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06x49 - Bumgorf

Posted: 01/05/23 08:56
by bunniefuu
[bird crowing]

[cat meowing, mouse squeaking]

[elephant trumpeting, lion roaring]

♪ Go! ♪

[opening theme playing]

♪ T-E-E-N ♪

♪ T-I-T-A-N-S ♪

♪ Teen Titans, let's go ♪

♪ Teen Titans, go ♪

[horse neighs]


What's the matter, Star?

The Silkie, he is the missing.

Now that you mention it,

we haven't seen Silkie
in a long time.

It's been like
four crime-fighting seasons

since I seen that fool.

We used to try and squeeze him

into a few missions
here and there

but there's really not much
you can do with that guy.

[all talking together]


[crying hysterically]

My sweet little Bumgorf
is the lost. [crying]

Hey, don't worry, Star.

We'll find Silkie.

After all,

the Teen Titans are known

for our world class
detective skills.

I thought we was known
for our dookie jokes.


We can be known
for more than one thing.

[grunts] Ah!

Ah-ha! A clue.

We just need
to follow this slime trail

and find clues to where
Silkie might have gone.

Look around, Titans.

And let me know
if you find anything unusual.


Yo, guys.

I founds a bottle of baby oil.

And I found a can of spray tan.

And I found this map
of Central Europe.

That's it.

Silkie hasn't gone missing,

he went to Austria
to fulfill his dream

of becoming
a world famous bodybuilder.

[Robin] Silkie hit the gym hard,

pumping out some serious reps,

and developing
a robust upper body.

He'd strut around the gym
all like...

Look at my ginormous pecs.

I am huge!

[Robin] This annoyed
the gym's reigning champ,



What's with the pants?

Real bodybuilders
wear booty shorts.

[Robin] But Silkie
couldn't wear booty shorts

because hidden beneath
his workout pants

was an embarrassing secret.

Silkie had chicken legs.

So what? Lots of people
skip leg day.

Yes! But Silkie's legs
weren't just skinny.

They were actual chicken legs.

- [gasps]
- [Robin] And when Sergei found out,

he was like...

[laughs heartily] You're never
going to beat me

with them chicken calves.

[Robin] Silkie felt ashamed.

And he said to himself...

Maybe I should just give up.

[Robin] But then he heard
a voice behind him say...

Just 'cause you got chicken legs
don't mean you gotta be no chicken.

It just means
you gotta train like one.

Faster! Faster!



Lower! Lower!

No breaks! I wanna see
diamonds in those calves.


[Robin] The day of
the competition arrived.

Sergei and Silkie were all up
in each other's faces like...

I will crush you.

Bring it on.

[bell dings]

[bell dings]

[bell dings]

[Robin] They were equally
impressive in each pose.

Then came the final category,


[bell dings]

[Robin] Silkie and Sergei
displayed their best poses.

But no matter how hard Silkie
tried to flex his calves,

they were still smaller
than Sergei's.

[crowd cheering]

Go back to the farm,
chicken legs.

[Robin] But just then

Silkie gave one final squeeze

of his calf muscle and...

[exclaims] I've never seen
anything more beautiful.


[Robin] Silkie won
the competition.

And went on to win
several more titles,

making him the greatest
bodybuilder of all time.

That seems like quite the hop,
the skip, and the jump

to the conclusions,
friend Robin.


The slime trails keep going.

The trail is fresh.

Search the room for clues.

What's that, mama?

Hmm. Looks like it's a book
on method acting.

Of course, Silkie didn't leave
to become a bodybuilder.

He left to follow his dream
of being a movie star.

[Cyborg] Silkie went
to Hollywood

and struggled
to find acting work

because no one could understand
what he was saying. He'd be like...


- [Cyborg] And they'd be like...
- Next!

- [Cyborg] And he be like...
- Aww!

[Cyborg] So he decided
to take a speech class

to learn how to talk good.

His instructor told him

that the secret
to concise acting

is mastering the one-liner.

Now, repeat after me.

