05x06 - Rite of Passage

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Stargate SG-1". Aired: July 27, 1997 – March 13, 2007.*
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Based off the film, Stargate follows a team of explorers made up of soldiers and scientists travels through a Stargate, an ancient portal to other planets.
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05x06 - Rite of Passage

Post by bunniefuu »


I'm not imagining it.
She was here, was she not?

Almost the entire time
she was opening presents.

- Cassie!
- What?

I thought you were wearing
the top that Sam bought you.

OK. h. Well, that's, like, for school.

- Hey. Make a wish.
- Yeah.

- Dominic's waiting.
- Fine. Invite him in.

I'm sure he'd love a piece of birthday cake
that Sam went to all the trouble to bake.

- Buy.
- Bring.

- I'd love to meet him.
- You said I could go.

Yeah, I did. After.

We're meeting a bunch of people.

Considering you have not been feeling
well, you're lucky I'm letting you out at all.


- You know, I could just...
- No.

She is going to have a piece of birthday
cake. You stay right where you are.

- Coffee?
- Yes, please.

They're not letting me leave yet, so if you
wanna go and meet up with everybody...

Wait a second. Here.

Happy birthday.

- It's just like the ones from class.
- Yeah, well, you said it was pretty, so...

This one's for decoration, though.
I thought you could put it in your room.



- What happened?
- Nothing. She just fell.

She has a temperature.
What was she doing when she "fell"?

- I kissed her.
- Kissed her?

It's her birthday, all right? Look, the light
just exploded and she just passed out.

I wanna get her to the infirmary.
Get the car keys. Cass? Baby? Cassie?


- How's she doing?
- Her fever still hasn't come down.

Sam, I need to get a sample of your blood.

Cassandra's blood work shows
the presence of a retrovirus.

- Didn't she just get over the flu?
- Whatever this is, it isn't the flu.

Is there a causal relationship
between the retrovirus and the EM field?



Cassandra's body is generating
a low- level electromagnetic field.

It's been spiking. That could be
why the light exploded on the porch.

And why I can't do an MRI to find out what
other effects this retrovirus is having.

- Mom?
- I'm here.

I couldn't finish the harvest.

That's OK. K.

I have to go into the forest.

It's OK. K, Cassie.

- Do I need to quarantine the base?
- I don't think it's contagious.

Major Carter and I show
no evidence of the retrovirus.

Then where did Cassandra contract it?

- I'm guessing her home planet.
- She has not been there in several years.

Retroviruses can exist in the body for
years before the first symptoms appear.

When it emerges, it starts to rewrite
the individual's DNA in order to replicate.

I've compared this with every retrovirus
on record. It doesn't match any of them.

So there's obviously no vaccine.

I've been giving her antiviral
medications, but her tests show

that the virus is spreading
into her cerebrospinal fluid.

At this moment, I'm more
concerned about brain damage.

I just finished going through
SG- 7's reports from P8X- 987.

- Morning.
- Morning.

OK. n Cassandra's planet, SG- 7 witnessed
two incidents of fever and hallucination

in teenagers Cassandra's age.

The villagers called it the "mind fire".
I found some digital video footage.

Hurry! This way! She's overhere!

- What happened?
- We werejust walking along...

Shejust dropped and started convulsing.
What's wrong with her?

- There's more, but you get the idea.
- How did they treat it?

SG- 7 offered medicine, but they believed
the children were touched by gods

- and interfering would tempt retribution.
- What happened to'em?

They were sent alone to the forest nearby.
After several days they came back, cured.

- How?
- SG- 7 tried to find out,

but the elders insisted the child
had to go alone as a religious rite.

Cassandra talked about
going into the forest.

- She was delirious.
- Well, it's worth checking out, sir.

When we saw P8X- 987, the atmosphere
was contaminated by the Goa'uld Nirrti.

Well, that was four years ago.
The toxin could be nonpersistent.

But we can send a MALP to be sure.


It's worth a try.

Here's something.

It's a hand print.

A fire burned here.

Maybe we should collect
samples of local vegetation.

There might be
a natural cure around here.

Yeah. Let's collect some of that flora.


Carter? Daniel?

I believe we are in a Goa'uld laboratory.

- Whose, do you think?
- Nirrti.


It's OK. K. It's just... It's us.

- So where are we?
- I believe we're in the laboratory of Nirrti.

Sir, if this is where
the children ended up...

- You're right about that.
- She didn't finish her sentence.

This place is what
the initiation rite was all about.

Hankan children with the mind fever
wander alone into the forest. It gets dark.

