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Shopworn Angel, The (1938)

Posted: 01/04/23 19:24
by bunniefuu
It's w*r! It's w*r!
w*r! w*r!

Now's the time to enlist!
Your country needs you!

Alright girls, hold it!
Gotta wait for Heath.

- Mr. McGonigle.
- Yeah?

- I saw her last night with Mr. Bailey.
- So what?

Well, I only thought since she was out
with Mr. Bailey, that maybe-

Maybe nothing! Bailey puts out the dough,
McGonigle puts out the show.


The maid said to tell Mr. McGonigle
Miss Heath ain't to be disturbed.

- She was out with Mr. Bailey and-
- Oh, yeah?

Well, McGonigle will see about that!

You'd think a smart man
like Bailey could see through it.

- You bet he does!
- Why doesn't he do something about it?

- Oh, he does! Comes back for more.

Hello! Answer that will ya!

Answer that, will ya!

I just did Miss Daisy,
but it keeps on a-ringing.

Hello? Miss Heath
ain't to be disturbed.

She says especially by Mr. McGonigle.


- Martha!
- Here I is, Miss Daisy.

What's going on out there?

There's a w*r, Ms. Daisy.

The w*r's in France. Shut the window.

Yes, Ms. Daisy.

It's a colored band, Ms. Daisy. All black.

Shut the window!

Yes, Ms.

- What time is it?
- After .

What's the idea of waking
me up. What am I, a farmer?

Mr. Bailey phoned and said
he'd be over at , Miss Daisy.

- Give me a cigarette.
- Yes.

Are they still going on or is it my head?

They've been marching
since five o'clock this morning.

What're they gonna do, walk to France?

Do I look as bad as I feel?

You look alright considering...

Considering what!?

Considering you wasn't in
when I got in this morning.

And that was : .

And what were you doing up at : ?

My gentlemen friend said he'd
marry me if he could get exempted.

Whaddya want to get married for, anyways?

The minute a man knows he's gotcha...

Then you haven't got him.

Oh, well we ain't as smart
as you is, Miss Daisy.

Any flowers this morning?

Roses again.
That man sure is crazy over you.

Me and his new flying machine.

Wait'll the new models
come out on both of us.


...waiting for you to
lead with your chin.

But not Daisy!

What time you say he was coming?


What's the idea of keeping me waiting?

Morning, Mr. Bailey.


Hello, Jack.

See the parade, Mr. Bailey?


Sure makes you wanna
join the army, doesn't it Mr. Bailey?

Honestly, no.

- Good morning, Martha.
- Good morning, Mr. Bailey.

Ms. Daisy's practically ready.

Is she really?

Say, what do suppose she wants?


Yes, Miss Daisy!

- Good morning!
- Morning.

I, uh, suggest you eat that breakfast.

- Throw it out.
- You better have some coffee, Miss Daisy.

- Sam?
- Mm-hm?

- I missed rehearsal again this morning.
- Yeah, so I noticed.

Well, did you fix it up with McGonigle?

Don't I always?


At the risk of boring you,
wouldn't it be simpler if I fixed it so there weren't any rehearsals ever?

Isn't it pretty early
in the morning for that, Sam?

The second lump
is for the second cup, Miss Daisy.


They only allow one lump to a cup now.
There's a w*r going on, Daisy.

Are they throwing
sugar cubes at each other?

Call the kitchen, tell them
I want three lumps sugar with every cup of coffee.

Yes, Ms. Daisy.

- Can't be done, darling.
- Well, then tell them to send up twenty cups!

I'll get my sugar if I have to
order all the coffee in New York!

Seen the soldiers?

I heard 'em.

It's a terrifying hysteria.

It makes even
Jack the elevator boy want to go over.

Just wants to impress
the chambermaid with his uniform.

You'll be knitting socks
for the rest of them before it's over.

What'd those guys make?

$ a month, I think, and... sugar.

Nah, there's nobody in that parade I want to knit socks for.

You're quite a little lady, aren't you?

If you don't like the way I am,
whaddya hangin' around for?

I don't know, really.

I don't mean anything to you,
and don't start kidding yourself about me.

Maybe we both better quit hanging around.
What do you think?

It's alright with me
if it's alright with you.

It isn't alright with me.

I don't know why.

I don't know either.

- Ready!
- Hold!


Ain't you never seen a
skyscraper before, Pettigrew?


There's a lotta good looking
dames to look at, Bill.

Oh, he's seen a lotta dames,
haven't you Bill?

Quite a few - like them.

What's the matter with 'em, Bill?

They look at you too straight.

- And how're you gonna get to know them if they don't?
- Maybe Bill doesn't wanna know them.

Eh, the guy don't lives
that don't wanna meet any dame.

You ain't gonna disappoint the
poor lady, are'ya Bill?

Bill ain't met the ladies.
He don't even know their names.

Ohh... forgive me!

- What is your names?
- Babe!

Three dames called Babe, meet a guy called Bill!

Oh, no, no... I gotta date, fellas.


What about you, Dice?
Could you go for some of that?

Okay if I can have Babe.

- Where?
- th and Broadway!

- The subway!
- Okay?

-Okay, Babe!
-Don't forget doll, see us next day! Don't keep us waiting, will ya!

- Set!
- Orders? March!

I want Babe.

I'll sh**t ya craps for 'er.

With you Dice?

Okay, okay.
You pay my ferry ticket and you can have Babe.

Yeah, sure...

-So you gotta date tonight, huh Bill?

- Is she a blonde, Bill?
-No, as a matter of fact she's a sort of a chestnut brown.

- Yep.
- How's she built?

Don't remember.

Really gonna have a
big time tonight, huh Bill?

Yeah, we'll probably paint the town red.

All off!
End of the line!

Chinatown! The lowly sight of the Bowery!
Give ya'll a steady cash - here, ¢ a round trip!

C'mon. Chinatown,
the lowly sight of the Bowery!

