's no doubt detected
we've altered course.

Have they tried to hail us?

I wouldn't know, sir.

Our com is on the fritz.

Why did Daniels leave it
in his quarters?

I don't recall him

having much time
to pack before he left.


Well, if it is there,

and it contains
what he said it does,

it could be invaluable
to Starfleet.

I gave Daniels my word, Malcolm.

We download the schematics

for the Suliban
stealth cruiser...

nothing else.


Assuming he's right,

and we manage
to find the cruiser,

what makes you think the
Suliban won't come after us?

Just like those old
Bible movies, Malcolm:

"It wasn't written."

So far, Daniels
is batting a thousand.

Wait a minute.

You see that?

They've got schematics

on half a dozen
different Klingon ships.

The stealth cruiser, Lieutenant.

Nothing else.


There it is.


I feel like a chef
who's just made a meal

with ingredients
he's never tasted.

You follow the instructions?

To the letter.

Bridge to Captain Archer.

Go ahead.

We're approaching the colony.

Have Mr. Mayweather
locate a binary system

2.5 light-years away
and set a course.


Let's get these mounted
on the grappler arms.

Head for the smaller star...

then the inner moon
of the second planet.

Bridge to Armory.

Reed here.

Have you plotted
all the target points?

Aye, sir.

Stand by.

I'll meet you two

in the Launch Bay.

If this goes well,
I shouldn't be long.

Lower the beacons.

Modify the viewscreen.

Bring up these coordinates.

Full magnification.

Activate the beacons.

Right where they're
supposed to be.

Aren't we in range
of their sensors, sir?

They can see us.

But they have no idea
we can see through their cloak.

Just keep on
the same course, Travis.


The closer, the better, sir.

They're charging weapons.

Now, Mr. Reed.

Their cloaking generator's down.

All four w*apon banks, as well.

Port and starboard
engines disabled.

Okay, here's the tricky part.

Reed to Shuttlepod 2.

Archer here.

She's all yours, Captain.

Good luck.

That last shot should have
sealed off the two lower decks.

If Daniels is right,
there shouldn't be more than

20 Suliban for us to deal with.

Is that all?

The stun grenade's
on a three-second delay.

Just ten more meters.


Which one?




They're all around us.

Archer to Reed.

Go ahead.

We need some help here.

I see them.

You'd better take cover.


What's the problem?

I can't release
the docking clamps.

Ignite the thrusters.

Go to full power!

Archer to Mayweather.

We see you, Captain.

Set a course back toward
the Vulcan ship.

Go to warp 4
as soon as we're aboard.

Yes, sir.

It took a while
before we realized

that the three discs
had to work in unison.

The interface seems
to be holding.


The stealth cruiser was
definitely in orbit

of the Paraagan colony
when the expl*si*n took place.

They were monitoring us
very closely.

There are sensor logs

that tracked our
course, our altitude,

even our hull temperature.

Look at these.

I can't believe
how close they got.

They got a lot closer
than you think.

Those cloaking devices
sure come in handy.

They were docked
with the shuttlepod

for nearly two minutes.

Just long enough to attach this

and cloak it.

Good work.

Keep at it.

Get me Admiral Forrest.

Sounds like pretty
solid evidence.

Where the hell did you get it?

It's all on three data discs

we took from a cloaked
Suliban cruiser.

But how did you know
about that cruiser?

And if it was cloaked,
how could you find it?

I've got friends in high places.

This is going to be a very
interesting debriefing.

Get to the Vulcan ship
as quickly as you can.

I'll let them know
what you've got.

I can't tell you
how pleased I am, Jonathan.

After all you've done,

I would have hated
to see this end.

Thank you for believing
in us, Admiral.

Archer out.

They boarded a cloaked vessel

and they knew exactly
where to find the discs.

They weren't acting alone.

My ships are fast.

We can overtake them
and destroy Enterprise.

Have your ships bring me Archer.

Allow Enterprise to continue.

But we need
to recover the discs.


You know what happened
the last time you failed me.

It was ten months ago.

He brought me back ten months.

But I knew everything
I know now.

How is that possible?

As I've told you,

the Vulcan Science
Directorate has concluded

that time travel is impossible.