They're drawn to the hand print
on the tree, then to the warm fire.

- Then the rings sweep them to this lab.
- And then they come back cured.

- Nirrti cured'em?
- Yeah. It makes sense.

- No, it doesn't.
- Indeed. It seems a plausible explanation.

No. She k*lled everyone
on this planet except Cassie.

Why would she cure a bunch of kids?

If I'm reading this right,
it was part of some experiment.

Now, see, that sounds like a Goa'uld.

Nirrti was a prisoner of the System Lords.

Which means she's in no position
to help us, even if she would.

OK. h, boy.

I did that.

Let's take it with us.


- Cassandra, what are you doing?
- I have to go.

- You're not well.
- I have to go to the forest.

- I need you to get back into bed, OK. K?
- You're not my mother.

Then what have I been to you
these past few years?

- You don't understand.
- Listen to me.

If nothing else, I am your doctor. Let's go.

So what?

I care about what happens to you. Honey,
don't you know what you mean to me?

- Don't you get it? It doesn't matter!
- It's all that matters.

- Please, let me try and help you.
- You can't.

- If you wanna help me, then let me go!
- OK. K. Just hear me out.

Let's get you back into bed,
and then we'll talk, OK. K?

- SG-1 will be back soon. Then...
- No! Leave me alone!


No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Let me go, let me go, let me go.

- I can't do that!
- You're k*lling me!

- Major.
- Colonel OK. 'Neill wanted me to report.

Daniel and Teal'c wanted
more time to search the lab.

- Let's hope they find something.
- Is she getting worse?

You should see for yourself.

We had to move her in here.

- Is she still running a fever?
- It seems to have peaked.

But her blood work says otherwise.

There's no antibodies. No indication her
body's fighting this. Just more retrovirus.

- Does she know what's happening?
- She seems driven to go to the planet.

I don't know if that's instinctual
or a side effect of this retrovirus.

What are we gonna tell her?

Hey. How are you feeling? Any better?

Why are you keeping me in here?

We have to. Your body is generating
something called an EM field.

You can see the effect
it's having on the monitors.

So this room is shielded
from the rest of the base.

If you let me go back to the planet,
then that won't happen any more.

- That's not true.
- You don't know that.

You don't know anything. You're just
keeping me here because you're afraid.

We found the place where the initiation
rite was supposed to happen.

Then let me go there.

We think the place you feel drawn to
led to a Goa'uld laboratory.

- OK. ne that belonged to Nirrti.
- She k*lled everyone in my village.

- Yeah.
- She also tried to use you to k*ll us.

We think she used your initiation ritual to
experiment on the children of your planet.

- Why?
- We don't know.

It's possible the retrovirus you're
carrying was part of her experiment.

What was the experiment?

All we know so far
is that this retrovirus

is changing the way your cells
generate electrical fields.

So your body's generating heat, and your
EEG shows your brain activity increasing.

You don't know why, do you?


- And now she's gone.
- Yes, she is.

So... you won't be able to stop it.

We didn't say that.

What's this for?

What do you think it is for?

- "Evolution... "
- What?

"of the Hok'tar... Hok'tar... "
Teal'c, what's Hok'tar?

I have not heard that word in many years.

It refers to children
that underwent the initiation rite,

so it obviously has something
to do with the children...


Sorry, guys.
I think I may have just done that.

Do it again. It's time to go.

Hey, kiddo.

- It's Saturday.
- So?

So, every other Saturday, at least
while I'm on Earth, we play chess.

And since I'm on Earth and it's Saturday...

I know what's happening to me.

OK. h. OK. K. What?

I'm changing... into something.

And there's nothing you can do to stop it.

You know how me and your mom feel
when someone issues a challenge.

Dr Fraiser isn't my real mother.

She died when Nirrti poisoned my village.

I know that. Janet knows that too.

- And please, don't call her Dr Fraiser.
- Why?

Because she loves you
and she deserves better.

- We all love you, for that matter.
- That doesn't change anything.

You're wrong about that.

It's different now.

I'm different now.

I can do things.

- How did you do that?
- I just...

thought it.

I thought I wanted a knight
and it flew into my hand.

Jack calls'em horses.

Yeah, well, that's Colonel OK. 'Neill for you.

He always pretends
he's not as smart as he really is.

You know, if you take a close look,
they really are horses.

What do you see
when you look at me now?

I see you.

Until your head starts spinning
around, and probably even then,

I will still see you.

How can she do that?


Magnets. Each of those pieces
has a tiny magnet in the bottom

to hold it on the board, like when
you're driving, so they don't rattle off.

