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07x07 - Body and Soul

Posted: 01/04/23 10:30
by bunniefuu
Ensign Kim,
please try and hold us steady.

This material is extremely


Sorry, Doc,
I'm doing the best I can.

Maybe I should've insisted

on a more experienced pilot,
like Mr. Paris.

Oh, I'd give anything
to trade places with him

right now.

Seven, can you join me, please?

On my way.

I don't know

if I can take
three more days

of chasing comets with him.

The time might
pass more easily

if we disable
his vocal processor.

I thought you might
find this interesting.

Pre-animate biomatter.

Look deeper.

An undeveloped nucleus contained
in a cytoplasmic matrix.

And buried deep inside
that nucleus--

primitive strands of DNA.

The beginnings of life, Seven.

What's your point?

When I look at this,
I don't see a mere cell.

I see the potential
for literature

and art, empires

and kingdoms.

Perhaps your visual subroutines

are malfunctioning.


this cytoplasmic
matrix may fall

into the primordial sea
of a distant world,

where it could ignite
an evolutionary process.

Eons from now,
a creature not unlike you

could emerge, look
up at the stars

and ask, "Who am I?

How did I come to be?"

It's the miracle of creation,

Doesn't that excite you?

Ensign Kim, I asked you
to hold us steady.

We're under attack!

This is the Federation Ship
Delta Flyer.

We're on a peaceful mission.

Hold your fire.

You're transporting
a suspected photonic insurgent

through Lokirrim space.

Drop your shields
and prepare to be boarded.

Photonic insurgent?

I-if you're referring
to the hologram,

he's our Doctor.

Seven, we've lost thrusters.

I'll try reinitializing
the driver coils.

Voyager, this is the Flyer.

Come in.

Subspace communications

are off-line.

It's a tractor beam.

Remodulate our shields.

That should break us free.

Shields are down.

What's happening?

They're using
some kind of disruption field.

It's decompiling your matrix.

Federation vessel.

Power down your systems

and prepare to surrender
the photonic.

Seven, they're pulling us in.

You're going to have to hide
the Doctor's program.

Do something, please.

We don't want to hurt you.

We're here for the insurgent.

Where's the photonic?

You decompiled his matrix.

You m*rder*d him.


I'm sorry.
There wasn't enough time.

Biogenic material.

It could be used
to create viral weapons.

Confiscate it.

Our Doctor was using
these spores

to synthesize new
medicines, not weapons.

What's this?

It's my portable
regeneration unit.

I have a unique physiology.

This device

maintains my cybernetic systems.

Have this analyzed.

Yes, sir.

There's no one else aboard.

Take them to detention,

and secure their ship
in the Docking Bay.

You got what you wanted.
Let us go.

Transporting photonics

and manufacturing biogenic
weapons are serious charges.

Let's go.

I want to talk
to your superior!

Careful, Ensign,

or you'll fracture
a metacarpal.

That'd be the least
of our problems.

The situation is not as
desperate as it appears.

Not as desperate?

We're prisoners
on an alien ship.

Voyager has no idea
we're missing,

and the Doctor's
been decompiled.

The reports of my decompilation
have been greatly exaggerated.


Please state the nature
of the medical emergency.

Seven downloaded my program

into her cybernetic matrix.

An interesting sensation,
to say the least.

And now you're in control
of Seven's body?

Total control, it seems.

What about Seven?

Is she all right?

I scanned her before the aliens
came aboard.

Physiologically, she's fine.

As for her consciousness,

I'm assuming it's submerged,

but there's no way to be sure,

until I vacate her systems
and conduct a neurological exam.

Then we need

the mobile emitter.

This experience will make

a fascinating article

for the Starfleet
Medical Journal.


Careful. That's not your body,


I knew Seven's senses were more
acute than the average humanoid


I had no idea.

What is that?


That smell.

I don't smell anything.

Could be an airborne toxin.

Do you think
they're trying to poison us?

It's you.

It's been a busy day.

I guess I'm
perspiring a little.

A little?

Seven's had a busy day, too,
and she's come through it

smelling like
the proverbial rose.

Captain's Log,
Stardate 54238.3.

We've completed
our maintenance layover

at the Maldorian Station,

and we're on our way
to rendezvous

with the Delta Flyer.

We expect to reach them
in 48 hours.

