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07x15 - The Void

Posted: 01/04/23 10:37
by bunniefuu
For our third course...

Another course!

Luhvian quail in truffle sauce,

served with roasted chadre kab.

My compliments to the chef.

Hear, hear.

Thank you, Captain.

Cream of leola soup, fettran
risotto, Luhvian quail...

it just keeps getting better.

l knew you'd been
expanding your palate,

but l didn't realize
you'd become a gourmet cook.

Preparing meals myself is
the best way to ensure quality.

l suppose l should be insulted,

but everything is so delicious,

l may just have to admit defeat
and hang up my apron.

No, that'd be a real tragedy,

Pinot noir, Commander?

l'll have another glass
of the chardonnay.

Each course has been paired
with a specific wine.

are not recommended.

The pinot noir sounds perfect.

ls there any salt?

Additional seasoning
is not required.

Oh, l'm sorry, l...

lf the quail hasn't been
prepared to your satisfaction,

l could replicate something
more to your liking.

A peanut butter
and jelly sandwich, perhaps.

Actually, it's delicious
just the way it is.

Captain to the Bridge.

We're being pulled off-course.


l'm not certain.

lt appears to be
some kind of graviton surge.

On my way.

We've rerouted all available
power to the thrusters,

but we can't break free.

Try reversing
the shield polarity.

No effect.

What happened to the stars?

Shields at 65 percent!

Hail them.

They're not responding.

Return fire.

Can you identify them?

Their w*apon signature
is Vaadwaur,

but the ship has technology
from several different species.

There's another vessel

lt's charging weapons.

Evasive pattern Beta-6.

Maybe we've got an ally.

The Vaadwaur ship is retreating.

Hail the second ship.

No response.

l stand corrected.

They have penetrated
our aft shields.

Reroute power to the auxiliary
emitters and return fire.

They've transported material
off Decks 5, 7 and 8.

Disable their engines.

Follow them.

Navigational sensors
are malfunctioning.

Something to do
with this environment.

l want a full damage report
and an inventory

of everything that was
taken off this ship.

And l want to know where we are.

They got more than 90 percent
of our food stores,

including almost everything
in the Airponics Bay.

They also got a computer console
from Engineering,

and they emptied three
of our deuterium tanks.

Why would anyone
steal deuterium?

You could find it anywhere.

Apparently not here.

l'm not detecting any gases,

stellar bodies,
or matter of any kind.

Except for the ships
that att*cked us.

Scan for other vessels.

l want to know how many
we're dealing with.

There are more than 150 ships
within scanning range,

but l'm only detecting
life signs on 29 of them.

Captain, there's another vessel
approaching at high impulse.

Quite a welcoming committee
they've got here.

What's the status
of our shields?

They're at 28 percent.

That'll have to do.

Charge weapons.

Captain, this one wants to talk.

On screen.

l'm Captain Janeway

of the Starship Voyager.

General Valen.

Welcome to the Void.

You're the first ship
we've seen here

that hasn't tried to fire on us,

but in case you change
your mind,

we're prepared
to defend ourselves.

l know; l've been observing you
on sensors.

The way you fought those ships
was impressive.

Most vessels don't survive
the first few minutes.

l'd appreciate any information
you could give us

about where we are.

The anomaly's
a closed structure,

encased by an inert layer
of subspace.

Matter and energy
can't penetrate it.

Our ships certainly
penetrated it

when we were pulled in.

By the funnels.

But they only pull matter
in one direction:

into the Void.

Have you explored
the entire anomaly?

There's nothing to explore,
but it's big.

We've calculated
the outer circumference

at approximately
nine light-years,

but we've never been able
to breach it.

How long have you been here?

More than five years.

There must be a way to escape.

New arrivals are always
thinking about escape.

We have
a sophisticated starship.

Maybe if we work together,
we can find a way out.

You're being naive.

No one ever gets out.

We may be able
to devise a new approach.

Many have tried.

All they did was waste resources

that could've
kept them alive longer.

Don't be foolish.

l can help you.


The only source
of food and energy in the Void

comes from new ships
that are drawn in.

lf you want to survive here,

you'll have to compete
for their resources.

