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01x25 - Two Days and Two Nights

Posted: 01/05/23 12:20
by bunniefuu
Captain's Personal Log,
February 18, 2152.

It took a while, but we've
finally made it to Risa.

With any luck,
this'll be my last log entry

for the next two days.

If anything happens, you
know where to reach me.

I don't anticipate any problems.

Well, it's the problems
you don't anticipate.

The crew is trained
to handle emergencies.

But I'll alert you immediately

if there are any problems.

This doesn't feel right.

I shouldn't be going down
to some "pleasure planet"

while half the crew
has to stay on board.

Everyone drew lots.

You had the same
chance as the others.

All the same,

the crew should come first.

Captain, you need a vacation.

I'm glad you decided
to take some time off, sir.

Wouldn't miss it.

Do you want to take
the helm, Captain?

I'm on vacation.


Enjoy yourselves.

I'll bring you a souvenir.

♪ It's been a long road ♪

♪ Getting from there to here ♪

♪ It's been a long time ♪

♪ But my time is finally near ♪

♪ And I will see my dream
come alive at last ♪

♪ I will touch the sky ♪

♪ And they're not gonna
hold me down no more ♪

♪ No, they're not gonna
change my mind ♪

♪ 'Cause I've got faith ♪

♪ Of the heart ♪

♪ I'm going where my heart
will take me ♪

♪ I've got faith to believe ♪

♪ I can do anything ♪

♪ I've got strength
of the soul ♪

♪ No one's gonna bend
or break me ♪

♪ I can reach any star ♪

♪ I've got faith ♪

♪ I've got, I've got, I've got ♪

♪ I've got faith ♪

♪ Faith of the heart. ♪

Everyone have big plans?


Rock-climbing, sir.

There's a place called Galartha.

The cliff face changes pitch
while you climb it.

That sounds kind of dangerous.

Well, if it's easy,
what's the point?

Just watch yourself.


Well, supposedly Risa's
very cosmopolitan.

There are species
visiting from all over.

Malcolm and I plan to, uh...
broaden our cultural horizons.

Is that all you two think about?

Well, how we choose to relax
is our own business.

You watch yourselves, too.

I plan on doing something
constructive with my time.

I have been relying

on the Universal Translator
far too much.

Before I left Earth,
I learned 38 languages,

and now all I do
is push a button

and the computer
does all the work.

Isn't that what it's for?

Not this time.

I left my translator
on Enterprise.

You only have two days, Hoshi.

If you want to waste your time
talking to people...

What about you, Captain?

I've never been much
for vacations,

but I've got a little villa
overlooking the ocean,

and, uh, Porthos and I

are going to relax.

How long will this last?

I usually require
six days per year,

but two should leave me
sufficiently refreshed.

I've adjusted the dosage

to wake you up in
exactly 48 hours.

And if someone should require

medical attention
during your hibernation?

Crewman Cutler
is a capable medic.

I know where the bandages are.

You can always wake
me if you need to,

but, please... only
if it's an emergency, hmm?


Well... to bed.

Pleasant dreams, Doctor.

What do you think, Porthos?

Not bad.

Come here, let's go.

What are you barking at?

What about that one?

Now I know you've been cooped up

on a starship for too long.

No, what's wrong with her?

Well, nothing, I suppose.

I just wouldn't know
which eyes to look into.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Now, she's interesting.

I don't think "she" is
the right pronoun.


But if you think
it's worth the risk...

I don't know... maybe
I should have brought

my scanner with me.

Oh. Thank you.

That's a she.


Now, what shall we drink to?

To us, and to a well-earned

two days and two nights.

How'd you get up here?

Stop it, you two.


Come in!

I'm sorry to bother you,

but I think my dog
is on your deck.


There you are.

I hope she didn't hurt...


Hello, Porthos.

She's been cooped up for weeks.

I should have known

she'd run off
the first chance she got.

Oh, no harm done.

She probably just came
over to make a friend.

I'm Jonathan.


So, is this your
first time to Risa?

Yes. You?

First time. My
Science Officer

felt I needed to relax,

so I decided to do some reading,
let Porthos run on the beach...

You should always listen
to your Science Officer.

She'd be the first
to agree with you.

I was about
to go out for dinner.

Can you recommend a restaurant?

