01x13 - Dear Doctor

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: Enterprise". Aired: September 26, 2001 – May 13, 2005.*
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Set in the 22nd century, a hundred years before the events of The Original Series, it follows the adventures of the Enterprise, Earth's first starship capable of traveling at warp five, as it explores the galaxy and encounters various alien species.
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01x13 - Dear Doctor

Post by bunniefuu »

Good morning, everyone.

Be patient.



Someone had a busy night.

Don't worry.

I didn't forget you.


Let's try it without biting
my fingers this time, hmm?

♪ It's been a long road ♪

♪ Getting from there to here ♪

♪ It's been a long time ♪

♪ But my time is finally near ♪

♪ And I will see my dream
come alive at last ♪

♪ I will touch the sky ♪

♪ And they're not gonna
hold me down no more ♪

♪ No, they're not gonna
change my mind ♪

♪ 'Cause I've got faith ♪

♪ Of the heart ♪

♪ I'm going where my heart
will take me ♪

♪ I've got faith to believe ♪

♪ I can do anything ♪

♪ I've got strength
of the soul ♪

♪ No one's gonna bend
or break me ♪

♪ I can reach any star ♪

♪ I've got faith ♪

♪ I've got, I've got, I've got ♪

♪ I've got faith ♪

♪ Faith of the heart. ♪

People are getting jealous.

You get more letters from home

than anyone on this ship.

What's her name?

It's nothing like that.

They're from Dr. Lucas,
he's a colleague

from the Interspecies
Medical Exchange.

I didn't know there were
humans serving on Denobula.

He's the first.

He helped me get settled in
when I came to San Francisco.

I'm trying to return the favor.

I had a pen pal once,
when I was 12,

from Brisbane, Australia.

I loved getting her letters.

It was like this little window

into distant places with
strange-sounding names.

The curiosity
of an explorer, even then.

Are we still on for later?

Oh, yes.

I'm looking forward to it.

If you think you're ready,
we can tackle gerunds today.

I can hardly wait.

My dear Dr. Phlox,
it's me again, Jeremy.

I hope you are well.

It's been
a hell of a week here...

Wall-to-wall emergencies
and three midnight deliveries.

It's mating season,
so you know how that goes.

I thought human reproduction
was complicated.

You Denobulans make us look
like single-cell organisms.

Dear Dr. Lucas,

sorry to hear about
your difficult week.

I know the rigors
of mating season only too well.

It might help to bear in mind

that a dose of niaxilin
can be quite effective

in separating the two...

It sounds like you've settled
into your new living quarters.

That part of the city has
some very lively Kaybin bars

along the river.

Up here, Doc!

They're open all night,
if I recall.

Please, don't venture
inside them unescorted.

They can be quite disturbing
to the uninitiated.

He was trying to reroute

a nitrogen valve
and the seal blew.

How bad is it?

Oh, it's superficial.

Only first degree burns.

A little dermaline gel
should do the trick.

Most of my work
is fairly routine...

Scrapes and bruises,
the occasional emergency.

And you'll be pleased to hear
that the crew

finally seems to be
growing accustomed

to an alien doctor on board.

I must admit, I wasn't planning
to stay this long,

but the opportunity to observe
your species

on their first
deep space venture

has proven irresistible.


I saved a seat for you.

Another time, Doctor.

I'm due back in the Armory.

It's a bit daunting at times,

trying to socialize with
the crew, form friendships,

but our profession guarantees

that sooner or later,
everyone comes to see us.

It makes interaction
quite a bit easier.

It's just a little
gastrointestinal distress.

He hasn't been himself lately.

Well, you've been feeding him
cheese again, haven't you?

You've got to learn
how to say no, Captain.

No more dairy products,
you hear that?

Doctor's orders.

- I never thought
- I'd meet a species

that forges such intimate bonds
with lesser creatures.

It's surprising, the things

you humans choose to invest
your emotions in.

Sorry to bother you with this.

No bother.

He was one of my more
cooperative patients today.

Thanks, Doc.

See all the trouble you cause?

I've noticed how the Captain

seems to anthropomorphize
his pet.

He even talks to the creature,

although I'm fairly certain it
has no idea what he's saying.

Then again, I've been known

to speak to my Pyrithian bat
on occasion.

We won't be going
to America this time,

but always, I go with you
wherever you go, understand?

You go now, Maria.

No, I stay with you...

No, Maria.

What I do now, I do alone.

I couldn't do it
if you were here.

If you go, then I go, too.

Don't you see how it is?

Whichever one there is...

No! No...

We can go, if you're bored.

