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07x13 - Repentance

Posted: 01/04/23 10:35
by bunniefuu
This is Captain Kathryn Janeway

of the Starship Voyager.

We're responding
to your distress call.

A ruptured conduit
is flooding my ship

with plasma radiation.

We request immediate transport.

l'm detecting 1 1 life-signs;
two are weak.

Transport the injured
to Sick Bay

and the rest to Cargo Bay 1.

l want security teams
at both locations.

Our weapons!

They'll be returned
to you when you leave.

These are dangerous criminals.
They have to be secured.

We'll do our best
to accommodate you.

l had eight men in custody.

Where are the other two?

We're not going to hurt you.

Stay away, or l'll k*ll her!

l'm sure we can resolve this

without resorting
to v*olence.

What is it you want?

A ship, some food.

l might be able
to arrange that,

but you'll have
to release her first.

l'm not a fool.

You know l'll do it! Tell them.

You're not getting
off this ship.

lf you release her,

l promise you
won't be harmed.

Not until l get a ship.

We don't negotiate
with criminals.

Who are you?

Warden Yediq of the
Nygean Detention Force.

This man is my prisoner.

lf that were true, he wouldn't
be holding my friend hostage.

Get back!

l'm a hologram.
l can't be harmed.

l think you proved my point.

We're lucky you came
along, Captain.

Ten more minutes

and none of us would have
survived the plasma leak.

Your vessel was equipped
with escape pods.

Why didn't you use them?

l couldn't risk letting
any of the prisoners get away.

As you've seen,
they're extremely dangerous.

Where are you taking them?

Back to our homeworld.

They're due to be ex*cuted.

What were their crimes?

All eight are murderers.

Three are
multiple offenders.

We're just 13 light-years
from our system.

l'd appreciate it
if you'd take us back there.

Actually, we were headed
in the opposite direction.

l could arrange

for one of our ships
to rendezvous with Voyager.

lt'll take several days.

My prisoners will have
to be strictly monitored.

Commander Tuvok will help you
make arrangements.

Some of the crew
may not be comfortable

helping to deliver
eight men to their deaths.

l can't say l
like it, either...

but we have a Prime
Directive to follow.

30 more seconds,

and l could have resolved
the situation peacefully.

lnstead, you and ''Tuvok the Kid''

had to take matters
into your own hands.

You're damaged.

Commander Tuvok's
friendly fire

must have caused

a feedback surge in my emitters.

l'll help you repair it.

How are you?

Fine, Captain.


This your ship?


Then let me out.

l'm afraid l can't do that.

lf you don't, l'll k*ll you all.

Janeway to Tuvok.

Are the prisoners'
accommodations ready?

Affirmative, Captain.

Then by all means,
initiate transport.

You're sure
these will hold them?

The force fields
are impenetrable,

as are the tritanium bulkheads.

ln addition to your staff,

two Voyager
security officers

will remain here
at all times.

Two more will be posted

at the entrance
to the cargo bay.

What about our weapons?

You'll be allowed
to carry them

in this area only.

lf you leave the cargo bay,

you'll be asked
to surrender them.

What's this?


Since you can't bring
the prisoners to the Mess Hall,

l brought the Mess Hall
to them.

What is it?

Talaxian Spice Stew
served over leola rice pilaf.

lt's an old family recipe.

Take it back.

Too spicy?

These men don't deserve

such an elaborate meal.

Take it back.

Federation guidelines
are quite clear

about the treatment
of prisoners.

He is correct.

l can quote the protocols,

if you like.

My men will assist you.

Thanks for standing
up to Yediq.

Just doing my job.


it was kind.

This would be easier
if you would remain stationary.

lt doesn't feel right.

You may experience
unusual sensations

while your matrix realigns.

l was referring
to the ''arrangement''

the Captain's made
with the Nygeans.

No matter how terrible
the crimes these men committed,

it seems wrong to hand them over
to be ex*cuted.

This is a Federation starship,
not the Barge of the Dead.

Would you have preferred
the Captain release them?

Of course not.
They're dangerous men.

Executing them ensures

they'll never pose a
threat to anyone again.

So would life sentences...
the operative word being ''life.''

Confining them for life
requires significant resources.

The Nygeans may not
think it worthwhile.

What about rehabilitation?

Given the chance,
some of these men might become

productive members
of society one day.