Headache, fever,

respiratory distress, tremors.

Looks like some kind of virus.

It is not a virus.

You want to tell me

what's going on?

In the Doctor's database,

you'll find a medication
under file Theta-12-Alpha.

Please replicate
it immediately.

You know I can't

give out medicine
without knowing what it's for.

If you must know,

I am suffering
from a neurochemical imbalance.

An "imbalance"?

It is native to my species.

Oh... this wouldn't be
the kind of imbalance

that comes around
once every seven years?

My Pon farr is
in the early stages.

The urges are
still controllable.

You never fail
to amaze me, Tuvok.

A man of your advanced years

still driven
by the mating instinct?

Unlike in humans, the Vulcan
libido increases with time.

Well, I guess there has to be
some kind of reward

for all that Vulcan discipline.

The Doctor anticipated my needs
and developed a treatment.

Combined with meditation,

it will enable me
to control the symptoms.

Well, if that doesn't work,

there's always
a cold sonic shower.

I'll tell the Captain
that you'll be out of commission

for a couple of days.

She will want to know why.

Well, according to my tricorder,

all we've got here

is a mild case of
the Tarkalean flu.

Thank you, Lieutenant.

Mmm! I had no idea
that eating was such a...

sensual experience.

The tastes, the textures,

feeling it slide down
Seven's esophagus.

It's... it's exquisite!

They're prison rations.

My uniform
probably tastes better.

You know,
I was thinking.

When we get back to Voyager,
perhaps you and Seven

could help me modify
my physical parameters.


So I can eat, of course,

like any other member
of the crew.

There's just
one small problem--

you don't have a stomach.

Where is the food
gonna go?

I believe we can construct
a holographic stomach.

It can store the food
for eventual recycling.

Eh... maybe we should focus
on something more productive,

like getting out of here.

Relax, Ensign.

Our shipmates have never
let us down before.

I'm sure the Captain
will clear up

this little

In the meantime,
are you going to finish that?


Come with us.

I'm the senior officer.

If you're going
to take someone, take me.

My orders were specific.

Don't worry, Ensign.

I can take care of myself.

Mmm. My compliments
to the chef.

The prisoner, sir.

Pulse-phased weapons,
duranium-enforced hull. Hmm.

Much more sophisticated than
the typical smuggler's vessel.

How many ways do you
want me to say this?

We are not smugglers
or t*rrorists.

We are explorers.

Let us contact our ship.

Our Captain will
explain everything.

If you're innocent,
then you won't mind

telling me more
about this vessel.

For instance, um...
this device.

What does it do?

That's a standard
food replicator.

Can it be used to
create bioweapons?

Not unless you count
Mr. Neelix's Bolian souffl?.

Let me show you.

Computer, one slice
of New York cheesecake.

This is an old Earth delicacy.

How do I know you're not trying
to poison me?

Oh, please.




Oh, I never imagined... Mmm!

Is this the first time
you've tried that?

Of course not,
but it's just that I usually...

avoid foods
that are this... rich.

I do have a figure to maintain.

Oh, I better get
another for you.

Uh, computer, another
slice of cheesecake.

Uh... here.


What other foods
can that device create?


Oh... during my time
with the collective,

we assimilated
thousands of cultures

from one end of the galaxy
to the other.

I'll say this for the Borg,
we certainly do travel.

Oh, of course, my life
didn't truly begin

until I came aboard Voyager

and met the person who...
who changed my life,

the only one who
truly believed in me,

saw my true potential...

Your Captain?

Our Doctor.

That's right, the "photonic."

If only you could
have known him.

Ruggedly handsome, a sharp wit,
a towering intellect...

If he and I hadn't been
colleagues, well...

Now we'll never know

what heights
he could have reached.

I hope you understand,
I had no choice.

"I was just following orders."

I've heard that before.

Maybe there's something
I could do for you.

Uh, I-I'll speak
to my superiors--

ask for leniency.

Hmm. If I survive that long.

What do you mean?

My cybernetic components
are already depolarizing.

I need my regener...
regeneration device.

As you can see,

my motor functions
are already impaired.


If I give this... back to you,

will you do something for me?

It was so nice of you
to escort me.

Ah, nice to see you, Ensign.

Are you drunk?

It wasn't my fault.

Seven's unique
physiology is... unique.

It doesn't react well
to synthehol.

