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01x21 - Detained

Posted: 01/05/23 12:17
by bunniefuu


♪ It's been a long road ♪

♪ Getting from there to here ♪

♪ It's been a long time ♪

♪ But my time is finally near ♪

♪ And I will see my dream
come alive at last ♪

♪ I will touch the sky ♪

♪ And they're not gonna
hold me down no more ♪

♪ No, they're not gonna
change my mind ♪

♪ 'Cause I've got faith ♪

♪ Of the heart ♪

♪ I'm going where my heart
will take me ♪

♪ I've got faith to believe ♪

♪ I can do anything ♪

♪ I've got strength
of the soul ♪

♪ No one's gonna bend
or break me ♪

♪ I can reach any star ♪

♪ I've got faith ♪

♪ I've got, I've got, I've got ♪

♪ I've got faith ♪

♪ Faith of the heart. ♪

How many?

I saw at least 30.

This place is pretty big.

There could be more.

Any idea who att*cked
the shuttle?

I didn't exactly have
time to get a good look.

The energy readings we got
from the other side of that moon

could have come from the Helix.

There's a wall

about five meters high.

It's looks like it surrounds

this entire building.

I see something that
might be a guard tower,

but I can't be sure.

Any people?

No, sir.

You up for another walk?

You're the new arrivals.

Why are we here?

Why are any of us here?

Follow me.

Thank you, Major.

Please, sit down.

I can understand
why you're upset.

No doubt you've had
a difficult afternoon.

To say the least.

I meant to speak

to you earlier,

but I had some urgent business
to attend to.

I apologize.

We don't see many
Starship Captains here.

Jonathan Archer?

That's right.

You must be Travis Mayweather.

And you are?

I am Colonel Grat.

I take it you're
the man in charge.

I took the liberty
to examine the database

in your shuttlecraft.

So I know that you're
from a planet called Earth

and that you serve
on a vessel called Enterprise.

What I don't know is

what you were doing
within our military zone.

Military zone?

You entered orbit
of our second moon.

You must have detected it.

We... picked up some
unusual energy readings,

but we had no idea where
they were coming from.

We were simply curious.

Your curiosity
almost got you k*lled.

Fortunately, our patrol ship
didn't vaporize

your shuttlecraft.

You might think about putting up

a "no trespassing" sign.

I'll pass that along.

Where are we now?

This is a detention complex.

It's several light-years
from where we found you.

Does everyone that violates
your territory

get thrown into a place
like this?

We're at w*r with a species
that can mimic the appearance

of almost any humanoid.

We had to make certain
that you weren't infiltrators.

If you're worried we're Suliban,

trust me, we're not.

I know.

We've already tested your DNA.

You're familiar with the Cabal?


Then you must know about
their genetic enhancements

and how dangerous they can be.


I hope you didn't suffer
too many casualties.

We've been...


so far.

We're eager to get back
to Enterprise.

If you'll take us
to our shuttlepod,

we'll be on our way.

I'm afraid I don't have
the authority to release you.

We have very strict regulations.

You'll have to appear

before a magistrate
on Tandar Prime.

But the hearing should be brief.

I'll explain that this was just

a... innocent misunderstanding.

When's this hearing?

A transport will be here
in three days.

Three days?!

I wish I could offer you

more comfortable accommodations.

Unfortunately, this
detention complex is

overcrowded at the moment.

I would advise you
to keep to yourselves.

If the Suliban give
you any trouble,

simply tell one of the guards.

I'd like to contact my ship.

Let them know we're all right.

I can't permit that, Captain.


But I will call them personally

and explain the situation.

Escort these gentlemen
back to their quarters.

Make sure they get
a proper meal.

I'm sorry we couldn't have met
under better circumstances.

So am I.

They call this a proper meal?

I should save it
for Commander Tucker.

It'd make a good valve sealant.

Why don't you get some sleep?

I'll take the first watch.

This thing doesn't hold much.

I'll be right back.

How about waiting your turn?

I can't believe you'd
do this to a child.

Do what?

She's a little young to
be a member of the Cabal.

You don't know
what you're talking about.

I know that you're given
genetic tricks

as payment.

What are they giving her?

I don't know who you are,

but you're wrong about us.

Is that so?

We're not genetically enhanced

and we're not
members of the Cabal.

If that's true,

then what are you doing here?

Didn't Colonel Grat tell you?

We're dangerous.