No, no. I'd like to stay
and see what happens.


You won't be disappointed.

The ending's classic.

No, not the film.

I'm sensing a rising emotional
undercurrent in the room.

I'm curious to see
if it culminates

in some kind of group response.

They don't have movies

where you come from, do they?

We had something similar,
a few hundred years ago,

but they lost their appeal
when people discovered

their real lives
were more interesting.

Still, it's nice
to take a break from your life

every now and then,
don't you think?

I suppose it is.


Something in my eye.

It's remarkable, Doctor.

Even fictional characters

seem to elicit human compassion.

My shipmates have calmly faced
any number of dangers

and yet, a simple movie
can bring tears to their eyes.

Temporal vein.

Temporal vein.

Internal maxillary.

And what is the maxillary
connected to?


Very good.

The external jugular.

Oh, uh...

Superior vena cava.

And that leads to?

Oh, easy, the seat
of all joy and sadness.

it is nothing more

than a very efficient pump.

What could possibly
make you people think

it is the source of all emotion?

You know, you may know about
our cardiopulmonary system,

but you have a lot to learn
about the human heart.

This is me.

Good night.

Oh, Doctor...

I just wanted to thank you.

It was fun tonight.

You're welcome.

Uh, they're showing
another one next week.

Sunset Boulevard.

I think you might like it.

I'm sure I will.

Um, see you tomorrow?

Sorry, I forgot.

Denobulans don't like
to be touched.

It's all right.

I'm trying to shed some
of my cultural inhibitions.

Oh, in that case...

Good night.

Since we were on
the subject of mating,

I think Crewman Cutler may be
romantically interested in me.

I can't be certain, however.

The pheromones of human females

aren't as potent as Denobulans'.

Are there any
inhabited systems nearby?

There's a Minshara-Class planet

less than a light-year away.

The ship's not answering
our hails, Captain.

It's definitely pre-warp, sir.

Could be unmanned.

Maybe a probe of some kind.

Any bio-signs?

Two, but they're very faint.

Bring it into Launch Bay 2,

and tell Dr. Phlox he might have
a couple of patients.

We... found
your ship adrift.

We thought we might
be able to help.

Trenakadula ta?

Morana dunnat?

I need a little more.

I'm Jonathan Archer.

You're on the
Starship Enterprise.

Kandala va gonsh.

Yorata vala?

Can you understand me?

Who are you?

What planet?

Earth. We are from Earth.

This is a warp vessel?


We left Valakis over a year ago,
along with three other ships.


You must have noticed
our condition by now.

I detected the illness.

12 million of us died
the year before we left.

I can only imagine
how many have died since.

Our doctors can't find a cure,

but a more advanced people,

people with warp technology

like you,

your medical science
must be more effective.

You've encountered other
warp-capable species?

M'klexa and the Ferengi.

They both visited our world.

Do you know them?


Are you the ship's doctor?

I am.

My people are dying.

Will you allow him to help us?

Any thoughts?

They did come looking for us

and considering
they've already met

two other
warp-capable species...

the risk of contamination
seems... acceptable.

See what you can do.

Thank you.

If this letter arrives
later than usual, Doctor,

I hope you'll forgive me.

I've been presented
with a rather unusual case

involving a pair
of alien astronauts.

It may not surprise you
that they landed in my Sick Bay

through an act
of human compassion.

I said before
that my duties entail

the occasional emergency.

Emergencies, it seems,
come in all shapes and sizes.

I was once nearly overwhelmed
by 50 patients

in a refugee camp on Matalas.

Captain Archer is now asking me
to take responsibility

for over 50 million.


It's a nostril?

I've noticed you
and Crewman Cutler

spending a lot of time together.

Is there something
going on between you two?

In Denobulan, please.


I believe the word you're
searching for is "dating."

Well, are you?

There are ways you can tell.

To make physical contact?

Well, she did kiss me
on the cheek

the other night.

In Denobulan, Doctor.

I beg your pardon?

Couple. Cute couple.

It's pretty crowded out there.

A lot of spacecraft
and artificial satellites.

Nothing I can't avoid, sir.

Put us in a low orbit, Travis.

They're expecting us.

The Captain has committed
all our resources

to helping people

he didn't even know existed
two days ago.

Once again, I am struck
by your species' desire

to help others.

It seems the more aggressively
we treat the illness,

the more resistant it becomes.

What's the current rate
of infection?

One out of three.

It's a full-blown epidemic.

These are in the most
advanced stage.

You're treating them
with a synthetic antibody?

It's effective at first,

but the disease mutates.

Once it moves into
the respiratory system,

there's no way
of controlling it.

