01x02 - Broken Bow: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: Enterprise". Aired: September 26, 2001 – May 13, 2005.*
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Set in the 22nd century, a hundred years before the events of The Original Series, it follows the adventures of the Enterprise, Earth's first starship capable of traveling at warp five, as it explores the galaxy and encounters various alien species.
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01x02 - Broken Bow: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

"Where no man has gone before."

Dr Cochrane
would be proud of you.

I know the whole speech by heart.

- When's it gonna be ready to fly?
- Let the paint dry first.

No, I mean your ship.

Not for a while. It's not even built yet.
You know that.

- How big will it be?
- Pretty big.

Bigger than
Ambassador Pointy's ship?

His name is Soval,
and he's been very helpful.

And I told you not to call him that,

Well, Billy Cook said we'd be flying
at warp 5 by now

if the Vulcans hadn't
kept things from us.

Well, they have their reasons.

God knows what they are.

Drop your w*apon. I mean it.

I don't understand a word
you're saying,

but I guarantee you,
I know how to use this.

"It's been a long road
Gettin' from there to here"

"It's been a long time"

"But my time is finally near"

"And I will see my dream
Come alive at last"

"I will touch the sky"

"And they're not gonna
Hold me down no more"

"No, they're not gonna change my mind"

"'Cause I've got faith of the heart"

"I'm going where my heart will take me"

"I've got faith to believe"

"I can do anything"

"I've got strength of the soul"

"And no one's gonna bend or break me"

"I can reach any star"

"I've got faith"

"I've got faith"

"Faith of the heart"

The Ventral Plating Team says
they'll be done in about three days.

Be sure they match the colour
to the nacelle housings.

Planning to sit on the hull
and pose for some postcards?


God, she's beautiful.

And fast.

Warp 4.5 next Thursday.

Neptune and back in six minutes.

Let's take a look
at the lateral sensor array.

Give me a sec.

Slow down.


Those are the ports that buckled
during the last test.

They need to be reinforced.

Great. You scratched the paint.


Orbital 6.

- Captain Archer, sir?
- Go ahead.

Admiral Forrest needs you
at Starfleet Medical right away.

- Who was chasing him?
- We don't know.

They were incinerated
in the methane expl*si*n,

and the farmer's description
was vague at best.

How did they get here?
What kind of ship?

They were using some kind
of stealth technology.

We're still analysing our sensor logs.

I'd like to see those logs.

The Klingons made it very clear
they want us to expedite this.

It happened on our soil.

That's irrelevant.


with all due respect, we have a right
to know what's going on here.

You will be apprised
of all pertinent information.

And just who gets to decide
what's pertinent information?

- Admiral.
- Jon.

I think you know everyone.

Not everyone.

It's a "Klingot."

A Klingon.

- Where did he come from?
- Oklahoma.

Corn farmer named Moore
shot him with a plasma r*fle.

Says it was self-defence.

Fortunately, Soval and I have
maintained close contact with Kronos...

since the incident occurred.

- Kronos?
- It's the Klingons' homeworld.

This gentleman's some sort
of a courier.

Evidently, he was carrying
crucial information back to his people.

When he was nearly k*lled
by your farmer.

Ambassador Soval thinks it would
be best if we push off your launch

until we've cleared this up.

Well, isn't that a surprise.

You'd think they would
have come up

with something a little more
imaginative this time.

Sarcasm aside, captain,
the last thing your people need

is to make an enemy
of The Klingon Empire.

If we hadn't convinced them to let us
take Klaang's corpse back to Kronos,

Earth would most likely be facing
a squadron of warbirds...

by the end of the week.


Is he dead?

Excuse me. Is this man dead?

His autonomic system was disrupted
by the blast,

but his redundant neural functions...

Is he going to die?

Not necessarily.

Let me get this straight.

You're gonna disconnect this man
from life support,

even though he could live.

Now, where is the logic in that?

Klaang's culture finds honour
in death.

If they saw him like this,
he'd be disgraced.

They're a warrior race.
They dream of dying in battle.

If you understood the complexities
of interstellar diplomacy...

So that's your diplomatic solution?
To do what they tell you?

Pull the plug?

Your metaphor is crude,
but accurate.

We may be crude,
but we're not murderers.

You're not gonna let them do this,
are you?

The Klingons have demanded
that we return Klaang immediately.

- Admiral?
- We need to defer to their judgment.

We've been deferring to their
judgment for 100 years.

- How much longer?
- Until you've proven you're ready.

Ready to what?

To look beyond your provincial
attitudes and your volatile nature.


You have no idea how much
I'm restraining myself...

from knocking you on your ass.

These Klingons, they're anxious
to get their man back. Fine.

I can have my ship ready to go
in three days.

We'll take him back home. Alive.

This is no time to be imposing
your ethical beliefs.

- Dan?
- What about your crew?

Your com officer's in Brazil.

You haven't selected
a medical officer yet.

Three days, that's all I need.


We've been waiting for nearly
a century, ambassador.

This seems as good a time as any
to get started.

Listen to me.
You're making a mistake.