All Suliban are dangerous.

It's past curfew.

We were just on our way back.

Sorry, Danik.

It's the second time this week.

Klev, please.

It's only for one night.

It's my fault.

I'm the one who kept them here.

Get back to your cell.

Where are you taking him?


Unless you want to join him,

do as I say.

Will you make sure

she gets back?

I'll see you in the morning.

Don't worry.

I'd like to speak with them.

I'm sorry,
but regulations forbid that.

There's nothing
to be concerned about.

They've been placed
in comfortable quarters

and they're perfectly safe.

If it's all the same to you,

I'd rather hear that
from the Captain.

I'm afraid that's not possible.

May we attend the hearing?

Of course.

Will they be given
legal representation?

They're also free to choose
their own counsel.

When you arrive at Tandar Prime,

you'll be contacted by
the Central Magistrate's Office.

We'll need the coordinates.

I'm sending them now.

Thank you, Colonel.

Good luck to you.


I can't trace the signal.

He must have scrambled
the carrier wave.

Keep at it.

What are you suggesting we do?

Mount a rescue?

The thought crossed my mind.

It would be a mistake to provoke
the Tandarans any further.

So, we just sit on our hands?

The hearing's in three days.

And what if
they're found guilty?

Sentenced to 30 years in prison?

That's unlikely.

If you want to explore

alien cultures,

you'll need to learn
to respect their laws.

If Captain Archer were here,
I'm sure he'd agree.

If you'd like, I'll contact
the Vulcan High Command.

They might be willing to send
an arbitrator.

A Vulcan lawyer?

He'd be better off
getting the electric chair.

Electric chair?

Never mind.

Set a course for Tandar Prime.

Hello again.

I hope isolation
wasn't too rough.

It gets very cold
in there at night.

Sometimes I wish
I was genetically enhanced.

If you've come to apologize,

It was just a misunderstanding.

Actually, I was
hoping to find out

what's going on around here.

Maybe you should talk
to one of the Tandarans.

I spoke to Colonel Grat,

but I get the feeling

he's not telling me
the whole story.


My name is Jonathan Archer.


I've had plenty.
Thank you.

It was very good.

You look like Tandarans.

Why don't you go and
find your friends?

And don't forget curfew.

I won't.

We're not criminals, Captain,

and we're not soldiers.

The only thing we're guilty of
is being Suliban.

They must have tested your DNA.

Figured out that you haven't
been genetically altered.

As far as they're concerned,
that doesn't mean anything.

You believed I was a member
of the Cabal, didn't you?

Didn't you?

Yes, I did.

All that seems to matter
is the way we look.

"Be careful
of their wicked smiles,

"their shining yellow eyes.

"At night, they'll squeeze
right through your door,

and everybody dies."

The Tandaran children

used to tease my daughter
with that nursery rhyme.

At least here, she doesn't
have to hear it anymore.

This is an internment camp.

Detention Complex 26.

I've heard it's
one of their nicer ones.

Why did this happen?

The Cabal began their att*cks
eight years ago.

It wasn't long
before the Tandarans

started to question the loyalty

of all Suliban
living in their territory.

We were rounded up...

"relocated" as they

like to say.

They told us
it was only temporary.

It was for our own safety.

"Once the Cabal
has been destroyed,

you will be free
to go back to your homes."

We're still waiting.

There are 89 of us here.

Thousands more

in other camps.

Every one of us
used to be citizens

on worlds in the Tandar Sector.

Did you know that I was born
in the same town

as one of the guards?

Major Klev.

I was friends with his brother
when we were growing up.

What about the government
on the Suliban homeworld?

Don't they have something to say
about this?

I'm sure they would
if they still existed.

Our homeworld became
uninhabitable 300 years ago.

Most Suliban are nomadic,

but some of us have assimilated
into other cultures.

My grandfather made
the unfortunate decision

to settle on Tandar Prime.


What are they doing here?

It's all right.

I asked them.

This came today.

What species are you?

We're human.

Never heard of them.

Sajen, you're being rude.

Bad news?

It's my wife.

We were separated
during the relocation.

She's in one of the other camps.

Her transfer was rejected again.

She tried to appeal
their decision.

But, as usual,
they wouldn't listen.

I'm sorry.

Midday inspection.

Try to look your best.

Thank you for lunch.

Thank you for listening.

Why'd you bring them here?

Maybe I was tired
of talking to you.