There's this little boat
that sails into the bay

every evening just after sunset.

You wade out, and they serve
seafood right off the deck.

Sounds great.

Well, I'm sorry to disturb you.

Thanks again.

If you don't have other plans,

maybe we could wade out

to that little boat together.

You're not here with
your Science Officer?


In that case...

Oh. No, I'm sorry.

I can't tonight.

Just a thought.


I look forward to it.

So do I.

Good-bye, Porthos.

Slowly please.





That place up the street
looked pretty lively.

Well, the Vulcan database said

no one leaves this club unhappy.

How would the Vulcans know?

They only mate
once every seven years.

That's what they say.

Do you know something I don't?

Come on. Seven years?

I doubt even T'Pol
could hold out that long.

Oh, she's very disciplined.

Malcolm, bearing 180.


Behind you.

Anything in that database

that could help us get
a conversation going?

If you wanted to have
a cultural dialogue,

you should have gone with Hoshi.



I'm Dee'Ahn, and this is Latia.

I'm Trip.

I'm Malcolm.

Would you join us for a drink?

We've been waiting
for you to ask.

Well, uh, what would you like?

These look good.

Uh, another round, please.

So where are you two from?

Our planet's called Earth.


Never heard of it.

We're sort of new
to the neighborhood.

Well, then we'll have
to make sure

that your first visit
to Risa is memorable.


You're up late.

Just looking at the stars.

Don't you get enough of that
on your ship?

Hmm. Never.

Will you show me
what you're looking at?

Come on up.

I wanted to thank you

for the little boat
with the seafood.

Best I've ever had.

I'm sorry you had to eat alone.

Oh, no problem.

I had a nice chat

with a couple from
Vega Reticuli.

It turns out it's their
300th wedding anniversary.

Well, they must have
a lot of stories.

You can't imagine.

There it is.

What am I looking for?

See the bright blue star
at the top?

Is that your sun?

No, look just below.

The yellow one.

Do you see it?

It's so faint.

Ah, it's about 90 light-years
from here.

You're a long way from home.

Actually, this is the farthest

any of my people have ever gone.

You're an explorer.

I wouldn't be surprised

if they're naming schools
after you

back on your world.

Archer Elementary.

It has a nice ring to it.

Can you show me
where you're from?

Oh, I really don't have

a very good sense of direction.

Oh, I'm sure it's not that bad.

I got lost coming back
from the lobby today.


I can see how that could happen.

I mean, it's at least
a hundred meters from here.

And all the villas
look the same.

You've just got to notice
the subtle differences.

Like the numbers on the doors.

Now you're catching on.

Give me a couple hours

I could have you navigating
a starship.

Why don't you start
by telling me

about some of the places
you've been.

We'll get to the starship
navigation later.

We only had a few hours
of air left,

so I jettisoned our engine

and blew it up.

Turned it into a rescue flare.

It was my idea.

Doesn't matter
whose idea it was.

It worked.

Why don't you tell
them about the time

you saved Enterprise
in your underwear.

Yeah, I saved
the Captain's life.

I thought you were the Captain.

We rotate.

He's Captain next week.

So, Captains...
have you seen

the subterranean gardens?


All the plants that grow there

are luminescent.

It's beautiful.


Maybe you could show us.

Through here.

This is a strange way

to get to the garden.

They're very secluded.

So, how much do
starship captains

get paid on your world?

Excuse me?

What kind of valuables
do you have?

I think there's been
a misunderstanding.

There's definitely
been a misunderstanding.

See what they have.

I hope this isn't
their mating ritual.

Be quiet!


Maybe they have something
back in their rooms.

It's too risky.

We could sell their clothes.

Listen... I bet we could
make some kind of a deal.


It's Travis, Subcommander.

Could you send
a shuttlepod down?

What's the problem, Ensign?

I had a little
rock-climbing accident.

Where are you?

In the Central Hospital,

but I really want
to get back to Enterprise.

The fun part is the way
the rock face changes.

The problem is the
handholds change, too.

Why didn't you let them finish

treating you on the surface?

Have you ever been
to an alien hospital?


In San Francisco.

These people have never treated

a human before.

I wanted my own doctor.

Where's Phlox?

He's not available.

What do you mean,
he's "not available"?