Anyway, every one of those magnets
has a little electrical field around it.

That's how she was able
to manipulate'em. Magnets.

They do look like horses.

I have no idea how she was able
to do it physiologically, sir.

Actually, Teal'c filled me in
on something that might explain that.

"Hok'tar" is a hybrid
of two Goa'uld words.

"Hok", which means advanced, and
"tar", which I believe is a sort of slang.

- For...?
- Human.

So, essentially,
it's "advanced human"."Hok Tauri. "

Nirrti studied the children of Hanka

because she believed
they were evolving into Hok'tar.

You're saying Cassandra is becoming
some form of advanced human.

And the retrovirus is the catalyst.

An advanced human would be
a powerful host for the Goa'uld.

Which explains why Nirrti
was experimenting.

Also why she exterminated
the population when we came.

She didn't want her experiment exposed.

Prior to our arrival on P8X- 987,
and for as long as SG- 7 was there,

no villager showed advanced intelligence
or the ability to manipulate EM fields.

So Nirrti created the retrovirus
in an attempt to engineer her own host.

It seems inconceivable
anybody could do that.

It never worked.
According to all the reports,

the children went into the forest sick
and came out well.

If this was a transformation
or evolutionary process,

at some point it was stopped.

By Nirrti.

Why would she do that?

The retrovirus rewrites DNA.

If the carrier died before they passed on
the altered genes, no evolution.

- So the experiment was long term.
- With each generation closer to a Hok'tar.

So how far along is Cassandra?

What if maybe she really is
transforming into something else?

- She thinks so.
- Whatever she thinks, her fever is rising.

Admittedly more slowly, and she seems
to be able to handle it better, but...

I can't control it.

Let's find the answers.



What are you doing?

It helps, to do this.


It's almost like the heat is leaving
my body and going into the chess piece.

You haven't found a cure, have you?

- No. We're still trying.
- It's all right.

No, it's not. We may still learn something
from the biosamples SG-1 brought back.

They might help your body
produce antibodies.

I want this to happen, Janet.

- Don't say that.
- It's going to happen anyway.

- You're ill.
- You know that it's more than that now.

I can feel a power inside me.

It's only the beginning.

And your body is undergoing
an enormous physical strain.

- You think it's gonna k*ll me?
- I am worried about that possibility, yes.

- I don't care.
- Well, you should.

- I know the limits of the human body.
- Maybe I'm not human any more.

- OK. f course you are.
- Dying may be part of the transformation.

I don't care whether it is or not!

I'm sorry.

Sweetheart, sometimes
when a person is sick,

it's important for them to fight.

I want you to fight this. OK. K?

That can't be right.
The EM field is interfering.

No. She'll be able to control that now.

I ran the test three times. The results were
consistent, and it agrees with the EEG.

That's a 25 per cent higher
level of activity than normal.

- How can her body sustain that?
- She can channel the heat from her body.

Don't ask me how. But I don't know how
long she's gonna be able to keep it up.

What I'd like her to do is sleep.
She's been awake for 30 hours straight.

- I was about to go and see her.
- Thank you.


I hear you don't wanna sleep.
You want some company?

You wouldn't leave.

When the Goa'uld planted the b*mb
inside me, you wouldn't leave.

Even though your orders were to
leave me there alone, you stayed with me.

- Yeah.
- Why?

I don't know. Just an instinct.

- That I was gonna be OK. K?
- Yeah, I think so.

But you didn't know for sure.



that's how I feel about
what's happening to me now.

- Do you understand?
- Yeah, I think I do.

- Want me to stay with you for a while?
- It's not time yet.

Don't say that.

Well, when it is... time,

will you be here?

I promise.

I think I can sleep now, for a little while.

OK. K.

- Sam?
- I think she's asleep.

Good. Listen. The bodies of the villagers -
what happened to them?

They were cremated.
We sent a team back.

So there could be a bone fragment.

If we find one from someone who's been
through the initiation, antibodies may...

That was four years ago. The chances...

OK. h, no.


- It was a Goa'uld.
- What?

I was asleep. I thought it was a nurse.

- But I did sense its presence.
- I haven't sensed anything.

It was after you left. At first no one was
there. When it got closer, I saw someone.

This is a code three alert. We need zats
and TERs in isolation room four - now.

- Are you all right?
- It ran away when I screamed.

- Major?
- It appears there's a Goa'uld on the base.

- What?
- How is that possible?

Nirrti possesses the technology
to become invisible.

Cronus is dead. If he was
the System Lord holding her prisoner...

So she's out.