They could be working with Grat.


Colonel Grat wants to see you.

Just him.

I understand you were

out after curfew last night
arguing with a Suliban.

It was just a misunderstanding.

You should have

taken my advice, Captain.

I know.

I know...
it's a big problem with me.

I'm just too damn curious.

Whenever I meet new people,

I can't resist trying
to get to know them.

I'm certainly getting to know

a lot about the Suliban
around here.

I admire your spirit
of exploration,

but in this case,

it could get you into trouble.

Keep to yourself.

I'll do my best.

Unless you have
any more advice...

No. But...

I do have a question.

Have you ever been
to "Oklahoma"?

I guess you could say

I'm a curious man myself.

After you mentioned that you
were familiar with the Cabal,

I decided to speak with
our intelligence agency.

They've uncovered some
interesting facts.

Apparently two Suliban
soldiers crash-landed

near a town called
"Broken Bow, Oklahoma."

They were chasing a
Klingon of all things.

I was wondering if you
could provide some insight

into what they were doing there.

I wouldn't know.

You'd have to talk
to my superiors...

Oh, I think you know
a great deal.

Enterprise took the Klingon
back to his homeworld.

Isn't that right?

Rigel X...
you made a detour there.

From what I'm told,

you contacted a woman
named Sarin.

Do you remember her?

Well, I'll remind you.

She was the head of a
Suliban resistance cell.

She was k*lled by the Cabal

in a firefight at
the trade complex.

Several of our people
saw you there, Captain.

I believe you were injured...

a shot in the leg.

Do I have to ask your
superiors about that as well?

What exactly do you want?


What do you know
about the Cabal?

What genetic enhancements
you've seen.

Helix deployments.

Who's giving them their orders?

You've got plenty
of Suliban here.

Why not ask them?

We both know

they wouldn't be very helpful.

Then why are they in prison?

That's a discussion
for another time.

There are families here...

One man hasn't seen his wife
in years.

Tell me what you know.

They don't deserve
this kind of treatment.

They're here for
their own protection.

Oh, really?

The last thing we wanted to do

was build these
detention centers,

but we had no choice.

When the Cabal began
their activities,

there was a great deal of fear
among the Tandarans.

There were instances
of v*olence.

14 innocent Suliban were k*lled

in one day alone.

We had to find a way to
keep them out of danger.

Then why not just let them
find another place to live?

They wouldn't get very far.

It's ironic, but once they're
out of Tandaran territory,

the Cabal will hunt them down
and turn them all into soldiers.

They're better off here.

I've met a few Suliban
who disagree.

One of the Cabal leaders
is a man named Silik.

He infiltrated your vessel

approximately three months ago

posing as a Borothan pilgrim.

What did he want?

Did he speak
of the Temporal Cold w*r?

Answer me!

This conversation
is taking longer

than I expected.

I'd hate to see you miss
that transport

tomorrow morning.

The next one won't arrive
for another 60 days.

I'm afraid the hearing's
been postponed.


The magistrate assigned

to their case is in the middle

of a very complex proceeding

and it's taking more time
than he expected.

How much longer are they
going to have to wait?

Hopefully not more
than a few days.

If you stay on course
for Tandar Prime,

I'll arrange for an ambassador

to show you our capital city
when you arrive.

We're not interested in a tour.

We just want our people back.

I'm doing everything I can.

Try to be patient.

You'll hear from me soon.

I've isolated
their carrier frequency.

Do you see it?

I'm tracing it now.

Bearing 178 mark 12.

How far?

5.2 light-years.

All I'm saying is,

we go take a look for ourselves,

make sure they're okay.


Most of the people we meet

have been pretty eager
to get to know us,

but we've had our share
of unfortunate encounters.

I guess you could say
this is one of them.

I've lived with Tandarans
all my life.

They're decent people,
for the most part.

What about you?

What did you do before
you ended up here?

I was director of research

at an engineering institute.

It's in the Querella Province.

You should see it...

assuming your hearing goes well.

I've got a feeling

we could be here for awhile.

Why not tell Grat what you know?

Get yourself out of here?

I don't like being strong-armed.

And I don't like what
he's doing to you

and the others.

Has anyone ever tried
to get out of here?

You mean escape?

Well, a couple of years ago,

three men pried open

one of the security grates.

They tried to get
to the Docking Bay.

Docking Bay?

Yes, it's about a
hundred meters away.