Pulmonary failure
usually follows in a few days.


treatment with priaxate

should ease the symptoms
in the sickest

patients, at least temporarily.

I can easily show the Valakians

how to synthesize
as much as they need.

Go ahead.

I'll need all
the lab work you have

and case histories of patients
in every stage of the disease.


Excuse me.

We're the ones that
brought him here.

Can you tell me how he's doing?

Dak mul ahna.

I'm sorry. Could
you say that again?

We should assign
some crewmen to watch

Dr. Phlox and his equipment.

I don't think these people
are about to steal anything.

Your experience
with lesser civilizations

is limited, Captain.

You might be surprised
what a temptation

our technology can be.

Dak mul ahna.

Kal ah ku dah.

Dak mul ahna.

Kal ah ku dah.


Captain, the U.T. can't
translate his language.

Dukat ah pra kee, Larr.

He doesn't speak
the same language as you?

No, he's Menk.

They're not as evolved
as Valakians,

but they're very hard workers.

They're indigenous
to this planet?

Is that so strange?

On most of the planets
we've encountered,

only one species
of humanoids survived

the evolutionary process.

You two are not
from the same planet?


We may look alike,

but the similarity ends there.

I don't see any Menk
patients here.

Where are they being treated?

They haven't contracted
the disease.

Have you looked
into their immunity?

It was one of the first things
we pursued,

but Menk and Valakian are
physiologically incompatible.

Still, it could be significant.

I'd like to see your
data on the Menk as well.

Of course.

I had meant to transmit
this letter by now,

but the Valakian epidemic

has been taking up
most of my time.

Working with the physicians
here has been quite fulfilling.

I suppose it's the reason
we joined

the Interspecies
Medical Exchange,

but I worry about falsely
raising their hopes.

Despite Captain Archer's
confidence in me,

I'm afraid the scale
of the disaster

may outweigh
our best intentions.

I've decided to enlist Crewman
Cutler's help in my task.

So what are the Menk like?

You'll have the chance
to see for yourself.

You're a trained exobiologist.

I'd find your assistance
in the field invaluable.

Thank you, Doctor.

On a personal note,

the affection Crewman Cutler
is showing

has left me a bit perplexed,

so I've decided to discuss it
with the one person on board

who might understand the
complexities of the situation.

That's impossible.

It's nothing to be ashamed of.

My teeth were sealed

with a tri-fluorinate
compound 23 years ago.

Well, normal wear and tear

has allowed some
decay to sneak in.

See for yourself, hmm?

There, on your
anterior tricuspid.

I'm sure you have
more pressing concerns.

I'll come back later.

I'm waiting for the computer
to analyze some tissue samples.

It'll only take a moment
to repair.

Open, please.


Um... you've lived
among humans

for quite some time
now, Subcommander.

I'm curious, have
you ever known them

to mate outside their species?

Ah! There it is.

Are you asking

out of personal interest
or scientific curiosity?

Both, I suppose.

There's a crewman on board
I've become close with.

I think she's attracted to me.

In my experience,

humans lack the...
emotional maturity

for interspecies relationships.

They tend to be
easily infatuated

with things they find new.

This crewman may simply be
satisfying her curiosity

at your expense.


Subcommander T'Pol has
a very pragmatic view

of the universe.

I admire her logic,

although she lacks
the instinctiveness

that a more emotional response
can provide.

Somehow, I find this unsettling.

There. That wasn't so bad.

Thanks for your insights.

Be careful.

Come in.

You asked to see me, Captain?

I just got a call

from the director of the clinic.

He's eager to hear
if you've made any progress.


I've developed a medication

to ease the symptoms
of the disease.



This epidemic isn't being caused
by a virus or bacteria.

The proteins that bind their
chromosomes are deteriorating.

Their illness is genetic.

It's been going on
for thousands of years,

but the rate of mutation
has accelerated

over the last few generations.

Based on my projections,
the Valakians will be extinct

in less than two centuries.

I wish I had better news.

What about a cure?

Genetic abnormalities
on this level

are very difficult to reverse.

But not impossible.

No. I still believe
the Menk immunity

could be the key to a cure.

I plan to study them
in more detail.

Take all the time you need.

When I began
to practice medicine,

I had no idea it would take me
on journeys to other worlds.

Every species I encounter

allows me to explore
a new physiology.

At the moment, I find myself
in the enviable position

of studying two humanoids
from the same planet.

It's a rare
and exciting opportunity.

Tell them we'd like
to run some tests,

take samples of their blood.

It will be completely painless.

Kuhl toh-bah.