Chocolate soda, black and white.

I uhh... beg your pardon miss...

- Can I borrow a pencil from ya?
- Sure.


- Writin' to your sweetheart?
- Yeah, yeah. Y'know, Texas.

- Really?
- Mm-hmm.

My guy's in the army too.

That'll be ¢.

- Only ten cents in Texas.
- That's because of the w*r.

- w*r in Texas too.
- Ha-ha.


- Hello Sally.
- Hello Jack.

Whaddya come so early for?
Won't be through for an hour.

I got something to tell ya.
All our leaves have been canceled.

I guess that means we go over pretty soon.

- Oh.
- I only gotta couple of minutes, I'm... AWOL.

Gee. I don't know what to say.

- You got my picture?
- Sure... right here.

I guess it'd be kinda presuming if
I ask you to wait around, huh?

I'll wait for ya, Jack.

- Well, goodbye Sally.
- Goodbye, Jack.


- Tommy, darling!
- Hello, Sally.

Say, I gotta talk fast honey,
but I just had to see you 'fore I left.

- Gosh, but I'll miss you, baby.
- Got my picture?

Ya bet I have, right here.

Don't tell me I'd never
forgiven you if you haven't.


-Will you write me, honey?
-You betcha.

- Right side!
- Are ya hurt, son?

N-no worse than gettin' thrown off a horse.

Ha-ha. Where'ya going, soldier?

Down to the ferry, I guess.
I gotta get back to camp.

- Come on with me.
- Am I arrested?

Hey, you.

This soldier's gotta get to
rd Street ferry right away

-or do you want to give me an argument?

-Step right in, soldier.
-Hey, what's that here?

Lady, you got a passenger
on government business. In you go.

Take it away!

Take it up!

Hope I'm not inconveniencing ya.

You hope wrong.

What're you staring at?

You, I guess?

Did you ever see a woman before?

Not one like you, ma'am.

What's so different about me?

Well, I just can't put my finger on it,
exactly, except - you're so beautiful.

Okay, soldier.

I'm sorry I got in front of the car, ma'am.
That was a silly thing for me to do, step right in front of the... That... I guess it's just
because I'm not so used to so many cars.

- I come from Texas.
- Don't they got automobiles in Texas?

Well, no, not so many, part I come from...

People mostly ride a horse,
or... just walk.

So with so many people,
and not so many cars,

why the cars sorta watch out for the people
instead of the people watching out for the cars.

Just trying to cross the street here is like
getting mixed up in a stampede at round up time.

You ever turn around and find a
couple o' thousand cows charging 'atcha?

Oh, sure, lots of times.

What, here in New York?

Yeah. They round them up in Times Square
- every Thursday afternoon.

R-right down here in Times Square?



Where do they pasture them?

They just let 'em run loose in the streets.

What do they live on?

They beg from door to door.

You sure you're talking about cows, ma'am?

Yeah, and then if they get in the
way of cars, they just put 'em in the army.


- Mind if I smoke?
- Sure, if you like.

I get sick when I chew.

- Well, thank you kindly, ma'am.
- Okay, Texas.

Hey Bill!

So long honey, see you soon!

Was that your date?


- Hey, is she a millionaire?
- No, just an actress.

- An actress?
-On the stage?

Here, see.

- What's her name, Bill?
- Hmm?


Mary Jones.

It says here her name is Daisy Heath.

Well, that's a stage name.
It's a nice name for the stage... Daisy.

Are you sure Bill that you didn't
just hook a ride with that dame?

She ain't a dame, she's a lady.

-Hello darling. You're a little late, aren't you?
-Well, you're here.

- Just met the army you were talking about.
- Really?

Yeah. The representative from Texas.

All I gotta say is if that's
the only thing between us and the enemy-

I don't suppose you've stopped to think
that kid you spoke of so highly just now

- is probably one month
away from a b*llet in his head.

You're a sweet girl, Daisy.

- Okay, forget it! I want a drink.
- That settles everything. You want a drink.

You know, Daisy sure
hates to see me go over there.

My girl said she wasn't so worried about
the b*ll*ts as those French mademoiselles.


They won't see us.

They'll all be looking at Bill.

Say Bill, how'd ya ever
happen to know a dame -uh, lady like that, huh?

Well, Daisy and I grew up together.


I can remember when we
were just kids even...

...we used to carve each
others names on trees...

...she was a funny little runt.
Always takin' everything so serious.

Like, um...

One day, we was dippin' sheep and, uh...

...she looked up at me and she said:
"Bill, what's love?"


I bet you told her all about it, huh Bill?

Well, I explained to her that love is when you get along with somebody and kiss 'em.

So she kissed me.


Now she's a big success
and I'm just a cowboy.

You're not a cowboy anymore Bill,
you're a soldier.

Oh, well, she don't mind that.
Daisy don't mind that at all.

All she wants to do is just get enough money
so we can get married when I get back.

If you get back...

Daisy won't let me say that.

Eh, come 'ere!

Listen to this...

To Private William Pettigrew,
Camp So-and-so-and-so-and-so...

Acknowledging your remittance of ¢...

We send under separate cover,
photograph of Ms. Daisy Heath as ordered.

Yours truly,
Regal Theatrical Photo Company.

Why that lone drink of water-
I'd like to pour him down the sink!

So she ain't a dame,
she's a lady!

- I'll get him!
- Wait a minute.

Don't you think it'd be kinda nice if
little Billy introduced his pals to Daisy?

- Whaddya mean?
- I mean, we ain't got nothing to do tonight, have we?


- Any guy likes to meet a big actress, don't he?
- Yeah.

Well, I figure since our pal Bill knows one so good
it'd be kinda nice if he introduced his buddies.

- Yeah! Tonight!
- Right after the show.

Look, fellas, there's something
I think I ought to tell you.

You see, I don't approve much of
Daisy being on the stage.