Their victims won't have
the same opportunity.

And that justifies
taking their lives?

An eye for an eye?

lt's not justice, it's revenge.

Quite frankly, l'm surprised

you're not troubled
by such a barbaric system.

l'm simply being objective.

You often encourage me

to see both sides
of an argument.


this is one occasion when
my programming won't allow me

to be objective.

k*lling is wrong,
no matter who's doing it.

Still hungry?

l can hear your
stomach from here.

This must be
the first time in a month

you couldn't steal
poor Egrid's meal.

Good, isn't it?


ls there a problem?

lko was just telling
me, he didn't get

enough to eat.

l see.

Cause another disturbance

and l'll see to it

you're not fed
the rest of this journey.

Do you understand?

Boche and Ledara...

What did you say?

Your children.

How did you know that?

Are you sure they're safe?

Some people don't understand

why we deal so harshly
with men like you.

lt's because you never learn.

Stand down!

Stand down!

He needs to be disciplined.

Lower your weapons
and step away.

Our response was justified.

How do you justify
beating a defenseless man?

v*olence is the only
thing he understands.

You seem to have a pretty good
grasp of it yourself.

Do not presume to tell me how
to handle my prisoners, Captain.

You don't know lko like l do.

He k*lled a young
father for no reason.

Before that, he committed
dozens of violent crimes.

He's spent his entire
life hurting people.

That doesn't excuse
what you did to him.

Until your transport vessel
gets here,

you and your men won't be
allowed in the cargo bay.

You're in charge
of the prisoners.

Aye, Captain.

They're my responsibility.

Not as long
as you're aboard my ship.

l won't risk any more v*olence.

The only risk will
be to your crew.

Commander Tuvok
isn't qualified

to guard prisoners
this dangerous.

Tuvok has been
a Starfleet Security Officer

for a very long time.

Believe me, he's qualified.

l hope you're right.

You remember Mr. lko.


The Nygeans decided to
make an example of him.

Did you call me here

to make a point
about Nygean barbarity?

l called you here

because l need your
help to save his life.

He sustained a severe
blow to the head,

which has caused severe edema

in his parietal lobe.

lt's blocking vital

l'd like to program
some of your nanoprobes

to bypass the edema.

l'll comply.

l sense a ''but'' coming.

lt seems inefficient
to save the life

of someone
who's about to be ex*cuted.

lf the Nygeans insist
on k*lling him,

there isn't much
l can do about it,

but l won't let them
do it on Voyager.

l didn't expect to
see you back so soon.

Ordinarily, we're lucky
to get one meal a day.

That's terrible.

Yediq likes to keep us hungry.

Less talk. We're hungry!

You're wondering why l'm here.

Excuse me?

You're wondering what l did
to end up with men like them.

You k*lled someone?

That's right.


Because l'm Benkaran.

What does that have
to do with it?

lt's common knowledge

that all Benkarans
are criminals,

so when l was found
in the vicinity of a m*rder,

l was immediately arrested.

Are you saying you didn't do it?

l told you, l'm Benkaran.

What l say doesn't matter.

You suffered
severe neurological trauma,

but l believe
we've repaired the damage.

Thank you.

Don't thank me.
Thank Seven of Nine.

She donated the nanoprobes
that saved your life.

Oh, my head.

The pain is normal.

l'll prepare an analgesic.

You're not afraid of me.

There's no reason to fear
someone in your condition.

You were never afraid of me,

not even when l
tried to k*ll you.

lt's nice to look
into someone's eyes

and not see fear.

Do you have to be
a criminal to get

something to eat
around here?

Sorry. Dinner will be
ready in 15 minutes.

You said that
15 minutes ago.

Did you know the Nygeans
govern a sector of space

occupied by several
different humanoid species?

lf we say yes,
will you feed us?

One of those species
is the Benkarans.

They occupy just ten
percent of Nygean space,

but take up nearly 80 percent
of the space in Nygean prisons.

Maybe they commit
more crimes.

Not according to Joleg,
one of the prisoners.

You think he was given
a harsher sentence

because of his species?

According to this,

Benkarans are ten times
more likely

to be ex*cuted for their crimes
than Nygeans.

Where'd you get that?

l contacted the
Nygean government.

Told them l was interested

in a cultural exchange.

Among other things,
they let me access data

on their criminal
justice system.

lt all supports
what Joleg told me.


l know what you're thinking.