Kuhl pra toh-bah aren so l'tee.

Y'lyn parum ta see etta'j.

He's says
they'd be happy to help.

As fascinating
as the two species are

from a biological standpoint,

it's their ability to coexist
that intrigues me the most.

The Valakians
are highly evolved,

technologically advanced,

while the Menk are relatively
primitive by comparison.

To my surprise, the two seem

to be living side-by-side,

Pra du matta.

Pra ducat matta ku mam-pah.

Koh u'tah?

He wants to know
what you're doing.

Have you learned enough Menk

to explain a molecular bioscan?



e'satta prah ku...
ku Valakii.

What'd you say?

I told him the doctor
was looking inside of him.

Thank you.


Nan dah.

You're welcome.

Neek. Ra'sata...


Did he just say "food"?

Ra'sata. Food.

Have you been
teaching him English?

No, he must have picked it up
by listening to us.

Hmm, perhaps we found
an assistant com officer.

No food.



Hmm, I haven't seen
any crops or livestock.

I wonder where they get this.

Larr, ku ra'sata gol dach?

Pah ku mano.
N'da tom-ah.

He says the soil here
isn't good for planting.

Gol dach puu kani Valakii.

H'rat ah tyba si ohno.

The Valakians

don't let them live
where the land is fertile.

Valakii fora t'let ra'sata kee,

akem, pinj erana.

The Valakians give them
whatever they need:

food, clothing, medicine.

Menk a'kata y' Valakii.

He says the Valakians
are good to them.

They protect them.


Despite the Menk's insistence
that they're treated well,

my human crewmates
seem to see things differently.


Well, that's the last one.

They think the Menk are being
exploited by the Valakians,

so their first instinct
is to rise to their defense,

despite the fact

that the Menk don't appear
to need or want a defender.

Wait a moment.


What'd he do?

He's grouped the
samples together

by family.

Cross-referenced by
bloodlines and marriage

if I'm interpreting the
color codes correctly.


On the surface,

the Menk appear
to be a primitive species,

even by human standards...

No offense.

But their abilities appear
to have been underestimated,

even by myself.

It seems like a vacation,

if I didn't keep remembering
why we were here.

I'm going to help Larr
finish packing up.

He's back on duty
at the hospital in an hour.

This really doesn't bother you.


The way the Valakians
treat them.

Why should it?

On most worlds with
two humanoid species,

one would have driven
the other to extinction.

Here, they've developed
a symbiotic relationship

that seems to work quite well.

They force the Menk
to live in compounds.

They treat them
almost like pets.

Their culture is different.

It's... their way.

Doesn't make it right.

Are you married, Crewman?

Of course not.

I would have told you.

I'm married.

You are?

Three times.

So, you have two ex-wives?

I have three current wives

and they each have two husbands,

not counting myself.

Is that considered
normal for Denobulans?


Why are you telling me this?

I've been getting
certain signals from you

that suggest
you may be interested

in a romantic relationship
with me.


Unless I misinterpreted
those signals.

You didn't.

But I still don't know
why you're telling me this.

You need to know
that my culture is different.

That doesn't matter.

It doesn't?

This culture's different,

that seems to matter to you
a great deal.


as far as your
extended family goes,

I'm not interested in
becoming wife number four.

I just want to be your friend.

What do you mean by "friend"?

Let's just see where it goes.

Captain... I'm glad
you could come.

It was no problem.

How are you feeling?

The medication you gave us
helps with the pain.

But my...

prognosis hasn't changed.

We're trying to do
something about that.

I have a lot of
faith in Dr. Phlox.

I wanted to thank you

for getting me home
before it was too late.

It took us a year
to get out to where

you found us;
you brought us home in a day.

We started out in ships
very similar to yours.

Someday you'll be traveling
just as fast as we are.

Someday may not be soon enough.

If your doctor can't help us,

we need to keep searching
for others that can.

We need warp drive.

A million more of us will die

before our next ship
even leaves this system.

With warp engines,

we won't have to wait
for people to find us.

We can seek help on our own.

You may not find
that everyone you meet

wants to help you.

Still, we have to try.


It's Phlox, Captain.

We've collected all the samples.

I'll meet you at the shuttlepod.
Archer out.

Anything to report?

We've received 29 hails
in the past two hours.

From whom?

Apparently, word of our arrival
has spread quickly.

Other clinics
are requesting help.

Two orbital spacecraft
approached us

while you were on the planet.

They mistakenly believed
that we already had a cure.

We had to turn them away.

Do you have a minute?

The Valakians want
our warp technology.

What did you tell them?

That I'd think about it.