We fight a good bit about that, and that's the reason
she gets mad when I meet her at the stage entrance.

Ohh... she gets mad and pretends like
she don't know you, huh?

- Yeah, sometimes she does.
- That's too bad.

Maybe you'd rather take us up to her apartment
and we can meet her there, huh?

No, I guess we better get the
whole thing over with right now.

Uh, is Miss Heath around?


Oh, I see, all gone home huh?

Uh-huh, well, thank you.

Well, that's too bad fellas, they've all gone home.
I guess we were just a little bit too late.

Hey! I suppose those dames are scrubwomen?

- Pardon me. Has Ms. Daisy Heath left yet? We're friends of hers.
- Daisy Heath? No, she's still here. Let's go.

They oughta fire that doorman.


Ms. Heath, I beg your pardon.

Oh, it's you!

I gotta talk fast, ma'am. I'm in terrible
trouble and just thought maybe you'd be so-

What's that here?

Hey, Bill!

Hello, fellas.

Ms. Heath, I want you to meet some friends of mine. They're fellas from
the camp. They've been wanting to meet ya for a long time, but I...

but if you're too tired now, we...

You see, we're awful anxious to meet Bill's
sweetheart he's been always talkin' about.

Glad to know you boys.

Lets go, Willy.

- Well, how about going and having something to drink, Daisy?
- Sure, why not?

- Would you rather sit in a booth?
- Oh no, we won't be here that ling.

What'll you have?

Chocolate sundae, with nuts.

Okay, I'll have one chocolate sundae with nuts,
and a black and white soda for me.

I sort of figure you'd get
more for your money.

Alright soldier, talk fast.

So you told the boys I was your sweetheart, huh?

Yes, ma'am, I did.

And I told them we grew up together too.

- Well, that wasn't what they made it sound like.
- Oh, well those guys, They wouldn't understand anyone like you.

- What do you mean, like me?
- Well, a lady.

You see, all of the rest of the guys had girls,
and I didn't have any, so I made one up.

That's where you come in.
I pretended you were my sweetheart

- You just pretended, huh?
- Yes, Ma'am.

- Cute idea, but what does it get ya?
- What do you mean, ma'am?

Well... could I knit socks for ya?

Could I send you cigarettes and candy?
Could I... kiss ya or anything?


Then what's the percentage?

If I was a soldier, I would go some
cute little dish like that waitress.

- You got my picture?
- You betcha.

No, she's the kind of a
sweetheart the rest of the guys got.

Now, she'll be nice to them while she's with
them, and tell them she'll be waiting for them,

but as soon as they're gone, she'll just look around and find somebody else to be waiting for.

Maybe I just got a practical mind.

No, I guess it's me.

When I can't get exactly
what I want, I-I...

I just...

Maybe I can explain it to
you better if I told you about pie.

What pie?

Hot apple pie.

Now, I haven't eaten
hot apple pie since I was a little boy.

You don't say?

My mother used to bake
the best hot apple pie you ever tasted,

but when she died, I couldn't have any.

So when I couldn't have any like that,
I just didn't want any at all.

- I... must have missed the first part of it.
- Well, you're sorta like that.

Texas, if that's a lie,
then it's a new one on me.

You see, the difference
between us is that...

I'd rather eat bread than
wait around for hot apple pie.

Let's get out of here.

- The stars are awful bright tonight, aren't they?
- The stars?



Could I walk home with ya?

So long as you don't ask me to skip.

- Well soldier, this is it.
- Oh, uh, good night ma'am.

- I wish I could tell ya how I'd thank ya.
- Ah, forget it.

Now nothing has ever happened to me
as nice as you were tonight.

Look soldier, sometimes the other guys are phoning
their girls, why don't you pretend you're calling me.

- Plaza .
- Oh, ma'am, you're an angel.

Who me?
I'm hot apple pie.

Hello, Daisy!

- How are you?
- I...

Want a drink?

- I doubt if you got any left.
- There's always a little for Daisy.

What's the idea,
running out from the party?

I was looking at the stars.

Sam, did your mother
ever make hot apple pie?


- Was it good?
- All mothers make the best.

- Do you eat apple pie now?
- Of course. Is that any particular bearing on anything?

Just wondering...

If you ever had to go away some place,
like, w*r, or some place...

Would'ya expect me to wait for you?

Well, would you expect me
to expect you to wait for me?

I guess not.

I guess I was just... pretending.

Halt! Who's there? Halt!


- Whaddya think you are, General Pershing?
- Yep.

Hey, the door!

- Hey!
- What's goin' on there!


Hey, hey! Turn that off! You have to wake up the
whole army, just cause you went out with an actress?

- Get back to bed, you guys!
- Alright, Sergeant.

Now what is this?

I wanna know who this guy thinks he is.
Coming in late and waking up everybody!

- Did you just come in, Pettigrew?
- Don't bother me, son.

Oh. Don't bother him boys, just leave him alone.
Gonna have a big day tomorrow!

D-D-Daisy! Beautiful Daisy...

You're the only g-g-girl that I adore!


Beautiful Daisy...

I'll be waiting at the k-k-kitchen door...

Alright, that's all for you!

Uh... I wanna talk to Plaza ...


I wonder if I could
speak to Ms. Daisy Heath?

I'm sorry, Ms. Heath ain't to be disturbed,
she ain't feeling so good this morning.

I wonder what a girl that
sings in a show would like?

A mink coat.

No... no. Give me some of
those chocolate creams with nuts.


Feel any better, Ms. Daisy?


- Where's Bailey?
- I don't know, Ms. Daisy.

I spend half my life
waiting for that guy...

Hope he doesn't show up anyways - I'm getting kinda
sick of seeing that face 'round all the time.

Always the same face,
always the same look on the same face...

All I gotta say is, some young ladies just don't know when they's good off.

The only time I find a man as nice looking as Mr. Bailey,
I gotta buy his dinner for him.

