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07x04 - Repression

Posted: 01/04/23 10:27
by bunniefuu
The prophets sing.
This is a holy time.

B'tanay, the time of awakening.

Return to that dark place
from which all life springs.

A primal energy
charges your blood,

an energy of rebirth.

The mind awakens
and focuses on its task.

Pagh 'tem 'far B'tanay.

Pagh 'tem 'far


Fresh flowers?

An afternoon on the holodeck?

It almost feels
like we're dating again.

The secret to a
lasting marriage--

keep the romance alive.

I'm not complaining.

Lecture hall?

Guess again.

Opera house?

Not another one of the
Doctor's performances?

This is a movie house.

This is the old Palace Theater
in Chicago, built in 1932.

Look at the detail
on that crown molding.

It doesn't look
very functional.

Well, this place
isn't about function.

It's about fantasy.

Chewing gum.

There is such a thing
as too much authenticity.

Attention to detail.

That's what makes it fun.

Protective lenses?

These will make the
images on the screen

appear three-dimensional.

Let me get this straight.

You've gone
to all this trouble

to program a three-dimensional

that projects
a two-dimensional image,

and now you're asking me
to wear these

to make it look
three-dimensional again?

Great, isn't it?

Crick in your neck?

People didn't go to the movies

just for the movies, you know.

Really? What did they go for?

Well, I'll try to demonstrate.

I can see why this
was so popular.


Maybe this would be more fun
if we were alone.

Computer, delete audience.

Who's in the front row?

Must be a glitch.

No. That's Tabor.

This is an emergency.

The gill-man has escaped.

Please, please clear
the ocean area.

Get out, everybody.

Are you okay?

He appears to be in a coma,

but I'm reading
unusual synaptic activity.

-What happened to him?
-I don't know.

I'd like to know what he's been
doing the last few weeks--

where he's worked,
away missions...

I'll access his duty roster.

Was Ensign Tabor wearing these
when he was found?

No, they were on the floor
next to him.

I don't think
they cause comas.

Lights strobing
at certain frequencies

have been known
to induce seizures.

We should analyze the optical
properties of this "movie."

When was the last time
you spoke with Mr. Tabor?

About 10, 15 minutes

before B'Elanna and I got here.

He called to say

the program was up and running.



When we were
in the Maquis together,

we used to joke
that Tabor must have had

his own personal force field.

He went through
a dozen firefights

without even getting
his clothes dirty.

He's still alive.

Perhaps his force field
is holding.

Commander, I've reviewed
the sensor logs

for the four hours
Tabor was here.

All systems were
operating normally.

Safeties were on-line.

Run a level-5 diagnostic
on the logs.

Janeway to Tuvok.

Report to Sick Bay.

On my way.

I've found several

in his cranium.

They're minor,
but the pattern suggests

that he suffered
a trauma of some sort.

There's also evidence
of subdermal contusions

along his right shoulder.

This man was att*cked.

It's possible
that whoever did it

is still on board.

Go to Yellow Alert.

Tuvok, I'm putting you in charge

of the investigation.

Aye, Captain.

Security override:


Crewman Jor,
if I'm not mistaken,

your quarters are on Deck 4.

I heard what happened to Tabor.

I was looking for a book
to bring to him.

I'm afraid
he's in no condition to read.

I was going to read to him.

I've heard sometimes it helps
to hear a familiar voice.

You and Tabor were friends.

Do you have any idea

why someone would want
to hurt him?

I can't imagine.

Could you tell me

where you were
from 0700 to 1 100 hours

this morning?

On duty... in Engineering.

You can check
with Lieutenant Torres

if you'd like.

That won't be necessary.

Thank you, Crewman.

Harry's found evidence

that someone tampered
with the holodeck sensor logs.

Several files
have been deleted.

Any sign of an outside intruder?

No, nothing.

I believe that a member of
this crew is responsible.

Tabor was well-liked.

What's the motive?

I have one suspect.

Crewman Jor.

I find that hard to believe.

I've known her for a long time.

She and Tabor were friends.

Close friends.

She had access

to his quarters.

A close relationship
is hardly a crime.

It is my experience
that emotional involvements

often lead
to unpredictable behavior.

That's an opinion...
not evidence.

There may be other suspects.

I intend to question
all crew members

who had recent contact
with Tabor.