It's where they keep
Suliban ships

they've impounded.

What happened?

Oh, they managed to get inside,

but before they
could reach a vessel,

all three of them were k*lled.

Colonel Grat made
a ridiculous...

claim that they were armed.

They might have succeeded

with a little help
from the outside.

Won't be long before Enterprise

comes looking
for Mayweather and me.

I appreciate the offer, Captain,

but I doubt many people here

would be willing
to take the risk.

Have you asked them?

How many ships are
in that Docking Bay?

Writing a letter?

It's a journal.

Could be valuable someday.

People will want to know
what happened here.

I doubt anyone
will ever read this.

Then why are you writing it?

Why do you care?

I see how you look at us.

Suliban terrify you.

You wouldn't be surprised
if I slithered up this wall

or turned my face inside out.

Cabal... Suliban...

It's all the same to you.

That's not true.

What took you so long?

Are you all right?

More or less.

We're picking up

Suliban bio-signs.

It's not what you think.

Are you sure this is
a secure frequency?

I'm triaxilating
the signal, sir.

If we were in the middle
of Starfleet Headquarters,

no one would pick it up.

Good. Where are you?

In orbit.

It won't be long
before we're detected.

I'm getting a transporter
lock on you now,


Say the word and we'll
bring you both home.

Hang on, Trip.

We're not ready
to leave just yet.

Those Suliban you detected
are prisoners, too.

But they're no more guilty
than we are.

I want to help them
get out of here.


Have you ever heard
of Manzanar, Subcommander?

I'm not familiar
with that planet.

It's not a planet.

It was an internment camp

on Earth during
the Second World w*r.

Japanese-American citizens
were imprisoned there,

even though they
didn't do anything wrong.

The same thing's happening here.

I thought you'd decided

not to interfere
with other cultures.

In this case,
I'm making an exception.


Yes, Captain.

I've met a Suliban who knows
this camp inside and out.

We've been working on a plan,

but we're going
to need your help.

We'll need a few of your people.

Anyone who's had experience
with particle weapons.

We won't make it ten meters

outside the complex
before we're shot,

like the others.

And even if we did
get to the ships

and managed to lift off,

there are patrol vessels
in the area.

Enterprise can handle them.

And once we've made
this miraculous escape,

where do you expect us to go?

All we have to do is get out

of Tandaran territory.

After that, we can set a course

for the Niburon Colonies.

I know some people there.

They might be willing
to help us.

It's too dangerous.

Would you rather spend the rest

of your life in prison?

You're placing a lot of trust

in people you've only known
for three days.

For all we know,
they've been planted here

to stage this revolt, so Grat

would finally have a reason
to k*ll all of us.

We're not working
for the Tandarans.

Think of your daughter.

Are you willing to risk
her life, too?

We're getting out of here,

I'm not going to help you
plan our su1c1de.

I hope the others
were more enthusiastic.

This is the wall that
I was telling you about.

It's only 40 meters
from the Docking Bay.

Have you had a chance
to reconsider?

I'm willing
to compromise, Captain.

Just tell me what you know

about Silik.


he's about this tall...

a little on the scrawny side...

bad teeth.

If you're unwilling
to discuss the Suliban,

maybe you can help me
with something else.

We detected some unusual
energy readings last night.

At first we thought

it was random interference.

But after examining
the readings more closely,

we discovered they were
coming from your quarters.

You should check your sensors.

They're obviously

I'm told
they're working perfectly.

Sorry, Captain.

We found this in
Ensign Mayweather's pocket,

but he wouldn't say

how it got there.

I was hoping

you could tell me.

Take him to isolation.

If I come in low from the east,

I should be able to evade
their proximity sensors.

This appears to be
a pulse cannon.

It'll be my first target.

Bridge to Sick Bay.

Phlox here.

What's your status?

Finishing as we speak.

Though I'm not completely happy
with the nose.

It's almost time.


It's Captain Archer.

Put him through.

Go ahead, Captain.

You seem to be off course.

I thought you were headed
for Tandar Prime.

What brings you here?

Where's Captain Archer?

If you're thinking about trying
to circumvent our legal system,

I advise against it.

You come any closer
to our planet

and my patrol ships
will open fire.

What happened to you?

What do you care?

Danik's been looking
for your Captain.

Have you seen him?

You might try isolation.

Still think we're working
with the Tandarans?