Seems to me like, if you don't
wanna see Mr. Bailey, you don't have'ta.

I wouldn't mind seeing
him, it isn't that.

Only sometimes I just wish
he'd treat me...

well... different.

Oh, I don't know what I wish!

Gee, what's the matter with me, Martha, anyways?
What's got into me lately that didn't use to bother me?

You just got a hangover, that's all.

- Let him in.
- Yes'm.

- Good morning, Martha.
- Good morning Mr. Bailey.

- Hello, Daisy.
- Hello!

Well, not that you're not charming from this
angle, but I would like to see your face.

- Why?
- Oh, just, habit I suppose.

You don't really enjoy looking
at this face seven days a week?

You don't hear me
complaining very often, do you?

So I've just become a habit to you?
Like smoking, the kind you don't know you've got!

Daisy, are you trying to tell me very
tactly that you're tired of seeing my face?



Ms. Daisy...


There's a Bill Pettigrew
down in the lobby, Ms. Daisy.

Never heard of him!

Find out who it is.

Who are you?

Oh... mm-hm.

Private Bill Pettigrew!

Your soldier?

Yeah... maybe it is.

I think that was his name...

- Tell him to come up.
- Come on up!

I've always been curious to see
what kind of a man you really like.

- What do you mean, like?
- Wonder how he got your number...

- How should I know?
- You didn't give it to him by any chance, right?

- And what if I did?
- Nothing.

- Just a dumb country rube.
- I don't care, darling.

- Then why'd you tell him to come up?
- Well, why not?

Alright! Why not!

I'll get it, Martha.

How do you do?

I came as soon as I could
when I found out you were sick.

- Sick?
- Your maid t...

Oh. Yeah, thanks.

This is Mr. Bailey, my business manager.

- I'm happy to know you, sir.
- Any friend of Daisy's is a friend of mine, as we say.

Oh, sit down you two. You make me nervous.

Which part of ya's ailin' ma'am?

I'm afraid it's her head, Mr. Pettigrew, although
she's having a little difficulty keeping food down.

- Hope it wasn't that chocolate sundae.
- No...

Daisy! Have you been eating
chocolate sundaes again?

She didn't eat all of it.

Ahh... I see.

- Are those for me?
- Oh yeah! I plain forgot to give them to ya!

- That's sweet of you.
- Lovely.

- Won't you have some candy, Sam?
- Thank you, Daisy.

Hope you like chocolate creams - with nuts.

- Will you two excuse me, I'm a little behind on my reading.
- Won't you take the candy with you, Sam?

Thank you, darling.

She's a very considerate
girl, Mr. Pettigrew.

- You feel bad, ma'am?
- Well, I'm a little worn down.

I'm just going to feel your pulse. I used to take care
of the horses and the cowboys when they got sick.


Yes, a little irregular isn't it?
How's your head feel?

Frankly soldier, not so good.

Would you like me to rub it for you?

Sure Bill, I'd love it.

- How's the pretending these days, Texas?
- Haven't much time for it, everything’s pretty real now.

It's like the first day when we got here. We were marching along the streets
and I gawked up at the tall buildings all over the place, I-

I pretended I was sittin'
on top of one lookin' at myself.

Never thought I would be, though.

What's the jewelry?

- That's my identification tag.
- Yeah... don't you know who you are?

Oh, that's - just in case I...

In c-?

You won't need it, soldier.

The rest of the guys mostly think so. We're one of the first bunches
to go over, so we'll probably be sent right into the front line.

- You scared, Bill?
- I don't know enough about it to be scared.

And... that's one thing
I don't pretend about much.

Besides, now, I can be
able to think about you.

Yeah, I hope you do.

You know, i-it'd be much easier if...

- Yeah, what?
- If...

You don't happen to have an extra picture
you can spare me, do you ma'am?

Sure I have, Bill.

Hey, Martha!
Bring me those pictures, will ya?

- The little ones!
- Yes, Ms. Daisy.

Bring 'em all, Martha. Get 'em all, c'mon!

- But Ms. Daisy said the small ones...
- Alright, take them.

Will that do ya, Texas?

Ohh... that's perfect, ma'am.

Gee whiz, that's...

Well, I guess I better be going.

- Okay, Texas. Glad you came up.
- I... hope you get better soon.

I... thanks for the picture.

- Well, goodbye.
- Bye.

Y'know, she's pretty tired.
I think we'd better get out and let her rest.

Huh? Oh, alright, Bill.

Oh, we're going in Ms. Heath's car, huh?

- How'd you know it is Ms. Heath's car?
- Oh, uh, didn't she tell ya? She gave me a ride in it the first time I met her.

- The first time?
- Yeah.

Oh yes, yes of course.

- Do you smoke?
- Thanks.

I... don't quite how to go about this.


Pretty easy once you get onto it.


Say, that's something good to know.

Daisy was, uh... telling me something
about the last time she saw you.

I can't think what it was...

- I'm afraid you got too much tobacco in there.
- Oh, yes of course. I should have known.

I was just trying to think what it was that, uh...
Daisy said. Something about you or...

- No, no, no, you roll out.
- Oh yes, I see.

Now watch you don't get it too wet...


You're, uh... you're rather fond
of Daisy, aren't you?

I'm crazy about her.

- She, um, kinda likes you too, doesn't she?
She doesn't even know I'm alive.

And you sort of wish you were, no?

Well, any guy would I guess. Guy'd go to w*r happy if he
knew he could expect a girl like that to be waiting for him.

Bill, did your mother by any chance bake
apple pie?

Yeah... yes, sir! The best!

Oh - she'd tell you about that?


Maybe you're wrong Bill.
Maybe she likes you more than we think.

Say, Mac.

Y'know, I think it might be a nice idea if we
put on a show for the boys over at the camp.

But you said last week you didn't want
to give a show for the boys at the camp?

That was last week.

You ever try
rolling one of these things, Mac?