And l suppose
you can help us do that.

l have tactical data

on some of the more dangerous

But you want something
in return.

My scans show
you have photon torpedoes.

l'm sorry,
we don't trade weapons.

Why not?

Because we have
no way of knowing

what they'll be used for.

Plundering innocent ships,
for example.

Wait a few weeks until
your resources start to run out.

Morality won't keep your
life support systems running.

l'm sorry, General.

There are some compromises
l won't make.

Not yet.

Report, Lieutenant.

We're using power at almost
ten times the usual rate.

While we're standing still?

The same graviton forces
that pulled us into the anomaly

seem to be draining
the warp core.

At this rate, our deuterium
will be gone in about ten days.

Shut down all
nonessential systems.

Where are you going?

To find a way out of here.

Using fractal algorithms
with the Borg sensors,

l believe l can predict
where and when

these funnels will occur.

Well, that's impressive,
but how does it help us?

The funnels originate
inside the anomaly,

creating massive graviton forces
before they erupt.

lf we were to enter
one of the funnels

just as that happened,

we might be able
to use those forces

to propel us into normal space.

Not without compromising
structural integrity.

l might be able to reinforce
the shields to compensate.

There's another problem.

When the graviton forces
reach critical levels,

the polarity suddenly reverses,

pulling everything
near the funnel

back into the anomaly.

We'd have to jump to warp
at exactly the right moment.

We'd need to achieve
a velocity of warp 8.2.

Question is,
will we have enough power?

At the rate we're losing it...

...we may only get
one shot at this.

The sooner we try, the better.

There's a funnel forming
70,000 meters off the port bow--

bearing 130 mark 24.

Graviton surge in 34 seconds.

Full power to shields
and structural integrity.

Take us in, Mr. Paris.

Five seconds...



Structural integrity
at 20 percent.

Ten percent!

50,000 kilometers
to normal space.

Prepare to go to warp.

Engineering to the Bridge.

Go ahead.

The warp core is off-line.

lf nothing else,
we learned some things

that'll help us next time.

With all due respect, Captain,

we don't even have
warp drive anymore.

l may be able
to get it back on line,

but we still need deuterium

to keep our basic systems

How long will our reserves last?

lf we shut down life support
on all but a few decks,

deactivate Astrometrics,

ration replicator
use-- maybe a week.

l used to make a living
scavenging for supplies.

Let me take one of the shuttles.

l might be able to find

on one of those abandoned ships.

A shuttle would be
too easy a target.

l appreciate the offer, Neelix,

but we're safer
if we stay together.

The shuttles may be useful
in another capacity.

We could use their warp cores
to augment power on Voyager.

We're still going to need
more deuterium.

Let's track down
the ship that raided us

and get back what they stole.

We should do it quickly.

l've detected a number
of vessels monitoring us.

The vultures are circling.

Vultures eat the dead,
Mr. Paris.

We're not dead yet.

The vessel's in visual range.


On screen.

Looks like somebody got to them
before we did.

No life signs.

Scan for ion trails.

Whoever did this
probably has our deuterium.

Aye, Captain.

ls there anything left aboard
that ship worth salvaging?

Their technology and supplies
have been picked clean.

Not everything of value
has been taken.

The warp core has been removed,

but the casing
that protected it is intact.

lt's composed of tricesium.

We can convert it
into a power source.

Every little bit helps.

Lock onto the core casing
and beam it to the Cargo Bay.

With the additional power,

we could reactivate
the Astrometrics Lab.

l can think of some better uses.

For example?

Oh, l don't know--

making sure
there's air to breathe.

This must be where they cut
through the casing

to remove the core.

Crude but effective.

Something's in there.

ldentify yourself.

Torres to Security.

lntruder alert.



Stay where you are.

He appears to be injured.

How is he?

His injury doesn't seem serious,

but he won't let me
close enough to treat him.

My name's Captain Janeway.

You're safe here.

l've tried
communicating with him.

He doesn't appear to
have any verbal skills.

Do we know how he got on board?

l believe he was transported
along with the core casing.

We should have
picked up his life signs.

We're trying to determine
why we didn't detect him.

That vessel he was on
had no atmosphere.