What happened?

Captain Ranek and I shared
a meal aboard the Flyer.

He's really a gentleman
once you get to know him.

You had a dinner date
in Seven's body?

It wasn't a "date."

It was a tactical maneuver,

designed to win the trust
of our captors,

and it worked.

I won't ask what you
had to do to get this.

Nothing unladylike,
I assure you.

They lost their medic
in a recent skirmish,

and I offered
to take his place.

Let's download your program

before they change their mind.

Hey, careful where you point
those tubules.



How do you feel?

I'm impaired.

You've had quite a shock
to your system.

Let me explain what's happened.

I know exactly
what's happened.

You've been abusing my body.

-I'm a doctor!

I would never
abuse your body.

I was trying to
get information.

Sometimes a, a glass
of wine can...

loosen the tongue.

One glass.

That doesn't excuse
the other eight.

Was it that many?

Seven, you were aware

of everything?


I'm afraid the role

of "spy" wasn't written
into my program.

I was forced to...

You "improvised" your way
through an entire cheesecake,

as well as three servings
of Ktarian chocolate puffs.

Now I have to suffer
the consequences.

I apologize if I...

I'll be more careful next time.

There won't be a next time.

I'll be discovered.

They'll decompile my program.


I know this is
difficult for you,

but you're going to
have put up with it,

until we can get
out of here.

How do you propose
we do that?

Maybe you can tap
into their com system,

get a message to Voyager.

Deciphering alien computers
isn't exactly my forte.

But it is one of mine.

If you can get close enough

while they're accessing
their systems,

I'll be able to observe
their command protocols.

What's the situation?

The Captain wants
the female

prisoner in
the Medical Bay.

We should proceed.

You're saving my life.

I want you to know
how grateful I am.

Try to remember that

the next time you're tempted
to overindulge.

Photonics' viral w*apon
att*cks the cerebral cortex.

Within days,
the victims suffer

complete synaptic failure.

Well, if we can't stop
the virus,

we may be able to slow
its progress.

We need to synthesize
a neural inhibitor.

Forgive me, but aren't you
the ship's Tactical Officer?

Tactical Officer,
Medic, Engineer.

We've lost nearly a third
of our crew to the photonics.

Well, you certainly know
your way around a medical bay.

You may have missed
your true calling.

Actually, Emmik always thought
I'd become a teacher.

He used to call me
"the little professor."

Who's Emmik?

The photonic who helped
raise my brother and me.

He knew more about treating
scrapes and bruises

than any organic doctor
I ever met.

Sounds like someone
I'd enjoy meeting.

before he joined the insurgency.

Why did he do that?

I ask myself that question
every day.

We never treated him
like a servant,

but he turned against us anyway.

Is it... possible he felt...

I don't see how.

He lived his own life,
pursued his own interests.

He was part of our family.

At least I thought he was.

We should get back
to the patient.

It could take up
to a day to determine

if the inhibitor
is working.

Thank you.

Don't thank me.
Thank my ship's doctor.

He taught me everything
I know about medicine

and remember--

he was a photonic.

Actually, you have a lot

in common with him.

He was something
of a jack-of-all-trades, too.

I suspect you'd
have gotten along


I'm certain he would've taken
a liking to you.

Your neurotransmitters

aren't absorbing
the medication.

Can you increase
the dosage?

Not without causing damage
to your neocortex.

The Doc might be able
to synthesize

a stronger medicine, but...

I'll make the best

of the situation
until he returns.

I do have one area
of expertise

that might help--

the holodeck.

I am a married man.

Look, it's the
holodeck, Tuvok;

it doesn't count.

Is that what you tell
your wife?

No, of course not.

My days of rescuing
sl*ve girls

from Planet 10 are history.

Look, you have photographs
of your wife, right?

Well, the computer
can use them

to create a replica.

It wouldn't be
breaking your vows

if it's a hologram
of your wife.

As it was in the dawn
of our days,

as it will be
for all tomorrows,

to you, my husband, I
consecrate all that I am.

T'Pel, my wife,

from you I receive
all that I am.

As it was in the beginning,
so shall it be now.

Two bodies; one mind.

I'm picking up a vessel
closing at high impulse.

They're firing.

Shields are holding.

Open a channel.

This is Captain
Kathryn Janeway

of the Federation
Starship Voyager.

