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07x12 - Lineage

Posted: 01/04/23 10:34
by bunniefuu
- Good morning.
- You're in a good mood.

- It's another beautiful day.
- What did you have for breakfast?

I'll see you tonight.

- Here you are, Lieutenant.
- Thank you.

Nice job, Ensign.

You keep the warp field that stable, you
might get us home a few years early.

The Starfleet Manual
allows for a variance of 0.3.

That's only a guideline.
You can do better.

I don't remember
giving you permission to work here.

I'm sorry, Lieutenant.

- I'm helping him with warp mechanics.
- You should have notified me.

- It's a busy day, and I...
- Lieutenant?

I'm fine.

I'm detecting another lifesign.

- Where?
- Inside Lieutenant Torres.

It could be a parasite.

- Seven to the Doctor.
- Go ahead.

- I'm accompanying Torres to sickbay.
- What's wrong?

I believe she's pregnant.

The foetus is about seven weeks old

and doing well. So are you.

Why did she faint?

Klingon and human metabolism clash.

Tell me about it.

Pregnancies can cause fluctuations.

Is that serious?

You can expect behavioural volatility,

increased nutritional needs.

Creating new life is a big job.

Creating new life.

I can't believe it.

Weren't you trying to get pregnant?

Well, of course. I mean...

We knew we wanted a family.

The odds against it were so high.

You've beaten them. Congratulations.

When is the baby due?

Klingon pregnancies run 30 weeks
but with mixed species, maybe sooner.

- Is it a girl or boy?
- No. Don't tell.

- I want to be surprised.
- We've already been surprised.

I don't see a reason to label the baby.
I don't wanna have to pick a name yet.

OK. Mommy knows best.


I wonder if the holodeck
has child-rearing programs.

- Some things you can't simulate.
- I need some help.

- We should get our quarters ready.
- I could replicate a crib.

- We need to rearrange the living area.
- We need to do a lot more than that.

- You're happy about this, right?
- Of course I'm happy.

- Just a little overwhelmed, that's all.
- Me too.

- Can we keep this to ourselves?
- Absolutely.

I need to get to work.

See you later. Dad.

- Congratulations, Tom.
- Thanks. How did you find out?


He wasn't supposed to tell?

We were hoping to keep it private
for an hour or so.

As they say on Talax...

"Good news has no clothes.”

Thanks, I guess.

My good news
would be learning I'm the godfather.

I do have experience
with Naomi Wildman.

I can't think of anyone more qualified.

In that case, I've been making up
a list of names. Tell me...

Have you checked the warp core
for radiation leaks today?

- No. Why?
- You have a certain glow about you.

- OK. Who told you?
- I just heard. Congratulations.

- Thanks.
- Seven said you were dizzy.

- I'm fine.
- Not even the Cardassians rattled her.

- Would you like some time off?
- To do what?

Adjust. This is a big change.

I'll work in the day, sleep at night
and have the baby when it's time.

If you need to cut back on your duties,
I'm sure Seven will fill in for you.

I think I can handle it.

Congratulations, buddy.

Where did you hear?
On a datastream from Earth?

I think it was a transmission
from the Borg. It's all over now.

No late nights in the holodeck,
racing the Delta Flyer.

Aren't you exaggerating just a little?

I've seen it happen. You get tied down
with family. Old friends drop away.

- It's fatherhood, not exile.
- If you say so.

Kidding aside, how's it feel?

It's... It's not quite real yet.

Maybe that's what pregnancy's for.
Time to let reality sink in.

Before your life spins out of control.

Do you need any help?

This may be the first time
you've ever volunteered to assist me.

Well, we've got to change that.

We've known each other a long time.
Let's work more closely.

I'll keep that in mind.

So, I guess you've heard.
B'Elanna and I are going to have a baby.

I was unaware.

Finally, someone who doesn't know.

- Allow me to extend my best wishes.
- Thanks.

You know, a baby is...
It's a big responsibility.

But I'm ready for it, not that you can ever
be completely ready, can you?

Lieutenant, are you asking me
for advice about fatherhood?

Well, I don't know anyone else
who's been through it.

My parenting skills are dormant. It's been
years since my children were young.

Then you've had a long time to think
back on it. Any helpful hints?

Offspring can be disturbingly illogical,

yet profoundly fulfilling.

- You should anticipate paradox.
- I'll remember that.

If you'd like my counsel
on more specific issues...

Something tells me I'm going to be
working with you on a regular basis.

- So?
- Looks nice.