You know, we could have left
this place a long time ago,

if we hadn't decided
to help you.

I never asked for your help.


Because we're not Suliban?

Because we look a little
too much like Tandarans?

I'll admit, when I first
came here, it wasn't easy

to see past my preconceptions
about the Suliban,

but I did.

Why can't you?

We're being hailed.
It's him.

Check your sensors

and you'll see two patrol ships
headed toward you.

We didn't come here to fight.

We came to talk with you.

They'll have a weapons lock
on your vessel

in less than one minute.

Do you eat meat, Colonel?


Our chef is preparing a meal
in your honor

and I was curious
whether you're vegetarian.

I was hoping

you'd join me for dinner.

It would give us an opportunity
to get acquainted.

You have 45 seconds
to leave orbit.

I can't believe you're really
going to destroy our vessel

over a trivial incident
like this.

I can tell you're
an enlightened man.

All I'm asking for is
a chance to show you

that we're enlightened as well.

We're transmitting a copy

of Earth's historical database

along with the Starfleet charter

and a record of all human
contacts with alien species.

If you have any doubts
about our intentions,

this material
should lay them to rest.

Send him the Vulcan
database as well.

I think you'll find
that my people

have a great deal in common
with you, too.

You're jamming our frequencies.

Break off your transmission now!

What about dinner?
Should I...

I'm not going to warn you again.

End your transmission
and leave orbit!

Mr. Tucker.

It's done.

Those patrol ships are
closing fast.

Get us out of here.


I understand you're looking
for a way out of here.

Who are you?

Don't you recognize me, Travis?


In the flesh.

You look worse than I do.

What happened?

Long story.

How'd you get down here?


I think I'm finally
getting used to it.

Are you sure
you weren't detected?

Thanks to Hoshi.

She kept their sensors occupied.

Congratulations, Ensign.

Your case is about
to be dismissed.

The isolation block is here.

He's in one of these cells.

I'll find him.

The charges?

They're in place.

Are you up for this?

Nightly inspection.

I thought you said it wasn't
for another 15 minutes.

I better get back.

See you in orbit.

Good luck.

Reed to Enterprise.

Go ahead.

The guards are
ahead of schedule.

What's your status?

We're 200,000 kilometers away.

We're going to need you
to speed things up a little.

We'll do our best.

Here they come.

Polarize the hull plating.
Stand by weapons.

Aft torpedoes.


Two direct hits.

They're veering off.

Take us down.

Did they follow us?

They took heavy damage.

They're both attempting to land.

You're clear to launch,



Go ahead.

- He's approaching the compound.
- Two minutes.

Tell him we're...

Get out there!

If this happens again,

you'll all be spending
time in isolation.

Major, do you have a second?

I don't mean
to cause any trouble,

but I was wondering
if it might be possible

to get some better food.

No offense, but the meals
here are pretty awful.

Eat what you're given.

I'll try,

but I'm not sure I can hold down
another bowl of that...

What do you call it?

It tastes like sawdust.

Is that what they make you eat?

Because if it is, I'd think
about going on a hunger strike.

I don't know how you...


Reed to Tucker.

The wall's down.

I see it.

Stand by.


Go with the others.


Hurry! Go!




I'll be there soon, Narra!



It's good to see you, Malcolm.

How'd you know it was me?

You have no idea
what you've done.

You haven't freed these people.

You've condemned them.

- Go, go! This way!
- Come on!

I see it.

My father's back
at the common area.

He needs help.


I'll go.


Come on.

You had no right to interfere.

This isn't about my rights.

It's about theirs!

They have no rights.

They lost them the moment
the Cabal began attacking us.

Do you know how many people
the Cabal have m*rder*d?

How many ships they destroyed?


You just gave them
89 new soldiers!

What makes you think

they'll join the Cabal?

These people have nothing left.

They're desperate.

They'll never be able

to resist what the Cabal
has to offer.

I haven't been here very long,

but I seem to know these people
a hell of a lot

better than you do.

Archer to Enterprise.

Go ahead, Captain.

We're on our way.

Where are those patrol ships?

They won't pose a threat.

And the Suliban?

Their vessels are breaking

Good work.

We'll see you in a few minutes.

Tell the doctor
to meet us in Sick Bay.

My skin is really
starting to itch.

I'll let him know.


think they'll make it?

Do I think they'll get out
of Tandaran space safely?


Do I think they'll be all right?