We're on a peaceful mission.

We've detected photonic activity
aboard your vessel.

Drop your shields and prepare
to be boarded.

Photonic activity?

Tuvok-- he's in Holodeck 2.

They're firing again.

It's some kind
of photonic disrupter

directed at Holodeck 2.

Target their weapons array
and fire.

They're hailing.

On screen.

Drop your shields and prepare
to receive our inspection teams.

You're not in a position
to be making demands.

Why did you fire on us?

Your vessel is carrying

through Lokirrim space.

We didn't realize
that was forbidden.

We'd be happy
to shut down our holodecks.

Your sensors should confirm
they've been deactivated.

You're still required
to submit to inspection.

Your sensors should also confirm

that our weapons
are ready to fire.

We're both reasonable people.

I suggest a compromise.

Your vessel will escort us
through Lokirrim territory.

That way,
you can keep an eye on us,

make sure we don't reactivate
our holodecks.

The other alternative is...

we destroy your ship.

Your proposal is acceptable.

Sometimes diplomacy requires
a little saber rattling.

Begin long-range scans.

I can picture them now--

my father in
his airponics bay

pruning his cona vines,

my mother reading
in her favorite chair.

Nothing in that home
ever changes.

It must be comforting
to have a place like that

to go back to.

I've never been away
this long before.

His progress is remarkable.

I want you to know,
I'm going to tell my superiors

you've done for us.

First Ranek and now you.

I may become
the first prisoner of w*r

to be decorated by his captors.

I know someone
who'd really enjoy meeting you.


My brother, Lohden.

Your brother?

You'd like him.

He's ambitious, accomplished,

and he'd love
your sense of humor.

Hmm. Apparently, it's my

most attractive quality.

Seven of Nine.

Please report to the Bridge.

Let me guess-- your crew
decided to abandon ship.

I wanted to thank you.

I had a wonderful time
the other night.

It's not often that I...

indulge myself like that.

It's been a long time
for me, too.

I remembered your interest
in stellar phenomenon,

so I requested
a course change

to show you something.

What is it?

To an astronomer,
it's simply a pulsar cluster,

but our poets call it
the "Window of Dreams."

You could travel from one end
of the Quadrant to the other

and never see anything like it.

Lovely! Hmm.

It's the pulsar's
EM fields

vibrating against
our hull.


I once thought this was
the most beautiful sight

in the sector.


I see now that I was wrong.


Oh. I almost forgot.

Oh, I promised a friend
I'd go easy on the synthehol.

Do you hear that?

It's identical to the rhythm

by the eight-chambered
Ktarian heart.


Is something wrong?

Rapid pulse,
respiratory distress.

You may be having a reaction
to the pulsar's radiation.

We should get you
to the Medical Bay.

No, I'm not going
to the Medical Bay.

You starship Captains
are all alike.

You can stare down the barrel
of a phaser cannon,

but you can't stomach
a simple medical exam.

I don't need an exam to know
what I'm suffering from.

I'm sorry. I thought...

You were wrong.

I didn't mean to offend you.

It's just...

I've never met a woman
like you before.

That's because there are
no women like me.

Is something wrong?

Ranek summoned me
to the Bridge

under the pretext
of a little stargazing.

What he really wanted
was to use my face

as a tongue depressor.

I'm surprised
to hear that.

It was completely inappropriate!

That kind of behavior

would get a Starfleet Captain
reassigned to a garbage scow.

I'm not defending
what he did, but...

you have to understand

we've been out here
for a long time.

It's difficult to
hide your feelings,

especially when
you work closely

with someone you're
attracted to.

You... have feelings for him?

I've known Lotharios
like Ranek.

Trust me, you don't
want anything to do with him.

You need someone who...

who can appreciate
your many talents.

Someone... overflowing

with intelligence
and compassion,

someone capable...



It looks like a spasm
in the trapezius.

I had no idea
it could be...

so excruciating.

That's what happens

when you work so long
without rest.


Our last medic

showed me a technique
that might help.

I-I'll try it,
if you like.

Please, anything!

Oh, that...

that feels... wonderful.


Did I hurt you?

No, no-no, no, no, no.

Well, then what's wrong?

There's something
you don't know about me,

something I have to tell you.

It's all right.

I know.

You do?

How could you?

Your cybernetic implants,
your portable regenerator?