♪ Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag, ♪

♪ and smile, smile, smile! ♪

♪ Why you've a lucifer to light your f*g... ♪

♪ smile, boys, that's the style. ♪

♪ What's the use of worrying? ♪

♪ It never was worthwhile. ♪

♪ So... ♪

♪ Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag, ♪

♪ and smile, smile, smile. ♪

C'mon, join in everybody!
Sing! Ah, don't be bashful!

♪ in your old kit bag, and smile, smile, smile! ♪

♪ Though you've a lucifer to light your f*g,
smile, boys, that's the style! ♪

C'mon, that's no good! Sing it! Sing!

Louder! You can't call that singing!
C'mon, sing!



Whaddya want?

♪ your old kit bag,
and smile, smile, smile! ♪

♪ Pack up your troubles in your
old kit bag, and smile, smile, smile! ♪

♪ Though you've a lucifer to light your f*g,
smile, boys, that's the style! ♪

♪ What's the use of worrying?
It never was worthwhile. ♪

♪ So, pack up your troubles in your
old kit bag, and smile, smile, smile! ♪

Thank you, thank you boys, thank you!

Now, the next number on our program
tonight will be a wrestling match between

Pvt. Dice "Slaughterhouse" Shaughnessy,

and Boatswain's mate,
Oscar " - " Nikopopulus.

Oh, Ms. Heath.

- Why, hello there!
- You were wonderful.

- Thanks, Bill.
- You see Mr. Bailey?

Yeah, he's inside. Ms. Heath, uh..

I don't suppose you'd be
interested in seeing the camp, would ya?

Why sure, I'd love it Bill, but...

Mr. Bailey brought me over, and he wants to go back right
after the show. We've, uh... got an appointment in town.

Well, there's a whole lot of boxing
and a trained jackass to come yet.

- Don't you want to see that?
- No, not if I can see you!

Wait a minute.


Alright, just for a minute.

What's it make you think
of when you look out there?

I guess you think of round-up time, huh?

Nah, I just see hundreds of soldiers
marching that aren't there anymore.

- When does your bunch go over?
- I don't know. I guess we won't find out until just before.

You gotta be careful Bill.
I hear those French girls have a pretty big reputation.

- Oh, I don't care anything about the French girls.
- Still pretending, huh?


Y'know, being a soldier is almost
as bad as being a chorus girl.

Everyone dressed alike, everyone doing the
same thing - even all seem to get to look alike!

I guess that's a pretty good thing.
That way it doesn't matter much if one gets k*lled.

- It kinda worries you, doesn't it?
- No, not such an awful lot.

I sorta figured dying's
like being in love...

You can't quite imagine till it
gets right on up top of you.

You're funny, Bill.

You got everything
all doped out, haven't ya?

All laid end to end
and adding up to something.

- You think I'm pretty stupid.
- No, I don't. No, really...

I just wish I knew how you did it, that's all -
how you make things come out straight.

How you... get the answers?
You're so sure of what you want.

- Well, maybe that's just because I don't want much.
- No! You want a lot!

You want all the swell things,
or things you believe are swell.

Maybe that's what you've got I haven't...
things to believe in.

- What things?
- Being in love, living, dying, things like that.

Well, sure, don't you?

Not that much.

Living is just eating the best you can
and clothes that feel good on you.

And love...

Well, there, I figure
you lean with your chin.

- For that matter, anybody is who believes in anything.
- Oh, that's not true.

- No?
- No.

What would happen to you if you found out something you
really believed in wasn't so - wasn't what you thought at all?

It couldn't happen!

What's that over there?

- Oh, that's - those the dummies. Want to see them?
- Sure. We're sightseeing, aren't we?

They're cute!

- But what are they for?
- Bayonet practice.

We stick bayonets through them.

Bailey's waiting for me.

Well, thanks Bill.

I, uh - was just wondering since I was nice and showed
you around the camp and everything, I thought, maybe...

You might, uh...

Is that it?

Oh, no... I was just gonna ask you - I have the day off tomorrow
and I thought maybe you might show me the sites of the city.

- Ha-ha.
- Ha-ha.

Bill, you put it so nice it's kinda hard to refuse.
What time?

- Well... how about : ?
- Oh, that's a little late for me.

Oh, you see we don't have
breakfast here until : .


- Alright Bill, : .
- Alright.

- Goodbye.
- Bye.

- Sam?
- Uh-huh?

Why would you join the army?

- What makes you ask that?
- Just wondered.

- Well, does it bother you that I haven't?
- Alright if you don't want to answer me, you don't have to.

Darling, I haven't any objections to answering - if
they force me to go, I'll go. If they don't, I won't!


To think I'd have to knit sweaters, uh, don
socks or whatever it is they do, wouldn't I?

Would you do that, Daisy?

I guess I'd have if you were going over
there and standing in front of bayonets.

That's almost worth joining the army for.

No, it isn't! Sam, promise me you won't go!

Now, now. I don't think
I'll have to go, darling.

- What're you going to do tomorrow?
- I thought we might go sailing.

- Oh.
- Just you and me alone... y'know it's been a long time since we had a day together.

- But I can't, Sam.
- Why?

Well, I told Bill Pettigrew, I...
promised him I'd show him around the big city.

Oh, I see...

- That's where you were tonight, huh?
- Yeah.

Bill's a nice kid, isn't he?

Y'know, it seems a shame a nice kid like that has to go
over there and stand in front of bayonets, doesn't it?

Yes it does.

- Well, where do we go from here?
- I've - got to go home.

To bed.


I've got to get up at : .

Ms. Daisy. It's : , Ms. Daisy.

: !

Oh, yes...

Is it light out?

Ms. Daisy, is this gonna happen often?
I feel terrible.

Hey, the sun feels good!

Yeah, even in my eyes it feels good!

Ms. Heath.

Package for you, Ms. Daisy!

From Mr. Bailey.


"Good morning darling.
Will you have dinner with me?"