How did he survive?

My scans show
he can conserve oxygen.

He has unusually large
lung capacity

and a voracious appetite.

Do you think
that ship was his home?

Maybe, but we can't
send him back.

He can't survive without
oxygen indefinitely.

We'll run scans for other
members of his species,

but until we can find
a safe place for him,

let's make him
as comfortable as possible.

Computer, replicate a portion
of nutritional supplements

from my daily allotment.

You've found something?

We think we know
who has our deuterium.

lt's someone we've already met.

l knew l'd see you again,

l expect you've reconsidered
my proposal.

We're not here to trade.

We're here to take back
what belongs to us.

l don't know what you mean.

Our scans indicate
you've got some of our food,

one of our consoles,

and a large quantity
of our deuterium.

We didn't take
any of that from you.

No, apparently you k*lled
the crew of another ship

and took it from them.

We want it back.

That's not the way
things work here.

Either you give it back,
or we'll take it.

He's powering his engines.

Target his shields and fire.

Lock onto whatever belongs to us

and transport it
to the cargo bay.

l'm detecting large quantities
of food on his supply deck.

Maybe we should take it
while we have the chance.

ls it ours?

No, but our own reserves
are running out.

Valen wouldn't hesitate
to take it from us.

No, he wouldn't.

We've got what's ours.

Reverse course.

Come in.

An updated inventory
of our supplies.

We got back less than half
of what was stolen.

Doesn't take two of you
to deliver a padd.

What's on your mind?

We want to be clear

about what our policy's
going to be

while we're here in the Void.

You think we should
have taken Valen's food.

Logic suggests we may have to be

more opportunistic
if we intend to survive.

We may not like Valen's tactics,

but he and his crew
are still alive

after five years in here.

l was thinking
about that myself.

l thought maybe
l could get some guidance

from the Federation Charter.

l was hoping l'd find a loophole
that would allow us to...

take actions
we ordinarily wouldn't take.

Any luck?

The Charter's
a statement of principles,

not a practical document.

No section on how to exist
in a void.


But l've become convinced

that we've got to stick
to our principles,

not abandon them.

Should the crew be ready
to die for those principles?

lf the alternative means

becoming thieves
and K*llers ourselves, yes.

But l'm betting
that our principles

are going to keep us alive.


The Federation is based
on mutual cooperation...

the idea that the whole
is greater

than the sum of its parts.

Voyager can't
survive here alone,

but if we form a temporary
alliance with other ships,

maybe we can pool
our resources and escape.

As you've pointed out,

the people we've encountered
in this void

are thieves and K*llers.

Such individuals
are hardly ideal allies.

l agree.

Then who are we going
to form an alliance with?

Anyone who agrees
to play by our rules:

no k*lling, no stealing,
and no giving up.

Forgive me, Captain,

but why would anyone
who has survived

by k*lling and stealing
suddenly agree to those terms?

We'll offer to share
our food and medical supplies

and defend ships
that are att*cked by raiders.

Captain, maybe you'd better take
another look at that inventory.

Our food and power reserves
will be gone within a week.

lf we start giving
everything away...

Then maybe we'll only survive
for two days instead of seven.

On the other hand,
if we share what we have,

instead of hoarding it,

we might find other people
willing to do the same.

lf we combine our technology,

we can find ways
of improving our situation

and ultimately
get the hell out of this place.

We may lose a little weight,

but we won't lose who we are.

Captain's Log, Stardate 54553.4.

For the past several days,
we've been making every effort

to recruit members
into an alliance,

but it hasn't been easy.

Whenever a new ship
gets pulled into the Void,

they're immediately att*cked.

lnstead of attacking it,

you'd have to help
defend the new ship.

And how is that in my interest?

lt would encourage them
to join our alliance.

And if they refuse,
then we raid them?

Everyone in the
alliance must agree

not to launch
unprovoked att*cks.

Then how are we supposed
to get supplies?

The idea is to recruit
new members,

share technology and resources.

We almost escaped the Void
on our own.

lf we work together,
l believe we'll succeed.

How many ships do you have
in this alliance?

You'd be the first.