That you're the softest touch

in the Delta Quadrant.

These are the transcripts
from Joleg's trial.

He was convicted
on circumstantial evidence.

Let me guess. He was in the
wrong place at the wrong time.


Neelix, when l was
in the Federation penal colony,

everybody had a story.

l never put much stock in them.
Neither should you.

How many of those people
were sentenced to die?

l still don't understand.

Why weren't you hurt?

Because my matrix is photonic.

l'm made of light.

You wanted to see me?

l'll be with you
in just a moment.

You don't feel pain?

Well, l suppose my pride
has been wounded on occasion.

l wish l was made of light.

Try to rest.

Mr. lko responded so well to
the first dose of nanoprobes,

l thought a second might
improve his condition further.

lt'll only take a
moment to extract them.

You and Mr. lko seem to
be getting along well.

lt's the strangest thing.

When he first arrived,
he was crude, abusive.

Now he's a model patient--
grateful, considerate.

He's obviously an
unstable individual.

lnconsistent behavior
is hardly surprising.

Still, if it weren't
for the security detail

l'd forget he
was a criminal.

lt's possible he's trying
to manipulate you.


What's the matter?

My stomach.

l'm not detecting

l... l can't...

What's wrong?

l... l can't stop
thinking about...

the man l k*lled.

That's not surprising.

You're experiencing guilt.

ls that why l'm feeling sick?

Nausea could be
a symptom of guilt.

l've never felt guilty before.

You've committed many crimes.

None of them
made me feel like this.

Why did you do this to me?

We're not responsible
for your guilt.

l didn't feel this way,

until you put
those nanoprobes in me.

You knew this would happen,

didn't you?

This is some kind

of punishment.

Take the nanoprobes out.

You could die.


l don't want to feel
this way anymore.

You don't honestly believe

we're responsible
for his condition.

We applied the
Borg technology.

lt's possible there were

some unforeseen side effects.

Guilt, for example.

Look at this.


lt's my most recent scan.

The neurotransmitters
have established

new pathways
throughout his cortex.

Wasn't that your intention?

No, l was simply trying

to bypass the edema.

Then how did this happen?

l don't know.

lt's possible this is normal
Nygean brain activity,

but l have no basis
for comparison.

You should ask Mr. Yediq

to contact
a Nygean medical official.

Maybe they could provide
some relevant information.

Seven of Nine.


Talk to me.

l'm extremely busy.


l'm scared.

What did you want to discuss?

l'm due in Astrometrics,
so if there's nothing...

Astrometrics-- what's that?

A laboratory where
we observe stellar phenomena.

When l was a child,

l'd... lie under the stars
for hours.

l'd stare at them
until l could see the shapes.


Faces and animals
made out of stars.

You're referring
to constellations.

l named them.

There was
Paedos the Warrior

and Gezid the Beast.

No matter how hard he tried,

Paedos could never catch Gezid.

Because the distance between
them always remained the same.

You've seen them?


l've cataloged approximately
six billion stars.

Then you must have seen Onella,
too-- the Mother.

Describe her.

She was surrounded

by 16 smaller stars--

her daughters.

lf l try, l think

l can remember
all their names.

Grid 1 1-6. Green.

What's going on over there?


That's Kadis-Kot.


Down here.

l've been doing some research

on the Nygean legal system.

You were right

about the Benkarans
receiving harsher sentences.

l saw the statistics.

Statistics won't save me.

l noticed some people
convicted of m*rder--

even terrible, premeditated
murders-- weren't ex*cuted.

Some weren't punished at all,

but you were
sentenced to death.

That's what the family wants.

The family?

After you're convicted,

the family of the
victim sentences you.

Well, shouldn't you be sentenced
by someone less partial,

like a judge?

Vekto valek k'vadim.

lt's Ancient Nygean.

lt means, ''Favor the victims.''

What if l stole your game board?

What right would a judge have
to assign value to your loss?

To him, it's just a game board,

but to you it might be
a priceless family possession.

And what
if l m*rder*d your child?

l think l get your point.

Vekto valek k'vadim.

lt's the basis for the
Nygean legal system.

What about the criminals

that didn't serve
any sentence at all?

Some people prefer
restitution to revenge.

lf a defendant is
wealthy enough,

he can negotiate a settlement
with the victim's family.