I'll check the internal sensors,
see what else I can find.


You seem awfully convinced that
one of the crew was behind this.

Now, you can't tell me that's
the only logical conclusion,

because I can think
of a number of others.

I realize my assumptions
seem premature...

but I have a strong instinct
about this.

You might call it a hunch.

I didn't think
Vulcans had hunches.

I can't explain it, Captain,
but I can't ignore it, either.

Someone on board is responsible,

and I intend to find out
who it is.

Pressure is fluctuating
in 1 14.

You'd better check the seals.

Yosa to Engineering.



Computer, seal hatch 613-Beta.

Unable to comply.

Crewman Yosa to Security.

His neocortical readings
are identical to Tabor's,

and he has
the same microfractures

along his right temple.

Who discovered him?

Crewman Jor.

Chakotay to Crewman Jor.

Jor, respond.

Computer, locate Crewman Jor.

Crewman Jor is in the Mess Hall.

Crewman Jor.

If this keeps up,

I may have to open
a special coma ward.

Take a look at their names.

Tell me if anything strikes you.

Former Maquis.

It's either a coincidence,

or they're being
singled out.

There hasn't been any hostility
between the Maquis

and the rest of the crew

-for years.
-Maybe someone on your crew

couldn't put the
past behind them.

"My" crew?

Our crew.

Are you any closer
to a diagnosis, Doctor?

They all have
the same disruptions

in their synaptic pathways.

The same cranial
fractures, contusions,

but I still don't
know the cause,

or how to reverse it.

Your investigation?

Nothing conclusive.

Five crewmen in comas,

and we don't have
a single clue?

The assailant
must have access

to security protocols.

There is no other way

he could've escaped detection.

Well, you'd better find a way

to protect the rest
of the Maquis.

I'm running out of beds.

What is it you expect us to do?

Stay alert.

Report anything suspicious
to Commander Tuvok.

I'd rather report to you,
if it's all the same.

He's right.
I've never trusted the Vulcan.

He's betrayed us before.

He was doing his job.

He didn't care
about the Maquis back then.

Why should he now?

We're not Maquis anymore.

Tell that to our friends
in Sick Bay.

Oh, come on, we put
our differences aside

seven years ago.

It's ancient history.

Maybe history
is repeating itself.

Look, the truth is we don't know
what we're up against,

but the last thing we need right
now is an outbreak of paranoia.

Now, until we get
to the bottom of this,

I want you all
to carry hand phasers.

Nobody goes anywhere alone.

We thought maybe the
intruder left behind

some kind of negative image.

Displaced photons.

Tom figured that if we dampen

the photonic ambiance
and enhance...

We can applaud
Mr. Paris's ingenuity later.

What have you found?

Ensign Tabor.

Now, take a look at this.


It doesn't tell us
who the attacker was,

but we do know
someone else was here.

Can you extrapolate

the assailant's
height and weight?

I'd say between 170
and 190 centimeters.

Maybe 7 5 kilograms.

That describes about half
the members of the crew.

At least we can rule out
Naomi Wildman.

Is it possible to increase

the resolution?

We're already working on it.

Keep me informed.


Stop it; you're
making me nervous.

It doesn't make sense.

This ship,
with all its sensors--

how could five
people be att*cked

without leaving a trace?

Good question.

Maybe it's a conspiracy.

Ever since Voyager

began sending
datastreams back home,

Starfleet has known

that almost a quarter
of the crew is Maquis.


Maybe they think
we're still dangerous.

Maybe they ordered the Captain

to neutralize the threat.

Yes, that's it.

She's putting us
all into stasis.

The comas
are just a cover story.

It would be easier
than putting us all in the brig.

It could be her.

Oh, please.

That'll be all, Crewman.

Please send in Mr. Kim.

I'm still trying to enhance
the photon displacement.

I appreciate your efforts,
Mr. Kim,

but I called you here
for another reason.

In the last datastream
from Earth,

you received a letter
from someone named Dennis Kim.

My cousin.

In that letter, he spoke

of your mutual friend,
Maxwell Saroyan.

You read my mail?


Isn't that a violation
of privacy protocols?

As the Chief of Security,

I have the authority
to suspend those protocols

under special circumstances.

And what is so special

about a letter from my cousin?

The att*cks began

shortly after we received
the last datastream.