Technically, Captain,
that's not correct.

l consider myself
the first member

of the Captain's coalition.

Six years ago,
l offered her my services

and the resources of my ship,

and she has never failed
to help me

when l needed her.

lt's a noble idea, Captain,

but good intentions are
like deuterium reserves--

they tend to get lost
in the Void.

All l ask is that you consider
our proposal.

l will.

ln the meantime,

we'd like to offer you
food and medical supplies.

What do you expect in return?


Compliments of the alliance.

l tried.


there's been a theft.

What's missing?

My phase compensator.

No doubt, it was stolen

by one of your
prospective members.

lt wasn't stolen.
l gave it to the Nygeans.

They needed it
to repair their sensor array.

l presume you obtained something
equally valuable in return.

l think l did.

The goodwill
of a potential ally.

Did they join?

Not yet.

-l know.

lt's not exactly
the most ''efficient'' policy.

But, then, you don't always do
what's most efficient either.

l don't know
what you're implying.

You gave up your rations
to our guest in Sick Bay.

He needed food.

You're a valuable
member of this crew.

Your friend in Sick Bay

is nothing but a drain
on resources.

What's efficient about
wasting food on him?

You think l'm being inefficient,

Tuvok thinks
l'm being illogical...

You both could be right.

But maybe the best way
to get help is to give it.

Oh, and, Seven?

-l'm sorry

l gave away your favorite
phase compensator.

How is he?

Much better.

He seemed to relax
when he heard me

humming an aria from Rigoletto,

so l had the computer play
the full orchestral version.

Fantome seems to be
a music lover.


After The Phantom of the Opera,

a tormented character
who is soothed by music.

ln six years, you haven't chosen
a name for yourself,

but you've given Fantome one
in a few days.

Choosing the right name
for myself

is extremely difficult.

l'm a complex individual.

And Fantome isn't?

On the contrary.

l believe
he's quite intelligent,

and his physiology's
very sophisticated.

Did you know he has
the ability to refract

his own life signs?

That would explain

why our sensors
didn't detect him.

l wish we could find a way
to communicate with him.

l suspect he'd have
a lot to tell us.

We were enjoying that.


He may not be able to speak,
but he can hear.

He understands.

So it would seem.

What's the occasion?

Seven's not the only one

who knows how
to set an elegant table.

You have heard
there is a food shortage.

That's no reason

why you two can't enjoy
a romantic dinner.

l can't light this.

lt would be a waste of oxygen.

Still, it is festive.

We appreciate the effort.

l believe there's been
a mistake here, waiter.

l didn't order this.

Close your eyes and pretend that
it's Seven's fettran risotto.

lt tastes more like chicken.

What's this?

A preserved Olian guava.

l had a few left.


No arguments.
You're eating for two.

Senior officers,
report to stations immediately.

Sorry, Neelix.

Charge weapons.
Shields to full.

What's going on?

A funnel just opened.

lt pulled in a new vessel.

Two warships are approaching it.

One of them is Valen's.

Target Valen's weapons
and hail him.

My fight's not with you,

Then stand down.

This new ship has
impressive technology.

We can share it.

l'm not here
to divide the spoils.

Then why are you here?

To protect the ship
you're firing on.

What are they to you?

Just some people
in a bad situation,

like the rest of us.

Save your speeches.

l've got a crew to feed.

He's targeting our shields.

Take his weapons out.

Hail the new ship.

l surrender.

We're here to help you.

Can you target
the smaller warship?

We're a survey vessel.
We're not equipped to fight.

Shields at 60 percent.

Fire torpedoes.

Shields on Valen's lead ship
are holding at 80 percent.

lt appears he's upgraded them
since we last met.



The smaller ship
is outmaneuvering us.

We have hull breaches
on Decks 5 and 6.

Seal them.

Shields at 15 percent.

-Engineering to the Bridge.
-Go ahead.

We're losing containment.

At this rate,
we'll be dead in the water

in less than three minutes.

We should retreat, Captain.

Not yet.

We might want to reconsider.

There's another ship

We can't defend ourselves
against three ships.

We may not have to.

The third vessel
belongs to Mr. Garon.

He's firing at the other two.

Valen's shields are down.