"She sells sea-shells
by the sea shore."


"Peter Piper picked a pepper."


"I scream, you scream,
we all scream for ice cream."


Hmm. I think
I know the problem.

Ah, yes.

Your tongue is twisted.

[Cyborg] So the instructor
started untwisting.

And untwisting.

Until finally...

"She sells sea shells
by the sea shore."

"Peter Piper picked a pepper."

"I scream, you scream,
we all scream for ice cream."

I did it! I did it!

[exclaims happily]

Now go forth and act.

[Cyborg] Silkie then went on
to star in all types of movies.

Like Alien Hunter.

Run to the captor.

[Cyborg] Pre-school Police.

It's not a headache.

[Cyborg] And Mechannihilator.

Adios, bambino.

[Cyborg] Which earned him
the award for best one-liner.

- [crowd cheering]
- I did it. [exclaims]


I do not know
that I'm on the board

with the assumptions.

They seem fetched, very far.



Yep. The slime trail
has gone a bit cold.

But I think
we can still follow it.

This way!

Fan out. He's got to be
around here somewhere.


[Robin grunts]

Any sign of the Silkie?

Sorry, Star.

There's nothing here
but a bunch of dirty dishes

and an old restaurant menu.

Let me see that menu, bro.


Yo, I think I knows
what happened to Silkie.

You sees, my man Silkie

was having dinner
with his celebrity friends.

Wesley Snipes,

Jean Claude van Damme,

and Linda Hamilton,

when he says...

You are all celebrities.

And you likes to eat.

So why don't we open
a restaurant

and call it "Celebrity Eats"?

[Beast Boy] And they was
all like...

"Yeah. Let's do it."

Yo, the place looked fresh,

and everything was great
until it cames time to eat.

- Turns out Silkie was the worsest chef ever.
- [both] Ugh!

Peoples would come in to eat...

then turns around and leave.

- [crowd screaming]
- [Beast Boy] Night after night

it was the same story.

And without paying customers,

the restaurant wents broke.

Silkie's famous friends lost all
their moneys and their houses.

Which meant
they no longer had any place

to put their stuff.

So Silkie was like...

You can keep
all your fancy movie stuff here

at the restaurant.

[Beast Boy] All's of a sudden crowds
of people started showing up.

The peoples were so excited
to see the celebrity stuff

they decided to stay
and eats the nasty food.

And Silkie was like...

"Wow! Look at all the people."

[Beast Boy] Pretty soon the
restaurant was super popular,

and Silkie
and his famous friends

started rolling in
that cash money, baby.

Wow, we're rollin' in
the cheddar now.

No, no, no!

My Silkie does not do
the cooking.

He only eats of the take-outs.

Guys, over here.

Joy! We have found
more of the clues.

The voter's guide?

And some bird feathers.

What would Silkie
want with these?

I think I know.

[Raven] Silkie was walking along

soaking up the sun when...

bird poop landed on his head.

Silkie was so mad he said...

Somebody should really
put an end

to the bird poop dilemma.

[Raven] So, he decided
to run for Governor

in hopes of passing a law

that would make it mandatory
for birds to wear diapers.

Silkie rallied the crowd,

What do birds need?

[crowd] Diapers.

When do they need them?


[Raven] But his opponent,

Oswald Cobblepot,

came back calling...

Where will we poop?

[crowd] Anywhere.

When will we do it?

[crowd] Anytime.

[Raven] But Silkie's message
was more powerful.

The poop stops here and now.

[crowd cheering]

[Raven] Silkie won
by a landslide

and became Governor.

And now citizens
can walk down the street

without getting pooped on.

No! All of these deductions

do not seem to deduce the truth.

You're right, Star.

I just made that stuff up

so you wouldn't worry about him.

I'm sorry.

Us, too, mama.

Yeah. But what a life
it would have been

if he did do all those things.

[all talking together]


No one could have the life
that magnificent.

I'm sorry, Star.

We may never know
what really happened to Silkie.

[dramatic music playing]