When your logic doesn't work,
you raise your voice?

You've been on Earth too long.

I had a feeling their approach
wouldn't sit too well with you.

Don't screw this up.

I heard this platform's been approved
for bio-transport.

I presume you mean fruits
and vegetables.

I mean armoury officers
and helmsmen.

I don't think I'm ready
to have my molecules

compressed into a data stream.

They claim it's safe.

Do they indeed?

Well, I certainly hope the captain
doesn't plan on making us use it.

Don't worry.

From what I'm told, he wouldn't even
put his dog through this thing.

This is ridiculous.

I ask for plasma coils, and they
send me a case of valve sealant.

There's no chance I can have
these weapons online in three days.

We're just taking a sick man
back to his homeworld.

Why do we need weapons?

Didn't you read the profile report
on these Klingons?

Apparently, they sharpen their teeth
before they go into battle.

No doubt Mr Tucker
will reassure me...

that my equipment
will be here tomorrow,

"Keep your shirt on, lieutenant."

Is it me or does the artificial gravity
seem a bit heavy?

Feels all right. Earth sea level.

My father always kept it at.8 G.

Thought it put a little spring
in his step.

Being raised on ships,
it must have felt like you had

lead in your boots
when you got to Earth.

Beautiful. Lock it off right there.

I believe you missed a spot.

Commander Tucker,
Ensign Travis Mayweather.

- He just arrived.
- Our space boomer.

- How fast have you gotten her?
- Warp 4.

We'll be going to 4.5
as soon as we clear Jupiter.

Think you can handle it?


Pardon me, but if I don't realign
the deflector,

the first grain of space dust
we come across...

will blow a hole through this ship
the size of your fist.

Keep your shirt on, lieutenant.

Your equipment will be here
in the morning.

Very good.


Tighten the back of your tongue.

Keep trying, you've almost got it.

I'll be right back.

There's two more weeks
before exams.

It's impossible for me to leave now.

You've gotta have someone
who can cover for you.

If there was anyone else
who can do what I do,

you wouldn't be so eager
to have me on your spaceship.

- Hoshi...
- I'm sorry, captain,

I owe it to these kids.

I could order you.

I'm on leave from Starfleet,

You would have to forcibly recall me,
which would require a reprimand,

which would disqualify me
from serving on an active vessel.

I need someone with your ear.

And you'll have her, in three weeks.

What's that?

Klingon. Ambassador Soval gave us
a sampling of their linguistic database.

I thought you said the Vulcans
were opposed to this.

They are. But we agreed to make
a few compromises.

What do you know about these...

- Not much.

An empire of warriors.

With 80 polyguttural dialects
constructed on an adaptive syntax.

Turn it up.

Think of it. You'd be the first human
to talk to these people.

Do you really want
someone else to do it?

Since when do we have
Vulcan science officers?

Since we needed their star charts
to get to Kronos.

So we get a few maps,
and they get to put a spy on our ship?

Admiral Forrest says we should
think of her more as a chaperone.

I thought the whole point was
to get away from the Vulcans.

Four days there and four days back.
Then she's gone.

In the meantime,
we're to extend her every courtesy.

I don't know. I'd be more comfortable
with Porthos on the bridge.

Here we go.

Come in.

This confirms that I was transferred
to your command at 0800 hours.

Reporting for duty.

Is there a problem?

No, sir.

Oh, I forgot. Vulcan females
have a heightened sense of smell.

I hope Porthos isn't too offensive
to you.

I've been trained to tolerate
offensive situations.

I took a shower this morning.
How about you, captain?

I'm sorry,
this is Commander Charles Tucker III.

Subcommander T'Pol.

Trip. I'm called Trip.

I'll try to remember that.

While you may not share
our enthusiasm about this mission,

I expect you to follow our rules.

What's said in this room
and out on that bridge...

is privileged information.

I don't want every word I say
being picked apart the next day...

by the Vulcan High Command.

My reason for being here
is not espionage.

My superiors simply asked me
to assist you.

Your superiors don't think
we can flush a toilet...

without one of you to assist us.

I didn't request this assignment,

And you can be certain
that when this mission's over,

I'll be as pleased to leave this ship
as you'll be to have me go.

If there's nothing else...

That will be all.

When Zefram Cochrane made his
legendary warp flight 90 years ago...

and drew the attention
of our new friends, the Vulcans,

we realised that we weren't alone
in the galaxy.

Today, we are about to cross
a new threshold.

For nearly a century,
we've waded ankle-deep...

in the ocean of space.

Now it's finally time to swim.

The warp 5 engine
wouldn't be a reality...

without men like Dr Cochrane
and Henry Archer,

who worked so hard to develop it.

So it's only fitting that Henry's son,
Jonathan Archer,

will command the first starship
powered by that engine.

Rather than quoting Dr Cochrane,

I think we should listen
to his own words...

from the dedication ceremony for
the Warp Five Complex, 32 years ago.

On this site,
a powerful engine will be built.

An engine that will someday
help us to travel...

100 times faster than we can today.