Well, I figured quiet romantic dinners
may soon be a thing of the past.

Tough day?

The captain
practically relieved me of duty,

as if I couldn't be an engineer
and be pregnant.

If you ever need a babysitter,
godfather Neelix is ready to go.

- Chakotay wants to be godfather.
- Neelix has a list of names.

I don't mind people suggesting names.

What annoys me is all the free advice
about feeding, discipline.

Folk wisdom is my favourite.

Bolians believe
if you give birth near a warp core,

it'll improve the baby's disposition.

Why is everyone entitled
to give advice? This is our child.

People shouldn't
interfere with a Klingon mother.

- What's that supposed to mean?
- Nothing. It was a joke.

- What's being Klingon got to do with it?
- Take it easy.

I don't want to. I want
everybody to back off and let me...

The Doctor said I might experience
some behavioural volatility.

I guess this is it.

Forget about the Doctor.

Forget the captain or the godfathers.

- Maybe you're right.
- I know I am.

This isn't about
their expectations or hopes

or... doubts.

- None of this belongs to them.
- It belongs to us.

All of it.

Lucky us.

Lieutenants Torres and Paris,
please report to sickbay.

It's a holographic extrapolation
of your child's spine,

ten months after birth.

- It's deviated.
- A pronounced curvature to the left.

- Can it be corrected?
- I had surgery when I was a baby.

- You never told me.
- My mother had it too.

It tends to run in Klingon families,
especially among females.

- Are you saying this baby is a girl?
- No. I didn't say that.

- But it is a girl, right?
- You cannot infer that.

It's OK, you might as well just tell us.

Yes. It's a girl.

And aside from the deviated spine,
she's healthy.

- Will she need surgery?
- We've advanced beyond that.

Genetic modification
is the treatment of choice.

If you can project
an image of the spine,

can you use the genetic data
to show us the whole baby?

I could.
It would only be an approximation.

- Let's look.
- I don't know.

Come on. Aren't you curious?


She's beautiful.

- Forehead ridges?
- Yes.

But she's only quarter Klingon.

Klingon traits are dominant for several
generations, even with one ancestor.

She looks just like her mother.

You are so much like your mother.

She's perfect.

Isn't she?

What a day.

Nothing has scared me as much as
hearing our baby had a problem.

- It's not much of a problem.
- We didn't know that at first.

Now we know.

And we also know that the Doctor
is going to fix everything tomorrow.

I'm sorry.
It's a lot to take in all at once.

- And I'm really tired.
- We could both use some sleep.

Computer, dim the lights.

Someone make sure
those coals are out.

I'll get it, Dad.

Kids, be careful.
Be back before sunset.

- We're having fish for dinner.
- If you can catch any.

I increased the field strength
of the targeting lure.

Those fish don't stand a chance.

You'd better go.
Your cousins aren't gonna wait forever.

I was thinking. Maybe I could go fishing
with you and Uncle Carl.

I thought you were looking forward to the
hike. Just kids, no dads to slow you.

- They don't like me.
- Why would you say that?

- Because it's true.
- Come on. Let's go.


Go on. Have a good time.

- Dad?
- What is it?


- Relax. We're not that late.
- We were scheduled for 0800.

Still time for a gourmet breakfast,
peanut butter toast.

- I'm too tired to eat.
- Wait till those 0200 feedings start.

- You'll be in charge of those.
- I can't wait.

Look. You don't have to come with me.
It's a minor procedure.

Wouldn't you like
some moral support?

I'm not an invalid.

In that case, you're on your own.
That goes for breakfast too.

I've been expanding
my paediatrics database.

- There's another problem?
- Not at all.

I have made
a pre-natal enrichment program.

- Why am I not surprised?
- Let's start with abdominal vocalisation.

- You'll sing to my foetus?
- Through a diatonal amplifier.

- It'll enhance her mathematical ability.
- Can we talk about this later?

- At our first parenting class.
- Parenting class?

Birthing, feeding options, bonding.

- It's not all hard work, though.
- Could we get on with it?


Computer, dim lights.

- I hope you don't expect me to sleep.
- Of course not.

The darkness encourages vascular
dilation. You may feel a tingling.

Please remain as still as possible.

- Come and have lunch.
- That's OK. I'm not hungry.

Eat while you can.
You know our dads won't catch any fish.

- Here.
- Thanks.

- Your mum wasn't sure you'd come.
- I had school work.

- Glad you made it.
- That's nice of you to say.

- Can you hand me a drink?
- OK.


My teacher said Klingons like live food.

- Stop it.
- It was just a joke.