I can't wait to see Sam's face when I
tell him I rode on a roller coaster!

- Sam?
- Oh, Mr. Bailey.


- I bet he's never even been to Coney Island. I never had.
- You've never been to Coney Island - not even when you were a kid?

Nope. I was kinda of grown up all my life.

The only time I realized I was young was when they
told me I wasn't old enough to get a job I was after.

Never had time for
roller coasters, anything like that.

But I can cook the best
corned beef and cabbage you ever ate!

- Ah, I bet you can't even fry an egg.
- Me?

Eggs, corn beef, and cabbage...
Not only cook them, but dish them up and wash the dishes.

And not so long ago, either...

And Brooklyn was home...

Wh-where do you want to have dinner?

Oh, I gotta have dinner
tonight with Mr. Bailey.

- Oh, but you can have dinner with Mr. Bailey, almost any night, now c'mon!
- This is a special dinner.

And I'm late now.

Hello darling! Am I late?

Yes, you're late.

- Popcorn, peanuts, two chances on a liberty bond?
- No thanks.

Did you have fun sailing?

I didn't go sailing.

Aww, why not?

It's no fun alone.

You better get dressed,
we'll have to eat after the show.

- Sam, did you ever taste crackerjack?
- Of course!

- D'you like 'em?
- No!

- I bet you've never even been to Coney Island!
- I have been to Coney Island!

- Y'sh**t any ducks?
- I imagine so.

Betcha didn't hit any!

Bill hit ten ducks,
three pipes and rang the bell!

I ate hamburgers, I mean,
liberty steak with onions!

Y'know Sam, somehow it's hard to
picture you at Coney Island.

- It took Bill twenty baseballs to win that! What happened?
- I knocked it off.

Sam, on purpose?


But why? I wanted that!

That's what I wanted to find out.

Sam, look, what's happening? I wake up this morning you
send me sugar cubes - you ask me to have dinner with you!

All the way home I'm thinking about how I'm gonna tell you how much fun
I had! How I'm going to make you buy me corned beef and cabbage!

- And... then you act like this. It just doesn't make any sense.
- That kid's in love with you!


Sam, you're crazy!

He's in love with you and he's gonna want to marry
you! I suppose that doesn't make sense either!

No it doesn't!

He knows how I feel about him,
almost... like a mother!

I suppose it's like a mother that he comes over here and rubs your head
and holds your hand when you're sick - and brings you flowers and candy!

Sam, I-!

I suppose it's like a mother that he takes you
out to look at the moon from the parade grounds!

I suppose it's like a mother that he thinks you're beautiful and wants
your picture so he can brag to the rest of the soldiers about knowing you!

You got your chin out, Daisy - believe me, a way out!

Maybe I have! And what of it?

You're gonna make a fool out of him
and make yourself look cheap!

Whether I do or do not -
is it any of your business!

- Yes, it is some of my business!
- Why!?

- Because you don't love him!
- And since when did that become important to you!?

- You don't love anybody but yourself.
- Ha-ha.

Don't laugh, it's true!

Alright - let him fall in love with you,
let him ask you to marry him, you can do it!

Any chorus girl with a pair of legs
and a ten cent store mind can do it!

Sam? You're jealous.


But darling, you don't need to be.

What's up, Swifty?

I ain't sayin' nothing.

- But you guys better not make any dates tonight.
-Why? What's the dope?

From what I hear, if any of you guys get
seasick, you better not eat a full meal!


Hey you guys, have I got news for you!

- Wait'll ya hear!
- Ten-hut!

No one will leave the company street until further orders.
No passes will be issued.

Roll call at eight,
boat leaves at eleven, ha-ha!

- What's that mean?
- It means we're on our way to France!

- I told you you should be learning French!
- It won't do you no good where we're going.

- Learn how to pray instead.
- Ah, whaddya talking about!

- No, I'm sorry. No passes granted.
She's my mother, sir.

- That's all.
- Yes sir.

- Pvt. William Pettigrew, sir. I wonder if I could get a special pass.
- No passes issued.

- But captain, this is very important! There's somebody I must see and-
- I'm sorry, that's all.

Y'know everybody's got a place in
Connecticut, but mine's different.

It's the lawn I remember particularly. Now if you can
imagine a whole city block covered in rolled green grass.

- And just about this time of the year it's all sprinkled with daisies.
- It sounds swell, Sam.

- How many head have-?
- Huh?

- I mean, are there horses?
- No, no horses. I don't get out often enough.

- How long's it been?
- Ten years.

And it's been ten years
since I felt like this.

And at least that long since I've been this hungry. I could
use one of those "country breakfasts" you're talking about.

Ahh, you have no idea!

Bread right out of the oven, milk right out
of the cow, eggs out of the chicken...

We'll eat out in the garden.
Beautiful rustic furniture there - I made it all myself.

- Sam, when I die, heaven's gonna be an awful anticlimax.
- Ha-ha.

- I've got to see Ms. Heath!
-She ain't here.

- Well, when'll she be back?
- Not 'til after the show.

Oh - well, maybe you can
tell me where I can find her now?

She's somewhere in Connecticut,
where, I don't know.

- Connecticut?
- She's got a matinee this afternoon, if she shows up.

Which I doubt!

- Sam, I never knew you smoked a pipe.
- Like it?

I bet there's a lot more of you that goes
with it... that I never knew about.

Bailey in love, Bailey off guard.

The outdoor Bailey.... maybe at an open
fireplace with dogs at your feet.

Oh not all at once, give me time.

- I've been trying to forget to remind you but I can't, I have a matinee.
- Oh, we'll go in a little while then.

If I ever love you so much it becomes silly
or embarrassing, you'll tell me won't you?

Mm-hm. But I'll be lying if I do.

What about Bill, Daisy?

What about him?

You won't see him anymore, will you?

I don't see how. But if I do?

My chin's out darling. I'm in love,
jealous and everything that goes with it.