Imagine it. Thousands of
inhabited planets at our fingertips.

And we'll be able to explore
those strange new worlds.

And seek out new life
and new civilisations.

This engine will let us go boldly...

where no man has gone before.

Take her out, Mr Mayweather.

Straight and steady.

- How we doing, Trip?
- Ready when you are.

Prepare for warp.

Course laid in, sir.

Request permission
to get under way.

The coordinates are off
by.2 degrees.

Thank you.

Let's go.

Where is Klaang?

The humans have him.

Did you lose anyone else?

Two of my soldiers were k*lled.
One of them was a friend.

Can you prevent it?

Our agreement doesn't provide
for correcting mistakes.

Recover the evidence.

I will. I promise you.

When will we speak again?

Don't be concerned with when.

Love what you've done
with the place.

Those are immunocytic gel worms.
Try not to shake them.

- What did you think of Earth?
- Intriguing.

I especially liked the Chinese food.
Have you ever tried it?

I've lived in San Francisco
all my life.

Anatomically, you humans
are somewhat simplistic.

But what you lack biologically,

you make up for
with your charming optimism.

Not to mention your egg drop soup.

Be very careful with that.

- What's in there?
- An Altarian marsupial.

Their droppings contain
the greatest concentration...

of regenerative enzymes
found anywhere.

Their droppings?

If you're going to embrace new worlds,
you must try to embrace new ideas.

That's why the Vulcans initiated
the Interspecies Medical Exchange.

There's a lot to be learned.

I'm sorry to take you away
from your program,

but our doctors haven't even heard
of a Klingon.

Please, no apologies.

What better time
to study human beings...

than when they're under pressure?

It's a rare opportunity.

And your Klingon friend...

...l've never had the chance
to examine a living one before.

Ensign Mayweather tells me
that we'll be to Kronos...

in about 80 hours.

Any chance he'll be conscious
by then?

There's a chance he'll be conscious
within the next ten minutes.

Just not a very good one.

Eighty hours, doctor.

If he doesn't walk off this ship
on his own two feet,

he doesn't stand much of a chance.

I'll do the best I can.
Optimism, captain.

You're upside down, ensign.

Yes, sir.

Care to explain why?

When I was a kid,
we called it the sweet spot.

Every ship's got one.

Sweet spot?

It's usually about halfway between
the grav generator and the bow plate.

Grab ahold of the hatch.

No, no, no, on either side.

Now, push off.

Push off.

Takes practice.

You ever slept in zero G?


It's just like being back in the womb.

The captain tells me you've been
to Trillius Prime.

Took fourth, fifth and sixth grades
to get there.

I've also been to Draylax
and both the Teneebian Moons.

I've only been to one inhabited planet
besides Earth.

Nothing there
but dust-dwelling ticks.

I've heard the women
on Draylax have...


Yeah, it's true.

You know that firsthand?

Firsthand, secondhand, thirdhand.

I guess growing up a boomer
has its advantages.

Got an empty seat here, commander.

Sorry. Dinner with the boss tonight.

- Grand Canyon?
- No.

Big Sur Aquarium?

Sightseeing was not
one of my assignments.

All work and no play.

Everybody should get out
for a little fun now and then.

All our recreational needs
are provided at the compound.

Come in.

- Should have started without me.
- Sit down.

T'Pol tells me she's been living
at the Vulcan Compound in Sausalito.

No kidding.

I lived a few blocks from there
when I first joined Starfleet.

Great parties
at the Vulcan Compound.

It might be a little easier
using your fingers.

Vulcans don't touch food
with their hands.

Can't wait to see you tackle
the spareribs.

Can't wait to see you tackle
the spareribs.

Don't worry.
We know you're a vegetarian.

Looks delicious.

- Tell chef I said thanks.
- Of course, sir.

You humans claim
to be enlightened,

yet you still consume the flesh
of animals.

Grandma taught me never to judge
a species by their eating habits.

"Enlightened" might be
too strong a word,

but if you'd been on Earth
50 years ago,

I think you'd be impressed
by what we've gotten done.

You have yet to embrace
either patience or logic.

You remain impulsive carnivores.

Yeah? How about w*r?

Disease? Hunger?

Pretty much wiped them out
in less than two generations.

I wouldn't call that small potatoes.

It remains to be seen
whether humanity...

will revert to its baser instincts.

Well, we used to have
cannibals on Earth.

Who knows how far we'll revert?

Lucky this isn't a long mission.

Human instinct is pretty strong.

You can't expect us
to change overnight.

With proper discipline...

...anything's possible.

Warp 4.3, sir.

Not much of a change.

I don't know.
Does anybody else feel that?

- Feel what?
- Those vibrations, like little tremors.

You're imagining it.

Bring us to 4.4, ensign.

There. What do you call that?

The deflector's sequencing.
It's perfectly normal.

Perhaps you'd like to go
to your quarters and lie down.

I was instructed to speak English
on this voyage,

and I'd appreciate it
if you'd respect that.

It's easy to get a little jumpy

when you're travelling
at 30 million kilometres a second.

Should be old hat in a week's time.