The rings. It was her.
She came through the Stargate with us.

She was waiting for us
in her lab the whole time.

We may have inadvertently triggered
a device alerting her to our presence.

Go level by level. Check everything.
Keep in radio contact.

If you locate her, do not sh**t to k*ll.

- Colonel?
- I'm stayin' here, sir.

I figure, you fought her off the first time,
I'm safer here with you.

She was here the whole time
you've been back.

- We'll find her.
- No, she's right.

Why did she wait until now
to come after Cassandra?

Level 22 is clear.

- Level 21, clear.
- Roger that.

- She wanted to check on her experiment.
- We don't know what she wants.

No. If the transformation were going to
k*ll me, she would've just let it happen.

- Don't you see?
- Honey, not now.

- No, but it did work.
- Cassandra.


Look out!

Easy! We need her alive.

Security to iso room four.
All search teams stand down.

Cassie? Cassie, don't do this.

Please get her outta here.

Come on, let's move! Roll her over. Easy.

- What's gonna happen to Cassandra?
- What is her condition?

She just lost consciousness.

Then the end is very near.

If she dies... so do you.

And what do you offer in return?

I don't think you're
in any position to bargain.

I am in the position to save the life
of a child you hold dear.

- Release me.
- We can't do that.


With my invisibility device intact.

I also require a sample of her blood.

Absolutely not.

Those are my terms.

- She says she can help Cassandra.
- If we trust her.

No, if we let her go.

Do you believe that she can actually help?

Seeing as how we don't have a choice,
I guess it's worth a shot.

- What is General Hammond going to do?
- He hasn't decided yet.

I really need to get back
and see Cassandra.

We all know how tough this has been
for you, so if you need anything...


All right. Give me
70 milligrams of dantrolene.

- Doctor?
- Now!

- Mom?
- I'm here.

We're just giving you something else
to try and get your fever down.

It's happening.

OK. K. I want you to do what we talked
about, OK. K? I want you to fight this.

- I don't wanna fight it.
- You have to.

Honey, your body's not gonna be able to
survive what this retrovirus is trying to do.

- Where's Sam?
- She's gone to try to get Nirrti to help.

No. Let it happen. Let it happen!

Drop ten of Valium.

Valium's in.

Temperature's 106.

The dantrolene is not working?

General, with all due respect, it's not
like we're negotiating with t*rrorists.

It's exactly that. You're letting
your emotions get in the way.

- Yes, I am. Shouldn't you be?
- Jack...

Until yesterday we didn't know
Nirrti was still alive.


Who cares if we let her go?

What difference does it make?
It's just one more Goa'uld runnin' around.

If we were to allow Nirrti to leave
with a sample of Cassandra's blood,

she could well create an advanced host
and become dangerously powerful.

- I agree with General Hammond.
- What?

The life of a child may be sacrificed,

but Nirrti possesses valuable information
that would be lost if we let her leave.

General Hammond would like me
to check in on her.


- Teal'c, we're talking about Cassandra.
- OK. f that I am aware.

But her sacrifice would benefit
both of our peoples.

Nirrti has information
that could help us defeat the Goa'uld.

We'll find another way.

We may never have a Goa'uld
as our prisoner again.

Sir, you know what Cassandra has
gone through because of the Goa'uld.

If we're gonna put
what might happen over her life...

It's time to pack it in.

I agree.

General Hammond
to the holding room.

- Dr Fraiser, stand down.
- I can't do that, sir. I don't have a choice.

Janet, don't do this.

I can't help Cassandra. She can.

SG-1 has convinced me to make a deal
for Cassandra's life. This isn't necessary.

Then you agree to my terms.

Just one. OK. nce you've cured Cassandra
of her illness, you'll be free to go.

- And how do I know you will honour this?
- You have only my word.

Not enough.

Then I should remind you that the woman
holding the g*n is Cassandra's mother.

You have waited too long.

You try again.

- It is done.
- Vital signs returning to normal.

- Mom?
- It's OK. K. I'm here.

I have honoured my part.

Let's go to the gate.

We've never dialled these coordinates. I...
sort of hope you know what you're doin'.

It is not my final destination.

Without a sample of her blood,
I will have to begin my experiment again.

Aw, nuts.

At least you have honoured
this much of our bargain.

In your place, I doubt
I would have done the same.

I'll keep that thought alive.

Hey, Janet. How's our patient?


The homework stacked up a bit,
but other than that she's just fine.

- I get to take her home tonight.
- Ah... Dominic awaits.

- Stop it.
- Come on. That last kiss was impressive.