You're not going
to tell anyone, are you?

I would never say anything
to the crew,

but Ranek knows.

He does?

Of course, it was apparent
the moment we scanned you.

I can't believe
you didn't say anything.

It wouldn't have been

You're part Borg.

It's nothing to be ashamed of.

Ah. Mmm.

Security to Medical Bay.

This is Lieutenant Jaryn.

The prisoner is ill.

He's requesting treatment
by his crewmate.



Where the hell have you been?

I had to fake a seizure

before the guard would
let me see you.

Calm down.

Seven and I have been
making progress.

Did you get a look

at their computer?

During the one brief moment

when the Doctor wasn't
indulging himself.

I think I've shown
considerable restraint

under the circumstances.

Kissing Ranek on the Bridge?

Is that your idea of restraint?


Not that it's any
of your business,

but if you must know,

Ranek kissed me.

And the massage you got
from Lieutenant Jaryn?

Entirely therapeutic.

You became sexually aroused
in my body.

When did it become a crime
to enjoy a sensation or two?

Of course, you'd be the last
person to understand that.

What do you mean?

The whole world is full
of experiences and sensations,

but you insist
on denying yourself.

Instead of replicating caviar,

you choose
nutritional supplement


Caviar is an indulgence.

Indulgences are what
make life worth living!


These last few days
have been a revelation.

Feeling your lungs
fill with air,

the surge of adrenaline
through your veins.

Until I spent a day
in your skin,

I never knew what I was missing.

You may have been
better off not knowing.

We're quite a pair.

Me, trapped by the limitations
of photons and force fields.

You, by a drone's obsession
with efficiency.

You'd make an excellent

All right!

Listen, you can argue

all you want when we
get back to Voyager,

but that's not going to happen

unless we come up with a plan.

Did you learn anything
about their com system?

It can only be accessed
from the Bridge,

but I saw Ranek
enter his command codes.

If we can get
those codes to Voyager,

they may be able
to disable the shields

and beam us out.

How are we going to do that?

The subspace
transceiver on the Flyer.

Can you get aboard?

It's heavily guarded.

I can get us aboard.

Captain, may I speak with you?


I owe you an apology.

Well, I was the one
who acted inappropriately.

Oh, a kiss is hardly
a court-martial offense.

It's just that you...
caught me by surprise.

I-I won't make that
mistake again.

Perhaps, we should...
start over.

What did you have in mind?

Oh, we could start
with a toast.

I thought synth...

Oh, I can make an exception

for a... special occasion.

Computer, champagne,
two glasses.

To new beginnings.

Maybe there's some
hope for us yet.

As I've discovered recently,
anything is possible.

Computer, dim the lights.

Play EMH
Music File



this is interesting.

It's called a waltz.

Something else I learned
from our Doctor.

Captain Ranek,
please come to the Bridge.

What is it?

We've received
an encrypted transmission.

Oh, I'll be right there.

You're not leaving?


I'll be back
as soon as I can.

I really think
you should stay.

Never play hard to get
with a hologram.

Still no sign

of the Flyer's warp signature.

I appreciate your
sense of duty, Tuvok,

but we can handle the
situation without you.

Under the circumstances,
abandoning my post

would be a dereliction
of duty.

My illness is still
in the early stages.

I can control it.

If I remember correctly,
the last time you came down

with the Tarkalean flu
was seven years ago.

As soon as this is over,

the holodeck
is at your disposal.

There you are, Commander.

Now, a person in
your condition

really ought to be in bed.

This is my
grandmother's recipe,

guaranteed to cure even
the most stubborn flu.

Now... smell that?

I don't smell anything.


I prepared it just
the way you like it.

No herbs or spices
of any kind.

It's practically tasteless.

We're receiving a hail.

It's the Delta Flyer.

On screen.

Seven, it's good to see you.

I'm afraid there's no time
for pleasantries, Captain.

We're being held prisoner
on a Lokirrim patrol ship.

I'm sending you our precise
location and the command codes

to disable their shields.

Are the Doctor and Harry
all right?

Ensign Kim
is his usual chipper self.

As for me, I'm looking forward

to a long, uneventful shift
in Sick Bay.


It's a long story, Captain.

Delta Flyer out.

They may be in more
trouble than we thought.

Set a course.

Our escort isn't

going to take
kindly to a detour.