- Archer.
- This is Dr Phlox, captain.

Our patient is
regaining consciousness.

On my way. Hoshi?

What's wrong?

The translator,
it's not locking on to his dialect.

The syntax won't align.

Tell him we're taking him home.

He wants to know who we are.

- Ship, he's asking for his ship back.
- Say it was destroyed.

I'm not sure, but I think he said
something about eating the afterlife?

Try the translator again.

I'm gonna need to run what we've got
through the phonetic processor.

He says his wife has grown ugly?

I am sorry, captain,
I'm doing the best I can.

Excuse me. His prefrontal cortex
is hyperstimulated.

I doubt he has any idea
what he's saying.

I think the doctor's right, captain,

unless "stinky boots"
has something to do with all this.

That's the warp reactor again, right?

Bridge, report.

We've dropped out of warp, sir.

Main power...

We're losing power on all decks.

I think I just saw something
off the starboard bow.

- What?
- I don't know.

It might have just been
the sensors going down.

Auxiliary power should have kicked in
by now.

Do you know how to tell him
to shut up?

Shut up!

You may have to sedate him.
I need to get to the bridge.


There's someone here.



- You all right?
- Yeah.

We've got state-of-the-art sensors.
Why the hell didn't we detect them?

Mr Reed thought he detected
something right before we lost power.

The starboard sensor logs recorded
a spatial disturbance.

Looks more like a glitch.

Those weren't glitches in Sickbay.

I want a complete analysis
of that disturbance.

- Where do we stand on weapons?
- I have to tune the targeting scanners.

- What are you waiting for?
- Captain...

The Klingon seemed to know
who they were.

- See if you can translate what he said.
- Right away.


There's no way
you could have anticipated this.

I'm sure Ambassador Soval
will understand.

You're the science officer.

Why don't you help Trip
with that analysis.

The astrometric computer
in San Francisco...

will be far more effective.

We're not going to San Francisco,
so make do with what we've got here.

You've lost the Klingon.
Your mission is over.

I didn't lose the Klingon.
He was taken.

And I'm going to find out
who took him.

How do you plan to do that?
Space is very big, captain.

A shadow on your sensors
won't help you find them.

This is a foolish mission.

Come with me.

I'm not interested in what you think
about this mission.

So take your Vulcan cynicism
and bury it...

along with your repressed emotions.

Your reaction to this situation
is a perfect example...

of why your species should remain
in its own star system.

I've been listening to you Vulcans
tell us what not to do my entire life.

I watched my father work his ass off
while your scientists held back...

just enough information
to keep him from succeeding.

He deserved to see that launch.

You may have life spans of 200 years,
we don't.

You are going
to be contacting Starfleet...

to advise them of our situation.

No, I'm not, and neither are you.

Now get the hell out there
and make yourself useful.

What have you found, doctor?

Mr Klaang was right about one thing.
He is a Suliban.

But unless I'm mistaken,
he is no ordinary one.

- Meaning?
- His DNA is Suliban,

but his anatomy has been altered.

Look at this lung.

Five bronchial lobes, you see.

It should only have three.

And look at the alveoli clusters.

They've been modified to process
different kinds of atmosphere.

Are you saying he's some kind
of a mutant?

Well, I suppose I am,
but this was no accident.

No freak of nature.
This man was the recipient...

of some very sophisticated
genetic engineering.

Watch this.

Subcutaneous pigment sacs.

A bio-mimetic garment.
And the eyes are my favourite.

Compound retinas.

He most likely saw things
even your sensors couldn't detect.

- It's not in their genome?
- No, certainly not.

The Suliban are no more evolved
than humans.

It is very impressive work, though.
Never seen anything quite like it.

How about this?

It's just background noise.

Your sensors aren't capable
of isolating plasma decay.

How can you be so damn sure
what our sensors can do?

Vulcan children play with toys
that are more sophisticated.

You know, some people say you
Vulcans do nothing but patronise us.

But if they were here now,
if they could see how far...

you're bending over backwards
to help me, they would eat their words.

Your captain's mission
was to return the Klingon to his people.

He no longer has the Klingon.

I realise he's only a simple earthling,

but did it ever occur to you
that he might know what he's doing?

It's no secret Starfleet hasn't been
around too long.

God knows you remind us of that
every chance you get.

But does that mean the man who's
been put in charge of this mission...

doesn't deserve our support?

Then again, loyalty's an emotion.

Isn't it?

Any luck?

Not really.

My analysis of the spatial disturbance
Mr Reed saw

indicates a stealth vessel
with a tricyclic plasma drive.

If we can figure out the decay rate
of their plasma,

we'll be able to find their warp trail.

Unfortunately, your sensors were not
designed to measure plasma decay.

Are you sure it's safe
to stand so close to that?

What have you got?

I've managed to translate
most of what Klaang said,

but none of it makes sense.

- Nothing about the Suliban?
- Nope.

Does that name ring a bell to you?

They're a somewhat primitive species
from Sector 3641,

but they've never posed a threat.

Well, they have now.

Did he say anything about Earth?