Safe to say I know where
you stand on the subject.

Even if you give them
our reactor schematics,

they don't have
the technical expertise

to build a warp engine.

They have no experience
working with antimatter.

I doubt they even realize
how dangerous it is.

They're not ready.

Then your decision
shouldn't be difficult.

We could stay and help them.

The Vulcans stayed
to help Earth 90 years ago.

We're still there.

I never thought I'd
say this, but...

I'm beginning to understand how
the Vulcans must have felt.

Trouble sleeping, Captain?

Looks like I'm not the only one.

Actually, Denobulans
require very little rest.

Unless you count
our annual hibernation cycle.

Am I going to be without
my doctor this winter?

Only for six days.

Maybe I'll join you.

Any progress?

The research has been
challenging to say the least.

A cure, Doctor...

have you found a cure?

Even if I could find one,

I'm not sure
it would be ethical.


We'd be interfering with
an evolutionary process

that has been going on
for thousands of years.

Every time you treat an illness,

you're interfering.

That's what doctors do.

You're forgetting
about the Menk.

What about the Menk?

I've been studying
their genome as well

and I've seen evidence
of increasing intelligence,

motor skills,
linguistic abilities...

Unlike the Valakians,

they appear to be in the process

of an evolutionary awakening.

It may take millennia.

But the Menk have the potential

to become the dominant species
on this planet.

And that won't happen

as long as the
Valakians are around.

If the Menk are to flourish,

they need an opportunity
to survive on their own.

Now what are you suggesting?

We choose one species
over the other?

All I'm saying is that we
let nature make the choice.

The hell with nature.

You're a doctor.

You have a moral obligation

to help people
who are suffering.

I'm also a scientist

and I'm obligated to consider
the larger issues.

35,000 years ago, your species

coexisted with other humanoids,
isn't that correct?

Go ahead.

What if an alien race
had interfered

and given the Neanderthals
an evolutionary advantage?

Fortunately for you,
they didn't.

I appreciate your perspective
on all of this.

But we're talking about
something that might happen...

might happen...

thousands of years from now.

They've asked for our help.

I am not prepared to walk away
based on a theory.

Evolution is more than a theory.

It is a fundamental
scientific principle.

Forgive me for saying so...

but I believe your compassion
for these people

is affecting your judgment.

My compassion
guides my judgment.


Can you find a cure?


I already have.

Two days ago when we first
discovered the alien shuttle,

I had no idea
that I'd be facing a dilemma

of this magnitude.

For the first time,
I find myself in conflict

with my Captain.

But he is my Captain,

and he's placed a great deal
of trust in me.

I believe I owe him the same.

I only hope that he is willing

to look beyond his sympathy
for these poor people.




going down to the
Valakian hospital.


it would go against
all my principles

if I didn't ask you
to reconsider...

I have reconsidered.

I spent the whole night

And what I've decided
goes against all my principles.

Someday, my people
are going to come up with

some sort of a doctrine,

something that tells us what
we can and can't do out here,

should and shouldn't do.

But until somebody tells me that
they've drafted that directive,

I'm going to have to remind
myself every day

that we didn't come out here
to play God.

I'd like to think, Dr. Lucas,

that if I had a chance
to talk to you face-to-face,

you'd have never let me
even consider

withholding my findings
from the Captain.

But I'm ashamed to say,
I almost did just that.

Phlox tells me this medicine
will help ease the symptoms...

for a decade... maybe more.

A lot can happen in that time.

I wouldn't be surprised if you
developed a cure on your own.

And if we don't?

With a warp-capable starship,

our chances would be
greatly improved.

I'm sorry.

This will give you

detailed instructions

on how to synthesize
more of the medicine.

We appreciate
everything you've done.

If I hadn't trusted him
to make the right choice,

I'd have been no better
than the Vulcan diplomats

who held your species back
because they felt

you couldn't make
proper decisions on your own.

I came very close
to misjudging Jonathan Archer.

But this incident has helped me
gain a new respect for him.

Happiness and health to you,

Your, uh...
dedicated colleague, Phlox.

You wanted to see me?


For Dr. Lucas.

It'll go out first thing
in the morning.

Everything all right?

Fine. Fine.

The past few days
have been... taxing.

Want my advice?

Get out of Sick Bay.


Perhaps you're right.

Good night.

Good night.

Phlox to Crewman Cutler.

Go ahead.

I, uh, know
it's short notice, but...

I was wondering if you might
like to join me

for a little snack
in the Mess Hall.

I could use a, uh,
a friend right about now.

Ten minutes?

Thank you.

Sweet dreams.
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