- Stop it!
- Lights exploded overhead.

Stop it!

- It's Saturday.
- OK. K.

But... I won't be able to move the piece
around by thinking about it. Sorry.

Good. Then we're even.

Visiontext Subtitles: Doreen Trenerry


I'm not imagining it.
She was here, was she not?

Almost the entire time
she was opening presents.

- Cassie!
- What?

I thought you were wearing
the top that Sam bought you.

Oh. Well, that's, like, for school.

- Hey. Make a wish.
- Yeah.

- Dominic's waiting.
- Fine. Invite him in.

I'm sure he'd love a piece of birthday cake
that Sam went to all the trouble to bake.

- Buy.
- Bring.

- I'd love to meet him.
- You said I could go.

Yeah, I did. After.

We're meeting a bunch of people.

Considering you have not been feeling
well, you're lucky I'm letting you out at all.


- You know, I could just...
- No.

She is going to have a piece of birthday
cake. You stay right where you are.

- Coffee?
- Yes, please.

They're not letting me leave yet, so if you
wanna go and meet up with everybody...

Wait a second. Here.

Happy birthday.

- It's just like the ones from class.
- Yeah, well, you said it was pretty, so...

This one's for decoration, though.
I thought you could put it in your room.



- What happened?
- Nothing. She just fell.

She has a temperature.
What was she doing when she "fell"?

- I kissed her.
- Kissed her?

It's her birthday, all right? Look, the light
just exploded and she just passed out.

I wanna get her to the infirmary.
Get the car keys. Cass? Baby? Cassie?


- How's she doing?
- Her fever still hasn't come down.

Sam, I need to get a sample of your blood.

Cassandra's blood work shows
the presence of a retrovirus.

- Didn't she just get over the flu?
- Whatever this is, it isn't the flu.

Is there a causal relationship
between the retrovirus and the EM field?



Cassandra's body is generating
a low- level electromagnetic field.

It's been spiking. That could be
why the light exploded on the porch.

And why I can't do an MRI to find out what
other effects this retrovirus is having.

- Mom?
- I'm here.

I couldn't finish the harvest.

That's OK.

I have to go into the forest.

It's OK, Cassie.

- Do I need to quarantine the base?
- I don't think it's contagious.

Major Carter and I show
no evidence of the retrovirus.

Then where did Cassandra contract it?

- I'm guessing her home planet.
- She has not been there in several years.

Retroviruses can exist in the body for
years before the first symptoms appear.

When it emerges, it starts to rewrite
the individual's DNA in order to replicate.

I've compared this with every retrovirus
on record. It doesn't match any of them.

So there's obviously no vaccine.

I've been giving her antiviral
medications, but her tests show

that the virus is spreading
into her cerebrospinal fluid.

At this moment, I'm more
concerned about brain damage.

I just finished going through
SG- 7's reports from P8X- 987.

- Morning.
- Morning.

On Cassandra's planet, SG- 7 witnessed
two incidents of fever and hallucination

in teenagers Cassandra's age.

The villagers called it the "mind fire".
I found some digital video footage.

Hurry! This way! She's overhere!

- What happened?
- We werejust walking along...

Shejust dropped and started convulsing.
What's wrong with her?

- There's more, but you get the idea.
- How did they treat it?

SG- 7 offered medicine, but they believed
the children were touched by gods

- and interfering would tempt retribution.
- What happened to'em?

They were sent alone to the forest nearby.
After several days they came back, cured.

- How?
- SG- 7 tried to find out,

but the elders insisted the child
had to go alone as a religious rite.

Cassandra talked about
going into the forest.

- She was delirious.
- Well, it's worth checking out, sir.

When we saw P8X- 987, the atmosphere
was contaminated by the Goa'uld Nirrti.

Well, that was four years ago.
The toxin could be nonpersistent.

But we can send a MALP to be sure.


It's worth a try.

Here's something.

It's a hand print.

A fire burned here.

Maybe we should collect
samples of local vegetation.

There might be
a natural cure around here.

Yeah. Let's collect some of that flora.


Carter? Daniel?

I believe we are in a Goa'uld laboratory.

- Whose, do you think?
- Nirrti.


It's OK. It's just... It's us.

- So where are we?
- I believe we're in the laboratory of Nirrti.

Sir, if this is where
the children ended up...

- You're right about that.
- She didn't finish her sentence.

This place is what
the initiation rite was all about.

Hankan children with the mind fever
wander alone into the forest. It gets dark.

They're drawn to the hand print
on the tree, then to the warm fire.