The smaller ship
is leaking plasma.

They're both retreating.

Garon's hailing.

Get a weapons lock on him.

We've been fooled
by unexpected allies before.

Why are you targeting me?

Because l don't know
what your intentions are.

Haven't l just made them clear?

l've decided
to accept your offer.

Well, in that case...

...welcome to the alliance.

Captain's Log, Stardate 54562.7.

Since Garon and the survey ship
became our charter members,

finding new allies
has gotten a little easier.

My latest prospect
is Commander Bosaal,

whose ship has technology
that could help us escape.

Neelix, we have
another guest for dinner.

Always room for one more,

Who did you raid
to get fresh vegetables?

They're replicated.

One of the crews that joined us

had technology that tripled
our replicator efficiency.

lt may not be a gourmet feast,

but we can feed
500 people a day now,

using half the power
it took us a few days ago.

Why don't we sit down?


Hello, Commander.

How's your patient?

Technically, he's not
a patient anymore,

but it's taken me
this long to coax him

out of Sick Bay.

He's quite shy.

l'm telling him not to worry...

that you're the one
who keeps us all safe.

He says, ''Thank you.''

An ingenious method
of communication.

lt began
with a few simple words,

but now we're capable
of rudimentary conversation.

Tell him l'm pleased
he's feeling better.

l will.

What's that parasite
doing aboard your ship?

l beg your pardon?

They're vermin.

l don't know who you are, sir,

but your choice of words
is offensive.

What is offensive is the way

they slip aboard
during transport,

hide in conduits,
steal food, spread disease.

Fantome is perfectly healthy,

and unlike some people
in this Void, he hasn't stolen


lf my sensors could detect
where they are on my ship,

l'd exterminate them.

l suggest you do the same.

Captain, this is outrageous!


One of the principles
of our alliance

is that we don't discriminate.

Everyone's welcome,

as long as they
follow the rules.

But if you're having
a bad experience

with the members of this species
on your ship,

l'd be happy to bring
them to Voyager.

lf you could find them.

Now that we've had a chance to
analyze Fantome's physiology,

l think we can get
a transporter lock on them.

ls this your way of enticing me
to join your... alliance?

l'm simply trying to demonstrate

how cooperation and tolerance
can benefit everyone.

Then we have an agreement.

Okay, now connect
the primary emitter relay.

On line.

How is it coming?

Pretty well.

We just need to...

l guess l was being
a little optimistic.

What's the problem, exactly?

Uh, we think we can establish
a shield bubble

large enough to encompass
all our ships,

but we have no way to compensate
for the graviton stress.

Wouldn't a polaron modulator
be able to do that?

Unfortunately, nobody
in the alliance has one.

We've been trying to build
our own, but so far...

Maybe we could trade
for one, or find

a new ally who has one.

Well, it's not a common piece
of technology,

and it's valuable.

lt may be difficult
to convince anyone

to part with it.

You never know unless you ask...

You are not authorized
to be in here.

We're making a valuable
contribution to the alliance.

By spying
on restricted meetings?

We've devised a new
surveillance technique.

Ask Harry to give you a...

You've bypassed
my security measures.

We can observe activity
on any ship in the Void

without being detected.

This is the cargo hold
on the Jelinian freighter.

Now, if l'm not mistaken,
the Jelinians

are a member of our alliance.

Which is why you shouldn't
be spying on them.

And why they shouldn't
be hoarding their ale.

Lovely piece.

Did they compose it, or did you?

They did.

Though strictly speaking,
it's not a composition.

lt's more of a conversation.

l'm impressed.

l wish l could take credit,

but it was Fantome
who taught the others

in a fraction of the time
it took him to learn.

They're a highly
intelligent species.

The language is
already developing

its own grammar and syntax.

That suggests they have
a language of their own.

Mm-hmm. lt could be
telepathic, but they seem

just as comfortable
communicating with music now.

Could their species be native
to the Void?

lt's certainly possible.

They told us
they were born here.

Just when you think
nothing in the galaxy

can surprise you anymore...

Captain Janeway, please report
to Engineering.

Just what we needed, Captain--

a fully compatible
polaron modulator.

Where did you get it?