What's the status
of their weapons?

They've repaired
their forward phasers.

Target their power matrix.

We may only get one shot,
so make it count.


Do it.

Direct hit.

Get us out of here,
maximum warp.

What's wrong with him?

Apparently, Captain Ranek

has an even lower tolerance
for synthehol than I do.

That doesn't sound like Ranek.

It's probably not something
he'd admit to his crew.

We should keep this
between us.

What are you doing?

Reviving him.

I-I wouldn't recommend that.

Take her to detention.

Separate her from
the other prisoner.

There are traces of sedative
in your bloodstream.

What was your plan?

To aid the insurgents?

There was no plan.

We trusted you.

I'm still a prisoner
on your ship,

and despite our friendship,

my first obligation
is to escape.

We were going to
recommend leniency.

If you knew who I really was,

I doubt you'd be
trying to help me.

Alien vessel approaching.

I want her where I can see her.

They are raising shields.

Stand by with those
command codes.

Open a channel.

This is Captain Kathryn Janeway.

We don't want a fight.

Return my people and
we'll be on our way.

Your people were caught

a photonic insurgent
and biogenic material.

We don't want
to disable your ship,

but we will if we have to.

We're losing our
ventral shield grid.


I'm trying.

They've tapped into
the shield matrix.

They're using your
command authorization.

They're rerouting power.

He's tying their shields

directly into
the warp matrix.

If you fire on us,
you'll trigger a core breach.

You'll be k*lling the people
you're here to rescue.

End transmission.

Tractor beam.

Full reverse!

Target their emitters.

They've broken free.

Chakotay, can you send
a com signal

directly to Seven's
cortical node?

Doctor, if you can hear me,
we need your help.

Try to disable their shields.

It's a photonic.

Cover me.

Stay back!

I'm not afraid to use this.

Step away.

She destabilized
the shield grid.

It's failing.

Watch them.

If you try to
reinitialize the grid,

it'll overload.

We could all die.

Ranek, don't!

Stay back.

I'm a doctor. Let me help.

Their shields are down.
I have a lock.

Away team, stand by
for transport.

I have injured here, Captain.
I can't leave yet.

He'll die

without immediate surgery.

I know this

is difficult to grasp,

but I'm the person
you've been getting to know

the last few days.

My program was in control
of Seven's body.

You're lying.

I know you have feelings
for Ranek.

If he dies,

you're never going
to forgive yourself.

Your vital signs are stable.

Suppose I should
be, uh, grateful.

A "thank you" is customary

after someone saves your life.

What happened was between
me and Seven of Nine,

not you.

I'm sorry you feel that way.

The truth is, aside from
a few awkward moments,

I enjoyed our time together.

There are many women

who'd appreciate an
attractive man like you.

I'm just not one of them.

Um, more of our vessels
are on the way.

You should leave
while you can.

Thank you.

I guess you won't
be introducing me

to your brother.

I'm not sure you're
the kind of person

he's interested in.

You mean because
I'm a hologram.

I don't imagine this experience

is going to change
your feelings about photonics.

But I wanted you to know...

I'm grateful for the time
we've spent together.

You're a talented doctor.

We're the ones
who should be grateful.

I'm glad I could help.

Doctor to Voyager.

One to beam out.


it's good to see
you're over the flu.

I have fully recovered.

Thank you for
your assistance.

Oh, don't mention it.

I just hope
everything was okay.

Not exactly.

My wife's ears are four
millimeters shorter

than your facsimile's.

So I took a little
artistic license.

Aside from that,
was everything all right?

The hologram was adequate,

but no substitute for my wife.

Of course not.

Please state the nature
of the medical emergency.

There isn't one... yet.

The Mess Hall
is three decks up.

In case you've forgotten,

I've lost my appetite...

That doesn't mean
you're incapable

of enjoying a meal.

Foie gras with truffles,

an ancient Earth delicacy.

Chateau d'Yquem.

According to
the culinary database,

the ideal accompaniment.

Not your usual fare.

It's come to my attention

that nutritional supplements
don't fully meet my needs.

I see.

I thought we could share
this experience.

I'll describe the meal to you...

the tastes, the sensations.

Perhaps you can enjoy it

What about the wine?

It doesn't exactly agree
with you.

If I become sick,
I won't have far to go.

To shared experiences.

Hear, hear.