- Then the rings sweep them to this lab.
- And then they come back cured.

- Nirrti cured'em?
- Yeah. It makes sense.

- No, it doesn't.
- Indeed. It seems a plausible explanation.

No. She k*lled everyone
on this planet except Cassie.

Why would she cure a bunch of kids?

If I'm reading this right,
it was part of some experiment.

Now, see, that sounds like a Goa'uld.

Nirrti was a prisoner of the System Lords.

Which means she's in no position
to help us, even if she would.

Oh, boy.

I did that.

Let's take it with us.


- Cassandra, what are you doing?
- I have to go.

- You're not well.
- I have to go to the forest.

- I need you to get back into bed, OK?
- You're not my mother.

Then what have I been to you
these past few years?

- You don't understand.
- Listen to me.

If nothing else, I am your doctor. Let's go.

So what?

I care about what happens to you. Honey,
don't you know what you mean to me?

- Don't you get it? It doesn't matter!
- It's all that matters.

- Please, let me try and help you.
- You can't.

- If you wanna help me, then let me go!
- OK. Just hear me out.

Let's get you back into bed,
and then we'll talk, OK?

- SG-1 will be back soon. Then...
- No! Leave me alone!


No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Let me go, let me go, let me go.

- I can't do that!
- You're k*lling me!

- Major.
- Colonel O'Neill wanted me to report.

Daniel and Teal'c wanted
more time to search the lab.

- Let's hope they find something.
- Is she getting worse?

You should see for yourself.

We had to move her in here.

- Is she still running a fever?
- It seems to have peaked.

But her blood work says otherwise.

There's no antibodies. No indication her
body's fighting this. Just more retrovirus.

- Does she know what's happening?
- She seems driven to go to the planet.

I don't know if that's instinctual
or a side effect of this retrovirus.

What are we gonna tell her?

Hey. How are you feeling? Any better?

Why are you keeping me in here?

We have to. Your body is generating
something called an EM field.

You can see the effect
it's having on the monitors.

So this room is shielded
from the rest of the base.

If you let me go back to the planet,
then that won't happen any more.

- That's not true.
- You don't know that.

You don't know anything. You're just
keeping me here because you're afraid.

We found the place where the initiation
rite was supposed to happen.

Then let me go there.

We think the place you feel drawn to
led to a Goa'uld laboratory.

- One that belonged to Nirrti.
- She k*lled everyone in my village.

- Yeah.
- She also tried to use you to k*ll us.

We think she used your initiation ritual to
experiment on the children of your planet.

- Why?
- We don't know.

It's possible the retrovirus you're
carrying was part of her experiment.

What was the experiment?

All we know so far
is that this retrovirus

is changing the way your cells
generate electrical fields.

So your body's generating heat, and your
EEG shows your brain activity increasing.

You don't know why, do you?


- And now she's gone.
- Yes, she is.

So... you won't be able to stop it.

We didn't say that.

What's this for?

What do you think it is for?

- "Evolution... "
- What?

"of the Hok'tar... Hok'tar... "
Teal'c, what's Hok'tar?

I have not heard that word in many years.

It refers to children
that underwent the initiation rite,

so it obviously has something
to do with the children...


Sorry, guys.
I think I may have just done that.

Do it again. It's time to go.

Hey, kiddo.

- It's Saturday.
- So?

So, every other Saturday, at least
while I'm on Earth, we play chess.

And since I'm on Earth and it's Saturday...

I know what's happening to me.

Oh. OK. What?

I'm changing... into something.

And there's nothing you can do to stop it.

You know how me and your mom feel
when someone issues a challenge.

Dr Fraiser isn't my real mother.

She died when Nirrti poisoned my village.

I know that. Janet knows that too.

- And please, don't call her Dr Fraiser.
- Why?

Because she loves you
and she deserves better.

- We all love you, for that matter.
- That doesn't change anything.

You're wrong about that.

It's different now.

I'm different now.

I can do things.

- How did you do that?
- I just...

thought it.

I thought I wanted a knight
and it flew into my hand.

Jack calls'em horses.

Yeah, well, that's Colonel O'Neill for you.

He always pretends
he's not as smart as he really is.

You know, if you take a close look,
they really are horses.

What do you see
when you look at me now?

I see you.

Until your head starts spinning
around, and probably even then,

I will still see you.

How can she do that?


Magnets. Each of those pieces
has a tiny magnet in the bottom

to hold it on the board, like when
you're driving, so they don't rattle off.

Anyway, every one of those magnets
has a little electrical field around it.

That's how she was able
to manipulate'em. Magnets.

