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07x01 - Unimatrix Zero: Part 2

Posted: 01/04/23 10:23
by bunniefuu
Last time on Star Trek: Voyager...

Two more of the mutations
have been discovered

in Spatial Grid 649.

Have their cortical nodes
removed and analyzed.

I'm regenerating.
This is only a dream.

You're not dreaming.

I brought you here.

This is Unimatrix Zero.

You used to come here,

before you escaped the collective.

Unimatrix Zero is real,

and so are the people
who go there.

They need our help.

If we can't terminate
their link...

then we'll simply have
to pay them a visit.

The people there are vulnerable.

They don't have the ability
to take action

in the real world.

We're going to give them
that ability.

Tend to your own crew.

Stay away from things
that don't concern you.

I'm afraid I can't do that.

We were more than friends,
weren't we?

This is our target.

You'll keep
a transporter lock on me.

Once I make it
to the central plexus

and release the virus,
you can beam me back.

In how many pieces?


I expected something
more cunning from you.

Their life signs
are destabilizing.

And now the conclusion.


I'm all right.

You've been given
a subvocal processor.

I can live with it.

The Captain?

We were separated.

I don't know where they took her.

We must proceed
to the central plexus.


17 minutes.

We should have heard
something by now.


Their higher brain
functions are stable.

Cube's changing course.

New heading: 121 mark 6.

Matching course and speed.

The damage to their propulsion
system is regenerating.

They'll be capable of transwarp
in less than two hours.

I want you inside Unimatrix Zero.

When the virus is released,

your friends there
will be the first to know.



but I wouldn't call
them my "friends."

Acquaintances then.

If you're having issues
with these people,

I suggest you set them aside.


Tell your hunters to patrol
the northeastern perimeter.

More drones were spotted there.


Where's that virus you promised?

Captain Janeway's
deploying it now.


The Borg have increased
their att*cks here.

They're identifying us one by one.

If you're looking for your mate,

he is not here.

He's not my mate.

He must not be regenerating.

That or he's dead.

He should have
been here hours ago.

No one's seen him.

If he died in battle,

I'm sure it was honorable.

Here, help me.

It's obvious your heart
is in conflict.

My heart is functioning perfectly.

Some advice from a warrior
in the bedchamber

as well as the b*ttlefield.

At times like these,

you must treat your heart
as the enemy,

so you won't be distracted
in battle.

I'll keep that in mind.

Has the virus been deployed?

I'm not sure.

Do you remember anything?

Your location?
What ship you're on?

No, nothing.

The central plexus
is through here.

Those must be the shield emitters

that Seven told us about.

We need to get through that hatch.

I'll attempt to deactivate him.


What's left of her.

How are you holding up?

- Fine.
- I can't access the plexus

without shutting down
the power grid for this section.

That's bound to draw attention.

Is there another way in?

The primary access port.

I think it's isolated

from the main power grid.

Where is it?

About 30 meters from here.



I can hear the collective.

The neural suppressant
must be wearing off.

I'll be all right.

I heard him...

the Vulcan...

but he's gone.


Why can't I hear the others?

Leave this one to me.


Release me.

Easier said than done.

I think I designed this trap
a little too well.

What are you doing out here?

Looking for you.

Korok was concerned.

That doesn't sound like Korok.

He said you were missing.

As you can see,
I've been busy setting traps.

Not the most
sophisticated technology.

Seems to work.

Hold on.

I should return to the camp,
wait for word on the virus.

I'll go with you... in case
you run into any more trouble.

As you wish.

I'm sure Korok
will be glad to see me.


Where are you, Tuvok?


Stardate 38774...

Vulcanis Lunar Colony.

The time and place of my birth.

Recalling the details of my life
helps me remain focused.

Captain, if I succumb
to the collective,

I'll pose a security risk.

You must be prepared
to deactivate me.

Without the Doctor's help,
that could k*ll you.

Stay focused.

Stay Tuvok.

That's an order.

Captain, I've bypassed
the access codes.

Welcome to the central plexus.


Where are you, Tuvok?


What's on your mind?

The away team.

The plan was
to give them two hours.

It's been 21/2.

Doctor's keeping an eye on them.

We'll give it a little more time.

Unfortunately, not everything
goes according to plan.

You know, it occurs to me that,
with you in command,

and Tuvok off the ship,

that makes me
Acting First Officer,

technically speaking.