Well, good for the Vulcan
Science Directorate.

Maybe they can tell me
how I woke up yesterday

knowing exactly
where that Suliban ship was.

Or how I suddenly
had the ability

to construct a quantum beacon

to see through its cloak.

And while they're at it,
they might as well tell me

how I knew
where to find those discs.

All valid questions.

But to conclude
that the only answer is

that you acquired this
information from a dead crewman

who transported you back
through time is illogical.

Why don't you give me
another explanation?

I can't.

Because there isn't one.

I got a call from Trip.

Something about inspection pods.

It was the exact same call I got

the day before
they found Klaang.

Word for word.

Perhaps you were dreaming.


I never thought
this was possible, either.


I traveled through time

and I need you to believe me.


Because it's hard enough
trying to fathom all this

without having my
Science Officer...

A colleague who I
trust and rely on,

the person who got me

to stop feeling
sorry for myself...

Accusing me of being
an hallucinating madman.

I don't remember
accusing you of anything.

Bridge to Archer.


We're getting some
strange readings, sir.

It might not be a bad idea
for you to come out here.

I've taken the liberty

of asking Commander Tucker
to join us.

What's the problem?

We're having trouble
balancing the warp field.

Looks okay to me.

It's odd.

It'll be stable one moment,
and then, for no reason,

it'll go slightly
out of alignment.

What are you guys doing

to my engines?

The auto-stabilizers aren't
functioning properly.

The computer ran its last
diagnostic on them

less than ten minutes ago.

They look fine.

Well, they're not.

We've had to realign the field

a dozen times
over the last hour.

Load torpedoes.

And stand by all weapons.

Deploy the beacons, Travis.

Modify the viewscreen

and aim the beacons aft.

Swing them down slowly.

It looks like

we're in a swarm
of cloaked bees.

Charge the phase cannons.

We're being hailed.

Put it through.

I wouldn't advise
using your weapons, Jonathan.

Perhaps if we de-cloak,
you'll understand why.


They're all armed

with high-yield
particle weapons, sir.

How many could you take out?

Before they open fire?

Not enough, sir.

One of my ships is approaching
your starboard docking port.

I'd like you
to board it immediately.

What do you want with me?

You have five minutes.

If you don't comply,

I have permission
to destroy Enterprise.

How do I know

you won't destroy Enterprise
either way?

You have my word, Captain.

And you also have four
and a half minutes left.

I'm placing you in command.

I advise you

to maintain your present
course and speed.

I don't know
what's going to happen...

but try to keep an open mind.

Especially when it comes
to things

the Vulcan Science
Directorate says are...


I'll try.

Captain, this is crazy.

How do you know
what they're going to do?

T'Pol's in command now, Trip.

Do whatever you can to help her.

That goes for all of you.

Keep an eye on Porthos
for me, would you?


No cheese.

Your Captain's playing a very
dangerous game, Subcommander.


He has 30 seconds left.

Did he think I wasn't serious?

The turbolift's on E-Deck.

It's empty.

Where is he?

I'm not reading his bio-signs.

He must be on the Suliban ship.

Captain Archer is

no longer aboard Enterprise.

Perhaps you should check

with the vessel
you sent for him.

I thought he was smarter
than this.

He could have saved
all your lives.

What a waste.

The docked ship is moving away.

It's targeting our warp core.

They're all targeting
the warp core.

Ten minutes ago,

that vista was more beautiful

than anything you could imagine.

Where am I?

I-I had breakfast in that room
less than... half an hour ago.

Then I was instructed
to bring you here.

They told me that the timeline
wouldn't be safe

if you boarded
that Suliban ship.

Someone was very mistaken.

Where is here?

You're in the 31st century,

or what's left of it.

You said the Suliban wouldn't
follow us,

that we'd make it safely
to the Vulcan ship.

As far as I was told,

that was exactly
what was supposed to occur.

So you're telling me,

this just happened?

It doesn't look like
it just happened.


It looks like it happened
a long time ago.

If bringing me here caused this,
then send me back.

I'll take my chances with Silik.

Y-You don't understand.

All our equipment...
The time-portals...

Have been destroyed.

Everything's been destroyed.

There's no way to send you back.