A Kinjal frigate.

Do they want to join
our alliance?

They're not interested.

How did you get this?

l traded for it.

What did you give them?

l don't answer to you.

Did you steal it?

Disconnect the modulator.


We're returning it
to the people it belongs to.

They have no more use for it.

You don't know that.

Yes... l do.

You k*lled them...


l don't like his tactics
any more than you do,

but why waste this technology
when we're so close to escaping?

Because it's a violation

of everything
this alliance stands for.

Refusing the modulator
won't bring back

the people he k*lled.

No, but using it would make us
accessories to m*rder.

Take it and get out.

The Jelinians and the Kraylor
have left with Bosaal.

They felt you were being...

lmpulsive and self-righteous?

ls that what you think?

You did what you had to do.

Still, l made a mistake.

By telling Bosaal to leave?

Allowing him to join
in the first place.

You couldn't have known
what he was going to do.

Oh, l had a pretty good idea
what kind of person he was.

That bigoted reaction he had
to the Doctor's friend

told me all l needed to know,
but l ignored my instincts.


Because l thought his ship
could help us escape.

You weren't the only one
who wanted him in the alliance.

Maybe not...
but if l'd listened

to my doubts in the first place,

we wouldn't have lost
the other two ships.

We'll find a way out
of here without them.

Where do we stand
with the modulator?

B'Elanna and the other engineers

are working around
the clock to build one.

She thinks they'll be ready
to test in a couple of days.

So everyone's pulling together
to make up for my mistake?

They have to.

lt says so
in the Federation Charter.

Good news, l hope.

l'm afraid not.

lt appears Commander Bosaal

is attempting to form
an alliance of his own

with one of our adversaries.

We recorded a tactical

that took place between them
just a few minutes ago.

Don't underestimate Janeway.

l've been in battle
with her twice.

Then you know Janeway's tactics.

l have two other ships.

We can take Voyager's
food and weapons

if we work together.

The rest of their
conversation suggests

they will attack
within the next 48 hours.

l'm so glad we taught them
the value of cooperation.

Our power reserves
will be severely depleted

if we're forced
to defend ourselves.

Tell B'Elanna we don't have time
to test her modulator.

We've got to try to escape now.

Sorry to interrupt, but we've
got a situation developing.

We're going to try
to break free of the anomaly.

Your friends are welcome
to join us,

but they should be aware
of the dangers.

The Void's their home.

They want to stay.

Where would they like us
to transport them?

They're nomads.

Any ship will do.

They say they're grateful
for our help.

They want to help us now.

There's a funnel forming
in Grid 4.

Graviton surge in 98 seconds.

Alert the other ships.

Take us in, Tom.

Aye, Captain.

Bosaal and his fleet
are approaching.

They are charging weapons.

Janeway to Engineering.


l need two more minutes.

You've got one.

Surge in 50 seconds!

Voyager to all alliance ships.

Begin firing
at your designated targets.

We've penetrated shields
on both vessels.

Janeway to the Doctor.

lnitiate transport.


Yes. Good-bye and good luck.


Transport complete, Captain.

They're in the engine rooms
of both ships.


30 seconds.

Janeway to Engineering.
We need that modulator.

Just a few more seconds.

We're receiving a hail
from Valen's ship-- audio only.

Let's hear it.

What's he saying, Doctor?

Mission accomplished.

Fantome shut down power
on Valen's ship.


Bosaal's ship
has lost power, as well.

Who says gremlins
in the engine are a myth.

Surge in five seconds...


Now, B'Elanna.

All ships are in formation.

Structural integrity
at 30 percent.

40,000 meters to normal space.

Twenty percent.

Ten percent.

Do it, Tom.

Gentlemen, it's been a privilege
to have you as allies.

l never believed we'd escape.

Then why did you join?

Captain Janeway
is very persuasive,

and the food was good.

You're welcome to have
a meal with us anytime.

Ah, unfortunately, we're headed
in the opposite direction.

Safe journey to you
and your crew, Captain.

And to all of yours, as well.

Thank you.

lt was almost like being part
of the Federation again.

The real one's only
30,000 light-years away.

Then what are we
standing around for?