Oh, that doesn't seem fair.

lt's perfectly fair,
unless you're destitute.

Maybe l can talk to the Captain

about finding a way
to compensate your victims.

l'm grateful...

but it would imply l'm guilty.

l wouldn't want that.

There must
be something l can do.

You can transmit a letter
to my brother.

l'd like to let him know
what's happened to me.

l'll get a padd.

l thought you might
find this interesting.

What is it?

lt's an Astrometrics log.

lt contains data

on various star formations.

lt's just words and numbers.

l'd rather look at the stars.

l'll bring you a star chart

after my next shift.

What's the metal above your eye?

lt's a cybernetic implant.

Where did you get it?

lt was installed by the Borg.

Must have hurt.

l don't recall.

l hurt people.

l deserve to die.


l found something.

This is a scan depicting
a healthy Nygean brain.

This node is analogous

to the human pineal gland.

ln addition to controlling
behavioral impulses,

it regulates decision making.

You might say

it's the physiological
equivalent of a conscience.

Normally, the node connects
to the rest of the brain

through a series
of neural pathways.


look at the scan of lko's node

before we applied
the nanoprobes.

lt's detached.

Did that happen
when he was assaulted?

No. l believe it's
congenital-- a birth defect.

Without the node, lko would
have been prone to v*olence

and sociopathic
behavior all his life.

When l used
Seven's nanoprobes

to treat the injuries
from the as*ault,

it seems they inadvertently
repaired the defect, as well.

You've activated his conscience.

Well, that would explain

why he's suddenly
experiencing guilt.

There's more to it than that.

l believe he's become capable
of controlling

his violent impulses.

Capable, maybe,

but how do you know he will?

Even the thought of v*olence
makes him ill now.

ln my opinion, he's no longer
a threat to anyone.

By some definitions, Captain,

he's not the same man
who committed the m*rder.

Are you suggesting
we release him?

Of course not,
but at the very least,

his case should
be reexamined.

Because he's sorry.

There's new medical
evidence to be considered.

None of it changes the fact
that he k*lled a man.

He was suffering
from a neurological defect.

He couldn't control
his behavior.

lf lko had been diagnosed
and treated,

he never would have committed
that crime.

ln a manner of speaking,

he's a victim
of his own biology.

So lko is the victim now?

No one's denying

that he committed
a terrible crime,

but as a result
of the Doctor's treatments,

he's undergone
a fundamental change.

k*lling him
won't accomplish anything.

That's not your decision
to make.

Nor is it yours.

He's obviously
deceiving you somehow.

Listen, we could debate this
all day,

but the fact is, our personal
opinions are irrelevant.

All that matters is Nygean law.

Does lko have a legal means
of appeal at his disposal?

ln accordance
with Nygean Penal Code,

a capital defendant has a right
to appeal his sentence

to the family of his victims.

Then l'd like you
to help Commander Tuvok

draft an appeal

and submit it
to the proper authorities.

Take back the appeal.

You'd rather die,

because you think
it'll relieve your pain?

Death is what l deserve.

You say l've changed,

but l look at these hands
every day,

and l see them squeezing
that man's throat,

and l hear the
sounds he made.

l'm disgusting.

Do you think l'm disgusting?

You've been nothing
but kind to me.

You asked me earlier
if it hurt

when my occipital implant
was installed.

l told you l didn't remember,

but the truth is...

it was one of the most painful
experiences of my life.

Why did you lie?

lt's difficult for me
to talk about,

because l forced others
to undergo the same procedure.


l was compelled to do so

by the Borg collective.

l wasn't in control
of my actions,

just as you weren't in control
when you took a life.

My nanoprobes
have given you control.

You're a different person now.

You don't deserve
to be ex*cuted.

l want to go back to my cell.

You're free to remain here.

Am l still sick?

No, but...

Then l don't want
special treatment.

l'm glad to see
you're feeling better.

You must be hungry.

Here you go.

Give it to him.

He's already had his dinner.


All right.

You wanted to see me.

We just received a response
from the Nygeans.

The family has refused
to consider the appeal.

But the medical evidence...

They won't look at it.

The family
found the request insulting.

Your government could insist
that they review it.

We have laws that protect
victims from emotional distress.

ln that case, we should grant
lko asylum aboard Voyager.

You agreed to work

within the confines
of our legal system.

Your system is flawed.