They do look like horses.

I have no idea how she was able
to do it physiologically, sir.

Actually, Teal'c filled me in
on something that might explain that.

"Hok'tar" is a hybrid
of two Goa'uld words.

"Hok", which means advanced, and
"tar", which I believe is a sort of slang.

- For...?
- Human.

So, essentially,
it's "advanced human"."Hok Tauri. "

Nirrti studied the children of Hanka

because she believed
they were evolving into Hok'tar.

You're saying Cassandra is becoming
some form of advanced human.

And the retrovirus is the catalyst.

An advanced human would be
a powerful host for the Goa'uld.

Which explains why Nirrti
was experimenting.

Also why she exterminated
the population when we came.

She didn't want her experiment exposed.

Prior to our arrival on P8X- 987,
and for as long as SG- 7 was there,

no villager showed advanced intelligence
or the ability to manipulate EM fields.

So Nirrti created the retrovirus
in an attempt to engineer her own host.

It seems inconceivable
anybody could do that.

It never worked.
According to all the reports,

the children went into the forest sick
and came out well.

If this was a transformation
or evolutionary process,

at some point it was stopped.

By Nirrti.

Why would she do that?

The retrovirus rewrites DNA.

If the carrier died before they passed on
the altered genes, no evolution.

- So the experiment was long term.
- With each generation closer to a Hok'tar.

So how far along is Cassandra?

What if maybe she really is
transforming into something else?

- She thinks so.
- Whatever she thinks, her fever is rising.

Admittedly more slowly, and she seems
to be able to handle it better, but...

I can't control it.

Let's find the answers.



What are you doing?

It helps, to do this.


It's almost like the heat is leaving
my body and going into the chess piece.

You haven't found a cure, have you?

- No. We're still trying.
- It's all right.

No, it's not. We may still learn something
from the biosamples SG-1 brought back.

They might help your body
produce antibodies.

I want this to happen, Janet.

- Don't say that.
- It's going to happen anyway.

- You're ill.
- You know that it's more than that now.

I can feel a power inside me.

It's only the beginning.

And your body is undergoing
an enormous physical strain.

- You think it's gonna k*ll me?
- I am worried about that possibility, yes.

- I don't care.
- Well, you should.

- I know the limits of the human body.
- Maybe I'm not human any more.

- Of course you are.
- Dying may be part of the transformation.

I don't care whether it is or not!

I'm sorry.

Sweetheart, sometimes
when a person is sick,

it's important for them to fight.

I want you to fight this. OK?

That can't be right.
The EM field is interfering.

No. She'll be able to control that now.

I ran the test three times. The results were
consistent, and it agrees with the EEG.

That's a 25 per cent higher
level of activity than normal.

- How can her body sustain that?
- She can channel the heat from her body.

Don't ask me how. But I don't know how
long she's gonna be able to keep it up.

What I'd like her to do is sleep.
She's been awake for 30 hours straight.

- I was about to go and see her.
- Thank you.


I hear you don't wanna sleep.
You want some company?

You wouldn't leave.

When the Goa'uld planted the b*mb
inside me, you wouldn't leave.

Even though your orders were to
leave me there alone, you stayed with me.

- Yeah.
- Why?

I don't know. Just an instinct.

- That I was gonna be OK?
- Yeah, I think so.

But you didn't know for sure.



that's how I feel about
what's happening to me now.

- Do you understand?
- Yeah, I think I do.

- Want me to stay with you for a while?
- It's not time yet.

Don't say that.

Well, when it is... time,

will you be here?

I promise.

I think I can sleep now, for a little while.


- Sam?
- I think she's asleep.

Good. Listen. The bodies of the villagers -
what happened to them?

They were cremated.
We sent a team back.

So there could be a bone fragment.

If we find one from someone who's been
through the initiation, antibodies may...

That was four years ago. The chances...

Oh, no.


- It was a Goa'uld.
- What?

I was asleep. I thought it was a nurse.

- But I did sense its presence.
- I haven't sensed anything.

It was after you left. At first no one was
there. When it got closer, I saw someone.

This is a code three alert. We need zats
and TERs in isolation room four - now.

- Are you all right?
- It ran away when I screamed.

- Major?
- It appears there's a Goa'uld on the base.

- What?
- How is that possible?

Nirrti possesses the technology
to become invisible.

Cronus is dead. If he was
the System Lord holding her prisoner...

So she's out.

The rings. It was her.
She came through the Stargate with us.

She was waiting for us
in her lab the whole time.

We may have inadvertently triggered
a device alerting her to our presence.