That puts me right in your class.

No, I won't see him again.

Now, I have got to go.

Really, I'm a new woman. All rehearsals and performances -
never late, never absent Heath they call her.

Here's me in love with you.
You can sue me if you want, you have it in writing.

- Goodbye darling. Stay like you are until seven o'clock tonight, will ya?
- I'm stuck with it now.

- Ms. Heath! Daisy, I've got to talk to you!
- Look Bill, I'm late now, make it tomorrow, huh?

I can't make it tomorrow!
We're leaving for France tonight!

Tonight, Bill?


- Come on, Ms. Heath, please, the curtain's going up!
- Daisy! I've been waitin' hours to see you! I'm AWOL!

Oh, Bill why'd you go and do that for!
Now you'll just get yourself in trouble!

No matter what they do to me, it's worth it!
I - you're the only one that felt like...

- I don't have anybody else to say goodbye to!
- Bill, I've got to do a show!

But there are so many things we haven't talked about that I wanted
to talk about sometime, and this seems like the last chance!

- Ms. Heath, please, you're practically on!
- Alright, I'll be there!

Look, I'll tell you what Bill.

The day you get back from the w*r
we'll spend a week together at Coney Island.

- We'll go there every single day!
- Sure.

Then we'll bump-the-bumps,
and sh**t-the-chutes, and sh**t ducks!

It won't be long now once they get guys like you over there!
That's what they need is some good Texas longhorns!

After all, they've been at it for three years now.
They can't keep on much longer, they oughta know s-

Look at it this way, Bill. You're the first to go,
but, well, you'll be the first to come back!

It's logic!

Miss Heath! Please, you're late!
Will ya get out of here, soldier!



Wait a minute!

I'm going AWOL with you! But one promise!
We won't will not talk about w*r or talk about us.

We won't even talk.

Ms. Heath!

Mr. McGonigle! Mr. McGonigle!

Oh, Daisy, I'm sorry I'm...
I'm afraid I'm gonna have to break our promise.

But, we haven't said anything
to each other all afternoon...

there doesn't seem to be anything
to talk about if we don't talk about us...

There's something I want to say,
it's just that...

I'm in love with you, Daisy.

I don't think this is quite the right place to talk about it, Bill.

Let's get outta here, huh?

- Kind of looks like rain.
- Yeah, I can tell by the way the wind's been shifting.

That's New York for you.

Always rains at the right time. Other places rains at the wrong time, but here...

Whenever you've finished your picnic, or just after the ninth inning,
whenever it figures you've played long enough and it's time to go home...


You're sorry I said that before, aren't ya?

Why should I be sorry, Bill?

Oh, I don't know, I...

Let's sit down, huh?

Bill, why should I be sorry?

Well, maybe because you figure it's all
your fault by being so nice to me.

Now that we gotta probably never see each
other again, or at least not for a long time.

You, you think that'll make me unhappy.

- I make you very unhappy, Bill?
- Yep.

But you can't be unhappy, Bill!
It'll be alright, you'll... go on pretending!

Just pretend you're going away for the weekend and'll be right back.
Just pretend Bill, you're good at that!

No, not anymore.
I just guess I can't pretend anymore.

Dreaming's alright if it's
all you've got, but..

When you find the real thing, it -
you're just not satisfied with it anymore.

I want the real thing.

You, Daisy.

Sorry 'bout that, too.

I can't be sorry about
something I asked for.

Do you suppose that, one day...

Told you - it always rains
at the right time.

Here's your shoes.
They appear to have kinda have "shrunk-up".



Well, guess I better get dressed.

Daisy, there's a little chapel out by the camp
- we could be married there tonight.

Mr. Bailey, would you do me a favor?

- Jack, I can't get you in the army or out of it.
- Oh, no sir.

But, would you ask that soldier
to bring me back a German helmet?

- What soldier, there's a lot of them?
- That friend of Ms. Heath's.

- Oh, sure, I'll ask him the next time I see him.
-Maybe you can ask him now while he's in there!

Alright, Jack, I'll ask him.

- Oh, good evening, Mr. Bailey.
- Hello, Bill.

- Won't you come in?
- Thanks.

- Well, I'm glad to see you again, Mr. Bailey.
- Are you?

- Sure. You like to have a smoke?
- No thank you.

I'm glad you're here, Mr. Bailey, because
I have something I want to tell you.

We can take turns. You go first.

Well you see, Daisy means an awful lot to me
and... I've asked her to marry me.

I see.

I thought maybe we oughta speak to you about it first
on account of me having to leave tonight and everything.

Well, why speak to me?

Do y'mind, sir?

- Yes I do!
- Sam!

Bill, you mind if I speak to Sam
a minute alone, please?

No, not at all.

Sam, say something!

You're hurt, aren't you?

- You think I was lying to you this morning.
- What do you want me to say?!

Good luck Bill, she's a fine woman and I should know!
She was in love with me a couple of hours ago!

- Go ahead, give me the rest if it.
- Or do you want me to tell not that it bothered you,

that it was a fine way to spend a dull morning
and it didn't mean anything to me either!

- That wouldn't be true!
- No, not about me it wouldn't!

- I fell for every minute of it, ate it up! And I'm in love with you.
- I'm in love with you too, Sam.

Yeah, I know! And you want to
marry him so you can be a mother to him!

Sam, will you listen to me?
Will you try to understand what I'm going to say.

We've known each other for a long time,
you and I, and we've always been in love.

We never knew it, though, because there
wasn't any way to know.

We'd forgotten what it was like being in love
with somebody else, maybe we never knew.

And then Bill came along.

What we've got now, and we do love each other now Sam..

What we found this morning
we really stole from that kid!

- Alright, we owe it to Bill! But we're in love and I want you to marry me!
- Sam, you said you'd listen to me! Please!

He's leaving for France tonight, his boat sails in a couple
of hours, and he wants to marry me before he goes.