That's enough, Seven.

l assure you, we'll abide
by the family's decision.

Now, l need a moment alone
with Seven, if you don't mind?

We did everything we could
to help him.

We have to do more.

You barely know this man.

Why are you so passionate
about helping him?

l want to give him the same
opportunity you gave me.

When you severed my
link to the collective,

you changed who l was.

You made it possible for me
to reclaim my humanity.

Because of my nanoprobes, lko
has undergone a similar change.

He should be given the chance
to atone for his crimes.

ls that what this is about?


For him... or for you?

l don't know what you mean.

l think part of you
still feels responsible

for the violent acts you
committed when you were a Borg.

You're mistaken.

Am l?

Maybe you believe
if lko is found not guilty,

somehow you won't
be guilty, either.

You said it yourself.

You've reclaimed your humanity.

lt's time you stopped
blaming yourself

for the crimes
of the collective.


An alien vessel just dropped
out of warp and opened fire.

We've lost power
on Decks 8 through 10.

The cargo bay.

Hurry, hurry!

Follow me.
Let's go to the Bridge.

Keep 'em down!


There's a corridor...

Stay together.

Shields down to 60 percent.

Still no response to hails.

Evasive maneuvers.

Target their weapons.

Tuvok to Bridge.
The attacking ship

is attempting to transport
one of the prisoners.

They're trying to lock on to all
five Benkaran life signs.

Target their transporter array.

Direct hit.

They're retreating.

Pursuit course?

No, we have
more immediate problems.

Bridge to Tuvok.
What's your status?

We've neutralized
two of the prisoners.

Someone's trying to get
into the Shuttle Bay.

Lock them out.


Stand back!

Don't move.

You have five minutes
to get us a shuttle.

Tuvok to Bridge.

Lock on to Yediq's
signature, and beam him to...

Transporters are off-line.

We need at least ten minutes
to get them up and running.

Seal it.

You're not getting off

this ship.

Then l suppose l should k*ll you
right now.


He's mine.

You saw how they beat me.

l knew it was a trick.

l knew you hadn't changed.

Captain's Log, supplemental.

Warden Yediq has used
his influence

to convince the Nygean family

to hear lko's appeal
for leniency.

l won't beg for my life.

lt belongs to you.

l only want you to understand
what's happened to me.

l'm a different person now...

a better person.

This crew...
has helped me to see that.

lf my death
helps you find peace,

l can accept it.

But if you let me live,

l will never hurt anyone again.

Whatever you decide,

please know how sorry l am

for what l took from you.

Are we playing
Kadis-Kot later?


Afraid l'll beat you again?

l tried to help you,

and you took advantage of me.

What do you mean?

The note we sent your brother.

He traced the transmission
to Voyager.

He's the one who att*cked us.

Neelix, l swear l had no idea

he would do that.

You have to believe me.

l read Yediq's security report.

You threatened to k*ll him.

l can't eat this.

Why not?

l'm sick.

You look fine to me.

No, l must have
the same condition lko had.

lf your Doctor cures me,

l can make an appeal
for my life, too.

She's beautiful, isn't she?

Onella, the Mother?

And there's Paedos...

still watching over her.

lt was kind of
Captain Janeway

to let you bring me here.

lf your appeal is successful,

you'll be able to go
wherever you want.

l hope you're right.

lf l am, where will you go?

l don't know.

lf you'd like,

l could ask Captain Janeway

to consider
letting you stay here.

l'm not a scientist.

l don't think
l'd be much help to anyone.

There are other ways
to be useful.

l'm sure we could think
of something.

l'd like that.

l'm sorry.

The family has denied
your appeal.

We're due to rendezvous

with a transport
ship in a few hours.

l need to return
you to your cell.

You were the first person

who wasn't afraid
to look me in the eye.

That's how l'd like
to remember you.

l just finished looking over
your warp core analysis.


l'm impressed.

lt usually takes a few days
to finish one of these.

B'Elanna tells me
you did it in 22 hours.

l haven't felt the need
to regenerate.

Everyone grieves
in their own way.

lf you want to talk,

you know where to find me.

lt's unfair.

l think so, too, Seven...

but we have to try not
to judge their system.

That's not what l meant.

lko was ex*cuted
for taking a single life.

As a drone,
l took thousands,

but l was never punished.

You lost 20 years of
your life to the Borg.

l'd say that's
punishment enough.