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06x42 - Butter Wall

Posted: 01/05/23 08:52
by bunniefuu
[bird crowing]

[cat meowing, mouse squeaking]

[elephant trumpeting, lion roaring]

♪ Go! ♪

[opening theme playing]

♪ T-E-E-N ♪

♪ T-I-T-A-N-S ♪

♪ Teen Titans, let's go ♪

♪ Teen Titans, go ♪

With this rock, I thee skip.

Skip. Skip. Skip, skip, skip.

Skip, skip, skip.

Ah. Skipping rocks, eh?

Another time-honored tradition.


I got a bad rock.

Nah, man.
Your technique is off.

It's all in the wrist.

Oh. So you wanna see
some technique?

I'll show you some technique.

[both screaming]

[all cheer]

Did you see that?

My rock almost made it
to the edge of the world!

The edge of what, now?

The edge of the world, yo,
where the planet drops off.

"Drops off?"

Wait. Beast Boy, you don't
believe the Earth is round?

Mmm-hmm. That's right.
The earth ain't round.

It's a big old pancake.

[all laughing]

Your laughter only makes
my belief stronger.

When did you become so dumb?

I ain't dumb.
I'm a freethinker.


If you believe
the Earth is a pancake,

than what about
the thousands of photos

that clearly shows
the Earth is round,

- like a basketball?
- They's all fake.

Okay. If the Earth
is a pancake,

then how do we get
both day and night?

Because the sun
is like a spotlight

and it moves around,

shining on one place at a time.

Okay, crazy.

But if the Earth is a pancake,

why does not the water
spill off the edges?

Yeah. Water would spill
right off into space.

Explain that, Mr. Pancake Earth!

Two words. Butter wall.

- [all] Butter wall?
- Seriously? A butter wall?

That's what I said, fool!

There's a big, old butter wall

and it circles
the entire Pancake Earth.

[gasps] The butter wall
keeps the water in!

Now you're catching on.

You're beginning to see
how reality really be.

This whole "Pancake Earth"
thing is just a fake,

like the Abominable Snowman
or global warming.

Actually, Robin,
global warming is real.

Don't make me smack you.

Okay, fine. Maybe I was wrong
about global warming.

If you was wrong about that,

maybe you was wrong
about Pancake Earth.

I'll prove the Earth is round
the old-fashioned way.

By sailing us around the world
until we get to the other side.

[Beast Boy] Or until we find
that good butter wall.

[both] You're on!

[dolphins clicking]

[exhales] Hey! [whistles]

Beast Boy. Quick update.

Still no sign
of the butter wall.

What I'm sayings is
Earth is a giant pancake.

Okay. If the Earth is a
pancake, what about planes?

They fly around the Earth
all the time.

Them planes are just flying
in a big circle

over the pancake.

[all] Wow!

Does that mean
that we're sailing

in a big circle right now?

Probably. I don't know.
But what I does know

is these pancakes
are delicious. Eat up!

- I do love pancakes.
- Me too!

Ho-ho. Yeah.

That's because everyone
loves pancakes!

Hey, that's my pancake!

No more pancakes

and no more brainwashing
our friends

with this nonsense!

Maybe youse the one
that's brainwashed, fool...

by NASA!

[all] Oh!

This is ridiculous.
The Earth is round.

You can't argue with thousands
of years of science!

Yeah, we can.
Question everything.

It's our generation's motto.

[announcer reading]

Well, this is one thing
you don't have to question.

We have known the Earth is round

for thousands of years.

As early as B.C.,

Greek astronomer
and mathematician

- Eratosthenes...
- [crashing]



Did we all just die of boredom?

Look! It's the butter wall!

[all gasp]

You've got to be kidding me.

[all] Wow!

Wow. I never thought
I'd say this,

but Beast Boy was right.

That's right, buddy.

Now taste that butter wall, son.

Sees how reals it is.

Oh, yeah.

- That's real.
- [rumbling]

The butter wall...
It's melting!

But if the butter wall
does the melting...

Then all the water
will spill out into space!

We've gotta stop global warming
and save our Pancake Earth!

[gasps] Look!

Hi! I'm Mr. Breakfast.

Welcome to the Great
Butter Wall.

[all] Mr. Breakfast?

You got it.

I'm a walking and talking
plate of breakfast.

You look delicious.

Whoa there, friend.
I might be delicious,

but you can't eat me.
I'm a sentient being.

Um, Mr. Breakfast,
quick question.

Is the Earth
really a giant pancake?

Yes, siree.

As surely as my lips are made
from crispy bacon strips.


Hmm. Delicious bacon strips.

Hey, easy!
I said I'm alive, you dumb-dumb.

As I was saying,
the Earth is a giant pancake.

- [elevator dings]
- Hop on

and take a ride to the top,
so you can see for yourselves.

- Goodness!
- Oh.

The Earth is a pancake.

A sweet, delicious pancake!

Quite a view, isn't it?

It sure is. But, Mr. Breakfast,

if the Earth
is just a giant pancake,

then what's holding it up?

- It's held up by a turtle.
- A turtle?

Yeah. A giant space turtle.

[turtle bellowing]

- I thought everyone knew that.
- Well, I suspected it.

[all scream]

[all gasp]

Flipping flapjacks!

I've gotta do something to stop
the warming of the planet.


How are we gonna do that?

If we wanna save
the butter wall,

then we have to move the planet
away from the sun.

This seems the impossible task,
Mr. The Breakfast.

Maybe, but I have a plan
so incredibly stupid,

it just might work.

A carrot?

The fate of Pancake Earth
is at stake.

How's a rabbit snack gonna help?

We will dangle it in front
of the space turtle,

luring him toward the carrot
and away from the sun.

- Yo, my man's a genius!
- What a fine idea.


The batteries are dead.


Titans, would you help me
charge them?

Sure. But how?

With renewable energy is how.
To the tidal pool!

We have to make
the waves big enough

to move the generator.

Well, I know a good way
to make big waves.

[all cheering]

- All right!
- Yeah! Whoo-hoo!


[machine powering up]

It's working, but it's not
moving fast enough.

We need more power.
To the wind turbines!

We have to make wind to get
the wind turbines spinning.

Oh, yeah. [exclaims]

Azarath Metrion Zinthos!



I'mma show you
how to really make wind.



[machine powering up]

[farting and grunting]

Sorry, folks. That's all
the toots I got.

We need more power.


Quick! What's another source
of renewable energy?

How about some good
old-fashioned elbow grease?

Nothing more renewable
than that.


It's working!

Titans! Give it more
elbow grease!



- That's what's up?
- We did it!

[all cheer]

Now, to fire this baby up.


It worked!
You've saved our bacon!

[all cheering]

We moved the planet
far from the sun

and the butter wall
stopped melting.

We saved Pancake Earth, yo!

Egg-xactly. [laughs]


I was right. [gulps]

He's delicious!