It was a stupid joke.
He's always doing stuff like that to me.

- Don't be mad.
- Wait.

Computer, raise lights.

Your daughter's spinal column
is perfectly aligned.

- Is she going to be all right?
- If her parents are any indication.

access B'Elanna Torres' medical file.

File accessed.

Project a holographic image
of the baby.

Now extrapolate what the child's
facial features will look like

at 12 years old.

Display the foetus genome.

Delete the following gene sequences.

Extrapolate what the child will look like
with those genetic changes.

Delete the following sequences.


Save changes.

Restrict access to this file.
B'Elanna Torres only.

There's no valid medical reason
to do what you're proposing.

- I disagree.
- You want to delete DNA sequences.

- Genes that create redundant organs.
- Superfluous.

They are there for a reason.

- Does my daughter need a third lung?
- Strictly speaking, no.

But it may be beneficial.

Some say the extra lung evolved
to give Klingons stamina in battle.

She is not going to be a warrior.

You have no idea
what your daughter is going to be.

What if she's an athlete?
Greater lung capacity is an advantage.

There's no reason
to arbitrarily remove genetic traits.

It's not arbitrary. It's preventive.

- How so?
- That third lung could become diseased.

I suppose.

It's like removing an appendix
before it's inflamed.

Why tamper with systems
that have evolved over aeons?

Like curvature of the spine?

If I make these changes,
it'll affect her appearance.

I'm aware of that.

Are you also aware that some genes
influence behaviour, personality?

None of that's
as important as her health.

- What does Tom think?
- I wanted to see what you thought first.

As you can see, I'm very dubious.

Look, I've done
statistical analysis, epidemiology.

- At least review my work.
- All right. I'll look at it.

But in the meantime, I suggest
you have a talk with your husband.

- Absolutely not.
- We're talking about our child's health.

It's more than that.
You want to change who she is.

Her individuality, her...

You don't want her to be Klingon.

That's what it's about. You're trying
to protect her from being Klingon

because you had a rough time.

- I was treated like a monster.
- That isn't going to happen to her.

Everyone on Voyager
will accept her for who she is.

- Easy for you to say. You're human.
- Meaning what, exactly?

Meaning you don't understand
what it's like.

OK, then. Tell me.

When the people around you
are all one way, and you're not,

you can't help feeling like there's
something wrong with you.

Voyager isn't just one way.

We've got Bajorans, Vulcans, Talaxians.

And 140 humans.

Our daughter is going to have a mixed
heritage just like her mother.

It's something you'll have in common,
to be proud of. Why destroy that?

I'm not destroying anything. Gene
resequencing isn't a w*apon, it's a tool.

She's not a machine.
She's our daughter.

I'm not sure what you want me to do.

I want you to order the Doctor
to genetically alter my child.

See what I'm dealing with?

What you're asking for is ethically
questionable. Your husband is against it.

I only want to do what you did.

- For Seven of Nine.
- I beg your pardon.

- Her implants were removed.
- I don't see the connection.

You changed who she was.

- I was acting in her best interests.
- So am I.

Seven was born human. The captain
just restored her physiology.

- And gave her a better life.
- Our child isn't even born yet.

I don't want her to start
at a disadvantage.

The Doctor said
you'd have mood swings.

- That's it, dismiss my argument.
- I didn't mean that.

Stop it. Both of you.

The biggest problem you two have
isn't ethical. It's marital.

I'm happy to offer advice as a friend, but
I won't overrule my chief medical officer.

You two need to work this out.

- B'Elanna?
- What?

- You heard her. We have to work it out.
- You're getting what you want.

What I want is to have
a civilised discussion with my wife!

Maybe a change of scenery would help
in the holodeck.

- That's your solution to everything.
- I'm trying.

- I don't care where, but we have to talk.
- I am tired of talking, all right?

- Do I need a reservation?
- What happened?

- B'Elanna and I need some time apart.
- My couch is your couch.

She's barely pregnant
and already we're having a major crisis.

- You'll make up.
- That's what worries me.

Fighting and making up.
How will that affect our daughter?

She's going to have a great life. Piloting
a ship on your lap, battling Dr Chaotica.

Unless B'Elanna thinks
battling is too Klingon.

She's always been sensitive
about being part Klingon.

It shouldn't turn our child
into a science experiment.

But it does explain
why this is so important to her.

What am I supposed to do?

- Why not tell her you understand?
- What good would that do?

It might make her less defensive, and
maybe she'll see your point of view.

What if she can't?