Your letter was part
of that transmission.

A lot of people got letters.

28, to be exact,
but only six of them matched

the physical parameters
of the photon displacement.

Am I a suspect?

According to the letter,

your friend, Mr. Saroyan,

was k*lled by the Maquis
a number of years ago.

You got me, Tuvok. I confess.

I was so distraught
after hearing Max's name

that I fired my Captain
Proton comatizer

at every Maquis I could find.

Your sarcasm could be viewed
as subterfuge.

Tuvok, it's me, Harry.

Do you really think
I'd be capable of this?

My personal views
are irrelevant.

I learned about Max's death
a long time ago.

I was upset,

but I don't blame the Maquis,

and I certainly don't
blame anyone on this ship.

If that'll be all?

Is everything all right?

This investigation is...


It defies logic.

I'll keep you posted
on the holodeck analysis.

Doctor to Commander Tuvok.

Report to Sick Bay immediately.

On my way.

I thought you might like

to have a few words
with Mr. Tabor.

How did you revive him?

I didn't.

His synaptic pathways
stabilized on their own.

How do you feel?

Fine, sir. Hungry.

What do you remember?

Not much. I was working
in the holodeck, and...

then I was here.

Was anyone in the
holodeck with you?

No, sir.

Do you know why anyone
would want to hurt you?


What's going on?

Thank you, Ensign.


I remember ordering everyone
to work in pairs.

Where's your partner?

Uh, she's, uh, uh...

Who's your partner?

Lieutenant Torres.

I told her
we shouldn't split up, sir,

but she said
she could handle herself.

You know how stubborn
she can be.

I have a vague idea.

Do you know where she went?

Cargo Bay 2, sir.


locate Lieutenant Torres.

Lieutenant Torres
is in Cargo Bay 2.

Help me get her to Sick Bay.

This is a holy time.


Security to Cargo Bay 2!

Let the mind awaken
and focus on the task.

My mind to your mind.

My thoughts
to your thoughts.

Captain's Log, supplemental.

Chakotay and B'Elanna

are the latest victims
of our mysterious assailant.

I've decided to put the ship
on a level-10 security alert.

Nonessential personnel
are confined to quarters,

and security teams have been
posted on all decks.

Ensign, run
a metallurgical analysis.

Two more victims regained

Crewmen Yosa and Jor.

Their bio-readings
returned to normal

as if they suffered
nothing worse

than a good night's sleep.

Doesn't make any sense.

It is, however, a pattern,

and a pattern implies purpose.

We simply have to uncover it.

-Any clues here?
-Not yet.

I'm beginning to think

our perpetrator is a ghost.

Perhaps we should conduct
a seance.

It couldn't hurt.

I have worked meticulously,

yet he has
outwitted me each time.

How can you be
sure it's a he?

I can't, but I am.

Another hunch?

I can almost sense his presence.

It's as though
he's challenging me to find him.

I'd say you're
taking this

a little too personally.

-Maybe you should take a break.

You haven't slept in three days.

Get some rest, meditate,
clear your mind.

My mind is perfectly clear.

I don't want to make this
an order, Tuvok.

I'll go over your scans.

Fresh pair of eyes might help.


Resist your doubts.

Don't question your mission.

Filter out
the polarized photons.

Anyone you know?


Computer, isolate
the precise time index

of this image.

Stardate 54090.4.

Where was Commander Tuvok
at that time?

Access to that information
has been restricted.

By whom?

Access to that information
has been restricted.

Tuvok, what's going on?

Computer, override those
security restrictions--


Restrictions overridden.

Where was Commander Tuvok
at the specified time?

Commander Tuvok was
in Holodeck 2.

Computer, based
on the most recent data,

can you give me
a better estimation

of the intruder's height?

182 centimeters.

And what is the height
of Lieutenant Commander Tuvok?

182 centimeters.

Captain, I believe I...

lgnore your doubts.


Commander, lower your w*apon.

Pagh 'tem 'far B'tanay.

Who are you?

Captain, it would appear

that I am the guilty party.

How is that possible?

I don't know...

but for the safety of the crew,
you must confine me to the brig.

He wants to speak with you,
but I advise you to remain

outside the force field.


Can you hear me?

I hear you...

but there is another voice

trying to control me.

Another voice? Whose?

"This is... a holy time."

What did you mean by that?