What's your point?

Well, it's my duty
to give you an opinion,

and in my opinion,

I think we should pull them
out now before it's too late.

I appreciate your diligence...

but I've made my decision.

We wait.

How long?

A day? A week?

As long as it takes
to complete the mission.

This mission
isn't worth their lives.

You've made your point.

Apparently not.


A First Officer could get
in a lot of trouble

for talking
to his Captain that way.

Well, I've learned from the best.

I appreciate your concerns, Tom,
but I need your support on this.

Aye, sir.

Download the virus.


My daughter's name is Asil.

She was born...

In the city of T'Paal.

We share your memories.

You are part of us now.

Don't resist.

There's a problem
with Commander Tuvok.

His synaptic pathways
are destabilizing.

If I decide to move in closer,

I assume my First Officer
would concur.

You assume correctly.

We have to get out of this chamber

and contact Voyager.

You're Commander Tuvok,

Tactical Officer
of the Starship Voyager.

I'm your Captain.

Step aside. That's an order.

She's irrelevant.

Captain, you must deactivate me.

My designation is Three of Twelve.

Where are you, Tuvok?

The central plexus.

Range: 40,000 kilometers.


Too much shielding
around the central plexus.

I can't get a lock.

Stay on it.


This way.

Back so soon?

Target their shield generators.

Stand by phasers.


Shields to full.

Brace for impact.

Someone's accessing
our tactical controls.

Our shields are down.

Evasive maneuvers.

Sensors are off-line!
I've lost the away team!

Hull breaches... Decks 5, 6, 7!

Reverse course.

We can't just leave them.

The Borg have our access codes.

Get us out of here.

Thank you, Tuvok.

I'm losing voices.

Five in Spatial Grid 96.

Twelve in Grid 182.

Hundreds now...


I can't hear you.

Why can't I hear you?

You've disconnected
from the hive mind.




I'm not alone.

You can't stop us all!

I altered the transmission

to restore your
original appearance.

I know how vain humans can be.

Why am I here?

You've caused a great
deal of suffering.

I wanted you to see for yourself.

You are the cause
of his death, Captain.

You disconnected him
from the hive mind.

You didn't have to k*ll him.

He was confused, irrational.

I had no choice.

Many more will die,
unless you tell me

how to counteract the virus.

Sorry, we didn't think
to develop an antidote.

I'll assimilate Voyager, then.

Your Doctor created the pathogen.

He can find a cure.

My First Officer has orders
to delete the Doctor's program

if you go anywhere near Voyager.

The resistance is
already underway.

It won't be long before

thousands of drones begin
to fight back.

They will fail.



but a lot of damage will be done
before they do.

Yes, a lot of damage.

Spatial Grid 94, Cube 630.

Complement: 64,000 drones,

but I can no longer hear
three of them.

No doubt they've joined
your resistance.

Are they trying
to sabotage the vessel

and liberate others?

I don't know, because I
can no longer hear them.

Initiate self-destruct.

An effective solution,
don't you agree?

Spatial Grid 091, Sphere 878.

Complement: 11,000 drones.

Only one is silent,

but I have no choice.

I must silence all of them.

I know how this must upset you,

As a Starfleet officer,
you value all life,

even drones.

How many more are you willing
to sacrifice?



You can put an end to this.

I want you to go
on a diplomatic mission.

It's one of your primary
functions, isn't it?


Go on.

Tell them to rejoin

the collective, and I'll
stop the destruction.

They will never agree to that.

They're individuals now.

They have a choice.

What are you afraid of, Captain?

That they may cooperate?

You've been waiting for a chance
to damage the Borg.

Now you've found one.

You're only using them.

If you really wanted to negotiate,

you'd visit Unimatrix Zero.

You found a way to send drones.

Surely, you could go yourself.

Or are you afraid

that a taste of individuality
might make you realize

it is something
worth fighting for?

Comply, or you will be

responsible for many more deaths.

You'll have to destroy
the entire collective

to find them all.

Several drones have reported
that they retained

their memories of Unimatrix Zero
after their regeneration ended.

The virus has been deployed.

Good. We're going to need
all the help we can get.

The away team's still trapped
on that cube.

And as you may have noticed,

we're in no shape
to mount a rescue.