He's... sleeping.

Well, wake him up!

He's got a patient.

The doctor is hibernating.

For how long?

Just a couple of days.

Don't worry.

I can handle a broken leg.

He said he was
having trouble breathing

when we were in the pod.

Did they give you
any medication?

Just a hypospray for the pain.


Is something wrong?

Ah, it's probably nothing.

Let's get you to Sick Bay.



I don't know if it was
those Risan mai-tais...

or getting shot,

but my head's k*lling me.

It was probably both.


The sun's up.

We've been down here all night.


Our shore leave's half over.

Hey! We need some
help down here!


I already tried it.

Club's closed.

I don't plan on spending
our entire trip

tied up in a basement.

The Vulcan database
didn't mention anything

about crime.

Well, they said
it was very rare.


It had some warnings,

but I didn't think
it'd be a problem.


You think this is my fault!

You were willing to follow

two strange aliens
into a basement.

Gorgeous aliens.

Don't forget they were gorgeous.

They were male!

Not at first!

I don't remember
twisting your arm.

If we don't make it
to the landing zone on time,

they're going to start
scanning for our bio-signs.

Do you want the Captain
to find us like this?


I feel terrible.

Oh, you're having a reaction
to the painkiller they gave you.

What's his condition?

If the swelling gets any worse,

it could begin
to constrict his airway.

I've spoken to the hospital.

They've never heard
of a reaction like this,

but they're not familiar
with human physiology.

I really think
we should wake up Dr. Phlox.

I'm sorry.
I give up.

I never thought that
I'd hear a language

I couldn't learn.

Don't feel bad.

You've only been trying
for one day.

Oh, it only took you one
day to pick up English.

It is much simpler.

And you are a very good...



What do you call this?

Oh, we don't have anything
exactly like it.

The closest thing would be a...




And this?

Um... it tastes
like a kiwi.


In my language,
"kee'hwi" is, um...


I don't know the word.

May I show you?

Sure. Why not?



That's called a... kiss.

A kiss.

There's a place
I was planning to go today.

A steam pool.

They say it's very...


Would you like to go?

Avec plaisir.

That's French.

What does it mean?

Good morning.
Good morning.

Come in.

I thought we could
take our dogs to the beach

if you don't have other plans.

Sounds great.

I just ordered breakfast.

Would you like to join me?




What are you reading?

It's a gift
from my Science Officer.

Her people think humans

are too controlled
by their emotions.

I knew there was a reason
I liked you.

Seems like you know
a lot about me.

Where I'm from,
what books I read...

I don't even know
your dog's name.

It's Rhylo.

I adopted her
when she was a puppy.

Anything else?

Everything else.

What's your planet called?

What do you do?

Do you have a family?

We've been having
such a wonderful time.

I really don't want to spoil it.

How could you spoil it?

I did have a family.

They were k*lled.

My parents...
my brother...

my husband.

I'm sorry.

It was our own fault.

We'd been warned
about the Suliban.

We should have gotten out

while we had the chance.


You know about them?


I'm not so sure
this is a good idea.

There's no need to whisper.

He's in a state
of deep hibernation.

Yeah, that's what
I'm worried about.

Did you use the correct dosage?


Do'sani, yo-to aruda!


I don't care
what it tastes like.

Wake up, Doctor.


Has it been 48 hours?


Then why did you wake me?

There's a medical emergency.


Then call the doctor.

You're the doctor.

Of course.

Who's sick?

Ensign Mayweather.


Ensign Mayweather, our Helmsman.

I know who he is.

Where is he?

He's in Sick Bay.

We're not in Sick Bay?

We're in your quarters.

Well, then...

to Sick Bay!

I could use some assistance,

What seems to be
the trouble, Captain?

It's Travis, Doctor.

He's having some kind

of anaphylactic reaction.



I've been standing up
for almost five minutes.


Hand me that scanner, Captain.


Ah, yes, yes.


It's definitely being caused

by an antigenic compound
in his system.

We'll need Regulan bloodworms.

They're excellent
at filtering toxins.

Uh, which container are they in?

No! Fresh ones
would be better.

Set a course for Regulus,
maximum warp.

Doctor, I think

this was a mistake.

You should return
to your quarters.