The word's not even
in their database.

It's all there. There are only
four words that I couldn't translate.

Probably just proper nouns.

"Jelik, Sarin, Rigel, Tholia."

Anything sound familiar?


Rigel is a planetary system.

Approximately 15 light-years
from our present position.

Why the hesitation?

According to the navigational logs
salvaged from Klaang's ship,

Rigel Ten was the last place he stopped
before crashing on your planet.

Why do I get the feeling
you weren't gonna share...

that little piece of information?

I wasn't authorised to reveal
the details of our findings.

The next time I learn
you're withholding something,

you're gonna spend
the rest of this voyage...

confined to some very cramped
quarters. Understood?

- Archer to helm.
- Mayweather.

Go into the Vulcan star charts
and find a system called Rigel.

Then set a course
for the tenth planet.

Yes, sir.

Are you certain he's telling the truth?

Absolutely certain.
The dr*gs are working.

Keep him alive while I'm gone.

As soon as we've tied down, we'll be
descending into the trade complex.

It has 36 levels.

Your translators have been
programmed for Rigelian.

However, you'll encounter numerous
other species.

Many of them are known
to be impatient with newcomers.

None of them have seen
a human before.

You have a tendency
to be gregarious.

I suggest you try to restrain
that tendency.

You forgot to warn us
about drinking the water.

Dr Phlox isn't concerned
with the food and water.

But he does caution
against intimate contact.

The Vulcans told us Klaang
was a courier.

If he was there to get something,
whoever gave it to him...

might know why he was taken.

It was just a few days ago.

A 7-foot Klingon
doesn't go unnoticed.

What in the world...?

It's nothing that concerns us.

Would you like to meet them?
I can arrange it.

Is this where you saw Klaang?

I'll show you where,
but first you should enjoy yourselves.

Which one would you prefer?

We should get going.

Are those real butterflies
or some kind of holograms?


Oh, yes. Absolutely. You're right.

- T'Pol to Archer.
- Go ahead.

- Hey.
- Central Security claims to have...

no record of Klaang.

But they told me about an enclave
on Level 19,

where Klingons have been known
to go, something about live food.

Where on Level 19?

The easternmost subsection,
by the geothermal shafts.

- I'll meet you as soon as I can.
- What are you doing?

- Leave the kid alone.
- Don't get involved.

You see what she's doing?
He's gonna suffocate.

They're Lorillians.

Before the age of 4,
they can only breathe methyl oxide.

The mother is simply weaning
her son.

Could have fooled me.

Humans can't refrain
from drawing conclusions.

You should learn to objectify
other cultures.

So you know when to interfere
and when not to.

Isn't an enclave
supposed to have people?

Enclave can mean a lot of things.

T'Pol said something about live food.
I don't see any restaurants.


Excuse me.

They look Klingon to me.

Archer to T'Pol.

T'Pol, come in.

Maybe we should get back
to where there are more people.

There are plenty of people
right here.

Stay behind me.

You're looking for Klaang.

- Why?
- Who the hell are you?

My name is Sarin.

Tell me about the people
who took Klaang off your ship.

I was hoping you could tell me.

They looked a lot
like your friends outside.

Where were you taking him?

Why don't you look like your friends?

Would you prefer I did?

What I'd prefer is you give me
Klaang back.

So you could take him where?


We were just taking him home.

You better be careful.
I'm a lot bigger than you are.

If you're thinking of harming me,
I'd advise against it.

What are you doing?

Why were you taking Klaang home?

You know,
under different circumstances,

I might be flattered by this, but...

That's never happened before.

I've been given the ability
to measure trust,

but it requires close contact.

You're Suliban.

I was a member of the Cabal,
but not any longer.

The price of evolution was too high.


Some of my people are so anxious
to improve themselves...

that they've lost perspective.

So you know I'm not lying to you.
Now what?

Klaang was carrying a message
to his people.

- How do you know that?
- I gave it to him.

What kind of message?

The Suliban have been staging att*cks
within The Klingon Empire.

Making it appear that one faction
is attacking another.

Klaang was bringing proof of this
to his High Council.

Without that proof,
the empire could be thrown into chaos.

Why would the Suliban want that?

The Cabal doesn't make decisions
on its own.

They're simply soldiers
fighting a Temporal Cold w*r.


You've lost me.

They're taking orders
from the distant future.

- What?
- We can help you find Klaang,

but we don't have a starship.
You'll have to take us with you.

- Where's your vessel?
- On the roof, Docking Port 3.

This way.


Find Klaang.

Where's the pod?

- Over here.
- No, it's this way.

Come on.

Lieutenant Reed, this is Archer.
Come in.

You're breaking up.
Can you hear me?

We're on the roof.

You need to get up here
as quickly as...

We've been trying to reach you,

- We're back in the shuttle.
- Ask him where they are.

- This storm's getting worse.
- Captain, what's your location?

The weather is definitely...

- Great.
- Like I said, it's back there.

I've never seen lightning
in a snowstorm before.

The storm's kicking up
too much interference.

I can't isolate human bio-signs.