A primal energy charges
the blood,

an energy of rebirth.

That's what the voice
is telling you?

It's a Bajoran incantation.

The voice is Bajoran.

We need to get

you to Sick Bay so I can run...


No more scans.

Leave me alone.

Don't question your mission.

Get away from me.

What do you see, Tuvok?

The Bajoran.

lgnore him.

Focus on my voice.

Tell me what's happening.

I believe I've...
I've been attacking

certain members of the crew--
the Maquis--

then investigating the crimes

with no memory of what I'd done.

Attacking them, how?



I don't know.

He is responsible.

What did you do to me?!



Is he a member of the crew?

Then who is he?

I don't know.

The day the first attack

did anything unusual
happen to you?

I was tending to my duties...

I received a letter
from my son.

A letter?

This all started

right after we received
the last datastream.

I reviewed every letter...
except my own.

Stay with him, Doctor.

How long?

29 hours.

She woke up
just before you did.

They've all recovered.
We don't know why.

It's Tuvok.


He's in the brig.

he's being manipulated

by some form of mind control.

Can he leave, Mr. Paris?

I don't see why not,

but he should wear
one of these.

There's something
I want to show you.

Exolinguistics always seemed
a little too...

theoretical to me.

I've decided to study
musical composition instead.

I would've sent you
my latest construct,

but they won't give me
enough room in this datastream.

Maybe next time I can...

A letter from his son.

We found another signal embedded
in the message--

a letter within a letter.

Hello, Father.

We received
your last transmission...

Prophets sing.
This is a holy time.

B'tanay, the time of awakening.

Return to that dark place
from which all life springs.

The signal is calibrated
to correspond

with Vulcan synaptic

Tuvok wouldn't have been
consciously aware of it.


Teero Anaydis.

He was a Bajoran vedek.

He worked with the Maquis.

Doing what?


He was thrown out

for experimenting
with mind control.

He thought it was a good
way to recruit agents.

Well, apparently,
he was successful

at recruiting
our Tactical Officer.

These incantations and symbols,
they must've triggered something

in Tuvok--

preconditioned behavior,


I should've known
you'd show up again.


Teero was a fanatic.

He'd go to any extreme
for the Maquis.

He called the rest of us

for rejecting his ideas.

Swore he'd fight the w*r

on his own if he had to.

Why instruct Tuvok to mind-meld

with Voyager's Maquis
35,000 light-years from Earth?

I'd like Tuvok to take a look
at this message.

Maybe it'll jog his memory.

Try to decode those symbols.

It's him.

His name is Teero Anaydis.


He worked
for Maquis Intelligence.


I remember meeting him.

I was undercover,
doing reconnaissance

on a colony near the Badlands.

He was a vedek at the
Bajoran temple there.

Go on.

We spoke briefly.

He was interested
in Vulcan culture.

That's all I remember.

Maybe that's all he wanted you
to remember.

He was developing some kind
of mind control technique.

We think he used it on you
seven years ago.

What is it?

I-I was restrained.

Very frightened.

What did he do to you?

I can't remember.


I can't!

Tuvok, if we're
going to help you,

we need to find out.

The last time you meditated,

it helped
the memories resurface,

didn't it?

You've helped me meditate.

I think I've learned a thing
or two about the process.

Let me try to guide you.

Where are you?

In a laboratory... underground.

Is Teero there?

There is someone...

It's him.

Describe what's happening.


Tuvok? Tuvok?

It is Lieutenant,
isn't it?

I'm sure your Maquis comrades
would be interested to know

your Starfleet rank.

Don't worry.

I don't plan to expose you.

What do you want?


You're the perfect subject.

For what?

I'm a student of the mind.

Yours is remarkable,



on the surface, that is.


roiling emotions,

repressed v*olence.

In a sense, you're
two different men.

One I could never
hope to manipulate,

but the other...

I have been trained
to resist mind control.

That's the rational,
logical part of you at work...

but I want to reach
your inner fire,

your spirit.


Ple... please...

please, don't...


Pagh 'tem 'far B'tanay.

Stay away from me!


Complete your mission!


This is a holy time.


Tuvok to Chakotay.

Go ahead.

Pagh 'tem 'far B'tanay.


Janeway to Chakotay.


Pagh 'tem 'far B'tanay.

What did that mean, Tuvok?