Like I said, my couch is your couch.

She should be back by now.

Nobody knows where she went?

- She just ran off.
- I'm gonna go and look for her.

- Uncle John?
- Yeah?


- B'Elanna, where have you been?
- I'm sorry. I got kind of separated.

- It was our fault.
- Dean put a worm in her sandwich.

I was just kidding. I'm really sorry.

Forget it.

Come on. Let's get dinner started.

- You wanna talk about it?
- I just wish...

- I wish I weren't Klingon.
- Why would you say that?

- Everyone makes fun of me.
- Who's everyone?

Dean. The kids at school.
They all hate me.

Did I ever tell you what the kids
at my school used to call me?

I used to fall asleep
in class all the time,

so instead of John Torres,
they called me John "Snorez".

- It's not the same thing.
- Of course it is.

Kids tease each other.
They can be very cruel.

It doesn't mean they hate you,
or Klingons.

You don't understand!

I think I do. You have to learn
to be a little less sensitive.


Now come on. Uncle Carl is going to tell
one of his famous fish stories.

I'd rather just read.

Suit yourself.

Did you know there are fish
around here with wings?

- Flying fish?
- It's true. I'm telling you.

- Really?
- Didn't we see a flying fish today?

We sure did.
It jumped five feet in the air.

- Everybody asleep?
- They were exhausted.

- Coffee?
- Sure.

- Listen. I'm sorry.
- For what?

The way Dean treated B'Elanna.
I talked with him.

He was just doing
what 11-year-olds do.

I'm sure B'Elanna overreacted.

What makes you say that?

- She's too sensitive.
- What? She's a great kid.

I haven't been around her much recently.

She's gotten moody, unpredictable.

Argumentative. Just like her mother.

I thought you loved Miral's... intensity.

Everything's a fight with her. The older
I get, the less intensity I can handle.

It's funny how Mom and Dad
always turn out to be right.

- What do you mean?
- Mom warned me not to marry Miral.

- Mum loved Miral.
- Sure she did.

But she never thought I had the
constitution to live with a Klingon.

And now I'm living with two of them.

- Taya.
- What?

Taya. It's the feminine form of Chakotay.
What do you think?

I'll add it to the list right after Floxia.
Neelix suggested that. It's number 32.

On second thoughts, you and Tom
ought to come up with your own name.

I knew there was a reason
I always liked you.

You look like you've been up all night.
Wanna get some coffee?

That's the best offer I've had all week.

- Morning.
- Hi.

Join us for breakfast?

You know what? I forgot my padd. You
go ahead. I'll meet you in the mess hall.

So, how are you today?

I haven't changed my mind
if that's what you mean.

What I meant was, how are you?

I've been better but I'll get over it.

Harry has the lumpiest pillows
on the ship.

He snores,
keeps the room way too hot.

- I missed you.
- Me too.

I still owe you that slice
of peanut butter toast.

Why don't we go to our quarters,
fire up the toaster?

Sounds nice.

Lieutenants Torres and Paris,
please report to sickbay.

I reviewed the data you gave me
and did my own analysis.

Skip the details. You've already made it
clear what you think of my proposal.

- Actually, I've changed my opinion.
- What?

The genetic alterations you suggested
are necessary.

On what grounds?

The clash I mentioned
between Klingon and human metabolism.

- It's more extensive than I realised.
- How extensive?

It could lead
to complete metabolic failure.

- But you can fix it.
- By eliminating her Klingon genetics.

- Are you sure about all of this?
- My analysis was thorough.

In different circumstances,
you could seek a second opinion.

No offence, Doc, but I am just trying
to understand what's going on.

You're welcome to review my findings,
but let me stress,

it would be unwise to delay too long.

- Why?
- The foetus is at a critical stage.

Antibodies have begun to form.

- How long do we have?
- The procedure is tomorrow morning.

With your permission.

Thank you for helping
B'Elanna when she fainted.

I'm glad it wasn't a parasite.

There may be some problems
with the pregnancy.

I'm sorry to hear that.

The Doctor suggested a treatment

but his findings
are very confusing to me.

You have expertise.
Would you mind looking at this?

Of course not.

Whatever the problem is,
I have no doubt the Doctor will solve it.

- I hope you're right.
- Your confusion is understandable.

There's a computational error.

It's not like the Doctor
to make a mistake.

That's not possible
unless there's a glitch in his program.

- I'll run a diagnostic.
- Thank you.

Tell Lieutenant Torres
if there's anything I can do.

I'll let her know. Thanks.