They could be anywhere
in the complex.

Try Vulcan bio-signs.

I found her.

Get Hoshi to the ship.



Enterprise needs its captain.
Give me the weapons.

I said, go.

- The starboard thruster's down.
- Ignore it. Take us up.

We need instructions.

Open a channel.

- Subcommander T'Pol to Enterprise.
- Go ahead.

We'll be docking in four minutes.
Have Dr Phlox meet us in Decon.

Is someone wounded?

The captain.

I'm taking command of Enterprise.

- I can't do it.
- Yes, you can.

Take her up, straight and steady.


You can't be afraid of the wind.
Learn to trust it.

It shouldn't take more
than a few moments.

Is this really necessary?

The others scanned negative.

You two, unfortunately,
were exposed to a protocystian spore.

I've loaded the appropriate decon gel
into compartment B.

Tell Mr Mayweather to prepare
to leave orbit.

- How's the captain?
- I'm treating his wound.

- Will he be all right?
- Eventually.

Correct me if I'm wrong,

but aren't you just kind of an observer
on this mission?

I don't remember anyone telling me
you were a member of Starfleet.

My Vulcan rank supersedes yours.

Apples and oranges.

This is an Earth vessel.
You're in no position to take command.

As soon as we're through here,
I'll contact Ambassador Soval.

He'll speak to your superiors,

and I'm certain they will support
my authority in this situation.

You must really be proud of yourself.

You can put an end to this mission...

while the captain's still unconscious
in Sickbay.

You won't even have to look him
in the eye.

Your precious cargo was stolen,

three Suliban, perhaps more,
were k*lled,

and Captain Archer
has been seriously wounded.

It seems, to me, this mission
has put an end to itself.

Turn around.

Let's say you're right.

Let's say we screwed up
just like you always knew we would.

It's still a good bet that whoever
blew that hole in the captain's leg

is connected somehow
to the people that took Klaang.

I fail to see your point.

Captain Archer deserves a chance
to see this through.

If you knew him, you'd realise
that's what he's about.

He needs to finish what he starts.

His daddy was the same way.

You obviously share
your captain's belief that my people...

were responsible for impeding
Henry Archer's accomplishments.

He only wanted to see
his engine fly.

They never even gave him
the chance to fail.

And here you are, 30 years later,
proving just how consistent...

you Vulcans can be.

Very nice.

Very nice.
Your myofibers are fusing beautifully.

- How long have...?
- Less than six hours.

I thought it best to keep you sedated
while the osmotic eel...

cauterised your wound.


How you doing, captain?

Well, that depends.

What's been going on
the last six hours?

As your highest ranking officer,

I assumed command
while you were incapacitated.

Are we under way?

You didn't waste much time,
did you?

Is he fit to resume command?

As long as he returns
for more eel therapy tomorrow.

How long before we get back
to Earth?

Earth, sir?

We're currently tracking
the Suliban vessel

that left Rigel
shortly after you were injured.

You got their plasma decay rate?

With Mr Tucker's assistance,
I modified your sensors.

We now have the resolution
to detect their warp trail.

What happened to,
"This is a foolish mission"?

This is a foolish mission.

The Suliban are clearly a hostile race
with technology far superior to yours.

But as acting captain, I was obligated
to anticipate your wishes.

As acting captain, you could have done
whatever the hell you wanted to do.

I should return to the bridge.


Modifying the sensors
was her idea, sir.

Enterprise starlog,
Captain Jonathan Archer.

April 16th, 2151.

We've been tracking the Suliban ship
for ten hours,

thanks to our science officer,
who came up with a way...

to tweak the sensors.

Computer, pause.

I save her life,
now she's helping us with the mission.

"One good turn deserves another."
Doesn't sound very Vulcan.

Resume log.

I have no reason to believe
that Klaang is still alive,

but if what the Suliban woman
told me is true,

it's crucial that we try to find him.

Computer, pause.

Have you ever known a Vulcan
to return a favour?

No. Neither have I.

Resume log.

I still haven't decided whether
to ask Subcommander T'Pol

about this Temporal Cold w*r.

My instincts tell me not to trust her.

Computer, pause.

Archer to T'Pol. Report.

If you're feeling well enough
to come to the bridge, captain,

now would be a good time.

It's a gas giant.

From the looks of it,
a Class 6 or 7.

Class 7.

The Suliban vessel dropped to impulse
a few hours ago and altered course.

Their new heading took them through
its outer radiation belt.

- We've lost them.
- Yes.

Move us in closer.


The radiation's dissipated
their warp trail.

I'm only picking up fragments.

You finished helping us?

Lieutenant, run a spectral analysis
of the fragments.

There's too much distortion.
The decay rates don't even match.

Calculate the trajectory
of each fragment.


You heard her.

Recalibrate the sensor array.
Narrow band, short to midrange.

Aye, sir.

Measure the particle density
of the thermosphere.

Your instincts were right.

Those fragments
weren't from one Suliban ship.

They were from 14,
and all within the last six hours.

I believe we have found
what we're looking for.