He wants to go to France
knowing I'm his wife!

Sam, don't laugh at me
when I tell you this...

To Bill, I'm a dream that's come true.

Something he dreamed
about before he ever met me.

He's kept on dreaming. Don't ask me how.

And that's what he wants to take with him,
not me, not Daisy Heath to live with and make love to!

but a dream, Sam, without a name...

A dream that began a long time ago somewhere in Texas
and might end somewhere in France.

And if it shouldn't end? When he comes back we're-

When he comes back I can tell him about Daisy Heath!
I can tell him then because he can take it then!

Sam, we've waited so long
we might have waited forever without him!

Oh, darling, look at it this way!

It's a loan, maybe for a year or maybe for less Sam...

We'll be loaning him all the
happiness he'll ever want.

Suppose he were told
about Daisy Heath right now?

The one I'm in love with.
Would he still her to marry him?

I think he'd want to die, Sam.

But I want to marry you! I'm sorry, I can't think of anything else.

Would you tell him, Sam?

- Of course I could-.
- No, you couldn't!

- You don't know how much I love you.
- I know how much I love you! And you couldn't tell him anymore than I could!

Bill, I've, uh...


- I'm sorry, Bill, but...
- Just a minute, Mr. Bailey, I know what you're going to say...

I've been doing some thinking while you
were out there talking to Daisy...

I guess I was thinking about the
same thing you were talking about.

Daisy... I'm not really
what you think I am.

Right now I'm a big hero because
I got on a uniform and there's a w*r...

Somehow you forgot that there
isn't always going to be a w*r...

And after it's all over why, you'd be married
to a cowboy, Daisy, and that's... no good.

- Bill...
- Maybe you don't think that right now, I...

I guess both of us got
kinda carried away...

I'd never known anyone like you.

And the way I figured it...

You were kinda lonely,
when I came along so...


Well, anyways, Mr. Bailey, you see you
don't have to tell me because I know.

But you got it all wrong, Bill.
I'd like very much to marry you, if you want me to!

- Haven't you got anything to say, Sam?
- There's not much left for me to say. Goodbye, Daisy.


Oh Daisy...

I... well we...

We haven't much time.
Guess I better get dressed.


Yes, Bill?

You won't ever be sorry, Daisy.

I know I won't, Bill.

- Where to, Mr. Bailey?
- How do I know? Keep driving.

Yes sir.

- Got a cigarette, Henry?
- No sir.

- Henry?
- Yes sir?

Turn around.

We're going to a wedding.

I pronounce that they are man and wife, in the name
of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, amen.

God the Father, God the Son
and God the Holy Ghost bless, preserve, and keep you.

The Lord mercifully
with His favor look upon you...

and fill you with all spiritual
benediction and grace...

that you may so live together
in this life...

that in the world to come,
you may have life everlasting.



- Good luck, Bill.
- Thank you, sir.


Goodbye, Daisy.


- Take care of yourself!
- Oh, don't worry about me. I'll write to you every day.

Rain or shine!

- Thank you for coming, Sam.
- Someone had to give the bride away.

- What're you going to do now, Daisy?
- I don't know.

- I guess I got some homefires to keep burning.
- Yeah...

- What about you?
- Oh, I haven't figured myself out yet.

- Guess it might be a good idea if I went off on a terrific bath, eh?
- Yeah...

- Are you good?
- Yeah.

Not much sense in my hanging around, looking
after another man's wife. I feel like a fool.

"Bailey, the good friend of the family".

- Doesn't sound like me, does it?
- Sam, you're not to do anything just because you feel you should!

You do what you want.

Don't I always?

I was just thinking...

Maybe I can carry some
wood... for those "homefires".

- Registered letter for Mrs. Pettigrew.
- Mrs. Pettigrew ain't in, she's working.

It's w*r department.
Maybe they made Mr. Pettigrew a general.

Gramercy - - - !


I want to speak to Mr. Bailey.
This is Mrs. Pettigrew's maid calling.

Where'd he go?
Ain't any place I can reach you?

Oh... thanks.

Yeah, come in!

Hello, Daisy.

Hello, Sam.

How is he?

He's the happiest soldier
in the whole world.

The poor kid doesn't
even know he's at the front.

Why do they have to send guys like
that out in the middle of things?

That's one of the
certainties of w*r, darling.

The strongest and most capable go first.

Sam, you oughtn't to come
here every night.

I just happen to like this nightclub
better than the other nightclub...

And I happen to like to come here and sit
and... look at you and... love you.

It's nice to know you're here.

- 'Bout ready, Daisy?
- Okay!

Thanks for coming back.

Nice to know the kid's so happy.


Good evening, Mr. Bailey.

Good evening, Jules.

♪Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag, ♪

♪ and smile, smile, smile! ♪

♪ While you've a lucifer to light your f*g, ♪

♪ smile, boys, that's the style! ♪

♪ What's the use of worrying? ♪

♪ It never was worthwhile. So... ♪

- Looking for someone?
- ♪ Pack up- ♪

♪ your troubles in your old kit bag, ♪

♪ and smile, smile, smile! ♪

C'mon and sing, everybody! C'mon, join in!

♪ ...your old kit bag and
smile, smile, smile! ♪

Mr. Bailey? This letter just came for Ms. Daisy.
I thought you should open it, Mr. Bailey.

♪ ...the style! What's the use of worrying? It never was worthwhile. So... ♪

"We stick bayonets through them."
"We stick bayonets through them."

I didn't have anybody else
to say goodbye to!

"I've been waitin' hours
to see you and I'm AWOL!"

"Dying is like" - "well no matter
what they do to me, it's worth it!"

- "bayonets!" "Daisy, you're the only one
that I felt that I-".

"You'll never be sorry, Daisy."

♪ .. the use of worrying? ♪ C'mon!

♪ ...never was worthwhile. So... ♪

♪ Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag, ♪

♪ and smile, smile, smile! ♪