It's more than a glitch. The Doctor's
program has been tampered with.

This is Tom. Respond.

Computer, locate Lieutenant Torres.

Lieutenant Torres is in sickbay.

Frankly, I'm relieved
you didn't wait to the last minute.

Once this is behind us,
I'm sure we'll all feel better.

Someone's blocked communications.

See if you can deactivate the Doctor.

- Access has been restricted.
- Keep trying.

Paris to Tuvok, meet me in sickbay.

- Why would she alter his program?
- To change his mind.

- Computer, open sickbay doors.
- Unable to comply.

Override authorisation.
Tuvok pi alpha.

Authorisation denied.

- Stop what you're doing.
- You're interrupting a procedure.

- Your program has been altered.
- What do you mean?

- Ignore him.
- This is completely irrational.

Will someone tell me what's going on?

Your first duty is to me and my baby.

Tuvok to bridge,
there's a force field in sickbay.

I can't deactivate it. Cut power
to the relays around the surgical bay.

Access has been restricted.
I'll have to bypass them.

- You said it was dangerous to delay.
- She's manipulating you, Doc.

If something's wrong
with my program...

There's nothing wrong.

Cutting power
to the surgical bay, now.

We will deactivate you till we determine
the extent of the alterations.

I understand.

- Computer, deactivate EMH.
- You had no right to interfere.

Would you mind giving us a minute?

I never thought you would go this far.

- I don't know what you mean.
- Reprogramming the Doctor?

I upgraded his program so he could
understand what had to be done.

To reconfigure our baby so she
wouldn't be treated like a monster.

It's not just about
the way she'll be treated.

What else is it about then?
Come on. Tell me.

- Forget it.
- No, we're not gonna forget it.

- We're gonna talk about this right now.
- Stop it. You're not my father!

What are you talking about?

Look, my father...

What? What about him?

We were inseparable.

He spoiled me and I worshipped him.

But the older I got, we just grew apart.

He ended up organising
this camping trip with my cousins.

I guess he just wanted to... I don't know,
make things better again.

- But it didn't.
- It was awful.

I ended up trying to run away.

B'Elanna... what are you doing?

It was so stupid.

I mean, where was I going to go?

You probably just wanted him
to stop you.

Well, he did.

- Don't touch me.
- B'Elanna, what's wrong?

- You know what's wrong.
- No, I don't.

Maybe I'm just being moody
and unpredictable.

- What are you talking about?
- I heard what you said to Uncle Carl.

You shouldn't listen
to private conversations.

You shouldn't say what you did
about Mommy.

Listen to me, your mother and I
are having problems but...

- You don't love her any more.
- That's not true.

Yes, it is, and you don't love me either.
You don't like Klingons. You said it.

You are twisting my words.

- Maybe you misunderstood.
- No. I know what I heard.

- It made me so angry.
- You had a right after what he said.

It's not what he said. It's what I said.

If you can't stand us,
why don't you just leave?

And that's exactly what he did.

12 days later.
And he never came back.

- You can't blame yourself for that.
- Why not?

Because he was obviously unhappy
about his marriage.

- He didn't leave because you told him.
- You don't know that.

Look, whatever the reason was,

I'm sure it was a horrible thing
for you to live with.

Wait a minute. You don't think...

- I am never going to leave you.
- You say that now.

Think how hard it is to live with one
Klingon. Pretty soon it'll be two.

And someday I hope it's three or four.

I mean it. And I hope that
every one of them is just like you.

I am not your father
and you are not your mother.

And our daughter is going to be perfect
just the way she is.

- You really think so?
- I know so.

Medical officer's log, stardate 54452.6.

Lieutenant Torres has deleted the
alterations she made to my program.

It's a relief
to be back to my old self again.

Good morning.
You're not feeling ill, are you?

No. I'm fine.

I just wanted to apologise
for violating your program.

Apology accepted.
Not guilty by reason of biochemistry.

Nice of you to let me off the hook.

But biochemistry isn't an excuse.
I knew exactly what I was doing.

- Is something wrong?
- I don't know.

Your baby's kicking.

- So soon?
- Well, she is part Klingon.

There it is again.

May I?

Feisty little thing, isn't she?
I wonder where she gets that from.

Speaking of the baby,
I have another request.


I wonder if
you'd like to be her godfather.

Neelix wants the job but he's got Naomi.

Chakotay knows less
about kids than Harry...

I accept.


Thank you.

I was also wondering... you think
I could see her one more time?

- The holographic projection.
- I don't see why not.

She is cute, isn't she?