How are your targeting scanners?

Aligned and ready, sir.

Bring the weapons online.
And polarise the hull plating.

Lay in a 60-degree vector.

We're going in.

Did Sarin give them anything?

I don't know.

What do you know?

They followed us here.

Looking for Klaang or for you?

I don't know, but I will destroy them
before they locate the Helix.

We didn't plan to involve the humans
or the Vulcans, not yet.

Sarin's message
cannot reach Kronos.

If the humans have it,
you must stop them.

Sensor resolution's falling off
at about 12 kilometres.

- Travis?
- I'm okay, captain.

Our situation should improve.

We're about to break through
the cyclohexane layer.

I wouldn't exactly call this
an improvement.

Liquid phosphorus.

I wouldn't have expected that
beneath a layer of cyclohexane.

You might recommend
seat belts when we get home.

It's just a little bad weather.

- We've got sensors.
- Level off.

Go to long-range scans.

I'm detecting two vessels,
bearing 119, mark 7.

Put it up.

- Impulse and warp engines.
- What kind of weapons?

We're too far away.

Sir, I'm picking up something
at 342, mark 12.

It's a lot bigger.

All sensors...

...get whatever you can.

Go tighter.


Over 3,000, but I can't isolate
a Klingon if there is one.

That was a particle w*apon, sir.

Bridge, we're taking damage
down here. What's going on?

Just a little trouble with the bad guys.

I suggest we return
to the phosphorus layer.

Take us up.


What have you got?

It appears to be an aggregate structure
comprised of hundreds of vessels.

They're held in place by an
interlocking system of magnetic seals.

There. Right there.

These bio-readings are not Suliban.

We can't be certain they're Klingon.

Even if it is Klaang,
we'd have a tough time

getting him out of there.

We could always try
the transporting device.

We've risked too much
to bring him back inside-out.

Would the grappler work
in a liquid atmosphere?

I believe so.

Bring it online.

One more time, Mr Mayweather.

Ventral plating's down.

- Hold your position.
- Lead ship's closing.

Seven thousand metres.

Six thousand.

- We should ascend.
- Hold your position.

One thousand metres.

Forward plating's off-line.

Now, Mr Reed.

Their ship's in the launch bay.

Ask me another one.

All right. What's this?

- The pitch control.
- No.

That's the pitch control.
This is the guidance system.

Pitch control, guidance system.

Got it.

The docking interface.
How do you deploy it?

Release the inertial clamps here,
here and here,

then initialise the coaxial ports.

Good. Where's the auxiliary throttle?

It's not this one.

With all due respect
to Commander Tucker,

I'm pretty sure
I can fly this thing, sir.

I don't doubt that,
but I need you here.

There. That's it. Auxiliary throttle.

Captain, that charge contained
a proximity sweep.

If we remain here,
they're going to locate us.

You're gonna have to speed this up
a little.

How complicated can it be?
Up, down, forward, reverse.

We'll figure it out.

We'll be back before you know it.

Have Mayweather plot a course
for Kronos.

There's a Vulcan ship
less than two days away.

It's illogical to attempt this alone.

I was beginning to think
you understood...

why we have to do this alone.

You'll have other opportunities
to demonstrate your independence.

- "Never put off till tomorrow..."
- You both could be k*lled.

Am I sensing concern?

Last time I checked,
that was considered an emotion.

If anything happens to either of you,
the Vulcan High Command...

will hold me responsible.

Come in.

- You finished?
- Sir.

This should reverse the polarity
of any maglock within 100 metres.

Once you've set the sequence,
you'll have five seconds.

One more thing.

Our new weapons.

They're called phase-pistols.

They have two settings: Stun and k*ll.

It would be best
not to confuse them.

Time to go.

The ship is yours.

What's that?

Travis said not to worry
about that panel.

That's reassuring.

Hold on.

That was a lot closer.

If we change our position,
they'll have to start from scratch.

If we change our position, the captain
will have no way of finding us.

I think we're there.

Bring the docking interface online.

The coaxial ports.

- Open.
- Let's go.

Where is it? It was right there.

Bank starboard 90 degrees.

There you are.

That's the upper support radius.

Drop down right below it.

Start a counterclockwise sweep.

A little more.

A little more.

Right there.

Stun seems to work.

Grab on to something.

This is ridiculous.
If we don't move the ship,

Captain Archer won't have anything
to look for when he gets back.

We're going to need that ear of yours.
Move us away five kilometres.

- In what direction?
- Any direction.

This is gonna be easier
than I thought.

It's okay. We're getting you
off this thing.

I really don't wanna have to carry you
out of here.

You okay?

I think he gets the idea.
Give him a hand.

Be quiet.

You tell him, big guy.

Give me the box.


Get to the ship.
I'll be right behind you.

- Captain?
- It worked, Trip.

- Where are you?
- Still in the central core.

- Get Klaang back to Enterprise.
- What about you, sir?

Get him to the ship.
You can come back for me.

It's gonna be hard to isolate
your bio-signs,

so stay as far away from the Suliban
as you can.

Believe me, I'll try.