Tell me.

This is a holy time...

a time of awakening.

This Teero has awakened you
to do what?

If you can remember,
you can fight him.

You can resist.

What does he want?

To give us instructions.

What kind of instructions?

Focus on your task.


It's Chakotay.

What is it?

I'm not sure.

Sick Bay
to Commander Chakotay.

Computer, locate Chakotay.

Commander Chakotay
is in Sick Bay.

Computer, deactivate the EMH.


Pagh 'tem 'far B'tanay.

I understand.

Deck 1.

Why were you using mind-melds?

What did Teero want you to do?

T... to awaken the others.

Resist your doubts!


Focus on me.

Complete your mission!

Pagh 'tem 'far


You don't control me!

Good to see you, Commander.

It's good to be back.

Janeway to the Bridge. Report.

What the hell are you doing?

I think it's obvious.

I'm taking control of your ship.

Within the hour,

all Starfleet personnel

will be locked
in their quarters.

Step back in the brig, Kathryn.

What's Teero done to you?

He simply helped us
remember who we are.

We're Maquis.

We've always been Maquis.

The rebellion ended
three years ago.

You know that.

In the Alpha Quadrant, maybe.

Not on this ship.

Torres to Chakotay.

Go ahead.

Deck 11 is secure.


We're 35,000 light-years
from Earth, Chakotay.

No one out here even
knows about the Maquis.

It doesn't make sense.

There's nothing
you can accomplish.

As long as we exist,
so does the rebellion.

That's Teero talking.

He was unstable.

You said so yourself.

We have no intention
of hurting any of you.

Your orders, Captain?

Take your station.

Captain's Log, Stardate 54101.

Voyager is now
under my command.

We're en route
to an M-Class planet

where we'll relocate
the Starfleet crew.

We're in range.

On screen.

Looks like a nice place
for a Federation colony.

Take us into orbit.

Tuvok, would you mind
joining me in the ready room?

You wished to see me, Captain?

You can drop the formalities.

This is a Maquis ship now.

Vulcan brandy.

I thought we'd have
a drink to celebrate.

A fitting gesture.

To awakenings.


There are still 23
of our former comrades

who aren't with us yet.

I was hoping you'd be
able to help persuade them.

I'm prepared to mind-meld
with the remaining Maquis,

to convey
Teero's instructions.

It'll be nice to have
my old crew back.

You've been a big help
to us, Tuvok...

but I can't forget
what happened seven years ago.

You have a history
of betraying the Maquis.

It won't happen again.

We have a small crew.

I have to be able
to trust everyone,

especially my Tactical Officer.

Bring her in.

Consider this a test
of your loyalty.

It's set to k*ll.

You said you wouldn't
hurt anyone.

You're in control
of your actions--

not Chakotay, not Teero.


Don't do this.

This phaser is defective.

Take her back to the brig.

You pass.

Now, we've got
some tactical issues to review.

I want to reroute
all weapons control

to my command console...

My mind to your mind.
My thoughts to your thoughts.

Kim and Paris engineered

a little breakout on Deck 6.

We've contained them all
behind a force field.

We should begin
the evacuation.

Start beaming them down.

Begin on Deck 2, Section 01.

Belay that order.

Tuvok informed me
that this planet

has an unstable atmosphere.

Go to Astrometrics

and scan for an alternative.

What are you talking about?

There's nothing wrong
with the atmosphere.

We don't have time
to debate this.

Well, I can scan from here.

Chakotay, what's going on?

Stand down.

Your w*apon.

I thought you might like
your ship back.

No more rebellion?

It took another mind-meld
with Tuvok, but I'm fine.

Tuvok, you're all right?

I am in control again, Captain.

Whatever you said
to him, it worked.

It's good to have you back,

All ready for Attack
of the Lobster People?

I am not familiar
with that species.

You will be soon enough.

I haven't completed
my security rounds.

You have now.

Buttered or unbuttered?

Thank you, Neelix.

How's right here?

I saved you a seat.

How long is this...

I'm not sure.

Tom said something
about a "double-feature."

I've been meaning
to ask you...

how did you know
that phaser wasn't charged?

Chakotay doubted my loyalty.

He wouldn't have given
me an active w*apon.

Not exactly ironclad logic.

Call it... a hunch.

Remind me to pay
more attention to your hunches.