I appreciate the offer,
but it would be best

to keep our relationship

Uh! Let's go, Doctor.

I am the Chief Medical Officer
on this ship

and I am going to treat
Ensign Mayweather.

And then I'm going back to bed.


This was waiting for me
when I checked in,

compliments of the management.

I don't know anything
about Risan vintages,

but what do you say

we throw caution to the wind

and give it a try?

I'll be adventurous if you will.

How's your ankle?

Mm, it's getting better.

You'd think that guide
would have warned us.

The water was very shallow.

I should have watched
where I was stepping.

I don't know.

That thing was pretty
well camouflaged.

To... Risan sea turtles?

It's a little sweet
for my taste.

Is something wrong?


We could only see them
when they moved.

Was there more than one?

I'm not talking about turtles.

You said you knew who they were.

Have you seen them?

Did they hurt anyone
that you cared about?

We've seen them
a number of times,

but we've been lucky.

No one was badly hurt.

How do you fight something
you can't even see?

I was told that they take
their orders from the future.

Is that right?

All their genetic enhancements...

They were taught to do that

by someone
from the distant future.

Who told you that?

It's no secret.

They've att*cked
dozens of ships, settlements.

But where do they come from?

Where do they live?

I wish I could tell you,
but I don't know.

What are they planning
to do next?

Hopefully, neither of us

will ever run into them again.

You know that isn't true.

They keep enlisting
more of their people into the...

What do they call it?
The Cabal.

You must know something
about them, Jonathan.

I realize that they m*rder*d
your family

and I'm very sorry for that,

but I'm not sure
what you want me to tell you.

Most of what I have learned
about them

has come from rumors
and hearsay,

but you have seen them

I want you to tell me

what you know.

Where are their Helixes?

Where do they live?!

If this wine is too sweet,

I think there's
another bottle here.

It might be different.

You're the first person
I've met in over a year

who's had any contact with them.

All right.

I don't know much,

but I'll tell you what I can.

I could use some fresh air.

Why don't we take
a walk on the beach?

Thank you.

It's kind of chilly.

You might want to go get
a sweater or something.

I'll be right back.

Archer to Enterprise.

This is T'Pol.

I'm transmitting
a bioscan to you.

Run it through the computer.

I think you'll find a match.

You don't sound very relaxed,

Quickly, please.



Not quite.

Your surgeons did a nice job.

All the Tandarans I met

had a very distinctive
feature right here.


I don't understand.

I took a bioscan.

They may be able
to change your face,

but not your DNA.

Did Colonel Grat send you?


I suppose it's possible
you don't know him.

He ran the detention
camp I was sent to.

It was filled with
innocent Suliban.

Grat asked me the same questions

you've been asking,

except he was
a little more aggressive.

On the other hand,

he didn't try to win my sympathy

with fictitious tragedies.

You're wrong, Jonathan.

You're all wrong.

I think I should leave.

If it wasn't Grat,
then who was it?

Who sent you here?

Who was it?!

I'm sorry.

You've been very kind to me.

I'm going to check out now.

I can't have you interfering.

Whatever was in
that bottle you broke

got all over me.

It stinks to high heaven.

It's not like I had a choice.

We needed something
to cut through those ropes.

Good morning.


Sleep well?


Any thoughts about
what you'd like to do today?

Risa has a lot to offer.

I could spend the entire day
right here,

but I'm afraid
the shuttle's coming

to pick me up in a few hours.

Not a very long vacation.

Two days and two nights.

That's all we had.

I hope you don't think that I...

Took advantage of me?

Not for a minute.

There we go.

You're certain?

You can check it yourself
if you like, Doctor.

The analysis clearly shows

he was given
benzethonium chloride.

You're quite allergic to it.

This should do the trick.

Your bio-signs are stabilizing.

It seems to be working.

How do you feel?

A lot better.

Thanks, Doc.

What's that smell?

I don't smell anything.

I'm guessing you two had
an interesting couple of days.

Fascinating culture, sir.


What about you, Hoshi?

Do anything constructive?

As a matter of fact,

I learned several
new conjugations.


You look rested, sir.

Did you get a good
night's sleep?

Went out like a light.

Next time we take shore leave,

instead of just sitting around
reading books,

you should try to get out.

Look for a little excitement...
meet new people.