Go level by level. Check everything.
Keep in radio contact.

If you locate her, do not sh**t to k*ll.

- Colonel?
- I'm stayin' here, sir.

I figure, you fought her off the first time,
I'm safer here with you.

She was here the whole time
you've been back.

- We'll find her.
- No, she's right.

Why did she wait until now
to come after Cassandra?

Level 22 is clear.

- Level 21, clear.
- Roger that.

- She wanted to check on her experiment.
- We don't know what she wants.

No. If the transformation were going to
k*ll me, she would've just let it happen.

- Don't you see?
- Honey, not now.

- No, but it did work.
- Cassandra.


Look out!

Easy! We need her alive.

Security to iso room four.
All search teams stand down.

Cassie? Cassie, don't do this.

Please get her outta here.

Come on, let's move! Roll her over. Easy.

- What's gonna happen to Cassandra?
- What is her condition?

She just lost consciousness.

Then the end is very near.

If she dies... so do you.

And what do you offer in return?

I don't think you're
in any position to bargain.

I am in the position to save the life
of a child you hold dear.

- Release me.
- We can't do that.


With my invisibility device intact.

I also require a sample of her blood.

Absolutely not.

Those are my terms.

- She says she can help Cassandra.
- If we trust her.

No, if we let her go.

Do you believe that she can actually help?

Seeing as how we don't have a choice,
I guess it's worth a shot.

- What is General Hammond going to do?
- He hasn't decided yet.

I really need to get back
and see Cassandra.

We all know how tough this has been
for you, so if you need anything...


All right. Give me
70 milligrams of dantrolene.

- Doctor?
- Now!

- Mom?
- I'm here.

We're just giving you something else
to try and get your fever down.

It's happening.

OK. I want you to do what we talked
about, OK? I want you to fight this.

- I don't wanna fight it.
- You have to.

Honey, your body's not gonna be able to
survive what this retrovirus is trying to do.

- Where's Sam?
- She's gone to try to get Nirrti to help.

No. Let it happen. Let it happen!

Drop ten of Valium.

Valium's in.

Temperature's 106.

The dantrolene is not working?

General, with all due respect, it's not
like we're negotiating with t*rrorists.

It's exactly that. You're letting
your emotions get in the way.

- Yes, I am. Shouldn't you be?
- Jack...

Until yesterday we didn't know
Nirrti was still alive.


Who cares if we let her go?

What difference does it make?
It's just one more Goa'uld runnin' around.

If we were to allow Nirrti to leave
with a sample of Cassandra's blood,

she could well create an advanced host
and become dangerously powerful.

- I agree with General Hammond.
- What?

The life of a child may be sacrificed,

but Nirrti possesses valuable information
that would be lost if we let her leave.

General Hammond would like me
to check in on her.


- Teal'c, we're talking about Cassandra.
- Of that I am aware.

But her sacrifice would benefit
both of our peoples.

Nirrti has information
that could help us defeat the Goa'uld.

We'll find another way.

We may never have a Goa'uld
as our prisoner again.

Sir, you know what Cassandra has
gone through because of the Goa'uld.

If we're gonna put
what might happen over her life...

It's time to pack it in.

I agree.

General Hammond
to the holding room.

- Dr Fraiser, stand down.
- I can't do that, sir. I don't have a choice.

Janet, don't do this.

I can't help Cassandra. She can.

SG-1 has convinced me to make a deal
for Cassandra's life. This isn't necessary.

Then you agree to my terms.

Just one. Once you've cured Cassandra
of her illness, you'll be free to go.

- And how do I know you will honour this?
- You have only my word.

Not enough.

Then I should remind you that the woman
holding the g*n is Cassandra's mother.

You have waited too long.

You try again.

- It is done.
- Vital signs returning to normal.

- Mom?
- It's OK. I'm here.

I have honoured my part.

Let's go to the gate.

We've never dialled these coordinates. I...
sort of hope you know what you're doin'.

It is not my final destination.

Without a sample of her blood,
I will have to begin my experiment again.

Aw, nuts.

At least you have honoured
this much of our bargain.

In your place, I doubt
I would have done the same.

I'll keep that thought alive.

Hey, Janet. How's our patient?


The homework stacked up a bit,
but other than that she's just fine.

- I get to take her home tonight.
- Ah... Dominic awaits.

- Stop it.
- Come on. That last kiss was impressive.

- Stop it!
- Lights exploded overhead.

Stop it!

- It's Saturday.
- OK.

But... I won't be able to move the piece
around by thinking about it. Sorry.

Good. Then we're even.
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