Can you get back in,

find out if they have anyone
else aboard this cube?

If they do, tell them to hurry.

If they do, tell them to hurry.

They're the only allies we've got.

I'd like to make
a few adjustments to your alcove

before you return.

When this crisis ends,

I'll come up with a more
permanent solution,

so you can spend more
time in Unimatrix Zero.

You're in a unique position.

Not many of us get
to lead a double life.

When this crisis ends,

I intend to sever my link
to Unimatrix Zero.

May I ask why?

I'm having difficulties
with one of the people there.

Mr. Axum?

Whenever you mention his name,

your pupils dilate
by nearly a millimeter,

blood flow increases

to your facial capillaries.

Both are consistent
with an emotional response.

Axum and I apparently had
a relationship.

Oh. Romantic?

There go those pupils again.

Your diagnosis is accurate.


how ironic.

All this time,
we've been trying to develop

that aspect of your humanity,
and it's been there all along.

Not anymore.

My readings say otherwise.

You're very particular

about who you choose to
spend time with, Seven.

No doubt that's why
you and I have become friends.

If you were involved
with Axum once,

doesn't that suggest
he's a worthwhile individual?

He does possess
commendable qualities.

Coming from you,
that's high praise.

There's nothing wrong
with feeling ambivalent, Seven.

After all, you're in
the middle of a civil w*r,

but eventually, you may want

to give this romance
a second chance.

Who knows?

You may even get to meet
him in person someday.

I'll say this for your Mr. Axum.

He's a very lucky man.

The collective has found
a new way to attack us.

11 ships have self-destructed
in the last three hours.

We need to coordinate
a battle plan,

a way to strike at the heart
of the collective.

Our target should be
the primary unicomplex.

If we can disrupt the queen's
control of the hive mind,

it'll give us a chance
to organize,

build up a fighting force.

There is one more objective...

the Voyager away team.

They fought like warriors.

Their sacrifice will
not be forgotten.

We can still rescue them.

She's right.

They risked their lives for us.

Now it's our turn.

There's no time!

It's a matter of honor, Korok.

I thought you of all people
would understand that.

I'll see if any of our people
are on a vessel near theirs.

Thank you.

It's the least we can do.

What's wrong?

It turns out I'm on a scout ship

patrolling the border
of fluidic space...

on the other side of the galaxy.

L... was hoping we'd be able
to meet one day,

in the real world.

Me, too.

There are things
I can do where I am.

I'll try to contact Species 8472,

see if I can persuade
them to join the fight.

Given their history with the Borg,

I'm sure they'll be eager.

I guess this rules out
Vorothon Gorge.


It was at the top of our list

of things to see in the real world

if we were ever freed
from the collective.

Don't you remember?

We could add fluidic
space to our list.

We still have Unimatrix Zero.

It was sufficient before.

And now?

Where are you?

Over here.

Don't be frightened.

Stand up, let me look at you.


You're one of the machine people.

You're trying to hurt us.

That's the last thing
I want to do.

I'm here to help you...

all of you.

They said you wanted to

assim... assimi...

Assimilate you.

Yes, but that's nothing
to be afraid of.

You like having friends,
don't you?

turns us all into friends.

In fact, it brings us
so close together,

we can hear each other's thoughts.

Ls that fun?


It's fun.

I was just about your age
when I was assimilated.

I was worried then, too.

But when I began
to hear the others,

hear their thoughts,

I wasn't afraid anymore.

Don't you miss your parents?

They're here

with me... part of us.

I can hear them right now.

Would you like to be
with your parents?

They miss you.

They want to see you.

Can I talk to them?


But first...
I'd like to see more of this.

There's a place

where you can see
the whole forest.

Show me.

It's pretty, isn't it?

I took your advice, Captain.

I paid a visit to Unimatrix Zero.

It's far more primitive
than I expected.

I don't understand how anyone

could prefer a crude environment
to Borg perfection.

Spend a little more time there.

You might find out.

I've seen enough.

It's an illusion.

Even so, the people
who go there are real,

and they won't give it up
without a fight.

They'll fail.

I thought you'd like

to see our latest accomplishment.

Recognize it?


I think you do.

It's your nanovirus,
with a few modifications.

We've reprogrammed it
to target your mutated drones.

Once it's released, it will erode

their autonomic functions.

They will die within minutes.