I don't particularly like
the way you smell either.

I don't get it. This is right where
they're supposed to be.

The charges are getting
closer again.

Another five kilometres, ensign.

At this rate, the captain
will never find us.

Wait a minute,
I think I've got something.

Amplify it.

It's Commander Tucker.

All I hear is noise.

It's just a narrow notch
in the midrange.

He says he's about to ignite
his thruster exhaust.

- Coordinates: 158, mark 13.
- Laid in.

Ahead, 50 kph.

You're welcome.

- Two kilometres dead ahead.
- Initiate docking procedures.

I'm only picking up two bio-signs.

One Klingon, one human.

Turn this ship around now.

Our mission is to return the Klingon
to his homeworld.

Another rescue attempt
could jeopardise that mission.

The captain specifically told us
to come back for him.

As commanding officer, it's my job
to interpret the captain's orders.

I just told you his orders.
What's there to interpret?

Captain Archer may very well
have told you to return for him later...

because he knew how stubborn
you can be.

What the hell's that supposed
to mean?

You might have risked Klaang's life

in a foolish attempt to swing back
and rescue the captain.

I can't believe this.

The situation must be
analysed logically.

I don't remember the captain
analysing anything

when he went back for you
on that roof.

That is a specious analogy.

Is it?

You're wasting your time.

Klaang knows nothing.

It would be unwise to discharge
that w*apon in this room.

What is this room?

What goes on here?

You've very curious, Jon.
May I call you "Jon"?

Am I supposed to be impressed
that you know my name?

I've learned a great deal about you.
Even more than you know.

Well, I guess you have me
at a disadvantage.

So why don't you drop
this invisible man routine...

...and let me see who I'm talking to.

Hull plating's been repolarised.

Stand by, impulse engines.

Mr Tucker, status?

The auto-sequencer's online,
but annular confinement's...

still off by two microns.

- That should sufice.
- Easy for you to say.

If the Suliban have reestablished
their defences,

we'll have no other option.

You wouldn't have come looking
for Klaang...

if Sarin had told you what she knew.

That means you're
no threat to me, Jon.

But I do need you
to leave this room.


This chameleon thing is pretty fancy.

Was it payment for pitting the Klingons
against each other?

Or a trophy from
your Temporal Cold w*r?

- I was going to let you go.
- Really?

Then you obviously don't know

as much about me
as you thought you did.

On the contrary.

I could have told you what day
you were going to die,

but I suppose
that's about to change.

What's the matter?

No genetic tricks to keep you
from getting knocked on your butt?

What you call tricks,
we call progress.

Are you aware that your genome
is almost identical to that of an ape?

The Suliban don't share humanity's
patience with natural selection.

So to speed things up a little...

...you struck a deal with the devil.

We have four more
coming up off starboard.

Can we dock, ensign?

These aren't ideal conditions.

Mr Tucker, we're going to plan B.


Bridge, we've got him.

Sorry, captain.
We had no other choice.

Something about
disgracing the empire.

He says he's ready to die.

I'll take that as a thank-you.

I don't think they have a word
for "thank you."

What did he say?

You don't wanna know.

Come in.

I've just gotten a response to the
message I sent to Admiral Forrest.

He enjoyed telling
the Vulcan High Command

about the Suliban we ran into.

It isn't every day he gets to be
the one dispensing information.

I wanted you both
to hear Starfleet's orders

before I inform the crew.


Your people are sending a transport
to pick you up.

I was under the impression
that Enterprise...

would be taking me back to Earth.

It would be a little out of our way.

Admiral Forrest sees no reason
why we shouldn't keep going.

Son of a bitch.

I have a feeling Dr Phlox won't mind
staying around for a while.

He's developing a fondness
for the human endocrine system.

I'll get double shifts
on the repair work.

I think that outer hull's gonna need
a little patching up.

Let's hope that's the last time
somebody takes a shot at us.

Let's hope.

T'Pol. Would you stick around
for a minute?

Ever since I can remember,
I've seen...

...Vulcans as an obstacle.

Always keeping us from standing
on our own two feet.

- I understand.
- No, I don't think you do.

If I'm gonna pull this off,

there are a few things
I need to leave behind.

Things like...

...preconceptions, holding grudges.

This mission would have failed
without your help.

I won't dispute that.

I was thinking...

...a Vulcan science officer
could come in handy.

But if I asked you to stay,

it might look like I wasn't ready
to do this on my own.

Perhaps you should add pride
to your list.

Perhaps I should.

It might be best if I were to contact
my superiors...

and make the request myself.

With your permission.

Permission granted.

I hope nobody is in a big hurry
to get home.

Starfleet seems to think
that we're ready to begin our mission.

I understand there's an inhabited
planet a few light-years from here.

I've detected it, sir.

Sensors show a nitrogen-sulphide

Probably not humanoids.

That's what we're here to find out.

Prepare to break orbit
and lay in a course.

I'm reading an ion storm
on that trajectory, sir.

Should I go around it?

We can't be afraid of the wind, ensign.

Take us to warp 4.
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