You have no way to deliver it.

Those drones have been separated
from the hive mind.

They aren't linked
to the central plexus anymore.

No, but there's another way
I can reach them.

I'm prepared to go back

to Unimatrix Zero
and release it myself,

but I'm willing to reconsider.

It all depends on you.


If they rejoin the collective,

I'll spare their lives.

They listen to you.

Tell them it's time to come home.

You were responsible
for many deaths.

Now you can save thousands.


Let's try this again.


The warp core is on line,
navigational array,

shields at 20 percent.

We've got sensors,
short-range only.

It's a start.

Try to get a fix on the away team.

Now what?

Someone's tapping
into our holographic systems.


It's a Borg signal.

Doctor to the Bridge.

Go ahead.

Someone's here to see you
and Seven, Commander.

You'd better
come down here right away.


The Borg have
established this link,

so I could propose a compromise.

We're listening.

They've developed a nanovirus
that can k*ll every Borg

with the mutation.

They're prepared to release it
inside Unimatrix Zero,

unless all the drones there
return to the collective

for reassimilation immediately.

That's not compromise...
that's surrender.

I won't be responsible
for any more deaths.

At least they'll survive
as drones.

Tell them Unimatrix Zero
can no longer exist.

That's an order.

Have I made myself clear,

Yes, Captain.

We did our best.

It's not over yet, Doctor.

Can you disrupt

the interlink frequency
for Unimatrix Zero?


the Captain gave us
a direct order.

Yes, she did,
but not the one you think.


I believe I can, but why?

Didn't you hear?

Unimatrix Zero
can no longer exist.

Chakotay to the Bridge. Report.

A transwarp conduit
just opened off our port bow.


They're on an intercept course.

Evasive maneuvers.

Battle stations.

They're hailing us.

Open a channel.

Starship Voyager.

I am General Korok.

This vessel is now
under my command.

We've come to join you in battle.

Your crewmates are coming
to retrieve you.

You were wise to comply.

Chakotay to Seven of Nine.

We're almost in range.

Stand by.

I've isolated the frequency.

Get Korok.

Our emitters are fully charged.

You should be receiving
the interlink frequency.

We have it.

Wait for my signal.

We have to end our
regeneration cycles.

We can't be here when it happens.

Will there be anything left?

I know we're being asked
to make a sacrifice,

but it's the only way.

We're in range.

Full power to the shields.

All weapons on line.

Voyager to Korok.

It's time.

You must go.

Bridge, it's working.

Unimatrix Zero is shutting down.


Voyager to Korok.


What are they doing?

You wanted to destroy
Unimatrix Zero.

We're just lending you a hand.

Get me the virus.

You're too late.
There's no one left to infect.

Ls this your compromise?

I don't compromise with Borg.

Match their shield modulations
and fire!

I'm picking up the away team!

I'm isolating
their bio-signatures.

Get a lock.

I still can't penetrate
their inner shields.

Voyager to Korok.


Patience, Commander.

They're trying to remodulate
their secondary shield grid.

I'm attempting to compensate.

You shouldn't be here.

Neither should you.

I've wasted our time together.

No, you didn't.

You gave us a chance
to fall in love again.

We've lost our only way
to be together.

No. I'll find you.


I'll find you.

Shields in Subgrid 42
are destabilizing.

Target that section.

Initiate self-destruct.

Their shields are down.


Chief Medical Officer's Log,
Stardate 54014.4.

It's been 48 hours

since the away team
returned to Voyager.

Thanks to the neural suppressant,

I've been able to extract
most of their Borg technology.

The Captain and B'Elanna
are on the mend,

but Tuvok will need
a little more time to recover.

General Korok has
finished his repairs.

He's already been contacted
by another Borg

vessel in the region.

It's also under the control
of former drones.

The Doctor removed
my spinal clamps,

but it'll be a while

before I'm playing
hoverball again.

If I ever imply it's been easy
on you these last few years,

remind me about today.


Well, Unimatrix Zero may be gone,

but it looks like the resistance
is alive and kicking.

With any luck, the collective
may never be the same.

Korok said he would try
to maintain contact,

keep us informed.

Have you heard from your friend?

No... but I don't expect to.

Axum's vessel is in a remote
sector of the Beta Quadrant.

If I ever imply

that he was nothing
more than a friend,

remind me about today.